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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Aug 1917, p. 7

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} at every Sunlight. rfor the ERhtened. he Iron- for the heshave a fresh, at air of NS" FOR BOYS AND m m n n mnmm; »n from the Secy. wearing cu. LIULI {hibition GIRLS .tractions ”+4-qu e55"- 1917 aess. 1n a!) hnv all‘ A. M. HUNT, the m of the Min- , the Honorable mgements have 2 the Canadian 3n co-operate t of Agriculture an 1d Other i I 1 11mm: ding the med from 1 bank in 3f money 11' calves be pure and girls ounty or Rite h- md Mr Ceylon. 823 aam Mbc Advertisements of one inch or less, 20 as. 101' nrsu mser for mch subsequent insertion, Over one inch and u digmble the above amount. Yearly rates on application. FARMS FOB. SALE Being Lot 53, Concession 3, B.G.R., it’melg. containing 100 acres; out :emises are new frame barn, brick mse. sheds and outbuildings; rum: {g Stream through property, 3-; ,1 good state of cultivation. For Ll'iilel‘ particulars, apply on prem- 295 to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1, tenclg. containing 4.00 acres; on mrham. Ontario. 94 4pdtf 7 rooms; hard and 5 bearing orchard am situation. Apply on Thos. Ritchie or ] Executons. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALE One 14-h.p. traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, Wind- stacker. dust collector, complete, Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Harris Blizzard corn cutter; one wagon and tank, nearly new. Everything .in good order. _Apply to R. J. “ ° ___211A livmy, RB. price __._l . \V . \V! Toronto Ontario FOR SALE #M. :l‘he property 0‘31“? ‘ not 5. S Irena Car'sets ( _ S!«"»II‘)es}. made 111 Canadal, art with the maestructabe . -12.\k1n and Lots Th at Drlnéluun uv.(-___ 1d S irella orsets not so in , 8- -. 7..-, ~ . . p l Rotary Publlc, CommlSSl Slnres. made in Canada, are boned; with the indestructable SpirellaICOnVeyaflcel‘ 0. Insurance stay. the most pliable and resilenti MPDBY L0 10311. 155119? 0f Mar Uni-set, Mum; in the world; a ‘lLlcenses. A general financral unleml not to break or rust in one 1 {1855 transacted. Durham, 0‘3 year nf corset wear. Appointmentsl \LOWE’I‘ TOWIN- Dy lll‘dll or telephone glV'en DI‘Oth=_______’___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-:â€"'â€"' I C Mchol, Box Lzrensed c/Iuctzoneer ratteullt..»n.-~;\lrs. . . . r» ‘ - _.\ T)hnn D 70 10 '26 l -‘._....â€"-â€"._r.__.__ n AN MnLEAN 107, Durham. rfiurb‘l‘.‘ l L .15. -â€"____ The undermgned offers for sale 100 acres of land adjoining the cor- pomti<_~n. on Durham Road; also '37) acres on Lambton St., with buildings; 21150 a new brick house An Saddler St, Durham, With all mL. A, Mp_ 25 acres buildings; on Saddler modern in Comb, Pm] PbULTRY WANTED Wantedâ€"Yearling hens; ruls, Leght‘mns. Wyandottes. State ,.-H.p__'1‘. \\'. Weir, 796 Euclid ave, ham. Ont of town, 2 comfortâ€"i house, buggy and e on the prem-‘ sell furniture, land just outside :ible stables. hen- .ither buildings ar ises. Will also fowl. and a quantity of wood. For particulars, apply on the premises, Lambton street, to Miss McNabE; 3tt â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALE on RENT A double brick hous street. Will sell at moderate price sonable terms, or will rent rxght. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- ' . 531 U STRAY CATTLE I from the premises of the under-signed about the ist of June,. two black steers, one with white face; two gray steers, one red heiâ€" fer, and one red steer. Any person be reward- giving information will ed.â€"â€"John Wells, Allan Park. 14 iptf FOB SALEâ€"Light Spring Wagon with box and rack, almost as good as new. Apply to Wm. Jacques, R. - v- r. nmmgm 7 12 if Mrs WANTBD .â€"Capable prauumu ..... ., to take charge of farm in Saskatch- I] )pe or A.Bell Cutting-box, good as new; engine, llOI‘SL-DO\\'CI‘ and hand con» nections.â€"J. Murdock, Durham. 75tf PROPERTY FOR SALE ‘ splendid residence property :)er Town belonging to the rs. Wilson. will be sold on able terms; contains 1%; acre, tr less; comfortable residence. is; hard and soft water; good 5; orchard and garden; fine ,on. Apply on premises, or to Ritchie or Duncan Smellie, “M 629tf August 9th, 1917. No. 4, Durham. the town u; yum“... - v- M partlculars apply to J. P. Eflham' a”.-- 11 13tf ;, 9 and 10, Kincardine St... moly A.H. Jackson. 41'15tf IVLU -v-â€" .â€" 111 of Lot 6, the old Skat- site, Garafraxa St., Dur- Lhe north part, of Lot '3, Apply to AH. Jackson. ‘ 930M \n 1 _ -- improvements.- town of ,Priéeville; Capable practical man, «m nf farm in Saskatch- the late Philip f Durham. For rs apply tp_ JHP. 11' “v- 184, Chronicle Office, 7 19 tf -A good comfortable ving shed, With'water Rent, $1.50 a month. Chronicle office. 7 12tf inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents usertion. Over one inch and under two inches, Avvw-‘y ‘31 «.4 Office and residence a short dis- tance east of the Hahn House, on Lambton St, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. _J. G. BUTTON, M.D., GM. Oflice: Over J. P. Telford’s office, Registry Office on east side of A1- bert St. Ocfiie hours: 9 to 11 3.111., 2 to 4 p.m., and '7 to 9 pm. Tele- phone communication between 01‘- Iice and residence at all hours. DR. BURT Late Assistant Roy. London Opâ€" thalmic Hospital, England, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hosp. ”Specialist: Ey,e Ear. Throat and Nme. Office: 13 Frost St” Owen DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. Graduate of London, and Chlcago. Dlseases of Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Dur- lmm, May 19, June 16, July 21, Au- .‘lust 18. Hours: 1 t0 5 pm. . -- _ . Barrister, Solicitor, Hourly opposite the R {Lambton St, Durham. 1ot‘ money to loan at 5 a farm property. Office: Over DRS. JAMIESON JAMIBSON w. J. DnnL‘L’ u vvvvvv Fonveyancer, Issu J {Licenses Money to lrates, and on terms to suit borrow- ".er. Fire and Life , ' 1 d lip. thoroughly reliable companies. lDeeds, Mortgages, l . l‘exeeuted on shortest notlce. All isms; promptly attended to. I" .-._’.â€"... _...._V a- DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or with himself. dence upon and CUlquhuJu u. .....-_ in each of three years. In certain districts 9. homesteader may. secure an adjoiningouarter- section as preâ€"emption. Pr1ce $3per acre. Dutiesâ€"Residence six months 1preâ€"emption, may take a purchased! thomestead in certain districts. {Price $3 per acre. Must reside six gmonths in each of three years,cul- itivate 50 acres and erect a house lworth $300. . } Holders of entries may count ”as... M pmnmvment as farm labor- Medical Directorv. pre-emptlon, . tead m certain districts. 3 Holders of entries may count gtime of employment as farm labor- :ers in Canada during 1917, as rem-1 ‘dent duties, under certain condi-l . Lions. . . W hen Dominion Lands are adver- icharge papers mus H, to Agent. vav-vâ€" pre-e homes mp 9 tgad in - Ann ”1‘ DR. W. C. PICKERING DENTIST Over J. J. Hunter’s Store. __.â€"â€"â€" A. H. JACKSON Public, Commissioner, 3r 6:0. Insurance Agent, loan. Issuer of Marmage A general financral busy ALI-“‘1‘ Ilul- ........ â€" v loan at 5 Per cent. 51AM, 1101533313 LULUV" "V'- the Registry Office sham Any amount Etc. Qflfgcet Ontario WAVE}. BUMGUR From Sombre North to Sunny South, Sp'fin Shows a Wide Variety Both of Scenery and Peopic “Spain ani Russia,” says Hamilton Fyi‘e in the London Daily Mail, “are 1116: two most interesting countries M“ if": Europe for the traveller who 0\.\ b so A - ‘ "“A »-v ‘(3 JL‘_..? Luc “mun“..- v- _____ different from the rest. In Madrid luck out of my window on to one the finest. open squares in the city. mmmg the motors and electric root wars parts drawn by huge. slow- m'itzg oxen, strings of mules. boys 1d mm riding on donkeys, flocks 01' $661? 137 1C 1e 8- 111;: 113 ha I [1â€" a 2'1“}? D0â€" (Anny-j Lh" CA: h. by u Off con Dias; with vou’) are eating if only a with then DC 011 )ct “The starting of. Sganisli trains. my the, way, requires a vast effort. Fizu. a handhell is rung, then a large bL‘Ll is tolled. Then a shrill whistle blown. to which the engine repliL-z with a hoarse blast. Finally, there 1; combined waving and shouting by al the officia .3, amid which movement be ’-4 _. a ' ill-U. I'mil the handheli has been rung no “Fume ~.u--v- ~â€"â€" â€" enqine-drix‘t‘m may put on steam. At hie-belts 011. and W ‘ ' ' caiied :‘tlhttccte. arrived when I reached Do‘ we (lay with wards spent some ti) hour’s business to do in the tal. The wound in The train was scheduled to ceived when holding may only five minutes. He picked up Signal that the gun 1 the handheli, put it in his overcoat Kirkham was WOL‘ pocket. and went and did his business. as W811 . ‘ discharged from the At the station everyone was hunting for the precious boil, Without. which go back to the farm the train could not start. The travei- ‘ ier came back, slipped the hell into‘ A Notable I its place "Vain, jumped into his (:0111- The Toronto Ree ..,,-\ .. , ,,¢.,\.‘ Y)” :. JUukthLi. 4' ,-..» ‘ .L can 6 ‘â€" I- t (J 31).. (L \g 7 pertinent, and the journey was resnin- ' talion, which left 06%. Nobody much minded. Nobody 1 first call in August much minds anything in Spain. What lto its hard-Won e2 would annoy one elsewhere under cording to infor} ggrey skies is turned to a joke by the back from France. - c Q __-..1 ~A1f‘ :11 “‘n f‘ 't)” 10, . - -_ knnnrnh'ln t 01‘)- L1 Permissible on!y L11 WULUU £11“qu vuv -_._ ,, grey skies is turned to a joke by the radiance of blue and gold in the clear, exhilarating air. In such a climax) peevishness is impossible.” A11 aria 1: hindrance onmcnt. battle 1 erones,‘ fried Cartngena 511 us.’ All 1111 or or natio special fiavuur [1 who meet on kindly gree YOU .5 trees IS started. i ‘ ' -. ' ' v . G31 d and s1lier 1111 "195 that hawe‘ Ogllvie \IcMurtI") 01 we paugumu : $10011 1101' ked £01 111 :re 11:: :1 three cen- art? ‘em. and Isabel Dora Strathy. \ mries still form LE: '1 11:11 (511:1 resoure- both of Montreal; it was solemnized 0f the Mexican SLaLG OI San Luls 'az11idst the 11o1ses of shells, which PotOSi. sue-re e. “paw/01111- to repel the air which is believed to haxe the raiders then bombarding London. 0 0 es 0 3 2g c«reatest deposits of 110;: are in the T1: are “-95 a suggestion that the cere- O Q 6 c l world,18 beginning to exnort pig iron 11103:; be postponed, hut this was not * V'srxbod3 retained compos- . Keep the hired man and keep the do 111, u» ' d afterwards the bride and . than sell the stock and. '1 are an. i[groom dI‘OVe 0f! haDDIIYo l 5.1“an Provinces that The total area of the Dominion of ‘ Canada is 3,729,665 square miles; the total area of Europe, including the British Isles, is 3,800,000 square miles. 1 ~' about a third of that of Africa, ‘ ‘h of that of America, and a fifth of that of Asia (17,225,890 square ‘ miles). Canada’s area is as great as ‘ that of the Whole continental Europe, plus the area of England proper. On- tario is nearly as largeas the com- ; bin-'30. area of France and Germany (416.220 square miles). The area of ghee Ls. almost as great as that of combined areas of Norway, Swed- -. l‘mnmark, Holland, Belgium. Aus- "a. and Italy (708.600 square miles). .'ii..-erta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba .mmn. the same area. which v CANADA’S AREA CBMPARED “‘\JV" v", ame area. W 1110“ have each about the s ‘ . , _ more than double that 01 the Umt ”A -AA -A,__-.... “1“:1AC‘ -b. square miles) is almost equal to that (51,597 of Lhe Maritime Provinces Lost! A Station Bel! lure miles) ble only in Rarest Cases-â€" Ground Fire Damage t1 116. through 1101131 Ste mm in diffi Oil the T03 THE DURHAM CHROMCLE. 111 V 1 revailing note 1: ’ve. In the sout‘. av. laughing sun vise and eat n preferenc aid: is servo are Vaster Than Many Kingdom re iC ck-tem )I‘ 32am am isir. Seaman Kirkham Intends to Go Bacx a to Farming. t In 1908 a Bernardo boy landed in ‘ ‘ Canada, a stranger in a strange land. He is now back in Toronto, a hero Whose name has been flashed by 1 cable all >ver the world, and the pic- ture of whose explOit formed the double-page feature of one of the ’great illustrated weekly magazines Of London which are circulated wherever the English people have spread. At nineteen years of age he has been recommended for the Dis- tinguished Conduct Medal. On April 20 last his Majesty’s ship “Broke,” in company with the “Swift,” encountered six German torpedo boats. They both made a dash at the enemy and the “Broke” succeeded in ramming one of them. Her bows entered into the side of the German ship, making a great gash in her plates, and while en- tangled in this position a boarding party of Huns leaped on to the “Broke’s” forward deck, The crew on the “Broke’s” forward gun I fought them off, and the former Bar- ‘ nardo boy was there. Leading Seaman Lawrence Kirk- ham is his name and ranking now. Tâ€"Tn carved his time on the farm of HERO OF BROKE’S BATTLE. VHUU 0 When the Germans swarmed down on the deck of the “Broke” the gun crew were alone to bear the shock of the attack. ‘ '1'” -.,-:.1 C‘An “Six others and myseu, said owâ€" man Kirkham, “fought them with re- volvers from behind the steel gun shield for twenty minutes, but as we could not drive them off we took our sidearms and went out after them. There was a pretty warm time for a while, then those who were not kill- ed jumped into the sea at the point of our side-arms. I myself went too near the railing and fell overboard. iI was in the sea for twenty-nine hours, when I was picked up by a fishing smack off Dover. I had two life-belts on, and was unconscious when I reached Dover, and after- tal. The wound in the hand I re- ceived when holding up my hand to signal that the gun he fired.” Kirkham was wounded in the hip as well :1 the hand, and has been discharged from the navy. He will go back to the farm, he says. first call in August, in”, is gamma to its hard-won early laurels, ac- cording to information trickling back from France. The battalion took an honorable part both in the capture of Vimy Ridge and subse- quently in the capitli'é: Of Fresnoy. At Vimy two battalions of the lst Brigade made the initial attack and the other two battalions advancing immediately after were given a set of objectives beyond those captured ,in the first advance. The 3rd Bat- talion was in the second pair. t is reported that it reached all its objee- ‘ tives and pushed half a mile beyond. For that day’s operations eighteen officers and men were named for honors, but a sad feature is that seven of the eighteen were a few days later killed at Fresnoy. A pleasing incidert in the battal- ion’s life occurred on June 13th, The battalion’s official mascot in the shape of a goat, which has been ‘with the unit for more than a year, ‘ is reported to be still alive and well. For that da officers and honors, but seven of the days later k Was With French Army. Word has been received at Ottawa 0! the death in action of a well- known French-Canadian journalist, Mr. Paul Caron, who, at the out- break of war, was a member of the native-born Canadian, when hostili- ties were declared sailed directly to France and enlisted in Paris with the Foreign Legion. For his gallan- try in that famous. battalion he was promoted and sent to a French Mili- tary College. After receiving his commission he joined the Franch army, and was one of the few, ' the only, native Canadian in the ranks of the army of the republic. He was killed April 16', on the opening day of the French ofiensi-ve. .His closest relative is a sister, who 15 a wellâ€"known French-Canadian writer. It is a unique fact ' has sent more men to any other French newspape . ‘ t of many of the _.wspapers. ii ‘for France recently, t- of joining his fenour-newspaperman, ). Paul Caron. He did not know then lere 3.1ch 9U UVML vâ€"v wâ€" - _ \_ Lttack. \\ others and myself,” said Sea- 1 I .rkham, “fought them with re- from behind the steel gun J for twenty minutes, but as “we a LOt drive them off we took our 9 -34.--- $knm When the wedding took place at London, of Alexander Brompton, Ogilvie McMurtry of the Canadian Dora Strathy, artillery, and Isabel both of Montreal, it was solemnized amidst the noises were endeavoring to repel the air Iraiders then bombnrding London. k'l‘here was a suggestion that the cere- M~+mmeri hut this was not Toronto Regimgnt, 3rd Ba which left Toronto at the ,n in August. 1914, is adding Notable Battalion. Shélls (ES to Go Back for Confetti. THE LATE DAVID BROWN On July 315i, David Brovm passed away after a prolonged illness, at the age. of 54 years and one day. He. was born at Bunessan in 1.863. and with his family nmyod to Durham 8 years agn. He was of a kind dis-- position. kind and obliging in eyery ‘wm- hp mum to holn a Iivighbor at lung»:s‘uqmnng _..;.\uu[- pm: Wm-“ f'mnu ‘uuo'low noqou 'smum .{unH xx‘u‘numq 'sul' 'm.\\oH WU.“ 's.Iss;)1\' ‘stmfigMI >49 0.10.“ SJOJBOQ 11ml GILL uumfi pun asmnyn: Sunugamo .1050“: am; fixou om ‘SJOWLUOJ qanup .{uuul n] '1“ 19113th uu oauapgsm 0181 cm {mu} oamd mm “2.131111; mu 'Hsus ‘uugfiau 11; 2101.19 'saw ‘Jmsgs; auo pun ‘ugamuo umquox u; ‘uqor I‘goqmaq QUU sexual 9H 'wgmq pun zlump ‘ssoum gamma; Jan .10} 0.1311 ‘51:.“ ‘puuos new) JO ‘Suq .x‘mod {sax ‘Jamfiuup memo oql axon-1e; pun pu'cqan 311;;on 8 JD 8301 am umom 01 uaquqa x18 pun an.“ 311; â€".\01 e ‘pumaq same] 9H "awn Sun 12 Joqqfigau 13 (Iraq 01 puma aq 3m: mot. at. the scluwtâ€"hunsv (m rum.»- day, Angus find. with it} ladies pros- i 0111. 'l‘wontyâ€"thrco pairs 01' $0015". and tiw ruihértinn'l wcrv giw'n in. Mrs. Jas. Mr- :miuuntett tn $1.85. Donald and Miss Magj'fio , were. :ii‘ii‘itiiintcd t0 rnprosmit tht‘t \Vtirkcrs at. the munthly parking ati\ Mulurk nn Saturday. Angnst tth. ..- will ho huhi in Til“ next mvntin, tho schunl-hmiso ("in August 30th. Miss (‘Iathtarinn ()‘Nril met, with a: arricivnt. last. wank. \Vhile helping the Missus McLean pick: cherries, the limb nn which she, was rusting gaVn way. throwing 1101‘ in the ground and seriously inâ€" ' ' her back, requiring medical aid. We sincervly how) she wiil Stmn be able. to he about. again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence Vis- ited with her mother. Mrs. J. D. Clark, one day last week. serious 'l‘lll‘f Miss. 1mm with friends D.C. TOWN, Jeweler :Optician DURHAM - ONTARIO Almz‘drmn Rod (11% \wrknz' 1.1 H11) S1'l11w1-111111<o (m Thurs \ugus ”211d \\ 1111 1(3 ladies pre< 'Iwontvâ€"thrco 1111115 01' 50131; giwn in, 111111 the 00110011“ 111011 1.4-! $1.85. 3112. .1215. MC NEW SILKS TIES LAGBS 1mm DuVidson mnds in WWII. ABERDEEN. Just In CORSETS sateens) VLS lLiU (f Durham High School The School is thoroughly equipped ' in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc, . for full Junior Leaving and Matric- “ ulatiou \VUI‘k. 5 Thos. Allan, Principal. lst Class Certificate. also Certificate in.Phy- asical Culture. Subjects: Seienoe, ,Mathematics, Spelling. PLANING MILLS Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects: Latin, Art, Literature, Composition, ilteading, Geography, Ancient His- l : tory. a , . g Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- ‘10 University, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French. British and Canadian History, Composition, Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if posâ€" sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, mak- ing it a most desirable place for l residence. l ‘ The record of the school in past {years is a flattering one. The trueâ€" ltees are progressive educationally ‘aand spare no pains to see that \teachers and pupils have every ad- lvantage for the proper presentation land acquisition of knowledge. l l FEES: $1 per month in advance. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for DURHAM CARD OP THANKS. 2 I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my kind neighbors and :friends, who kindly assisted me fiduring the illness and death of my Meat husband, and father. JOHN SMITH, Chairman Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. FEES: $1 Per HOUSE TO RENTzâ€"The rear .of double dwelling-house on Main St... Upper Town, containing six the rooms, formerly occupied by John Vessie. Possession at once. Apply to Wm. Black, Countess street, Durham. 7 26:1 SASH,DOORS â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i Is unquestionably one of Canada's best'commercial schools. The de- mand for our graduates is far m excess of our supply. Write to-day excess of our supp! for free catalogue. SUMMER TERI Opens Thursday, July 3 in Shaw’s Busmess Schools, 'ijor- onto. The work mer es Into Autumn term from ept. 4, without any break. Courses fully described in new catalâ€" "' '-- r-.. :5 W n 0 ue. Write for it. W. B. S aw, Pres., Yonge Gerrard Streets. PAGE 7. ONTARIO J. F. GRANT. Secretary. Elliott, Principal.

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