West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1917, p. 2

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. This list is intended to contain the names of all tnose wuy uavu w- hsted from Durham and vicinity for service overseas. In it W111 be found the names of some who have since been discharged as medically unfit, or for other cause. Our object in publishing this list is to show who of our citizens have actually worn the khaki, and we have made no efi‘ort to include any who have applied and have been rejected. There will no been made, or other errors crept doubt be mistakesâ€"omissions may have of our readers, and those who have members in, and we ask he assistance . to make the necessary corrections. We would of their family at the front . _ _ . . like the name of every enlisted man from this district on this list. me names U1 SUIUU w uu uavo osuvv .1va for_ other cause. Our object in p citlzens have actually worn-the include any w_ho have. apphed and have been re Adair, John Adair, Robin Aljoe, Capt. R. B. Allan, Lieut. T. Allen, Johnston Atkinson, Herbert Ayott, Bert Banks, George Bailey, Michael .. Bailey, J. { Bailey, T. 2 Baker, Chris. Baker, Richard Barbour, James Basham,.A. Bell. Alex. Black, Wilfrid Blyth, Cecil Bolger, John Borthwick, David l Box, Fred 1 Bovington, George Bradley, Thos. Bryon, J. C. Brown, R. . . . : Bryon, Percy (killed 1n action); Bunce, Frank . Boyce, Revel Catton, Victor K--- â€"â€"-â€"-.--.,. .. I l x 3 l 1 Campbell, G. ”W. Carey, James i Chislett. Chas. g Clark, Campbell l, Colville, John . . Confrey, D. _ 3 Cove. A. ‘. Corkill, Jos. ‘ Connolly, Arthur Contts, Jas. Corbett. Fred _ , Cross, J. H. Crawford, Chas. Daniel, Percy Darby, Wm. Dargavel, Bryce Darling, C. H. Derby, John Davis, J. A. Davis, Percy Davis, Cecil Dewar, A. C. Dodsworth, H. W. Donaldson, Alex. Drumm, H. G. Dunbar, Lachlan Dyre. A. Bccles, Roy Edwards, Elmo Edwards, Ivan Blvidge. Vernon Brvin, Harry Ewen, Robt. Falkingham, Harry Falkingham, Wm. Findlay, Alex. Fluker, Ray Findlay, Murray Gadd, Wm. Glover, B. Goleby, Wm. Grigsby, Frank Grigsby, B. Gray, H . Grant, Brock Gray. Thos. Greenwood, J. W. Grundy, Wm. Grierson, Nathan Gun, Dr. A. Giles, R. Gun, Gordon Gun, Cecil Harris, Lillie (Nursing Sister) Hall, Richard Hay, Alex. Bazen, G. C. Bazen, R. Havens, Bd. Havens, Chas. Hughes; Jesse Button, Bd. lrwm, Duncan Kress, George Kress, Lieut. E. Lake, Wilfrid Lake, Wm. Laidlaw, A. N. Lamerson, J. W. Langrill, James Lander, W. A. Lander, '1'. A. Lawrence, John A. . --n..._â€"- -.â€" ._.._._.-. â€" . --â€"...--...._ . ”na‘u-‘M--- - - - . .._, A, . -â€"â€"-._.._â€". _-_ . ‘.-.~.â€"â€"m- on .‘--.“-â€"â€"-â€"O..â€"- ,. K N A B D R A D N A I s PAGE 2. 5 This Bank offers every facility in Q the conduct of accounts, of. manu- '_ facturers, farmers and merchants. U.‘ 113, U. “0 Patterson, G. (killed in action) Petty, Wm. Pilgrim, Chas. Pinkerton, P. Pinkerton, John E. Pollock, H. Pust, J. A. Pust, Ezra Ramage, Chas. C. Ramage, James Renwick, Edgar Robb, Roht. Ross, Clarence Ross, John Ross, Percy Saunders, Alex. Saunders, Mack Saunders, Alister Scheuermann, V. Seaman S. Smith, Flight-Lieut. J. Morrison Smith, J. Fred Smith, Andrew Stedman, John Stewart, Thos. Stewart, Corp. Standen, S... Styles, Wm. Torry, Fred Thompson, David Thompson, Walter Thomas, J. E. Trafford, George Trafiord, Seth Trafiord, John Trafford, Edward Vollett, James Vollett, Harold Vollett, Harry Warmington, James Warmington, Joe. OF CANADA D arms: - TORONTO Wall, James Watson, Ferguson Watson, J. Webber, George Wallace, J as. (died Aug. 30, ’16) Weir, J. Weir, John (killed In action) Wells, Alex. (killed in action) Whitmore, W. N. White, Alex. White, E. J. Willis, Stanley Willis, B. R. Wolfe, Capt. G. E. Wolfe, Bsdon Wright, J. Wylie, W; J. Zifnmér, Norman THE Ernest John Thos. Norman Philip Neil Allan Dan. Stewart The following letters from thel khaki boys were received a fewi days ago by Mr. A. H. Jackson, andt will be interesting 'to many of our-’ readers. In addition, he received cards from Will Petty, Al. Saunders and Dr; Jack Cochrane. The boys are all in good spirits, and that means a lot in War time. Harry V'ollett writes from France, but the date is not given. He says Mr. A. H. Jackson: Dear F riend,â€"I am much indebt- ed for the box received, and can honestly say we boys are! grateful lbeyond \vords to.._\express our grati-- ‘tude. Anything from Canada, even; ‘a match box, would be appreciated,‘ land particularly from the good old ,town we would die for if the Huns ‘xvere to say anything rotten about 'it. “'0 would endure anything to the there again. but not before the tdespicable Huns are rendered ‘harmless. Then we will all enjoy Gawain and htfllllC', much better by skuowing we were amongst the many to uphold the British rights and the gum”! HM. flag. '01) 1 um.” 3mm qamu a; :vmasap £3111 pun "n 193 11pm 1100mm at” 111 SXOCI 6111 3th ‘ouo 1131.110 81.11 008 X10311 qou mm 1 awn-101m Sn; â€"puas paaamoq emu q‘uplnoqs 1mm '0u1 .10} 031mm 0; wand 12 was puq? mm‘ am [3101 J-GlflOK °uugpuueg 13 0) Kuujwadso ‘uu 11: "n my.“ awdwoo 1311:.» apex}; 113113113 9111 '11; 2.312 oaaucyn 11121131211121“; atuos 10:3 01 am} 8; ~11 quas sum 1; 119m.“ 11; 3111199} 9111 ‘oaum {ms 111C; ‘qonul .{JOA ms om Quay-oomldl: ] QLUUS 0m .19} mum A'JOA nufi 11111211} 0'} [{éIAX pun ‘Oift; \s‘iup M9} 1: ooouqm JO 199.11ch 8111 ipmgaaaa 1-‘UOS§[OU[‘ 'JN 11200 i 113111213113 ‘Ja1sqagoq u; ‘Imgd !-SUH [12431199 (119;; 0131 (110.1} SA\O[[OJ §sn saum' IHEBJIION mung Tad VV 0 111-111 quite 1111 exciting time .‘1t! V imV Ridge this spring, and I VV 0111 l certaian like to go back to France 11g11in. The 117th boys 111111 11 large number 11f casualties at Easter but I think Victor Button and RM Flui {er VV 11 ethe only Durham boV's. I didnt get0 mine till the 17th inst. The n111~~11w11 nurse VV11s telfing me Ves terng I VV uuld get 11111211 to C1111- 111111 VV 1th mV' 100t.It sounds good 1111 right, but I VVeuld like to ”,0 hack to France to see the finish 11f it. We have quite a large l'mspital here. I think there are 2,000 13009. We see quite a few Canadians, but they keep coming and going. \fte‘: they leaVe here. they either {:0 to a Zanadian conValescent or Canadian hasnital. LETTERS FROM THE BOYS \\ 011,1 must close 110‘.\.Thz1nkin;:’ mu again 101‘ the tobacco. “e 111- \\ 1vs think of the friends at home. I remain, sincerely yours, ,7... _ . â€"â€"A-" Pte. Bert. Willis sends 11 bugle blast from Shornecliffe Camp. Thuuuh not on the firing li11e,he is in danger enough from air raids. He \x-Iites as follows: Dear Shyâ€"Yours of the 5th ult; ' just to hand. Took over a month 1 to get here, but I was glad to heart' from you. The parcel of smoke-s ‘ arrived with the same mail, and I appreciated them very much. Things are moving along here just. about the same as usual; withingg very much going on. We had a visit two weeks ago Friday from Fritz. and he made things prettfl‘ ‘l .V.‘ liVely for us, but it didn’t last very ihmg. Folliestone is sure some Ewreck. Buildings smashed up like a lot of kindling wood. No doubt lyou will have read all about it long before now. One place, a whole block was wiped out, and nothing left but a lot .of debris. I saw by last night’s paper that the kaiser just gives us until midâ€"winter unâ€" til we will be starved out. Well, by the look of the crops here, one wouldn’t think there was much chance of us being starved out.- The‘ garden stuff is just fine; garden peas out inbloom, and some of them have pods on already. Potatoes are up about as high as they will be, “some out in blossom. It doesn’t take things long to grow, once they are planted. This was a very back- “mm; enrinQ‘ but I think the hag- t l peas , have pods on already. Pot up about as high as the} "some out in blossom. I take things long to grow, are planted. This was a V [ward spring, but I think '4‘-_ _, are planwu. .Lum "uv u vv-a ~~w~ 7 ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, Sr, ward spring, but I think the has- vest Will be jUSt about as early as moved last week from the farm to usual. Ethere iS great growing their residence here, the old Dr. weather here at present. There are . Christoe dwelling: ,very few of the 147th boys left here Mr. C. W. Bellamy, who is with us now. Both others and men paring to retire from his farm near have gone over to France. We the village, has purchased two fine have some of the officers, but not building lots adjoining the high imany. school property, on which he will I Vnn \vprp. asking me if I kneW‘ erect a residence. pre- , _ -- N “YL_“A You \\ ere asking me if I knew} about Ray Fluker, Vic Cotton and Frank McIlraith being wounded. Yes, I knew. I was talking to Rm Fluker a week ago yesterdaV. He is here at Folkestone in a hospital on the Lees, a nice spOt. Ray wasn‘t \V ounded Very seriously, but any mound at all is serious enough. He was getting along well, and was quite cheerful. One good thing {about the boys, they are not down- lhearted. Vihave been out of the cook-house TIIE mung! CHRONICLE. FRANK F. MCILRAI'I'H. Yours sincerely, HARRY VOLLET'JT. lfor a While, and felt like a new I 1man. Ivdidn’t have very much to 1 1do, and here last Saturday one-0f I ithe cooks got the measles, so the 1! whole bunch of coo‘ks were put \ under quarantine, and I got my 1 marching ticket back to the cook- ( 1101189. BY JOVB, it’s hot! There i are eight large ranges and nine big f : boilers about 30 gallons each in theu‘ kitchen. and when one gets the ' whole bunch of them fired up, there sure is some heat, and the sun -on a tin roof doesn’t help very _ much. The fires are going night 1 and day. \V e have a night shift as 1 well as a day shift. We cook for the whole reserve in two kitchens, .1 except the ofllcers’ and sergeants‘ 1. mess, so you will have an idea how 1 much food is handled in the two S,kitchcns. I could tell you how 1 strong we are, but Mr. Censor 0 would have something to say about Q that. They are very particular dl about whatawe write. Col. McKen-i 1 u- V’zie is here with the 141st. He is '3, just beside us. in the 14th Reserve‘ 0 at present. He has been here to ‘s see Allan McFarlane. His being a Colonel didn't make any (inference to him. Well, I will have to ring Moll" for this time, hoping to hear il‘rom you again. Kindly accept. my 1S1thanks for the snmkes you have 'been so good to supply me with. I 5.. ‘ l . . [I'I‘Il‘ltlllL smcerely ymirs. â€"â€"_.‘_- ccv-V‘I‘TT'N The Dunninion Day celebration hcrc, comnmmoratiug the 50th an- niversary of Confederation was very successful. The weather was fzu'oruble, and there was a big crowd. on the agricultural grmmlls, where :1 gmd 1iumgram of spa-ts mm mm 011‘. Hemlccl by the Killic favorable, and there was a Dig, crowd. on the agricultural grounds, where a good nrngram et’ spm-ts was run 011‘. Headed by the Kittie Band; a. parade of sclmel children took place to the gromnds, the (7)::- ange Valley SChOUI winning the flag fur the largest, turnout outside the! Village school. The pipers. Messrs. GilleSpie and Meliacthnie, leeked natty in their Highland c«.)stunies., and gave stirring music during til"l afternoon. In the games, the tel-i 1<‘>\\'ing were the winners: Men's baseball, Kimberley ys. Yandeleur, a geml match, won by the former; ladies‘ l'):].’<e‘â€"3l')z111. Rock Mills \‘52 lé‘lesherttm. won by the former; Ibeys’ shee race, (hm. Mitt'trhell, ,l'l. lShunk. N. Parker. G. Neely; slew race. I'll. Imucks; Men‘s hitching . race. Tm‘n Finlay. Jim Harristm Ross 'Beck; gentlemom’s read race, Tum 'l’inlay, Jim Stmyart, Russ Beck; boys” saddle race, \V. 'l'eeter,‘ \\'. Lever, Babs Trimble; best lady ldriyer, Miss Alwrcrmnbie. Mr“. Fin- ilcy, Mandy Stewart; best. decorated auto. Miss Muriel McTaVIsh; best. single turncmt, \V. Sx’yauton. T. Fin-r. iley. At, the concert. in the eveniI g. 11.“ ‘x:rrl\ :nhnnl :nh’liifiPllln) Elna $110} ‘10 mm sum A‘uq uoguuuoq Um Euiall fiuuanam) woman; :mbmn V’ 1 'F[.IO.\\ .1131” u; mom! (1181.1 01 qzma mus p003 v. pazuu <91 pup. épunmf} am 110 sqmoq pm 9-1111;sz 831(1qu pun 5301:) p011? 1mm ”LL '03}; mommy.) am 312 pm: 953113 and.“ spumufi mm in sumo.) ~04 01:3. fining") .‘fiiumm pun ‘axsm (was 1mm umgfi ‘suouoaws .1011 U; fiugsqu Snax SUM ‘otun 39.19 am .10; 9.1811 pamaddu 011.“ 301135) pm)» ~11 um: JD ”and ‘1sguounm10 ‘um -.'\\0.\7 {mad 92m 's.x:)11;121.m1u;) .1121 -â€"ndod ummxi l{cm 0.112 Jamfimzp pun mg '.I]\‘ '(wqudxz panmsuu mm pun aamfmm 30 $.11qu 11; (+9110;an 0111 We}. 'mnxxzeg $31K pm: mag 95;“? ’xng A'luwgf 'S'JSUJU 0m pun "0.10; -a([ JOAOU 91: {)031.m(1 sum ooumum [mu (unwommn 100an 113m 011), muguam am 11; qiaouoa an} “w 'A'Lq -1n .1 "T, ‘iIO;t1L..\\S '4“ ‘nu‘puam 0131115 Inspector Hufi, Mr. H. S. wnue and Miss Lowndes, Entrance sexam- ining board, met here on Thursday. *L‘D “V“. v- Mr: Jas. Leppard, near Eugenia, received official word last Thursday of the death of his son, Robert, az- tached to the Mounted Rifles, who was killed in action in France on June 20th. Pte. Leppard, a stal- wart young fellow, went overseas with the 147th Grey Battalion. Orange Valley school, Miss Maud Boyd, teacher, and Barrhead school, FLESHERTON 7:15 wary pleasing 'n given with gcmd Ofl'ecL ' {he 1‘13- «mnds \u-ro $178.75 4,. C BERT \VILLIS H. S. \Vhite held their” annual picnic. together last week in Mr. S. Hill‘s bush, and had an enjoyable auting. Mt. Zion Methodist church had a{ very successful garden party at the home of Mrs. Jerry Taylor on Fri- day evening last, the proceeds be- ing $85. A baseball match between Swinton Park and Rock Mills lad- ies’ clubs was won by the former. During the evening a good program was rendered, music by the Haw Bros.’ orchestra of Swinton Park,i being much enjoyed. The new minw ister, Rev. Mr. Dinnick, gave a short address, and got acquainted with many of the people. Mr. 11.3.1 Woods, of Corbetton, who is sup- plying the Baptist pulpit, here, for a few Sundays, presided. ‘ An aeroplane in flight from Camp Borden on Saturday morning last, met with trouble, and came to the ground on the 8th concession of Os- ‘prey. The young aviator escaped 'injury, but the machine was so ‘damaged that repairs had to he The ONTARIO WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY Manufactureuthe Cheapest and the Best Pumping O u tf i t 0 n t h e Market. Goes '50 Press July 1 20th Please report changes required to our \ Local Office, tO-day. W. D. Connor Durham - 0n sent, for from Camp Borden. A. number from here went out to see the wrecked plum. . ,3 Rev. Mr. Belfry preached his in- augural sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday and gme thoughtful discussions. Rei Mr. Conn, '01” Markdale, Will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mr. J. C. Adams received word on Monday that his son, Emerson, at- tached to the artillery in France was Wounded. Miss Iva Mitchell, who returnm last, week from her school position at Fort William, has been engaged by the public school board here to take the place of Miss Lowndes. re- signed. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite has been engaged at her home school, No. 3, east of the village, in the place of Miss Mary Wilson, resigned .- Miss Lulu Mitchell, who has been teaching at Fort William, and 13 Continued on page 3. July 12th, 1917. Said by A!!- The nev. British in gun with and SURGE guns Fir-7:. usual com what v. rear. '1 send a German attack. 112.1: 110‘ tor forces mull photographing tected by xiglu British came b the photo; rap theirs. The 3' the Germans 1 that_number. Ali offi< quarters “There chiefly 01 Ypres. l were em many as : nounced : we bomlu succes raphy. Ir Eatttes Precede an Eyq tackâ€"Enemy’s Defencesi “The activity bombing during the enemy slum than he had hith ped 144 bombs line. our bombin nearly three tin his side. In thi day and night 9‘} were brought dc driven down, out our machines an Three Armies On the Enthusiasm P According to semi-0 the Russian offensive is the north and south of em Galicia, which was der the guns of Gen when the advance of a to a standstill. Halicz A train carrying mm Reval, who organized battalion" and wear sh: inscribed “to the tret: through Petmgrad Sun iTiSEi GFFENSIVE 01% LENS-YPRES Violent fighting has Russian front west of F of Pinsk is in flames. : announcement Sunday ofliclal news agency. "”T'he Russian artillery ment says, is levelling Advertising Liquor fo Manner Strictly I Prohibition node is now in full fore; The new amendmeu act were scheduled u the July 1, but three. were given the dealers houses in which they business. Under the is not permissable f0: Alberta to keep liquor. quart of spirits and malt. It is also a prov act that there shall 1) of any description in any kind of liquor. ' only to newspaper ad the display of electric ing, or circularizim,r h graphca REPULSED ON THE RUSSIANS Flgnch Gain Vict The Germans have or vioient attack on and, as in the case (; tempt to recapture tions along the C met with determinec the French, and suf losses. The attack tour sectors. A “On the Verdun f Meuse the French. success. Five 81 Would Bar At a meeting of t‘; ornors of the L'nivet a. resolution was pro married male of we be permitted to {it take examinations ux satisfactory reasons enlisted. This res< over. A proposal fc military training fc m approx ed. for Awful German. The total number «I from the beginni Ila-cl}, 1917, is not 17 «wording to an est? French Genenal H91 computation has bee: tul study of documel subject. Four of Pai't} A yacht from I pleasure party 313081 3 sudden squall 0‘ ‘ k1 Whanfsand capsh persons: Mr Van o ; boy and 1311:!- 1“! Dynamite Un Twenty-seven sti were found under proochto the C-P-R hard by some boys ' The hm pmvidi: July 12th, 1917 1H it liquor. paper ad I electric Larizing h in the V.

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