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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1917, p. 7

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Tnio. -â€"“ I was all broken dog. {tom a displacement. One of my lady friends cane“ see me and she Odâ€" ‘. vised me to com. ; mence taking Lydi‘ _ f E. Pinkham’s Veg. - :‘ etable Compound ‘ and to use Lydia. E, -., Pinkham’s Sanative 3 ,,‘ Wash. Ibegantak- '. ing your remedies ' and took$5.00worth ism» 11-111 .1 1.1. and attended in £1111 . 71-1 (hurch. “111 M 111111011. 01' the lake, 1! ..1 11m- imad of fat cattle Pk in Mr. mhram 0f Holstein Blum he Matthews spent the ' :11 Mx. John Lawrence 3. Red arms workers met last t the hume of Mrs. John E. Though the day was threat- a goodly number turned out 0t of sewing was done. Edward P1217: spent Sunday in bmw who suffer from displace- eakness. irregularities, ner- backache. 0r bearing-down 'd the tonic properties of the herbs contained in L dinE. :1 Vegetable Componn l Tells How $5 Wor ’xkham’s Compound Eacie Her Well. SHSH "A? was a. well woman doctors said I never would traiw‘nt again. I was amid. Vcn we..- rs oand [recommended able (ompound to every wo. Ike b Iore birth and after. 1 the}, all got along so nicely e!) is a godsend to sufl'ering If women wish to write to e delighted to answer them.” "NIB Mama, 342 ENorfh St, M .\l M EN 00W" lé‘é HEALTH ABERDEEN 'ICVVILLIAMS I. 1.011}; did the work. ‘ t.» Mr. Murray Rit- nulv his barn. ntthews. Mrs. J. Lat- hm-y and Miss Edith no day last, week at Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H \\ h Hwn all had 3' was asked Hu- platfaimm, nl' hwy pupils ~sw11h-(l 4191‘ xiiâ€"hug: and lhw t'ulluwing h ildron‘ had the-iv touch- twgzm tn fill l with lunch Mrs. Ashton party. and hn norvnus M hf \‘illé was the t '1‘ h um- 41 Cross H'clock w [Sh you HUI x; vt‘ossm surpmse xindness, , I‘vcita- children ISDPI'SGQ 115. me from md Mr w have ,1 1d fail ‘UVIHQ \YiShf. \V 98 l 501] nave duties :n‘kers, 0 part :‘mking Aber- [lowed i af ter o‘lllb- small s and Ming. ’ deep Mrs. 5H“ : wet [0 be v1 with JPUS - .1 P119 IV FARMS FOR SALE ‘ Being Lot 53, Concession 3, E.G.R., , Glenelg. containing 100 acres; on premises are new frame barn, brick. house, sheds and outbuildings; run-l ning stream through property; a-'I bout 10 acres hardwood bush, rest; in good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply on prem-‘ ises to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1, , Glenelg, containing 100 acres; on, Durham, Ontario. 9 4 4pdtf i W-” LOTS FOR SALE North part. of Lot 6, the old Skat- ing Rink site, Garafraxa St, Durâ€" ham, and the north part of Lot 5, Albert St. Apply to AH. Jackson, Durham, Ont. 9 30tf Lots W 4’3 s t. Advertisements of one inch or 1 for each subsequent insertion, double the above amount. Yea L l‘v- That splendid residence property‘ in Upper Town belonging to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on 1:,asona,ble terms; contains 3:4 acre, more or less; comfortable residence. '7 rooms; hard and soft water; good bearing orchard and garden; fine situation. Apply on premises, or to 'l‘hos. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie. Executons. 6 29tf One 14-h.p. tracuon erlho; one 36x48 sepa stacker, dust collect< \Vaterlno; one No. 3 3 Blizzard corn cutter; 0‘ tank, nearly new. Ev gmd 01119,}: “Apply to n“! nn\.".ll Iivr Wantedâ€"Yearling hens; nocus, incls, Legmwns. \Vyandottes. Stat!) I)I.i§‘(.’.â€"â€""r. \V. \V'Oil‘, 796 Euclid 11W), ’l‘nrpmtcv. Ontario. 624 Spirella Corsets (not sold in Stores}, made in Canada, are boned with the indestructable Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent cor-set boning in the world; guar- anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given prompt attentionâ€"Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Box 107, Durham. Phone 70. 1026 I.# ’ 4' "Wren SALE Top buggy and democrat, both in firstâ€"class condition.â€"â€"â€"App1y to WJ. McFadden, Durham. 517tt‘ '" ‘Ei’fi’sfie mm; ’ For good dry Ginseng, I will pay ‘ (1; other kinds will be ' 0 to quality, from Saturday . the 7th or. at some; subse 52nd (301111011, proq ._._,__...-â€"â€" -V , FOR SALE 3 lit-hp. traction engine, Wat- ; one 36x48 separator, wind- er, dust collector, complete, who; one No. 3 Massey-Harris ard corn cutter; one wagon and nearly new. Everything in FIY‘AKH‘ AnDlV to R. J. 3106i!- DatuL-uaJ ’ Van-v _ _ _ law for the s the Garafraxa Roa. ' , , compmsmg the ship of Glenelg, and _ . whole of the sand. orlgmal allowâ€"l ance for road frontmg 0 said Concessions 2 and 3. All persons who . ° ' ' affected thereby W111 PROPERTY F_O_R SAL_B_ 3, 9 and 10, Kincardine St., Apply AH. Jackson. 4'115tf July 5th. 1917. FOR SALE "â€"l' K v 2 ,Priceville: sell at moderate price llC terms, or will rent 5' to Mrs. Neil McKech- ‘ 531 tf " “Iv - â€"_ U 'y Ginseng, I will pay ; other kinds will be rding to quality, from up.â€"â€"Charley Lee, the Durham. 5 31!: _-__.â€"â€"â€"â€"-_â€"‘ hens; Rocks, or less, .5 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents ion, Over one inch and under two inches, Yearly rates on application. ‘ _ ___ 3 Office and residence a short dis- 1, tance east of the Hahn House, on’ ltLambton SL, Lower Town, Durham. i Oflice hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 t0 8 p.m., i J. G. BUTTON, MUD, (1.111. 1 Otiice: Uvei J. P.Te1ford’s ofiice, Inearly opposite the Registry Office Residence: Second house south of Registrv Oflice on east side of A1- ‘bert St. Ociiie hours: 9 to 11 a..,m 3 to 11 p.1n., and 7 to 9 pm Tele- ‘phone communication between of- fice and residence at all hours. except Sundays. DRNBURT Late Assistant Roy. London Op- thalmic Hospital, England., and t0 (fiolden Sq. Throat and Nose Hosp. SpecialistzEye, Ear. Throat and Nose. OIfice: 13 Frost St., Owen Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. Graduate of London, New York apd Chicago. Dlseases of Eye, Ear, Office: Over J fir GRANT; D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate University of To- rontg», Graduate tal Surgeons of. Royal College Den- Ontario. Dentlstry in all its branches. Office: Over '__.- Barrister, Solicitor, Nearly opposite the R Lambton St., Durham. of money to loan at 5 farm property. A___...-â€"- DRS. JAMIESON JAMIBSON A. H. JACKSON Public, Commissioner, Conveyanccr c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial 131181- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town) . Notary unl‘ O "V----â€"v Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or with himself. Conveyancer, Issuer o ' g Licenses, Money " t rates, and on terms to suit borrow- er. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest. notice. All work promptly attended to. '1. vailable Dominion - . Saskatchewan or .. lbertd. Appliâ€" cant must appear in person at Do- =minion Lands Agency or Sub- ‘Agency for District. Entry ay be made oncertam con- I atent on certain conditions.‘ A settler after obtaining home- .stead patent, if he cannot secure a 3‘pre-emption, may take a purchased ’1homestead in certain districts. 3.Price $3 per acre. Must reside six imonths in each of three years, cult tivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. . .Holders of entries may count employment as farm labor- ' Canada during 1917, as res;- dent duties, under certain CODdIâ€" ’f ‘ tions. t -- .When Dominion Lands are adver- P ! tised or posted for entry, returned ‘isoldiers who have served overseas Medical Directorv. UVVâ€"vvâ€" A settler after or stead patent, if be c pre-emptlon, may tat homestead in cert Price $3 per acre. 1 months in each of t‘ tivate 50 acres and worth_ $300. o .‘1..; he DR. W. C. PIGKERING DENTIST Lz’cens ed cfludz'oneer Legal (13178625071). Uub““ ~-- ' loan at5 per cent ”‘1 EHARP, Holsflte‘i‘g .TBLPORQ LULUV", â€"'-_ the Registry Office rham. Any amount Etc. Office: , r'LBSHERTON At a special meeting last. week of Prince Arthur Lodge. AF. A.M..l 1installation of officers took place.‘ land the following is the staff for the ensuing year: “7.31.. Thos. Henry; I.P..‘~I., John‘ “Tight; S.W., ’I‘hos. Clayton; J.W.. A. S. Muir; Chaplain, W. J. Bellamy; Treas.. Jos. Black-, .burn; Seen, C. J. Bellamy; S.D., J .S.‘ McMillan; .].D., Dr. \\'.'I‘. Little: D. ‘uf (1.. (IN. Richardson: I.G., GA. Bic-- i'l‘avish; Tyler. JR. Porteous. :\ tresolution was anglqispted conveying; ithe sincere sympathy of the lodge 'm w. Bro. MK. Riclmrdscm. in his ‘reeent severe illness. We. congratulate nur Fleshertxm‘ buy, Mr. Rebt. Wright, 8A., on his, ummiutment at County (Bitumen lust week to the p«;i>siti«ivn of Public Schwl Inspector for Smuh Gi‘ey. \\'e believe Mr. \Vright will make :1 worthy successor to the. late Mr. N. W. Campbell, so l‘lighly esteemed. ‘His educatinnal qualificatilms and lgeuial manner fit him well for the Ipnsitiun for which he is elected. n O Bornâ€"At Furdwich. on June :23. to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walker, furâ€" merly of Flesl‘lerton, a son. Bcn’nrâ€"At Fleshnrtem, on June '26, tn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field. 21 daugh- (01‘. \n‘ Bonnâ€"AL Fleshortnn. on June :28. to Dr. and 311's. Bibby, a 5011 (Hugh Whitfield.) 1| \Ve wcrc ploa'scd to rcccch a call‘ from Mr. \V. Irwin, Miss Rita lrwin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin. and Mrs.‘ Rudolph. on the occasinn nt‘ thcir' Visit. l‘icre an Friday last with the remains Hf the late Bliss Black. ul' Durham, whn was hold in high cs: tccm by the friends she made while I'tf‘Sldillg': hero. RCV. Mr. McVicar (illiciatcd at. the grave, and the pall- bearers were: Messrs. Goo. Mitcl'n‘rl , W. .l. Bellamy, R. J. Sproule, H. S. W hitc, W. Buskin and W L. Wright. The. annual garden party 01" Buck Mills Baptist church. hold at, Mr. J. Hargreave’s last. week, was Vnry successful, the prucccds living aâ€" bout. $88. A 1:)lcasing pragram was rvndorcd during the waning. l I 1: -.-~ Thvm was a g from here. at t mnw-ntinn hold week, and a gun parted. I. , Rev. Mr. :\'lcfl)nnul(.l, the Bunti'st, charge '1 week. and we loar'n, \ [JUL L-hu. ROY. Mr. Mclhnuld, who 1"osigneedl the Buntist, charge hove, left last; week. and we lonr'n, will supply fur a few months at Blind Riwi', \vl’uwr he formerly lalmmd. After l'nnr years 01' successful \mrk, Rev. Mr. Dmlgenn closed his pastorate here un Sunday. and leaves this week for his new charge) at ’l‘nttonlmm, fullowod ‘ny thn gmujl wishes uf many friends. The l\’letl1<_)dist, and Presbyterian l:1di¢‘-rs 1winiiniihnred their ministers‘ lwivns in :1, very kindly mnnnor last __ _\ The Methodist and Prosl‘Jyterian ladies riinii‘in‘ihhrml thoir ministers :1 very kindly nmnmwr 121st] Wonk. Mrs. Durlg‘emi. who leaves the (mngrugzitiim this week, was presented with a nurse of $36, and Mrs. McVicar, who has been in punl‘ health recently, and is in T orniito this week (gtcmsulting a specialist, .._,\ “Wham” nt' :1 nurse of $32. \Vivns in this week ctmsulting a speculum, was the recipiont of a purse of $32. The unexpected gifts and tokens of d in the gundwin worn 2-1cklw\\'lm;ige most ll[_)1)1‘t‘cizll_i\'u rnztnmér. At the anniwrsury scrviccs in thc Prcsbytoriun church on Sunday, {m1 J. U. Ruim‘tson, of 'l‘orcmto, .(h‘ncrul Sunday School Sccrctary, Iguvc (imply inturcsting discourses. At the morning scrvicc, the Dominâ€" ion Day patriotic program prepared for the churches was frfllowcd and pruwd \‘cry intcrvsting. At, the Baptist. church Rm: J. C. (Jamcrnm. of the Home of 'JToronto, Sccrctary Mission Board, dcliwzrcd a very ahlc sermon. ' L ‘ 110.. At, the. an l’l'f‘Sb)’U‘PiU {m3 J. 0- (h‘nm'uI S‘ Mr. Jos. lmnuan, \x‘lm has; SUP.» r (in llav Fles‘horimi‘ Pnrtlaw mail ruuto, c«.__»mme.nced his duties on :Vltmday. Mrs. Isaac Sinclair is. very ill \\ ith of bronchial trmibln.‘ Two of Mr. Wm. Field’s children have been ill with pneumonia, but a change Mr thr better is reported. Mr. M. K. Richardson continues imprtwing. though yet weak. l Mr. and Mrs. F. Whewcll and three children, of Gritiin, Sax-1L, were \‘isiturs at Dr. Ottewell‘s last week. Mr. \Vhewell was a dele- gate tn the Fornster‘s convention at Hamilton. a son‘rre attack _-- A I _ _,‘ V1 1““ ‘Q‘ Y‘...‘ Y\ k. :1 severe mule. TWt‘U) of MI‘. have been ill a change Mr u goud represent ltiun , the Sunday schml mld at Priceville last mod convention is re- Tm: DURHAM CHRONICLE. :11, of the Toronto Pub- Lff, and Miss White, of re visiting their brothâ€" White. LIIV ’QI‘Qd yeryahlc This kind of weather mum high hills. The hay crop is going WEN i135 SUV" to be fairly good, but will take some H “i“ Flesherttm week yet to grow to maturity. Harâ€" . c«.,.»mmenced his vest will be some weeks later than last year. Potatoes are beginning 1‘ is V’OI‘)’ 1” \‘ Ml to show up and are going to defy moncvhial trouble- those that charged $4.50 a bag, so . Field’s children that probably the $4 will be cut 00' pneumonia, Wt and the 500. left, as in other years. etter is reported. Our town is doing a fair share of ““500 C‘WUUUCS business, but. it is none of our bus- yet weak. iness to begin to advertise it. - WhCWCU 311“] The Sunday school CUDVOIIUOR "f Grillin, Sas:-l:., held in the Presbyterian church )I'. OttCWerS lilSt last Thursday \VdS fairly \\'p__,11 :11.- '€11 W115 :1 (1010- tended by the different. Sunday 3P3 conventitm at schools in the district. Flesl‘lerton was well represented, and some Markdale. The afternoon was chiefly ‘ Conn, (1 speaker, .. :nts were by the Price-â€" rston, son Frank, {mun l, accompanied by meeting and Miss 31ml from the Rev. Mr. the C1113 [0 Spend dale, who is a gran others as well. ock motored with serVed in the evening nit 1an W091i t0 \‘illO ladies and OH "5- meeting was well attended, and . , in order ‘ Mr. Will’SoUthgate, of Seaforth, ‘visited his uncle, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. lover the "week-end. ' Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray and Mrs. J. W. Henderson motored from tho city and Visited here over the I \W‘Pk-end. pua-\1ou xx 0111 M. \u 1101111111311 J} atuoq sum l10[ddl{\\ u u}\ 'ABDUUK 110 6.1311 Spurn. 11 gxx pansu 3199“ 131:1 wuqmum; .{Pplluq Buumom P 110 ‘Omndur ‘Auunu pm: 1an M '21 a -1131.\ 51 131110.1041‘ .111 nodJuH '51“ 11051111111. ,2 '11 '1' 3.1“? 1111;» :13;an 12 3111111111119 5; 01110.11) .L 31> 111i»;~ra11u12f '50.“ 3.1111 “(ma->100.“ 11111 Jam 11011111112}; 1111111} awoq s12» lidIdiHL.\\ '3 31K 'Xupuom m 3.131] spud!“ ->{.uo.\\ mu .Axum s.";uqut_L ‘[‘ '-\\ um; 31: pansyx ‘0quth JU 1.11ng 3111-; 210155 .mq A'q [)3;1112(‘1L11t_););)1: ‘ngumm 11:3 30 “lawlfitmp pm: 1103101”; pa.” an“: waumog ‘ugml 'l '9 'SJK 'xupuuw uu uaqouw ‘11: alum; an} 1301 '1‘13EUNUJ 215ml 01.11 'IU'USJHngJ 'SJK pun "1K ‘sumaud JQII pansy m1.“ 'oquq pun "manna 'x "d 'SJK 'A‘upuuq am Jug.” ‘.!Olnnul 5,101'1131 m1) pansy ‘umnx “11. go ‘symnx 011301 '5qu pun “K '15} am .19.“) mum .1; (110.1} alum} 51m .fiqnugau £03 “an 'A'uuzuoa‘ uqof ‘SJK pm; any 'sumaud Jon :3ng -usg.\ 51 ‘(mxuqu JO [[NLIUH '54:; -.-r\ '~ A11'. uuu $111.3. u1,...v...._-. _______ ; «111111, Visith the lattnr‘s 1111111101" Miss Black. teacher :11 Top E1111 '1 50111101. is 0111;111:011 fm‘ H10 lath-‘1‘. 11"‘1‘ the holiday. Mrs. R. N.D111‘1‘:111l 11111111121130. \Vll" 11:11'1 111' 1917. She is \wll 11km! Ml .‘lsihwl 1101‘ parants, Mr. and 3115. 1101' 1.11111ils, 111111 19 giving S'U‘Ni 531-; l‘lllll'SlOll. the past, fortnight. 10ft f0? lSl‘ilCllnll. l .1111110 :11, Mitchell 011 M11111day. Pvlm' Muir's h”): “'31" ““9 "1“""l .‘llI‘S. G. T. IP\'lIl, formm‘ly MP9. let‘d 1111 fwr 1111111‘111’111‘llls llll‘z‘“ 191-1111 Tucker. and daughter, of Calâ€" weeks :zgu. is 111151111; 1111 woll. H11 is 11111111111. accnn111anied by 1101‘ sister, yet ammunl 11y 1m»- 311'1-11111111111. 311‘s. Smith, «11‘ 'I‘l’mnnto, \‘isitnd :1! 1)“... N111! McKinnon. son 01' past-3 3h" “v' J- Talbntfs ”W“ the “'mk' muslm' McKinmm (11' this 111mm, is "”d' 111 11111 111‘1s11itz1l :11 Halifax. 5111111111; 311%. R. MCIIHNI‘P- ““111 “V“ sm1<. from 11'101311‘0015111'11 1.11111 knw. ll"- ,1' ' '1‘ v'~' - ' ~11 \ "11:- . . 7 . " {“11111110, “”1““! ”“i ”HR fill} ‘15 ('1~111mg lmmo :13 8111111 :15 111‘ 1s 4 . - 1- 1‘ 1| 1 ‘1‘}_ > . «.11. \11111 her 1111111111. .11. . {11 'z1l1lv M 51211111 11111 111111-1111}: 1111151111. \ ml 1' 11 l 11‘ l n . - -. » . .1 1111 101" m1 1mm mm :1 «111 .- l he Dummlnn Day (1011111121111111 , , ‘ , _ , 111;; 11111 1.1011143: 1.1-1111'11 11112111? {has 11111'0w'1s 1,111.0. 9111111951111 but :11 , _ ‘ q ’ _ :11101‘11111111. July 2nd. -lfil.‘ The Duminhm Day how was quite. suvm‘ssf Hm time of \\'1'il,in;.". W0 in grim", 21 report. Add to Flesherton. . . 55". v' â€"- ___ M1. 11:15. 1f1111111'11‘-,1l11 Mt 7.11111. \\':1< :11, Mansfield 1111 Mundav :111111111111; 11111 1111111111] 111 his 1111-11110“, :1 \111111: 11:1111 1112’ man's, 111 ago. Mr. (1111111111 3111.1{111111111 \\11s hum. 11'11111 Richmond Hill 11x1"; 1110 111111- (1m. M 1'. Alf. Visit”? at; mininn D: llllkll‘Vlt L,‘ Mrs. Gm». Murphy 01‘ Tni'nntn, x isiling lim' brutlm's. (llliv and Sam Irwin, and ollwr I‘vlnlivcs. Bliss May Munro, nl' 'Pfil'lé‘.\'3.li,fll‘, is Visiting her uncle). Mr. \Vm. Mumm. . .Mi‘. 19‘. E. (Juthhort ul' 'l‘ni'untu was! 21 \x'enk-ond Visimr at MP. W. A. ‘-\rmstrong’s. i Miss Gladys Cm'nlie'eld n 'is Visiting lim' unvlo all, :zmd 01d frivnds lwrv. Burnâ€"At Cadillac, Mi(tl1., on July ”311d, to Judge! and Mrs. lr‘i'vd Broun 1 {1100 Ruby Trimljlll“ , :1 sun. 7 " “" - ““1" {‘nmilv have, is 1‘ Tori mm M l. Zinn. \UUU lthIJ.‘ .- a» .-_-- Rev. Mr. B01113 and family haxo arrived from Fultonham to occupv the recently-pure11:19th Metlmdist parsonage. szlomlny mm heavens pnul'm almndanm» of 1': land to lgw in n’ So naturally tlu szlorday morning Minna, heavens pourml forth a Minor- almndanro of rain. causing the: Hal 1 land to hr in many places floating. so naturally thorn was a complaint "et up. The Author knows What He is doing. It. may not he in ac- cord with our Wishes at the pres-- out time, but Ho dantly, headless of our oonmlaints. This kind of weather suits the high hills. The hay crop is going to he fairly good, but will take some “week yet to grow to maturity. Harâ€" Vest will be. some weeks later than lead Year. Potatoes are beginning -1AI‘-. '-â€"oâ€" \‘ English communion in byterian church next S 8th of July, at the usual preparatory services on lening at 8 o‘clock. my. (‘zu‘tm‘ Hf 'l‘ornnin “as a NIP. \\ MUHI‘US “\"PI DUâ€" PRICBVILLE ammunion in the Pres- urch next Sunday, the at the usual hour, and ' services on Friday ev- o‘clock. (éolvln'uti' m ful, but :11 0 am unable Reeve McCuaig- spent last week in Owen Sound at county council. He motored up and was accompanied by Mrs. Hugh McKinnon and Mrs. Roht. Shortreed. both of whom Vis- ited friends. Miss Sater 01‘ Dromore Visited a couple of days with her friend. Miss Julia McKinnon, 01' the south line. last week. -\~~ ‘1 Our daughter. writing home from Rivers, Manitoba, says that the craps. are suffering badly for want, uf rain. Hoax'y frost ten days agn. shv says. blackenmi the \tht in snmo par Dr. and Mrs. Hutton. and dat gh- tor, Miss Marguorito. nt‘ Durham‘s. mutm‘od to Prit-ovilln, calling at Dimmm McDonald‘s on tho way. Miss Mchmis. nt‘ 'l‘mumtn. iiioco nt‘ MP. McDonald. accompanied thmn. Miss Black. toachor at Top tliiif <I'hHH]- is mtgngod fm‘ tho latter Triolet of the Times; gut "zlllntmoni foot"? Haw yuu ("rump m" gamivnitis? Di 2:0 I". s Pmplo ask 115 \thn we moot: “Hm'v ynu gut. ‘ullntmnnt fwt‘?" These cnn‘mlninis hudny cmmwlv \Vith Hm famed :uuwndivitis. WOW? Hum! yem gut “nilutmnnt 1 I)iggm"s cramp ur gurdmlitis? Tho (Zanm‘lian Pacific. will, Comâ€"l menuiug Saturday, June. 2nd. (marâ€"1‘ ,ate Great Lakes Steamship Express .trains between 'l‘nmmtn and Port Mchicoll 0n the, following sched- ule, with first-class coach and par- lor car running through without local slum: Northboundâ€"Loam Toronto 2.00 mmix'e Port McNicoll 5.15 pm. p.m., - each VVednvsday and Saturday. con- meeting with the palatial C. P. R. CATTLE STRAYED Strayed to m'nw‘ (mum? in .'|';m'1<,*s Sm‘ll. Lot 13, Con. 17, Egre- . six ymmg 01111.10. ()wnor to LV and pay (WIS. Apply H*'1>‘h*in. I‘LR. No, :3, in James S EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler:0ptician DURHAM - ONTARIO GREAT NEW SILKS TIES LACES CORSETS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black MEN’S OVERALLS Just In LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE sateens) ‘ifflDurham High School The School is .lllorqughly equipped in teaching ablllly, m chemical and electrical supplies apd fittings, etc, for full Jumm‘ Lcm'mg and Matrlc- lllfltiOn work. Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queens Uni- \ci‘sitv. Specialist in A.1t Subjects: iI.:1t.in. ArtL1tm.1t11roCOm1051t10n, naeadi 1* Geography, Ancient His- ‘, Lory. PLANING MILLS Thos. Allan, Principal. 1 Certificate. also Certificate sical Culture. Subjects: Mathematics, Spelling. j The room-d of the school in past {years is a flattering one. The trus- loos are progressive educationally, land Spare no pains to see that iteachers and pupils have every ad- ;Vantage for the proper presentatlon tland acqulsltlon of knowledge. 2 FEES: $1 per month in advance. JOHN SMITH, J. 1‘. GRANT, ". Chairman - Secretary. v a l Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- to [.‘niversity, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: Eu- glish Grammar. French. British and Canadian History, Composition, Writing. J v--- Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonnlfle rates. Durham is a healthy and nttyacfiive town, mak- A-l“A n‘a‘n“ (a, ing. it a 1 I‘QSldenOe. The undersigned 'begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Great Lakes Steamships leaving Port McNicol_l_ OR abpye gays at 5.115 n-_1 A I'L’L b ¢'1L.‘ JLJVIA pm. for Sault,E16731ifi‘ié,-~7P0rt thur and For} William: “A..l. [JII‘JL (All ‘- v‘u Soutl‘lkfioundr-v-Lâ€"éin'e Port M Nicull Mondays and Fridays 8.30 m.. arriving 'l‘mpntq {1.45. am. “1.. (111 JVAUB A\.'Au-- Great Lakes Service via Owen Suund is now in operation. Steam- ship “Manitoba” leaving Owen S’d at midnight each Thursday for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, and Fort William. Full particulars from any CPR. agent, or W. B. Him-ard. District Passenger Agent, 'l‘<‘>r0nt0, Ont. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. . We have a stock of ground feed wheat on hand that we are offering for the next few days at $40 per ton, sacks included. If you need feed, buy now, as we have only .a limited quantity to ofl‘er at this priceâ€"The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Company, Limited. 4A , 'â€"â€"â€" '- #4,“..â€" SPEND THE sunfina’u‘on'rns In 1/) ELIâ€"19:: fir M Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto It will pay you well. We were ask- ed to fill 126 positions in two month- and 240 during two other months. Custom Sawing Prompth' AF tended To SASH,DOORS - and all kinds of â€" House Fittings Opens Thursday, July 3, in Shaw’s Business Schools, Tor- onto. The work mer es into Autumn term from ept. k. without any break. Courses fully described in new catal- "' r-â€" u “7 n JUN} uvw vâ€"wv- ue. Write for it. . S aw, Pres” Yonge Gerrard Streets. PAGE 7. .l u uUUL “UV. 1 v Ii‘IOSL desirablenpliiée fer SUMMER TERM L7 i Elliott, Principal. ONTARIO st Class in Phy- Science, Mc-

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