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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Dec 1917, p. 3

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.9-...-.--. -.¢-H +‘OM Frs every facility 1!! (accounts, of manu- tzcrs and merchants. 3511351. ‘2 over! Branch. 235 THE ON~ “ L A. FLEMIRG, niacin-t "1101' 960996600000. »O¢ «MOO... ping ’ifiINE Ontario the [I lls ON?“ Thursday. December 6th. 1917 CARTOONS OF THE WEEK Rammmmmimm 13’9". 89‘ W?” ; mmmx 011mm 2 ONE SUPREME CAUSE z CUEDLALISI \\\\: DURHAM CHRONICLE. Thursday evening's meeting of the Durham Conservative Association was a grand success in numbers and enthusiasm. Messrs. Stone and Ball 0f Hanover, and Messrs. Chas. Moffut and Christopher Williams. of Edge. Hill. were present, and made rattling good speeches. It was decided to call :1 meetingr of the Executive on Tlmrsdn,\'. December 9th. to take fur- ther action in St‘It-‘Ctlll‘.’ «_leleg:'ites and naming :1 candidate. Pull‘llo'l‘s‘llln Si‘lltwl lmzll'd I'c‘t'i‘th‘d only 298 zirmlieatinns for i‘msitinns on their teaching stall. Tho" family nf MP. \‘air loft lzlqt. wwk t'nr lhr‘ir nmx' hump at. Snln'muâ€" \‘illP. spend i n town. 27. 7.27.! 7;... 7. 5 2 43.4 _ 1i: 3. :E::_, “E; :2. 9.9:; :1. 'l‘hw mast intorostin: vwnt in tum; lust] We‘lf‘k was the sulomnim- linn ut' :1 marriage at tho residoco nt‘ Muynt' and 311's. C:11«'101‘ in the" pros- vnw- ul' :1 1:11:20 numhnr uf guosts. 'l‘ho- Hunt‘m'tin; partivs were MP. 311231111 311331111111 «11' T111‘nn1111111u1 51111111 1111111 h11110vn1111m in 111\\11\\1t11i111 : 1111* 1:111111 s 111111111-1‘. M1 .s. .1:1.<. Law 1; o ‘ v ‘ > ' ' I On ll1111's11:1y 1:191. 111:111ksg1vmg: A. swrviw was 1111111 111 Trinity (‘.11111'1:11:\\';1s :11'111 :1v111‘v :111111"1‘_1111‘i:1t11 8121111011 was 11:15 [1I‘N11111'11 11}. 1113211112 1131111. 11121)“ 1111* 0111:1111» Legislature (111811011 111111111 'l‘111‘~>‘11:1_\'. 1 i111: Thi- l)1‘:iii;:‘i~\'illv Pnsl is l.~‘~'lllllf_" :1 daily shoot... 10 Du Puntimwl till :‘ifâ€" lvi' lhw niiiiiiviiml l‘il‘l'iilllh’. Mossrs. JOS. Mack and llnlit. Mum] \W‘I‘t'. playing (‘nloli with :i iHlil"ilOl' knife) (in Satin-(lay \Vl'iilv killing pigs and tho 121th is nursing :i luvmmlmj lmml in mnsm110mm. 7 Thu marriage «if Mr. RHl’wi't Hill‘lll'lll‘ l0 Miss l'ni- prvtiu .Inhnsnn funk plzuu',‘ in Durham at. thw I‘nsidvnrn 01‘ Row. Mr. Ix’itrzhing. The“ brim“ was. assisted by hm‘ sh- tmu Miss Lizzin, and MI“. Rnlmrt. Mtâ€" kon mind as gnwmsmm. -â€"C(‘n‘11wr (icinlvorns cur. Tho Max‘kvtzâ€"Oats 220.. I’m; 420.. Barloy 30(2. Hay 38.1%11f101' 140... £ng 146.. Applus per bag; 75c... Potntrws [WI‘ ha: 500., 'I‘m'lmys 80.. (‘mnso Sc... Chivkmls pm' pair 204:. in 3W2. Dx'vssâ€" Dd hogs S?) M 36, Hidns (SC. to 70.. “1'01 170. tn 20v. 7111 must Hf thw :nâ€" inwo (q1n'nutinns «vnly the- highnsf is Lri\ “Hr” Editm‘.‘ KILLED BY ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE 0F REVOLVER .lzmws D. Kimwo. IrI'HpI‘iMm' Of 111«'- lmI'he-rshnp in Hm Dom building [816* Roynln SfI‘é’H'f. was :u.:r'i(imlf,â€"- :Illy kiHNl {If his hHI’I'H': Hf Dcmg'las :md Sncmm strmsts. West Hr)11g}1*.â€" n11. )Inminy night. A 1"ex'rvlvm‘ that 1w ms (“Meaning was :ufcidentully «lisrhummi. T110 hull-7f entered his his hand bnlnw the right, eye and {i‘i‘rvntly thew have been .1 iiumimr ul' burglaries about tnwn :iiicl Mr. Kimme was in tiw habit, nf hiking thrr cash from the Pegigter nf his l'ii‘ii'l'ierslinp Mich night and i'ill‘l‘}’ill2‘ ii immn with him. AS the zimniiiit was Sl"in'll;‘i_lmQS a consider- 11M" sum. in: geni‘n‘aly curried his I'o"\'o'il\'i"1‘. Ir-m‘iod. filling with him. u< :i mnlor nl‘ protectirm. .\i.1- Kinnrm left hi.q Shep Monday night and went home immediatnly. Ho 1‘01 )t u remlvor and «wither fire arms in the house and had always linen particularly careful to keep them in ('Hnditiun fur use. It was not unusual for him to clean and oil the revolver and this he did Munday night. 1w \‘:1.<v1+'+:‘1nlng ‘ «lisrhummi. Thflh‘ his lmnd anw H} killml him instantly ’m (f v n t l}’ th «31"0 11111111."?1‘ 01' ergla Hr was ongaged in cleaning the “'“i‘tIZ-"iin when ihn family retire-i. 311's. Kine» and the others? heard a shot a few minutes after they went upstairs. They ran down and found the husband and father ly- ing dead with a bullet hole through his right cheek. The revolver had but one shell. It is presumed that Mr. Kinnee thought it was empty and went on with his cleaning operation with- out giving the gun a careful ex- amination. The four other cartridges were lying on the table. Mr. Kinnee pre- From The Chronicle File of December 2nd, 1897. 20 YEARS AGO December 9th. 1897 Mrs. Smith. ui' Tflt‘flnfn, hmmvn'mm in tnwn with mnthm'. Mrs. .lus. Luuric. duv last. 'l"h:mk.<gi\'inz is in :1 Vmw lnw sumably thinking he had removed them all. Coroner Charles Little. after an ingestigation, decided an inquest was unnecessary. Old Copper Country Man James D. Kinnee had lived in the Capper Country 32 years. He was a native of Canada. born in On- tario 55 years ago. He came to Calumet when ‘23 years of rare and was located there. in the barbrr business for 17 years. coming to Huughtun 1?» years ago. to become proprietor of the shop that he owned and operatml at the time of his death. Mr. Kinnee was well known throughnut the‘ Cnppcr Country. Ho was :1 111:111 «11‘ 1.711‘11111101111 opinions 1111 many matters 11ml his shop was :1 sort. of :111 «1111111 forum for the (liscussinn of politics. the war. the market. and othvi‘ suhjm'ls. Ho is survix-m‘l by Mrs. Khmw and the following childro‘n: Ralph of Isle Rnyalo. Holnisv. William and ()I‘ill :1l home 11ml Llnyil. :1 sziilm' ~11 thv Simmer Ilnusn. Thu l'mivi'ul :11'1':1ng111111111ts will i:«1 made us SHHH us How] 6:111 110 01:111â€" Immii‘atml wilh‘, Tho Mudm’ii \Vnmlmun Hf Amvrim, «1l'whi1‘l1 ihv (lCCOLlSPd was :1 11111111l1111‘. will participate in Hm 11111-:111::~111m11s. The" (lvi‘msml was :1 imilhni‘ “1‘ Ml‘. Daviil Kimwv. «11' lliis tuwn. I‘:1lli“l'. PROFIT ON A SMALL FLOCK OF EWES t‘lxpo‘x'imvntut l-‘ul'u’h Nate Ill ”(ftUlH‘I‘. 191C). :1 ”th nt' 10‘" grant“ mvw-s wm'w purrinh‘mt at public :mt'tinn t'rnm thv (I. ” H. Domul'tmvnt “1' Natural ltwuumw at, t'lnaldnlo. Altwrtu. 30 Shrugwhix'e- shvm'ling mws at $11.77) :1 pimw and :30 MPI'inH tl'II‘t‘I'-}'o*:11'â€"«)th at $0.50 a [tit‘(_‘(_‘ mu] 3 {MW tn'wt :simmâ€" shil'v mm at Shunt ;:l.~'.» :3 HM vwe-s at $6.00 M View“. TH this l‘t-zllly Shnuld t‘w :Htttwt tlw ltt'it‘u nt' :1 MW,â€" uml mm as thw SPI‘Vil'P Hf nnu was nhtuimut from :a noighhnr whn was planning tn 11mm :mmnd fix \w‘ks 01' SH lutm' than worn “'1‘. (Just nt' \Vintvrin: .-\ l‘tHfHI't'l Hf 111v (‘Hst Hf \Vintvrim: was nut. uttmnpte'wt :as' thuy \Vt‘l‘e} mistln'mt «m thv stnhlolw fivhts and hay mmuluws must. nt' thv winto-x'. 'I‘tw {new} that was grim-n thmn «tut'~ im.r tlw snx'm'm' part «'1' thw \Vintm' in}: tlw stwI‘vI' hurt «ot' thw \\ \ws «tumugwt hay and mtcts‘ and M I'nnghugv that. had tittlu « mnrlwt, value. 'l‘ht- nnly Ma: ft‘t‘tl givun that \vmxld nut hv H tw t'nmut «m the Hleinzu'y turn turnips. As. \‘W‘ hummnmt tn :1 surplus Ht' thnsw thvy “mm mm m warm; 1'I'Hm timo' Hf «ml on grass t't'nm timo- nt‘ taunting until tm'nwt «ml on grass. Each «mp prc‘vtmhty I‘t't't‘tVt’d about nnn :muml Ht :4'uin and twu I'munds 0f hay daily at, this tiI’llt‘. 'l'hc» dungvr frnm {lugs is wry I'm! \Vlwn shmap m'n kept muivl' farm mnditinns and usually thv clusm' unw is Incatmi L0 :1 tnwn Um arm:â€" (‘1' laws hecnmvs 1,110, n'wnmw'x Strin- ::.::.,.1.. >1 4,... .5333}. r. :2/ : 1:337. 3. 2:7... 2.1.4 $2... n7: 2 3.2; 3. 1:9,; 2:5:7, 9:7 7. 33L. 3. :3 «4:12.. .1 751:: 3:... z. :2... ”5.5: (5% ti :7: 1.3: :3. 3. n2... 95:3,. ._.:v.< 23.... 2.. 5.23. 9:13 ”:5 :27. Sir; gum laws :11‘1‘:‘1Ilging 1 tinn Hf dOgS Whit‘h undvr' the ()wm-rx's' . 1H” :11"? must m l',.vll|l_r1‘idgo Siniinr HH‘N,‘ miles i'I'nm t bl'itig'n and (3)1;qu nml'v stray dnfxs Hum might 1w HIV in: (mnmmnity m u lumw tuwn. :1 large) Lmk'n. an night. in February thv wr- ml in which Hw mws warn 2117 cnniined at, night. was visifmi by t\\'u stray d<.vg~‘. 'l‘hc'ir [H'e'N‘IlPU \Vu- nut diSC(,>\'f*I'f'¢] until num'h' day- light, and they SIIC‘PPMjffd in killin: walx'o ewes. .1):ng fr'nm tin 1's Must“ Nu m HI'HUUHI'JHM« HM \mmi his supplied 3111‘- .i1 about the end the feed became ring the summer for ”'10 (1051111: I :H‘v HHf km :2? 2. :2 2:7. 121m 2.. ::~ 7.. 2â€"; T. 53. 33: 5:7. :53; .3 :21. 1.4 $2... 58:: 2:? ES; 1;. .5. 53:55. Ti :7: 1.3:... 4,â€"3.4 $.36 2.; My ()1 l_\' ”I All”! H My um IH ”I“! . $1098. 50 42. M 75.25 40.50 11.40 82855.76 Hm HI'IH H'H! 1 I H \\ Appeals are now being made for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives to enable it to continue the gut work of caring for just such cases as this. No matter how small the gift. it will be welcome. Never robust, hard work and worry soon undermined her health, when she, too: become a victim of this dreaded dlr‘ftSQ. Shunned by friends who feared contagion. without funds, for she had been unable to save from her small earnings, she seemed doomed, like the others of her family, to an untimely grave. Fortunately, she was discovered and sent to the Muskoka Free Hospital, before it was too late» where she is now doing well, with every chance of ultimate recovery. Fridom has a more tmgic tale been told than that of this: voung woman, whosr parents 1111111: and sisters ”0:11.19 ah died 01 Cr)11:11111pt.10n leaving 4 hm” alone to make a 111.'1'ng as best she could. Contributions may be sent to W. J. gage, ChaimanGé084A.SRmpadxné. Avenue, oronto, or to . ' SM Treasurer. Gaze Institute. Tom. , S “ miED "”5535 AN E]? i‘iiMEU/GRAVE Washington Park, Ill.â€" “I am the mother of four children and have suf- fered with female : trouble, backache, "-‘ nervwgs spells and the b11103}. My chil- 5351 dren's loud talking .: and romping would 1...; make me so nervous , . I could just tear ' ’23 '5"; everything to pieces " ' q and I would ache all -' our-and feel so sick ' ‘ “ " "3 want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia 1C. Pinlmm- Cs Vegetable Compound and Liver 1‘1”- is re.- Btored me to health and I w' nt to thank you for the good they haw: done mo. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worth but it does not affect my youlhâ€" ful looks. My friends say ‘Why 'lo 3.41 look so young and well? ’ I our it :a‘l to the Lydia E Pinkham rm. ”.1 ~. ’ â€"â€"Mrs. RoB'r. STOPI1:..1 k , 1'11“, Washington Park, Illinois. Ifyou hnve any symptom ab )9 1., wh‘ +1 you would like to know wrixw ‘. e Lydia EPinkham Medicinw (Tm, Lug. o “383., for helpful advice giVun fret: ) 1 c L Symptoms of More Serious Sickness. Wain mm In llw ulu H Ii Il' In Hlms‘ H Ho H1 lllt H ‘I‘ I 1“; ~ ‘ . . .1. 'i‘ \‘l l ‘. VI. Presence of M'm' NHLâ€"Ivy lung mun H H“. HLV 111v swm darling" |_\ mun ‘\\' .~' at \V :l _V \Vl H inn )1\ H U his m nwnl nulhing is This is an im- l wry with air- u'm {mm-d with lw I'Nhlt'mi 1.0 a «instructinn of ‘u'munplishmi by shm'p nn :1 farm 'H mnmwnsatfi .\'Hl\c'd in HH‘U‘ m M (mm; 111'th h H IlHo Hll his and 1380.00 1.0.00 918.00 1587 .51 In

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