West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1917, p. 5

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h. 1917. H’“FRQI_T-§-_TIVES", '00 acres dian Pacific 111310115 USIL‘IAN IUNTREAL 1'0 OCTOBER 30th 'RONTO {A33 MARKET at Lakes Routes” Season Navigation) ESDAY seekers’ FROM Hacé Vigor Low 8328 and 3390! via Ticket Offices: 141-1453..)31330 8125, W'mdo: How. Wind-at AY'S STEAMER re is in the West Every airiea have Medicine. wai 1509 {Of - also by as out WW There are still sxze, 25c. by Fruit- BURG. us, but aduced 3w for 3: well. an that ipation [0 by will be benefit its for cupa- nd of Head- after 43 |O to 88383 9’ )I 10 20 A despatcn fro: Illinois. 01’ July 3 A night of riot? at, least twenty 11 to have been kill :mu pPPSOIlS injurc '13” negro hcmses lewwed early tO-d: WHITE MOB ATTACK NEGROES ’ing of three policemen and two ciâ€"t .Vilians early Monday morning. ,‘ .\ desatch from East St. Louis ’- ,_ . p Q . _ . . ’; The fires burned nearly two hun- “mW’K ”r Jul} ”rd, ”33'" 'dred cottages, and destroyed more during which ‘. than 100 loaded freight cars belong- } ing to the Southern Railway, val- . . uef a $5 . 0. h Broadwa" haw been kllled, appruxlmately4ej_ t’ 0000 T e Q, “3 _ . . , _ a . lheatre, valued at more than 2,100,- .mv gum-wns mJured. and more than 000 \\ 11 A b 1 d 1 . "c: ‘ :‘U ‘ . 1:“ “war” hHHS‘fi’S hlll'llfi‘d. \VHS 10‘.“ k 1‘ c 11118 . . Ema-mi «nu-Iv to»-da\' bv (i'r.vm1f,»ar21ti\'e Only one “'11th man was kmed 1n "aim. :tft‘fl' 1.300 Illimvis; Nutinnfli lilfit night's I'l‘fi'tylg’ and he “.3551?“ M‘iui'liflllt'll hm! taken c'hzu‘ue Hf this h." :1 11‘3‘31‘0 SDIDE‘I‘. T\\0 negr«-»e= ~. ‘ --.--.-.l 1'111fl;l1(l‘ {hp 11ighf. 1‘)"1 -\ night of rioting, least twenty negroes are knowx « ‘ i I'D July 5th, 1917. ..._ ’â€"~ The “ Sunshine ” Furnace gives health- ful, warm air heatâ€"and plenty of it. When installed, according to plans furnished by our heating engineers; it is guaranteed to give absolute sat- isfaction. Write for free illustrated booklet. [h ['1 H \V sturb- (11¢ killing; 1m :01md-- m: 000, was also burned. Only one white man was last night‘s rioting, and he by a negro sniper. Twc mobs and four W h In 'l V (A m mm}: )ne white man 11 as killed in 111 s rioting, and he was shot gru sniper. Two negroes unged during the night by 111 iour “ere killed by snip- 111:. 111-113}. guardsmen ar- 11111'e than .500 rioters. The1 11110 were on duty during' 51 serious: disturbances, b13- 1er 1:11:11 authority were (11‘â€" .1111. 1.11 sl11.:11:1t. This. resulted 1111111131“ 111' rifles being taken .' 110111 the mldlpb General 1 311111 that \11111105111e b10011â€" '1111lrl 11.1111 1111911 1118 result of ;' the remlts of the fires was ye. parts of the city in dark- ml 51,1rge0ns at St. Mary‘s . and the emergency Open- .nm, «vaened in the City Hall, Feed to do their work while en held flashlights or can- er the tables. All saloons. m clused indefinitely by t‘n 11 The Countess of Warwick, owner 0: ,000 acres. issued a stirring appeal 1 the landed aristocracy of Great ‘Britain to follow the example of the Russian Grand Dukes and {11:11 over ‘ all their feudal properties to the State. ‘We must go. she says. “The aris- "’ ' Of England. in its position 01 heredi ary landowners, must go. The COUNTESS SCGREB' ' ' BRIT 15H LANDLGEEES Aristocracy should Give AH Lands to State, said Owner of 23.306 pose necc Lary have the a custo customed to make pay; they demmy outlay and employ see that they get this class is a bad Work.“ ALLC :i’ A journalist paper “1711.115: 1 1s no British fiOVVer. There. are flow ers or p. ants that symbolize the coun- tries (11' the British Empire. as the rose for England, the thistle for Scotâ€" la 11}, the leek for \‘1' ales. the shamrock tor lreland and the maple leai’ for (‘anuda Thee tladitionai flower of France is 1.11 fieur .. - “-i. thentic from Louis \'11 to 1789. Then'; it fell with the Bourbons, being re- \ placed by 11. e tr1to101 Bonaparte adopted the be e and the Bonapartists‘ wore and st71 ll wear Violet. The lily 1 was readopt. ed and tradition sanc tions i its use today. The national flower emblem of Ja- pan is th e golden Chrysanthemum. Conventionalized with sixtee e11 ra3s it is the personal badge oft he \iiltauo. But cherry blossoms are often used to symbolize Japan. There is perhsq ‘15 no Italian 110 vs er unless it oe the lily. The white lilV was the 1.9) dge of the Ghibellines, the red 1in of the Guelphs afiording a sort of parallel to the V1 1.17s of the Roses which made the rose the national 110717. er in England. The ['nited States has no national flower. In 1889 an attempt was made to secure a general expression of Opin ' ‘ ‘- ‘ Anny/31' T11; naIIOIl'dl iAUan Au ””0“" ' The [Tnited States has no national flower. In 1889 an attempt was made to secure a general expression of Opin- ion in favor of some one flower. The gtldenrod was then most favored, but either law or traditional usage is ne- cessary to constitute a national em- blem of any sort, and the goldenrod had neither to back it. Premier as many schoo passengers on the Mayflower, which carried the Pilgrim fathers to the American coast in century. The premier made this ob? servation after the amusing discovery that he had thousands of schoolmates y in Wales. There are Rumania a! large ones; are have m There are a million small farms in ‘ Rumania and only a few thousand‘ large ones; but the few big landown- ers have more land then the many small ones. The average size of the million small farms is While that of 4,471 large'ones 15 2.200 Lloyd AGeprge‘ A Very Busy Young Thief “ ‘, who said he committed the theft two days before he got man‘ ried and was arrested two days after‘ the wedding, was sent to a month’s‘ hard labour at West London for steal- ing two magnetos worth $120. arket 5 Floral Symbols are Very Many and Varied Feathered Songsters for Food The Italians d ner complete 11:: roasted birds is 0 not consider a din. less a dish of small The bighorn _or Rocky Mountain sheep can travel as far ox er the moun- ‘m a. rim: minutes as a hunt- :v' at a set time ev- or only on dGSignated days. e17 day. One ton of coniferous wood waste will produce from fifteen to twenty- nve gallons of 190-proof alcohol. Fines amounting to over $150 were t Ormskirk on lice..se hold- ling drink within prohibited PENALTY 5E FAME to of Acres a vbad landlo own wanfiaum cm, 2. Hzmw 3m, K.‘ I 333 ssmwsmmm and of Britain was Rich in “Sct'scolmates” W Where Ingenuity Counts 8.11 3C the one l) \ an ageht er write fifiimifin ma 35%6‘3 F“! {‘7‘ 33 V" B ! L i. “The al‘IS‘ 1‘! LS position 01 ‘ 3'11'9- ( H.151 go_ 113 t” S” 31.19112 for L‘he vnlv muons uzmer ) ' .2 . but as I. see ”1 “‘ “mm are in 11:) m- \V L‘ .5, being re- 8011 .1par‘1e Bonapartists is. The 1in .on sanctions 3C 11 (110 ventures. on their who will re than Fa rm: To Salonica and back in three months, rescued Irom a vessel tor- pedoed by an Austrian submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, and tour- ed across France and England. 15 the experience of 16-yea11-01d'"Rex Reginald Stimers of Toronto “1111 mm admits to being thoroughly “11111-1111" with running auay 11‘11111 111111119. _ This 111W was 11111‘11 11112:111111111:113 111'11 :11111\\it11 111.s 11:11‘11111 )11‘. '112“;<.1.. 1,). stimcrs. 1111m1‘11 111 1111111 - |‘11» sumo 1111111 111.111. \111111111.""11 1111111 1"‘I11_\' 1.1 \11:‘11.~< 111 111x \\:1.~‘ S1117- ’ 1‘25.le «WHY ‘fnusonb ‘ mud sgq uguuln.) on; .311; Joll ssn._1.m [hr/JUL“ um}: qu 1: ‘fiug.u)‘um 111mm.“ {(1 much u} poulumnzz pug; .1..q[uaw\ UH JUHUJ .1 [usmm or”, 110m 9:3 MD 1112-“ ‘1” 011113011; UJ‘MSIE.) [u 0g; Q11.“ popum ‘mom 411qu am .10 ‘smu muffs ' om [.LIUUQ um “hum.“ \ [HS .mqumxox 11m Hg Nam; fiuumn.) 51:; 111v \‘n_\‘ $11111" Ht"- (fzx'gn tlwlin-Lml. H10 strum“: St. l'rsuln lvft Snlnnicn «m Dt‘L‘é‘l'lL hm‘ Tth. and about. fun “‘0ka i1 lnrpminmi without \\'a’11‘nin:; TM mih‘ Ninthâ€"west Hf ilw island ni’ Malt! Fulu' 1mm wm‘o killml by HM" vxmn sinn. The \'¢“.<S4.‘l inlnn't'iiuh'ly (Mm mmn'od to list: heavily, and 1h crvw was or<givrml m the» hunt. Imzmy Hf them with smut :zltirv. I “l." was slmwmng' a! Hm Iimu," sui 191V ll “1 was 8111111‘1i11g‘ 211 11111, 1111111," 5111111 1'11s1‘ 1111K. when 111111111: 11111 91111131 :1f1111' his 1111111111 111 11111111111. "111111 111111111111 111111 11111 12111111111. 1111:11 \\1111 11111 ‘ 1\\ 1 1711‘ my 1.111111‘111-5. $111111 :111111'. :1 .~11.11.-1l 1111111110. 11111111111‘11111 1111 11111 s111f1'111t11. Mn 11 \'1_1-.1‘3.. which 1 1111.111' 111111111111 “11>: 111211 1111 Austrian 11111111, 211111 11111‘111111111131111 11111 to circlv 11111111111 115'. The 1311111- 11111 mander 111 11111 11031 91111111111111is11 111, 111:1 [111111 111 \1111\' :4111111 1111111911 11111111111- 1 N l11f 1111} had 11131111 111111111. 1111 \111.~‘ 111â€" 1113‘ fanned by 11111 1‘1111111111 111:11 11111111117111 1 1111111 1101111 1(1111111 11V 1111111\‘11111.~'i111‘1.“1' 1“ 11 11 (1111} 131111111 111111 111 «.111 :1\\':1v 1111-1111 1 1111 Wit 1'] (furrym )hmtrm RAN AWAY TO SEA '1‘ m P 11 111(1 CHRONIC-LE. 0111 1mm trace 0 :1 IISW 0 1‘ € 91mm m h HH IVIU Quick Hauling to Market think of the time the Ford saves a busy far- US mer in hauling milk to the cheese factoryâ€" vegetables, butter, eggs and poultry to marketâ€"fruit to the railway station. One fruit grower, last season, made four trips aday to the railway statio . high as 72 crates of 11 quarts each on miles. and carried as a trip. He couldn’t have made more than one‘ 36 mile trip a day with a team. The F0: d soon pays for itself in the time it saves the farmer, With help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use “ ' minute of his time. To h1m the Ford car is Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm work under pres- f it wasn’t for the time the Ford saves them. No farmer need be Without a Ford. In fact, the aver- age farmer could afford one if it were double the price. It is as easv to drive as a horse. three times as fast, and costs less per mile to run. Why not order one to-day‘.’ \‘iHl hul f“\\" “"12 :: rink-E 511111100, Hm lmu'nvd \Vus h mmmnncwl . 11 )\\'. “'21! \\ “WIS ll IN 11H} Inc-1'1 Buyâ€"~5u3‘. sivn. Ht' that Iii" frnm um mu m, mu ”- ' 21w 24.24.2122 in ‘212221 in‘:"2 ’ 2 1110011113424 MIPPH 1V \Hf the vessel. and the five lifeboats, carrying men. get safely away. When 100 yards away, the submar- ine tired another torpedo, striking her amidships and the St. l'rsula disappeared in. a little over a minute. "We di‘it‘t'ed all day in a rolling sea," et‘mtinuetl the' lad. "l“.x'erv man in the htjmts was sick and did not care whether we were saved er sank. but at six a.m.. we sighted (1 _\'e.~‘se1. and were pirked up by the ilh‘itish light. auxiliary erniser. the %‘I«‘Ilttll'_\'. 30 miles. t'rnm Malta. Many fit the man. as well as myselt‘. werc \\ M \Vt‘l «1111] XI HM“! m H10 : l'l'hnugh mm lnmnumwi in H“ Iugwn 2:2” \iHU'u; Hgmlnnn (hmn in tht {MUfihr-l' MM 11th putrid h fnml. \‘fhttf ma 1’ H TWPâ€"3' USIRIED MILE H mvn. as \\'vll toly t‘xlmusto to) and lack tn Hw :2i1'( HI WV. 11M H I} r 0RD 111 night. 1110 hurl HM" mm svnt in H md HH H H ll'l 11 .' a milv “WW!“ I! H \\ His Chance nm. mzn'n’t 1 11m \‘uU‘I‘n sawing ‘ HS h IV 1! hi H\'¢ HIM H! .h 2 Without a. Ford. In fact, the aver- one if it were double the price. It terse. three times as fast, and costs bv not order one to-day. .. ‘1 \\ f1 t. ll i\\'(l_\‘ 1111 H N CLOUDS s vurru‘d Pt"1!S:l(°«‘\]2! in lhv nil - \\'2L\' i'x'u :-3.--1â€"('.:m:.rm in lmlmvn whivh ,x,\' frum ii< f wind, (lhinf mn'x'im! 8.000 think H \V \V UH \\‘ m \V Dealers, Durham h H it In \VI‘ 5' \\ IV TWO YEARS TO DELIVER LETTER ONTARIO Two years ago a letter went. through the Toronto post omce ad- dressed to Miss Kate McKenna, Os- goodo Hall. A postman slipped it under a door which he thought was how. and there it lay till moving Upt‘l‘tltifinS. which are now in pro- gress consequnnt. Upon tho growth of tho husinoss uf tho Contral Ofâ€" tiw. 1t humwnnd that tho «ho? was :m nmwmt NH". and. that :1 MIN“ 3rd H 1H h m fnm l ourmg NU) Runabout $475 FzOB. FORD, ONT. sln Think of the germ-laden things your skin and clothes must come into contact with every day. Then remember that there is a spicndiu antiseptic soap \V ith tho dust 01' tv When this was k . funnd that. the :m} me 9th. 191 has (i , Limited mt “'21“ 3:93 .1. 7.3. 2 “crime :3: 1: 2.53 :95 .52: $495 fur :{n1 '1' 1:: 101101

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