West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Dec 1917, p. 8

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«“3; an” m to 6W“? “*8 Mr. w. G. Firth is putting in"‘c‘e- a 0 . r- Robert ““6101“. “‘10 ment flooring in a part of his sta- passed away on Wednesday of last bles. -' l :aegkbeeltlie‘ $31129 $911: 3:13;: “a: W. J. Ritchie was in Owen Sound, last week on the grand jury. .- - past five years. The last two weeks Mrs. Wm. Davis, of 3380:, Man; he “’39 bedfast. 3‘9 ailment was is visiting her mother, Mrs, James! some nervous trouble, for which the Edge Mrs Edge has been confined doctors seemed unable to ‘do anyâ€" to her bed for some time and is thing. The funeral took place last: not improving very rapidly, Friday at two o‘clock from Mr. John The ladies met for Red Cross Whiteford’s residence, where he ~ sewi on Thursday last at Mrs i‘r and his wife and family have re"Ritcllllige’s They made 3 hospital sided since he has been unable to shirts, 3' suits pyjamas 24 wweig, work his own farm, and his re-g and two- pairs of socks were knit. mains were laid in the Hampden _ . cemetery. He leaves to mourn hinghe collection amounted to 8"- death a wife, and a daughter, Dorâ€"g othy. l A meeting was held by the mane-i gers of the church, and they de-g The Varney Red Cross sewing cided not to hold an annual tea- circle met at the home of Mrs. H. meeting until some time in Janu- Wilkinson last Thursday. and made ary, on account of the busy tall. six vermin suits and 6 suits of py- Sunrlay school and Bible class are jamas, besides knitting. The meet- again closed until next spring. ing‘this week is at Mrs. Richard we hrmp. all women entitled to a Barber’s. The Kitchener Council decided Monday last to pass :1 rasolution containing an apologv to Sir ’ob- ert Bordon regretting the conduct of an anti-conscription faction who disturbed a meetin-z on Saturday night and prevent.‘ 11;; the Premier from speaking. At a meeting on Thumlay following tho disturb anon the (muncil Dy :1 magority volo 1'11â€" fused to take action. and it was only after a general indignation mdvting of tho mailman“-rerr. businPss men; citiyons and commer- cial tramllvrs that. tho1 «21.1.1111‘11 was forced to yield. Tho l'1‘5thtltlil\VII’S cai'i'iml unanimeuwl): and ‘.‘.‘-‘1bnut discussion. Follmvin; is‘ the reso- lution : KITQHBNBR COUNCIL MAKES APOLOGY T0 SIR ROBT. BOBDEN. v We hope all women entitled to a vote will go to the poll on Decem- ber 17th and “do their hit." Your sons say more help is absolutely sons say necessary. Mnm-(l by .\ldvrmun .\. Ii. Camp- bell. svunuied by Aldvrman J. Reid. “That this council having deferred on \'n\vmbur 29th [0 pass :1 motion of re'r‘et concerning the disturb- \.1 ances in the auditorium on Novem- ber Bith because a resolution had been prepared and was there sub- mitted to us by a political party. we «in no“. at 11111 -iirst regular meeting aftei the aboxe disturbam‘i‘ exmess this 111111111 ils 1egret for the insult then ntl’ered to the Prime Minister, and on behalf of the city at large \xe extend an apolog} lo him and to the Canadian people. and deplore at all times any V-iOla- tion of the right of free speecn, and that copies 01 this resolution be sent to the Prime Minister and press.” When a minister has a praying congr-ogatinn behind him he doesn‘t haw. tn worry about his back b alary. The iadies - met for Red Cross .sewing on Thursday last. at Mrs. C. Ritchie’s. They made 8 hospital shirts, 3 suits pyjamas. 24 towels. ;and two- pairs of socks were knit. 1The collection amounted to $4. W. J. Ritchie was in Owen Sound last week 011 the grand jury. . . Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Bagot, Matt, is visiting her mother, Mrs, James Edge. Mrs. Edge has been confined to her bed for some time, and is not improving very rapidly. _ Mr. Archie Allan arrived home on Saturday from Sharpeville. U.S.A., and Mrs. Allan will follow later. Congratulations. We will be pleased to have them in our midst again. Messrs. R. Morrison and J. Wilton are in Guelph attending the Fat Stock Show. â€" Mr. Stewart Grant arrived at the parental home on Wednesday for a short holiday. We never saw the roads in better shape for wheeling than for the past few days. They are like pav- Pd streets. ‘ The 16th annual meeting of our. beet-ring was held last Thursday night in Watson’s school house, No.‘ 1. Like all its predecessors, it was well attendml. and (rimsiderable in- terest was taken in the lmsineSs of the season. President .las. ’Kerr occupied the chair, and Mr. Jars. Blytli. secretary. gaw an interest-- ing and accurate account of the amounts nl' beef put in and taken out. tines added. etc. The total a- mount. of beef put. in was 13,320 lbs. the :‘werage being 4161/2 lbs. There was only one rejected beef in the 32 head butchered. which is a decid- edly good showing for the healthy 'comlition of the cattle in this 10- entity. The ring erected during the past summer a neat little slaughter- house. which will rhoapen the cost conmmtecjl with the business in anâ€" other year. ' The. annual mentixg of Varney Grange was held on Friday eveningr last, a good re1-)1'esentatinn being present. Hitherto, we have been doing business as a branch of the Dinnininn Grange. but there has been a growing feeling to give up that. name and unite with the Unit- ed Farmers of Ontario. After a brief discussion it. was unanimously decided to return the charter and be linked up with the I'.F.O., as that organization really embraces all BLYTH’S CORNERS. other organizations, including the1 61311159.. The {allowing oflicers were electeilq‘fer the ensuing year: Pres- ident, $Wilbert Blyth; cor. secre- tarry, Ias. J. Wilton; rec. secretary, John Sharpe; treasurer, Geo. M. Leeson. A special meeting is called for- all members requiring feed stu‘f on Friday night, December 14th. s The Red Cross workers met at the home of Mrs. Thos. Davis. Be- .sides the work done, seven shirts, five pyjamas were cut, and 12 shirts 12 pairs of socks, and 12 towels were packed and sent away. The. collection amounted to $3.30. The next meeting will he held on Deâ€" cember 7th at Mrs. John Bell’s. This Week’s News. Miss Lizzie Weir visited last week with Holstein friends. The election. so far, is decidedly quiet, and the peeple appear to be thinking soberly, and well they may for the destiny of our beloved Can- ada is hanging in the balance. It‘ makes us almost sick to hear some fellows singing, “God save our splendid men, send them safe 110ch again” who, judging by their out- war'd appearances and action, are just' waiting for the day to cast their vote for Laurier, who for the sake of his own selfish gain would abandon the brave. boys to their own fate, to please a distrustful, if not disloyal' and traitorous Quebec. BARRIES' CORNERS. (Intended for last week.) Mrs. John W,eir of Egremont, spent a few days with Mrs. John Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson, of town spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson. Miss Millie Hapkins spent a few days last week at Edge Hill. Mr. and Mrs Will Tolchard, of Chesley, spent Thursday with Mrs. C. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacques visited last Sunday in Egrmmmt. Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams, 01' Edge Hill. smut. Sunday with Mrs. Mr. and Edge Hill. Robt. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Antlmny Lawrence; nf Egrmnont... and Mrs. Porter, 01' Swint,{'>11Pa1'l~;, \‘iSitOd last week with Mr. and NPR. .;1<. Hovkins. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Moore, Mr. an‘ Mrs. John 1 .-I‘11tchley of {mm , spen‘ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkins. FLESHERTON A gloom again spread over the village last week when word was re- ceived that another gallant young man had fallen in battle in the per- son of Pte. D. 1‘1. Jamieson,‘ who was reported to his mother, Mrs. James! Jamieson. killed in action in France on Nox. 12th. The news was a great Sth to the Widowed mother whose iamily are nobly doing their share to win the warâ€"one son kill- ed. one severely gassed in the St. Julien battle, one in the hospital in France and a daughter, nursing A quantity of Turnip and Hangold Seed 60 Dry can Batteries (away cheap) A stock Pratt’s Poultry Food Lamp Brackets and Reflectors Lamp Burners Lantern Burners . About 200 lbs, Np. {soft Gal- ,"w.......WW Q ui om“ moment. the severe trial gene is passing through. Ed” who was in his 30th! year, was born on the 8th coxi.‘ ,Artemesia, and was an industrous highly respected young man. For some time he had been living; at Porcupine associated with his oldâ€" er brother in mining work. An- swering the call to duty he enlist- ed in March last with the 253rd Kingston, and went overseas’ in August, soon after, going to France. A memorialiservice was held in the Methodist Church here on Sun-j day evening, when there .Was a' large congregation present. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Belfry, gave a good discourse based on Hebrews 11:27, the lesson drawn being the faith and endurance of Moses under trying conditions, and such is be- ing enacted to-day by our brave soldiers, who in this terrible con- flict, are by their faith and valor saying we shall endure till right conquers and victory is ours. A trio by Messrs. Murray, Holland and Sullivan and a “ well " rendered quartette by Misses Richardson. Trimble, Hulse and Holmes were special features of the service. The Church was again draped in mili- tary colors. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown went to Palmerston on Monday to attend the funeral of the former’s uncle, Mr. Robert Brown, only brother of Mr. John Brown of this place, with whom he made his home for many years on the farm and was then well known in this community. He was well up in years, never married, and recently lived with his nephew at Palmerston. Two lads of the village with desâ€" E tructive propensities were taught; a salutary lesson a few days 3:512) b3' Magistrate McMullen. who lined one $7 and the othex $6.23 inr wantonly killing ducks belonging t« a citizen. +++++++++ Mrs. Price Teeter and Mrs. Wes." Buskin are both qnite ill at pres? ‘ent‘. Their friends sympathimf With them in their at'flict.i«_m :mdi hope for speedy recovery. j é++++++ Dr. Murray assisted at an enter tainment in the Methodist church, Maxwell, last week. Mrs. H. S. White and Miss Hulse were at Orangeville on Friday ov- ening, assisting on the program of an entertainment. Mr. Chas. Petty, of Durham, visitâ€" ed his hrother-in-law, Mr. Will Moore, iast week. . " - ; _ At the Presbyterian service on Mrs. Wm. McKee and daughter. Sunday, Mesdames George and J uhn ers.MeCallun1, moved to tonn last Cairns 333M“! the Choir and gave week from the 4th line, Osprey. 3 V3" SW99“? rendered duot. Miss Meda LeGard is home from Mrs. T. W. Wilson is \isiting .1... Toronto visiting her parents. son at St. Catharines. "‘ Eyesight Specialist ++++++++++++é++++++++++++++++$+++++++++ Thu-adv. W 6th, 1917 Christmas phd in nvery «inzen )1 your appointment VOL. EEOâ€"NC. 2649. years-“gum (1N liable; :1 501 Hi oniy a Shh?! 1: good cmnhtw “78in Durham 5 'l‘r u .1‘." at M ((031 Have yum 'l‘uwn, .hewv acceptable (1 watches. frum Town, Jeweller Maw \\'. dling Sh)!" HHW will yum day”? \Vill H. I the buy. Thv annual mot; ham Nu. 111. L11. Thursday. IM‘. 23 em’ Hall. Burns" church, will hold their meat un Deceml for \'.M.¢"Z.A. wori missiun 1’56. G0 Kelsey Studio. Call and see or men in watches, links, tie pins. f0? suit any purse.â€" ler. The Ladies” church will hold home-made haki: in the etnrp in rtw'ontly vacated Clocklin. To rentâ€"4)!) J five-room house; Spring-water p1 fowl house. Crutchley, Dug: '1 ”"01” A Public Schc held in Hm tow: 14th. at. 8 pm. tary Y.M.C.A. w: and varied pm; Adults 2:30.. Hui! Dnn't f¢_.orgo':l hardware and Lenahan’s Stare ember 220d. G Everything: mu' ‘2 o'clock. ~D. l rash Bean‘s 71“.. I; L. 0. L. 110 meeting in Hm Tuesday, lieu". 1 members mm 1‘0 sént. A cordial to members 01' freshments.â€"~Ioli Bi A box social CPOSS Will be I Normanby, 1%: Farmers mm sic Slag Fertit to order at once ficials have not turers that the to deliver it in ard, on Friday Admission 150 free; accomm Dr. Jamieson, MI ,pm-z 1H! (my line as pondunt dh ranging! TN 10w. . o-J'. llllc H0! In ll! dri

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