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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1917, p. 5

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tun, N. S. that I writ! d benefits 1 a dreadful and Head- ‘. every way. Lacs seemed nally tried ZWOLFE. :11 size, 250. Lid by Fruit- RKET u Box 01 ox, I feel alief from Mr. Fred Brown. president of the East Grey Agricultural Society, and Secretary Avery Hawker), accom- 1_'»a'mied by their wives, attended Walter‘s Falls fair last week, and hurt. Sparks, Harold Lever, James Stewart, and Robt. Chard took in ant’urd fair. _\t the Presbyterian Guild meet- in: a few evenings ago, the presi- tiwm, Mrs. (I. J. Bellamy (nee Mary llild ' 7 3.9” It n [)6 1‘ $011 mrnt was glven. . 3 Rod Cross knitting tea at hunw nf Mrs. F. H. \V. Hickling Friday uftprnoon last, the pro- ls worm $10. nted with m address ;ude and 29:11 a thpring Mrs. h Octnber 4th. 1917. his stomng m k linP. where for twn or thre heavy bouldm 23:. Mark. JOhI '15!) his FLESHBRTON. th e-petided upon to do what 11 for it. .21; goes farther than ordi- tments because it contains ,3} analysis) 95 per cent. dicine. and has, therefore. xltlv more healing power. 11k keeps better than ordi- tnten-ts because it is abso- LITE. Not only does it con. poisonous mineral drugs, tively no animal fat to be.» ncid. It. therefore. retains agth and purity to the end. uk is used with unequalled or eczema. scalp sores, ring- married LONDON 1nd m 1. HI tho “II The “Pandora” doesn’t require con- stant watching. You can trust it to do its work while you rest or attend to other duties. The Pandora has fea- tures that insure far greater eficiency and economy than can be found in other ranges. Write for free booklet. ‘un friendly Visit on» 1nd on being: invited pill of the public ‘55 the scholars, re- a neat speech, in advice and encourâ€" :iven. 11‘ Il em RUN] 2 SCtMiSh ll 1 recently, SilVPI‘ carvin t aâ€"J / ’l‘ r was IN hodi: John a nd th is way Hf d ldt‘ll TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN. N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY 9 SASKATOON EDMONTON 'Ig, is employ- nutfit 0n the '0 he will be 5 better than Zam-Buk 1n OXCPUOI charactv \Vilh‘ 22:6, ET 3321.. :5 -5633. 2.4 :21?“ SOLD BY F. LENAHAN. MCCIaly’s lit (l 1' OBEY ”1111;: is It II‘S interesting. and the numbers bv local talent were all pleasincr. Mrs. Buchanan “as the guest of Mrs. Armstrong while in town. Foversham and Priceville fairs this week will draw a number of exhibitors from here, and no doubt many visitors. The directors of East Grey fair this week are busy getting every- thing ready for the big show here on Monday next, Thanksgiving Day, (‘nneort in the mening, as 212:1 [mrpwsws rosic’lillg here. l’I-‘l'ilth Rm} Cross S«'>ciety held a bazaar and sncial evening in the school house on \\'e¢’incsday cx'cn- ing of last week. and met. with very gratifying success, the proceeds be- ing over 3.31. After refresl‘imcnts, a short, pleasing program was ren- dered, Rev. Mr. Dinnick presiding. Rally Day was fittingly observed in the Sunday schools here on Sabbath last. At the Presbyterian church, the Assembly Committee's program took the place of the regular service. .‘.l«'+ssrs. John Cairns and Alex. Messrs. Juhn Cairns and Alex. McI)«;muld. in the employ of the CPR. at Mactier. were here over tho “remand, visiting their wives and shimfing their huusehild goods tn tlmir new homr up north. Durham Road school. Miss Annie McMillan, teacher, gave a concert on Friday evening in behalf of the Red Cross. Proceeds, 86. Rev. Mathemm presided. and a pleasing pmgrum was given by the young wwple 0f the section. Thpir will be an exodus of teach- ers from this place and nearby schools. to Meafn ‘(1 this week to at- h-nd their annual convention on 'l‘l’nu'sduy and Friday. A (2150 nt' diphtheria has devel- nywd at ka Mills in the home 01' Mr. Thus. Fishvr, whose youngr A (‘nsr' m upvd at, Rm MP. Thus. daughtr is Mr. and Miss Edna ()uig‘g. Visit 11 HOLSTEIN. The annual fall fair of the Egre- mont Agricultural Society was held last week and was pronounced by many as quite up to the average. The attendance was greater than for many years. The exhibits in many classes showed better qual- ity. As a result of the proceeds. the society will he in a good finan- cial condition. The concert was well attended and the receipts were in excess of former years. Early Saturday morning the li- cense inspectoi from Owen Sound paid a Visit to the burgh in search of "wet. stutl'" . \\ e understand his search did not. reveal any irregu- larities. but. we. believe there is. more to follow. It is several years since a reguâ€" lar Tl‘liz-mksgiying service has been held in the Village. This year the (Mt. Forest Rep.) \ l l l l UH daughtr is the Victim. Mr. 111111 Mrs. Archie Stewart, Miss Edna Stewart. 1111113112 H. (I. Ulli‘”;._'. Visited the luttor's Sister {at Hurrisinn «.111 8111111112132 n11_1t.0r0d by Mr. A. [(111)111-113’. \th 11181.1 took 11 number in 3111:11‘111'1‘1 fair on Friday. Miss Hulnws 11111110 :1 Visit to the H HS LV \\'( III H11 1.11 it >\\’ m h R. Simmons has sold his 011 the 4th line to Mr. lzmtt, who is fortunate in this valuable and.,desir- erty, of which possession 'ix'en befm'r-r spring. Mr. will retire from farming m mt (1V III‘UUN :‘m h( xcnar h Swift \V o‘ Wm 01' Toronto, lay l'mre with h relatives. ('Wz'u't. Visited m" 11 1191‘ cousin. Mi $011 ill [mm 1 last week daughter. :1 1101iâ€" M 1‘ churches have arranged to hold a union service in the Methodist church at 11 o‘clock. Hex. Mr. Scarf. will give the. address The sale of stock here day was poorly attended few sales were made. Mrs. Pettigrew and family leaxe this week for Toronto. The G.T.R. agent, W. B. Rife, will occupy the premises vacated. The regular monthly meeting of the Patriotic Society will be held on Friday evening next at. 8 0’- clock in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Ed. Hey was called suddenly tu Kincardine lately t0 ViSit- his daughter, Mrs. Bowes, who was SPI‘HRISIX ill. She rallied somewhat, but smssed away about 11 am. on but, nu luesda 311‘s. Mrs. 0. Hunt. was taken to Guelph hospital on Monday, where she un- (li?l'\\'OIlt a serious Operation. Dr. Mair was in attendance. Mr. Jas. Eccles is seriously ill of pleuro-Imeumonin. His condition is really critical. Mrs. McIlroy, nee Edith Allan, is visiting friends here. Saturday e1 ening, she had the misfortune to lose her gold wrist watch. Rally service was duly observed in the Methodist church last Sah- bath, but few other than the regu- lar attendants were present. Rally Day services will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sab- bath. In the morning the Sunday school program will be followed, and in the evening a special Chris- tian Endeavor service will be held. Rev. Mr. Scott will take the service. Special music will be given by the choir. All the you g people of the cmigregation are cordially invited to be present. Vert. $10: 1’. twin]. repairing LL11â€" wrt. 933: com. fees. 37): (wersceing work. $23. The Reeve reptjrrtml: I. Robb. putting in culvert, S30; 3’. Robb, digging ditch, $20.10; com. fees. 9 Com. Brown reported: T. H. Harrison, digging ditch, $120; 1). Cameron, deepening ditch, 26; W. Ramage, repairing road, $6.75; com. fees, $6; com. work, $1. Hunter-McDougall.â€"That agrant of $200 be given to the executive committee of the patriotic societies to be distributed among the various societies of the township. By-laW No. 334, to appoint an as~ sessor. was passed, and the name of lWalter A. Reeves was inserted in {the byâ€"law. salary 3140. E McDougallâ€"Ferguson â€"-â€" That the ifollowing accounts he paid: Gravel {accruints amounting'to $33.18: John IPierst‘m. com. tax. $3: N. McDonald. icom. tax. >33; J. W. Walls, com. tax. $1.50: clerk. judge‘s order re Court (lunncil met, September 29, mem- bers all iiimsent, minutes of prevâ€" inus meeting adopted. as well as minutes of a special meeting held August. 25th, to pass :1 by-law pro- hihiting the building or maintain- ing: of fences. on the public high- way, :ilsu 1')1'(‘iliil)it_.ing the placing Hl' depositing of ubstructions on the highway. bl‘ it‘ 1‘);1]l‘111§_r PHI‘U‘I'S 31c Dougall. plum Egmnmnt. Ind 92-22: T. Bmvmzm 0er. Hunter reported: J. W. Walls, slnwnlling g‘rzwol, $3: W. H. Rng'ers. m<_.>\'ing grader, $21.50; A. Sim-nus. grading and gravellit g‘, 88: Cam. Forguson reported: 8. Mcâ€" Murdn, digging ditch, $23.20; A. I’m-2mm]. rmairing‘ washcmt, $5; 1‘) M ('1) d 1' aw i In of Rev? supplie mum. $22 Councfl October i were hurt seriou: 13', here 10â€"day, pletely destroyec land Mills. mvne 5011 3 Son. Fif thrown out. of W which is fully c ance,,will reach i FERG HER MAN FRIENDS. Heâ€" So wu refuse to be married 011 F1 Ida}. \re }uu superstitious? Sheâ€"Nu but a lot of m} girl friends we. and they would sat.“ I onl} Cunsented to a Friday wed- dzng hE‘muse it “as my last chance. ~1';._:'u.<«m mil»): 4 ldfl‘t' n S \V 1 1’8 LK \ : clerk. judge's order re Court avision. $6.43; Municipal World lies, 313.07: E. Jarvis, re sur- $12 A. McGillivray. sheep kill- :24; J. McGrath. use of council 1. 82: councillors’ pay sheet. 8:15 uncil adjourned to meet. un her 27th, for general business. D. Allén, Clerk. 5.5' P1511111": 15111115111 $3. 50; N. 1.15.;1111 15115115511111” 111111 grading :111111. and P11111111 11mm 111115, 1‘. 1315111111111 1151111115115: 1111i dge, .Reews. g.11111\(511111”.1111\_"s111- 27.50; (1.1{151111 1115 pairing C111- $10; P. Keith 11015111111115: C111â€" 55: 1111111. fees. 85: mersceing «'3, T1115 Reeve reported: I. 11g timlmr fr ~. 83: H. Ross. J. Brmx'n, cedar EUS MILLS DESTROYED BY FIRE; FOUR INJURED. “.4211 .391”. '29.â€"F0ur \vnrkmen hmt seriously. but. nnt fatal- thine :u-das, when fire com- 13' dostxnxed the big Monk- umq waned bx Jamps \\11- “f EGREMONT COUNCIL. timln 1:111 I 30 Clark, gr )' (mm. if rid intn ( 1. Fifty workmen are t. of work. and the loss, fully covered by insur- roach 350.000. :‘orguson -â€" That. the mnts be paid: Grax 01 muting to 833.118 John tax. 83: N. McDonald. J. \X. “21115, com. tax. HI 11C (‘ m". $10: F. R0“. 21' {'mm Rufssnoll ROSS. drmving tile, cedar covering for H. McDougall. re- m DURHAM CHRONICLE. 0n Satur- and but ‘23. '20; A. :ihnut, $7): . day < 11- Com. Fer- '§1 for sale :nen. (10m. \Valkmz F. RON. Ruissnoll Sr. IYâ€"Margaret Greemwod. Clifford Cook, Jimmie Peart. Jr. IVâ€"Evelena Cook, Hazel Firth. Sr. IIIâ€"Willie Edwards. Jr. IIIâ€"May Beaten, Katie Firth, Charlie Robson. Sr. IIâ€"Clara Greenwood, Mar- jorie Firth, Bessie Benton. Jr. IIâ€"Gladys Firth. Cameron Robson. Jr. Iâ€"Norman Haley. Iona Beaton Sr. Pr.â€"â€"Irene Hastie, Arthur Mc- ClOCkliIl. Jr. Pr.â€"â€"Katie Haley. Graham Timmins, Charlie Timmins. -~~X\'.R. Wallace. Teacher. Sr. IVâ€"R. Li\'i11gsl,.«m. W. (h‘ierâ€" 5011. V. Remy, \V. McBonald. .11". IYâ€"J. Park, A. Corbett. Sr. IILâ€"H. Milligzm, G. Bony, A. Derby, J. Turnbull. -â€"â€"â€"_.-_._ _._._â€". __.-.-U_.‘< Sr. IIâ€"W. Park, R. Charlton, B. Johnston, E. Crozier. Jr. IIâ€"W. Alexander. Sr. Iâ€"G. McCulloch, W. Charlton, R. Reay, R. Bartman. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Mighton, D. Mather, M. Mighton, M. Reay. Jr..I-â€"L. Mervyn, E. Reay and M. Charlton equal. Pr.â€"E. Crozier, H. Hopkins, Alexander. ++m+++++++++++++++mm SEPTEMBER SCHOOL REPORTS We also keep a well selected stock of Groceries. Fruits in season Visit Henderson's Bakery for DAINTY CAKES, COOKIES, ETC B. Balment Electrical Contractor 789 Dupont St., Toronto, Ont. Phone: Hillorest 2056 Persons requiring their housâ€" es Wired for electric lights, may write to the above ad- dress, or leave order at The Chronicle Office. T. HENDERSON No. 5, Glenelg. The Home of No. 3, Bentinck. Smith Sons, Dealers, Durham Kirkt-On, Teacher. travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford C OURTEOUS attention to your needs Wherever you may owner you can get it. You are always “among friends”. There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. rnese are always Within easy reach of Ford owners â€"â€"for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. T he cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most calledfor parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this With the cost of spare parts for other cars and you Will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. THE UNIVERSAL 1) HOUSEHOLD WORRIES. It‘s mighty expensive having a big family these days. l'ncle Sum has just bought 2,175,000 pairs of shnes for the b(il}‘S.â€"â€"S[l0killlc' ing. During the day the wife had been re-arranging the pictures on the wall, and in driving a nail the hammer slipped and struck her finger. PROBABLY. German air-squadrons have been trying to locate tlw emcampnmn n‘.‘ Amorivan soldim's in Franco. If they will only \mit. awhilv the Spokosmanâ€"Roviow. Round trip tickets to certain points in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan and Alberta \‘ia Nurth Bay, Cochrane and Transcon- tinental Route, or Via Chicug and St. Paul, on sale each Tuesday until October 30th, in- clusive, at low fares HOMESBEKBRS’ EXCURSIONS Return limit, two months. ex- clusive of date of sale. Berth reservations and full particu- lars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices, or write C. E. Horning, District Pass. Agt., TOPODU). Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 PM. No change of cars via Transcontinental Route. Runabout - - $475 ‘ Touring - - $495 ' Coupelet - - $695 LL CAR Sedan - - - $890 a B. FORD, ONT. : h‘tmps will save them [he‘- trouble. E â€"â€".\'m\' York \Vnrld. Company, Limited. \\'u have :1 stuck m' ground feed wheat n1. hand that. “we are ntl‘ering for the 11ch law days at $40 per ton, sacks included. If you need feed, buy now, as we have only a limited quantitv to offer at this price.â€"â€"Th§_R_o}) _Roy Cereal Mills THURSDAYS STEAM ”and Lain a.“ MAYIIITO OCTOBER“ TUESDAY “Funnhluthow canadlan Paclflc ”d“ Inuitâ€"nib“ PAGE 5

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