West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Dec 1917, p. 7

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confidence behind the LO den-4L the nu and '00. 000.66. 06.0“”9 :c to 146 ,c. to 160 Ming prices for It my store in (1 Saturday of on Feed F EACH WEEK lay hardwood floors carpets for it. ANTED inhishome Horse Hair. Rubbers, birds Healthy. 1 Mills Co. heavy mixed are selling at 14c to 15¢ ', December 6th, 1’17 If YOU need Durham Being Lot 532 Qoncessioh '3, 3.63.. Glenelg. containing 100 acres; on premises are new frame barn, brick house, sheds and outbuildings; run- ning stream through property; aâ€" bout 10 acres hardwood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply on prem- ises to Mrs. John Staples, R. R. No. 1, Durham, Ontario. 94 4Ddtf fifirham, Ont; North part of Lot 6, the old Skat- ‘rng Rinkp site, Garatraxa SL, Dur- ham, and the north part of Lot. ', Ibert St. Apply to All. Jackson, A AAA The preperty of the late. Philip Eva, in the town of Durham. For terms and particulars apply to J, P. Telford, Durham. 11 18tf Lots 8, 9 and 10, Kincardine St., West. Apply A.H. Jackson. “KM That splendid residence property in Upper Town belonging to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on r-asonable terms; contains % acre, more or less; comfortable residence, ‘7 rooms; hard and soft water; good bearing orchard and garden;- fine situation. Apply on premises, or to Thos. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie, Executons. 6 29!! Spirella Cox-pots (not sold in Stores), made 1n Canada, are honed with the Indestructable Splrella stay, the mostphahle and resilent corset honing 1n the world; guar- anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appomtmonts by mall or telephone glyen prompt attentionâ€"Mrs. J. C. NthOI, Box 107, Durham. Phone 70. 1026 TOR SALE A brick house and five acres of land Just outsule of town, Zcomfort- able stables, hen-house, buggy and other buildings are on the prem- ises. Will also sell furniture, fowl, and a quantity of wood. Fur particulars, apply. on the premises, Lambton street, to Miss McNab. 53M HOUSE TO RBNT.â€"The rear .0! double dwelling-house on Main St”, Upper Town. containing six fine rooms, formerly occupied by John Vessie. Possession at once. Apply to Wm. Black, Countess street, Durham. FOR SALE. That desirable dwelling at. the corner of Countess and Garafraxa streets, Durham owned by the late Inspector Campbell; complete bath, and modcr n heating lighting and water comeniences; good garden and up- -â€"to date garage in conner- tion. Apply for particulars to John Morrison, Durham. 104 Advertisements of One inch br less, 25 cts; for firstjnaertion, and 10mm for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two . inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application, Toronto, prepare for every known Commercial Diploma or Certificate. None too high for our grade of work. Free catalogue. Enter any time. .W. H. Shaw, Pres.; P. McIn- tosh, Prin., Head Offices, Yonge Gerrard Sts., Toronto. In the matter of the estate of John McGillivray. late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, farmer. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuantl to R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 121, Section! 56, that all persons having claimsi against the estate of John McGilli-i vray. late of the Township of Glen-, elg in the County of Grey. farmer,i deceased. who died on or about the! 18th day of August. AD. 1917. are! required to deliver, or send postâ€"1 paid. to Andrew Ford and Arthur H. Jackson. executors of the es- tate. on or before the 22nd day of December, AD. 1917, their names and addresses, a full description of their claims and the nature of their security (if any?» held by them, such claims to be duly verified. . And further take notice that af- ter the said 22nd day of December, AD. 1917. the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, with regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors shall not be liable to any tice not having been received by them prior to such distribution. Andrew Ford and Arthur H. Jackson, Executors. Dated at Durham this 17th day of November, 1917. Thursday, December .6th, 1917. PROPERTY F OR SALE FARMS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE SMALL ADS» 9 30tf .ot ‘ J. G. HUTT-ON,«M.D., Cl. .‘ Ofiice: Over J. P. Telford’s ofice, nearly OppOSlte the Registry Office. Residence: Second house south 'of Registry Ofiice on east.) side of Al- bert St. Ocfiie hours: 9 to 11 am.', 2 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 9 pm. Tele- phone communication between of- fice and residence at all hours. Office and residence a short dig-4 tance east of the Hahn House, on Lamhton St., Lower Town, Durham. Office hours: 2 to 5 pm” 7 to 8 pm” except Sundays. . . DR. BURT ' ' Late _A551stant~-_ Roy. London 01)- thalmic Hospital, England., and_;to Golden .Sq. Throat and Nose Hosp. SpecialistzEye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office: 13 Frost St., Owen Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. Graduate of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Thrqat. __ _ -- n ‘vwv “â€"â€" _ _ _ ‘ Will Be aii the Hahn House, Dur- ham, May 19, June 16, July 21, Auâ€" gust 18. Hours: 1 to 5 pm. J. r. em'r, nm.s:;u,s; Honor Graduate University of To- ronto, Graduate Royal College Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario.‘ Dentistry in all its brgnehee. Office: Over L“ V.-- -" "â€" Town’s J ewelli'jr Store. â€"_'_ Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Ofloe' Nearly op OSlte the Reglstry Ofice Lambton L, Durham. Any amoum of money to loan at, 5 per cent. or farm property. A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer 650. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial bus:- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town). _â€"____ DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfactlon guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or with‘ himself. W. J. SHARP, Holstein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan at lowest rates, and on terms to suit borrow- er. Fire and Life Insurance plaoed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortga es, Leases and Wills executed on s ortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the resent war, and has since continue to be, a British subject, or a subject or an allied or neutral country, may homestead a quarter-section of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. Apg‘i- cant must appear in person at 1- minion Lands Agency or Sun- Agency for District. Entry by proxy may be made on certain con- ditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ resi- dence upon and cultivation of land in each of three. years. I -‘-A_‘__ may secure an adjoining quarter- section as preâ€"emption. Price $3per acre. Dutiesâ€"Residence six months in each, of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate ‘l-_. Ak‘n‘.‘ nnn A settler after obtaining home- stead patent, if he cannot secure a preâ€"emptlon, may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. _ â€"â€" â€"â€" A‘---‘ 155° .«lv-n-v-vv'wâ€" ‘â€" 50 acres extra. May obtain pre- emption patent. as soon as home- stead paient on certain conditions. -Ll-:._-__ kAMA \'V U]. uu wvv- Holders of entries may count. time. of employmth as farm labor- ers m Canada durmg 1917, as res:- doent dunes, under oqrtam fiendi- DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAHESOK Medical Directom Licénsed efluctz'oneer Dental Directorv J. P. TBLPORQ '-Continued from * page 2. cried. .whereet Nadiha turned her face away to conceal a smile. and even the winging old Snydk coughed. Seeing Jether hesitate, as moved hy love he sought to catch the arm of Tisha. Nadine whispered to the jew- -' “F01- wha't thouioses't; Sadyk, on this necklace. may-Our beloved lady Ishtar return _to.thee tenfold.” She pointed to the shrine of the Babylonian. goddess. and Sadyk bowed. humbly in submis- sion of the edict. NEWS NEEDS FOR THE HOME. l E3er3'one in Canada is eagerlyl 33atching for 33'orld- Wide and war M335, and also no one is so am- thetic as to be indifferent to the news of his own toWn and district The Mail ' and 'Empire and The Chronicle constitute a combinaâ€" tion of 1111335 that is worth while, and We ha3e made arrangements by 33' hich We can offer them both-- the two together--as 'one subscriu- tion one year for $15 .2:1. The big city daily and your best local 1111- per Iea3e ' nothing to be desired, land contain all that is possible to know.’ Send or bring. all orders. :11 office _ of‘ this paper. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Voters’ Lists have bee-n placed in Glenelg Township Hall and office of the Township Clerk, Mr. J. S. Black. Parties interested will ex- amine same and report errors or omissions to the undersigned at his home, Lot. 8, Concession 6. R. T. Edwards, Enumerator \O The last payment of taxes is due on or before December 12th, pay- able at the Standard Bank. After above date 5 per cent. will be add- ed for collection. TEE WANDBREB. FOR SALE. Two new houses, well finished and in a good location in Durham. Apply to Zenus Clark. 1129' 122 Acres in the 2nd Concession of Bentinck, one mile from Durham; fair buildings, well fenced all round; new hog and poultry hous- es;'machine house, two good wells, lined with concrete, each with a pump. Apply on the property to M. J. Cauldwell, owner, Box 14, Durham, Ont- 11ltf Durham, Ont. TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD LIMIT Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including the seventeenth day of December next for the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situate in the vicinity of the Kap- uskasing River in the Districts of Timiscaming and Algoma. Tenderers are to ofier' a flat rate per cord for all classes of pulpâ€" wood, whether spruce or other woods. The successful tenderer shall be required to pay for the Red and White Pine on the limit a. flat rate of $10 per thousand feet, board measure. The successful tenderer shall al- so be required to erect a mill or mills on or near the territory, and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the Province of On- tario, inaccordance with the terms and conditions of sale which can be had on application to the De- partment. Parties making tender will ml required to deposit with their ten-- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for Twen- ty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000 1 00), which amount will be forfeited: in the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out con- ditions, etc. The said Twenty-fix e Thousand Dollars ($25,.00000) will be held by the Department until such time as the terms and condi- tions of the agreement to be enter- ed into have been compiled with and the said mills erected, equip- of Polling Subâ€"division N0. 5. NOTICE TOWN OF DURHAM. Coht'iniiéd Next Week. FARM FOR SALE. THE BUREAU CHRONICLE. Jackson, Trans. The Council niet November. '17th‘ as per adjournment. All the mem- bers present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes - of _ last” meeting read and confirmed. Communica- tions read as followzs T. J. Han- nigan on good roads, W. W. Dunlap "claim for patient in’ Woodstock hospital, R. McDovsal ’lre Weir ‘ditch, seseral claims for sheep killed bv dogs. Wm. Brovs'n peti- tion for bonus for vs'ire fence, Albert H. Abbott, on organization of resources, Thos. Harrison account for lumber. A deputation cen- sisting of A. McV'icar and Mr. 'Wats'on appeared before the Counâ€" cil soliciting aid for Price'V'ille Agricultural Society. .Peart--Black--That the deputat- tion from Priceville Agricultural Society be granted $15.00. provided that each of‘ the other 'three town- ships contribute equal amounts-a l arried. . $176.00 “as paid fol sheep claims as follows: Pat Malone $11100, R. B. English $32.,00 \‘lm Firth $15.00 and Albert Smith $14 00 Pa3ment on road repairs \wrv made as follows: Thos. Turnbull balance of appropriation Ward 1, $5109.;55 M. McInnis special works: in Wald 2. $25 .;00 Malcolm 131.111. repaiis to bridge at lot 113, con. 3, = N. D. R. , $161 00; M. Black balance of appropriation in Ward 4, $87.50. On motion of Messrs. Peart and Turnbull, other payments were made as follows: Thomas Har- rison, lumber and stringers for bridge, $42.00; Robert Lindsay, two men and team one day, $6.00; Ro- bert Lindsay, 3 stringers for bridge Lambton St., $9.00; Duncan McNab, '34 day work on Lambton St., $1.;50 A. MfCuaig, one day on Lambton St._. $2; Jerry Allord, xxork on the Weir ditch, $6.00. Turnbullâ€"McInnis.â€"That Robert. Whitmore be paid $8.00, being the usual donation paid to recruits." Carried. Peart--McInnis--That the Grey and Bruce Insurance Company be paid 551.74 on policy and the Bell Telephone Company 20 cents for service.-â€"Carried.,' Peart-Turnbull.â€"â€"That this coun- cil grant the British Red Cross $250 and the Y.M.G.A. an equal sum uf $250.â€"Carried. ' ' Turnbull-Peartâ€"That Jas. Ellism be paid $3.85 for gravel, as certified to by Pathmaster Melosh.â€"â€"Carried. Peart-McInnisâ€"That Wm. Brown be paid $20.00 for building 80 rods of wire fence along sideline 20, and that Henry Eckhardt be paid $15.25 for 61 rods of wire fence :1- long lots 28, 29, con. 2, S. D. R.~- Carried. Turnbullâ€"Peargtâ€"That, the clerk be paid $10.00 on salary.â€"Carried. . Turnbull-Peartâ€"That commis- sions on expenditure be paid as fol- lows: Thos. Turnbull, Ward 1, $18.â€" 50; M. McInnis, Ward 2. $2.50; M. Black, Ward 4, $8.56. The. council adjourned to Decem- ber mm, at 10 am. The Yduth’s Companion Calendar for 19,18 The Youth’s Companion Practical Home Calendar combines the bean- tiful with the useful. It is esâ€" pecially sought for by busy peo- ple, because it gives at one glance not only the days of the current. month, but those of the month pre- ceding and the month following, all on the leaf. At the same time the calendar is decorative in design and suitable for a place in the best room in the house. It is giv- ne to all readers of The Youth‘s Companion who have paid their subscriptions for 1918. I By the laws of civilized nat the lives of those travelling on rotected ships have been sidered sacred. MURDER AT SEA The unwritten 'laW of the deep from time immemorial has been that. the captain of a ship must de- fend With his life the passengers entrusted to his safe-keping, and he himself. the last to leave the ship. man Culture to introduce Murder at Sea. We remember the Lusit- ania, Falaha, the Belgium Prince, but at this moment we particular- ly think of Capt. Fryatt, in' com- mand of a passenger ship, whose only offence was that he sought to > i save the ship from the hungry maw of the Prussian Wolf in en- deavoring to save his ship from be- ing submarined. He 'was sent through the farce of a mock trail, condemned to. death and was shot. Had he been a naval officer, sea- man or soldier, he would have been made prisoner;~ because, he was a merchant seaman, his life (ac- ' cording to the. law of German civn-. lization) .must be forfeited. He is only , one of many; thousands have been torpedoed again and ,- 4 GLENBLG COUNCIL. â€"-J. S. Black, Clerk. of civilized nations COD- again and after reaching port. they sign 'on and are out again on the Long Lone Trail. ' For the merchant so mum there is no Patriotic Allowance, Sepm- ation or Pension for his deer deâ€" pendents; this is One of the Objects the Navy League is seeking to pro- 'vide for. llospiial for Sick Chili!» Dear Mr. Editor:- Thanks for your kindness in allowing me the privilege of appealing to your readers this Christmas time'on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, the “Sweetest of all Charities,” which has as its mission the care of the helpless, the sick, the crippled and the deformed. In” ”av-n, v-v v..â€" There never‘wne a year in the his- tory of the Hospital when funds to carry on the work were more needed than now. â€"â€" n. q. "_ -_ WW. “‘7 Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Your money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas trees of health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of many a little life. ,, So I am asking you for aid, for the open purse of the Hospital’s friendis the hope of the Hospital at Christmas, just as the open door of the Hospital’s mercy is the hope of the little children throughout the year. _ Calls on generous hearts are many in these times. Calls on the Hospital are many at all times, and especially when food and fuel and drugs and ser- vice costs are soaring high. YOU know the high cost of living. Do you know the high cost of healingâ€"of helping the helpless to happiness? What you do to assist is the best in- vestment you will ever make. v vâ€"vwâ€"vâ€"â€"_ Do you realize what this charity is doing for sick children, not only of Toronto, but for all Ontario, for out of a total of 3,740 in-patients last year 646 came from 254 places outside of Toronto. The field of the Hospital’s service covers- the entire Provinceâ€" from the Ottawa to the far-oft Kenora :jfrâ€"brrrâ€" thé borders 0! the Great Lakes to the farthest northerly district. __ The Hospital is doing a marvellous work. It you could see the children with crippled limbs, club to t, and other deformities, who have eft the Hospital with straightened limbs and perfect correction, your response to our appeal would he instant. In the Orthopedic Departments last year a total of 330 in-patients were treated; alh'd" iii the Gilt-Patient Department there were 1,946 attendances; ITS CHRIS'I’IMS MESSAGE 'â€"'_ ' Let your money and the Hospital’s mercy lift the burden of misery that curses the lives, cripples the limbs and saddens the mothers of the sut- tering little children. Money mobilizes the powers of help and healing for the Hospital’s drive day and night aging the trenches where disease and pain snd death 21sz the lives of the little ones. Remember that every (lunar given to the Hospital is a dollar subscribed to the Liberty Loan that opens the prisons of pain and the Bastilles of discus, and sets little children free : to breathe the pure air, and to rejolco in the mercy of God’s sunlight. I Will you send a dollar, or more it you can. to Douglas Davidson, Secto- tu'y- -,Treasnrer or J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Ohalrnan at the Board of Trustees. By investing in them you are helping your country, and :~.benefiting yourself. ”00' I. S. Icllraith : The Don T1 Buy VICTORY WAR LOAN BONDS Another gond investment is to buy one of our Ladies‘ nr Misses‘ Coats. College St, Toronto C. L. GRANT -A Sound Investmentrâ€" F or sale at Track Ties. Telephone Poles. Post's, Basswood Heading Bolts, and Wood, to be delivered in the Grand Trunk Yards at All No. i Ties must be 8 ft. long. 6 inches thick, and 6-inch face, and all No. “Ties 8 ft. long, 6inches thick. and 5-inch face. and 6must be healed, savs ed or well hew'ed, sun- ie t to Grand Trunk inspection. Timber Wanted m DURHAM, HOLSTBIN, IT. FOREST HANOVER, AYTON. NEUSTADT- Cedar, No. 1... Tamarac, No. 1 Elm, No. 1 ..... Ash, No. 1 ..... Hemlock, No. 1. lPina, No. 1 ..... {Hardwood, No. 1 20 inches long, 5 inches and up in diameter. 1n the round, $2.75 Per Cord. On other timbers enquire for prices. J.N. MURDOCK The School is thoroughly equipped electrical supplies and fitti , etc. for full Junior Leaving and atridâ€" ulation work. i Intending students should. enter at the beginning of the tergn if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a 'healthy and attractive town, mak- ling it a most desirable place for residence. Durham High School Thos. Allan, Principal, lat Clan Certificate, also Certificate “1.9!!!- sical Culture. Subjects: Science. Mathematics, Spelling. Miss J. Weir, 3A., Queen‘s Uni- versity. Speciahst in Art. Sumac“: Latin, Art, Literature, Composlfiqn, itxv-uding, Geography, Ancient HIS- ory. Miss M. Gryderman, 3A., Toron- to University, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British all Canadian History, Composition, Writ.ing_._ ' The record of the school in past years is a flattering one. The trua- tees are progressive educationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every yd- vantage for the proper presentauon and acquisition of knowledge. FEES: $1 per month in advance. JOHN SMITH, 1. gang; EYES TESTED FREE D.C. TOWN, Jewelermpticiu nuanu - ammo PLANING MILLS 2 E N U S C L‘A R K DURHAM . - ammo The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for PRICES FOR TIES: Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. PAGI 7. Chairman READING BOLTS. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€"â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings

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