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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 May 1917, p. 5

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rtila prairies have put Wemm a the map. There are still of acres waiting for the man shame and prosperity. Take 3! Low Ram and travel via L RAIL” - also by Ill re :at Lakes Routes” basanh ES DAY FOR SALE ESEEKERS' U RSIO N S .ired bugay, nearly new. WM! \Huuscmn R.R NO. 01.9 'AY’S STEAMER V011 \ fl alw 011 {knows if. vell N IV lllL’h 3 OCTOBER 30th sentp di Ed Until He Started “Fruit-a-ttves” m mm: St, MONTREAL. rs, 1 was a miserable H mme 31E FROM HIRUUBlE HY I‘l is in the West 1‘] US m ll “ill do me dis, ays lOfe, nf r19 earth- » :1 patent now 11 to he“. fuse me dis, N HUS! MARKET ation 191 ab0\ 100t02 1 May 315t. ..... 3 2 35 75@80 submarine. OJ Italy rfner s swollen. 15@1' 20 to 10 00 ll‘th. size, 250. by Fruit- YOU ll 6 good. r getting 1;; that liclna ll llder fl. OBS sent tht‘ 13 1D us ll; f Intended for last week.)- Miss Lizzie \Veir received word 12m \xeek in answer to a note in a pair of socks receix ed by a lance- t or porn] in F rune The Red Cross \\ orkers met at the home of Mrs. Jos. Atkinson on Fri- day last. and a lot of work was done and 12 towels, '12 pairs of socks, ‘18 hospital shirts were packed and six feather ticks filled. The collection amounted to $3.10. Mrs. .105. Puttrrson, Dornoch, atâ€" tr’mied Um Red Cross meeting at the home of her mUthQI' on Friday. Sm'ry t0 learn of Lance McGirr being \wmndod in the face. We how: the wounds are only slight. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannel and Mrs. Flura McLean and daughter, Annetta. are visiting in Proton. Mr. Emd Mrs. Geo. Hkains. visited ”yer the wvek-end Wlth Mllverton friends. MI". and Myst T hos. Harrison, of Egremont. vmted Sunday at. Mr. \V‘_n_'1. Jacq1_1os‘_._ _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Hargrave spent. Sunday 1n_ Hanover, 3112.105. Atkinson sold six choice fut, cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay are nnjg;»yinr.: thpir new Eprq cap. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Park moved mm the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCanneI. We welcome me t.“ the burg. .Irs. Sum Patterson and daughter, Miss EB. Patterson. spent the fore part of the week in town. Miss Lorin Ritchie and her friend \‘isitei‘l Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \\'ill Jacques. Miss )‘Izli'gm'et Bell Spent. UVC‘I‘ the \\'Wk~mu1 with Bentinck friends. (This Week’s News.) Mr. lmuglus H. Ismond of Nor- ml. Visited over the 2-1“) at the iinme ut' Mrs. (J. Ritchie. Miss \‘em Hopkins spent, the past xxwwk with her sister, Mrs. Herb. MI'. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt g0 10 Rt'antt'mn‘l [0 attend “16‘ Sunday «'nnt'ervnw SPI‘Vit't‘S and be present at tho" nI'¢_lz‘ziI‘1:ltit‘vn of their son. \Yinfield. ley purpose taxing a twu weeks‘ holiday. visiting Norval, Hamilton. T ornnto. and Bradford.” On :wcmmt, of unfavorable weath- m' the “lath inst... the concert has been postponed till Friday, June 1. There. will be no service in the Methodist. ehureh next Sabbath. Preparations have been announc- ed for a celebration in Holstein on July 'lstv. There will be sports in the park during the afternoon and a grand concert in the evening. The proceeds are to be used for 1.)a_t_riot‘ic purposes. - -_-_...:I Inna nn1r§130fl land. ])aflv the '(. [.HlLl 1|}le lJLlL VUUMm‘O I The tnwnsh p council has revived the $21.“) grant, for the purpose nf purchasing supplies for the sol- diers. This is a move in the ‘ lfillU ‘.‘“‘_"r t'ls. The G. T. R. station has been practically closed at night for the past few weeke. A move is on foot to have. the service reâ€"established. A letter from Charlie Legge states that he has been wounded in the foot. and is now in England. The wound was caused by a shrapnel shell. Charlie fears an operation will be necessary. ‘ H o o ‘7 â€" ,____ A 1â€"“ 11d M r \\ Hi LIC uxp‘- The Holst h'\’\‘- ein and Fairbairn conJ creeations met at the latter church Tuesday. and gave a. uhammous call Scott. of kllsyth. Qmith and fam1ly went to Walkerton Tuesday, the o'tcasion being: the windmg up of the estate of Samuel Smith 0t Tecswatm‘. The. Penetang Herald, 3 newsâ€" paper that has constantly sought to nth-ante the best interests of town and communiy. is giving some strajght talk to the non-advertlsmg busmess men of the place. Its last Issue says: ‘ . .. "Here is another View which might be taken of the local adver- tising game. This newspaper deâ€" pends, to a great extent. on the ads. to pay expenses. At the present time we are gomg behind with ex- penses so fast thatâ€"wellâ€" Now this town. wuh almost 4,000 of a population. would not look very well, indeed, wtthout a newspaper. We will leave 1t to. the merchante who are not adverttsmg to picture cu; c Mrs. .Ius. \Vilsnn. Lambton streez, id Mr. Jus. )IcGirI‘ went to TOP-- m. 'I‘m-siluy to he present, at the new”! wi' iiwii' brather-in-law, z'. Richard 'I‘I'ungl'm'o. Miss Edna M. Ritchie attended to themselves what a glowing triâ€" bute visitors from other towns would pay Penetanguishene when they went home and said, ‘Why, 3” they haven’t even a newspaper. )u'V. Thus. H. Ibett Mere-mm this week. )0 A TOWN WITHOUT A PAPER DARKIBS’ CORNERS. U ‘PEACE" WHERE THERE IS.NO PEACEâ€"Conscientious objectors in Dartmoor Prison, Dover, Eng- !I‘“ Win" c-luwl'y while Plymouth citizens object to their free-and-easy mode of hie. The. London Mail L'HHIIUCDLSI "While our Tommies are bleeding in France and our hospnal ships are bemg suns, «Isrwnm‘ vnulhs are allowed to he grinning peace demonstrators.” Publlc 1nd1gnatlon 15 StI‘OUS» If snnu: ml" the faces and see Why. mm 'l‘x-ungmw. Edna M. Ritchie attended (ll‘nss I‘nwtings at the homes Pulmm' Patterson and Mrs. l.:1\\‘1‘¢‘nm‘. Egremont. (m in; and 'I‘hursday and visitâ€" Hh' \\'w‘*k-L‘Ilfl. th May 3ist, 1917. HOLSTEIN . H. lhhntt, is attendmg {ex Mr. Whale}? is holding a. 1:1:1301â€"11100t1ng 1n_the Grange Hall on Thursday evenmc. Mr. W. R. Edge has purchased :1 mm hm! car 1mm Agent George Smith, _0_f Durham. â€"-‘- Mr. John H. Firth disposed of over $1.100 worth of cattle and hogs to Mr. SHH Baines of North Glenelg, nil Saturday. Messrs. \\'. ll. Edge and Arthur Greenwood also sold their cattle to the same buyer on Tuesday. Messi“. John and James \IcDonald of Pricexille were guests of MI‘. 11105. Collier the beginning of the week. \t ”My Mr. and UN. Rutherford, 0f Owen Sound were visiting Mr. John I). McFayden on Sunday. -_, h ‘ v Mr: Arthur Greenwood has pur- chased a new Massey-Harms man- Built To Please YOU M‘CIaIys SUNSHINE FURNACE Answer“ The. Call of “The Great Outdoors.” LONDON --and does please you because it offers that rare combination of service, satis- . faction and economy. Ask our local dealer to show you the “Sunshine,” or write for free, illustrated, descrip- tive booklet. Strong. Speedy. Safe. Beautiful Appearance. YOU WILL ENJOY EDGE HILL Manufactured by HYSLOP BROTHERS. Limited, Toronto TORONTO MONTREAL WIN NIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY 2 SASKATOON EDMONTON FOR SALE BY J. H-. HARDING HYSLOP BROS., Limited, Toronto. flung. -' . Edgy In big elementary school a teach- sold i er had given a lesson in an infants’ 1- on ; class on the Ten Commandments. In iorder to test their memories. she )wené asked: "Can any little child give me 1 1). g a Commandment with only four iwords in it?” )n l 1 . . . 134,21, A hand was raised immediately. r mg ”‘ “You may answer, John,” said the aueacher. POI BALI I‘! ure spreader of the large Wheel type, and Messrs. J05. McNally and Thus. Glencross have ordered one of the low-down Spreaders. of the low-down spreaders, manu- factured by the same firm. lfiKeep off the gFaSS,” W35 the reâ€" p y, . . JUST FOUR WORDS m DURHAM CHRONICLE. ‘PEEL TOWNSHIP LAD KILLED ' (Arthur Enterprise.) .Seldom. if ever, has a fatal ac- mdent occurred in this \iciniiy which occasioned more profound regret and sxmpathy the n that bv which Michael Eldon. son of Mr. and Mrs Jos. Gainer. of Peel township lost his wife on \V'ednes day last. The little fe]10\\.\\ho \\ as just [(111 Years old that day had gone to the held to tell his father that a neigh- bor 1's anted help to get up a horse which was down. .1111. Game?) at ”Doe left to give the desired assist.- Overland success is so cclipsing that one‘ might take it as a matter of course. But make it have a personal application to you, â€"because the cost of any car is too much money to be carelessly spent; There need be no confusion in selecting the sound value at the same priceâ€"make comparisons and see if \Villys-Overland does not spell the answer with mathe- matical correctness. Do not miss the significance of the over- Whelming production that makes it possr- ble for us to give better cars at lower prices. More than 400,000 owners have been guided to VVillys-Overland by their de- sire for beauty, comfort and luxury in addition to utility. Light F our Subject to change without notice U 3 think of the time the Ford saves a busy far- mer in hauling milk to the cheese factoryâ€" vegetables, butter, eggs and poultry to marketâ€"â€"fruit ' to the railway station. One fruit grower, last season, made four trips aday to the railway station. a total of 144 miles, and carried as high as 72 crates of 11 quarts each on a trip. He couldn’t have made more than one 36 mile trip a day with a team. The Fo' d soon pays for itself in the time it saves the With help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every preciou< minute of his time. To him the Ford car is a real necessity. Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm war-k under pres- ent conditions if it wasn’t for the time the Ford saves them. No farmer need be without a Ford. In fact, the aver- }; ~ could afford one if it were double the price. It a horse, three times as fast, and costs isdas easy to drive as less per mile to run. Why not order one today? farmer. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited FORD - - UN'I‘ARIU . SMITH SONS, Dealers, Durham ance and the boy started down the field with the horses and stone-boat with \V'Iiich seed grain had been brought to the field. Just what. happened will never be. human. Shortly after, Mrs. Gainer heard her son crying out very loudly. She ran out. and from the barn saw the team standing in the field against the fence. She hurried (war. to tind her sun under one of the humus which had fallen on him. He? t‘l"i0>‘ brought assistance. but lifv was quite extinct. when the body “as l‘PlllHVt’d. It. Seems likely that. m sumo \\'a_\' the buy had been tln'tinVn J. B. MacGRBGOR - WALKERTON Phone No. 142 Morals Due to its gigantic facilities the \Villys- Overland industry eflects millions in economics; has never found it necessary to skimp or rob a car of value in order to compete; but is able to give surplus value throughout the entire car for far less money. Might may not make right, but right has made Overland might. The Overland Light Four from the stand- point of mechanical excellence, easy rid- ing comfort, roominess and beauty is incomparably a better car than can be had in any other make at anything like so low a price. - cvwoc A ‘7 ‘ UV Av 'V w 1"-"' ome in and see the \Villys-Overland Motor Carsâ€"the Light Four and the most comprehensive line of cars ever built by any one producer. ONTARIO Touring $495 Runabout $475 F :O. B. FORD, ONT. Kerosene applied \xith :1 mg to Sim es will keep them from rusting «luring the summer. It is ulsn an vxcollont malnrial to apply in all iron utensils about. a 1mm. far“ 11rd on the whiffletrees and one of the lines had got under the boat. In this xx av, the team had been null- ed into the fence and the head of one horse pulled until it drnpped 111111; ml the child. crushing or smnthei’ing out his M11111 life. TO PREVENT STOVES FROM PAGI S

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