West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Nov 1917, p. 3

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Lire stock before the at cost and below cost stock wxll be sure to I of it. so we advise nble invariant in data. your country. a m. 3.: will an - H“ 4“... -L-_‘- .ucluding. flannellets, 'rweax‘. ladie‘s under- nghams, muslins and There’s money in it Butter taken as Cash. OWAN *3 should lay in a quan- r Spring and Summer mg Pigs, _ Calvesn‘E‘tc. ’ Ente-râ€" any day. Write or call inn. Time ih money, so DO IT' win or lose by it. You pay {or iost opportunities and smallelf Rand _Whole‘G rains (:1 Feed in Quantities rsés in"prime condition lug go that, it’s fed to: I, Shorts Ilings, Corn Chop rked Chicken Corn uped Oats for Horses 9;: and Wheat Chop d Chop THE ’s for Cash. All kinds celebrated a! .. The oppormnities in Com- Our last term graduates if! ight or Day) 3¢tory Boat Cheapest afiT,_â€" L. A. PanG, LD E TIME-Tl ', November 28h, Mills Durham, Ontario It’s tine to have fun. but don’t let the fine cost more than the run. As a general thing. girls. the prod!- gal son makes a darn poor husband.- Dallas News. It is said that the famous “Thousand and One Nights“ was written on the island of Java. Don’t tell all you know. Keep a lit- tle for seedâ€"Chicago News. A man can borrow about everything in the world eXcept experience. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. and it never hap- pened. The so called brier of which pipes are made is laurel root. The busy bee teaches us all a lesson â€"namely. not to get stung. Veivet carpets began In he used in Europe about the fourteenth ventury. A be“ upon earth awaits the wife of the boy who is mean to his mother.â€" New York American. We are inciiued as a people to let too much fresh air :0 tu waste in the early morningâ€"Toledo made. The wisest man may be fooled. but not twice in the same way by the same persou.-Chiougo Herald. Credit in business is like loyalty in government. You must take what you can find of it and work with it if pos- sible.-Bagehot. Joy coma. grief m. we know not how.â€" lnwell. To locate a splinter under the finger nail hold it over the end of a pocket electric lamp in a darkened room. New York city owns 22 per cent of in; water fronts. Lukewarm water often will revive wilted flowers upon which cold water will have no effect. The original spelling of Mississippi was Meche-sebe which in the Algon- quin Indian languag e meant father of waters. Reputation la madam. but cum I- priveless Some people are born grate upon us. Windows may be kept clear and pol- lshed if the} are frequently wiped With a piece of Chamois. This prevents the dust from ('aking. “When I left college I didn’t owe any one a cent.’ “Dear me, What an unfortunate time to leave!"-’I‘iger. Some cuttlefish are so large that the suckers. when stretched to their full length. can encompass the girth of a half dozen human beings. The weight of ore cars descending a mine in South Africa is used to pro-. duce power by pulling a cable wound around a drum that drives a dynamo. Lean pork strips are sun preserved without salt in Spain. Deer, buffalo, caribou. bear. goat and likewise tuna meat is preserved in much the same way. Actorâ€"The people in this town don’t understand acting. I’ll be hanged if I ever act here again! Stage Managerâ€" You will, my boy! It was all I coulddo :to keep the audience from lynchina 10‘ Adobe is a black clay. rich in plant food of a lasting quality and therefore very resourceful. but too heavy and sticky for garden purposes. “What is the secret of your success?” “It’s no secret,” replied the conceited man. “I just naturally did better work than anybody else.” -â€" Detroit Free The lines on the hands are not caus- ed by folding. but by the action of the bran}. This is proved by the fact that pahlysis removes the lines from the French scientists believe that carrier pigeons are influenced by 'magnetism and that, with the spread of wireless telegraphy, much less. dependence can be placed in them, The most of our navy yards data from 1800: in which year sites were purchased for the yards at Boston. Brooklyn, Portsmouth. Norfolk and Washington. Th‘e accumulating of a substantial fortune can create a prosperous man, but not necessarily a happy one; a peaceful conscience is the true content. and wealth is but her golden orna- In the early days of the United States navy chaplains were appointed by the president. and it was by no means the rule that the appointee was an ordinary clergyman. “0 W881“! 18 DUI: uer guxucu tum-z . . . ment. .- Mlss Lulu Mltchell. teacher at ;(_;0derich. and Miss Aleda Mitchell, Only two species of trees are com- attending Whitby Ladies’ College, mon to California and the eastern were home for a few davs an ac- etates. Theyarethe black willow (San: f h e th of their broth- nigra) and the aspen (Populns tremu- gaunt 0 t e d a loideS). Both are widely distributed in _ . the United States. ‘ I “My Amf§3-%9{fi-_0f‘xrfiaddiigfi Themâ€"Iguassu mnsthavebeu a “self «tartar-Exchange. The period of incubation for new as b went! to twenty-two ch"; ”twenty-ckhttothktyotmm murmur-wan; . The Wifeâ€"Well. I’m quite sure that I didn‘t! Witty-cum V to mention!” The Rimbaud-l didn’t start th. When the news was received here on Thursday last that Pte. Harold A. Mitchell, second son of Mr. Geo. Mitchell, manager of the lStandard Bank, had lost his life on' fNovember 7th, when killed in ac- tion in France, great grief filled the home of his parents. and a deep igloom spread over the village. Har- old, who was born in Flesherton, 23 years ago, was a fine type of .young manhood, who gave promise {of a useful life. His industrious lhabits, good business ability, and 'exemplary conduct won for him l merited respect, and his early death is now deplored. In banking pur- ,'suits, he reached the position of 3teller in the Standard Bank here, and was transferred to Toronto, where he enlisted in the 126th Bat- talion, and with it went overseas in TAugust last year. The past twelve months he spent mostly in the trenches in France, escaping injury until the time of his fatality. A largely attended memorial service was held in the Methodist church ion Sunday evening when the bre- thren of the Masonic Lodge, in which the young soldier was a member. attended in a' body, to pay their last (mice of respect to their departed brother. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Belfry, gave an appropri- ate discourse from Isaiah 6:8, “Then said I, here am I, send me." litlingly applying the text to the yumig hero who responded t0 the call of his country and voluntarily gave his life for the cause Hl‘ liber- ty and justice. A quartette by Messrs. Murray and Holland, Miss Richardson and Miss 'l‘rimlile, and ”At a Red Cross knitting tea at Mrs. W. A. Armstrong’s on Friday faftornoon, the proceeds were over ? ten dollars. Mr. (3. W. Bellamy, who has sold his farm to his son-in-law. Mr. G. Best. had an auction sale of his stock and implements last week. Mr. iBellamy, who is moving to the vil- 11.139 to Mr. Vlark Stewart’s resi- idence, is preparing for the erec- tion of a new residence next surn~ ; mer. ._ _ --o. I ‘1 l_-_LA-. -\‘ a trio number by Messrs. Murray, Holland and Sullivan, were etl‘ect- iwly rendered. The pulpit and or- 1,2111 wrme draped in military colors. 'lhe heiezn ed lamily have the deep sympathy ol the community in their loss. Mr. Kendall Mitchell, a brother of the deceased practising law in Chicago. enlisted there, and is attached to an aviation corps. Magistrate McMullen, assisted by .l- R- Fawcett. .I.P.. of Kimberley, is attached to an aviation corps. Magistrate McMullen, assisted by .l. R. Fawcett, .I.P.. of Kimberley, heard three more liquor cases in the town hall on Tuesday of last week, when Chas. Cullen, of Arte- Inesia. and Ernest Brownridge, of Osprey. were before the court charged with keeping liquor other than in a private residence. Being found guilty, a fine of $200 and costs was imposed in each case. John Richardson was before the magis- t'ates charged with bartering in liquor, but not proven, the pase was dismissed. Inspector Beckett prosecutmil in all. Mr. Henry, of Markdale. defended Messrs. Cullen and Richardson. Mr. Brownridge was without counsel. At the meeting of the Masonic Lodge here on Friday evening last, resolutions of condolence were adâ€" opted (‘tonveying the deep sympa- thy of the lodge to Wor. Bro. Geo. Mitchell and family in their ber- mlvement by the death of his son, Bro. Harold Mitchell, killed in ac- tion in France, and to Wor. Bro. R. .l'. Sproule. in his loss by the death of his brother, the late Senator T.S. Sproule. M.D. Sympathy was also extended to Bro. Emerson Bellamy wounded at the front, but the lodge wasgrateful to learn only slightly, and improving. Miss Kate Swift, of Toronto, is spending a week with her sister, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong, of Markdale, have the deep sympathy of their friends here in their great loss by the death of their son in. France. We sincerely join in the {sympathy felt. - cn' no .g A meeting of farmers and others was held here on Saturday in the interests of greater hog production during the war. Mr. Harry Shaw, who had been a delegate to a cori- wmtion in Toronto. and MI‘. Duff, of the Agriculture Department. Mark- (12110. were present, and assisted in planning for :1 canvass of the townâ€" ship to ecourage this needed indust- I‘ ”V. O Mrs. Frank Tate, ,of Palmerston, visited her sister, Miss Richard- son. over Sunday. - Tlie' friends here of 3 Davis, formerly in the Mr. Andrew Boyd, of Raddison, Sask” paid his brother, W. J., and family, a short visit. Mrs. W. Miller visited her old home at Honeywood the past week. a sweetly rendered iVVllite and Kendall :cnmpanists. The 1 hall 01' the piano f1 fee of ten cents, am The students zumro 0st taken in their v échn evenf 1 White on gber fronn : enjoyable I ;proceeds Bank, here, were grieved to learn of his death in France. Will was popular here. Mrs. Laird, of Markdale, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Mitchell. Rev. Jas. Cohurn, the blind preacher, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. J. W. McKee, 4th line,. over the weekâ€"end. Mr. Cohurn preached at Mt. Zion on Sunday. He has been ‘visiting some of the Orange lodges and lectures and preaches with his old-time vigor. Mrs. W. Challanger, of Edgerton, Alberta, and Mrs. W. Patterson. of Vanguard, Sask” visited their brother, W. J. Boyd and wife. over the week-end. At the Presbyterian church on Sunday the pastor, before commenc- ing his sermon, referred to the d:l.‘.' being set apart as Victory Loan Day and made a strong appeal in behalf of Victory Bonds, that means might be provided to successfully carry on the war. It was Missionary night at the Methodist Young People's meetiig last week, when a specially inter- esting paper was given by Mrs. (Dr.) Murray. Under the auspices of the High School Literary Society, a physical exercise concert was given in the. auditorium of the school on Friday afternoon. the President. Wes. Armstrong, presiding. A numheref marches and drills were splendidly given. Goo. Mitchell acquitted himself well in a piano solo, and Florence Bunt and Renal Cargo gums An old-time concert _at Eugenia attracted some from here on Fri- day evening. We learn the pro- gram was good, and the proceeds a- hout $30, towards furnishings for the fine new public school. Magistrate McMullen and Reew McKenzie presided at a lengthy liquor case heard in the town hall on Thursday afternoon last. Mr. W. Neil, 'of Feversham, was charged with a breach of the liquor act, and being found guilty, was fined $250 and costs. Inspector Beckett pr»- secuted, and Mr. Birnie, of (th)llin::â€" wood, was counsel for the accused. An old-time attracted some day evening. gram was good bout $30, tow: the fine new [; Mrs. Butters’ 16-yearâ€"old son, Alâ€" fred, a high school student, had the misfortune a few days ago to have his right arm broken while al.- tempting to crank a car. The hunters returned last week from the north with the full allow- ance of deer. We learn the Stuart party got four bears, and the Wat- sons, one. No accidents marred the pleasure of the annual holiday. Mrs. D. McTavish entertained a number of friends at an enjoyable birthday party on Friday evening,r last. Mr. David Dow, who moved In the west last spring, has returned with his family. zgain lucating here, purchasing the Kerr residence and lots on Collingwoud str'cc‘t. Councillor Mathewson has in vested in a new Mason Risch pi ano, for musical pleasure in hi home. Messrs. W. A. Armstrong and G. A. McTavish, who are the appointed canvassers in Artemesia and vil- lages included for sale of Victory Loan Bonds, are meeting with good success. So far, the reports going into headquarters at Owen Sound show these canvassers to be ahead of any others. Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell, and little son, Jack, returned to their home in We 'were pleased to be faV'(_»r(-w_l last week with a COpy of the Burk: Falls Arrow, edited by our. former old townsman. Mr. A. R. Fawmtf, who paid a beautiful and touching personal tribute to the memory ol his beloved old friend, Mr. M. K. Richardson, whose photograx'ure was also given. Mrs. Emerson Wickens is in Tor~ onto this week, delegate from here to the annual meeting of the Pro- vincial Women’s Institute. Mr. John Osborne, Miss Osbornv. nurse, Master Mervyn and Miss lil- eanor Osborne, and Mrs. Bunt. (if Collingwood, were visiting at MI. W ..I Bellamys over the week-end. Mr. Geo. McTavish and mothei. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart. and Mr. Albert Stewart, motored to Stratford on Saturday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Editor Thurston, son Frank, and daughter, Dell, accompanied by Mrs. Richard Bentham and daugh- ter, Elizabeth; motorfed to Lion’s Head on Saturday to visit the edâ€" itor’s son-in-law and family. Sprin ring Hill evening Last Week’s News. Goo. Mitchell acquitted sell in a pizlnn sole, and Bunl and Renal (large gums rendered weal duet. Ml“ .d Kendall Boyd were an“- ”,S. The proceeds, in beâ€" e piano fund, at the small cents, amounted to $16.35. ants zumreciate the inter- in their work. Hill Red Cross held :1 sn- Ig at the home of Mr. (1. Friday night, and a mum-- this village attended. An evening is reported, and over $12. -time concert at Eugenia FLESHBRTON. M will“ mamas. Mr. G. nun». d. An d. and _' -"â€"â€"I to town to reside for the winter Heâ€"Why did you let me make with Mrs. Pedlar. ‘ love to you if it was hapeless? Mrs. VanDusen leaves on Wed-. Sheâ€"I didn’t know it. was hope- nesday to spend a few months with less until I’d seen your method of her son and wife, in Chicago. 1making love. Mr. Frank VanDusen sold his Jewellery business at Chesley last week. and moved his family to To- ronto, where they will reside. Mr. Bowman Swift returned to his home in the city on Saturday, after Spending several weeks with relatives here. _ MET: Carr, of Eugenia, has come, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ward of Her- riston visited the past week With Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Breen, and other relatives, before leaving on a trip to the coast. Mr. Gordon McKinnon was home merly ta from Port Credit over the week-end 393mm? weeks’ visit, with relatives here. Humane Britishers have pm’wided gas masks for all horses within thv dang 01' zone on every front. A scene in Flanders. I aths to grave of "martyr" me. to their Canadian women who have made gund as great (1. P. R. Shops at West Toronto, Ontario. trip Mrs. (Capt; McElroy, nee Miss Edith Allan, of Durham, who for- Jome merly taught here, visited Mrs. R. L-end Bentham over the week-end. d to Mr. Andrew Boyd, of Raddison, rday, Sask, visited his brother, W. J. and with family, on Monday. Bnlslmviki Mtdws ('m'x‘ying W1“. cause. Loft. ’l‘rnlzky. Right, Lvn The pipe organ in the Methodist church underwent tuning on Mon-- day, a tuner being brought from Toronto to do the work. Reeves McTavish and McKenzie :md Deputy-mew Camemn, are attending County Council at Owen Sound this week. angino cleaners in w? a .11.. . Hm From a hovel in the rear of pretentious buildings comes a tale, one that in this fair Province ours seems almost incredible; those who know the re sumption, it is but a t Grief stricken. the mother of her five small child this lowly home.duri 9.3 E a? g 3. ii 52%; e . E E: E if ‘3‘ ; i .25 m GEN. JOHN J. PERSHING. U. 8. A. (Zummanding American Army in. France. may .7561, ac Lu .ywaw ywv, law-J every Clergyman and 001 Teacher in Ontario helped to spread the Gospel of Good Health on Tuberculosis Sun- day and Tuberculosis Day in th Schools. This year, under the auspices of ti. National Sanitarium Association, en- dorsed by the leading Clergymen oi all Denominations and by the Depart- ment of Education, Sunday, November 25th, and Monday, November 26 have been appointed for the an observance of these days. At no time in the history of the world has the necessity for physical fitness been so great as it is to-day. Onehasbuttoseanthereports ofreâ€" jections for active service abroad to note the many that are unfit. “You have tuberculosis!" has been the pro- nouneement to thousands of oung men in Canada and the United ta during the past few months. A thorough physical examination a year ago might have exposed the weakness and mvented the develop- ment of this read disease; and yet, in spite of such a warning, thousands of men and women will continue to disregard the danger until they too have become victims of Consumption. ry and over-work; see that your food is nourishing and that it is served a! regular intervals. Above allâ€"get out in the sunshine every minute you can 8 are; see that the windows in you: p ace of business and in your home are open so that day and night you may be assured of a plentiful supply d If you would avoid this disease, watch your health, avoid_ngedless yer: cure. fresh air. medicine I took. Everv m Mb since I was a young girl I 1111.1 5111 1nd w; l1 cramps in my sides at pa: ~.;.:‘: was never regular. I saw youi :1 111131-- ment in the newspaper ram} 1h: ,.;.'~..1>:'e of awoman who had he 11 1 'n .11 an operation and this ; ‘:t2;; .. 23 1‘31- pressed on my mind. The doc . v- 1.“ 1 given me only two mo: .. m:1.::: up my mind so I sent my . 1-2 1:11;; 121' 1 drug store at once for :1. 911.121 ; 1 :j E Pinkham’ sVegetabhu - - 1 .1 believe me. I soon notic :1; = , a : 1 when I had finish; t}! - . '- ‘ :f-Li. . wascuredand neverfu‘u : 1.1.»; .1?- you the privilege to l7 ‘ ' ' - and am only too glad to 3- knowofmycure.”-â€".“.!;~r . ‘ - 11' .~ IGAL, 3432 Hartville Strv :f. 211 2., l '1. family Almost Wiped Out By Consumption. FIVE FUNERALS IN THREE YEARS Philtdolphil, Pa.â€"“One 1:: 1r ago I was very sick and I suffered V'ith paint in my side and back 1 "um" ' ! until I nearly went crazy. i went to ‘ dttiu.Cuv\.;\)Ct0rSand l My all said 1 had 1Lmulu trouble and would not. gt any relief until! we old be 011921 :*u 0.11 I had 9111'": .:: '1':;. lmlr ' years 1,..1'1'W U‘.S timoflm‘: T I . i 2915;- tingvxcz. : :1 mne {'3' AN OPERATMN - AVER‘E’EB TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY e doctor 11?»! (333," to make xuebuuj to 13:9 Ottic of 1.3“) L 2'1"';""-.1 nil, :f ..1' lack-,1: , e {r 1 1".” i ‘u’dl" l more Si-dcp I

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