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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1917, p. 1

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irniture Quickly {(-35 at cost. ed if you LOF 191 will VOL. 50â€"NO. 2640. l-‘m' saleâ€"Two coal heaters and a :rzmiwr of household articles. Will ~ ll cheap. as we are leaving town 'le \wek. â€"Apply to Mrs. W. H. \\ hitLhUI‘Ch. '1 Monday next will be observed as l'hanksgivingt Day. \I Anniversary services .will he held 21:5. Ebenezer Methodist. church, (inch, on Sunday, Ociober 14th. Sermons will he preached morning and evening, at 11 and 7 O’clock. On Tuesday, the 16th, a dinner will be served from 6 to 8, after which a choice program will be given. Adâ€" mission 25c. ' - 4 2 {mu requires that. all mail boxes have he owner‘s name IBgibIY Shmilled thereon. Many in this :ulity would fail to meet the q u irements. \\‘.~mtmj.â€"-A good reliable girl for 2:111 family in Toronto. Good wa- t<. Apply at once to Mrs. T. J. si't.,.":u}', Durham. 813 3D Mr. Rnbt. Laidlzm 0f Toronto, V 1-3 Id his parents here. Liw hogs are Mrs. Finley Graham will receive L Friday. October 12th, from 3 to «ix-hack, and afterwards on the rum-.1 and third Friday of each nnth. Mrs. Wm. Ryan of town, and rs. John Bailey, of Vickers. are Mding a couple of weeks in wwntu with their sister, Miss M. nFadden. The Mt. Forest Confederate has stalled a new linotype. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reid. accom- mm by Mr. and Mrs. Gray, mn- mi from Toronto and spent the Wig-0nd with ‘Nr. and Mrs. L. "Lean. at the Rocky. Piuturcs framed at half price, xii» mulding and glass lasts. Now yunr chance to get pictures unml.â€"-F. Lenahan, Durham. 3m. \\'hitchurch returned from wmn last. week, after spending wnple of Weeks in the City. S113 w king up. to move to Toronto ~21: the middle of next week. “it“ service in the Methodist arch last Sunday morning was Nially for the children. It wa< Rhildren‘s Day service, and we” \ pustul departmental regula- NEWS AROUND TOWN .lnhn Noble has purchased wlzxcksmithing business of Mr. mad, at Yarney, and took ssinn last week. had a very heavy run of job since last issue, and our pa.- Iute for the first mails. (human eyesight specialist. 10 Central Drug Store.. 531 wille fair is on to-da I'H\V. the 4th and 5th Mm \Yannamnker, the local mm of the hydro. is holiday- mal uruund Peterbnro. Hamilton, of E sistm‘. Mrs. J lin: mvention in 13' and Friday 15 m- ;md stand receipts at 1!! fair "on \Vednesday of k amounted to 57/2. -~~».\ rosary. Loser may by paying expense of ad- Call at this Office. II‘YS requt‘ larh’. I" P V J. Burnett an wn this wee v (1 [' L y wanted ll Irwin l'i’llll‘SfliL‘v‘ of printing. ring up 3'7. 0 is fully equipped for firstâ€"class work. {FUCB f teachers will mee 1111'sc‘my and F ridaj a C $18 a hundred. t' the“ late In<pe {01' $319. SP8 :1 U her“ h thz'lt. pupils at- \pply to M iss t. 10 4M X8 30 's will hold Meaford on of next week. mmned her w )Icllraith. nmily am to reside 15 V15] 11 3‘ a V a nd At a meeting ul‘ the \Vellingtua Press Assmziatlm‘. held in Elura last Friday, a resolution was unani- mously adopted rec«'*»mmending that \Veelil'y papers 0f eight pages or more increase their subscriptirm rates to $1.50 a year, to go into ef- feet on the lst 01' November. Four- page papers are to be at least a dollar a year. Thu Lmvn council met. Monday night... whom :u'ccmnts ammmtingtn $418 were I‘DC(3111111011de for pay-- mmlt, the 1;)1'npm'ty cym‘mlittee 2111â€" t.h0rizpd to erect a lire osculm at, the tmvn hall. and the mayor, Fame and Mr. Cattnn appointed as dele- gates tn the Good Roads convention at (fmvlph on the 133th inst. After wz'titing for :1 long time [0 hear from their Slim, Jack, who is still in England. Mr. and Mrs. John Brynn received five letters the fore part of the week. Jack is ton wung to go to the trenches, and taking :1 1101iday. Mr. Mcb‘zxL‘ILIHu suhl his drug business at Picknriug recently and has not yet, decidvsi what, hp will (:14). at 11 3.111. and ’7 p.11]. by Rev. MI‘. LH'VPjâ€"“I'HVP. Hf Hnlstein. ‘B'IHIH‘lny P\'('~I1in:.r. Hm 22nd. the annual din-- HM“ will bu surwd in tho ()mngfn Hull {ram (3 in 8 ”knock. l'ullmx'cd by a program in the church. Adâ€" missinn 25c" Childrvn 15¢). 4 2 wgrets t0 be deprived of the priv- ilege. He is new a corporal. We are pleased to learn of his promoâ€" tion and that he is well. ‘ Mr. R. J. Ball of Hanover called on us for a few minutes yesterday afternoon. Like the bad weather, there‘s no telling when he may ap- pear during the next few months. His interest is broadening, and now extends to the fair at Feversham, but the unfavorable condition of the weather prevented his pres- ence at the great township func- tion. Rev. MP. \Vhaley preached in Stratford last Sunday. tn take tlw. place of Rm: MP. Martin. who ton]: Churgn 0f H‘w services how. Ne‘xt Sunday he preaches at St. Helen's. and the Rm: John Little, l'qu'lmwly ni‘ Darnoch. will tilkv charge Hf tho SPI‘Vit‘DS hnr‘e. Mr. and Mrs. Mnnm R'Ivls‘nddvn left this n’lnrning for tlwir hnum at. 'l’ickeriug'. For the past, cuuple ml“ mnnths Mr. McFadden was hvro tn take charge of Macfarlzme‘s drug store while Mr. Macfm‘lzuw was taking: :1 1101iday. Mr. Mcb‘zxL‘ILIHu Mr. and Mrs. UBU. McDonald had a letter frnm their son, Gunner Frnest Mchnald, Hf the 64th Bat- tor'y. now in England. Ernest says he is well. and says he has heard that Percy h/IcKechnie, Eddie Hut- ton, and the Tratford boys are on draft fur France. He is well, and hopes to go across the channel himself, in due time. Dr. Gun. who has been overseas in the Ontario Government Bosni- tal. Orpington. England. for the. past ypnr and :1 half, is home nn 3 short. 'fnrlmlgh of six wenks. Of that time. about four weeks will be taken up in the trip both ways, leaving only two weeks in Canada. 111 Anniversary and Harvest Home services are being held in the Me- lhodisl church next Sunday at 11 am. and 7 pm. Rev. A. N. Cooper of Grand Valley is the preacher for the day. The annual supper and concert will be given on Monday evening. Miss May Urquhart, elocutionist, of Toronto, and also 10- cal talent, have been engaged, and an excellent program is promised. Admission, adults 35c., children 250. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather on Tuesday night, the garden party at Mr. Walter Ewâ€" ing’s grove, near Rob Boy. was quite a success. Short addresses were given by Revs. Moyer, Wha- ley and Wylie, and Messrs. J. A. Graham and Allan Bell. The pro- gram was further sustained by a song from Mr. Bell, duets by Misses Wylie and Middlebro, Misses Wylie and Redford, and a recitation by Miss Annie Graham. The proâ€" ceeds amounted to about $45, and will go for patriotic work. \‘m‘noy anniversary will 1m hvld Hm church an Sunday, Hclulwz' _. when sermuns will be prcuclma’. 11 3.111. and ’7 p.11]. by Rev. MI‘. >'\'Pj.."I'H\'6‘. Hf Holstein. ‘B'IHIH‘lny day sermon. It, was based (in Isaiah xxx'iiizzu. and the illustrat- tiems and :mplimtions (limit, with cnmmnn mm‘ydny occurrences. Capt. (Dr; Him, whn is homo on .i'm'lnugh fi'un (“)i‘pingtm'l, Cngland, gnw :1 neat, little :jujiih'nss 0n hospiâ€" tal wnrk in unmm‘tiun with tho. crmt “111‘. HP thanked tho. \Vimirrn l'm' thv gl‘t‘fli :issistuiu‘m they have given Luwards the aid and Comfort Hf tho snldit‘r.~u and hnw Hm \\'Hl'i{ is :H'H)I'(‘('iilil“d by Hm British ("hw- vi‘nmmir, JUN] usimcially by Hm buys whu :ii'u suli‘in'iug. 'l‘hn vimii' was in guml Rum, and mnii‘ihuiwl vxwllmit nu,1.<ic at all tho' sm'viws. Mr. Grant, Mollnmh cunti'il)ut,m! :1 Eii‘iv SUI“ on Mtjnuiziy nighi. and Mrs. MUHI‘H McFadden delightwi thv :uuiivncc iii hM' splvndid 1'l"1141(‘1‘iil§18 (if three :11.)- mwmi'iulo swlwiinns. “Annin Law 1mm McRONALDâ€"NOBLE. (m.\Vndmasq‘iay, Semember 19m, :1 m'vtty \x't‘w‘lding was snh-mnizm'l :11, £110 lmmn n!‘ lhv hridv‘s purnntg 311'. and Mrs. .Insvph Nuhlv, whz‘n thuir nnly (laughlvr, Nina Maud. ho'mmw Hm Iwidv ”1' MP. Jumps Mr»- Humid. l'ndm' :l hmmtii'nlly (hw- wi'niml zii'vh :it. {his :im‘miniml iimn lhce gmwn lunk his place, and l» the! strains (if the wmh‘ling march. pluyw! hy Mrs. Wm. Noble. the hridn-‘s :mnt, the hridn. leaning «in the arm ”1' her futhvr. was admin“â€" mi to ”ID. altar and gracefully given away. 'l'hu cortinmny was pni'hirmâ€" ed in tho [)I‘OSMICO «if :ibnut fifty- 11w,- guosts. the hrido's pastor, Rev. M 1'. Mnyci‘, 01' Durham. being the nl'T [icizlting clergyman. "Shmt Bods and 321mm“ BlanketS . llw lecture was a good practical talk and might be given as a. Sunâ€" 'l‘hn bride. who carried :1 bouquvt, n!‘rnsos,:1ndlilins 0f the \‘allvy. hmknd charming in :1 dress of i\-'m'°y snLiu lr'imn'md with not. and [wurl hnads. I'llgllL :uv delightml splnndid 1m mrinl v :10.” and wry iinv nmniwrs. 1.1m grutuluimx :1.4*l(i1'nssvs wnm‘, mam" by HPYS. Mnymi, \Vylin :md Dynmml, all n!’ whmn wvm «(It‘lighi‘ - ml :ll. Llw l)1'(_l.~‘13¢.‘1'il,}' of the church. 'l‘lm [)I'HL't-wds, which zunullntm L.) $50. will [)0 (film‘mmd In putrinLiC pur- PRBSBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY. The :mmwrs an snrvicns in tho Proshytr‘rizm church on Sunday and Monday lust \wrn a pronouncâ€" N‘i 81100089. TWO :11)p1‘nx“xri;1f0 8‘01"- mnns worn In-mwhmi on Sunday by ROY. Dr. Martin. of Stratford. large wuwwuitmns being present at. hnth set V' i( as. Munduy owning, an outm-minnwm was :INPH the chief [mturv hning 2m addros S bV Dr. Martin, (:11 Hm unique subject After 10111111111111: (111ng‘1‘11111111ti1111s', 1111) 1111111131 "athering 11111r1ir11d 111 U111 11111111gâ€"1‘111‘1m. 33h111'11 :1 tastily- 1111111111â€" :111111 11111111. 1111111 :111 imiting 111111 dainty (10-j1’11111111‘. T1111 111111111:11‘it3' 1'1f 11111 1‘11'id11 33'11s 11it1‘811‘11b3 11111. 1111113 13115113 111118- 111115. 11111 3111111"; 11332131131155 was 111 111111111 1111 1h111111. 33i111 11111111111 11:11 111 match. 'i‘lzn happy cmmle will rosido the gruum‘s farm nvnr Mulgwk. HOSPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MUSKOKA ACKNOWLEDGED. The 1'0“anng is :1 list Hf the I'Mévnf. C(“)Ilt1‘ihlltm‘s tn the Mnslwkn Fran Hnspitnl t'nx' Cnnsunmiiws: LIEUT. CECIL 'G. GUN. Durham’s only representative in the British Navy. Cecil has been sailing for years, enlisted at the outbreak of hostilities, and has now been given a commission by Eh;e British Admiralty. ”he \i \t 11‘ DURHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917. Bri (.2: 1111111 Strutford. large ; present at. Hndny (“\W‘Ilillg, \\'f‘.1"‘ .-\ mnnhm' fmm hvrn mum. in 0an Suund lust, \\'W‘k :II, the I'm. wptinn giwn Mnjm' Bishnp. DI". .l'un'livstm was mm ”1' tho SpCZlkf‘I‘L-l. \\'. .\. Mc(.'}11\\‘zm. $11): 311'. 111111 311‘s. 1". 1411111111111 ‘85; .1. 11“11r(:11\\11111 .831, (£11111r11‘11111n5 383-41. H. MGWEIIi- 11111.9, ‘1\'.11‘wi11, C1. 1111111118111. .1. '1’. 1111111111. 1J111111'i111111111: ‘82â€"-\\’. B. “1111111., \11rs. 1111.11.15 1.‘\ S1111. Dr. 1111111113011, '1‘. .\11111‘1. Jus. S111i‘..11, A. H. JacksmL 1'11'1111.1'i11111.i11g ‘81â€"»“7. Calder, (LL. (11111111... 11. 11111-111111, H. 11. Koch, AS. 31111111111, 11. (‘1.», J. Levine, .1. 31111111571111. .1. .1. Smith, .1. 71‘0\\'111;1P. '1‘. 3101(111‘1111111‘1, Dr. 1111111111, G. S. Bur-- 111111. 111. Kress. A. C. “7111111,, S. M1:â€" 1111.3'1'11, \V. (‘1 .V'111111111, M1’11‘1’111.. 1.111111 S11’1i111. J. S.M11111‘11i1.h. '1‘111111 $611. \‘1'11111111'11‘111 1‘111:11i\'1111 1.110 11151. 11111151g111‘1111111. 111' (111\'111‘1111111111, 11.531 111.81. wank. '1‘1111)’ \\'1_11‘11, (1111111511 and 111111.111111‘1i. 111111 \\'1‘11'11. 511111 111. 1.1111 1111\111'1111111111, 11X1111 11111111. 111' 121/311. :1 1111111111. The (ilnhe iiiâ€"day says Sir \Vilâ€" fl'itl may retire. The Mail and Emâ€" pile says his exit, is in abeyance. Jhe Telegram says SiI' \Vilfi‘id Wants to retire. The World says Laurier is eager to quit but decision is not final. The Chronicle doesn‘t know what, he. wants to do. sun Hf Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Hzlllidny, ui' Niin'n‘mnhy. near Blyth‘s CUI'IH‘I'S. Ht- was killed in action 011 the 36th “1' August. Ho was 26 yours of agv. unlislpd in the west, and had been in the trmiclms since album, :1 your up». His monmrial service is 1min: lwlcl in Knnx church next, Sunday :li'lvl'mmn. ("laptain McElroy, husband of Miss Edith Allan, who went over- seas with Dr. D. C. lVlacKenzie’s (Bull Moose) Battalion at Port Ar- llmr. about a year ago. is reported sorionsly wounded frnm a gunshot. in the hi1). Mrs. MCIfllroy is Visit- ing lmr parents here and also with friends at, Holstein, and is the re- ripionl. Hf much sympathy in her surrmv. Word has. just been received that' Cecil Gordon Gun has been promot- ed to the position of Lieutenant in the British Navy. He is a son cf the late Dr. Gun, and has been sail- ing for a number of years. About three years ago, he enlisted for ser- vice in the navy and has since been engaged on a. destroyer in the North Sea. He is now taking the officers training course at the Royal Naval Barracks at Devon- 1)orl. England. Last Saturday evening about 8 o‘clock, during the heavy electric storm. the residence of Mrs. Mur- dock. about two miles ’south of the town, was struck and burned to the ground, with all the contents, ex- cepting a few minor items. Mrs. Murdock was baking at the time, and had a good fire going, when the bolt entered the chimney and shattered the stove, scattering the fire in all directions. She had just left the stove a moment before, ar else might have been at least stun- ned and burned to death. Practi- cally nothing was saved, as she was alone at the time. We understand that there is a small insurance. The same evening, a barn belong- ing to John Fogarty, of the 10th of Glenelg, near Zion, was struck and destroyed with all the season’s 'crop, hogs and poultry. Another barn has also been reported burn- ed west of Dornoch, but we have no particulars. PTE. GEORGE HALLIDAY “MAWAAMMAAAAO OAWAMMMAAW¢ WWM+++++$MM++++*V+Q WN+§++4°++W++ $1.00 PER YEAR.

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