West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1917, p. 4

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The German Spies are the mop.) deceptive and successful in DI‘npnr- tion to their ability to assume the characteristics of the virtuous and the true. The man with the hang- dog look, Whose appearance from the start condemns him, would nev- er be selected as a successful spy. The ordinary observer would read the malice in his make-up, and the A PERFECT TRAITOR A pwrfmét. traitnr is a man whom taco will War 11» marks 01' \‘iCi‘, whnso lips will lie with a dimpled smile. whose denp, bright. eyes Wm not. be dullm by the sight of Mil“ whose vheeks will rise frnm a. mur- der and not appear lllf:"a1‘d.T0 tell a traitnr. or an evilâ€"dispostyd pfil‘snn bV his 201181111 ilppt'ill‘ilnC'). j< nut ahmys an cusv task. The 'pmmtwrteit. min \Vill puss currency with greatfir wasv in prcmnrtiun f0 its Similarity in color. \x‘eiuht and sound in U]? gmuine urticlu. Tl)”. traitor tn b9 pvt-feet. must have: in; appearance all the virtues of a true and lnyal subject. January 91h. 187;”. Many of the 01:1- er I'Pm‘lars romvmlwr The Leader, published M. James Boattv. It was l-page. blanket Shoat of nine COI- umns. and the price was two dollars a year. The VOIUIDE‘ before us was Volume 19, which gives tha (late of the establishment. of the paper as 1853. A daily was published in 1372. but we do not know ,when the paper was first. issued as a daily. :1 CODy Hf UHF \\ VeekIy Le: January 9t h. 1872. Many of er readers rmnnmlwr The published by James Beatty. W» also) l'vcaivetl a copy of The «Hub» at January 2nd, 1882. It was a 6-Cc.__'nll_ln'ln, 8â€"pagp. just the same sizv of thw present Chronicle. ll sew-mod small. compared With the big Globe of tu-day. but was a very respectable-looking sheet. The price) was sewn dollars a year, and single (inpies threw cents each. “'9 haw an issue of June 12th 01' the sanw yuan tlw samn size, and same pricv. Th9 issuv of April 11th. 1882 had ten pages, and the. fact was ad-a vertised. Again. going back in 181‘s)! we have tlm (:1an of Monday. April 2lst. It tlwn containml only .I'nar pagas or nine- crvlunms Paola, about 26 inchas lung. The price was six dollars a your. In that farm it m: s awkward aml unuieldv, and not at all attractiw i "they will give a geeoil account at" themselves. but to our notion. Prn- fesmr Knnelrl. their instructor. de- serves the maijnr part of the honor. He is thnrnughly prefieient as :1 musical instructor." ln :‘mnther [.i;iir:igrziph. reference is made tn the “sorry appearanci‘ 0f the )lethndist Church, btfi'llg transferniml intn a handsome buildâ€" in;:. being veneered with White brick by Messrs. Hind and Bull. Reference is 315:) made to a self- binder stnrtml the previmxs \VQCK en the \Vilmxsnn farm. It. was? snld by ’(Ihus. llrlx'innen, agent for Ellintt. «of Lundon. The editor asl- visml his agricultural friends that. the}: wuld see mm» at \mrk either there or (ill the farm 0f Colin Blyth nt‘ Nurmanhy, who had one from aimther Iirm. it. is evident from thi< that hinders were first intre- dueml in this humility about, that. year. (§‘»i11; Eat'h paper refnrs m the burning of the McIntyre- stablos at. twenty? minutf‘s aftpr' fivn nn thn preceding Mummy :H’tvrnc'um, and urgms an the adnptinn of same mmms fur lmttm' pI’Ute'ctiun in (‘usu nf fire. rare Wash in thv pm'ns'al 0f the two pawl-s. If thp mvrits of the papers were" tn iw judged by the 0(.lit4fir’s ability in throw dirt, “‘0 think The Chromicln wnum curry 011‘ the prize. We don't admire- that. style of jour- nalism. and if the pomfle of it ‘4 \YPI‘P [110:1ng with it. we Imps} the publict astp 0i tn-day is of In 611-- tirely different ordor. 1 BACK IN 1884 AND BEYOND We got hold of an old Chrnnicle dated Iuly 31,1881“; was gixen us by Mr. M. Glaser being amongst a collection of old papers rncentl} purchased. A. H. N. Jenkina was the publisher than, and Joe ann- send was at. the helm nn 1119 Be- Up,“ We have a cup? at" The Reâ€" em-h to abuse the other. l‘hnso \\ ha 6' xiii») M mud-slinging an! mneml :nswifmmt n! the [\w edltm'ial lights \th were suppnsmi 1') an snmnlhinz: {award the formal; firm of publir npininn. cnuld find :1 raw fvnsf, in ”W Iwr'usul Hf the two M DURHAM CHRONICLE W IRWIN, Editor and Provrietor Thursday, July 12th, 1917 a c R . who mainyed mudâ€"slinging mm] :1ss:wi!z'ne.'11t. of the two 1 lights “130 were suppnseti Dmothins; [award the forma- public npininn. could find :1 k still further. we ban the \Veekly Leader. 4: PAGE 4. "No’m, only to old ladies.”â€"-â€"Pear- son’s Weekly, London. "Why, What a polite little boyi” exclaimed Miss Passay. “Do you always take ofi‘ your cap like that to ladies?” COMPLIMBNTABY "Umwd morning, ma‘am," said “’11-- lip. dofl‘ing his cap. \VQ ill‘iit‘si week at If penplo were only as generous with than" contributions as they are with their sermons the church Wnuld never be mortgaged to pay ”W PI‘F‘ucller's salary. Sumo penplv who think they are ‘A‘HI'IHNI In cinzlth unmldn't last. it HITS AND MISSBS . Thv chun'h that substitutes m1}â€" linory WP righteousness is a sham; so clever that they "can‘t. be both- ereo‘l" with trade papers. There are ”thers so smart that. they cannot leave their neighbors alone even in their advertisements. They know plenty. but. they do not know enough to keep their mouths shut. -â€"â€".Stmy Shots from Solomon in The Furniture Jt‘inrnal. mce. I Tharp are plenty of man tun smart {to gut alung in the world. They Know tun much. All their lincmu lmlgv rim-s for them is to get them intn trnuhlu. A lad was discharged t'rum a situation same time since, and wlwn a .l'riond called to learn thv roawn ho" asked if he was not a smart buy. "Hn‘s too smart, that’s all." replied tho manager. He. moant by this that the boy used hisi knowledgn in the wrong way. There are men in business so smart that they do not. know how to treat. a traveller decently. There are some. chine is a (lovelopment of the don~ blo'decado, and wireless teleflraphy was then only a mental conception. Science will continue in its dm-‘olm opmonts. and no one knows What the next. '20 Years may produce. Who knows what next? “'9 are livinc in an ago of dovolopmont. pust, 20 years, and many inventions, HIM) thtmght impnssible, have since became roalitlns. The flying ma- vlrmsml, if. sex-ms but. yesterday when sumo 0f them were recorded. Many Changes have occurred in the.) in grunt. deal during the summer and i fall seasons, wmplained about path- 'ninsm-s in some localities leaving hm many StUHQS on the road. with thn I-vsult that nurses would be lin- hlw to injury. This was a sin 01' Ulllls'rs'illll. Othm's are guilty of the sin nt’ mmmissinn by putting on mud and large» slums instead Cf suitabln gruvetrl. He? says the path- mnstvt's UH tlw different boats are, linbln in the cnsv of accidents. and that. gl'mttm' care should be exerâ€" cisml in the finishirg‘pmcess. We. urn nnt. aware of tin" pathmasters’ liability in tax» ”1' accicilent. but. If tlzv infurmutitm be? true, it is high- ly immrtunt tn have. the work (10119 right. Thw mmplziinnnt is not 2'1 (211' nwnwl'. ‘ This is the 59:15ch when path- mastm-s are putting in their \YOI‘K, and the time for the annual critiâ€" vism nu their sex-ins of omission and Cummissiim. The other day, a m'cmiiiwnt i'zu'mm’, who drives about .\[u1'ul.-â€"-D0n't be too quick 1:1 1‘..>1-Ini11g newfriendships. You may be getting into a traitor’s nest, and not knowing it. rim»; to the position of a leader in spilitual things. It is hard ta dis- tinguish the genuine from the unintert'eit, and particularly in the (311562 ut‘ strangers. Have you seen the man with the saintly countenance, the dimpled smile and lying lips, the bright, deep eyes that show no signs of evil, and the murderer at heart who shows no signs of remorse? We need scarcely ask the question. Ev- ery «.1bserver has seen men with one or NIHI‘P, or all of the named char- actristics. We have all seen such men, but this is no evidence that they are bad men. The apparently Iwicked man is not always a bad man at heart, but the perfect traitnr is the. man who can do aill kinds of evil. and at the. same time; 1111111111111 his nature by assuming afl saintlji' character. Hypocrisv is a" stimuli for crime. The deep traitm never 1:1«1asts 11f his abilit} to do wrung. The transparent. traitor is liahlq to mingle with the lower1 must but the perfect, traitor is not 11111:.) in “aiming his \\ av into the t'sj‘11n1111m 111 cimIchâ€"goel s. and soon rises to the position ot a leader in: spiiitual things. It. is hard to dis; stars suspicion his appearance causes would frustrate his best. efforts. Such a man would never do. He: must have a saintly appearance to nperate successfully. ARE PATHMASTERS LIABLE? the toil endured by their WHO KNOWS? TOO SMART Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole, of Tor-3 onto, came up last week to spend a Mrs. Jas. Tucker got. a sudden can to Belgrave last week, through the serious illness of her mother. Some time ago. we suggested that people renew their names on their mail boxes. with a little paint. We haven‘t set the example yet, but are going )to before John Dezell leaves our home, which he has been renovating, for the past couple of weeks. Mr. \V‘m. Freeman was over from T eeswater last. week, and took the Lennux twins home with him for, the h«.v_1iday. The fellow who reported last. wed; in The Chronicle that he saw a deer, has nuthing over our citi- zens, as a number of them have been seen around the woods. Mrs. (Rev;- Greo. Kendell, 0f Dunâ€" dalk, and son, Douglas. are Spend- ing a couple of weeks’ holidays at the. home of Mr. David Hamilton. Our school board has engaged Miss Edith Edge, at. a salary of $600 fur the. coming school year, which enmmences on September fist. , The school picnic on the schcml grounds was a pleasant event, des- pite the unt‘ax-nrable weather. The teacher wished to spend a pleasant afternnon with her pupils before having them, and she did so. Mrs. Robt. Campbell. of Hcsmler‘, Visited with her Sister, Mrs. Thus. Tucker, over the week-end. 11 W 1.1 were through part 111' the 13e~ _tment mill a few days age, and note the wonderful transformation in .111'1.‘1g1'1.1s.<. 1.1.1 change from the marl ’111 the 141-11111 pl‘00t‘SS 11f Inanufarture. I he unsightly heap of legs. stumps. land 1'111*1ts.1;l11m1_111d from the high 1t111stle111'11rk during: the years gone 1 l1v,ha\'e heen remmed. as part 111' 1the. cleaningâ€"1111 \\ 111111 4 From the lrau end. :1 11111111111111 111 tanks. and . 111111111 111111111111 1'111‘111isit11s have been lremuVed. and lal11‘1r-sax'ing machinâ€" lery is heing.r installed instead. By lemme 111' the added 1;_l11\'i11e.<. there. will he quite a retluetien in the number 1111’ men required. T11 make the mill as automatic. as 111g1s'sihle in its equipment. is the aim 111‘ tlm [11111911nt management, and the1 “11111;, 1\'h11n tinished, \xill I1111\1_1 the Dur-I ham mill 111111 11f the must 0111111111311); i11l1 is: kind. l 'lhe hurning and grinding 111'11- l111~~1~ will he much the 11111111. 113 1"'111m1;1rl:\. and the chief changes i111 :11la11tin *1 the mill for the new 111111- ’1l1t11m~ is in the. initial stages :01 1 1111111111101111'11. The present man- 111111-1111 seems t11 have faith in the ~111111~s 111 the added ventur1-.1 “:l can make. 1111 111111di111ti1111s. hut sin- '1111111'1' [1111111 the. 1(1n10d11lle1l 1:11111t lniay be a 111111311111'0118 11nd Davin" l11111111111111. \\ith the introductimi 11f ll\"‘1lt11 1111\\11I'.tl11_'1'1_1 Will he 11 great l<axi111111t 1111a! but the lndre is net likeh t11 he connected 1111 for l11\\ “1111115, 01' perhaps till \xinter 111' early spring. The i11t111i1du13ti11n 111‘ hydro “in do away with the necessity for 91111111111' the 111111191111t. machinery. t'111' which it seems there is a ready market. The mill has never 1 11111111 :1 111111111y-n1aker for the steciiâ€" ; l11g1l1tlers. but. we hope the Chang 1 will bring a remedy. 1 s THE REMODELLED CEMENT MILL A dainty lllllCllOUll was served, and thv collection fur patriotic purâ€" poses i'lmOlllltOd to about >38. Thom were 536 in attmulunco. ‘1 Mrs. Knochtel and Miss \Vinnic Blyth sm'ig interesting and pleasing: solos. and Misms Janet and Flor- (311cc Kerr1"(‘31uf10rccl a captivating «‘iunt. f Dr. Jamieson was an invited Jguest. and as an introduction to his ispeech told a story of a traveller fto a certain hamlet. The traveller iinquired if the place contained a tpz inting oflice, but was answered in ,the negative, but was relieved 0:1 ’learning that a \Vomen’s Sewing :Circle was in full swing, and made igood as a. substitute. He referred {to the growth of Confederation, of which we are now celebrating the Jubilee. Fifty years ago, the prov- inces of prper Canada, Lowe-r Can- ada Nma Scotia and New Brim-5.; \\ 10k “ere confederated into a Do- mininn. and since then the other provinces were aimed at intervals. He rel'rn‘rml to separate school; “Union‘s suii‘rage, tenmerance pro- gress, and other matters. impressing on the. \x'omen the necessity 01' se-i Purim}.r and supporting Clean candi- dates for the proper discharge of the: par!ianimxtary (hitios. i The Women Institute had an in- iteresting meeting last Thursday af- iternoon on the grounds of Mrs. Joâ€" gseph Brown. There was a good gattendance. and a pleasant and pro?- :itable time spent. THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE CORNER CONCERNS THE DURHAM CHROMCLI. Th0 nmnagcment of tlw \Vestvm Fair, Landon. Ontario, have this ymir :iddod S2lf)0 in cash in what was 'nhmmly a very liberal Prize List in the Poultry Department. This is the 50th yigézu‘ for this popular Exhiâ€" bition and the Board are making: awry effort. to eclipse all previous; Exhibitions, good as they have.1 We purpusn sending, uut a num- ber 01' accounts in :1 few days h. suluscx‘ilmrs a year 01‘ 11mm in ar- grezn's. \Vw wish [u have a clean. {paidâ€"11p lisl. and 1101M) a ready Pe- f.s‘l'mn.‘~:n with the amounts stated will he made by all. SO far. we have, gix‘vu Thu Gimmick} at. a dollar .11 year, 11¢-)t\\'it_l1:<l amling' the. fact. that a majority Hf the local publishers an: nnw cl'uu'ging $1.50. We mood tho mmmy, and we hope that. all in. :m'vurs will sen their way clear (0 remit. by I'n’tfu'n mail. The notices soul. (mt. noxt' timn will he :11. the] 591.7)” rate. r thrilling Luski fouturn, wiih Dustin Furnum, «mm of Hm lfmst-likoi’i ac~ im's ni‘ the pr‘vsmi. day. will 211m m [u'vsnutm‘L Tim Squ;i\\' Man was: tho gl'mli,(l’sf stage SL1(._‘C(‘.~<.~‘» ‘01" its time. T0 wind up thv big pmâ€" g‘i'am. :m vxcvllmit jungle comm]; J’I'nm Jlli'Lg'lo) In Mnnkawx'illo, :1. circus comedy. starring Nuimimim and Sultan. Um funniest mania“): mmodians in the WWW. Will be given. Thosn pictures haw: BOYD? bvnn shitm'l'i at them prices bofnro. Runwmim' ihn (lain, July 2:3Lh. Ad- missinn 2530. i Tiw advance Hf the tanks, and (1:1- nmiian regimvnis in actinn at (he, hattiu 01' Giulia-gimme. in France, will he shuwn in muiiun pictures in Him inwn hull. Durham, on \Vminesâ€" day waning: July 25th. This is Hm secmui SOI‘iPS of British war pic- t.:um‘:.<. The Squaw Man, :1 6-1‘001 thrilling, Luski i'cmtm‘n- \viih Ulwiin 1);“ 3,133 m. .3; (031013 up ' 'Spgqonu '13 'SJN "33: xoom ‘3233035 3332333 53333333132319 33.11: 33.133133 3 SW} MESH “L"WMWI; 3W ‘SXILWIH 33335 3313133135 ux’ s311n311no 0133 In E‘V‘lN DU“ “NUS“? '\\ '1‘ "JR? unrumq' 33333133 .IIIlBC [03311231 \ ‘ "HS! XI“! :31; . 3â€"313) w .{upmq nu ‘rfwugqq (‘3 (“\r S-S 23431133332313} 5333 3.3;«333131x-3-3 puv Ul Lusuduq pm: fiunoum .1333{3:3I<i 33.33333w)w{au 3313‘ mm s; 31:33 pm: WUDUOC’ IIL“A JOKUN 'JN 'ABH 33113313 .3333 u; uns .13333 03 333.).112d ")I‘.l-’1!H'l'\7‘311PEI 3313.33 ‘u.\\n3 sun 3” ‘fiugy 3:31“? 95ml ‘UISUW J3”! ”11‘“ 311151’PHUU 51 ‘0'3110313131 3‘0 man-3331 323m . 5H 3\ 'rnhrrnn- ll “I?"H" III-'7’" vn'n . -- ' ‘ ' Rm; Mr. Whaley conducth prayer mwting and baptism at the hump. nl' Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- (Jim' «m 'l‘nns‘dny (“waning last. Miss Millie Hopkins visited on ‘l‘uvsday with MP. and Mrs. Herb; Allvn. Hf the 4th. Mrs. Hundl‘m'th and cl'lildre-n, ui‘ ‘I‘twnntu, am“ smmlilg a holiday at, the humo n1" hnr parents, Mr. and Mrs. lemos McNuIly. MI“. and Mrs. Sum Patterson, Miss Eliza, and Mr. \V ill Patterson, mu- torod tn Staynor, Camp Borden, and several ()Uwr places. Spending 21. must ,itg’yous Imliday. THE ADVANCE OF THE TANK Q U The Red Cross workers met at the home of Mrs. \V. J. McFadden. Besides the usual work done, '12 pairs sucks. 1?, towels, M khaki shirts. 2 suits pyjamas, were turned in. Collection $3.15. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bell on July 20th. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS Miss Mabel \chullen of Ceylon Spent the. past week with Mrs. C. Ritchie. Mr. Frank Grashy has been laid off Work for a few days through his old complaint of head trouble. Mr. Walter Nichol, who has spent the past three months in Toronto, returns home this week. few weeks. with their daughter, in our home. " THE WESTERN FAIR DARKIES’ CORNERS mg the fact. that local publishers $1.50. We need hope that. all in nor or (:«mslantine would have re- tained the Hellenic throne and have kept. Greece out of the war against the Central Powers. FOR SALE. Eleven young pigs, four weeks old. Apply to Joseph E Jnttnrson, Durnoch. 7 ‘12 21’: Tlm decree w” Hex-mum's deem is written in llw I'ecurl 0f Gernmny‘s failure to make much of Russia's absence from the allied fighting line. That decree is indorsed by the disappearance of Constantine l'rnm the throne of Greece. Ger.â€" many has ceased to 1001: like a win- Gornmny imy uwn yet. fail tn translate the MM ni‘ Russia‘s disap- lmzu'ance inf» Hnrmuny’s own 0;;- «t-ape from disuslm‘. Hormnny pruxwi incapable of translating thv H'nufic fact of Rm- .sia‘s disammzn-ésm-u into disaster for the allies. ('l‘orc‘mtn 'l‘elegram."~ Russia was originally tho soninr mrlnnr in allied military (mum- tiuns against, Gunman}; Austria. Bulgaria and 'l‘nrkey. l‘lussia wont, ull' the lighting 1in and stz‘tyml ofl‘ fur six months, in- cludiug the S«‘:1~‘(‘vn of the grow Spring ofl‘nnsin. Thvn Ins! u’ a’, Hlmwfi‘s hankies~ Tho. \‘(*1‘}' thing I now}. Sue fur Hm box, wi' cnnUmts. Thank ye er muvh, indnmi. ’ g, Timro‘s chocolah‘. madt by Nialsnn 1711’ 0’ nuts, and milk Sam fine. But. alas! it’s liko tho mu" cakew- It. disammars in timn. Tho gum‘s :1 Wm: mair lusty I‘m glad yo mindml that: A war cake fu’ 0’ raisins, Made by ma mithor (10111", The gudmwss n’f, Will 1w its death-â€" It’ll no lust, lung, I fear. Ye" cam chew, an” chew, an’ chew it Till yv‘r jaws are 1in {:10 crack. Mrs. King, nf this ttm'n. 50m. :‘1 parcel to 1101' sun in the trenches, and this is how he :1cknowlmlgvs it. and exprnssns his gl‘utiludo: A POETICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT "I figure that In; didn’t, lose if,“â€" that. hv had it cut nif purposely," said COI'lJeLI. “In the name of heaven, why?“ “So it, wouldn’t get. in his way and hamper him when he, was nut win- ning track wants.” said Corbutt. bett. .Ci‘.>lonel Hal. Corbett, f«_1rmer1y of Kentucky, but now practising law in New York. went. to an athletic tourney over an Long Island early in the Sprinu. One of the contvsi- :mts <lmwvd trmnmnimn spend and agility, notwitlist:mdin:.: the 1:11.11 that. [1v was :1 «mu- 1 ggvd m:.111 “I wmdnr huw that 31111113: chap lust his 103;," said :1 friend to Cor-â€" been In order to do this, one of the first things decided to do was to add 82000 to the Live Stock Prize List. The Poultry Committee were able to secure $200 of this a- mount for their department. and have placed it all on the list with- out. adding anvthing in the entry fee. This will make a wry attrac- tive list. in tact one of the very best. Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all information may be obtained from the Secretary, A. M. Hunt. London, Ontario. TWO SIGNS OF THE TIMES MAKING IT EASIER \\ hm! ................. :2 006:2 10 Oats .................. 70G: 73 Peas ............ 200 to 200 Barley ................ 1 20@1 2:3 Hay ....... . ........ 8 00 to 10 00 Butter ...... . ................. 28 Eggs ....................... 23 Live hogs ................. . 15 2’: Hides ...................... 18 Sheepskins ............ 1 00 to 2 50 THURSDAY’S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes” (8m Won) Your Future is in the MAY 8th 1'0 OCTOBER 30th Evety DURHAM MARKET To my many frivnds in :lI‘HUIId Durham, and «impvciuli fellow-employs in Hm 1.): Furniture Facinx‘y, I wish t press my simmm thanks fur moss and syt1u"n'1t.l‘1_\' t1.) mysuli family during Hw illnnss. dun! burial H‘.’ my iwlnx‘od with. 'l‘ m'vcintu sue!) kindly-s5 shun m my duty. 'OOOOfiCOoooooooooooooooo During “in long and ullimu fatal illness 01' my nmlhc-r. i pnssod away 011 Sunday lzisl. nvighbors have always lnmn tmmely kind and l'u-lpl'ul. and behalf «if mysvlf and sislwr. 1 xx to express our sincm'o g alili We ham linen the nwcipienls many kindly acts. Revenge is swept, hm . not always gnod for H10 tinn. OBIIZLIA, Orrin, Nov. 28th. 1914. “For over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lani of Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw your sign which read “ Prune-tires make you feel like walking on air, " This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and now ffeeljinc. I have a good appetite, relish everylhi mg I eat, and the Headaches are gnue entirely. I recommend this pfazsan: fruit medicine to all my firicnds ”. DAN McLEAN. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- u-tives Limited. Ottawa. “Fruit-a-tives” Made Him Fee! As It Walking On Air TWO [ONE YEARS HE SUFFERED Albreda . . Athabasca ..... Edmonton . Stettler. Canora. . North Battleford Regina. . . . . . Forward . . . Saskatoon . . [Dauphin . . Homeseekers’ Excursions .very Monday tin October 29th LOW F ARES TORONTO CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS RAIL” - also by July 12th, 1917. Corrected July 1m; FROM TO \\ Psw‘cially n tho Durlm wish tn (v \YM. LAK' % gratifinic ‘cipients ¢. . $54.00 SMITH \Vlsh BLIND SOLDIERS SEE GIVEN ON B A curious, nut to 5:1 spectacle was presented England, recently. \x‘ht known play was enactvd largo audience by actuxw thv‘iX‘ Strvot (‘IOHIPS ind. tumes and played mm a s1 bare Of scvtlm'y. Th0 .q ties used, asidn {rum . pieces of furnihn'w. WW and a itâ€"‘lophnno' hull. 'H tion Hf this ~‘lr:m;.w~ it “PS in HIP fm'f Hm! ”I! with 3 “WV (‘X(_'I'IIHHH\'_ \\' \VHS Hm hr Dell. art iol. HYSLOP BROS The Hy Is Some B Believe me / Well Finishedâ€"Strong HM --And I know, f0 ridden all makes HySIOp has sc‘ the best. Ride a H h ht Msnnfncm: WP BROTHERS, 1H The S? Wheels: No 0th handle 3 Here a' No other low a price Made in Canada f« HM Built dit LOHDOB --and d‘ that r. factioz dealel or wri five 1) July i‘lth. 191 H ’0! m Lin

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