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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1917, p. 7

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wearing for the theshave 'e at every [Sunlight gâ€"for the lightened. 1 the iron- gâ€"for the ptheshave ichafresh, ireet air of Ewness. In btion from the Secy. hannomt {If Exhibition :rio Il‘lil‘ll'!’fl'H?Hfl?! [ILY .GBT I1 Fall‘ re, use 18L h +++++++++ .ttractions 16.2.11 an A. M. HUNT, 191 1nd -|917 l 3 ”11.11111le ground feed are offering at $40 per :‘ you need IIIVC only a 1113’ in 1N h nre the the law :' liquor xte. for his 7 in his led the I\ down It filled in sturâ€" at 'this .11 Mills gallons fine of 1mm 11) = home. The shnuld m had FARMS FOR 841-3 ! Medical Uzreczorv. Being Lot 532 Concessmn 3, B.G.R.,l Gl*‘-’Mf*lfâ€"f~Ҥvf1tmnlng 100 acres; .0“, DRS. JAMIBSON JAMIBSON premises are new irame barn, brickz (fl. . fi. ,‘ non-e. sheds and outbuildings; run-3 J ice and reaidence a short d1?” mm Stream through property; a-1 tance east; of the Hahn House, on ‘90th 10 acres hardwood bush, restlgg-Iébtgn- bti’. Eli“ e} TOWgtDurham. 1n :mul state of cultivation. For: “58% 21133310 0 p.m., ‘ 0 8 pm., Stu-titer particulars. apply on premâ€"l ‘ p ”u 33' ises‘ to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1,} ’â€"-â€"â€"â€"’â€"'"â€"‘_""" ale-nelg, containing 100 acres; nu-1 _,,J- 5- BUTTON. M-D-. QM- Durham. Ontariu. 94 4Ddtf1 03168.: Ova? J. P. Telfprds office, *ncarly opposgte th‘e‘Registry Office. North pâ€"ah: 6f Lot 6, the old Skat- ing Rink site, Garafraxa SL, Dur- ham, and the nurth part of Lot, 5, Akbar-t St. Apply to AH. Jackson, 930tf Durham, Ont. ,4 A____... .., r~ Advertisements of one inch or less, .5 cts. for first inser for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and 11 double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. late I r-asn more n FOR SALE One lit-hp. traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, wind- stacker. dust collector, complete, \Vuterlno; one No. 3 Masseyâ€"Harris Blizzard cum cutter; one wagon and tank. nearly new. Everything in good order. Apply to R. J. McGilâ€" livray. RR. 2 ,Priceville. Hf fl..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" The. property of the late Philip m. m the town of Durham. For Pins and particulars apply to J. P. 11 18Lf ulfnmd. Durham. Spirella Corsets Stan‘e53, made in (Jana with the indestruct stay. the mostpliabh .5 ‘kn Lots St’lhhuun UVAswâ€"â€"_ Spirella Corsets (not sold in Stores} made in Canada, are with the indestructable Spirella stay. the most pliable and resilent curset boning in the world; guarâ€" n break or rust in one anteed not t- year of corset wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given promp . J Nic 01, Box attentionâ€"311‘s 107. Durham. Phone 4 7/ )I‘1C€ 100 acres 0f land adjoining the c.0r- Duration. on Durham Road; also 27.) acres on Lambton St., with buildings; 11150 a new rick house an Saddler St., Durham, with all modern improvements.â€"â€"Thos. Comb. Prop, Durham. 2 1 21110 M POULTRY WANTED Wantedâ€"Yearling hens; Rocks, *dS. Logllcju'ns. Wyandottes. Stat!) ~i.-.»...'1‘, \\'. Weir, 796 Euclid ave, an: n‘onto, Ontario. ‘Vl‘ A double Erick house on Am 1:. slreet. Will sell at PROPERTY FOR SALE I lat splendid residence property fpper ann belonging to the Mrs“. \Vilson, will be sold on mnable terms; contains % acre, e «»r less; cemt'urtnble residence. mms; hard and soft water; goed‘ ring: orchard and garden; fine' utien. . Apply on premises, or to s. Ritchie er Duncan Smellie, 629Lf cutene. with box and rack as new. Apply to R. No. 4, Durham. to take c , c t 7' experience in the -- d. To the right man :1 liberal contract will be given. Apply to Box 18-1, Chronicle Office, 719 tf Durham. FOR SALE A doubl9..bri?k August 2nd, 1917. 3, 9 and 10, Kincardin \pply \11. Jackson. eSt., 41 15tf Lo'fs FOR _SA.LE TO OM N )§¢o+oo§¢+§0o*#++¢¢¢¢ .Bell Cutting ".10. 1m1‘seâ€"pOWCI‘ 311 awash]. Murdock, Durham. -bOX, good as newm (1 hand can» i 7 Stf 5 FOR SALE Eiifi on RENT hw‘t“! house on SMALL ADS. -Light Sprin 9 Wagon rack, almost as good V r " to Wm. Jacques, R. comfortable i Elicirg‘e p with water i to Agent. .0 a. month.‘ Albert ‘1 «Z 5 17tt‘ 4.1. G. BUTTON, M.D., GM. Office: Over J. P. Telford’s office, nearly opposite the Registry Office. Residence: Second house south of Registry Ofiice on east side of A1â€" bert St. chIie hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 9 pm. Teleâ€" phone communication between 01”- tice and residence at all hours. DR. BURT. Late Assistgnt Roy. London Op- DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. " on,d0n New York zlpd Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, in Office: Over J. I". unnl‘L, Holy-Ho, .â€"Iâ€"-â€"_ Honor) Graduate UnlverSIty of To- ronto. Graduate Royal College Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry ‘ ‘ ‘- -~ APP-rune nX’PI‘ [.2111 DULobUULLu Vl- \,-_--__ 3t} all‘lts branches. Office: lown S J ewellry Store. vâ€"H Barrister, Solicitor, Nearly Opposite the R Lambton St, Durham. of money to loan at 5 farm property. â€"_.__â€"uâ€" Call at A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial bum- sacted. Durham, Ontario ' W. J. DEALIL, u ...... __ . Louveyanc r, Issuer of Marrlage Licenses, Money to loan at lowest rates, and on terms to suit borrowâ€" {mz Fire and Life Insurance placed till thoroughly reliable companies. "Deods, Mortgages, Leases and Wills Iexecuted on shortest notice. All lwork promptly attended to. unu . Lv1vuu..._- Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or made at Th‘ with himself. for first insertion, and 10 cents - inch and under two inches, I proxy may be made on certain con- : ditions. Dutiesâ€"Six. months’ reS1- . dence upon and cultivation of land in each ofothree years. In certain districts 3. homesteader ‘may. secure an adjoiningouarter- A settler after obtaining home- stead patent, if he cannot secure a! {pre-emption, may take a purchased ihomestead in certain districts. ‘Price $3 per acre. Must re51de six imonths in each of three years, cul- ,‘tivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. . ' Holders of entries may count 5 farm labor- 917, as res;â€" n condi- Medical Directorv. tlme. 01 UILIHLUJwV...‘ w_ ers in Canada during 1917, as resr-y dent dutie tions. _\Vhen Used or p 5, under certain condi-- 1 Dominion Lands are adver- 1 osted for entry, returned} M’â€" . chmsud fluctzonear Dental Directorv. ¢++§§+§v§¢§§+¢¢¢¢9+¢§+¢¢+¢ VDAN. McLEAN EH ARP, Holsnteig 3N SEASON lulu- v "xenon-"Etc. Office: the Reglstry Office, mam. Any amounf, Confectmne" All crops “3"9 growth during th‘ is a good average, class. a. Mr. S. K. Correll returned to To-' ronto on Monday, after a most er:- joyable fortnight’s visit with his daughter, Mrs. R. T. Cook. Mr. and, Mrs. Luther Torry, of Lauriston, were guests at Council- lor Peart‘s the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Blair were out to the farm one day last week, at- {tending to their root crop. 1 After enjoying a month’s holiday at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Stewart McNally, Miss Marjorie EV» ans returned to her home in Roch- Iester the first of the week. We’ll ‘miss this hl‘igilt member of our fiihle 012189. LII)! Mrs. C. G. Robson. and Ma‘stcr1 % Wimp, of Edmonton. are. llolit'lilyiD-‘S 2‘11. [110 Robson 11("imest(“:,1(1. FLESHERTON. \X'hat mifâ€"f'ht have been a Il'l‘l-‘vi .\ SHIV-11"“ party. under serious ‘. acciiilent. occurred at thiees al‘ the ()ranf-fi'l‘ UNI?" font. ol‘ <lreeii‘w'mhl's hill on TINS‘MY : held at Mr. 1-100. 1:151“ch (W'HHiDQ‘ 191' last week. 311‘5‘1‘5-z1day evening last. W218 11 ’MXW‘S 111111 ng'uml, (if )‘llll‘litli‘dC,“figs. ”1p Itl‘flct‘t‘dfi' 111111 {wart} autnlllgr to the Falls for 311318110, The ("\W‘liin': wast (-veii‘ins’s tlshing‘ and were S'Nhuiv'ltiiie for the event. ar tun speed to make the hill when )11’.1 (flu-“x111 enjoyed the PU 1(‘li'eenwoml‘s dog. which WIS up-Hllu't‘llll‘l‘ with the excel 1'111‘1115"'§_:-i\'t>i'i. A l’jlasehall mati 11_fl>1111)tlll.\'1llj_.: the girls going 1rc,i\\'s made for the front, wheel. “'lteams from Dundalk am 1struck him l'air, skidded into tl'ie1\ms “.1,” by the latter. . 1ditch. and turned turtle. Mr. How-1mg. outclassed mph. riva 1ard was able to get from under th‘iimatch. a lengthy lll‘Ht-T'I‘Il car. but Mr. lowes was pinned tin-11M...“ hv 11H.“ talent. I der it. Help was near at. the 'l7im-1M 11'}. 311% Pearl Btulgc 1mins home. and when the car was '5 1”, Mr. “v. tlultuictle. Mi _1 rightetl. Mr. Bowes was unconscious 1:11“ Miss Poul. l’eversha ,1a'nd had sull‘ered some severe injur~ 1.\chesnn, ”(mm Station ,1ies. Phone. messages were sent 1.0111110 orchestra. 9111111111 .‘ Markdale. and two cars came uut1musi1... Rev. Mr. 1:01.”, 1101' the injured men and a doctor11”....Sidpd. _ \Vltll 111011]. They IDSlSlf‘d on 1.1011114: “121â€"3.“, l‘Ilellllf-l' taken to their homes. and we have 1 Wilson have had the ilearned since that both are well on! their 1...,“(10110153 I'l-Fllil zltl‘ie road to recovery. 1 old John \\'ri;.-'hti 1.0% 1 A highly-respccted piiiineer moth- ”0011111011 113' Dr. 1111111. or Mrs. Robert Hastie, passed away 1 mg 11111111.;[111111‘ and. wi lat the home ,“f her daugl‘iter in 1 paint. lh‘ring made [H in 'l‘oronto on Sunday evening, Jiil;:;lilmu.i1, lights and t. r, 22nd, at the. advanced age of 83. She ' being installed. t, was born in Scotland in 1831 and 111 A lied CPUSS knitting :c childhood came with' the. family to on M the home. M Mr F‘ Canada. Miss Mary Moll'at was herhm Friday evening 1; L01imaidcn name. She was wedded ttl1 “0211.11.38. " _1;\Ir. tnhert Hastie in 1861, and came1 Dr. ll. ll. Hendersoi 'as a bride to lot '11, (3011130551011 9,1111 'l‘nroutu. are. on a -* which proved her home up to allflle for a week. and “1 ' 'v " tn" , ' \ r ")1 "‘1 . ‘1 _ ' ty lt\\ years ago. ..\1tt_.l"sl.\l.00n §Lllhitlnws here. :d (it happy married lite. Mr. Hastiei Mrs. .las. Menzies. D es died. leaving his \V-'1L‘10w-'_\Vit,li a tam-1911,13 and Miss. Inkster or 11y ol seven small children, “mlaccomi'ianied by Mrs. youngest but a few months "1‘l'ti'ornia, spent a day 1: ‘" Nohly the mother did her part. B}; 1 Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. H ge untiring industry and care. she13nd Mrs. Hamilton ”1' ast reared and educated her family, and 1 paid a short visit. 37- all of them to-day are successful in ' Miss lilertha Smith . :51 life. and held in high esteem. The is visiting hm. mm. 3 , 5' members of the family are: Isabel-”Sh and other 1.0mm. All la (Mrs. Douglas Currer), of Tor- Mr. John ThistlethV onto; Samuel, of Butte, Montana;‘ ed to the old 3101110. Mamie (Mrs. G. E. Pe-art; James,1r'ecenuv purchased b: blacksmith, of the hamlet; Robert,l Mr. jolt" Thistlethv of Medicine Hat, who was with thelily motored from the sisters the last two weeks, assisting 1 dav and are “H1103 in nursing her; Sara (Mrs. Jolii11I)a;.ontS here. Martin), of Vancouver; and Miss - Miss Ruby Radley, Mary, who lived with her mother. sie McKinley. Of Tor has been her constant com- ing at Mr. Mark Wil: ° . The remains were brought Miss Laura Walke be, up from the city on Tuesday to the visiting her sister, .\1 {an home of Mr. George E. Peart, and Mr. W. D‘. Phillips ' the funeral took place on Wednes- h oli dayed the past . oba day afternoon, Rev. E. S. Meyer con- h ome at Rock Mills. ducting an impressive, and YBE Mrs. Alton and ch most comforting service in the dale visited the pas home, after which the big proces- mother Mrs. Wilco sion wended its way to Zion’s Acre Dr Chas. Ottewell 'esi- where she was laid to rest beside it ed .over the week land her husband, who passed. away 40 parents here. M] and the friends from a distance we ob- ton, motored over preâ€" served: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hastie, s end the weekâ€"8E .Mr. and Mrs. 0. Reid, Mr. and Mrsdtgfs father Post? James Allan, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pat-'Maste r Bobs’TI‘imll terson, and Miss Bella Patterson, of visiting his sister. lased Egremont; Mrs. N. McKechnie and Arthur WilliamS, Mrs. Alex. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. ton Advance oillc George Furneaux, of Durham; Mrs'ltake a position in J. Cushnie, from Toronto; Mr. 31"“ Mr J p, Telforl Mrs. 1. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, MissRita Irwin. count of Berkeley. The family were deep- and Miss Park of abor- 1y attached to their mother, and ed 0;,8; on Sl’mdg »§§3§:.\Vill miss her sorely. She belongefi Mr M K. Richar ' to the Presbyterian church, but was“; 1ter. ‘ ‘ C . “1"“- always a supporter of Zion, an. house urned‘ - - - -- - . . . - erseas"helpml m It” undertaking? , wed- accompanied by s i A very happy and pre 3 itcd their daughte :har - , in agâ€" ding of deep interest to a large ., 335 Of‘ number of Glenelgers, took place at . ‘_ ' 7 Dis‘ . M and Mrs. E.\\". 311* Tom “-13%“; the fine home of . r. , , c, ‘1‘ sented _ 0 on was dangerou~ . . Hunt. at McGee, Sash, at 3.3 tion last week. b \\'1_n.lnesday. July 1311!, \Vhenlthfl‘? the mend . ' or a c 0" er. Mi” 3?? “.- ’ . . . xterm. .i‘?un°e"t (1??? (,1 MI. bjohn A. 1:. Mrs. cee. Mitci 1110031110 the PIC . . . ill for a week W] ‘ I â€" "N. lMontgomery, B.A., of Toronto, for, g l nierly of Yandelcur. The bride'wor... of charmeuse saâ€" in" satislactorily While they w. , ' C under the bridal arch, Mrs. Perm" iiHunt ;’ nee Miss Maggie May Arrow- ksmith}, played a wedding marcu. l Rev. B. F. Reed, B.A., wove the mys: o 1tic knot in the presence of about 1:1) l t < at Macteer, is 017 Mr. Fred Stua business trip 1 ther points nor 'ghbors and some old friends er er TRAVERSTON. s have made remarkable‘ .ring the past week. Hay average, and quality first- from Alsask; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 2.? "3 .r. Theodore smith. Milden; Mrs. Bert. “73le: and Gordon, from Antler; and Fred Reed, :1 causin, from Arcola. During the signing of the register, Mrs. - ‘l‘ 1fr0m. Herschell; Mr. G. E. Arrow- 9 i ‘v..“n ~QCâ€"â€"-_. Love sane, “Because”, and later Mr. Fallaise treated the merry company to several fine solos. A rich feast followed the. ceremony, and some happy speeches were made. The groom‘s gift. was a 8200 cheque, and iother friends augmented this by $265 more. besides a beautiful array ‘ of gifts. The young couple are Spending the honeymoon at Baan and other points in the mountains. They will begin homeâ€"making in TUI‘tmtO in Sei‘rtemher. The bride is one of the most. accomplished and clever girls ever reared in Glene .. and her many friends ex- tend their best. wishes. .2111‘1111n pm1ty.11n1101‘ 1111111115111- , Cos 111 11111 Orange 1.1111121}, 1111 1in11 ‘ 1111111 :11, N11. 1.10.0. Fishers 1111 Thurs- ‘ 11:1y (1111111111.; 11151.11'115 :1 1.1.111. 5111:- 11119311111. 111‘111‘1111115 amounting 111 1310' The owning 11'113 (11.111121111111111 111111 1111‘ 11111 e1'11111..:1n1i1 1111} big 011111111 onj1111311 the entertainment. 111 21.1111111‘ 111111 11111, 1111111111111 31111111111 ‘giVen. \ 1111911111111 1111111311 1111111111111 11111 111113 from Dundulk and 1(111111111‘1111' 1111215 11'1111 1.11 1111‘. 111111111 111111511. 111:11' - 111111 111111?l:1s>'111;1 11111ir‘ 1111:115. .\11111‘ 11111 1111:111‘11. :1 11111111111 program 11:15 1111â€" 1111111111 by 1111‘:11 121111111. 11111111.: assist- 11111 111' Miss P1111] B:1111.."111‘1_111'.”1111‘1111â€" 1111, Mr. NN. 1.1111111111111. Miss 1.11.11111111‘13 ' 111111 Miss P11111,1111.1131‘311‘11m, 111111 .Nli-'~1 111‘1111<11n, P1‘11111n S1:11i11n. T1111 4111 H11n11111.1‘1‘111_1511‘:1 8111111110111 pleasing R111. MI‘. F111111 111‘ N1:1x111:1'1 _.â€"0 II " . .‘d‘IJ ‘1‘". I]. I 1 1 E1musi1; “'35 (Ydlli-JKCL Uuy.d __ a Lion last week, but the mend. Mrs. Geo. Mitchel ill for a week with Mr. Alex. McDon: at Macteer, is on :3 Mr. Fred Stuart business trip to other points north H l’v \ le (1105.5 knitting to: 011 :11 the home «11 Mrs. J «.111 Flidny owning 1:131. nearly $8. Dr. R. 11. Handel‘s on :11 Lives here. Mrs. Jas. Menzies. Mrs. w. and star, and Miss. Inkstor, of \\-'ar«'31“1am. accrmmanimi by Mrs. Back of Caliâ€" fornia, spent a day last, “wok with Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Hendersrm. Mr.. and Mrs. Hamilton 01‘ S11(-1b1.11‘n0 alsn paid a short. visit. Miss Bertha Smith 01‘ Owen Snund :is visiting her aunt. Mrs. D. McTavé iish, and athor relatives. ‘ Mr. John Thistlcthwaite has rum-- to the 01d Methodist parsonage. ! . ecentlv purchased by him. pcu LC uh) Miss Ruby 11:111111y, sie McKinley. (11‘ '1111 1111 ing at Mr.M:11k Wilsnn 3. Miss Laura Walker 111‘ 1.1111111111 is. VisitingV her 515101, 1115.131. \\1111111:11“. Mr. .D. Phillips of P1111111 1311111 the past week at 11111 1.1111 111111 Miss. (211»- 11.1 :11'1‘ Visit- ‘1 Y‘A“ [if X'nrk‘ Mrs. Alton and enuouu. u 1 dale, visited the past week with her mother, Mrs. Wilcook. Dr. Chas. Ottew e11 of Toronto Vis- ited over the weekâ€"end with his parents here. Mrs. Ottewell, and Master Jack, Ir. and Mrs. Long, 01 accompanied by some . Mr ited their daughter, ”*1 on bunday. 77 , n 11.111101111013011 and famil »arty, under the auspi- mange Lodge, 4th lino, 900. Fisher‘s «m Thursâ€" 1D levv- v Williams, of The Flesher- ,nco office, is leaving to lSitiOn in Toronto. P. Telford, Mr. W. Irwin. . Irwin, Miss Davidson Park, of Durham, motor- on Sunday and called on ,1 r1.\‘1(y}j._ s ”1155-;- and children, of Mark- the mast week with her Richardson .‘ Mitchell 1111: o 91; with an ‘ McDonald, C. P. R. agent is on a holiday here. Stuart has gone on : trip to Huntsville, am .5 north. 1 a motoring hul- and Visiting 110111 '; Ma “11% givâ€" .‘s. John Kuhn {ISL I’I‘(‘)Cénds reported recover- and caned 0n ,n and (laugh- x'ith inflamma~ is reported 0“ ha: been very an acute net-U2 Of Honey\\'00d Durham '1‘. .1" WHO is .. \\’ 110011111. Palmvrstm; friend s ~~9 SOUTH-EAST BENTINCK (Received too late for last. week? Mr. and Mrs. \\ ellington A.rd SLIM-.1135, motored down from A1- lonford last Satmday and mill spen‘dâ€"a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ydllett. Miss Margaret Smith visited Sunday with her friend' Miss "i0 Atkinson, of Glenelg, D U’” _ BIL-and Mrs. John Picken spgnl Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Put- Chie‘s. C11“: 3. ' The trustees of Hutton Hill school;z haVe been so fortunate as to secure; Miss Victuria Aljne of '1‘ urunto, 35‘ 9 teacher for the cunning term. road, Our RM (”moss smx'ingr (én'mv met last \\’(‘(‘k at. Hm homo of Mrs. “2‘11“; School is thoroughly equipped Vollottu. ’1‘hirty-throu ludios \Vor') in teaching abiljty, in Chemical and m‘osvnt, and tho. collection :‘nnmmtâ€" \ ‘tflecfi'lc‘fll Supplles. and fittmgS, etf-‘m or tull Jumnr Lo.“ mg and Matrlc- 'x’ ,3“ ’1' " w "'l " l.- H‘ O.‘ .H . (d in 5.3.1». Jlu. next mm (111:, 1» 1 Illatmn work. be held at tho homo 01' Misses Joan . . 'zmd Alice Pickvn, on August 7“"=(‘T{‘2‘S' 51113111: Pgln€}11)al.t1§t glgss From now till Sophnnbor. meetings". for 1 ““3 L' ‘1 ”0 ‘er 1. “33? m. y- . ' - \sxcal Lulture. Subjects. Solencc, W111 1“" 110M "“Vt‘I‘X tWU \\""-*‘1\5- ?.\lathematics, Spelling. Miss Marv Adlum \‘isiiml a few. 1‘ . . . . .., 1,1 t {\WW‘l' \\'itl) 1“,], ('Hllfiill‘ MESS J.W91rzB.A., Queen’s .111“.- ”as” ‘5’ * " ‘ " ' ‘ ’p’OI'Slty. Spemahst 111 Art. Subjects: 31155 Mary ]»3“(’k‘1”'- aLatin. Art, Literature, Composition, Mr. and Mrs. H. Haws and child- 3 Reading, Gengpaphy, Ancient His- . annamwu with \ir. ‘ tory. Mr. and Mrs. H. Haws and ennuâ€" I'ein. of town, Sundaym’l with 311‘. and Mrs. S. Lungrill. Miss Murjmio Mvrchunt. and Miss Ruboi‘ts, 0f THI‘HIItH, \‘isitr-d «me day recently with Mrs. \\-'m. Pickon. Misses Myrtle Dmiiol zmd Janie 3101mm of town. spout. Sumluy with Miss Bessie Webher. \Vo desiro (.0 return smcorcsn um. heartfelt. thanks to nm‘ kindly friends for the many tender acts n? shown us in the beauti- 53' m 1‘) 21th 3' 1' mn' dear mother, fnl laying away 0 Mary Kennedy Conkcy. EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler:0ptician DU RHA M ONTARIO This Week’s Budget. REW SILKS TIES LACES CARD or THANKS. SHIRTS' at: stripes, plain blue and black Just In CORSETS H. Haws and childâ€" i Sundmmfl \\ 1th 311‘. ' 131‘111. 1 Mvrchzmt :md Mi 5 i‘ i 1111”, Visitod 41110 dn', . \fnu \X'n'} Dipk (1n_ :rill. . i Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- .\lerch:mt. and Miss“ o l_.'ni\'ersity, also Certificate in no. \‘isitml H110 (in-,- g ’iysieal Culture. Subjects: En- ' 1 *lish Grammar. French. British and has. Wm. l’icl'en. , . . . ‘ wianadian History, Composmon, H»..- spent Sunday with i Intending students should enter rbher. ; 7. at the beginning of the terrn if pos- 3sihle. gourd can b8 olriltained at ereasona le rates. ur am is a F THANKS“ Ihealthy and attractive town, mak- _ 1 1,“ Q J ‘ . . ‘. t‘vlum MINâ€"HOW and 2 mg it a most desirable place for, {5 tn our kindly ‘1 residence. manv tender acts or” i . n u; in the 1.)e.“1ti_f Therecord (if-the school in past J ‘ , wears is a flattering one. The trus- C" ““1‘ (1‘7” m‘dh‘v‘le 1 tees are progressive educationally, CUIIkOY. rand spare no pains to see that The Family. ,teachers and pupils have every ad- ! vantage for. the proper presentation % l and acquisition of knowledge. sateens) Lsited over Miss Mag- met ‘= “- ‘. The School is thoroughly equipped V0.1”? in teaching ability, in chemical and unlâ€" electrical supplies and fittings, elm, for full J uninr Leaving and Matric- ‘5 in l ulatiml work. Durham High School PLANING MILLS The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for DURHAM Dilation uf data rogarding all firms which can in any way aid in mak- in: aircraft. A list, of industrial en- gineers WhOSC knowledge would be (if value to the government will :Hso be prepared. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. 11‘ in need of visiting cards, call and see the good kinds kept in stock at The Chronicle office. HOUSE TO RBNT.â€"The rear .0: double dwelling-house on Main 8%., Upper. Town, containing six fine rooms, formerly occupied by John Vessie. Possession at once. Apply to Wm. Black, Countess Durham. SASH,DOORS Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€"â€" and allkinds of â€" House Fittings ls unquestionably one ova'anada‘s best commercial schools. The de- mand for our graduates is far 111 excess of our supply. Write to-day for free catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Opens Thugsday, July 3 in Shaw’s Busmess Schools, for-- onto. The work me 3 Into Autumn term from pt. 4. without any broak. Courses fully described 1n new catal- o no. Write for it. W. H. S aw, Pres., Yonge Gerrard Streets. PAGE 7. SUMMER .â€"The rear .of ONTARIO Secretary.

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