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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 May 1917, p. 7

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ECQI'S “erbnd :nce s ouv b-fl ulterior of 111112 :thn you :atlon. alified to >f thinzs 191 118 iish ver- 1.. ’9 Jted in It Mnnt- )wing to crea Being Lot 53, Concession 3, 3.6.3., Glenelg. cumtaining 100 acres; on premises are new frame barn, brick house, sheds and outbuildings; run- ning stream through pronerty; a- bout it) acres hardwood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply on premâ€" ises to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1, fiienelg. containing 100 acres; on Durham. Ontario. 94 épdtf LOTS FOR SALE North part of Lot 6, the old Skat- mg; Rink sitc,(;arxf1.1\1 St", Duzâ€" ham, and the nnrth [nut of Lot _. Albffl St. \pply to .\.H. Jacksun Durham. Ont- 930M PROPERTY FOR SALE That splendid residence property m Mun-3r ’l‘uwn l'wlonging to the late Mrs. Wilson. will be sold on musnnnblv terms: (:(mtains 1’4 acre, more or less; ('nmfortable residence. '7 rnmns; hard and soft. water; g0ud bearing orchard and garden; fine alluntion. Apply on premises, 01‘ t0 Thus. Ritrhie or Duncan Smellie, Executnrs. 6 29tf FOR SALE One 14-h.p. traction engine, Wat- erloo; (mo 36x48 separator, wind- stackvr, dust collectm‘, complete, Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Harris Blizzard corn cutter; one wagon and tank, nearly new. Everything in good order. Apply to R. J. McGit- Iivray. RR. ‘3 ,Priceville. HORSE FOR SALE Good driving horse, eight years old, blond. Apply on the premises to Chas. Mm'tley, R. R. No. 1, Dur- ham (near Dm'noch). 11 26 3pd FOR SALE Tenders will be received for the sale of the 3rd division of Lot 7, and the ist division of Lot 8, Con. 1, E.G.R._. Township of Glenelg, 100 aeres, more or less, up to the {st June, 1917. No tender necessarily accepted. Cl PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire sow, due to farrow in May. 0311 one mile south-west of Durhamrv-Murdock. 4 26 1ptf COLT FOR SALE Three years old; coach horse. Apâ€" ply to Adam Watson. 26 2pc] SHINGLBS FOR SALE Ontario Cedar Shinglesâ€"a car- load just in. If you want any, speak now.â€"â€"J.VN. Murdock. 3292f FURNITURE, BTC., FOR SALE Some Household Furniture (ta- Blvs, Mum's, MC“ for 5:110 cheap: also gum! tup buggy. in porfnrt running HMvr.--~I\Iiss M. A. Iitulgv. ILR. No. 1, Durham. 5') '10 14):] SPIRBLLA CORSBTS Spirella Corsets (not sold in Stores; made in Canada, are boned with the imlestructahle Spirella ~tay. the most pliable and resilent corset brming in the world; guar- anteed not to break or rust in one .Vvar of corset wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given prompt attention.â€"-â€"i\lrs. J. C. Nichol, Box 107. Durham. Phone 70. 1026 Advertisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion. and 10 cents for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned ofiers for sale NU acres of land adjoining the cor- ~_»i'ut.i0n. ”[1 Durham Road; also ‘7» acres on Lambton SL, with niildings; also a new brick house vn Saddler St, Durham, With all m‘u’lcrn imprm‘enmnts.- Thos. Mc- Enmb. Prop, Durham. 2121110 The property of the late Philip .';1. in HM hmn n! Dumam 101 {ms and [rulticululs :1;pplytn..l P. M11111. Durham. 11 1811 FOR SALE OR TO RENT A comfortable brick cottage; good our m-llul'; 7 acres of land. more or 55; on swnml (mucessiun of Glen- 1:. 11;; milvs oust. of Durham: has gum: frunw burn on it. Apply to H. Juvksm’l, Durham. 5 IS S. P. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, Executors estate Robt. Cochrane, 4 12 7 Deceased A brick house and five acres of 1214:! just outside of town, 2 comfortâ€" ‘nle stables. hen-house, buggy and ther buildings are on the prem- <85. Will also sell furniture. «ml: and a quantity of wood. Fur urtlculars, apply 'on the premises, .mlbton street. to Miss McNab. FARMS FOR SALE 9 and 10, Kincardine St ppls' .-\.H. .lncksnn. 41 iii M ay lOlh. FOR SALE FOR SALE SMALL ADS. 18tf Sound (Mice and residence a short dis- tance east of the Hahn House; on Lumbtnn SL. Lower Town, Durham. (Miro hours: ‘3 t0 33 p.111“ 7 t0 8 0.111.. vxcupt Sundays. J. G. HUTTON, M.D., CM. ()flicc: ()ver .1. P. Telford’s office, Iwarly opposite the Registry Office. l‘iwsidence: Second house south of Uégistry 0mm on east. side 01’ A1â€" Jer St. ()cflin hUUI‘SI 9 Lu H a.m., 2 tn 5 p.n1., and 7 to 9 pm. Tele- phmw cnmmunimLinn between 0f- t'm: and rusidoncn at all hours. A. H. JACKSON \‘otary Public, Commissioner, Uonveyancer 0. Insurance Agent, MoneV to loan, Issuer of Marriage Li oenses. A general financial bUSlâ€" ness transacted. Durham, Ontario Lower Town) . DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County ut‘ Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle 0fiicc,‘ or with himself. Huldf‘n Slwcial .\n.~'«r Ilunur Graduate University of T0- 1‘1111145). Graduate Royal College Den- tal Surgeuns of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office: Over Town‘s Jewellr'y Store. J.P.TBLFORD .H'Bunistm. Solicitor, Etc. Otfice: NPIIIIV opposite the Registry Office, Lambton St, Durham. Any amount ufrnoncy'tn hxulzn,5 per cent. on farm property. W. J. SHARP, Holstein (11:111veyance1', Issuer of Marriage 111011ses Money to loan at lowest rates and on terms to suit borrow- 1911.1i1‘eand Life Insurance placed in thoroughlv It'liable companies. Deeds. Mo1tgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Lute. Assistant, Roy. London Op- ihulmic IIOSpitul, England” and t0 Hnlrlvn Sq. 'l‘hmat and Nose Hosp. Slwcialidjlflyv, liar. 'I‘hl'mlt and Nusc. Utlicu: 13 Frost St... Owen ()fl'u‘ SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. who was at the commencement of the present war, and has since continued to be, a. British subject. or a subject of an allied or neutral country. may iiunwstnad a (warlor-soction of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Saskatriwwan or Alberta. Appli- rant must appear in person at Do- minion Lands Agency or Subâ€" Agonr)’ for District. Entry by proxy may he made on certain con- ditiuns. Dutiesâ€"Six I'nonths’ resi- dcnrv Upnll and cultivation of land in earh ot' threw. years. In rvrtain districts a homesteader may soruro an adjoining quarter- sortion as pi'u-en11Liti0n. Price $3 per arrv. Ulliic's--~-â€"R€Sid(‘llce six months in varli of three years after earn- ing,r tmnwstoad patent and Cultivate 50 acros extra. May obtain pre- emption patent as soon as home- stead patvnt on certain conditions. ll‘Jllt‘o l When Dominion Lands are adver- ltised or posted for entry, returned lsoldiers who have served overseas {and have been honorably discharg- iecl, receive one day priority in ap- plying for entry at local Agent’s ofâ€" liee {but not Sub-Agency). Dis- charge papers must be presented l to Agent. U A settler after obtaining home- stead wtent, if he cannot secure a preâ€"empticn. may take a purchased hnmesteud in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Must reside SIX months in each 01‘ three years,cul- tivate :30 acres and erect a house worth $300. HOldoi‘s of entries time of employment 01‘s in Canada durin Holdors of entries may count time of employment as farm labor- ers in Canada during 1917, as rese- dcnt duties, under certain condi- 1 ions \\'ill DRS. JAMIESON JAMIBSON L. R. C. ] érm‘luzltc of 1 Chicago. w zmd 'l‘lm \Lfemt. himutx Minister. of the Interior. J. r. GRANT, p.p.s., p.113, L icensed Med ical. Directorv. DR. W. C. PICKERING DENTIST ()V'OI‘ J Denial Diractorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv H 1S). .lllm‘ H3 hmmt. (t. the} Hahn DR. BROWN . 1).. LONDON. ENG. of Lnndun. New York 1. Dimascs of Eye, Ear, DR. BURT \V. \V. CORY, cfludz'oneer J. Hunters Store. H Huusn, DUI"- luly 21. Auâ€" [ll FLESHBRTON. . At. the annual election of unions in Prince Arthur Lodge, 31.13 .A..\I., on Fri-lay evening, the result “as as follows: \V.M._. “7 01' Bro T1108. Henry: S.W., Bm. 'l‘lms. Jim [011 J. \V,. Brn. G. A. Mc'l‘21visll;"lreas.. W. Rm. .1. Blackburn: Secy.. Bm. G. J. Bellamy; (1112111.. \\'. Bro. W. J. Bel- lamy; Tylm‘. Bro J. A. Povtcmlsz Au- ditm‘s. Ems. R. (.4. Holland and T. Clayton. * At the- annual meeting of the Methodist. Ladies’ Aid last wag}; Uf- ficors were elected .. as ml'nws: President, Mrs. \V. Moore; 1st. \ice- president. Mrs. W. .l. Boyd; 2nd Hon m'osidpnt. Mrs. Jns. Clinton: n.9,, Mrs. R. E. \Vickons; treas., Mrs. G. .Vlitcl'wll: asst. Socrvlury. Mrs. A. Hawkon: parscnlzlgv committee. Mrs. J. A. Hvard and Mrs. Hawkon. At the annual election of officers in the Women’s Institute last, week thv {allowing Wero elected: Prosiâ€" (it‘nt, Mrs. L. A. Fisher: fist Vice- pl'nsidont. Mrs. D. McTuVish; 73ml Vivvâ€"m-nsidont, Mrs. F. Matllmvsnn; ' ‘ <(1Pr'41frn'Vâ€"fPPHSHI‘PI'. MFS. Ia. \Vil‘k- A mox'ing: picture Show, exhibit- ing many war scenes, etc., was run oil‘ to a fairâ€"Sized audience in the town hall on Saturday evenings: At. the monthly meeting: of llm Presbyterian Ladies‘ Aid last week a resolution of condolence was adâ€" opted conveying: the sincere sympa- thy of the society to the following families of the congregation, reâ€" cently bereaved: Mrs. P. Quigg and family. who lost. husband and father; Mr. Price 'l‘eetet'. bereft of two sisters; and Roderick and '1‘.R. McKenzie and Sisters. also bereft Of two Sisters. Sympathy was also extended to Mrs. \V. 1. Douglas in her trial by the severe affliction of her daughter. HVH'S." Capt. PHI‘SUDS, who is doâ€" ing: ofl'nctivv Permiting wnrk in this mum): spuko in tho tnwn hall on “Winnscluy (waning of las‘. \ka and her address (:11 warâ€"lime Penn- nmy I'nzulo :1 deep in'mrossirm. Scnut Mnsh‘r C. J. Rollumy ormlpind thi- chair. Mrs. \V. J. Stewart met with :1 painful accident, last week. While ongagml milking she was kicknd by a young slow in the gard and so- wr’oly bruised, but, we are plnnsed to hear is rocuvcring nicely. At the Methodist church on Sun- day the music was specially mod, the choir beingr assisted by Dr. Fred Murray of Toronto, Miss Him-'0 of Dundalk, Miss Hillse and Miss Maud Richardson. of town. who took part in solo. duett and quartette num- bers. At the Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. MeV’iear concluded a series of sernu’ms on the. book of Romans. Mrs. John Chard favored us with the reading nf an interesting letter received a few days ago from a young Bolgian soldier internnd in Holland. The young midim‘, who :nlsu sent. his plwtngmph, had been in snw-‘I'nl battles, but cwzaped in» jury. Al. the full m’ .-\n‘.\‘.'m'p, :1 The wanders of this paper will be pleased to learn atht there is at h-ast one edraded’ disease that sciâ€" Mire has been able to cure in all its stages. and that is eatarrh. Ca- tarrh being greatly influenced by mustitutional conditions requires runstithtional treatment. Hall‘s Ca- tarrh Cure is taken internally and arts through the Blood on the Mu- cous Surfaces of the system there- by destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the tapient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall‘s Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred 1,.)ollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list. of testimonials. Address F. J. CHE- NHY 00.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold b:~' KPH :111 (huggis FILLY FOR SALE The making of a good General I’Lll'lnwj‘ mare: rising 3years 01d.w Amifly tn David Hamilton, RB. N0. 1. Van‘noy. '10 2;; PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW Arrange to visit some of the follow~ ing pointsâ€"All beauty spotsâ€"Close Muskoka Lakes ....Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Temagami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on appli- cation to EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler:0ptician DURHAM - ONTARIO Kw; rig '. Calder, Town Agt., Durham to Nature C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., Toronto THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. fnrcnd I'Nl‘l‘u! was mad land, where at the camp I't‘épOI'lS 13.000 men ihi Sergt. Bert Jaminsnn writes as oheerily from the Mcunl.:~.m Saniâ€" tarium at Hamilton, whore 3‘0. is under treatment for his Gernlan- gassed lungs. He 10015.3 hopefully forward (.0 partial recox'px‘y. at. 1021st but may haw tn $110111 : your at, the Sillllltll'llllll. Next Sabbath .‘Vl‘lthV"; Day will 1w liltingly nhsorx'ml m tiw church- (a: how. Al the Mollmdis‘l ('iml‘vh El will ho “Go in Chn'n‘h S‘nmlny" ::l<n and {UV .lludsun hull" «!i' ”“1311 Snuml \\ill !l!'1‘{l'.'ll In Hp m1 21mm. 121'. Fun! .‘xluz'r'zv nl‘ Tux-um , i~ m: n liming huliday Hus \wnk, with ”H i-mthcr horn. 1m \. .\l(\'i(°':u :ll.l.(“llt.liHl 11m>lizlg ll’rvsl:_\'l_m_\ at. llillslmx'g UH Tm»- Miss Armin HHWfll‘tl is liaizmn l’i'um 'l'ni'nnto Visiting lm: Iiintiwr. who i< til pun? ht‘ulth. .\li'. Wm. Smith. an Oil! residmit Hf this Village. divd lust \Vi-Pk zit, ”1'13 hnmv nl' his (laughtvr. Mrs. \\'m. l’mnthrml. Silwi' Crwk, .\'.\’.. \\'lu*1‘n it“ has i'nsiilt‘wl for a few years. Mr. Chas. l’yn of (,llni'kslnn‘u szwnt :i «lay in thn last wet-k. Miss Lillizm .’\1'msti‘mi:.:' .\’lSltt‘:i «mm the. \\'t‘.t"l{-(‘lld in 'l‘c‘n'nntn and was zu'vnnmmiiml homo «'m Mnnduy by him sister Mrs. HM. llylzmd. and liulw. 01‘ New Yin-k. wlm will mukv :m uxtmuivd visit here. l’lv. Mum-ice \Vright and Bart. Sparks, who enlisted in tho 248th (il'vys, man", called to ("Mun Sound Mummy ”wing to the battalimi‘s 0x- |wctml immoval overseas smm. Mrs. S. Pedlai‘, an esteemed old lady nf this village, and her neigh- lmi'. Mrs. Jas. Jamiesmi. are 011- «lv:i\'c,»ri1'ig' to do their hit in pmâ€" Viding sucks for the soldiers. The l‘nrmei‘ has knitted 300 pairs. and tlm luttm' 302. Mr. Allie Best, who has been in the hospital in 'l‘nrmite with a frac- tured spine, was brought home («(1 Mnnday. He was conveyed from the station tn his home in Dr. Murray‘s (tar, and in plaster of paris jacket Stunt] the removal remarkably well. While sume imprm’ement is notice- able. the patient is yet in a helpless and critical cnnditinn. 'Much sym- pathy is felt fur him in his mis- l'ul'tum). Pin. (1. H. Stewart, nf 'l‘nrnnm. cousin of Mrs. McTaVish, was :1 Visitor at Reeve McTavish’s m'cr tho week-0nd. Dr. Little. who has bmm for mwr a year at. the front, doing his bit, arrived here on Monday to resume his practice. ( Mrs. 1). McLeUd of the village heard my Monday from her son, Herd, who had fought throngh one of the big drives in France, and es- caped without. a wound, save that he sprained his ankle and was sent. to England to recuperate. From there he wrote his mother, who was pleased in learn of his safety. I By letters we received on Monday from Flashertun boys in England we learn that, nearly all from this place and Vicinity had been drafted to France, and the few remaining were anxious to follow them to the frent. Rev. MI'. Dudgeon is again in Tor- onto this week with his little daughter, who is improving some. I Uuubuy , u ._l ""r- MIS. inil‘fl, and bava:1ne,and Miss Muithevss, of Markd 110, were callers on us 011 Monday. Mr. D011 McVicar, who is farming at Proton Station for three months, was home over Sunday. The Varney Red Cross met last \vm‘k at, tho lmme. of Mrs. J. J. \Vilâ€" ton, and this \\'t-_'Ok at. Mrs. Richard Barlm’s. The \\'.I".M.S. meet next. Friday at M m. M. Barber‘s. A couple of Dur- ham ladies 31-010, take charge of the matting. .Vlr. \Vm. Carson. and Miss. Rein. Visited recently with Mr. arid Mrs. \V. Backus. Mrs. EVm'ett. Hoy of Welland is Visiting fur a month with relatives in this part. {IV The men arrived last night to meet the main part of Mr. Jas. Pct- ty's new steel barn. .. l ‘ 11L\ V ‘IL but uu. au- 0 . Mr. and Mrs. Tuck 0f Orchanh‘llle attended senice in Knox church last Sunday. \ ““¢'U 7 \ul- . ‘ .r Quite u lot of excitement was |caused this morning by the appear- 111100 Of an aeroplane 133$ng E351. Knox Sundav school commenced last Sundav with Mr. D. Leith as Superintendent and Mrs. John Marâ€" shall Bible class teacher. He wondered why his wife sud- denly turned cnld on him and re- mained so for several days. For all he said in remonstmnce was: “Mv dear, you ll neVer be able to driVe that nail with a ‘lzfi -ir0n. For heavens sake, use your head.” NORTH-EAST NORMANBY He Was Only Cautionary. .3 min Hol- uf Zoist ho «‘I'm'u. 1 (411111?!) it Why" also of ”We“ 3 CW. .. Hi". uni” i~ HI: NEE?!- PERFECT HEALTH WOMAN’S BIRTH -. A Prescription That From Girlhood to Old Age Has Been a Blessing to Womanklnd. When a girl becomes a women, when a woman becoma a mother, when a woman passes through middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire wognunly sy:s_t_en1 in excellent condition._ Mothers, if your dau hters are weak, lack anflaition,3 are trou led with head- aches, lzssitude and are ale and sickly, Dr. Pierce’ 3 Fax orite rescnption is just What they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strqu z1_11d healthy. "For all ailing women Dr. Pierce’ 3 Favorite Prescription is just the right medicine. During the last fifty years it has banished frogm the lives of tens of thousands of women pain, misery and distress. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. If you are a eufi'erer, if your daugh- ter, mother, sister, need help, get Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer toâ€"day. Then address Dr. Pierce In- valids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ané get confidential medical advice entirely free. Every woman should be careful that the liver is active and the poisons are not allowed to clog the systemâ€"get rid of these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, which regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside! Mr. R. B. hum; of Lisluwvl will offer for 8310, my public auction at the Grand Trunk yards «m Sutur- day, May 12. at 3 [).IH., :1 our load 01' calves, mixed Durhums :‘md Hulâ€" Steins, from clmivv hords. There are a number of Hcflstnin lmifm-s that brewers would (In well in sc- curuâ€"D. McPhail, .‘Xuctinnem‘. HOW to preserve health and beauty is told in Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense M ediâ€" cal Adviser. It is free. Send Doctor Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamp to cover wrapping and mailing only. CALVES FOR SALE BY AUCTION All accounts against tho 248th Battalion must be submitted in trip- licate immediately to Headquarters. 248th Battalion, Owen Sound. If so, bear in mind that the Ca- nadian Pacific offers especially good train service, with the finest possi- ble equipment. including Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Din- ing (Jars to Wii'inipeg and Vancou- ver by one. of the most picturesque routes in htc world. If a tri) is contemplated. apply to any .P.R. Agent for full particulars,’ or write W”. B. Howard: District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Alsn all :u'munts with individu- als in this Battalion slmuld be ml- justed at. 011150. OOQOQOOOOOQOQQOOQOQOOQQW OOQOQOOOQOWOOQOW ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS SPRING? 248T}! BATTALION NOTICE Grant’sAd. NEW SILKS TIES LACES CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black sateens) C. L. GRANT Just In \VHI'I'I'Z 11am. Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- Lu I'niwrsity, also ('Iortiticate in Physical Culture. Subjects: Enâ€" glish (irammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composition, Writing. A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director Thos. Allan Principal. 1st Class Certificate. 31;!) Cmtiiicate in Phy - sical Cuiium. Suijcus: Sciencye, Mutimmatics, Spoiling. pacture Frammg rm shark's notice. The School is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving: and Matric- ulatiun work. Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queen's Uni- varsity. Specialist in Art. Subjects: Latin, Art, Literature, Composition, Heading. Geography. Ancient His- MIPV. Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, mak- ing it a most desirable place for residence. 'lhe record of the school in past years is a flattering one. The trus- tees are progressixc educationally, and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every ad- vantage for the proper presentation and acquisition of knowledge. Durham High School H. R. KOCH, Chairman Has a national reputation for thor- ough, progressive and advanced educational work. The keen de- mand for our graduates is proof that it pays to attend our school. Enter any time. Catalogue free. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. FEES: $1 per month in advance. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Yonge and Cfizfrles StszorontIJ SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow} Barber Shep. RESIDENCEâ€"Next. door South of W. J ‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. The unde- announce to . Durham and SPER Y country. that be Planning Mill and Fat: completed and is prepa“ to take orders for ENTER ANY TIME for a thorough course in any one of Shaw’s Seven Business Schools, Toronto...Write for free Catalogue. .Home Study Courses also provided. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Embalming a Specialty Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS -â€" and all kinds of â€" [douse Fittings W. J. Elliott, Principal. W. H. Shaw, Pres. SEER YEAR J. F. GRANT, ONTARIO Secretar‘y.

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