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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jul 1917, p. 1

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trham vices Paid uce AKBS ET HOD IVE TRIPS Cher $5. PARK Profits »++++++++++++ ING +++++++++ RIVER as n_ow on tarxo at iberal It’s hot! You can take them off now. Mt. Fore: the dollar. Mrs. Alex Gertrude, of town on Sat ported missing a number 01 mon ago. has been officially reported dead Mrs. C. C. Douglas, Mi’ss Edna Limin, of visiting their parents1 E. W. Limin. 1t ean, {If held at north 0‘ from 6 ‘ The salary of Mr. Clark. the town constable at Meaferd, was raised from 8600 to $800 at the last meet- ing of the Meaford council. Mrs. N. W. Campbell and daughter I returned last. week from a fortâ€" night‘s visit with friends at Port, VOL. 50â€"NO 26 E F. A. Graham, eyesight specialist. At the Central Drug Store. 531 ntram everal Mr. Master Great improvement, at little ex-l gense, could be made on country roads. by raking oil“ the stones, es- pecially from some of the hills. Mrs. W. H. Bean was at Fordwich last week to visit her mother, Mrs. Patterson. who is seriously ill, and giyes very little hope for recovery. Mrs. E. deAlva Sutherland and sons motored over to Collingwood last week, and will spend a couple of weeks on Georgian Bay. Dromore Entrance list was pub- lished last week, and we learn that Miss Margaret Merchant, who wrote at that centre, is the winner of Dr. J amieson’s medal. Mrs. Mistele Pte. Wm. McAlister, who w Mrs. John Kerr of Varney, [BIL cm Tuesday for Willow, Sask.. to spend a few weeks with her brother, MP. RH. McNaughton, and sister, Miss McNaughton. D6 Mr. J. A. Graham sent up three. candidates for Entrance, and all passed. as follows: Roy Thompson, Willie \‘essie and Freddie Middle- ton. Roy Thompson took honor standing. ' The Northern Exhibition at Wal- kerton, which has been an annual event for nearly half a century, is not going to hold a celebration this year. The directors attach .blame on the condition of the buildings. “’ OI ll Toronto. NEWS AROUND TOWN Mi. 5 Janie Craig, L101. and Mrs. J. J. C 's the first young 1: mired examinations chauffeur‘s license county. Foundâ€"On the 12th of July, at Mt. Forest, a hand-bag containing money. Owner may have it. by properly describing property and paying expenses. Apply to Vera Hopkins, R. R. No. 1, Priceville. tf \\'anted.â€"â€"Maid for general house- mrk. family, two adults, no child- en: every convenience; references 'equired; fare paid. Apply by let.- er to Mrs. Burke, 15 Spadina Road, Mr. Moore McFadden is engaged for a time in Macfarlane’s drug store, Mr. Macfarlane and Mrs. Macâ€" farlane are taking a short holiday and forgetting the worries of busi- )dnefy‘ S S patriotic The Listowel Banner has installed an electric pot to heat the linotype metal. This does away with the use of gasoline, and is said to be safer, cheaper and easier on the metal. lth’CS hoto St‘l W'allac dlr public school sent up 11 candidates and all passed, ith honors. x. Lewis and uaug >f Walkerton, were 1turday. Hepbur lidayin tax rate is 36 mills on {err of Yarney, left 0: 8 Grain: daughter of .J. J. Craig, of Fergus, :oung lady to pass re- linations and secure a lice-me in W'ellington mgas, of Galt, and in, of Toronto, are moms, Mr. and Mrs. returned Saturday,‘ month with friends number of montt )n )burn gut Sprlduab. , , . Store. 53.1 Haylng IS well on the way, and R , ~ l this is ideal weather for getting the l: 36 mill: on'i crop housed. . ’ ‘ Miss Edith Murphy, B.A., of King- :0“ en Sound 1 stem, a graduate of Queen‘s Univer- " lsity, has been engaged to take 1nd daughtemlicharge of the Enghsh and Modern department 1n Arthur high school t Hawkesburyi 1 at a salary of $900. 1 daughter, Visit I‘ 0 in I Pte. J. D. Ewen, son of Mr. J. W. ‘IEWQH, late of the Rob Roy Mills, here. but now in charge of that geompany’s mill at Yorkton, Sask, inns been reported amongst the wounded. 1 Mrs. M. G. Beilhy and daughter,‘ lHelen, of on City, Pa., who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex.1 {Lewis, in Walkerton, made a brief 1 call in town on Saturday afternoon? and returned the same night. Mrs. Morton has received a letter from her son, \Vesley. who was re- ‘cently reported wounded. He is now llll ahosmtal 111 England. He was iwounded on the 23rd of June, and the letter was wrltten 0n the mm of July. He reports himself as do-_ mg well. The young girls of the Women‘s Institute will take charge of the regular monthly meeting on Au- . gust 2nd, to be held at Mrs. Thomas Brown’s. All ladies welcome, and a , large attendance requested. Roll If in ‘need of visiting cards, call and see the good kinds kept in stock at The Chronicle office. The appeal made by the ladies of South Line S.S. No. 3, Bentinok, for Red Cross funds to supplement the township grant, resulted in a volun- tary contribution by the people of another hundred dollars to the central organization. Miss Madge Holmes, recently the winner of a gold watch contested for at the Variety Store, wishes to thank all who assisted by giving their votes in her favor. The young girl is popular and deserving, and we congratulate her on her success. LlAk'uCâ€"â€" - Mr. John Carson, who has been; me wer e published b‘ working in Kitchener for the past?I j‘np to W “"ht' 3 year, is quite ill at present, and! 1.13"” r3 r1: IS a. came _a. few days ago to the home of l ‘1? are ‘7 11.11% to 0“ his brother, Mr. Wm. Carson, nem‘liiuegularity on fh? ‘ Knox church, Normanby, and willlboqn 3° he gap” in .we 11 expect him to remain for a rest. It is thought he 1 minute 8. new man had a slight stroke of paralysis. , ', ‘ ., ” . should be gnen cha Mrs. N. W. Campbell intends lea‘~'-- eration. in; town shortly, and to facilitate [moving will offer for sale privately 3 % 'Iany or all of her household furni-i WAUDBY GARD ture. Many of the articles are; . 'n good condi-l An enJoyable ever modern. and all are 1 z . tion. This is an opportunity lor~011 Monday Dlght a [intending purchasers. . grove, near \Vaudby ' cessful garden part: We heard of a certain preachermurposes’ was given . who seems to hold a brief for reg- large attendance. and ulating the length of a chairman's, gram. The booths , speech. He might. extend his useâ€" ronized, and the rece lulness by regulating preachers to been considerable. quit talking as 500“ as they had Mr John A Grah: 'rv r osa.Tomake a “- nothmc 310.9 t y - mgoccupied the chair, Jspeech, 1t 15 necessary to haVV‘efllciencv'and with lam, °g V. SVi.aD (.0 I. H n 9th1n, to say to a~ t, d disposed of the leng speech, it is necessary something to say, to say sit down. It is said that potatoes to saxe from destruction “hat apâ€" pear: to be a good or op “ill be the duty of everv grow er. The Borâ€" O deaux \Iixture is recommended by 111.3. Ontario Department of Agri- What right has a drunkard tog] _ married and bring children into ': i‘m) World who are drunkards be-[; 2W1 they are born? Many a drink- ; er is condemned for an inherite'l‘g; evil over which he has no controH ‘ I case of other defects. If marriacei could be prohibited unless the con-3 trusting parties furnish proofs of ; menta, moral and physical fitness! it would result in a vast improve-- iment in future generations. We. have too many mental, moral and physical degenerates now, and the future welfare of the nation deâ€" pends upon a wiser selection and a wiser mating of the. sexes. This is a subject not sufficiently dealt with are giving England and the British Isles are face to face with a ‘food shortage, yet millions of tons of grain anal sugar are used in the making of beer. While beer drinking in En- gland may he looked upon as a ne- cessity under normal conditions, it should be realized as a waste when the nation is crying out for food. Strong Government, action for war- time prohibition would relieve, m a measure, the shortage, and def y, to a large extent. the menace of the submarines. We have just received a letter from Dr. Farquharson, who wrote us from Quebec, Where he holds the 1'.H'.".$iti0n of Chaplain in a mission for immigrants and returning sol~ diers, supported by the Presbyter- ian. Methodist, Baptist and Congre- gational churches. We can readily agree with his closing paragraph, in which he says: “The battered and broken men returning from the war will give our whole commun- ity subjects for the exercise of all our kind ministries for many a day to come." Owen Sound is having a Dollar Day Sale, and the merchants are :‘u‘lvertising extensively in the town papers. This is now an annual oc- currence with Owen Sound mer- chants, and it must be a paying scheme or it would not be repeated. Many places have an annual Dollar Day» Sale, and we fancy a lot of out of season stutf could be disposed of in that way in almost any town. It would be worth a trial in Dur- ham, and if introduced for once, we are quite sure it. would be reâ€" coated with success. We notice that The Chatsworth'; News is finding fault with Inspector Burgess because the Entrance Re:â€" sults had not been received in Chatsworth until after they were published in the Owen Sound papâ€" ers. We can scarcely imagine Mr. Burgess making fish of one and flesh of another and fancy the deâ€" lay must have had some reason. In this inspectorate, we have not re- ceived the Durham Entrance re- 'sults up to time of writing (Mon- ,day, but they have since arrived), .though the results in Dromore Gen-- ’-, tre were published by us last wees. ilnspector Wright is a new man, and ‘we are willing to overlook a little lirregularity on the start, but as izsoon as he gets in proper shape, Twe'll expect him to be up-to-thcâ€" ' . A new man on a new job should be given charitable considâ€" pc An enjoyable evening was spent] on Monday night at Mr. Beaton‘si grove, near Waudby, where a suc- cessful garden party for patriotic purposes, was given. There was a large attendance, and a lengthy prmi gram. The booths were well pat-' ronized, and the receipts must have been considerable. Mr. John A. Graham, of Durham, occupied the chair, with his usual elliciency,'and with tact and grace disposed of the lengthy program. i The speakers were: Rev. Mr. Ash-â€" .ton, of Mulock, Rev. Mr. Conn of iMarkdale, Dr. Jamieson, and Rev. er. Moyer, of Durham, and Dr. blooms, of Hanover. ‘ 1 In the musical part, Prof. Dundas,; 20f Markdale, gave an instrumentale gm the organ, Mrs. Brown of Mark-3 iii-ale contributed a solo, and MM 5 also of Markdale, gave :13 .: Perkin , , gfine cornet solo; Mr. Allan Bell, of’2 Miss Rim; - l s . anrham, accompanled by EM town, a ' ' tgan selection, furnishlng his own lorgan accompanime ' ithe bagâ€"pipes and violin f0 tl‘enjoyable part of the program, the ’zpiper being Prof. Donald McKinnon '3m‘ TJ‘IRknOVV. and the violinist Mr. icle DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1917 . giVen by Miss and Miss Anme . Both are pro‘ their respective wide-awake TO SUBSCRIBBRS IN ARREARS Last week we sent out consider-- ably over $700 in subscription ac- counts in arrears. Since then, we haVe had a feVV call and pay the: claims, and it afi‘orded us pleasure to see the cheerful way in which the response was made. Most peo- ple, if appealed to in the right an, see the justice of the demand, and realize that small accounts shoull be paid as VVell as large ones. We sincerelV thank all who responded. {and hope to haVe many others fol- inloVV 1 feVV Vears ago, VVe receiV ed 0\ or $800 arrears in three months bV using 11eVV spaper requests alone. 1 This time, VVe should do «31 en better :and no hope to do so VVithout giV- inr: anV' offence. If accounts are 1nnt correct VVe e’ll t1y to make them leorrect. but no request all in ar- Hears to 11:1} Up as soon as possible. i \\. IR\V I.\', 1 Publisher Chi oniele. ES DURHAM ENTRANCE RESULTS .Nlartin B511 Oscar NV Bell, Julia \. Burns, Lawrence Chapman. Roht. Clark, Margaret Cox (Honms), Mam Daxis, 111111111 Dingwall, Gladxs Dou:.,1l11S,l{eitl'1 Edw.ardS Essel Edâ€" NNIII‘dS, Eric Ehidge, NIargaret C. lerguaon Edith Ihbott, Margaret Isaac, NVilha John, Jean Kerr, Ward Koch, Ottilie Limin, Joseph Mor- 11iSon, IeS Sie McCrie, Sarah NlcCal- 111m. Katie Nle-\11lifi‘e, Elva E. Mor- ice, Peter NIeQuarrie, Freddie Mid-- dleton. .;Iol1n MatherS, James Milli- gan, Nlary Nlorrison. ROSS Parl; (HonorS1, Charles Fletcher Riddell, Annie Smith, Reany Snell, Mary Turnbull, Roy Thompson (Honors‘1, 1Mildred V0 llett, Will Vessie, Hugh Nasey, Catherine NN Vl1e Elizabeth Woods, Hazel Young. Runciman. DORNOCH LAWN PARTY. A very successful patriotic gar- den party was held on the Presby- terian church ground at D'ornoch on Thursday evening of last week. We of making a united effort to raise funds for patriotic purposes. Rev. Mr. Mills, pastor of the church, tool; no part in the speaking, but was an enthusiastic and active worker. “A ‘~ llbllkbei'Aun. y- The chair was occupied by Dr.’ Mearns, Whose address was deliv- ered in his usually inspiring manâ€" ner. Brief, but pointed and pithy addresses were delivered by .Revs. Father Sharp and Father Roche, 01‘ Owen Sound, Mr. McCullough, Of The Chatsworth News, Mr. John A. Black of Chesley, and others. A fine program, consisting of nearly a score of selections, including four! yell-rendered choruses by the Dur-â€"l :ham Presbyterian choir, gave ,much ' enjoyment to the large and attentive audience. Messrs. O’Mara and Cofâ€" ifey were. loudly 313131311de and iforced to reappear after their test,- {ily rendered violin numbers. The {booths were well patronized and the Efine weather contributed to the {pleasure of the social gathering. i. The proceeds amounted to $150- (electric needle) without. pain or .scar. Positively no return. Satis- faction assured. Rates reasonable. .For particulars, call or write Miss Hazel Banks, _ 4263mp Grand V8119, 9 Women’s Pumps, Oxfords Ties and Straps These shoes sold regularly at from $2.50 to $3.50, and are ex- ceptional bargains while thev last. With the present high cost of shoes, this stock will ,not last long, and when done, cannot be replaced. Get your require- ments while the selection 15 good. $1.00 PER YEAR

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