West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1917, p. 2

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Lander, W. A. Lauder, T. A. Lawrence, John A. Ledin gham, John Lloyd, Edith (Nursing Sister) Ledingham, Geo. Legge, C. L. . This list is intended to contain the names of all those who have en- listed from Durham and vicinity for service overseas. In it W111 be found the names of some who have since been dischargedas medically unfit, or for. other cause. Our object in publishing this list is to show who of our citizens have actually worn‘ the khaki, and we have made no efl‘ort to include any who have applied and have been rejected. There Will no doubt be mistakesâ€"omissions may have been made, or other errors crept in, and we ask the assistance of our readers, and those who have members of their family at the front to make the necessaryr correctlonsg. We W011” like the name. of every enlisted man from this district on this list. EDT ’0 1.7. STANDARD BANK Roll of Honor Money Orders and Drafts are 'James Durham and District PAGE 2. OF’ CANADA mo omc: - venom Stedman, John Stewart, Thos. Stewart, Corp. Standen, S... Styles, Wm. Torry, Fred Thompson, David Thompson, Walter Thomas, J. E. Trafford, George Trafiord, Seth Vollett, James Vollett, Harold Vollett, Harry Warmington, James armington, J06. Wall, James Watson, Ferguson Watson, J. Webber, George Wallace, Jas. (died Aug. 30, ’1 Weir, J. Weir, John (killed in action) Wells, Alex. (killed in action) Whitmore, W. N. White, Alex. White, B. J. Willis, Stanley Willis, B. H. Wolfe, Capt. C. E. Wolfe, Bsdon Wright, J. Wylie, W. J. Zimmer, Norman Leeson, Fred Lindsay, E. G. Lindsay, R. G. Lloyd, George Lloyd, J. A. Lloyd, Anson Lucas, J. N. Marshall, G. A. (killed in action) Mountain, Lorne . Mortley, John Meade, Earl Munro, Wm. Morton, Wes. Mather, T. L. Matheson, L. Mort, A. Mulcock, Arthur Murray, Geo. MacLean, J. F. McAlister, T. W. McAlister, W. W. MoAssey, F. M. McComb, Archie McComh, Alex. McConnell, J.H. (killed in action) McDonald, John G. McDonald, H. H. McDonald, Ernest McDonald, John McDonald, Thos. McDonald, Norman McDonald, Philip McParlane, D. B. McFadden, J. R. McGirr, Wm. McGirr, E. J. McGillivray, Neil McGillivray, Allan McGillivray, Dan. McGillivray, Stewart McGirr, Lance McGowan, Arthur McIlraith, Frank Mcllraith, J. H. McIlvride, Wm. McKeown, J. J. MacKay, Frank McKechnie, Percy McMeeken, Elmer McMillan, N. J. McKinnon, Hector McKechnie, H. C. McMahon, J. McNally, Lieut. Stanley McNally, Cecil McVicar, Alex. Ness, George Newell, Lewis Nichol, J. C. Nichol, Wilfrid Nichol, C. W. Nicholson, Noel Oliver, James Oliver, Joseph Oliver, W. H. Oyns, C. H. Patterson, G. (killed in action) Petty, Wm. Pilgrim, Chas. Pinkerton, F. Pinkerton, John E. Pollock, H. Pust, J. A. Pust, Ezra Ramage, Chas. C. Ramage, James Renwick, Edgar Robb, Roht. Ross, Clarence Ross, John Ross, Percy Saunders, Alex. Saunders, Mack Saunders, Alister Scheuermann, V. Seaman, S. Smith, Flight-Lieut. J. Morrison Smith, J. Fred Smith, Andrew THE Ernest John Thos. Norman P_hiljp '16) ’° l The meeting of the Council on Wednesday was of considerable in- terest to the residents of the county ,at large. inasmuch as the Vacancy in the public schtml inspectorate of South (trey was tilted by the coun- cil. Mr. Robert Wright of Leaming- item, a native of Flesherton, receivâ€" ing the appointment. Amongst the communications was the account of the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute for $419.00 for county pupils for 19: teaching days in the year. Mr.} Cook, High Constable of Grey, reâ€" ported that the administration of Justice showed a gratifying d1;3-‘ crease in crime in the county. He helped Mr. Matt. Beckett in twenty cases, and they got seventetm con- victions. He said that Mr. Beckett understmid the law, and enforces it ‘to the utmost. The report of the Finance. Committee, amongst other things, 1ecommended that the licen- ,ses 01 auctioneers be $25; that the ’twencral and Marine Hospital he wanted $1,;000 that the estimates 1‘01 the next year be 1eceiV ed; that (ertain letters he 1eceiV ed and filed; that the widow of the late school inspector of South Grey, Mrs N.\\. .’ . : Campbell he giV en the sum of $250 in (onsideration of the exceptional >e1V11 es of her late husband; that the basis tor the equalization of as- sessment he the same as last Vear, _.- 1 V i7..: iArtemesia ............ $1 500 000 00 Bentinck ............. 1,800 000 .00 Collin gwood .......... 2,000,000.00 Derby ................ 1,230,000.00 Egremont ............ 2,,100 000. 00 Euphrasia ............ 1,800,000.00 = ('llenelg ............... 1,100,000.00 Holland .............. 1,360.000.00 Keppel ............... 1,108,885.00 Normanby ............ 2,500,500.00 Osprey ................ 1,600,000.00 Proton ................ 1,870,500.00 Sarawak .............. 281,900.00 St. Vincent ........... 2,000,000.00 ' Sullivan .............. 2,013,500.00 ‘ Sydenham ............ 2,043,500.00 1 Owen Sound .......... 4,000,000.00 : M eaford .............. 700,000.00 1 Durham ...... , ....... 450,000.00 1 Hanover .............. 700,000.00 1 Thornbury ...... . . . . . 200,000.00 1 Chatsworth .......... . 115,000.00 4 Dundalk .............. 200,000.00 .1 'Neustadt .............. 130,000.00 *1 Markgale ............ 275,000.00'1 Each of the applicants for the"), po- sition of school inspector spoke for a few minutes and, in most cases, showed that they possessed all the requirements for the position. One or two. in particular, stood out prominontly as being particularly well fitted for tho p<:wsit.ion, and the matter of maki g a. choice was con- cmlnd to be a hard one. 'i‘uesday's session of the County council was marked by two inter- esting features. First, Mr. S. J. Parker, the venerable treasurer of the county, submitted the estimates and financial statement. for the year and second, the applicants for the position of Public School Inspector were permitted to address the counâ€" cil in their own behalf. A large number of acctmnts were read by {the clerk, and several reports of {committees were received. The treasurer estimated an expenditure of $256,900.88 for next year which would cover $40,000 of a deficit for the present year. This deficit was caused by the large grants of Pat- riotic and Red Cross funds, and for which no proviSitm was made last year. The estimates were largcm than ever before and included Sit-l 141.08 for schools, $11,000 for admin- istration of Justice, $15,000 for or- dinary expenditure, and $66,191 for other county work, including mis- cellaneous expenditure. Funds to provide for patriotic grants and this year’s deficit. made up the balâ€" ance of the estimates. M GREY COUNTY COUNCIL (Owen Sound Sun.) :Shallow Lake ........ . 141,115 §Flesherton 135,00t EThe report was adopted as read. The County COUHC“ has been in! Messrs. Colgan and Sudden int] gsession each day this week and Ufliduced the bylaw appointing an 1 to date have made the appointment spector for South Grev. On the Si 0f RIP. RObert \V’I‘ight t0 the DUbliC. 0nd reading 0f the b;rla\v in ca school inspectorate left vacant by mittee 0f the whole “rim Mr. “7‘ the death of the late inspector, Mr. step in the chair, the followi \. W . Campbell. There was a spir- names were submitted, being no ited contest and though the 3Dâ€" inated by various members of t pointing bylaw passed its second council: Messrs \Vright Smi o v I i 5-. v ’ reading on Wednesday, the reeve of Preston, Morrison, Davidson a Durham. 'bI‘OUf-Iht the matter up 3‘ Gritiin. The latter two were t: gain on Thursday and when his for last. place and were drOpped : amendment to the effect that the ter the first ballot. The second b Linspec’or must keep an office open {at a central point. in the inspector~ ate. was defeated. he came right back with another asking that his nominee, Mr. Smith, be given the position. Of course. he was snow- ed under in both cases. The matter 01' good roads, or the adeption of a county roads system was the main business on Wednesday, and Mr. Squire. ol‘ the Highways Depart- ment at 'll‘irtmto. addressed the council. (in his concluding his r3- marks. a bylaw concerning the good roads scheme was introduced, and given its first reading. and on 'l‘hursday it was up for its second reading, but after considering only ter. lot gave Wright 20. Smith 10. Pr. ton and Morrison each 5. The In ballot was between Messrs. Wrig and Smith, and resulted in the s lection of Mr. Wright by a vote 22 to 18. An effort. was made Mr. Calder of Durham, to have it i corporated in the bylaw that t person receiving the appointmt must reside in Durham, and wh this was defeated put in anotl': amendment to the effect that must keep an ollice in that tov This met. the same fate as the l: The new inspector is to cm mencc his duties on July 2nd. Leave was granted to Mr. Squi one clause it was left over [in the t“ liddl‘t-‘SS the council on the man I i L . if, y ‘ U “ ' V - . . . . » . . .. Vovomber session. There was littleIOf ("-"--’d R‘Md” and the ddUlile ommsition to the bylaw. tthe I1\ County Roads’ Scheme of t 1\ 3161 00.0.0000... b‘? o. 0.000.. .OOOQOOOOOOOOIOO OIOOOOOIOOOOOOOO L: OOQOIOCOOCOOOC sent. l OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1m ........ 00000000000000 3 .m 000.0000O00n00 00......COCCC. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. $1 500,000.00 1,800,000.00 2,000,000.00 1 230,000.00 2,100,000.00 1 ,800.000 .00 1 ,100,000.00 1,360.000.00 1,108,885.00 2,500,500.00 1 ,600,000.00 1,870.500.00 2 81,900.00 2,000,000.00 2,013,500.00 2,043,500.00 l Mr. Squire said that. the railways " and canals of Canada had been sub- ‘ sidized to the amount of $500,000,000. He also recited the steps that had been taken by the Provincial (im- 1 1'11‘11n1ents since 1001 to assist the c1f111struction of better roads. In * 19M. 11 report was made by the ecunmissioners who had been apâ€" pointed to look into the matter. to the otl'ect that the new Conditions made it, imperative that an enlarg- ed grmd roads scheme should be ad- opted. They recommended that.I SS0 000 000 be spent in 1.3 wars in the Prmime to stcure good roads; 312000.000 to be proyided by the province; a like sum by the muniâ€" cipalities intorestml and hall” of that sum by the cities. In 19“) I there were 52.000 n11.1ti‘1rs in the pro- Vince, from which the fees amount- ed to $665,000 and up to June of this year there had been paid into the prminco the sum ol‘ S710.000 and it was estimated that the amount thus collected would exceed $800,000 and that next year the amount cti1llccted from auto owners would reach the sum of Sl.000,000. He. considered that the report. was conservative, and tlmugh ci'1mprehensive. was away short of actualities. If it were (lillicult to keep the roads in repair before the general :‘1doption of the auto. it was much more so now. The autos were not the only vehicles [that caused destruction of roads. t and trailic caused wear. To meet the necessities. the Ontario Govern~ ment amended their legislation and at present their road construction legislatit‘m was the most advanced of any in existence. There were. three main phases of the Highway Legislation, first of which was the. selection of the main county roads, possibly 15 per cent. of the total mileage of the county, second, to appoint. a suitable superintendent of construction at a salary ax erag ing S1, 500 per year, of which the gm ernment would pay 40 per cent" and a committee of three from the council. An engineer would be pro- vided free by the government, and third, the government inspector, which was characterized by the speaker as helpful rather than‘crit- ical. The cost on a “pay-asâ€"youâ€"go” plan, worked out on a basis of 11/5 mills on the county assessment, would be $48,000, to which the gov- ernment would add $32,000, or a toâ€" tal or $80,000 per year. This would figure out at a cost of $2.94 for each 100 acres on an average, or a per Leave was granted to Mr. Squire Ito address the council on the matter 10f Good Roads and the adopthm of lthe County Roads’ Scheme of the. ll’rm'incial IQ)opartmcnt of High- Iways. Ho began by C(lllgl'fltUlUtng 'the warden and the council on the manner in which the business of the county was handled and then took up the quosthm of good roads, which, he cl‘biisidcred. the most im- portant, 1n~ovincial question, as the highways were the most impliirtant means of transpln‘taticm, being of double the importance of both rail and water transport. The highâ€" ways of the province rm.)rcsented the greatest sii‘igle item of munici- pal ownership in the prm'ince. The {municipalities have the Ct'llltI‘Ol of the c<mstruction and maintcnzmce of the roads but. have no say as to what. class of vehicle uses the road. The old system was all right for the class of vehicle that was using it, but. since the advent of the moâ€" tor car. tho old system was found wanting. and a change in the conâ€" structhm 0f the road was made no.» cossary. Mr! Squire said that it was a. former member ol.‘ the coun- ty council, Mr. M. K. Richardscgni. Registrar of South Grey, who first suggested that. the government should subsidize roads and that, the then Premier, Hon. A. S. Hardy. in 1901. brought. down a hill amn'opriu ating.r one million (ltflllilI‘S for this work. That was done hetero the advent of motors for general use. Messrs. Colgan and Sudden intro- duced the bylaw appointing an in- jspector for South Grey. On the sec.â€" ond reading of the bylaw in com- mittee of the whole with Mr. W eb- ster in the chair, the following names were submitted, being nom- inated by various members of the council: Messrs. Wright, Smith, Preston, Morrison, Davidson and Grillin. The latter two were tied for last. place and were drOpped af~ ter the first ballot. The second bal- lot gave Wright 20. Smith 10. Pres.- ton and A'iorrisim each 5. The next ballot was between Messrs. Wright and Smith, and resulted in the seâ€" lection of Mr. Wright by a vote of 22 to 18. An effort was made by Mr. Calder of Durham, to have it in- corporated in the bylaw that the person receiving the appointment must reside in Durham, and when this was dt‘PfOIlth put in another amendment to the effect that he must keep an ollice in that. town. This met the same fate as the latâ€" ter. The new inspector is to com- mence his duties on July 2nd. 141,115.00 135,000.00 Mr. Squire has a pleasant manner and has an undeniable knowledge of his subject and his talk was lis- tened to with exceptional interest by every member of the council. After Mr. Squire had finished his address, leave was "ranted to intro- duce bylaw No. 879, a. bylaw for the adoption of the Government County Highways Scheme and it was given its first readinc. A schedule, based on the local assessment, was proâ€" posed by Mr. Squire and attached to the bylaw providing for the conâ€" struction of approximately 420 miles. The roads will be built at the conclusion of the war. Adjourned until 'l‘hursday. On Thursday, after the minutes were read, a number of communi- capita cost. of 14 cents. He pointed out that at present the townships were paying for poorer roads the sum of 875,207 per year and were receiving no government grant. The roads in Grey County totalled 2,637. OOO§O§§§OOOOOOQQOOQQOQOQQO900 §§¢§§§§§§§§§O§§§§§§§§§O The ONTARIO WIND ENGINE Th6 Bell TeléBhon’é Co." offinada ( Manufacturelhe Cheapest and the Best Pumping cations were read, including an ac~ count from Mr. Preston, acting as school inspector, for $212.60 for Ser- vices, and $116.31 for expenses. The road and bridge reported on a large number of accounts and it. was adopted. The County Property Committee pnresented their report recommend- i gthe acceptance of the tendex of Mr. J. Cole for coal for the county buildings at $8.15 per ton. 'Jhe chairman of the House 1,1 Refuge Committee 1')resente1i thm; reports which were considered in committee of the \‘KhOlC.Th1'y dealt “ith a lot of correspond. me in connection \xith the propertx ._,, an inmate of the House 01 1113111: . '1 he reports were finally ilduptwj. The Printing Committee brought in a report. Mr. Dyre, Clerk 01‘ the Pear», an; Crown At,t0r11ey,- presented :1 list g: names of county constasz and Ms Sold by Continued on page July 5111, 1917. Ontario also mil The Central David Lloyd Goor ister. de‘ivcz‘vd a :5 acteristic speech imf off Glasgow. 50011321 of his being made city in St. Andrew's The Premier decla came an hour befo which Great Britai had been achieved lamity for Europe. wanted peace, but would make the (:0 subject nations. has been voucl the South Ame! many enter inn vocation of ne aligns itself to: the United Stati Four Br“ The torpedoix Large British c: was announced' Insurance ofli steamers were trd Line, 6,593 American Lin Wilson Liner. 2 utee, another These can be by national (:4 foodstuffs. 1 their Season: try's foods to tent.” Mr. Lloyd Gq no German SL2 the restoration that the Eaten into a conferen‘ Germany in a they would de: autocracy. Gre George, could submarine wax and the people "(5) The r. nage makes it consumption ‘ at home impel transported cc leased for cm.» the Dominion domestic marl the allied arr require treum meats. fish. c1: evaporated f modifies. Th unless the U0 stuffs for em» tion 01‘ nerisl Special despa‘ last Friday sai< In view of the g press that son happened or is Germany. The) or Zeitung, con compelled to has until further nc gendent eXpres. say the censors anything previo dared to be con belief is expres next week’s we may produce st A dqspatch Thursday said: her decree of between the E. require tremendous s: meats. fish. choose. bt‘ evaporated foods :1 modifies. They can: unless the Dominion , stuffs for export. A4 tion of perishable pa necessary to 1111 . These can be met and by national consumpt foodstuffs. Fruits 3 their seasons shoul TW’R fnndc 1n 1"“ «Fr; Lloyd-George Says Hold OTTAWA TR. the engit to a swa gage car: coach no two Pullz train fro stop just Saturday many RV] one of u. yet not a evidence sult of a the train utiliza 1101 volunteer controller lag the {u Attempt Believed Injured in Maximu possible toodstuf able foo preventi their me: tha Iespeaks Mon. 3 in Dart: W3 3' Canadians Shouid E Perishabte Foods in ‘ situation in (”a need of the 3111‘ me prevention France, Italy, allies are who allied armies I HANNA'S APPEI IN FOOD “Time quired t assuring Canadia Lions an )BCG 00(1 lat eve ealize a PEACE MUST ucklea‘ . am Don: Canadian Soldiers \V German P1 an tod Machin‘ Brazil Q 100d (IE ”St Alhhou Id 1101 1 war w J uly 5th Georg states: 311 )V

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