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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Nov 1917, p. 5

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m mam YEARS HE garrmn sdaF- November 29th. 1917. Eta-fines" Made Hin] Feel As if Waiking (In Mr urham Furniture Co. . Limited mu, 4900 ears T NORMANBY 11717203 DAN MCLEAN. 3.30, trial size, 25c. , Awnstpaid by Fruit» X‘fx'. 28th. 1914. '5, I was troubled V 1255231653, Lark of ex. One day I saw Jul “ Fruits-fives walking on air. " ‘ so I decided to Ty short time, I :Lf“l ”USU If!!! 72:. ~. mun everything ‘ TU ‘JO fjel.‘1 M' ‘ ..-- :0 per ‘35 {‘7 $233.03 091‘ M {C} »::\.' ‘ 30 per )‘L La :2 ..00 per M c $26.00 Der M. - to 818.00 per M s NT SON’S ORGANIZED s are gone \\ s pleasant \1 wrmnn Sunday H) m HIP OF |~, you. but m and OH 8 _" whole 1P finan- 5 0f the nc‘inning Marx : nt' the Ma Fe 2 “I an! I shall ~t‘ the he 30V- 1\V' S (In f Hotl- th Mr ' Hill. \Vo" Imm‘ <0”) Inhr BM??- I Tl M will It ft. Mr. .\lo'.\;. Humphvll, of (ll‘flfi‘fur‘d. bumght thv Alr'x. (joutts farm “1' 100 If] (‘1 5H. Handing iults 8 fur px'icos ( F. A. Graham. eyesight, specialist. “At the Central Drug Store. 531 Iiwrxwmtwr tho“ Rm] Cross Bazaar .yg Sntznuiztfi’. lbw-urnhur 1ST. Punvukns and maple syrup will kw wrwd at thv Red Cross Bazaar mlw in tho McIntyre Block. on Sat- urday nvxt. Prwwu'ntiuns :m' being made for éhv .‘aiwthmlist Sunday schnnl enter- ‘mimm'nt. tn kw th on Friday, D63- H‘HIIH‘I' L’ls‘t. 'l'hv Red (Toss workers will OC- vum' tho- I'HHnl at the war of the Standard Bank during the winter HIHHHIS. th'istnms phntns, fifteen phOtnS m o-w-x'y unzon you order now. Make yuur uppnintmflnt. Phone 68. The 1948ch Studiu. ho M lx' H l) RM. that. H hylmml Sunday. 1211's: will Z. 2:. 4233. ~ :55. :t. .3? 32.... .2? :2: L27; 73m“ 3:4. 4...: 1.7.2.. 2:; M h .\l We have a stock 0f~ ground feed wlmut on hand that we} are offering fur the next few days at 840 per gun. sucks included. If you need 10ml. buv now. as We have only :1 V limilmi quantib t0 Ofi'er at this ppmlfllm Rob Roy Cereal Mills ' » mt :m3. Limited. am. :11111 whom ;1 white 1111513; and he that sat on 111111 had a bow; and v:'~\.1:'~. 11‘;1~' 15111111 unto him; 1111': 321* 1113111 111111 conquering and lo ""‘111‘112.1"' The white horse 11.15 1-1111 11-11111 icui 1111,111‘ity and applied to he right 0111:: 1111111. He that 5:11 on the 1111111x home 11:15 described as the Iightcous king .11gz1gc11 121 the advocacy of :1 rightwus cause. The choir furnished music 111 keep in; with the s«._~le1‘nziiiy of the oc- 131151011. The hymns, "The Lord is My Shepherd." and "0 God ()111‘ Help in Ages Past" were sung by the congregation. There was :1 larg attendance and the svmpuâ€" thy of the whole congregation ex- tended to the sorrowing father. his wmar C >2:\\‘. and l he that 53 Istmw .\l For saleâ€"(me Oak heater, for n1 Hr wuml; price 86â€"3118. Wm. Ill. Alkwx‘t streot. Durham. 2ptf All :wx'snns imlohtfid tn mo- 2m} M Ill. Albvrt street. Durham. 2po AH pwx'stms indohtfid tn mo- at»: (moistwd t0 call at «mew and milk." ttlvmwnt. -râ€"Z. Clark. 1:. ._,::::7. $.33 a2: 1.2% m: .. :3... :::. 22:33.. :: 3.5;”? E; :11. .2: 2:: 2.: LEE; Thursday, November 29th, \\ 1’1 I'PIHH Puffs MM'V Saturday. 01'~ wzu'ly and '4de .lisnmnNutrient. melvrsnnk‘ izlkvry. h h I'uto I’ll“ h i m [VPH _V Illt' h im ('11 h Si1f_vt't_hx'6::td \my Kolly is spendir 'I'GI'Unt' '. \\ ll Murdmk is Lmying _\Hll ( Vt'IIH‘N‘I u \V‘dlll- ln share“ the benefits \‘ivlury Loan. you‘ll have tn 11p. 'l'l‘wro's only one day 'l'lw lmmls are better than .llllSI thy make“ mtmeywhile m-p. and at the same time ‘11.» tn Will the) war. l. \\'i|n \\'t [1 \VNIHL‘.‘ m-x'izzl service was held In x'ilill't‘il wu Sunday in honor \\'m. ('lcvil Davis. whu 1'01! " U11 {11” 26th hf (.‘fictobez'. :«vr. Rev. Mr. Dymond. based lurks on Rev. (SQâ€""Ami [ i kwhuid a white horse; and sat on him had a bow; and ‘ was given untu him; and b DHI'kiIlLf. firuntfnrd mph: 0 . S. MHM‘I' has mmnunml * nmv Mé-thmiist church is tn 1w intrmiucwi nvxt ;\ spwvinl SPI‘ViPt‘ fnl'mo‘n hwld in Hw r-x'vning. and a ~i1'. «'nns‘isting nt' mm nnly, Pl hi SUN 5 f 31 \V [hi wk is paving $3 .75 fur 4. SM? hi... ad. on page mi nthwr timbers. is plum". and Miss «laughtvr M Mr. and Mt'l’hw‘. {Ml'nh‘l'ly Hf [I ('Huplrt 0f 11 lm vmunt With M'wry (luzun "1'. three extra 01195 \Vhilv thw Cl‘u'ist- {11'th in watch (.107.- 'HH~ Kelswy Stmliu. 5:! m 1H ms \11 n I] UHI'IU .11 De \V ¢ H h Visiting in Is? wisiws in M Mr. and Mrs. T I‘.V ti I‘l im itod 1112] [TH u Ito \x’ili I'IHM the“ home ("1‘ ‘1' 0110011 and "(’Qflfiwl' 6th. MI \V P p Pd H1 \Vt‘t} 'm :md \‘. “Yulnvs frnm i‘ 1917 and will (WV H Ill .\ rumur was in circulation helm a maple or days ago of the acci- «lwntal wuunding hf B. H. \Villis of this place. nnw un duty in England. In (mn\'o‘-r.<ati(.»n with his mother-in- law. Mrs. Edward Simpsun, nurth 6)? tHwn. shu was unaware nf it, and we“ arr 113:!th it) say whether 01‘ nut their» was any truth in it. Furmwrs wishing a supply of Ba- <i«' Slug f-‘wrtilizer will do well tn "'l'lif‘l‘ at «men. as the railroad of- llciuls lmvv ll‘ltlfif’d the manufacâ€" Lurwrs that. they will not promisn tn (lvliwr it in January. February n1" March. I have a car ordered for UH'vmbPI‘ (lesliwry. Place your or- «lo-r mm. 822 a tomâ€"J. J. \V'iltml. ILR. N0. 3, Durham. 112939 ;»l¢fU:d their seastm‘s threshing. which lasted fm' (WOI' two months <t¢1rzuiy “wry day. In the \thlo svasun Hwy lost t"111.\"t\\'() hnura qu thvy zu'e guing into gram clumping and cutting wumj with the buzz-saw. .wa. and Wm. Campbell. Craw- i'urd. in B-nntinck . have just cumâ€" ilulmmell. Ht CI‘il\\f0Ptl, have.) cum- Keep the boys in the trenches by donating liberally t0 the Red Cross lazaar. to be held in the store at rear of Standard Bank. recently vacated by Mrs. T. H. McClocklin, nn Satunlay, If)eeember ist. Home- made (lainties, fancy work, etc., will he sold and refreshments serv- Md. Donations m M 1‘s. Jumioscm. \Vn regrl‘xt wry much to learn 01' llw death of Harnld Andrew Mitch- wll. son nl‘ Mr. and Mrs. George Mitclmll. ml the Standard Bank, lr'li'slmrlun. He was 23 years 01' ago and was killed in action on the 7th nl' vamlwr. This is only another ul' nur ln'uw: yuung men who died in llw clvl'vnco Ol' right. 0111‘ (100p- vsl <_\'lll[l1lllllf'h‘ ELI‘P oxtvmlmj t0 the wl'I-uwin: family. ‘ 7111- 11111111111 c.1‘11‘1x'enti0n Hf the Ei-Lyxxwa'ttz Leagues ul' Mt. E71105: '11‘1i511-‘i11.\\'as held yesterday after- 11111111 and ex ening in the \Ietl‘mlb‘ 11 11111'1'11. hem. Excellent 211ll1‘essn< m we delh ered 1)} Rex F. M. Mai.- itheus l:‘ 1).. «1f\\aterlon 011“}{i11dâ€" Tim- the League tire»? and “The Genius of Methodism.” Rev. Mr. mum spnke on 'The northern ESummei School. At the night 3311-11111; an em ellent and most in” 'spiiina address was delixered by iiex. D. \\ ren, 1A.. of \It. Fore; i. The musical part of the progrma 1\ a~ \VC” sustained by the choir, a solo by Rex. Mr. Moy,er and a duct by Rex. Meyer and Mr. Mistele. _â€"... :killhillum't‘ <e'i'\im‘ 1n ('HI'lI'l! with Hw Army Mmlicul (hays Kitcheuer's hoodlum element m: 1110 :1 disgraceful showing on Sat- 111111111 night last “hen they denied hearing to 811 Robert Borden and 111111315. \\ 111-1 “me. there to discuss 131111111 thwernment. The council failed to put things in u better light when they refused. by :1 majority V1111}. to pass :1 resolution of regret tor the insult. to the Prime Minister. Kitcl’mner 1J< still Berlin in the 111111115 1-11” the proâ€"Germain element. :1111’: whether the city :1? 1111:11'1 1: 1111-31 13,1- (1ther’x'ise. they 51211111 111 sull'er for the misdeeds of the \\'1"<f111g-d1i1ers. Both sides in every political contest. Should have (:11 undisturbed privilege to present their \‘iPWS 10 the electors. \t'le sznugv. "hv Elvvio-xx'. was Fe- “NM! slightly \x'numiml nn Novem- :-1' 3th. hm I'vmuinm! nu duty. H0 nhstwi in 'I‘m'umn nimut :xw years 3.1“ viii: ihv .-\I'm,\' Mmiiml (Imps. \l'iwr gum}: m l‘lnglund [W was \\' I!) \\' Q )1 I! .\'H.<~‘ Marin swl :m'uy uh H'M'I‘ to» imam Hf HIP «imlth “in (I. MH(‘kI("I‘. Whn uhnnt fuur «fclm'k this ° a brief illness of :1 :ev-wks' dumtinn t'rnm pâ€"d natural. but wwrtcd gum; [n Franco. :1 In. [iv is ongugrm'l in 'slufm‘. SHU Hf hoodlum element be left with {mugwi in HHIHH’U! r11 lidilwx 1:: .1. :7 2:; 7.7.. .r:::.... yrs/.27 7.. 2:: 3:; 2:23:71 1:" 3...... 2:237 2.2.76; 5 2.3:? 'l’hO fullmx‘ing I'I'nm 'l‘hn (lulum'y IIvad P(‘I¢‘I'< tn the lab» Limxtvnzml Stanley M. MIR allx and will 1w HI inhfixest to many HI Hlll' I'mulvl's: "Lieut. S. .\l. .\lt';\'all,\‘. nun ut' thv; linost young: stutlvnts that vwr at; tnndnd tho Nm‘mal Schnnl in Ital- gary, is officially I‘Ppui‘ted hy Hitaâ€" wa to have been killml in avtiun. He enlisted as a [,il’lVittt‘ in HM”.- Cnl. Bell‘s battalion just threw Wat's ago. and, although hv was in l’i'antw Within a me mtmths (if li‘thilLL' i'm' «worsnas. and had hwn in must nf' tho titanic ungag‘mwnts in which that gallant unit has talmn part Hit the wostox'n l'i'nnt. hv always t~~ (rapml unscathml up tn thv ilIllt‘ that a ('lm‘man llllllt‘t laicl him law. 'I‘iw hI‘iof ammuni'vmvnt ginn nut h_\' the militia tlvpai'tuwnt is that ‘2» was killed in ilt'lltlll. He was lt‘llt‘lllllg .‘s‘ifhmil at t1li\v. Alta. when th‘.‘ war was tlt‘t‘ltll't‘tl. and lip (lid nut. alvlzw lung:- in rally- ing tn ihv ultl llag‘. llH ('amv law": tn (flzilg‘ai‘y and was uni‘ Ht" thi- l’it'st mun in lw signmi tip in tini. l'ii‘lls unit. Many intm'vsting‘ lvttm's haw, lie-0n received l'i'um him by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .\la(-l)nnaltl. nt' 1:318 'l‘vnth awnuv wvst. with whnm hv Imai'tlml whilv in t.1:il;_":u-}.'. au'l llt'. simkv with partlunahlv [u'icli- iri runntwtinn with thv mnuuissinn an I't‘t‘tFthNl «in lht‘ Wild in this spring: «if this yvai’. l’ut' a tinw hv was also ungagml in (‘Hllllllt‘l't‘ltll purâ€" ;suits llt'l't‘. anol his «awn frank naâ€" ;tui°v was stu'h that hi! maili‘ Many ll'i‘ivnils 'in Calgary whu will tint-MV l’i'§:l‘t‘l tn llt‘Hl' that lu- has lama It'allwt tiimn In pay tiw l'ull iu'it‘e‘. llt‘ ni'iuinally ('anw t'i'nni lhu'haui. (Hitai'iu, \Vllt‘l‘t‘ his [iai'vnts still t't‘-â€" .s'it‘lu,” also 011,211ng i1 suits iww. :IIM hum was sm'h frivmis 'in «1:11: PTB. J. A. PINKERTON. Killmi in action on the 26th Hf Oc- tuhm'. HO sorvmi in $011ch Afrim in 1902. ,jnined the 147th GI't‘rys in I~‘oh1‘11;u‘y. 1916. went to England in ()(i‘tulwr. 1916. HP was .50 ynm‘s of age. a 8011 of Mr. .I. ,\. Pinkvrtun. uI' PI'im‘rx'iHP, and hm three bI‘HHIvI‘s in service. Mr. RUM. \Vatt met, with :m acciâ€" (hnlt at 1TH? furniture ikufl‘nv‘ on Monday. As he was feeding. the Manor, :1 SliVC‘I‘ fPUm :1 lm'n‘wl flew back and 1.n_?1mt1":1t0d his wrist munflng qunu a gnHL H0 “4“ he furced t0 tnkb n fwm'lxuhda}\ In wnsoquence. T111,111’1ns1’$cce11. 111' Sinahzmw- 1:111. Retm'nii’ig 1_)1'1'ic1i>1' in 1.111.: com-- 111;; 1>111>1iun was home Monday, '1‘111">.~‘11z1,\ 211111 \\'m‘h‘1(>s1111y. and much of 11111" timn was Nikon up 11;» 11113131 his requirements. While here he 11>:‘u‘r10111 that his son in France 11:11-1 been wounded. but, knew 1101111313 11110111 the exhimt 111‘ his injurins. This week's I’lesllertcvn A«:i\':m~2v says that. \x‘nlwi \\'::.~' I‘QCPix'Qq‘j «91' U1? death in action 01' DaVid Edward .lzuniean. «m .\'m'. 12th. He was .30 years of age. and has one brother with the 147th. and a sister :1 nurse" at Malta. Another brether, Bert, was gassmii at. St. Julien and render- ed unfit for further service. LIEUT. STANLEY M. MCNALLY A MERITBD TRIBUTE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. PTB. ALEX. MCVICAR DIED FROM WOUNDS. Mr. and Mrs. Juh] Hlvnelg. haw the s; mmmunitv in their mom Hnuugh the It Alex. who died on tnhvr from \Vuunds Hun. H» was 2-2 years 01 thn day ut' his. death. and \V tyin- ni' manhuod. 110 0111i: H10 HTtll abmlt a year 111‘. am). and went to England ,waI‘ ago. when he was in in a Highland regiment. I 1119* 1111111 300111 zlg‘u. and went l your ago. when lu :1 Highland I“ 1in yuung man. write with all \V was :1 Human Ca ll'l‘SSt‘tl mrents 1 that ind died in llt‘ l'N'c‘lVL‘d the :l t'vw «lays mg». 11. inlm‘osmui 11s :1< nun-1' lwt'm'v. tho imywx‘hmco ul‘ thv army Chaplain. \thsv lust minis- Imiiuns Ming mnmvrt to thv dis- Hussmi HIH'S at humv. \\'v jnin m Hw gulwml synwnthy with Mr. and Mrs. .\lv\'iv:u‘ in tlwil' dw’m sm'x’tm. PTE. WM. CECIL DAVIS. \Ylm \VHS killwi in :H'HHII ()(‘hdn'i' L’filll. HP \\':I.~' :1 sun ”1' MI'. \\'m. l>:|\'i.~'. nl’ i'lgrmnmzl. Unlislml with ilw HUI: MW)" uhnul twn yvzu's :zgn \\|wn “1113' 18 mes M :ngt‘. .\ mvmux'iul m-Viw- in his hunwi' \\:a.~‘ Inc-M in 'l‘l'inily vimwil. lu-rw. Inst Sunday. Lust \vw‘k, \\'1" just «'lf-zllh Hf Pl“. J. .\. l' l’rimwiilv. \\'hu \\';:< killm! om MW 26!!) Hf Inst mnnHl :1 m1} Hf MI“. and Mrs. J. .\. Hf Privln'illl‘. and was hm 1"‘EHHIlf :36 Mum's :agn. in PTE. J. A. PINKERTON KILLED 11'" ACTION. v I'm'nivcd the last ritw Hf H huwh. This was one wnsnluth 'angly vnmhusizm] by thv s: ztlwr in swuking In The (Ihruniv géoéoi 0.2 :Ooo'o’o3‘oéoCoo'o.:.oo.oo.oo.o..oc.uug‘ooOooOo..oo.-.OooOo....0...-c.3030.9.3...03.::é‘oo.§?.oo.oofloo.oo.oo.oo...’.0¢.0¢.oo.0¢.¢¢.oo.oo.oo.o 1%v‘UnnHytlnan pM€szlhy- huvcksmnufing thnlwmds h» bu huHL (N Hwyg Um numlinmnfl- {HM um‘fnnn Dunn Snumilu Cub lhmuwnm U“wn finnm UvVVhwhnL Humn Nunm HyNH. Fumwt :uM TRUNK COUNTY LINES. who kn Catholic S are 1'0; 11 the h {U Hugh 1 ho was regiment 1. and :1 John 1085 of NH 1 the 29th I‘e_‘m_‘i\'«"d years of h. and wu: HO «‘IlliSh year and 'I. .111 MCVit’ sympathy 1‘ sad In 1055 of the and was :1 lino v enlisted with mu- and u 11:121‘ [lglimd about it ms transfcrrmi 9111. Ho was :1 :1 general 111V- mcw him. H0 10. and the dis- (‘jUiCOd to learn 1‘1081’»ital, whorv ‘1 IH‘I‘O f ch‘il‘ 29th Hf nnlnd Hw ’ililivl‘lnn. Hi' ”I‘d in ”Him; nth. Hv was ,.\. l’inkvrlnn bum in 132* in 1881. H'- .\l':iv:m \mx' L! I‘. 111 .l\'¢ ”It H ()wvn Snund tn lhuuinlk. H is ulm m'npcmwi in :ulditiun In ”1090 m mm a trunk lim- mmnwtingr up thv munly lino ut' Brm'n \\ ith Hw mun- ty linu uf Sinmw. running: tlu‘nugh Flvshvrlun. Priwvillv. l'mI'hmnumi Hunm-M'. WWI“ tirs! (M 1'!“ iu.y< {WWHll lkvr- ‘Il Inwh tn mukw tlw gin-:1! szu‘l'iticv fur litwriy :md rightwusnws was .lnhn Lum‘ivr i" i““‘”~““l." l"-‘"”° “.5 M. lmding‘hmn. \Vlw l'o-H in :u't‘iun .H stl'ungv. h““"“'"- ““‘t 9‘1"“ places Pnssvhvndwlv Ridgv nu Ht‘lnlwr 31;. as Hurlin Muturiu swm in km his IN'w-usmi. \\'hn. “ill! his hi'uthm: ”IV'WHWMS- (innm'v. unlislmi in Hue' H7th Hut- tuliun in ”w .~' will; u‘.’ 1916 hm! 11k n 111m \l 1 l i1.“ FOR SALE' 1 'v z "u 'm‘ m H‘s“ l 111'- . 1: un Hi I < I. I H l i . 1 1 Two new houses, well fimshed : ‘ u 1 . v HIH . :1 4' ‘4 ; ¢~ v . . . ‘ H" ‘ ( and m :1 sum] Iuvutmn lll Durham. Svhml in Hnnnwr in 19H. :md . ~ .â€" . . , A; ' LV In Amms Mark. 1129 «'wz'mv-wm! tvm'hmg m Mung“ srinml. llullmnl. in Swph-mlwr. IMF». - ~ was a yum): mun ul' Hurling rhnr- FARM FOR SALE. :u'lvr :nn! mww than «mlilml'v :llbii- . . . ‘ 122 Acres in the 2nd Concession of Hy :md mtv Eagvnvv. In Mran , . , .. . 'I’wfl ‘t °l ”I ”I. 1le I . l‘ufntuwk._ “U“ mllv‘hnm‘ Durham ""’-\ ”M” ‘ mu " “ “ ' ‘“ 1::11' l»1111«11|1;:‘>. \wll lvncod 31‘ \\'i ' :f'l :'-.'li\e‘ :lHti Full-"5911‘“! HIU‘Hâ€" l‘HllHdI nu\\‘ hug and puultry houg- h. _ :3 mum-:43! Spy-Viv“ “up; hum us; muchinv lmusn, twu gund wells, linml with cmu'rvtv. much with a inking HIP H‘X‘. “Hi" Hf :14ch“ ('!l*"‘!.. I R.]1,lll.:‘,k {1;}l!|.]‘:lls\1s(l.]lf t}T:\1::\llf:p0]§:)§ 1‘40 IIH\W‘ <i\:WWWleH th" \Y‘WfltL" ilH- INlrhIHIL ()nt, 11 It? ['FPSStWI lht' I!|«H1;ll!< lh:d 1}!“ 1:181 Sabbath Szjv hi< [bzh‘fwln \\‘|ln. VIN-«Mill :H‘I‘ vv-z‘ {lu- «'HIIIhlL’I‘HlH . . . . 7. +++W++HW \th Wm: 26”! ’:I bl‘uHH‘I 'lzemx'ml and Hm: In M' 321'. and Mrs. .lulm Nit-Viv \Vlvs dim? in NW huspitul un ( luiwl' '38:}: from “rounds x'm'vh in :u'linu. Hv was 2-3 yewu's aw. and dim! un hi< birthday. svr‘Vu-e- m PTE. J. M. LEDINGHAM. PTE. ALEX. MCVICAR HS I! Hlil killml in :wtiun thnhur 101'! Hf pivtm'v . and his (H'Hl‘gfl, WIIH is SH“ in) HH‘é M. LBDiNGHAM l\'« E Hr \‘..:~ :1 (Zunsm'Vuliw in poli- Hivsu and u l‘x-nshytvt'iun in religion. Elmo‘rnwnl tuuk plum 'l‘uvsday at. :thv ’uwky Snug-«mu wmvh‘ry. :111 t. dvnt HIP ‘ HP \\' land, a quite y. I'vmaim and la \th‘u Whilv I‘Jlt‘ll \\i1h 0112.: my. “Ht” do m { fulh 'l'liv \‘iciui'y IAHIH is still going with :1 gum! swing. and the objectâ€" iw «if $173.00” assignch to Hm Dur- ham svi'linn will gm i-nnuidorably uwr llie- mark. ln llm‘liam alonf‘. uwr $135.1Nl0 has :ili‘e-aidy biwu Lak- vn. :iml llw district subscriptions :ulilml tn this will bring present pm'vhusos 11p tn $220000. Durham is still sm'und in lhv County. Two new houses, well finished and in :1 :‘Hud lm'uliun in Durham. A; ' !}' in 7.911115 (llurk. H29 Laurim- is intvnsvly loyal. It's smmgv. hnwvvvr. that 811le places as Hvx'lin :Unturiu swm tn lw his stx'unghulds. 122 Acres in the 2nd Concession of Hontim'k. unv nnlv from Durham' fair building‘s, \wll l'nnced ali mund: nvw hug: and punltry hous- us: Illiltfllillfl hnnsu, twu good wells, linwl with C(mvrvtv. MIC-h with a pump. Apply nu lhv mwpm‘ty t0 .\1..l. (Zuulehx'vll. umwr. Box M hut-hum. (mt. M ltf all. llu\\'.~' ‘mim l-‘nH infurmutiun fmm :my Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or (I. E. Hornâ€" imr. District I’asscngm' Agent, To- I'untn. Ontario. W. Calder, Durham 'l‘nwn Agent. DURHAM STILL SECOND. I'S. .‘xlfl' IHSH'H‘! PAGE 5.

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