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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1917, p. 5

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res” Made Him Feel Walking On Air I88 , 057., Nov. 28th. 1914. no years, I was troubled tion , Drowsiness, Latk of ’[e'adaa'zaL One daylsaw :ich read “ Fruits-fives e1 like walking on air.” 1 to me, so I decided to In a very short time, I better, and now [feelfine. xppg -ti:-. r9251"; everything ‘ e H “d; :s are gone rccoz: :32. m1 this pleasant NNB YEARS NNFEREN ALL RAIL” - also by Acoegfiz conmdmw assoc 8x3 «86 fiEfiPm m.><nm. adian Pacific K3. Ottawa. 01' 88‘ 'uture is in the West from Ticket om 141-1453.“ to M 8125. Windsor Hid. W at! Raceway w. fertile Dairies have put Wash!!! on the map. Then are still bofacres waiting for tho m mahomo and prosperity. Tab deov Rab: andtmvolvh leseekers’ cursions ’W FARES ’ORONTO HAM MARKET 12H TO OCTOBER 30th ESDAY F THANKS FROM 1917. 120@125 S 00 to 10 00 CLEAN. .1 size, 254:. .1 by Fruit- \l. LAK‘ 1 W130 altitude. rnts (,1 u 11)‘ 111:: Durham 29th 1110 «m SM 1TH 43. 75 40.50 40. 25 42. 25 37. 75 1t h 9.25 n luly 11th. kinc l- \VHO 27488 the vlv U M 210 BLIND SOLDIERS SEE PLAY GIVEN 0N BARB STAGE A curious, not to say pathetic spectacle was presented in London, England, recently, when a well- known play was enacted before a large audience by actors, who wore their street clothes instead of cos- tumes and played on a stage utterly bare of scenery. The only proper- ties used, aside from one or two [lii't'PS of furniture. were a teacup and a telephone bell. The explana- tion of this strange performance lim’ in the fact that the audience, with a few exceptions, was compoe- ; ml of soldiers who had lost their sight. That the alllicted men were able to follow the acticgm closely was indicated by their quick res- punse tn tragic and humorous lines. The action in one scene called for the breaking of a teacup. and in an- other the ringing of a. teleplmne hell. hence the presence of they}. articles on the stage. The Hyslop Is Some Bike -â€"And I know, for I have ridden all makes and the Hyslop has served me the best. anfzctnred 19? HYSLOP 330mm W Made in Canada for 28 Years. July 12th, 1917. The Smartest Utility Car 7:3, 81° 2... 1n'-“':;entaileeqzi .1 No other smart Sp01t model sells for so No other smart Hi -and does please you because it ofiers that rare combination of service, satis- faction and economy. Ask our local dealer to show you the “ Sunshine,” or write for free, illustrated; descrip- tive booklet. POISMIIY 5.. Limited, Toronto. HH! 1 0., b. point of skirmfl“ I‘T'ire WW Country Club A CLBVBR YOUNG HAN (Burks Falls Arrow.) ‘ Mr. Ernest Daley, who was in the electrical department of the Knight Bros. Company’s works here for some time. has invented a “mufi'ler”! for gasoline engines and has had it patented in the United States as well ‘ as Canada. He was offered $50,000‘ for the invention but declined tol accept it. and will probably get double that amount or more. He “also l‘las another invention almost ‘perl'evtwi. As Mr. Daley is only in hlSlVVPnthi fi.=eenhs(njfle evident ithat he has a brilliant future before :him. He is a native, son of this Ellistrirt. TURKS TREAT GREEKS WORSE THAN BELGIANS -\1111'111 desp'atch from Athens ..1\~.«~(x1m~k~ 111111111 'Iurkish 11111' \s'm 31111111 1111 1011mm" 1511'111 1:11 1» 11: 111d; 01 Germans in 11'1':111111111_ :11 111 and H'.15hi-I%:1Zn11k.~'. Large mmllmrs 0f Greeks have been dc'~[.'n-vrted from the flourishing.r towns. nt' Aimli, where the cruelty displayed by the soldiery is said to have cxcmded that shown in Bel- gium. With regard to many Greek wumnn. 21.11 their relatives and friends can lugum is that they are dead. Liberals blame the royalist Lguwrnment. which on two occa- isinns' has (inclined to Inlrticipate tin «ctinn against Turkey for the lihâ€" ( t ! ‘t'l'lltiUn ut‘ the Greeks under Turk- i ish r1119. MacGnEGon, AGENT ECONOMICAL TRAVEL \\'h«\.llw1‘ you are going west, humesteud, or only for a trip, the nmst nmnnmical method of travel is tn take) udx‘untugc of our low 'lHumosoolwrs‘ fares, good going 0:) ‘slwcinl excursions every Monday. ‘lv‘m- tickets and full 1,)articulars ap- HJy tn A. H. Jackson, Town Agent, himnulizm Northern Railway. 1-3 3 t0 Money won‘t du everything, but you can't. run a war against the kaiser without it. The trouble With scandal is that pvnplt‘ urn all so willing to beliew'e it. nod .e‘ on can . HARDING = . “Wt;Wm!»mm A __._-v-->- ‘- WA LKBRTON. - CATTLE BRING GOOD muons AT ELORA SALE The most successful sale of Short- horns in Canada for a quarter of a . century was held last week at. Elora when Messrs. Watt Gardhouse sold 63 head. exclusive of calves at: foot. for $49,150. Thirty-nine headl were taken by American buyers at ian average of $837, and 24 head by Canadian purchasers at an average ‘of 8686. The top price, $2,600, was paid by J. E. Crosbie, of Tulsa. OK: lahoma, for the hull, Marquis of Lancaster, two years old in August. Mr. Crosbie also paid the second !highest price of the sale, $2.025, for gBritannia. two years old in October. 131 r. (‘Zi-nsbie bought six head all told. t GREAT LAKES .STEAMER .SUNK‘, BY SUB. '.\ dwpatch from Halifax, under date 01‘ July 5th, says: A man Whu 1'm'vught an cmfiliui-I «luvl with a l'-boat. arrived here in- day «m his way home tn Sydney. i'l‘his was Captain Luke Holmes, ‘whnSP stvamm' was tm‘pw’ltmd With- day nn his way home In byuucg. This was Captain Luke. HiL‘rlmes, \thse steamer was tm‘pwlned Wilhâ€" nnt warning. He is as game as ever fur war zone voyages. The Scott- ish Here. his steamer. sailed from! Sydney 011 May 31st, with a cargo 01' steel prnducts fer Havre and Manchester. She carried a crew of 31. men. and sailed under the com- mand 01' Captain Holmes, who took lcharge of her when she was pllP-l chased by the Black Diamond Line last, year. This is Captain Holmes” seeend experience with lI-beats. lie was en the steamer )Ierwenna. also of the Black Diamond Line, when in 1915 she was trwpedeed when on her ‘way nut from England in ballast. 'I‘Im gt'jllllSh Here was well known way nut from ling The Scottish Hero ‘ 011 the". Great Lakes. HE KNEW "(ftenerally run-dmvn, sir?” quer- ied the druggist. "Slightly seedy. and want good toning up?" The pate-faced customer nodded. “\Vell, I‘ve the very thing,r for youâ€"Jinn'orth's Juvenator. Three doses :1 day, and more if necessary. (”)ne dollar a bottle.” - "No thanks,” Said the pale patient. “But, my dear sir, it’s the rage of the day, the greatest discovery 01' modern medicine. It‘s the rage of the season. Everyone isâ€"-â€"rejuven- filing, you might say.” ."Yes, but Ithink I’d rather try something else,” replied the custoâ€" 1110?. ‘ ' L ;.T "But,” pressed. the (11‘ ggist‘, "I tell ymi it. will have more effect run you in a single day than any other medicine could have in a month. It everything from coughs t0 cures (fUI‘nS. What is your Objection to it?" - 19--- 1:", To live a decent life is not. all ‘lhut is necessary; a man can be deâ€"_ lcent and not be particularly useful. ‘ It. makes us. laugh to see the fel- low who rushes to buy every kind \ul' fake mining stock hesitate to take en :1 Liberty Bend. JK-U "\V'ell, nothing, 1« mth â€"â€"Exchange. unlv Telephone No. 142- I’m 01in]- .ff‘. 1'93”" HT If you do not know about the wonderful mountain scenery. in- cluding Jasper and. Mount, Robson Parks, traversed by the transcon- tinental line of the Canadian Nurth- urn Railway between Edninntm. and NEW CANADIAN NORTHERN ROCKIES CHRONICLE. The Foxd soon pays for itself in the time it saves the farmer. With help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every preciou- minute of his tune. To him the Ford car is a real necessity. Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm mrk under pree- ‘ . ’ .- 'i it wasn’t for the time the Ford saves them. Farmer. With helpeo scarce? of every precio - . a real neceSSIty. Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is could carry on their farm wrrk under pres- doubtfui if they ent conditions if it wasn’t for the time the Ford saves them. need be Without a. Ford. In fact, the aver- : J ” (1 one if it were double the price. It to drive as a. horse. three times as fast, and. costs is as easy . - . Why not order one to-da-y‘? .\'o farmer Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited the 3 \ ancom or get a copy of on ‘some descriptixe booklet. to for the asking from A. H. 1 to“ n agent . ‘-\' tei 0W .5 A 1‘ re 9" will“ lrpctia : th-ns e to k? r G _p ”t' “pi an ng (:lfard 1 . D1 10â€". enty E «Imed t" f zllSt r0 . t\\‘m t '0 h f0 0 ‘et. RULES FOR STANDARD HOTELS FORD It’s the modem, quick way of using soap and It’s by far the best way for the bath. Use soap an the 0mm- H. 1- “i v~~~n ary way an you .1133 or {3:3 ., “m, of it into the pores. Nows the little silken LUX wafers dissolve so com- pletely that not a {race remains to ciog the skinâ€"wet it is thoroughly ’ of our hand-“of cold water for the use of guests, in. to he. had :1 candle in each bedroom to facili- A. H. Jack-son, tate the escape of the occupants in '12 3 case of fire, and the lighting sys- __ '1 19m being out of order. Sgorgl 32in- ' wows fur bedrooms are or i en, ARI) HOTELS iund fire escape ropes must be fast- ? standard 110- nned fmm the side of windows, at fins: of l‘WlETlW ‘ least two fmét. from the sill. (hr 570}: Ail grocers Sc’J'l it Made (4‘33! 5,? ONTARIO Dealers, Durham r? it. {UN :‘F. Limited Touring 8495 Runabout $475 F:O.B. FORD, ONT. PAGE 5. "I‘- 1.18 @‘

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