West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Aug 1917, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Heddie. of Hamilton, and Misses M. and A. L. MacKenzie. of Durham. spent last Thursday 9V- ening at Mr. John MacKenzie’s. Miss Agnes Petty is visiting this, Miss Agnes Petty is visiti W901i with Dromore friends Mr. Robt. Matthews of Detrcdt Spent the week-end with his cm- sin, Mr. Will Langrill. We extend congratulations -to Mr. Frank Murdock and his bride, Miss Annie Halliday, of Normanby. who were married lastNVednesday. This week our Red Cms s society is sending boxes to uur soldiers overseas, namely: William Arm- strong. W'ill Knisley. Jas. Lungrill. and Lorne Mmmtain. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Petty Sunday» ed with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mair-- shall, Of Knnx. Mr; and Mrs. John Bauer of town Spent Sunday with the I'm‘mPt's parents her-e. I; in need of visiting cards. call arid see the good kinds kept in stock at‘ The Chronicle office. to take that course of business training this c«-»ming term? NOW is your opportunity. Never in the history of l'lusinvss in Canada have the Opportunities been 84'» great. for- yuung [WH1)18, and especially for young women. Our connection with Strutl’nnl and Toronto Colleges gives us exceptional facilities fur placing; our students in the best positions. DON’T PUT IT OFF, ymi mn‘t ult‘mwl tn. but let us know at once that you will be with us when our term opens. on Tl'ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. Write or call for our new Journal which tells about some of the success to take that course of Dusim your opportunity. Never in fl opportunities been so great fo women. Our mmnecticm with expegifionnl faciliLio-zs for play __-.-- rm of our last year's class. MOUNT FQEESI ONT. D. A. McLACHLAN President. 4 MOUNT FOR ES T/ SOUTH-EAST BENTINCK. PAGE 8. 8111111113 111-11‘1, a tremendous storm 1 W .. pt through these parts, leaving tho- crops in bad shape. The roads wo-re also badly washed out, but We havez‘z't heard of any damage with the lightning. Rev. Mr. Jacksnn. the Methndist minister of Hannver. preached here on Sunday last. and intends preaching again next Sunday, as Mr. McLean is taking his holidays. .\ Red Cross garden party is be- in; held on Wednesday evening on Mr. Young‘s lawn. } lhere are a large number holi- :11213ing armmd this burg at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Laidlaw, 01‘ Jitlsimrg. are here Visiting their uld h«'>mw<. and we are SUFI‘)’ to learn that. Mrs. Laidlaw is ill. new Chevrolet car. "IL."A. FLEMING, Principal HAMPDEN. the. farmers are Miss Nellie Collier is home from Toronto for a few holidays. Miss Alix Edge has accepted a SC‘IILWI near \Viurtcm for the ensu- ing year. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie were in Hami‘zton on Thursday. - 11'. and Mrs. D. H. Firth, of Fer- gus, xx ere \isiting mm the holidav \xiih his mother, Mrs. D. Firth. The trustees of N0. 3 have em. gaged Miss McKay, of Owen Sound, as teacher for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Alton and Mr. Clar- encv Stalfles. of Markdale. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staples the Imginning of the week. Miss Agnes Allan was home from Toronto over the holiday and looks as if city life agreed W011 with her. Mrs. Jas. Tucker returned home a week- ago from the bedside of her aged mother, whom she left some- what recovered, but in a low con-v dition. Mrs. John Chapman and son, Ed- die, of Toronto, spent a week or so amongst friends and relatives here. Haying is completed, and the cram-1) was a good one, and well saved. Mr. 5nd Mrs. P. Black are enjoy- ing a Visit from their daughter:. Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Grasby, of R St. Marys, and Mrs. Glenholm, 01 Toronto. Mr. Wilfrid Barbour has secured a school up in New Ontario, and win make his start in the profes- sion after the holidays. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Har- g1ave,0n MondaV, August 6, 35011. 3115. Joe Brown and mo children spent the holiday at her old home here. Miss Jennie Cook, of Zion, visL ited with her sister at the Lake last week. Mrs. Geo._ Cowan of Mt. Forest. spent last week with her mother. Mrs. James Allan. Mrs. .Robert; Barbour. and son, Wilfrid, motored {o Teeswater on. Sunday. The storm On Sunday night was quite severe in places. Hail, Wind and lightning were quite terrific. A pig-pen near Dromore was burn- ed, other places struck but not fired, and some grain laid 10w. Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eccles, of Dromore, also Mr and st. McKenzie and her sister, from Ebenezer, attended St. Paul’s church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. D\- mond is becoming famous as a preacher. The Chronicle suggests a drinkâ€" ing place in a prominent place in Durham, where a good drink of cold Writer r'an be ofitained Without feel-- ing under obligation to any one in particular. The idea is a good one, and the first effort towards hospi- tality made in Durham for a 101195 time. ' St. Paul’s people have arranged’l to hold their annual garden part. . on Tuesday evening, August‘ 14th.‘ in Mr. Thos. Tucker’s orchard. Thai place is a good one, and every effort is being made to make it a great suecess, and give every one who comes a good time, and send them away satisfied and happy. Admis- sion, 100. and 150. CORNER CONCERNS. EDGE HILL. Mr. George Nichol has returned Allies. The executive of the aux- to town, and is leaking well. filinry has {1150 been asszwmj‘a 153' the lInstimtes branch of the Department Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker of t of Agriculture that they will send anonto were in town last W991i Ia denmnstrzltor in canning tn . any Miss Inno Davidson. of Aurora, 001.1:1't“.u§.mnnnplicntirm. The far“. wns the guest of Miss Flo Lirnin for 550111;: mmrmatmu IS mung a-nn‘cvs‘» ed to the delegates who last week a few days. . , attended the Women‘s Conventmn. Miss Inno Davidson. of :‘mrur:..~., was the guest of Miss 1710 Limin for a few days. Trinity church Sunday school {111- nual picnic was held in the park last wook. The executive committee of the! \\ omens Auxiliary to the Org "amâ€"l zation of Resources Committee. af-§ ter consultation with the Hon. \\ 3 J. Hanna the Dominion Food Con-i trollcr, is authorized to state that the food controller has adopted the idea of a pledge to be taken in a house to house canvass from each individual housewife to do her best. to prevent food waste and encoun- age thrift and economy in the home Where pledges are given, the food controller will supply a card to be placed in windows showing that the house is pledged to save food for the Canadian soldiers and our We have a. stock of ground feed wheat on hand that we are ofiering for the next few days at $40 per ton, sacks included. If you need feed, buy now, as we have only a limited quantity to offer at this priceâ€"The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Company, Limited. On Tuesday afternoon fire broke out, in a barn belonging to Mr. Wm. Wall. just outside the town at the west side, and before anything could be done, it was doomed to destruction. It contained a quanâ€" titx of hay belonging to Mr. W111. W1ggins. but how the fire originat- ed is not known. We understand the barn was. a fairly good Irame structure, and carried some insur- £11100. ++M+§+++M4~MWMH+W z Electrical Contractor Persons requiring their hous- may write to the above adâ€", dress, or leave order at The Chronicle Office. +++¢e¢++e+++ i i '32 es wired for electric lights, g i oe++++ 789 Dup ont St., Toronto, 0:11:45; Phone: Hillcrest 2056 35;: There is more catarrh in thisl section of the country than all oth-i er diseases put together, and MN years it was supposed to be incur-E able. Doctors prescribed localrem-l edies, and by constantly failing tol cure with local treatment. pro- nounced it incurable. Catarrh is a: local disease, greatly influenced by constitutiontl conditions and there-li fore requires constitutional treat-; ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manu- ifactured by F. J. Cheney Go. To- iledo, Ohio, is a constitutional rem- edy, is taken internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hun- dred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall’s Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY 00., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 750. Hall’s. Family Pills for constipa- ++§M+¢~§+$++$MééMM+MM+WW++W+ Visit Henderson’s Bakery for DAINTY CAKES, (10015135, ETC, QUALITY BREAD W e also keep a well selected stock of Groceries. Fruits in seasmx Lyn, Ont. and \Vest t0 '1‘(_>ru111..¢_». in- elusive. August 23rd and 30111 from stations Toronto and west in Ontario. For particulars as to tick 0f \Vinnip {5, etc, apply Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. August fist and 30111. from statirms HARVEST HELP BXCURSIONS $12.00 to \VINNIPICG T. HENDERSON Calder, Town Agent, Durham The Home of August. 9th. 1917. t0 tickets “13>“. apply to any VOL. {SOâ€"NO. 2634. Durham's tax rate is ‘ the dollar. It was 37 ‘ Miss Ruth Aljm‘ couple of weeks a Miss Little. of anuntn, Sunday with Mr. and MP1 M rs Hog: cal: mm Hogaboom. 'l M Mr. and Mrs. J. . Miss Mary Harris nf spendingGI a mnmh with Mrs. H. .\1i.~tvln. Miss Nellie Smith few weeks in the n W’iarton. Mr. Fred A. me'is expects to be in Dur? last of Septembvr. See Lenahan's ad. on p: Live hogs are 318;?» to Duggan. Hf Tam mt u the Middaugh Buns- Miss N 0th uncle. Mrs. Hz'mloy Ville symmt, :1 \\' Mr. Hugh Mr] Miss Ella spending :L home hero. Mr. Join returned 1. position at Mrs. A1 angevillo, Wm. Sam Mr. Hugh has. been V past week. Montreal. W for a few d Miss Kath more is 5pm grandparents Matthews. Mr. L. J. Phelm advance little "d atrocitif Miss Est! has returm two weeks Rockv. Mrs. Ne occonman‘ ct, arrivet Visit, with NEWS Mr. and MI companied b Lyuns. m Sunday. “'9 er: sister at th( Mr, H is visiti health, none of We notiu ‘An :10} Dundalk had to a home to Mrs Begin returned Lu ter spending Mr. and Mrs Trinity Church ( the home of the 3 Tuesday, spent an noon in sewing, ha turned home in tl We regret to le of Lieut. Coleman ver, who was kill August 15th. He with the 147th G! The 11th annu the Grey Count? ‘ will be held in 0‘ 29th inst. Owing the programmes. 5.5 the bath, and attending should 1 Mary Ale Irolina sther .ice that spells D1.“- “13 prOtG~ H at her \\ m \V I I) 11 K

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