West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Aug 1917, p. 2

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. This list is intended to contain the names of all those who have en- listed from Durham and vicinity for service overseas. In it Will be found the names of some who have since been dischargedas medically unfit, or for other cause. Our object in publishing this list 15 to show who of our citizens have actually worn the khaki, and we have made no efi’ort to include any who have applied and have been reJected. There will no doubt be mistakesâ€"omissions may have been made, or other errors crept A 1. _ -__ .‘ LLAAA ___L‘ L‘__- ‘Amkflnn 'UUUI; “C I‘llobun‘lr‘VLL‘IUUAvuv mud -â€"v- - in, and We ask the assistance of our readers, and those who have members of their family-at the frontto make the necessary corrections. We would like the name of every enlisted man from this district on this list. Adair, John 1 Lloyd, Anson Adair, Robin Lucas, J. N. A1508, Capt. 3- 3- Marshall, C. A. (killed in action) Allan. Lieut. T- Marshall, Walter W. . Allen, JOhnSton Mountain Lorne Armstrong, W- 3- Mortley, John Atkinson, Herbert Meade, Earl Ayott, Bert Munro, Wm. Banks, George Morton, Wes. Bailey, Michael Mather, T. L. Bailey, J. Matheson, L. Bailey, T. Mort, A. Baker, Chris. Mulcock, Arthur Barbour. James MacLean, J. F. Basham, A' McAlister, T. W. Bell, Alex. McAlister, W. W. Black, Wilfrid Blyth, Cecil Bolger, John Borthwick, David Box, Fred Bovington, George Bradley, Thos. MoAssey, F.. M. McComb, Archie McComb, Alex. McConnell, J.H. (killed in action) McDOnald, John C. McDonald, H. H. i i l] 1 1 i ! Baker, Richard 1‘ Murray, Geo. i l l i i ! McDonald, Ernest ‘1 £331; JR 6- McDonald, John , - . . - ; McDonald, Thos. gryon’ Irarely (killed in action), McDonald, Norman Bunce, Bran] ; McDonald, Philip oyce, eve ? McFarlane, D. B. Catton, Victor Calder, Roy Campbell, W. A. Campbell, G. W. Carey, James Caswell, Harvey McFadden, J. R. McGirr, Wm. McGirr, E. J. McGillivray, Neil McGillivray, Allan - McGillivray, Dan. géfletéa‘fi‘ifisn McGillivray, Stewart Colville, John McGirr, Lance nfr , D. McGowan, Arthur ggvefg. . Mcllraith, Frank Corkill, Jos. I McIlraith. J- H- Connolly, Arthur . i Mcllvride, Wm. Coutts, Jas. ; McIntosh, Harry C. Corbett, Fred I McKeown, J. J. Cross, Roy ‘ ; MacKay, Frank Cross, J. H. , , E McKechnie, Percy Cravvford. Chas. é McMeeken, Elmer Daniel. Percy i McMillan, N. J. Darby, Wm- g McKinnon, Hector Dargavel, Bryce McKechnie, H. C. Darling, C. H. i McMahon, J. Derby, John ; McNally, Lieut. Stanley Davis, J. A- : McNally, Cecil Davis, PGTQY . g McVicar, Alex. DaVlS, CeCll ; Ness, George Dewar, A- C' ! Newell, Lewis DOdSWOI‘th, H. W. : Nichol J C Donaldson, Alex. ' Nichol, Wilirid Drumm, H. G. ; . ’ Dunbar, Lachlan f NIChOI, C- W- Dyre, A. '. Nicholson, Noel Eccles, Roy ‘ Oliver, James Edwards, Elmo ; Oliver, Joseph Edwards, Ivan ? Oliver, W- H- Blvidge, Vernon Q 03115. C- H- , Ervin, Harry ‘ Patterson, G. (killed in action) Ewen, Robt. : Petty, Wm. Falkingham, Harry , Pilgrim, Chas. Falkingham, Wm. . Pinkerton. F- Findlay, Alex. , Pinkerton, John B. Fluker, Ray 1 Pollock, H. Findlay, Murray 5 Pust, J. A. Gadd, Wm. ; Pust, Ezra Glover, E. Putherbough, Robert Goleby, Wm. Ramage, Chas. C. Grigsby, Frank Ramage, James Grigsby, 3- > Renwick, Edgar Gray, H § Robb, Robt. Grant, BIOCk . ; Ross, Clarence Gray, T1103. 3 Ross, John Greenwood, J. W. Ross, Percy Grundy, Wm. ! Saunders, Alex. Grierson, Nathan 1 Saunders, Mack Gun, Dr. A- ;. Saunders, Alister Giles, 3- . Sclieuermann, V. Gun, Gordon 1 Seaman, S, Gunncemi . . . T Smith, Flight-Lieut. J. Morrison Harris, Lillie (Nursmg Sister) ; Smith J Fred Hall, Richard ; Smith: Andrew Hay, A191 ' Stedman, John Hazen, G. C- .- Stewart, Thos. Hazen. R. | Stewart, Corp. Havens, Ed- ‘ Standen, S... Havens, Chas. ! Styles, Wm. Hamlet, Jos. ? Torry, Fred Hartford, 5- J- } Thompson, David . H?Z?ni Wm. : Thompson, Walter 311118. Sam i Thomas, J. E. 303’. Murray i Trafford, George Hopkins. W- J- i Trafford, Seth gun]? R- J ; Trafford, John 33%;: 23.388 Trafford, Edward Irwin, Duncan i Vollett, James Kinnee, Calvin ; $038“, garold - s o ett, arry Kelly, Eric a Warmington, James Kelly, Fred ? Warmington, Jos. Keith, Robt ’. Wall, James Knisley, w, H. - , Watson, Ferguson Knight, Major ELL. {killed in ac‘nl ‘, W350“, J- Kress, George . Webber, George Kress, Lieut. H. i walker, Jas. (died Aug. 30, ’16) £331? will?” 2 Weir: John (killed in action) Lgicflaw “A N , Wells, Alex. (killed in action) Lamerson J W Whitmore, W. N. . ’ ' ‘ White Alex. Langrill, James ; White, E J Lauder, W' A' E Willis: Stanley Lauder, T. A. W'll' B H Lawrence, John A. i W1 135’ C. t C E Ledingham, John : Wolfe, Bip- - - Lloyd, Edith (Nursing Sister) ng (lit 3J0” Ledingham, Geo. ~ Wylie, ,W: J. £32595}! cilia 5 White, Archie Lindsa§v, B. G. I. ' Whéte, James R. Lindsay, R. G. . White, R. B. Lloyd, George { . Lloyd, J. A. . Zimmer, Norman Tht‘ [)I'HY'UF' (if the banana trade this season went. up in smoke 135:, Friday evenina. greatly to the dis- appointment, of Mr. Sam Rusto. He was returning from Bradford in his auto truck, where he had de- livered a load of fruit, and as he was passing through Holland Land- ing, near the 'G.T.R. station, he heard two explosions in quick suc- cession. The engine and gasoline Durham and District CAR BURNBD UP. PAGE 2. Hui-r :31» smt. He"- raised the seat. H... luv-T; under. and was immediately isnii'rrnimh'éd by flames. Both he and ihis sun jumped out of the car at Once. but the father’s wrist was hmllx hurnml by the flames. The ,car. \xhich cost $3.000, was entirely fiensumed except the Wheels. There “:15 a small insurance on it. Mr. Bush) phoned to Newmarket, and another auto went. out and brought him home, leaving the stranded wreck on the side of the road.â€" ‘I Newmarket Era. Mr. A. H. Jackson received a bunch of letters from boys at the front since last issue. We shall re-l fer briefly to some of them. Pte. Al. Saunders; writing from France on July 8th, says he receiv- ed the. tobacco all right. and prefers it. to the dome they get. over there. He is feeling “the very best.” Pte. W. McGirr, letter not dated. writes from Norfolk and Norwich hospital, and says: “Just a line to let you know I received your letter, but not in France this time. I got tired of being out there, and Fritz. was kind enough to give me a nice Blighty about seven weeks ago. When I left there, the rest of the boys were all o.k., but I don’t know how they are now, as there has been lots of time for a change. I had a letter from Lance McGirr about a week ago. He is back to the line again; He got hit on the nose. I also got it there. and .on the arm as well. I got only one parcel since the first you sent. I guess I left there too soon to get any of the rest of them. I had a letter from Durham, written on the 22nd of June, and they had not found on: then that. I was wounded. It must take them a long time to get word but they will have it in all proba- bility before this reaches you. I was wcmnded at Lens. It was a fine place. but by this time there wili not be much left of it. I hear they are going to have conscription in Canada and I fancy there are still many men there who can do more goml here than they are doing there. I saw some American sol- diers in France before leaving. They were AMI}. fellows, and had 'taken a hospital I forget the name oz". They had some gomi nurses. ani the boys appreciated their atten- tion.” Sapper Will Darby, in a letter frnm England, dated July 15th, sayS° "I rece-iml your welcome letter, and was glz‘ul to hear from you. Thanks for parcel sent, which has not yet turned up. but, will slmrtly perhaps. I am imprrwing nicelv. and have to» be around again seen. (live my lhiésl wishes to \Vill Mc- ¢-;m\'an. who I trust is enjoying the MM. 01' health. Tell father I am imprnving nicely and give my kind thanks h.» the ladies of the If’reshyâ€" irerian church for kindness Sl'iown me. I Wish them the best 01' luck. Address Sapper \VAV. Darby, NP. 838781, Royal I'Iiunpshire County HOSpital, Heathcete Ward, Win- chester, England. utiuu of Cz'u'uuliun tobacco. In his brinf letter he says: “We had quit:) :1. lot, nt‘ ruin this trip and the trenches were very muddy. I am sure Um Durham friends are work- ing hard fur the Durham boys, and m: all appreciate their eifor'z.’ Mike Bailey. writes‘ to express thanks fur parcel. and his appreci- mgr. he enlisted, and is now Frzmrr. His father is a prisoner Gm'niany.-Ed. Chronicle] "I I‘éi‘CQinz‘tl a parcel from you about a. \W‘Pk am, and thank you for the sumo. -\ parvol over here is a thng that is always appreciated. We have been on the move for about a week now. and have just settlnd again. Things are pretty busy here just now. I haven‘t run across any of the old Durham boys yet, but. r-xmct I may soon.” Pte. Edward Havens writes from Lmvisham Military Hospital, Eng- land. where he is being treated ful‘ heart. trouble. and does not know whether 01‘ not he Will recm'e'e': sutficiently to return to the trench- es. He Wishes to thank the friends of Durham for a parcel he received that day, and enjoyed very much. .Sgt. M. Davis, writing from Francv «m the :34th of July, says. LETTERS FROM THE BOYS 581' ’0 i373 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. m Red Cross supplies made by the various branches of the township â€"-Aberdeen, Hutton Hill. South Line, Vickers, Mulock, Crawford. Louise, Habermelil. Lamlash, and No. 7. Bentinck, for the month of July Consisted of: 73 suits pxjamas, 76 towels. 33 pillow slip;,4 feather pillows, 4 flannelette shirts. and 4 stretcher caps, sent, as hospital sup- plies; 146 pairs socks, 44 denim Shirts. and 2:3 candles were sent. as. field comforts. The value of the goods “as estimated at $3 '10. 0. Pust, Harry McDui gall, D gald Mc~ Callum. Harry Irvine and Willie Bailey. At. last we see the manse adorned in :1 new dress of White, with green trimmings. The church corners are indeed a credit to the com- munity. Last week our Red Cross society sent. boxes to our 801(11101‘ boys, namely: \Vill Hopkins. Anthony Mrs. J. McGillivmy and Mr. Brit,“ tun Clair spent. the week-end with frimds in \Valkorton. 311‘. and 3112‘. H( (1(110 of Hamilton, \isitm1 the 3Ic(ja-111un1 fumilivs last, \u-‘ek. Pastor Ashton recently spent :1 week with the \Vt;>odford Baptists, and reports a good time with the, good people there. (anicil mot August lSth. memâ€" bnrs all present. Minutes adopted. Hunt(iv-l’vl'gum mâ€"ln I'oféiri'onco to tho (mmnn‘iuicnlinn I‘t‘w'oix'ml from the Board of Railway Commissitim- érs‘ro the service 1‘01cher by tho GIIER. at Holstein, that, the move. and Clerk be alimointod to attend the ,lli-rz‘n'ing of said case. Cum. Fvi'gusnn remorlocl tho fol- lmving wm'k done in .his division: J. (Earsmi. firuwlling. 846: J. Wilson, gi';1\'(;‘lli1g, $26; P. Cornish. clean- ing out ditch, $8; Jas. Henderson. learn on snow plough, $1.75; com foes. $5. Mulock branch supplemented this shipment. with 33 pairs socks. ‘29 suits pyjamas, 10 towels and 4 flanâ€" nelette shirts. The next shipment of township supplies will be made on Saturday. September ist. Mrs. J. O’Neill, of Pittâ€"sen, Pa., is spending her holidays with her sis- ter. Mrs. Duncan Clark. A Splendid sermon was given to a large emigregation in the church here last, Sunday night. The Rev. John Leypoldt, of Hanover, was the preacher. and the service was very" much enjtmfl. “'0 hope Mr. Ley- poldt will emne again. The Rev: Mr. Ashton Stll’tfflie'd the Hanover baptist. pulpit that same evening. Mrs. Arnold, 01' \V'iarton Spent, a few days last week with her friend. Mrs. A. McDonald. (1.11111 3111101131111 110111111911: Arc-11111 MCPIIOR. gunolling‘. $20; \\'. PIIHOP- 8011, gravnlling. $29.51,"); J. Shed. drawing tile and putting in cutâ€" 1111t.,$7;c«'1111.1'1:1.11.< $3. :30.\ C11111.B1‘0\\1110111111011: X Mc- Qucen, 5111\(3111113, $7.710; J. Geddcs, leLL111.H1111tL)r rLI‘LL‘Lrtrdz H. ML‘DLmâ€" gull, L11‘:1\\1113.r 11le and putting in mm Cli, $6.77): A. Stephnns. grzuling :111L1 g'l'il\'(‘llil'3.. $30.15: Goo. LL111::. 3."rzL\'L‘lli.11g. S6; .1. Hunter. n‘rzmwlling, $1. 330; (‘.Y1’1kL},tL3z1"1 011 3"'1‘:1L1L~‘:1‘. $3.50; \\ \DLPI'dC‘PIl. Luperating 3.r1:1L1L3r, S1» 5L); \\.ReiL1.1110Vi11g grader, .75; R. (.)\'L>11s.n1u\111g gr:1d0r,> 2100 CS “1.3.30 Pan-1:1“ N0. 332. to low the rates, (Intended for last week} EGREMONT COUNCIL MULOCK. . pective byâ€"law. McDougall- Hunterâ€"That the fol- lowing accounts he paid. Graxel ac- counts to the amount of $131.94; A. Stephens, road to gravel pit, :2; J. E Farrell, opening gravel pit. 82; J. McIlvride, com. tax, $6; C. Ramago 8: Son, printing, 874; R. Harrison sheep injured, $5; \V. Rife, express . 75; Clerk, postage and registration Yoters’ Lists. $1.80; cillors’ pay sheet, use of council room. 82. Council adjourned, to meet. 36D" ifor .1ssess.r m...»- Reeve, com. work and telephoning, 8.2.50; Coun- $13; J. McGratn, , 8d general },Iu7<iilv’*ss, â€"David Allan, Clerk. B Passed the Century Mark. Mrs. D. McDonald of Kinrardin» ('i‘lt"l_ll‘al.t.‘(_l her hundrmllh l‘iirthduy on the 7111 inst. She is still hale and hearty. and her hearing and Vision are both grind. She was 1mm in Nova Scotin. but. hemnie :1 r1141"- dent. of Huron township (if; year-t ago. 9§§§§§§§O§¢§§¢O§z§§§z§§§ 9 46690 QOOOOQfiOOOOOngO 0605aoooooooooooooooooooofi96969699.9009090009906960. 06.0009099999000909000009:0.0909099900996099.OQOOOQL 0.090909909096090999090000 QOOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOO06069900 90:O§§§¢§+§§§§§§§O§OO§§§O OOQQOOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOOOO‘O - Willem SUNSHINE FURNACE Built To Péease YOU The ONTARIO WIND ENGINE ' and PUMP COMPANY Opposite the 01d Stand Cheaper Than the Cheapest LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL W'INNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN. NB. HAMILTON CALGARY SASKATOON EDMONTON â€"-and does please you because it ofiers that rare combination of service, satis- faction-and economy. Ask our local dealer to show you the “ Sunshine," or write for free,- illustrated, descrip- tive booklet. If possible I Wish to dispose of my entire stock' before the end of the present year, and if prices at cost and below cost will move the buying public then our stock Will be sure to move. ”We are determined to get rid of it, so we advise you to see for yourself. I The stock consists of Dry Goods including, flannellets, blankets, woollen goods, men’s underwear, ladies under. wear. men’s pants and overalls, ginghams, muslins and ladies’ and gent’s sweaters. Call and get our Moving sale prices. There’s money in it for you. Eggs and Butter taken as Cash, FOR SALE BY J. H. HARDING ALL MUST BE SOLD S. SCOTT W. D. Connor Durham - 0n Manufacture the Cheapest and the Best Pumping O u tf i t 0 n t h e Market. Member 29th, to receixe applicatioz :.fu1' z- ISSCSSHI‘, ad general business â€"David Allan, Clerk. Seld by Agu ust 23rd, 1917. aw Durham, Ontario Ontario )VE me, love 1 a saying one 1°91 like reversing i case of Marsh: author of the dogâ€"tab Joe." No other book. e Beauty” of English an: occupied so popular a library of the nursery book. To read the bo¢ the dog, that ugly “131 who is the. hero, and dog" is to love “me," M By which detour one 1 conclusion that Marshal; My beloved by neai children, here and yond mated that that is the boys and girls who ha' humus story. Origin; arise story, and now it 1 ms old and read in t4 mges besides the Elm! ease and Swedish. Miss Saunders, who? winter in Toronto, is 3 Rev. E. M. Saunders, 1 vinity, late Of Halifax. Dr. Saunders himsvltfl quill to-day in the no! And Miss Saunders (01 father in fame to the 01 of books as long: as H most of them designed Of children. Th+ (om tartan note is caught ‘ glance at a few of th Pets,” for one; ”Puss: lather; and “Charh limb." “Princess Suke‘ King at the Park,” yeti other books from this 1 “Tilda Jane,” ”The E moat," "My.” ”H.088; “Deficient Saints," “Th1 Graveleys,” and “For 1 Wild and the dependen‘ has seen to it that live have improved in vari< “horses cows dogs as She is far from hr ing 3 :ever, and believes in 11 md sparrows My 11 the many for the chic .=;c see a. beast killed never! She has (wxoen p industry for wozmn t; squall: for their wnni The home of the Sau1 tax was the sanctuary : and feathers. The pre1 a goats’ kennel, guinea1 dogs' accommodation, 1 1ters, and an aviary 1 some two hundred bin 1¢onsisted of a basement 1two feet by fifteen teet, a. wire with the roof, 181mt cage gave room 1 brotherhood of it 'ns, cardinals, canal eae robin, a purple gall bhckbirds, Ar stral ia other species, and now were foundlings, spe11e1‘ Miss Saunders, who herself, is a great, exp vations for birds wbic ‘t the public charges. ment for the establish she declares that birds sets. and would soon cost to the public of breeding places. They back not only in song mice they render by shade and fruit-tree p pemnce Union, Naziuna Committee (\'+3.\\" )M'i Council of Canad. AI uise, National HcLiLl And-Tuberculosis L :2; Royal Society for 121+ Birds (London, Eng. ). men’s Press Club, A1 York. Society for the Cruelty to Animals, To: Societyâ€"and two or th needléss pain. She h: We in captive wild and imported, and, ban made important head! 13!, one chances on pos there, in stores and 1 which have emanate thought of Miss Saund bear a list of some doze his black type, of vhi sample: many interests. The ‘ lows: The Amorioum sociation. The PlaygroJ tion of America, Audu America, Women’s (321 Bruin Bouts Fis A fishing party upon Nanaimo, B.C., men Sunday for Home La]: ly interrupted by a big He strolled out into t the trail and startled ! who were half a mile 1 the main party. Althc Speeded up on his way men lost no time in st wards the east to catch “Birds like (form your birds compani This practical low creation on the’ part Saunders «fiends, not teathered Iriends, but It distresses Miss S. birds and other crt Miss Saunders was teacher and did mac while in her girlhood i She mceived her school and Scotland, and, 1:] the pupil of her tube ‘ cred quickly that she when the poet and .schu hue Chancellor of Mg. her to take up wriu'n sion. She found the mensely to hm“ liking, her joyâ€"success came . In the midst of her her pen, T iss Séundm nevertheless, reserred vice to the publiv alo A list of the clubs, to longs will give the b( uwn 00.111. “Beautiful by a Cana August 23rd 0 O. O. O. 0. .0 .0 O. O. O. “.0 00.. “O.

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