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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Aug 1917, p. 7

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Everyone will dmire them ‘mree times a pyâ€"shining, >otless dishes. I doing at all, br your dishes tap. Its soft, ng cleanliness eye. Soap ml». an,” [H19l-ulm'mw'.flmmut. rgust 23rd. 1917. Cumin: term? NOW is mus,- iu Canada have the and r'Spo'tfiz‘llly for young 'urtmtn (Mlle-gas gives us S in thn I'H'St positions. at. us knuw at once that TI ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. bout sortie it never red- zds, being of flic '33 Long Drawn Out. flickers through vut ten feet. -â€"Br00klyn Citizen. told the movie Trust CIDED VANCOUVER B: ”i 'man- "Hum... of the succes§ 13 Being Lot 53, Concession 3, B.G.R., Glenelg. containing 100 acres; on premises are new frame barn, brick house, sheds and outbuildings; run- ning stream through property; a- bout 10 acres hardwood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply on premâ€" 1393 to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. i, Glenelg, containing 100 acres; on Durham, Ontario. 94 4pdtf North part of Lot 6, the old Skat- ing Rink site, Garafraxa St., Dur- ham, and the north part of Lot '5, Albert, St. Applv t0 AH. Jackson, Durham, 0m. ' 930m The property of the late Philip Era, in the town of Durham. For terms and particulars apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. 11 18Lf Lots 8, 9 and 10, Kincardine St., West. \pply AH. Jackson. 4115tf LUULC ‘JL lCDD, UULllI-UL “av-v -Vâ€".._‘..-____, 7 rooms; hard and soft water; good bearing orchard and garden; fine situation. Apply on premises, or to Thos. Ritchie 0r Duncan Smellie, A Anti. PROPERTY FOR SALE That splendid residence property in Upper Town belonging to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on masonable terms; contains 973, acre, more or less; comfortgble residence; Bxecutons. DUGUAVL , uuuu .......... Waterloo; one 1‘70. 3 Masséy-Harrié Blizzard corn cutter; one wagon and tank nearly new Everythmg .111 FOR SALE One 14-h.p. traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, wind- stzacker, dust gollect‘qr, complete, WV,_, * POULTRY WANTED Wantedâ€"Yearling hens; Rocks, Reds, Leghorns, Wyandottes. State p?iC€.â€"â€"T. W. Weir, 796 Euclid ave, I‘m-onto, Ontario. ' 62’; SPIRBLLA CORSETS Spirella Corsets (not sold in Stores), made in Canada, are boned with the indestructable Spirella stay. the most pliable and resilent corset boning in the world; guar- anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given prompt attentionâ€"Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Box 'lOT. Durham. Phone 70. 1026 PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale W) acres of land adjoining the cor- ;«Jt‘z‘nlion, 011 Durham Road; also 13:3 acres on Lambton St., with mlilrlings; also a new brick house nu Saddler St., Durham, With all :mimlern improvements.â€"â€"Thos. Mcâ€" c’tnmb, Prop., Durham. 212x110 FOR SALE OR RENT A double brick house on Albert >£Feel. Will sell at moderate price ~11 reasrmable terms, or will rent right. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- nie, Durham. 531 tf Strayed from the premises or the undersigned about the ist of June, two black steers, one with white face; two gray steers, one red hei- fer. and one red steer. Any person giving information will be reward- ed.â€"-â€"John Wells, Allan Park. 14 1ptf FOR SALE A brick house and five acres of him} just outside of town, 2 comfort- able stables. hen-house, buggy and :ther. buildings are on the premâ€" Ses. Will also sell furniture, :uwl, and a quantity of wood. For warticulars, apply on the premises, hambton street, to Miss McNab. 53tf FOR SALEâ€"Light Spring Wagon with box and rack, almost as good as new.‘ Apply to \Vm. Jacques, R. R. No. 4. Durham. 7 12 if FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A. Bell Cutting-box, good as new; 0 nine, hmse- mower and hand con. new ions. -J. Murdock, Durham. 75tf Advertisements of one inch or J for each subsequent insertion, double the above amount. Yea T0 RENTâ€"A good comfortable stable and driving shed, with water convenient. Rent, $1.50 a month. Apply at The Chronicle office. 712tf MUNICIPAL NOTICE The undersigned will receive ap- dimrions up to noon on Saturday, he 8th September, next, for the ’t‘fice of Assessor for the Township '1' Ulenelg, work to commence on muher lst and continue until 't'vmpleted. Salary 8100.00. ’I'icex'ille, August 16th, 1917. J. S. BLACK, August 23rd, 1917. FARMS FOR SALE iLOTS ron ASA_LE STRAY CATTLE FOR SALE one inch or less, ‘25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents in insertion, Over one inch and under two inches, mount. Yearly rates on application. SMALL ADS. 'fifemiseq of the Township Clerk. 6 29tf Office and residence a short dis- tance east of the Hahn House, on Lambton SL, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., J. G. BUTTON, M.D., GM. Ofi'ice: Over J. P. Telford’s office, nearly opposite the Registry Office. Residence: Second house south of Registry Office on east side of Al- bert St. Ocfiie hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 9 pm. Tele- phone communication between of- flce and residence at all hours. éxcept Sundays. DR. BURT Late Assistant Roy. London Op- thalmic Hospital, England, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hosp. SpecialistzEye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office: 13 Frost St., Owen Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. C. ,LONDON, ENG. Graduate of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. "Will be at the Hahn House, Dur- ham, May 19, June 16, July 21, Au- gust 18. Hours: 1 to 5 pm. J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate University of To- ronto, Graduate Royal College Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office: Over Town’s Jewellry Store. DR. W. C. PICKERING DENTIST Olfice: Over J. J. Hunter’s Store. J. P. TELPORD Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Nearly opposite the Registry Office, Lambton St., Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial b1181- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town) . . DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or with himself. W. J. SHARP, Holstein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan at lowest rates. and on terms to suit borrow- er. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 year? old, who was at the commencement of the present war, and has since continued to be, a British subject, or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may homestead a quarterâ€"section of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Albertm Appli- cant must appear in person at Do- minion LandsAgency “ or Sun- LL‘ILLL‘JL‘ u“-â€".â€"â€"v . gency for District. Entry by proxy may be made on certain con- ditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ resi- dence upon and cultivation of land in each of three years. ‘ I __1-_- v dvvvâ€"~- ILL bllvll VA v“- In certain districts a homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter- section as preâ€"emption. Price $3per acre. Dutiesâ€"Residence six months in each of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate ‘1-.â€" AL‘A:'\ nun 50 aqres extra. “May obtain pre- emptlon patent. as soon as pome- stead patent. 9n ceritam .condltions. â€"â€"._.__‘~ anA DLCGU PQDDLLU’ LL 3‘ wuuv ‘- w v - â€"â€" _ pre-emption, may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate 50 acres and erect a house Worth $300. _ â€" -..-_.L QUVLbu r“ vvvvv A settler afférnobtaining home- stead patgnt, If he. c_apn_ot_ secure a. \V‘ ‘.-’.I. [all wuvvo Holders of entries may . count time of employment as farm labor- ers in Canada during 1917, as res:- dent duties, under certain condi- tions. ‘ When Dominion Lands are adver- tised or posted for entry, returned soldiers who have served overseas :zr. - have been honorably discharg- 80,, ":eive one day priority in ap- nlymc - r: entry at local Agent’s of- hce (be; not Sub-Agency). Dis- charge papers must be presented to Agent: DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIESON .W. CORY, Deputy Minister of the Interior. Licensed u‘lucfl'oâ€"neer Medical Direclorv. Dental Directorv. Lem! ‘Dz’rectorv A deeply impressive memorial'. service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, in} memory of the late Richard Wil- cock, who fell in defence of his country in .France on August ist. The honor paid the deceased sol. dier, and the sympathy felt for the throng of friends from thiscomâ€" bereaved widowed mother and fam- ily was shown by the 'immense throng of friends from this com- munity and neighboring villages. which crowded the church, and many were unable to get, within. Two brothers, Thomas, in the west. and Will, in France. were the only members of the family absent. The. pulpit. organ, and the deceased’s chair in the choir, were prettily and appropriately draped with mil- itary emblems and the flags of all the Allies. and Dick’s chair alsa contained a beautiful bouquet of lilies. His rich tenor voice in the! choir, .which will no more be heardl added greatly to the praise part of 'tht church services. The pastor.‘ Rev. Mr. Belfry, was assisted in the iservice by Rev. Mr. Dudgeon, the reâ€" cent pastor, who preached an im- pressive and comforting sermon from Philip. 1:21â€"“For me to live is Christ. and to die is gain.” This, the speaker believed to be true of the deceased, and in applying the. text to his life referred fittingly to his steadfast Christian character. his faithful service to his church, 'and high sense of duty to his God and to his country, which led him to offer himself in service in the present great conflict for liberty and justice. The choir rendered a. ‘touching number, and Miss Richâ€" ardson and Miss Trimble sang sweetly “The Hand that was Wounded for Me,” a favorite of the deceased’s. Murray-Lowndes.â€"â€"A quiet. bu‘ pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. George Lowndes. Echo Pi.‘ , Brantford. at 10.30 o‘clock, am. on Wednesday, August. lSth. when their second daughter. Edna Rose, was married to Dr. E. C. Mur- ray, L.D.'S., of Flesherton, the cere- mony being conducted by the bride’s father, assisted by her brother-inâ€"laVV. ReV.G.C."l'iV’n1e" 31. A. B.D., of CaistorVille. Mr. Fred Lowndes. brother of the bride pla3ed the wedding march. T111 State13 bride, VVho was giV en aVVay b3 her brother-in- laVV-, looked charming in a Very daint3 gOVVn of VVhite lace with piquet lace trim- ming. He‘r travelling costume was of brown gabardine cloth with sty- lish hat to match. After the wed- ding breakfast, the happy couple. accompanied by Miss Shirle3 3Iur- ray, motored to Flesherton. being entertained in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morton “areham, before coming to their new home here VV here they will be at home to their friends after Sep tember 15th. We extend hearty congratulations. The bride receivâ€" ed Valuable and l.iie:_11_1tif1_1l \V'ujtâ€" ding gilts'. \u \‘n-V clock on Monday forenotm. August. 20th, the 30th anniversary of the marriage of the bride‘s motlwr, when her youngest- daughter. Mary Burton, became the bride of Mr. Charles J. Bellamy of this plzwe. Rev. A. McVicar, BA, past)? of Chalmers church. performed the ceremony. The bride. who was given away by her mother, looked very pretty in a dainty gown of silk crepe de chene. Her travelling cos- tume was of brown silk with hat to match. The young cm1ple left on the noon train for Owen Sound there taking the boat for a ten- days’ trip up the lakes, after Which they will reside here, in Mr-z. ‘-.-\"il- son’s cosy residence, Ceglllingwo'yd street. The bride is one of Fleshâ€" }erton‘s clever and populac yoing :ladies. and your correspondent. joins ' in the. good wishes of her numerous friends for happiness in her wed- lded life. K ....... B1 11111111 â€"â€"\V 11.11111. -â€" T he home of Mrs. .T \X. \\ 1151111 11111111 11:19 the scene of a quiet 111111111 1111-13 at. 11) 11 - 1112101111 Beecroft is w‘ Mr. and Mrs. \-\1uma y line, W110 were marrie were given 'a pleasant ~. Thursday evening last, ‘ were given a pleasant. Slll‘pl‘lbi". nu Thursday ex'enii g last, when ahnu! 50 mi their neighbors and friends assembled at their home and gave {he bride a very generous kitchen shower. Refreshments were servâ€" ed by the ladies. and an enjoyable ex ening was spent with the young muple. . ‘ - ~ I‘Q" A Red Cross knitting tea was givâ€" en at the home of Pairs. Wm. Davis. Toronto line, on Friday afternoon last, at. which the DI‘L'L'E‘OdS were 86 Mr. Samuel Thompson of the Cast. back line \v'as befvrn. .Mugistrutes McMullen and McTzwish here on Friday evening last, charged with abusing one of his own cows by. dogging and chasing severely. Con- siderable evidence was heard on both sides. but the magistrates not nmnnino‘ nn a conviction. the case agreeing and Mrs. Wilfrid Piamf, .ith FLESHERTON on a convictlon. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. yet in Owen \\' 11 S On 0!)- the Miss Hulse, ‘of the him school stafi‘ here, who attended the. teach- ers’ summer course in Toronto, passed successful‘ly in her physical culture exam. Miss Lulu Mitchell. who took the kindergarten primary course, was also successful in her examination. Pie. Charles Thistletl'nvaite, who has been at the soldiers’ convales- cent h()SDiti11_ at. London, is home for an extended visit. was dismissed. . Miss Hazel Henry, and Miss Lau- ra Henry are in the, city attending the millinery openings. The for- mer will come to Mr. Hicklings. and the latter will return to hé‘.‘ former position {It Kenn'ltville. Mr. Alex. McDonald, C.P.R. oper- atgr at Mactier, holidayed Over the “wok-end with his wife here. Mr. John Cairns, who has been living at Rochester, .\'.Y., is moving with his wife to Mac-tier, where he has taken :1 position with the C.P.R. “He spent. the week-end with his parents here. Mr. and MI“.\V.TP€103\'CD, 01' Hanley, S s;.,1 left an S9 turday for h«.»me. utter twu weeks \isit with the lattor's brother, Mr. W. J. Cas- \\'011 and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W". Hadgson, and iMr. TilleV, 0f T111711‘,11t1f111 visited our; ithe VV'1, eekâ€" end at M11.\\.Trimble"s. iand VV ere accompanied home bV’ 11m gTrimble, to Visit. her daughter 10‘. 1a W881i. i Miss Clara Duncan is attending the millinerV Openings in Toronto, 13nd V11 {ill return to her farmer posi- jiinn at Kincardine. 1 \II‘S.G1>.1>r1g0 Mitrhvl] and daugh- tor, Georgina, 01 T11111i111t0. are Vis- iting Mrs. I1 111k Cairns here. Misses Ivan (1‘11! SVhiI C1111111sm1. HI 9141111111111 3101111 11 hnlidz‘aV’. Vis- iiinuf their 11:111i1nts at (111311111. Mrs.J11hn \‘1'111111 111“ \Vin 111.1111 Visitml Mrs. \\111 “11111 “11411.11 line. last. “"01 ii. ~ ~â€"â€"....â€"-.--. -..~_.---.~ - - Mrs. (Rm. Belfry spent the past week with her father, at, his sum- mer cottage at. Lake Simcoe. Miss chng. of London. 11¢:v1idayeu the past, week at. Mr. Jas. Fisher's. Mr. and Mrs. Miller. old friends of Rev. and Mrs... Belfry, 0n Rose- munl, circuit, paid a. short, Visit. at the. 1-);11‘sonage one day last week. Miss Wilda Crosslov is home from 'lnmntn on No \\ eeks holiday. Mrs. Andrew Bentham of Teronio is visiting her mother, and other relatives this week. Miss Switzer, formerly of the school staff here. but, now teachingr at. Port Arthur. is on a. short visit with Mrs. W. Miller and other old friends here. all of whom deeply sympathize with her on the death in France of her highly esteemed soldier fiancee. Miss Annie Orr of Toronto, and Miss Li77.ie Morton. of Wareham, are \isiting Miss Shirlm Murray for a few day s. Mrs. I‘. (11111111141111 41f 31:11'21112119 ited hero. 1121111 111 last \\ eek. \\ Miss Victuri 1:1 1111111111112, 01' F1112 is \isiting Mrs. 311:1{11111011 Mrs. D. B-lcTnvish. :1111111111;121 by Mrs. H0111) Smith, «11' ("M1111 >11" left 011 ’l‘uesduy 1.11 spend :1 111: of months with 1101“ sans 211 111:1 Dr. and Mrs. (I. F. HHMWII \x'm‘c- up from the city attmuling the mo- morial service nf the latter} brother. Mrs. Duclgcon :‘xccnmprmiml her husband to Visit old friends over the week-0nd. Mrs. D. B-lcTnvisii. :u't'ii!‘zi;’i{iim_w by Mrs. Hori‘) Smith, nf' UWUH Smmti left on Tuesdzn tn ~1w H) n. ‘H‘H'Il! of months with hm“ was 2:! PH .'_:in: Mr. and Mrs. Holland 11mm ro- iurnod from an extended Visit. a: anontu and nthm‘ ptjiints. Which Was Will? “No, mum,” said the wounded man regretfully, “I never shot a Germain and I had a good chanst, too. The ’Uns was chargin’ in close order. ‘Shoot at will!’ shouted our captain. ‘Which one is he,” I asks; an’ be- fore anyone could tell me I got it in the chest.”â€"-Chart and Compass. THE WESTERN FAIR \r]<<- A- Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11.8.0. 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, and amending Acts, that all per- sons having claim against the estate of Elizabeth Black, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Spinster, deceased. who died on or about the 27th day of June, AD. 1917, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid to John Picken. Durham, Ontario, or by post pre- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Black, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Spinster, deceased. paid» to Lucas, Haney CY Henry, so.â€" liciters for the executor of the estate on or before the 133th day of September, 1917, their names and addresses, a full description of the claims (if any) held by them, such claims to be duly verified. And further take notice that after the said 15th day of September, 1917 the executor will proceed to distri- bute the estate 0f the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto with r .gard only to the claims they shall then have notice, and the said executor shall not be liable to any persons whose claim or claims noâ€" tice shall not have been recech”. by him prior to such distribution. Lucas, Raney 8: Henry, Solicitors for the lixemtor Dated at Markdale this 15th day of August, A. D. 1917. FARM FOR SALE Lot A, Gore A, on the Zist Con- CUSSiOll of 12:; ‘oniont. containing 55 acres, mostly 'clenrod and in good state. of cultivation; log house, frame. barn on stone) foundation; good orchard. Apply to Mrs. H. Donnett, Varney, RR. No. 1. 84nd TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up tn the. 20th of. September for the purchase of Let, 1.5. Con. 4, Glenelg, known as the M. K. Beaten Farm. 98 acres. Possession can he had f(.)1‘Lh\\'i1.1’l. Terms reasenable. Ad- dress Mrs. M. Oliver, Box 149. Markdale. 8 '23 8pd ”‘“‘"”' ” ”FARMâ€"WANTED Wanted to buy, or rent for short term. a farm ccmtaining: 100 norm or (JV-21‘. Must be WP” inn‘wrovcd and in a gamd state 01' cultivation. All rurreslumdcncn ('Hnlit'hmfinl 11' d«;‘si1‘e(l. Addessâ€"-â€"Hmn‘y Mnfl‘at. RB. No. 1. Murillo, Out. 8 233 -- RB. No. 1. 3111111110, 11111. o 4.3-) The record of the school in past C’A'TTLE‘STRAYED ” ' { years is a flattering one. The trus- .tees are progressive educationally, Strayed from the Premises 0f the and spare no pains to see that 1111cle1signed,1m 01‘ JIM“ “10 10 1 teachers and pupils have every ad- 111‘ A1;1_-11st tn 0 cah osâ€"one 111.1111. {vantage for the proper presentation 511.301 one red 11.11pr 111111 qeytand acquisition of knowledge. 111111; Remaul fm i111‘111maiinn lead-g FEES: $1 per month in advance. ing to their recmmx. Addioss; \\m\\1111R.I‘.\1_1.l.D111‘:l11111.8.”3 JOHN SMITH J. F. GRANT, EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler :Optician - DURHAM - ONTARIO “firam’sAd. §§Oz§§¢§¢§§§§§ 90‘90000009900009000000900 NEW SILKS TIES LACBS CORSBTS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black C. L. GRANT Shoe Prices Are Still GoingUp We cannot guarantee present prices any length of time. In fact some lines we cannot get at all; others cost more than presen selling price. \‘Vith Kid leathers costing more than $6.00 per pound and sole stock 800., What will kid shoes cost? We have still some lines at old prices; some hosiery at tempting prices. Headquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases. Valises. 300.; also Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. REPAIRING AS USUAL, l. S. Mollraith : The Down Town Shoe Store Just In sateens) The School is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc, for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. Durham High School Thos. Allan, Principal lst Class Certificate, also Certificate in Phy- sical Cult..ure Subjects: Science, Mathematics, Spelling. Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queens Uni- \ersity. Specialist in Art. Subjects. Latin, Art, Literature, Composition, Reading, Geography, Ancient His- tory. - Miss M. Cryderman, BA... Toron- to University, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composition, Writing. Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthV and attractixe town, mak- ing it a most desirable place fer residence. JOHN SMITH, Chairman double dwelling-house on Main St», Upper Town. containing six fine rooms, formerly occupied by John \‘essie. Possession at once. Apply to Wm. Black, Countess street, Durham. 726%.! FARM FOR SALE East half of Lots 51 and 52, Con- cussinn 3. JCJ'LIL, 100 acres. 75 acres‘. clnznrml. balance in timber; well l'cnccd and well watcrml; good brick house and hank lmrn: «me of the best, farms in Durham vicinity: will be. sold cheap, and on eas‘.’ tnrnis. Fur particulars. apply to Albert Smith, R.R. No. 4, Durham. FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 2713 1K) ELLIOTT If M ls unquestionably one of Canada’s best commercial schools. The de- mand for our graduates is far in excess of our supply. Write to-day for“ free catalogue. PLANING MILLS DURHAM ZENUS CLARK HOUSE TO RENT.â€"The rear .of The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Shingles and Lath’ Always on Hand At Right Prices. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings SASH,DOORS THE sooner you buy your Spring Shoes, the more money you will save. Some are Buying Now Why Not You? PAGE 7. W. J. Elliott, Principal. ONTARIO Secretari.

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