V l" "W W“ I s and 33130;: 1315:3115: “But Young, but WEâ€. ___--_..., :. ... u... .v y, «ufu ur,‘ d. b : . 1 I were use 93‘ - , IOWS. 1mm archer nntznez-vâ€" would help me, but Lï¬diiE' Pinkhéaén’a 5to marryfmma thmks I am too young P.M A.M. $.31 P-M ‘Cvxstable Com an as rov i " a ' . , 5.25 Lv. T orontu Un. Ar. 11.3.3 03-; .svgise. 1 ago now perfegfly well 3 Why ShOUId she thmk that? You re 8.10 Lv. Toronto N. 8.10 and can do any kind of wor .â€-â€"-Mrs. i much older than she was when she 80‘ 9.13 11.55 AP. Saugeen J. " 7.55 4.35 3514143 PHELPS, care of R. A. Rider, ,married, aren’tyou ?†P.M. .. ARI). No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. “Yes. but father was drawing amuch 9.24 12.07 H PI'iCBVint' " (-40 “£20 ‘33.? WiSh every woman Who SHEEN larger salary at the time than you’re 9,34 12,17 Glen " 7.30 4.10 from female troubles, nervousness, . em â€Â¥Cmcavo Herald. 9,38 12 2 “ Mc\Villiams" 7.26 4.06 tn : ache.) or the blues could see the let. :g g. b 9,50 12,33 “ Durham " 7.15 3.55 ‘- - "itr-n by womenmade wellby Ly- I """"""‘ 10.04 12.47 “ Allan Park 7.91 3.41 . . â€â€˜f:}".~;ham’s Vegetable Compound. .5 A Friendly Tip. 10.14 12.57 “ Hanover " 6.02 3.32 -.' ' = 1:7}ve bad symptoms. and do not 5 Sapleighâ€"Would youâ€"erâ€"advise me 10.22 1.05 “ Mapl" Hi†" 6-43 3'23 ' ' '. .the {zausez .erte '50 the I toâ€"erâ€"marry a beautiful girl or a sen- 1035 1.20 no WfllkPl't‘H’ 6 30 3,10 , , {emihgm MeQmme. 00., Lynn, ’Sible girl†Hammers‘ley__I9-m afraid . -,. ~ nmmul advzce ngen free. ‘ - R. MACFARLAN E. POW!) Agent _ _-.‘nq Trains will arrive and depart as fol lows, unm urther notion-~- Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Time Table Trains arnve at Durham at 11.2021. m. 2.3) p.m., and 8.45 p.u1. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY G. T. Bell. (.7. E. Hut-Hing, G. P. Agent, D. P. Agent, Montreal. Toronto. J. TOWN ER. Depot; Agent; W. CALDER, Town Agent -______ 9099990090096...090966000699069660 ooooooooooooooooo. Trains leave Durham at 7.05 and 3.45 p.11). The license? commissioner's fur South Grey, interviewed by a dep- utation from the W.C.T.U., consent- ed a few weeks ago to fix the hours nt‘ clnsing lmtpl bars at '10 pm. The _ ,v...“.... u uumu mam: one u. 1;. urauL. J. H. Brown and C. hungry U) see the Rev, gentleman Ramage. The result: was a com- smack his lips in talking about that promlse, makmg the closmg tune ï¬sh. It was certainly a beauty, but 1030 pm. ’ the bi ones are at t com . Prin- . cipal ill'm C'uwh); a Sale Germ tint “NW'M' Um’wl'wll has sent out - - ( ( a J v ( ".. . .. “ )1. H' ‘_ 7“ .‘ wpighml nnlv 17 nuncm HP m“ munlaxs mammal]. South (Jrey; J i v V Jâ€. I ~'( " 53;“)th 3| I ‘ 1 f I he isn‘t in it with Mrs. Sharp for i‘.“"‘"â€' t†.Uhhmt" the Queens catchinv bi" “m :numunu .mhlh'e. :- r: -- - ‘I'c: d "t1 . "h“ th 20 YEARS AGO timfseexter‘idZduiieisi pvhis ggfitioneg .the town council to request the ' c From The Chronicle File of wommnssioners to reconsider the May 3, 1897. matter. . Accordingly. the license (‘OmmlSSlOnPI‘S met here on Monday When a Methodist minister begins i“ give the contending parties 11 the ï¬sh stories, our readers may hearing. County Attorney MacKny‘ look out for some good ones before presented the case of the licensedjj the season is out. Last week Mrs. victuallers. Whil“. Mayor Calder; Sharp, who is noted for catching championed the cause of the “In; big trout. presented Mr. Pomeroy T13, and “"33 ably ï¬SSiStFâ€"‘d by (BX-f with a beauty that, turned the scale Mayor Laidlaw, Inspector Campbell.‘ at two pounds, It would make one C. 1.. Grant. J. H. Brown and «1.: hungry to see the Rev. gentlemanlliumuge. The result. was a com-i smack his, lips in talking about that DI‘OmlSB, making “19 closmg time' p f ’ ï¬sh. It was certainlv :1 hpnnhr rm; m in n m , Priceville ‘ Glen ’ Mc‘Villiams Durham; “ Allan Park Hanover " Maplv Hill " Walkertnu PAGE 6. 3 Fulton, N. Y. â€"- “Why will women at 11.2%, m, pay out their money for. treatmegnt and Mr. N. McIntyre 11311111155111! will- 11115111155 [11 111111131 twn 1511111133. T11R81) 1'1. 1111 his [,11'1111111'15', 111'11vid131il H111 1'1_11111- oil 11111.:1w his 111x115 111 1'1111111111 un- 1'h1111g111i. T1111 11111111131, was 11111:!j 11v111' 1'111' 1‘111'111111' 1111115111111'11ti11r1. i I 1 1' I .1. 1!- 4' '1- ~2- ~§' 10 4‘. :5 \ 1111fili11n 11'11111 H111 h11t111-ke11111'1' , : asking the 1111111011 1,11111qunst 111111“ 1% 111111111155111111113 tn alluw them 111! :1 11111111 their bars 11an till 11 oclock, 311115 11111511111911, and the prayer cf; Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ‘- , ...‘ ‘_ sutu . z 0 . , ‘.\«‘ mm“ :3 shwk ul (sl'lnln‘l Pom}? ents fdl‘ Ind Wlde. Even If they . fl 1. . , . .. _ _ .escape this it is certain that bottom {hut “H .‘H'e‘ swarm; fur 51(0)!)cr‘ (â€â€˜lglayers Will be crushed out of exist- hn' 1hr mm! 1:‘\\' days, sacks Includâ€" enee. ml. If ymz want cheap feed, buy! “""'â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"-- nmv, as we haw. unly u limitedi For Doctor and Lawyer. quantity t0 ofl'vr. ~Rob HO)"CCI‘(3?11,‘ Mr. Towne Of the New York bar in Mills ‘lnnumny, Limited, Durham. his 19561110?†before the Thompson a I AA“.- -‘- _ L .1 mzmby‘s most. prnspm‘ous farmers, but now intormts himself princi- :ullv “ith gnujvning. and has. tm; :HIts‘ u! nniuns in this yvm. \Ir. R. M D21 gavel’s tender to furnish hmnluck planks at $6 a ,thnummd. “as :z(.ce[_)ted. {the ImLitinners was complied with. .\ feasiblv whomu is now sub- mitted for the consideration of a vhair factury, to ¢'__‘tnph,>y from 30 in 75 men. fun Statinn. $1,000 at Proton Statinu, ,SiJ'mn at Dundalk. $4,000 at. Chats- wnI-th. and $4,000 :0 Owen Sound. 'l‘lw I-vmaindvr was spvnt. alfmg the H.118. lmtm-vn ()mrn Sound and I‘Ilmwwud, Mung Hm» Credit, Valley, and Minor plzu’nsf hm'ingr Hm pl'usmlt winter, Mr. N. Mrlntyr-n smut, 840.000 in square Humor. 01' this amount. $3,000 were paid in Durham. $1.000 at Flasher- lnqmctux' “Hm circulars reque h'nchm's in CD]! hinmund Jubih‘e U the town council :1, 1s passod to reduce Hm N“ fl'nm $10 in $5. 'receive notinene‘hut: ; Air when so many have 5 In one mmu‘ oved that Lydia g average man t‘ E. Pinkham’sVege- f elght hters, 01' table Compound ;In walking he Will make them ;97.6 cubic inch year I suffered so ' ~ . a, ’ from female weak- E dmt, at a trn . -013 cubic incl ness I could hardly ; . stand and was 3'1?“ng ï¬fty-S¢ afraid to go on the 1:ch Inches. street alone. Doc~ , tons said medicines ‘ v-... Ikm‘wlwll has sent out; questing South Grey; cvlvhmt‘? the Queen’s' I‘t‘SHhH inn milk li- Llng the f Seeing Stars by Day. petitioned! Althougp it is an old belief that the “Did your Disillu husban sioned. d used to write I". A Friendly Tip. Sapleighâ€"Would youâ€"erâ€"advise me toâ€"erâ€"marry a beautiful girl or a sen- sible girl? Hammers’leyâ€"â€"I’m afraid you’ll never be able to marry either, old man. Sapleigh-Why not? Ham- mersleyâ€" Well, a beautiful girl could do better and a sensible girl would know better.-â€"Exchange. running ï¬fty-seven liters, or 347.7 cu- bic inchw. And No Wonder. “So the J ipvgays separated?" __â€"â€"_:-â€"v- :‘ committee investigating the ciréum- 5 stances surrounding the granting of 9 New York subway contracts, in ex- ;' planation of Why he only received $10,- ;OOO for his services, stated that he had neglected for some time to present his f bill and had failed to follow the motto engraved on the portal of the Univer- ;sity of Bologna (which has faculties in ‘medicine as well as 18W), which may =be translated as follows: i While abed the sick man’s lying, i While your client’s case you're trying. ML-.LDL . Air In the Lungs. In one minute in a state of rest the average man takes into his lungs about eight liters, 0r 48.8 cubic inches, of air. 3bed it attaches itself by the ligature . like growth on the shell known as the i byssus, and thus, standing on end with {its point to the bottom of the sea, it 'forms itself in a dense mass so close- !ly packed together that not an inch {of the sea floor is visible. As new them: 'â€"â€"v “My V' . gno law save that of might. He was independent, daring. familiar With vio- T'lence and careless of life. Had he - through a Spanish parent some Moor- ! ish strain. he represented in the pam- ,‘pas his ancestors who had galloped Jover the plains of Arabia. In Argen- ’tina’s wars of independence, 1810-16, 'the gaucho played an important part under General San Martin and Gen- eral Belgrano. In the civil wars that ffollowed he fought under captains of more or: less authority. and in the ty- rant Rosas, 1830-52, he became the ‘dictator over the lives and fortunes of f the higher classes of society. Both in {Argentine and Chilean history the ty- 3 rant now belongs to a vanished past.â€" National Geographic Magazine. The mussel's natural home is at the bottom of the sea, never in very deep water and yet deep enough to be near- ly always covered at any state of the tide. For preference it likes a bed of sand or smooth, ï¬ne gravel. To this -â€"- vmw JV“ LC “’1‘“. That's the time to get your fee. For when the sick man has recovered, And the lawsuits won or smothered, No one then will care for thee. Plainsmen of Argentina. The gaucho. the Argentine plains- man, sprang from the Spaniard and Indian. He was a nomad. His life of frugality, activity and hazard fa- vored the ï¬ttest and ï¬ercest. He knew no law save that of might. He was 3._ 3‘“ â€"â€"V s or Other shaft, the Rev. W. F. A. Elli- } son maintains that it has no founda- j tion in fact. Writing in the Journal for the British Astronomical Associa- g tion, Mr. Ellison says that the invisi- ; bility of the stars in the daytime is 3 caused by the glare of the atmosphere f illuminated by the rays of the sun and that there is no reason why a chimney l or other shaft should sensibly dimin- , ish the glare. Even with a telescope l the visibility of stars and planets in 9 the daytime depends greatly upon their color. Red or yellow stars are much more easily seen than white ones. and the telescope must be very carefully ‘ focused or even a bright star will be i invisible in the bright sky. The plan- ' ets Venus and Mercury. on the other hand, can be seen better in daylight than in the dark. but most of the plan. ets are less visible in daylight than the Mn -nâ€" was the trouble '3†stars can be seen in daylight from the bottom of a deep mine, well, chimney or Other shaft- the Rev w w A 1:11: Mussels on the Sea Bed ,- and wide Even if they it is (ertam that bottom be crushed out of existâ€" needs sixteen litezs, ox: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 'J‘ln'ough r10111'ist Sleeping Cars in Winnipeg on abme dates, leaving 'lmnntn 10/15 11111.. no Change 11F cars via Transcontinental Route. Return Limit, two months, ex- (*lusi‘xe 01 date (if 5:110... Final I‘e- 1.11111 limit 1.111 :11! tickets, Dec. “1. HOMESEEKERS’ BXCURSIONS Round trip tickets 11:1 points in Munituba. Sasknlvhmvuu and \l- berm Vin NuHh 3;“, 1111111111113 11111! Transcontinentnl Knute 111 \ja (1111. cagm St Paul and Duluth on saute nach Tuesdav until October 30, ulusive, at 10“ fares. Barricade on Litang I‘OVOIUUOII possible in Pet arms and ammunition to of troops remain loyal an stI‘eoL at each end of the .- mama]. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ itany Prospect. Thv ï¬rs g.3 t0 the workmen with them and p: and come against (hum. ley um.» and placnd bohimji trhom 'I‘hn (:Im'gy “1' Owen Sound are 0;)- [msed tn amending at. any more Sum‘iay i'nnnrals as it, Soriously in- termpts their Sunday work. At a 1-00th nweting of the Ministerial Associzninn :1 can‘m‘littw was form-â€" ed L0 investigate who had autimrit)‘. Berth reservations 1.11am at, all Grand {ices 01' write (I. trict Passenger Ag: NO SUNDAY FUNERALS scrmtions and full partic- 311 Grand Trunk ticket of- f Snldim's 1'3. Homing. Dis- Kent, 'I,‘q;_»mnt0. to go over to the ’éide of the stril ï¬rst day the Arsenal on Litany P r} Drehzzmd to defend thnmsnh-m 1 L uay Lne Arsenal on Litany PmSpoct. disn renal-«fed to defend themselves should other 0th barricades of mcking boxes acrm cannon taken from the cannon ‘ f3} (‘1’ “flxr Only one student gradual the ï¬nal year of Theology at real Presl‘)}-'tnx‘ian College, 0“ enlistment. to stop them, and it was learned that there is new in force a mum'- cipal hyâ€"law i'irohibiting them with the exceptim of certain cases. Lately there has been an increase in Sunday funerals that has very greatly interfered with the work of the ministers in their Sunday schools on Sundav nt‘tnmmm May 10th, 1917 Sunday afternoons cannon KC] 1‘8, thus making graduated across the 'actory at the distributed at M 011%,. owing to bodies A brick hon land just outsi able stables. I 9ther huildin; uses. Will fowl: and a Q] . articulars. a; ambton Strut acre building on Sadd modern Comb, P PROPERTY PI The undersigned 100 aCI‘e‘S «of land :u poration. «on hum SPIRELLA G! Spirella Corsets Stores). made in (Jul with the indestrm stay, the must pliah corset honing in th anteed not in ht'mk year of corset. wmn‘ by mail or tolephon attentionâ€"«Mrs. .I. 107, Durham. Plum FURNITURE, ETC. Some Household l Hes, chairs, Mo. fur s. ngd top buggy. in p 0rder.â€"-â€"-Mi.~‘.~‘ M. \. lit Durham. SHINGLES f0] Ontario Cedar Shi load just in. If ye1 speak nowâ€"J. N. M Tenders will be rec sale of the 3rd divis and the ist division of 3.6.3., Township of acres, more or }ess, June. 1917. No tend accepted. COLT FOR 8‘ Three years old; con ply to Adam Watson. PIGS FOR S "Yorkshire sow, due May. Call one mile ‘ Durham.â€"-Murdock. HORSE FOR 5 Good driving hump, Old, blood. Apply (m to Chas. Max‘tloy, R. R. ham (noa 1‘ an'noc h , . One 14-1141. traction e orlooz 0110 36x38 svpzu stacker. dust t'nllm'ttu Waterkm; (n10 Na. 3 M4 Blizzard cam cuttvr: «m flank, naarly now. live good order. BAmvh t0 livray, RHR ,l’rim‘vill PROPERTY FOR} That splendid resideni in Upper lmxn lwlnnr. late Mre. \\ ilsun. \\ H! reas«mal;vlo wrms: mm: more 01‘ less: ('Hlllfnl'tuh 7 rooms: hard and SH“. bearing ulchal‘d :md ‘ situation. Applx «m we ThOS. Rih‘hiv U! IHm hecutnrs. Iva. ï¬fth?- hi terms and part Telford. l‘hn‘hu S. P. Marl: Hattie Mari kocuwrs estate Rc 4127 LOTS FOR SAI North part of Lot 6. th ilg Rink SH“ Gm :xm n.\ ham, and the math pm‘ Albert St. Mmâ€: in .\.l Durham. Uni Being Lot 53, Concessi Glenelg, containing 1 ¢ m remises are new frame ouse, sheds and «mum ting stream thxnmgh p bout 10 acrvs hmuiu'mui in good stain Hf" "Him: further ].\z’ll"li('ul:n'~‘. :amsl i688 t0 MI‘S. JHIH} 51.1pr Glenelg. ('Hntnmin: IHH Durham. (mt-um Lots 8, 9 and 10. Kini 1391.. Apply .-\.H. .lm'ks The property of the Advertisements of one for each subsequent. i1 double the above amou OYST FARMS FOR S FOR S May 10th. 191 FOR SAL. FOR SALE FOR SALE I]