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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1917, p. 6

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Mr. John Harboule is building a line frame house. This is his fourth on CUUDtPSS stirevt. The Durham Creamery Co. sold the first month's butter last week and “ere able to pay their patrons 13 1â€"30. per punnd. A car load of binder twine arriv ed at (jaldpt’s implement room he week. Th9 pricos are 60., 61/2c.. 7. and 71.4“". Sergt. F. F. Hunter. Royal Military College, again carried off some handsome prizes, the best of which was fur military engineering and surveyin‘; He has since been fur- tunate in being appointed by the Dominion Government to the mili- tary surveying during the vacation. Trains leave Durham at 7.05 a.m., and 3.45 p.11). Trains amve at Durham at 11.20a.m. 2.3) p.m., and 8.45 p.111. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY G. T. Bell. . C. E. Homing, c G.P. Agent, D.P. Agent, Montreal. Toronto. J. TOW’NER. Depot Agent ‘V. CALDER, Town Agent From The Chronicle File of July 83h, 1897. Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table Trains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until urther notice:â€" III Hemnnnnnn weanmmmmm 1.11111... 011222.677; o. a... 0 FIG. .d mem7.muwur7.. """"""" ,,,,,,, Durham Allan Park Hanover Maple Hill " Walkerton ARLANE. O‘ Town Agent 20 YEARS AGO 00¢ ifizzOOOQOO 9:09.090 OOOOQOQOOOQOOOOQOOzOzOz Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE 8.10 Lv. PAGE 6. If Our band bovs were in Owen Sound cm Sunday. June 20th, and [he Times says the boys made a WP} creditable shovsing, and ai- thnugh they had no drill since last __an1p. thv} marched splendidlx. I t Messrs. V'unzunt and Hill. of the J‘lvshcrton Marble Works, were in tinwn last. week erectingâ€"‘1‘ a mom}- ;mvut fur Mrs. McFadden. Mr. McIntyre has improved his property on Garat‘raxa street by adding a handsome stnne wall and T he Orangemen of this District tn Mt. chest on Monday. ”'lhirt3-sm on candidate? tried the umnnei'ciul m \z1minatinn on Friday :1nd> 21111111213 last. Tn enty-Six are Rm.\1[. Fergusnn and I'zlmilv ur- ,"Iixml trnm Southampton 011'l"hmsâ€" Mu," lust. Ho preacth here Sunng jmnrning and owning, and at lion » in the afternmnl. 'l‘hrnugh igxmrm imlwcility, sumo 1': bmmtiful row uf sh nf the post. Office, plvtply girdled. Dr. and Mrs. Gun. nf Inerkip, were in tnwn Dnmininn Day. MP. A. H. Jackson has returned from Greensbum, North Carolina, nt'tm- :m :msvmro of ten or eleven \x't-oks. 311'. .Inlm Pic-ken left on Saturday to truss the 00mm with twn car loads nl’ mttlw and (mo. cur Hf sheep for Mr. Brunt. Pete Cm-nish, of Nor- manby. is. wing with him. teps in fmmt. 311-. Thus. Livingsttm mininn Day in Hamilton fvimd.â€"-â€"Vic1~:vr:< cur. BOI‘n.-â€"-Iu ’mntim:k. mm the 3M inst" to Mrs. Wm. ("‘xeurg'e, a daugh- [ma Diedâ€"In I‘Igromont, nu Juno. 24th, Home 1"" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Insoph Pattm-Hnn xgo (1 mm war. .\lnrriod.â€"â€"On June 30th, at the Iw-sidmu‘re of the bride's parents, in (Hwnvlg. by Rmx J. \V'. Kitching, B. .\.. Mr. GM». ('1. \'._mn:; tn Miss Sadie. Hunt. all of Detrnit. nnmmm. malice. UP mu 1101’an damaged a of shadn trees in from unice, one being com- Nn. 9 «m Wedâ€" spent D0- Wilh a lady BRITAIN’S FOOD CONTROLLER nu (Mail and Empire.) tin; Lord Rhondda has tackled one of be the biggest jobs in the 11or1d.He {-30 is the British Food Controller, re- b9 cent13' succeeding Lord Devonporn in" whose health was reported to haxe th gi1en way under the tremendous 1” strain. Lord Rhonddas nemes are ”1 good. If he succumbs to worry.n11tI*€ other man ought to be appointed to i“ 1"'a1r3 on his work. for it well might be considered an impossible task.at It is too early to sa3 whether Lord!“ Bhondda has succeeded or is likely 1‘ to succeed. but his attitude towardgn‘ the pr1 1l1lem is 11 promising one. H1; 1 W 5113's that those who make unduee protit out of the peoples foodstulisi in time 111 \1111' are blackmailers . and‘ ti ought to he treated as such. ThisiT is a sound toundation tor 11113'1‘01-111111. lcontroller, and the tood C1-.1ntroll1:1r;“ who does not new pt some suchlh 1111111111111 in the beginning is sure:n to he a (lis11111;11_1intment. Mort-1111111211, it, may be said that up to the pres-it] ent. time, Lord Rhondda ha’s notid failed in any 11111:.1111'taking. He has' been conspicuously successlul. He seems to have the winning habit. i ]€ ‘4‘. 1C i . i The Man With the “Punch.” ‘11 A writer in the Daily Mail says 1 that Lord Rl'iondda is the man with. 1 31 “punch", the Mail being justly proud ot‘ its acquaintance with Am- i1111 .111 sl'1ng.‘.\'hen he was a stu- dent. it is said that he. was a noted! boxer and in the course ot his lengt‘ association with \\ elsh mine rs his” 11111111 rtul [1113sique and readiness mi itake. czh 111ces ol 1 iolence some-d himi \111111.‘l).A.,“ as he is still called” t H i 1 1 1n \\ .1l1s for everyone there c1011-“ tinues to think 111 him as David \. 'lhomas. is. not a man to 11hom 1101;- .1ple 11l 111 (1111111. into contact with him li1an 1'111m1in indilt1 rent or Jlldlt 111]- iminded. I11 an open lett1 1' not long: .111.) .1 S110 alist 1111111111 said: "111111111 i111: don‘t hate 3'1111 we love 3"ou." ille is a man of great strength of icharacter 11nd \1ill-po11111'He is '1 1 |boss. a man 111111 thinks quickly, *1 and whose. mind once made up is - pernianei‘itly made 11p. He might not be. an easy colleague. but he would he. a courageous leade'. If “hen the present Cabinet was " formed. he. was made President, 01 the Local (11'11'111'1111111nt. Board, which 0 seemed to the public. rather an unâ€" 11 unpertant post for a man of his ;_ ability. but in that department in the 11111 months he conducted it he got rid ot more red tape t.1hui h",';111 1111111 dest1'1'1311d in years. 1‘ Great Coal Owner Lord Rhondda, as most people are aware, is not. "unconnccted with .d ("1"1111.“ He. is 1-'l11s1'1'il11‘11jl‘.as a sales :1 agent; In 1'ealit.3','l1e 1s a meat. mine-111111111". He. was. in fact, the .tlamhrian Combine. and in his ef- 1gi toi' ts to 11 1'111 1111111 111111111111111111 which at, were 1211111111111 with success some. years ago. he had to tight the Minâ€" ei's‘ t'nion on many occasions. Not l1_1ng ago miners‘ leaders were de- nouncing him for the prolits he was making out of coal. .â€"\ 1,10putation t 1 t t". 1-!- 1!. 'i‘ waited upon him with some ideal of (.lissnading him from this course. He smiled and answered: “Then why not. invest. the funds of the Miners‘ l'nhms in mines? You know the ii‘ailustry. and have full facilititiis l'nr hemming mineâ€"own-t ers." As a capitalist, he was na- turally hated by thousands of his (waistituents. hut ntwertheless. they returned him year after year to the l-{nuse of Commons with unpreceâ€" dented majorities. He was and isl almost as Depular in South Wales gas Lloyd George is in North \Vales. ‘ A Lusitania Survivor. i David A. Thomas, 1\"I.P.. was on the llmsitania when she was torpedocd.l tHe was returning from a mission he: had undertaken for the British Gov» ernmont in the United States. He had little expectation of being res- ‘cued. but. when he was picked 11!) he had almady determined that the remainder of his life should be de- voted to the. service of his country and a very short time afterwards his duty again called on him to |cross the. ocean. He did not hesi- tate, and no doubt he would spend iliis time on the high seas if by d“)- ing so he 'could better conduct the . food controllership. One reason for |his long popularity in “721185 iS his 1.- _-.A A hath-9d of cant. There is no hypo- critical pretense of piety about him. When taking his millions out of the coal industry, he did not do it to an accompaniment of u‘pturned eyes! and writhing hands. He was about as frank as the landlord who de- fended an outrageous overcharge on the ground that he needed the non.- ey. NOW that he has gOt the mom- ey, he is ready to spend it. Lord Rhondda’s Principles Lord Rhondda told a correspond- ent who went to interview him that he was not in reality an energetic man. In fact, unless he was partic- ularly interested in a thing. he was indolent. This means that he must have the gift of becoming greatly interested in whatever problem he has in hand. Asked for a‘ declara- tion of faith, he said: “I may tell you my religious principles in a nutshell,. and I always act up to them. It is a good old world, and I shall be very sorry to go out of it, because I do not know what it is’; going to be in the next. Anyway, I? believe in getting as much pleasure and happiness as possible out of this world While you are in it. so 1mg as you do not interfere with the pleasure and happiness of other people. And as a corollary to that I believe in giving as much pleasure as possible to other people. as long ias it does not interfere too much !\\‘it.h your own enjoyment.” This iis not exactly Sunday school talk; 1nor is it precisely What. a politician l . lwnuld say. heyerlhelessâ€" } BELGIAN DAY' ; On July i’lst will be held the Naâ€" ;tiunal celefinmtims in Belgium. i'l‘here will be three years that the liwrsistance «4f Belgians has permit- iH-d France and England to organize, it“ prepare the vichn‘y. Belgium imade the sacrifice by herself! But :hy her ln'ax'ery, what. numemm ithings has She been “bliged to en- idin'e, Thanks tn the help nf the iAllies and in the generous sympaâ€" lthy Hf the \led, she has all sur- .m«.;unted. But the help given by all inmsl not diminish, for the burden l as possible is not. em mm is it. p] wuuld say is nnt only sustaining. but always! im‘3rcasing. | Tho 2ist of July will be Belgian Day! The (firgzmizors had the thought to permit to all those who dosh-c. to continue their help to tho :illt‘wizitinn of thc sufferings result- ing from the war. which Belgians snti'cr; to this cud, subscription lists are olwncd in "Pro Bolgica”, the unthm'izod ('vrgan of the. Belgian Rc» liof Work. to the profit. of several ‘rwurks. amongst. which dcmzltors clmnsv those which tho-y desire to 1 patronize. ‘ | l .-_ \ll HIP-SO wnrks 11110 1-11c«:11n1111111ded bx Holgi 1111 authurities and 1111 511111 mllocled \\ill 1111 sent in reach er 11v tho1111.01‘1118111111111 0t M.(,im11-, (111115111- (‘1111101'111 of Bolgium in Ottzwva. Su as to avoid expenses in sond~ ing thousands of receipts, they will be sent, only on demand. As 1'0â€" Poipt, subscrilwrs will receive rm 154-- 'l 5110. of “Pro Bnlgica” containing the list of subwriptiuns and the amount .‘Jivnn. Furlhorniore. at tho 1t11'cusi1111 11f 11112 111211211111 National (Tl12lel1r'1'1ti1i1n. Pro 13131321111 \\ill publish 11 16-1111g12 illustrated x1111\11111r number which \\111 (0111:1111 111111101‘1‘1118 articles and vimxs. 11f B1721gi11111 and general 111- 11'11111121ti1111 1111 this cuuutry This 51 111111111' 11111111112r “in 1112 80111 to all 2121111'111,1.~ (lOlldiUI‘i 11f the Belgian II; is to he wished that all will (fl'lllt.1'll)11l(‘. to the Belgian Day, ac-- carding in llll‘ll‘ means. to diminish thv umnnritml sufferings of the first viMims of the ("airman barliarism. \\'0 will hark in “w words of Cardinal Mervin]? wlwn ho. said: “13" Hwy wma) knowing all the extent nl' nur stifl'i‘-1'ii_i;:s, ilioy would nut, he salisfiml with simple- 1mitcsllz’ltions." And tlwsv nl‘ (‘lai‘dinal Bm‘no: “EV- (‘If'y Hfilgiml is (‘nllsi(l¢'*la-‘.(l by thi‘ British as a ln'nlhei' who must. rc- cvivn pl.‘1_>l.l'(tl_lUll. aid and assist.â€" O O anco? All gifts. as small as tlmy may lw, will lw rocoived with thanks, and : -an M, sent. own in postage stamps. Iat. the adminislralinn 0f “Pro Belâ€" aim". 32 Sussnx avcn‘nio, lVIOIiti'cal. .Iv-‘â€"â€"â€" .___ The l'ullmx'ing is the report, of SS. Nu. 1, Red Cross for April, May, and .luno: 12 meetings; collections, 848.- ‘22. 'l‘lmy have made 30 day Shirts. 24 suits I‘lyjamus. 6"; pairs socks, 4:3 l‘mspital Shirts, 82 pilan cases, 2)?) ,- -5 .\ 'l’ tmwls. J‘he prosidnnl: has also reâ€" COiVOL'l $50 from Normzmby council. Mr. Frank Smallman, and Mrs. Bruidley, of Tnmntn, are visiting at. the 'Smallman home. 1‘ ' [fill -â€"â€"‘.â€"-v,, Miss Mur3 MC Xlister leaves this Tuesda3 morning 1‘111 1‘.munin 8111‘ is taking :1 months course. in 13113~ Sical Culture. MP. Jas. \Vatson is Visiting with his sons in Detroit. for a few week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Petty visited lately with MP. and Mrs. P. Pattern- sun, of Egremunt. my. .l 4â€"). ‘_ ‘l’ll. ‘1‘ Mrs. Smith (nee Ray Maidment.), and sister. Jean, of Toronto, are at present. Visiting their mother, Mrs. A. Vollett. Our Red Cross workers meet on Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. Backus, and next. week at Mrs. Alâ€" 1‘ red Vollett’s. H firs. Andrew Picken attended the Red Cross meeting at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. Lawrence, 01 Egremont, last Wednesday. Master Cecil Boynton of Torontn is spending the summer holidays at the McAlister home. h Mr. John Snell of Durham took charge of the service in Varney church on Sunday evening" ' Mr. Will Wallace, Misses Neila‘ Marshall and Ella Barber, are all holidaying at their homes. Mr. John Morice returned Tues- day from visiting with Arthur, Fer- gus and Guelph friends. He was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. G. H. Green, of Guelph, and niece, Miss Jennie Ferguson, of Fergus. NORTHLIEAST NORMANBY Mr. and Mrs. J. H.- Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Metcalfc, of Han- over. motored over to J. J. Peart‘s home on Thursda3 of last wook. In the afternoon the men wont fishi g, 33hi10 the 33 omen attended the biz. 1 meeting of tho \\ omens Institute at Mrs. \V. J. Cook's. Miss Marjorie Evans of Rochester arrived 011 Monday and is Visiting her kindred. bvginning with Mrs. Stmxart MC;V:111\. Timmins Bros. had a two-ymr- old steer killed by lightning in the. early hnurs of Sunday morning. MP. Geo. Firth 0f Jessnl‘n‘illo spent Dominion Day with his bI‘OHlPI', William. at Zinn‘s Corners. The heavy rains :‘u‘o dnh g a gnod (10:11 01‘ damage to l(>\\'â€"l_\'i11g "“uin holds, and corn is fitting: :1 ynlllm 111w. Mr. A. 111. (flunk and his bride left, 011 Saturday for Orangoville. In slwnd a few days at. her 11011an bu- fnl'v. leaving for thruit. MP. and Mrs. Thus. \anluce. 0f NUI‘Hl-Eflfii’. an‘muni'iy, were 111) for Zinn’s picnic «m Saturday and had a most onjoyablc Ulltillfl. Zinniim won:- mnm than pleusod in ilZIVC this kindly and genial mmplv in their midst. Mg. and MES. Ed. limbury, Mr. Jim Mmmié. Mrs. Fnrsyth and grandâ€" dauglmn', 0f Tmmnto, 1'1'1<_‘)fm'0(1 up from ’J‘uronto on Saturday owning and Visited at. W. J. (Inuk's until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lon of 13;; I‘vn‘n'vnt. Spout. \Vndrwsd:1_\f HI" 1:151, wm‘k with MP. and Mrs. Arthur McNally, Hf the 8th concessiun. The meeting: of tho. \Vomon‘s In- stitute. hold at. tho home of Mrs. \V. J. (ltmk on Thursday last. was a splondid success, nearly 50 being in attendance. Mrs. Dr. bothering- ham gax'o a line address on “The Power of 'l‘hought.” and added many hvlpl'ul suggestions on olllor linnfi The next, mwting is to ho hold at the home of Mrs. l’ott‘r H‘Nt‘il. on ,July 19th. A gmmino “pot" day was Satur- day for Zion’s picnic. Finn “rather, a big, luu‘)1“)y. agrommlo crowd. a- bundance of good things to eat. a tint? program of songs and rorilaâ€" lions. followed by a lllOl'lSi(‘l‘ randy troat. and a long list of \\'t"“-C‘Hll- tostod swirls, madr it. a must. suc- cessful and pleasant «wont. Misses Kathlom. Hazel and Maniuri0 lt‘irth have fvw peers in rrcital, whim S(‘_)Il”>‘, tondrr and patriotic, wore 'woll sung: hy Miss Annio Young. 112xâ€" roovo 'l‘. Nichol and children of the school. Mr. Douglas Curror of Torâ€" onto sent, up four books to ho Conl- potod for. whirh. with the Sunday scluml‘s list, created no small amâ€" ount, of fun and amusement. "l‘was sous!» 150;] 'mussaMmo Inc, 0m 1m [UJUJ auU smomfi an” m) apgqu 11;.“ .{am ‘43ugum1aJ 110 'LuuqfiugM pm: .umsdoqg 112 pgmpum 115px 01 eoumn gum; pm: ‘II()'].I’()}I[UA\ .10} 1mm 11001.1 @111 Bumomo 'Luuuauq 01 [)OJO'WLU: Ale-nu 'uo .10112'1 '(uaq; panama qsu} quan Sugppmx [law 12 0.1m.“ ‘Olunq Q‘opgaq mu m o.\u.1p .‘x’oq‘; ‘Xumu -o.wn at” .101“? 'umu woq JH Hams -ml at” pom; .x'mup 1113.1qu mlasnr am; 11211 umuuml 01m.“ pun amen.) 0p OUOJD 11; passon 'pguwsopuq .\‘[o.\01 u opmu uluqduq JO 1111:) cum ism“: 'naq (mum ”HI-L“ pm: sfiuuu iflu!“ No.1.) anafiamr.‘ my.“ warm.) op 0mm 01111.“ J” umnr’: fiugppa.“ .101] u; 10mm: Slfluuuaml.) [MHUOL .4»qu JILL °t1(,)gsso.3m».) mg on.” J4) ’um‘u sguuuq 21“? pm: Alma” away mm; )[3(_b[pd.\\ .‘x'Iml u; puuuu 11mm "31:1 .mquzd awn 11ml.“ "_>[l:p)[.n:[\7 ‘([;).‘111l.{.) gummy '13 ‘11: rpm.“ we; JH 511411.1mu ;{l:(;s;)(1pawA\ 1m 3301.)}. 8 1|: udllltl mm; :iugppo.“ .x'nam! Alum \r '.~p« m muq â€":[.figuu 112.1a.\.)s JU fitupuulq .x‘dduq u EDGE HILL ‘ Mrs. Alas. hdg‘o visited mm" tlu- \\'0(-k-m1d with I'I‘imlds in tnwn. Mr. J. G. Firth was in Fergus on Munday. on business. Bornâ€"On Saturday. June 301.11. 2,1» Mr. and Mrs. Fred ch‘st, twin daughters.’ Miss Maggie Firth is home for tho summer \acation 1mm 1101‘ school near Owen Sound. MP. Fred Staples has 01' 3.53ng Mr. (hinder, Of North Bentinck, tu assist him with the haying and harvest. Mr. Arthur Simpson is spending this week with friends at Guelph. Mr. Michael McGuire, who work- ed several years for Mr. \Vm. Mor- rison, was visiting his former em- ployer over the holiday. Mike is new employed with the Noxon Com- pany. of Ingersoll, and likes the work well. Congratulations to Miss Edith Edge, on her success in passing the final examination at Stratford Nor- mal. Messrs. John and C. H. Mofiat m0- tored to Owen Sound on Saturday. Misses Alix and Edith Edge were in Holstein on Monday. Mrs. Spanner and two children, who were visiting for a month with Mrs. A. J. Greenwood, have return- ed to their home in Toronto. Bornâ€"On Sunday, July ist, to TRAVERSTON Woman Tells How $5 Wor cf Finkham’s Compound Made Her Well. Lima Ohio..â€"“.I was all broken down in health from a displacement. One of my lady friends came to ; see me and she ad. . vised me to com. ? mence taking Lydia ', E. Pinkham’s Veg. " etable Compound ' , and to use Lydia E. . Pinkham’sSanative 1 Wash. I began tak- ing your remedies and m0k$5.00worth fig and in two months " " was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was a mid- wife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo- man ‘to take before birth and after- , wards, and they all got along so nicely ‘ that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them.” â€"-Mrs.JENNIn Mom, 342 E.North St, . Lima, Ohio. lou ‘5 lwuuu \al see me and s] vised me to j mence taking ‘ E. Pinkham’s : etable 00m and to use L3 ‘ Pinkham’sSa ‘ Wash. Ibeg: l ing your re: and took$5.0( and in two 1 was a well ‘ Women who suffer from displace- ments, weakness, irregularities, ner- vousness, backache, or bearing-down pains, need the tonic properties of the roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. MI'. and Mrs. Thus. Glmu'russ. :1 Sm] Ml'. Grew, Firth 0f Jossnpvilh- \‘is- ited in the Imighlmrlumd last Wool; Dear Miss McGaritvâ€"4t is with tooling. s of I‘P"I't’l “0 learn hf \m: 1‘ intflntiun l0 lomv 115. \4911 haw. been wrv faithful in all vour dutirs and vuur labors for Red Crus s ham been such that language \\ ould fail in describe. “'0 would rather haw you mntinue with 11s. but sinw you feel yqu must. go. “'0 wish ymi the Divine blessing. \\'il] you kindly mean»! this vlnh- bag and clothes-brush us :1 small token of Hm vstoom and :lmnw'iu- tinn in which yuu :u‘n hvld by H. “"0 wish you ("Hwy s11,("cv.<.~' in? your future. The weather still continues \wt, and cold, causing: everything tn ho VGI‘Y backward. Mr. John M. LGvronm'. and Mr. Philip Lawrence had their harm re-shingled last. week. Messrs. Rwy Lawrence and J. Long did the \vm'iâ€"i. They have gone to Mr. Murray Rifâ€" chie’s to ro-shingle his barn. Miss M. J. Matthews, Mrs. J. Lu:â€" imer, Mrs. J. Torry and Miss Edim Torry. spent. one day last, week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lawrence. TS“ r : “LS nt S ,n u fsi o P I" H £3“ \ e «'33? l . d' a. 1 ym ,5 n , 1 e f r 0 .1' 1 Mr. Edward Pratt spent, Sunday in this neighborhood, and attended service in Ebenezer church. Mr. Will McFadden, 0f the lake, disposed of nine head of fat cattle last week. to Mr. Schram 0f Holstein The Red Cross workers met last week at the home of Mrs. John 13. Wells. Though the day was threat- ening, a goodly number turned out. and a lot of sewing was done. .. Miss Blanche Matthews spent the holiday at Mr. John Lawrence’s. July 5th, 1917. Yours wry sincvrvly. The Rm] Crass \\'ur‘k<‘~1'.< zm Pupils ni' Abort‘im‘n Svhm: ABERDEEN MCWILLIAMS FARMS FOR SALE Being Lot 53, Concession Glenefig. containing 100 m realises are new frame b: ouse, sheds and «mtlmihii ning stream tlmmgh mm bout 10 acres hardwood l in good state of culzimti further particulars, apply ises to Mrs. Jnhn Staph-s. I? Clenelg. (.‘nmuining 10H :3 Durham. (mm-n 0. LOTS FOR SAL North part of Lot 6, the ing Rink site, Gax‘ufmxu ham. and the nurth part Albert, St. Apply in All Durham. Ont. Advertisements of one inc? for each subsequent. inset double the above amount. firms and partic Telford. 1311111331} Lots West. h...- wr -..‘ PROPERTY FOR 5 That splendid residenl in Upper Town lJanng‘l late Mrs. \Yilsnn. will I masonable terms: vuntu more or loss: mlnl‘urmlll 7 rooms: 1mm and >14". bearing mmhuml :lllal : Situation. Apply mu {m T1105. Ritchie nl' lulu Executow. ___â€" â€"â€" W... FOR SALE One 14-114). traction e erloo; one 36x48 separ stacker. dust collectox Waterluo; cm.“ N0. 3 M Blizzard corn cutter; nu tank, nearly new. Eve g‘OOd order. Apply 1n I;1vl~d‘.' ‘1 R_ C2 -l)ric‘;\ill Til'i‘éy, 15 The property of the m. in the tn\_\‘n_nf l) Wantedâ€"Ye: Reds, lmghum p1‘it‘<-*.-â€"T. \V. ‘ TUI‘ORUL (mm sfifiBLLA co? Spirella Corsets Stores), made in Llama with the indestructa stay, the must. pliable' corset boning in the * anteed not to break 0! year of corset. wear. ; by mail or telephone 1 attenti011.â€"â€"Mrs. J. (-1.‘ 107, Durham. Phone p _ . - 9" acres on Lambt ow) buildings; also a nm on Saddler Sh, Durh‘ modern improvement Comb, Prop” Durham other buildings are ises. Will also fowl. and a quantil particulars, apply 0 Lambton street, to Top buggy first-class Cn McFadden. I " GINSENG For 9005 dry C $3 .per POND“ ‘i‘1 Laumrlt‘yman Du: held 011 Saturday . 8, 9 and 10 Kin kppl\ ALI J'LlCnF. July 5th. 1917. PROPERTY F0 POULTRY WA FOR SALE \V. \\ Yearling «mm W Fo NOT ("U Q 31

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