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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 May 1917, p. 7

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S GERMS V Bbls for Use U) and Ofices. in HTENS clNTYRE i “ itributor FLOORS ES CARPETS ( LIKE NEW weep without 'STBAN E “WW Tin To- Day ll ma should ' etable Cox ON, 0 gden: oubtedly d: 3 case stead ften the m {Pas-W wt. bottles have entirely 'omen who have female ind should try Lydia E. atable Compound.” ~â€" DN, Ogdensburg, Wis. oubtedly did their acase steadily and co rf ten the most scientific )assed by the medidnnl Ie good old fashioned contained in L dia E. table Compound? 'ation exists it a s to E. Pinkham Nfedgcino .for special free advice. \l \l Vis.-â€"â€"“I suffsred from which cause piercing pains like a knife ° through my bgck and side. I final! lost'a'll rpy_strengtg BANE d- by Lydia E. 1’: Vegetable npound. {HARP STfi3liNB adwsed an Oper. zation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound and tried it. The first bottle_brought great ght She Would \\ Wfl E H h \‘. R U H M h stasis W ate. Blizz tank. ”w- POR.SALB ’renders vvfll be received for the sale of the 3rd division of Lot 7, and the ist diviSion of Lot 8, Con. 1, E...,GR Township of Glenelg, 100 acres, more 01 less, up to the lst lune, 1947. No tender necessarily accepted. â€"____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" SHINGLBS FOR SALE Ontario Cedar Shinglesâ€"a car- load just in. If you want any, «peak nowâ€"J. N. Murdock. 3293‘ FURNITURE, ETC., FOR SALE Some Household Furniture (ta- 1.10s. chairs, etc., for sale cheap; also :Inml top buggy, in perfect running (.‘1"1“I'.*â€"~.\Iiss M. A. Edge, RH. No. 1, Durham. 5 '10 4pd PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale 100 acres of land adjoining the cor- pmsaticm. on Durham Road; also :3 acres on Lambton SL, with buildings; also a new brick house nu Saddler St., Durham, With all modern improvements.â€"â€"Thos. Mc- Comh, Prop., Durham. 212mo ___.__ FOR SALE A-brick house and five acres of land just outside of town, 2 comfort- able stables. hen-house, buggy and other buildings are on the prem- ises. Will also sell furniture, few]. and a quantity of wood. .For l.’£lI‘tiClllaPS, apply on the premises, anbton street, to Miss McNab. 53tf ’HLLY ran SALE The making of a good General Purpose mare; rising Byears old.â€" Apply to David Hamilton, RB. N0. 1. Vurney. 10 2g) ’ ”m L‘OTSfiFO‘RflSâ€"‘ALB North part of Lot. 6, the FOR SALE One 14-h.p. traction engine, Wat- Em»: um" 36x48 separator, wind- uriwr. dust collector, complete, Merlwz one No. 3 Masseyâ€"Harris Lizzzmi corn cutter; One wagon and uh. nearly new. Everything in Hui order. Apply to R. J. McGil- vrny, RR. 2 ,Priceville. S. P. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, Executors estate Robt. Cochrane, 4 1'2 ‘7 Deceased Spirelfilancforeets (not sold in ures‘t made 1n Canada. are boned lth the indestructable Spirella my. the most pliable and resilent oz'set boning in the world; guar- zleerl not to break or rust in one w: of corset wear. Appointments : mall or telephone given prompt tentlon.~l\lrs. J. C. Nichol, Box 17. Durham. Phone 70. 1026 FOR SALE 3 four gopd Collie pups.â€"â€"â€"Apply to; \\ m. EIIVYZIP‘JSé RR. 1, Priceville. 2t w-rtisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion. and 10 cents mch subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches, xbie the above amount. Yearly rates on application. GINSENG WANTED For good dry Ginseng, I will pay p0? wmud: other kinds will be M fur :wcor;1i11g_t_o miality, from FARMS FOR SALE 19 Lot 53, Concession 3, B.G.R., 1;. cuntaining 100 acres; on 5e: are new frame barn, brick . sheds and outbuildings; run- stream tlmgmgh pmperjty; a- -V- ‘v-vvâ€" ‘ a pound upiiâ€"Chafley Ilég. the ndryman. Durham. 3 31 I: PROPERTY FOR SALE splendid residence property m- "l‘uwn belonging to the 1's. \\"il$¢)11, will be sold on «Mu terms: cuntnins 15*”; acre, FOR SALE OR RENT double brick house on Albert Will sell at moderate price 'eusonuble terms, or will rent Amvly to Mrs. Neil Mclggghz 8 9 and 10, Kincardilfm:-S_1f..l property of Durhilm SPVIRELLA COBSETS E. A. ROWE : $33 1953; (301111011an resuwuuc. hard and soft water; goml m‘chzu‘d and garden; fine .. Apply on premises, or to tchie or Duncan Smellie. ’4 629tf May 318i, 1917. OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON FOR SAI ular hn E For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. hard'w II SMALL ADS. the late Phinp E. A. ROWE'S residenc mm old Skat- sold in 1 '1 ibtf Dur- 531 tf Call at Office and residence a short dis- tance east, of the Hahn House, on Lamhton St. Lower Town, Durham. Office hours: 9 to?) 1p. m., 7 to 8 p.m., excem, Sundays. and Office: Over J. J J. P. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate University of T0â€" ronto, Graduate Royal College Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office: Over Town‘s Jewellry Store. . J. P. TELFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Nearly opposite the Registry Office, Lambton St, Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial bus»- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town). DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or W. J. SHARP, Holstein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan at, lowest rates, and on terms” to suit bor‘row: with himself. or. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The ‘sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the present war, and has since continued to be, a British subject, or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may homestead a quarter-section of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. Appli- cant must appear in person at Do- minion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for District. Entry by proxy may be made on certain con- ditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ resiâ€" dence upon and cultivation of land in each of three years. ‘ l 1-- I UA-Aav vâ€" 'â€"-â€"â€"‘. _ U lers in Canada during 1917, as res:- Hlent duties, under certain condi- ions. 1 .When Dominion Lands are adver~ .tlsed or posted for entry, returned {soldiers who have served overseas land have been honorably discharg- gednreceive one day priority in ap- lplying for entry at local Avent’s of- fice {but not Sub-Agency . Dis- {charge papers must be presented lto Agent. { Deputy Minister of the Interior. ILL uttw'LA VA y..- .1 â€"w_‘. In certain districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter- section as pre-emption. Price $3per acre. Dutiesâ€"Residence six months in each of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre- emption patent as soon as home- stead patent on certain conditions. LAMA “Wu PM--- -_ _, A settler after obtaining home- stead patent, if he cannot secure a. pre-emption, may take a purcnased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Must reside 512: months in each of three years, cul- tivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. _ - -___.1 Will be side VV \'L U11. yvvv- .Holders of entries may count tune of empioyment as_ “firm labor- DRS. JAMIBSON 8c JAMIESON J. G. BUTTON, _M.D., QM. DR. BROWN ,. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. Milli-1U) 01‘ London, New York Uhicago. Diseases of Eye, Bar, and Throat. ll be at. the Hahn House, Dur- Mny 19, June 16, July 21, A11- 18. Hmn‘s: I to :3 pm, 1d Zz'censed fluctz’ofleér Medical Directorv. [ICE DR. W. G. PICKERING DENTIST Assistant Hospital Sq._Thr03 (Juice Dental DifédO/‘V Legal ‘Dz‘rectorv mum resul m Over J. P. Telford’s office, :pOSite the Registry Office. a: Second house south of Office 011 east side of A1â€" 0111c Ocfli DR. BURT 11110 8110 hot Confectioner and Grocer \V. \V. CORY, l I {032 LOI Eng any} ‘and .'\0. 1t all hours . Hunter’s Store. 9 pm. Teleâ€" 1 between 0f- rm ndon Op 1.. and ti arid Owen H m SOUTH-BAST BBNTINGK Our Red Cross meeting last 11 eek was held at the home 01 Mrs. \\ n1. Ritchie. Though it was a rather 11111113 orable day, 20 ladies \\ ere 11r13<1311t.,11nd $2.25 collection taken. A 1-1e11;1rt of 11 months “ork \\ 1~ "1x 1111 113 the se1C1e111r3'.F11111‘ 1111113111135 hme been held, with 1111 (11111'11'11 attendance 01 2211111 $12. 1") 1.1:)11011-1011. The f1_'1110\\ 111;; {2‘0st have been completed: '11 suits 113'â€" Sunday at MP. Ch Mr. and Mrs. Ber daughter, Gracie, «me (lay recently 1‘ ~11 \\'e4';11wsd21,\‘. Hm '. was still Visible (JR Mr. Philip I.i‘1\1’1'1:11 new U1m1‘11113i. car I N. P. Mclntue. Rm 11 .â€"-In 11: mm: 1'. .\I1‘.:111dl\lrs.\\./ul gmtulations. Mk \V 111 MUWHMQ MP. \Vill McFa‘uMOn purchased :1 new 1-sz Smlth Bros. --_ v-_ Mrs. \\ R. “'3 .5011 spent thowoek «3nd in tmxn \leh her mnther. Mrs. Swtt. who has 13991170911? 111. Mrs. W.’ Couydt and'little daugh- tep are ospendlug (1 f0.“ days With unends m Hanover. Mrs. Lyons returned to her home in Toronto thiz. week, after spend- ing a month mm friends around here and in Hanover. One of our SS. No. 10 studentsin the person of Master Royce Noble, informs your correspondent that he has been in the first book since Easter,‘ and has not had a mistake in spelling in that length of time. How’s that for a record? We are sorry to hear that Pte. J. F. MacLean, who went overseas with the 253m Highlanders, is in a hospital in England, suffering from the mumgs. __V. A Red Cross garden party is being held on MoCracken’s lawn on June 15th. Some returned soldiers, as well as other good patriotic. speakâ€" ers. will address the gathering. A fine musical program is being pro- vided. Come and enjoy yourself at Aberdeen and help to swell the Red Cross funds. v-vwv 3111.1")‘1â€"1fi‘éan McLean raised his garage on Monday. Deputy-Minister Scott, of the dc- partment of agricultum for British Columbia, is advocating Dominion legislation to prjohibit the slaughter ot’blumbs and éalves. The readers of this paper will be! pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci-‘ ence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Ca- tarrh being greatly influenced by etmstitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall‘s Ca- tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mu- cous Surfaces of the system there- by destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The prOprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall’s Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHE- >NEY (30., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIPI 0F GLENELG 1 The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Glen-- elg, for 1917, will be held at the Township Hall, in said Texxnship. on Friday, the 8th day of June, 1917, at 10 oclock in the foreman of \1 111011 all persons having business thereat “in please take notice and gmern themselxes accHrdingly. Dated this 1ith (1213 of Ma3, 1917. 173 J. MBLXCK Clerk. [he \yea [.11 er cry {11111.1 bar Via North Bay, Coehrane and Trans- continental Route, or via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 30th, inclus- ive, at low fares. Round trip‘ tickets to points in Mnitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no Change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Return limit two months, exclu- sive of date of sale. Berth reser- vations and full particulars from all Grand T'I‘runk ticket offices, or write C. B. Homing, District Pas,- senger Agent, Toronto Ont. EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler:0ptician DURHAM - ONTARIO HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS MCWILLIAMS ABERDEEN 1 ‘.' \‘ {.2 on Sun Iwz'unce 1') car knit THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. t Smith, and‘ ‘U Hf fin of H \\, mrchzm \\‘ Cu}; 1" M a y a sun 1\ H \\' Cilin( 1.11)”) I‘t ) m 10 \V mâ€" 5». F. Aubraham, eyesight specialist. â€"â€"At the. Central Drug Store. Bread is twelve cents 'for a one- audâ€"a-half pound loaf, in Chesletf. House to rentâ€"Opposite High school. Apply to J. Schutz. 2Dd Beautify y u: Brandram-Hend by F. Lenahan. The purest and best paint for in- side and outside workâ€"Brandran‘« Henderson. Sold by F. Lenahan. Lf We have a full line of the finest mwiding stationery, and can supply \wdding invitations for the June, bride in the very latest type faces. 11' in need of anything in this line, can and let us Show you. Me Inside of two weeks a marble cutter will be in town to cut in- scriptions on headstones or monu- ments, now erected. Any person requiring Work done may apply to Allan Bell. SlOtf Mr. G. R. Smith, principal of the \V’ingham high school, has resigned, to accept a position at the head of the mathematical department in the Faculty of Education, in Queen’s Ifniversity, Kingston. I am prepared to furnish monu- ments of all kinds at 10“ est prices consistent with quality and W1: rk~ manship. If in need of mscriptiou work, let me know and I will have it attended to promptly .--â€"W. J. McFadden. 517 tf Sing-i-sing and Patti-Pi Mr. Chang and Hiâ€"amâ€"i, So quick Freres and Fe-liâ€"hi Chin-Chopee and Stepee-Hi. All will make you laugh and grim At the Nodding Mandahrin ’lown Hall, Durham, Juneé ,1917. Do not. throw greasy or 0in rags in a pile and leave them there. They may become heated and cause spuntaneous combustion. Evidenâ€" ces of this fact are not infrequent, 111111 mam serious 1111s 1111 d11ul1l, 112 1x13 1*thei1' origin in this cause. About three inches of snow feil on the early morning of Victoria Day, and merything appeared dreary. On Saturday. CXâ€"RGCVC Nichol, 0f Glenelg, was in town, and told us his gardon. which had boon planted some timu prm‘iously. was COYCI‘ed with :lhnut. :1 font Hf SHOW. On the 27th (31' May, 1907, “’0 had a Similar snow fall. Hespeler‘ 30 mills Chatsworth :mrl DOPDOC‘h parish: 9 presented Father Sharpe with a five-passenger McLaughlin car in the latest mOdel, and with all the latest fixtures. In addition, they gave him over $100 for gasoline. The Owen Sound Advertiser man 3033's a certain 33 oman he saw on the market will ne3 er keep house for him. She wanted to 11113 butter and her only crime was that she dug out a sample of it 33ith a dirt3 thumb nail. H033 pernicket3 some of the squib writer: are an333'ay. \\ hat would he think of a man stirring his ten 331th his knife? e \‘oiy Yely funce e makee laugh and sing, 0 Eliang, the Magician, i the Nodding Mandarin. Town Hall, Durham, June 4, 1917. The Meaford Express tells of a voung man “he was caught stealing wheat from his neighbors granarx, and how the loser of the \\ heat gav the thief a horse-Whipping. Geo. Lowell, of Grand_Valley, tqok mparalytxc str‘oke whlle crankmg 1113 car, and dled from the effects next day. The congregation of Hanover Methodist church has decided to change the hour of the morning service from 11 o'clock to 10.30. Herman Kempes, a. pionger of Herman liempes, a. pioneer 01‘ Hanover. died from heart. disease. He was 81 years of age. Mrs. Anthony Himmelspach of Normanby, died a week ago Satur- day at the age of 68 years. The re- mains were interred at Carlsruhe. The. annual convention of the German Lutheran Synod will be held at Hanover from June 14 to 18. Rev. W. I. McLean of Hanover, was appointed a commissioner from Bruce Presbytery to the Presbyter- ian General Assembly, WhiCh meets ;in Montreal the beginning of June. l l Chesley assessment roll contains A AAA _____ TV“ ‘A *ho Chesllfiev assessment rou CUIIL'dlih the names of 698 voters. Up to the present, the town has never hadi more than two polling places. At the last meeting of the council it1 was divided into four wards. Notwithstanding the heavy en- listments, Owen Sound’s population has decreased only 91. The presâ€" ent municipal census gives 11,819. , Duncan McNab, reeve of Orillia, died on the 21st of May, after a [week’s illness. He was a Scottish Highlander, and in his Slst year. He [leaves a family of four sons ‘ and three daughters. rm and $1101.) help wafited im- Lately. --Ontari0 Reformatory, NEWS AROUND TOWN ABOUT THE COUNTY Lax 1" It. W 1‘ h ome my Larson paint. Ate has been fixed 13 26 last year. usi‘n _‘ Sold. 4 12m” mm om uu>.1[ "301p '11:qu 1: 10 mayo 11w om azmmnou 01 umq mm 50581313 Sumoqu} .1110 pm: now u\\ pun [lulu ouorl‘muo pm: 111nm» ‘ml «Imawp 0191110111 {10011 111mm“ 3'11.\\0.13.m() fiquâ€"uou [unuuuu 4-H .101 mmmdmg 9.10m am.) on pm m: m pnpoou UJULU (10.10 mm mu: )1“ “Lusg'mmd pun mom 3o mgou -;\\o§.\ am LIIOJ} moq 10} 0.19:) $1.16 «Toad um .{mn nu mum 0') samma down lhmmgh :11 the potato m-cu part, in 0111' dit‘tr This continent wzu‘ds «v1 300 mmmus and in nnrmal times To 1130s 3,000 bags per day. to {1101915 crop 1mm)! nearly 174.000 acres i)‘ This (-mitineiil. uses. yearly lipâ€"i wards «if 300 milliims ui' husheisfli and in nurmul times 'l‘m'untn :iimie uses 3.(1NT)() hugs per day. Aeenrdiee“ in the 1917) (Tim i‘epm'i We hrhi nearly 74.000 acres in [minim‘fii which yieli'ieil nearly 131/; millinn hushels, with :1 yearly average. in“ 181,413 millimi hushels fur the prmâ€"l im'e. 'i'\\‘n-iii‘lhs mi" these will hei Pulls: and “1113' fit fm' steel; feet!“ This leaves almui 21/; bushels IN‘l'i hem] fer the whole impiilaiinn. This is net, nearly sufliciem, (‘niisequent- 13' we. must (h‘zm' large sumilies from the easlern previnees. which greatly i11i“1‘e:1ses the vest in the emisumers. This mnditiun should net. he. Pi":â€" iaiees are a very prigiiiiahle crop :1? 750. per bag. \Ve made money :11 45c. per bag, because we reckoned the culls were worth the cost of the llabor, and the field was put in the. best, condition fer a crop of barley and grass seeds. In fact. our pres- ent farm was purchased chiefly by the profits _0f growing these WOW... Illis with potatoes as it is with fowlâ€"every farm, large or small. should look well to these small but important sources .of. income. By each farmer plantingan acre or two of potatoes, and givmg. them proper care. generally, he will have plenty for his family. and sufficient Writing. to sell to realize a sum that will supply many little demands. An Irish woman was asked how managed to clothe and keep her sible. Board can be obtained large family so tidy. “Traught” ncuuulg, tory. UBUEI’UP U y, 11110131“; 1113-- Miss M. .Cryderman, B.A., Toron- to L'niverSIty, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composition, Intending students should enter she at the beginning of the term if pos- at. reasonable rates. Durham is a she replied, “Sure, the hens did it." healthy and attractive town, mak- This was true, as many of our good mothers can testify to. When to Plant Regarding the time. to plant. N ture is our best gmde. Potato are a. subâ€"tropical plant. and cannot. ing. it a most desirable place for res1dence. The record of the school in past (years is a flattering one. The trus- 3: t tees are progressive educationally 9* t and spare no pains to see that ateachers and pupils have every ad- stand much frost. so that there 1s:l vantage for the proper presentation nothing gained by planting before the soil is somewhat warmed. When 'the maples are in leaf, and the Wild } plum is in 3 it 1‘ late. it has been quite general to lplant in the. last. of June, so as to .have the tubers fm‘ming in the cool autumn weather. 'given some splendid crops. on na-= lturally cool and damp soil, but on isoils of a dry and hot nature. the» a gtmd chance in :1 {:(mtl rout, hold and plant should have form top and get before the . heat. summer. flower. is: the right, time. This method has: drought ot‘ land acquisition of knowledge. FEES: $1 per month in advance. ;H. R. Econ, J. 1‘. GRANT. ; Chairman Secretary. We must he guided by reason and ‘past. experience in all matters of '_ farming. and. it. is not always safe ' to "farm by the laugh." Some of our teachers assert that immature sets are the best because they give the gbest. yield. I prefer a fully devel- xnnmi rind Pinnnnl‘l tnhm‘ 29 more. OVERDOING IN POTATOES? §§ooooooooooooooooooo¢+++ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 9 NEW SILKS TIES LAC-BS CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black Just In 111 grad; uplos a tar)". sateens) n Utfl a bunny, >118 produce. ' urging: n " 3' can limp-- n the \i0\\'- .‘intism. W 0' Wind by nib Hunt fur t'v" mr alumina) dad IN :11, ant 101‘ t' 1:: 11° grmving ‘\ 01013 mm 11 and Wu. lasses need evil ot‘fecis the Rim: of SOCiMV, irnwn‘tzmt The School is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc, for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. Durham High School Thos. Allan, Principal, 1st Class Certificate, also Certificate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjects: Science, Mathematics, Spelling. Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects: Latin, Art, Literature, Composition, Reading, Geography, Ancient His- tory. Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- to University, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composition, Writing. Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, mak- ing it a most desxrable place for residence. \\ 0 must he guided by reason and past nxpmiencn in all matters of lurining. and it i< not always safe to f arm by the hook. Some of our tnziclim‘s assert that, immature sets are the best because they give the best yield. I prefer a fully devel- (med and ripened tuber, as more likely to give a vigorous plant and tubers of a better_ table quality. _ H«_v\\'e\'er, we shall have to plant what we can get, this season, and the more potatoes we raise, the bet-- ter able shall we be to keep down the price of flour. so that all may have plenty jg eat and be happy. We have a stock of ground feed wheat on hand that \w are Offering fur m? next few days at $40 per tun, sacks included. If you need feed, buy now. as we have only a limited quantity to offer at this micaâ€"The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Company, Limited. P‘LANIN G MILL S “ SPENDâ€"THE SUMMER MONTHS m Insular-r /,r M Yonge and (males Sts., Taronm It will pay you well. We were ask- ed to fill 1:26 positions in two months and 240 during two other months. Write for catalogue. Enter now. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The undersigned bags 00 announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planniug Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Cu‘stom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH, DOORS â€"-â€" and all kinds of -- House Fittings THE sooner you buy your Spring Shoes. the more money you will save. Some are Buying Now Why Not You? PAGE 7. W. J. Elliott, Principal. ONTARIO

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