West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Nov 1917, p. 7

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unlight goes a cry particle is is nothing to hes or impede 'ogreso of the y cake of Sun- ock of private Christmas card; LU‘C‘ n43“. here, and Jpen to book your order at 3. Dont delay, but place ier “hen the selection is ie cant guarantee a full 1 if you put it ofl' too 1008- -,v nothing but the highest f greeting cardsâ€"from $1” ‘ rn tipâ€"and they cost but ire than the common w- ow, either at this ofl'ioe, C Wilbert Traynor, who a ,U‘ pm‘cs {01‘ 5 an: in Dur- mh‘; of each 'hezwv mixed EACH WEEK n his house Wood floors you that it member 29th, I ‘ 1 ‘ € 1 ,1 ‘ 1 '00») V». Cr. Oh. 'V. 9)..“4. ooooooxooooooowo 3y hardwood floors atpets for it. 1 Msr a life-time, are respec: will return you FC +++++++A NTED nFeed If \‘0u need ,oap| Mills Ȣooo¢o+oooooo¢6£ m. rmm Durhzzm house with a Rubbers, 1917. PARIS FOR SALE Being Lot 53, Goncession 3, 2.0.3.. Glenelg, containing 100 acres; on premises are new frame barn, brick house, sheds and outbuildings; run- ning stream through prOperty; a- bout 10 acres hardwood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply on prem- ises to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1, Durham. Ontario. 94 4pdtf Afbert St. Apply to All. Jackéo Durham, Ont. 930 .- __,_._ -___â€" Earth part of Lot 6, the old Skat- mg Rink site, Garatraxa St, Dur- ham, and the uprtt} pgu'}. o! I,_ot 5, The property of the late Philip Eva. in the town of Durham. For terms and partlculars apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. 11 18M Lots 8, 9 and 10, Kincardino St, West. Apply A.H. Jackson. 41 15“ PROPERTY FOR SALE That splendid residence property in, Ufiper Town belonging to the late rs. Wilson, will be sold on r-asonable terms; contains $4. acre, more or less; comfortable residence 7 rooms; hard and soft water; good bearing orchard and garden; fine situation. Apply on premises, or to Thos. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie, 3 MI: .ans NEEDS Ironfrnr. HOME Executons. Spirena Corsets (no: son In Stores), made In Canada, are honed with the Indestructable Spnrella stay, the rnostphahle and respllent corset bomng 1n the 'world; guar- anteed not to break or ms}. in one year of corset wear. Appomtments by mail or telephone yen prompt. attentionâ€"Mrs. J. C. xehol, Box 107, Durham. Phone 70. 1026 â€"â€"â€" POR SALE A lyric]: house and five acres of land Just outsme of town, 2 comfort- able stables, hen-house, buggy and other buildings are on the prem- ises. Will also sell furniture, fowl and a quantity of wood. For Earticulars, apply on .the remises, ambton street, to MISS cNab. nan HOUSE TO REELâ€"The rear .01 double dwellingâ€"house on Main St“, Upper Town,_ containing six fine rooms, formerly occupied by John Vessie. Possession at. once. Apply to Wm. Black, Countess street, Durham. 7 26%.! corner of Countess and Garafraxa streets, Durham, owned by the late Inspector Campbell; complete bath, and modern heating. lighting and water conveniences; good garden and up-to-date garage in conner- tion. Apply for particulars to John Morrison, Durham. 104 Eyeryone. in Canada is eagerly watching for worldâ€"wide and war news, and also no one is. So apa- thetic as to be indifferent. iii the; news of his own'town and districti The Mail -and Emplre and The Chronicle constitute a combinaâ€"‘ tion of news .that is ‘worth while, and we} have made arrangements by which we can offer them both-- the two together-4‘s. one_s‘ubscrip=- tion one year for .3325. _ The big city daily and your best local pa- per leave nothing,’ lo be desired, and contain - all that is possible to. know. Send or bring alleorders; to office of this paper. ' '-' Toronto, prepare for every known Commercial Diploma or Certificate. None too high for our grade- of work. Free catalogue. ‘Enter. any time. W. H.__Shaw. Pres.; P..McIn- Am‘ - - .. ‘Ynnmn x7 time. tosh, G‘errard Sts,, \V. 1’1. anaw. rrca. , Prin. Head Off 1088, 9 fiz'o Luv: D3 ‘ Toronto. Advertisements of one inch or less, 26 cts. for first insertion. and 10 cents for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. NEW mm IN HOME PLANNING; “Our architects .are. .‘gradually learning that afte1 a’ll is‘said and done the thing worth while is to make a home that is attractive, in which people will want to live. and‘to which they will return with delight." So says Louis 0. Tiffany. founder of the Tifl‘any Studios, in the December issue 01 Harpers Ba- 2111‘. Mr. Tiffany.‘ himself, has ,a very beautiful estate at . Cold Springs Harbor, New York. and 'from his description of it in this. number of Harper‘s Bazar, you can gain quite a little valuable information on how to beautify and make atti‘act- ive your home. Thursday, Novonhu- 31h, 1317. spinnLLA cogsfi's‘. LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE SMALL ADS; use 9 30 6 29M" Office and residence a short dis- tance east of the Hahn House, on Lambton SL, Lower Town, Durham. Oflice hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. J. G. BUTTON, 11.11., 6.1!. Oflice: Over J. P. Telford’s omce, nearly opposite the Registry Office. Residence: Second house. south of Registry Office on east Side of Al- bert St. Ocfiie hours: 9 to 11 am” 2 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 9 pm. Tele- phone communication between of- fice and residence at all hours. . DB. BURT Late Asmstant Roy. London Op- thalmic Hos ital, England” and to Golden Sq. hroat and Nose Hosp. SpecialistzEye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office: 13 Frost St., Owen Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. C. “LONDON ENG. Graduate of London. New York and Chica a.o Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and hroat. ‘VVV “â€"w â€"-- v“ v . Will be at thé Hahn House, Dur- ham, May 19, June 16, July 21, Au- gust 18. Hours: 1 to 5 pm. J. 1-. “m1, ”0’0“” 8.0.9. Honor Graduate University of. To- ronto, Graduate Royal College Don- tal Surgeons 0! Ontario. Dentmtry in all its branches. Office: Over Town's Jewellry Store. DR. W. c. PIGKBRING DENTIST ' Office: Over J. J. Hunter’s Store. J. P. TELPORD Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer 850. Insurance Agent, Money to loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial busr- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town). DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for Count of Grey. Satisfaction guarantee . Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle oflice, or with himself. W. J. SHARP, Holstein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan at lowest rates, and on terms to suit. borrow- er. Fire ar;d_ Life_1qs_urance plaeed SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NOR“- WBST LAND REGULATIONS ' The sole head of a family, or any .male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the resent war, and has since continue to be, a British subject, or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may homestead a quarter-section. of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Seeketchewan or Alberta. ADE!- mat must appear in person at )- minion Lands Agency or Sup- Agency for District. 1 Entry by proxy magube made on certarn con- ditions. neeâ€"Six months’ 1‘08!- detco upon and cultivation of land in each of three years.‘ . i In certain districts .a .homesteader Clo L' ILU “AL“ .5.- av -c-vâ€"â€" w___ - .. in thoroughly ‘reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases a_nd WlllS executed on shortest notlce. All work promptly attended to._ may secure an momifiqu section as proâ€"erupt ion. ice a?” acre. Dutiesâ€"Residence six months in each of three years after earn- 313 homesteag patent and cultivate ‘.Aâ€" AL‘-:- ‘-- 573° a-c'xv‘e'gvgx't}; r “Tidy obtam' pro- emption patent as soon as home- stead papent qp cepgln ponditlons. â€"¢â€"-â€"â€"-â€" L-_- preâ€"emption, may take a purchased homestead in‘ certam districts. Price $3. per acre. Must reslde six months In each of three years, cul- tivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. _ â€"- A A--_A VV V. v“ Holders of entries may count time. of employmegt as farm labor- ers 111 Canada durmg 191?, as res!- dent duties, under certam condi- O tionSo " AA _ _ - - A _ 3â€"--.- I! _When: Dominion Lands are adver- tlsed or posted for entry, returned soldiers who have served overseas ans have been honorably .diseharg- eat .‘uaeive one day prinrlty m ap- plymb ‘or entry at local Agent’s ofâ€" fice (but not Sub-Agelch). Dis- charge papers must I.» presented to Agent. . W. W. 0 MY, Deputy Minister of Hm Interior. DRS. JAHIBSOII JAIIBSOR Licensed :14 uctz'oneer Medical Directory . Dental Directorv. Legal A. H. J AGKSQN Conic net Cbmmissionetf, ' THE wunzm Evoices wail loudest are actually do- Continued from page 2. {ins the same thing on a small __ syn“; w'fll “ads-p.31.“ scale, but the motive and spirit are ed. am. but time thou did-t ”n_ the same. In this very town, 2-H). Nadia m placed her hand our :cartons of sugar that were bought the girl's mouth to choke on m I" 'last summer and sold at a good mark. 1110mm whispered I warn- margin of profit for 25 cents are u now raised to 30 cents for no rea- “Nan, 9’ 0‘” 2"" “m"? thou shalt son whatever but pure greed. Is ge‘é‘fflbb‘fig‘wfigdg“ INNS; this patriotic? Is this fair? Is this honest? With this, as with many and saluted Jether h halt mun: , before him. ’ 'other abuses, reformation must be- “Thy Tisha stands before thee. Jam. Igin at home.â€"Listowel Standard. “New, by our lady Ishtar. thou shalt do my bidding.” the ndded unruly. m girl bowed her head in submission and saluted lather by half kneeling have knelt. but Jetber restrained her by taking her hand. “Thou shalt not kneel." he command- ed. “Thou art beautiful.” Tisha laughed. a melodious. rippling “38h- “Thy servant is glad it she pleaaeth thee,” she answered coquettishly. “I but do the bidding of my mother. for her word is law to Tisha. Still. on my own behalt. i would welcome thee to Jerusalem and bring thee wine and food after thy journey. Didst come ter?’ she edded. after bidding the Nu bleus bring refreshments. “From Hebron.” explained Hletber setting himself on a diun and motion ins to the seat beside him. Tole end Nadine. with u look or understanding. left them alone, end Is they entered the house it could be seen that the two bed once more resumed the ergument II to the amount of Tole’e com to: bringing the rich young Jetber D tllh resort of pleasure. ‘ “Aelonxuthoudoetmhheme come.” replied Jether. fortheboy nowloethlaseneeoteweuthle multinutbeddehlmmdcut mghnceelnhhdlrecflon. The laughed and leaned alight): In his rectlon. Apertnmedellcehend eeeafledhlenoetrlle. Hereeched eedtookherhend. “Allonguthondoetdellremm eelongwmwemaketheewelcome." mpuedmhmfihoneonotlodee.” The girl leaned tom m Bu head was tilted hack. J'ether'e a. fleduwlthemlst. Theodorotthe flammable. Sheleuthed end showed her wonderful gleaming teeth or parent white. 11119quer the boy threw his arms around her. He felt her arm: steal around his neck :11ch himtightlymher. The: kissed. endlnthatklaetheeoulot Jetherfortheflrsttlmelnhleufem bruisedandurmmedbyeonuctwlth afiggii a3 There has been a great hue and cry all uwr Canada at the lingo, prniils madn by Sir .lnseph Flawllo and lhv purl; packers and every Ca- nadian mnsumer is justified in ‘juinim,r in llllS chorus. Millionaire prut'fis in war time is a crime a-- gainsl nur land and all we. aru l lighting: i'nr. Yul. [maple Winn-'1‘, s. S... $468.00. We certify a true stator! expenditures Brntinck Re 7her 7th, 1916. Margaret (la 1 l um. Supplies " 1 $5276 '26 FLAVELLE NOT THE ONLY ONE- (lush reported on hand by different TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD LIMIT Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including the seventeenth day of December next for the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situate in the vicinity of the Kap- uskasing River in the Districts of Timiscaming and Algoma. Tenderers are to offer a flat rate per cord for all classes of pulp- wood, whether spruce 'or other woods. The successful tenderer shall be required to payvfor the Red and White Pine on the limit a flat rate of $10 per thousand feet board measure. The successful tenderer shall al- so he required to erect a mill or mills on or near the territory, and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the Province of On- tario, inaccordance with the terms and conditions of sale which can be had on application to the De- partment. Parties making tender will be required to deposit with their ten- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for Twen- ty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.- 00), which amount will be forfeited] in the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out con-l ditions, etc. The said Twenty-five} Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) will: be held by the Department until such time as the terms and condi- tions of the agreement to be enter- ed into have been compiled with and the said mills erected, equip- ;ped and in operation. The‘ said sum may then he applied in such amounts and at such times as the Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines may direct in payment of accounts for dues or of any other obligation due the Crown until the whole sum has been applied. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'â€"â€""V â€"__,' For. articulafs as to' degcription of terrgtory, capital to bgmvested, etc” apply to the undersngned. Minister of Lands, Forests Mines. Toronto, September 19th, 1917. ‘ N .B.â€"-No unauthorized . publica4 tion at this notice will be paid for. Continued Next Week. .‘__â€"- and THE BUREAU CHRONICLE. ANNUAL REPORT OF BENTINCK TOWNCBIP RED CROSS. Ofi‘icers.â€"President. Miss Flora McDonald; vice-president. Mrs. W. Fulton; secretary. Miss Catharine Irvine; treasurer, W.G. Hastie. Receipts: 1 Township of Bentinck.... $1500 00‘ SS No. 1, Campbell’s Corner 240 7!); SS. No.2. Allan Park ...... 591 19 SS. No.3. Vickers ......... 530-10 S..S N0 0. 5. Lamlash ........ 10-1 .59 SS. No. 6, Mulock ......... 464 83 SS. N0. 7. Howie’s ......... 254 50 SS. N0. 8, Louise .......... 303 41 SS. N0. 9, Crawford ........ 153 50 SS. N0. 10. Aberdeen ...... 320 50 SS. No. 11. Hutton Hill.... 342 65 SS. N0.91,3 Stewsart’ ...... 146 00 SS. N0. 2, Habermehls ..... 17910 S.S. No.2, B.G., Rocky. . 1‘25 00 Lamlash Womens Institute 5 00 Children, N0. 7. Brit. RC... 1 .10 Children, No. 5. Brit. RC... 3 60 Children, N0. 2. Brit. R.C... 9 59 Expenditures: British Red Cross .......... Canadian Red Cross ...... §4 vermin suits .......... .12 pairs wristlets ........ 79 pillows ................ '5') comforters .............. 15 pairs slippers .......... l2 dressing gowns ........ 20 stretcher caps .......... 6 personal property bags.. 1 bandage ................ 6 hot water bottle covers . . Candles ................... Insect powder ............ Bachelor buttons .......... 14 pairs socks, sent to Bent- British Red Cross .......... 530 00. Canadian Red Cross ...... 1000 00 Y. M. C. A. ................ 50 00 SS. N0. 1. Campbell’s Corner 20 00 SS. N0. Allan Park ...... 354 25 SS. N0. 3, Vickers ........ 695 '00 SA. N0. 5, Lamlash ........ 111 :15 SS. N0. 6. Mulock ........ 635 00 SS. N0. '7, Howie’s ........ 18.1 32 SS. N0. 8. Louise ........ 229 4": SS. N0. 9. Crawford ...... 320 00 SS. N0. 10. Aberdeen ...... 387 80 SS. N0. 11. Hutton Hill 100 00 SS. N0. 13, Stewart’s ...... 125 00 SS. N0. 2, Habormehl’s.... 190 00 Miss C. Irvine. for yarn.... 60 27 Miscellaneous ............. 8 10 Balance cash «m hand 275 63 We certify that the 1'()reg¢_)i11g is :1 true statement of tho rncoipts and vxponditures 0f the 'J‘nwnship of Bontinck Red Cross fmm Novem- ber 7th, 1916. to Nnvombor 3rd, 1917. Supplies shipped: 643 pyjama suits 2193 pairs socks 131 flannel shirts .572 denim shirts '18 flannelette shirts 3311 towels ......... 562 pillow slips 173 sheets ......... Margaret Henderson. Mary Mc- (Zullum. inck boys ............. Shirts, etc., sent to Bentinck McWILLIAMS. The weather has been very cold this last, week, requiring the stab- ling of all stock. fir. R. J. Ball was around through these parts one day last week. Mr. â€"Pete Hay is engaged with Mr. Farr Lawrence this week. Mr. Findlay. nf Dimmm'v. pnssod down the line south of us the nther day. selling Victory Bonds. Master Stanley Harrison got one 01' his legs severely cut by coming in contaCL with the saw while working in Harrison’s mill, it re- quiring 25 - stitches to close the Wound. He is getting along well under the careful treatment of Dr. Sneath, of Dromore. C n Messrs. Farr Lawrence and Crawâ€" ford Harrison bought some cattle in Bentinck, at Mr. T. Lawrence’s sale on Friday. and it took nearly a regiment Of men to get them home, they were so wild and vicious. Mm Harrison got his face severely cut7 by one of the cows knocking him down and tramping‘on him. I L.O.L. 1192 are giving their share of the proceeds of the picnic held at Allan Park on the 12th of July, to the five local Red Cross socie- ties where the members belong. namely. St. Paul’s, Ebenezer, N0. 9 Glenelg, Bunessan and Edge Hill. ' MgEdwardPratt has been drill- ipgfi well for Mrs. «W. Aljoe, and ‘has struck a supply of water at a 'depth of 71" feet. sllit/S >pers .......... gOWIIS O O O O O O O 0 caps O O O I O O O O O 0 property bags . . bottle cm ors [er 0 O O O I O O O O O O O ttons lash ........ 11 ock ........ 63 ie’s ........ 18 use ........ 22 w ford ...... 32 rdeen ...... 38 ton Hill 10 wart’s ...... 12 wrmehl’s . . . . 1Q ........ )30 '50 ........ 10$ 69 ........ 464 83 ........ 254 50 ........ 303 41 ........ 153 50 an ...... 320 50 Hill. . . . 342 6’) Us ...... 146 00 hrs ..... 179 10 )cky'... . 125 00 Institute 5 00 o. 5276 26 $4581 20 $964 50 2058 00 274 00 5372 00 13 50 124 40 169 05 151. 80 2:”) 50 z’) 50 79 00 1:3 (‘0 14 ~10 C‘O 25 '10 Track Ties, Telephone Poles, Posts! Basswood Heading Bolts, and Wood,I to he delivered in the Grand Trunk. Yards at , a Timber Wanted£5 All No. 1OTies must be 8 ft. long. 6 inches thick. and 6-inch face, and all No. 2 Ties 8 ft. long, 6 inches thick, and 5-inch face. and must be peeled, sawed, or well hewed, sub- ject to Grand Trunk inspection. DURHAM, HOLSTBIN, MT. FOREST AYTON, NBUSTADT Cedar, No.1” Tamarac, No.1 Elm, No.1 ..... Ash, No. 1 ..... Hemlock, No.1. Pine, No. 1 ..... Hardwood, No. 1 20 inches long, 5 inches and up in diameter. m the round, $2.75 Per Cord. On other timbers enquire for prices‘. J.N. MURDOCK NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of John McGillivray, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11.8.0. 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, that all persons having claims against the estate of John McGilli- way. late of the Township of Glen- elg in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of August, AD. 1917, are required to deliver, or send post- paid. to Andrew Ford and Arthur H. Jackson, executors of the es- tal». on or before the 22nd day of December, A1). 1917, their names and addresses, a full description of their claims and the nature of their security (if any?) held by them, such claims to be duly verified. And further take notice that af- ter the said 22nd day of December, AD. 1917, the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, with regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors shall not be liable to any persons whose claim or claims no- tice not having been received by them prior to such distribution. Andrew Ford and Arthur Jackson. Executnrs. Dated at Durham this 17th (1. of November, 1917. Buy VICTORY WAR LOAN BONDS â€"-A Sound Invettmentâ€"â€" By investing in them you are helping your country, and benefiting yourself. Another good investment is to buy one of our Ladies” or Misses’ Coats. C. L. GRANT PRICES FOR TIES: We cannot guarantee present IVices any length of time. In fact some lines we cannot get at others cost more than preoen selling price. With Kid leathers costing more than 86. 00 per pound and sole stock 80c., what will kid shoes cost? We have still some lines at old rices: some 11 prices. Headquarters for Trun . :Suit Cues. Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. :BEPA Toinsm Stare I. a Icllraith : The 1' .ij READING BOLTS. For sale at .AOc. .35c. Durham a y 301.818". The anniversary services of the Presbyterian church here Were held last Sabbath, the Rev. J. Lit, tie, of St Helen‘s, being the preach- er. Full congregations greeted him both morning and evening. On Monday a fowl supper was given. and again the church was crowded. A platform program was next in or- der. and the addresses were of high order. The proceeds amounted to Don‘t miss seeing Jerry the Tramp, at. the Library concert. on December 7th, in the hall. A high class concert. under the auspices of the Holstein Public Li- brary, will be given in the town hall. here. on Friday. December 7. commencing at 8 o‘clock. The play “Jerry the Outcast." a drama of four acts. will be given, interspersed with music. If you don't want to laugh. why don’t come, but it you do. why then come and enjoy your- self. The play is under the man- 'ugement of Mr. Bert Brehner, and ,it will cost adults only 250.. and children 150. Irwin Dickson, of New Liskeard. came to visit. his parents. who are in poor health. He remained from Saturday till Wednesday. He con- tmnplatos moving to Toronto. J. l“. Durrant. of Mt. Forest. spent. part. of Saturday with his mother. The members of the Presbyter- ian congregatiun had a wood bee one day last week, and, we under- stand. presented the proceeds to their pastor. (inuld not others do likewise? The School is there ly equipped electrical supplies an fittings, etc. fox lull Junior Leaving and Madrid- ulation work. Thos.Allan,Princial,1st Clan Certificate, also Certi cate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjects: Science. Mathematics, Spelling. Miss J. Weir, 3A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects: Latin, Art, Literature, Composition. {Beading Geography, Ancient His- ry. Miss M. Grydorman, 3.4., Toron- to University, also Certgflcate in Physical Culture. SubJepts: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composmon. Writing, Durham High School Intending students should. enter at the beginning of the term 1! pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, mak- ing it a most desirable place for residence. years is a flattering one. The true- tees are progressive educationally and spare no pains to see mi teachers and pupils have eve ad- vantage for the proper presen tion .inquacquisition of knowledge. EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jeweler :Optician DURKAI - 01":qu PLANING MILLS ZENUS CLARK nuanu . . ammo The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that. be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Chairman M vast-cu. whirl: :BEPAIBING A8 08 Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To money you will save. SASH, DOORS â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings PAGI 'l. Afi’flw

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