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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Dec 1917, p. 6

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eipation Irom v.' ce’s Favorite ' Z ,fverworked, ner she finds new 1 5; powerful, invigo Sue which “as "713C .51 eminent physicia! is large medical fin. For young gi é‘mhoodz far we -18 i‘k‘avonte r can ’cme put up with Lad in tablet as inot .. secret pre {Senta lLI'L‘ puma-'1 201' t‘ 2:1 nun: :u're . Novelized by William A. Page fromi th ' - eases, - . , . . szgeminfif‘fifi xiii; abort?“ Maurlce V. Samuels Great Brbhâ€" .Eliet womankind she will find relief 9.31 Drama 0f the Pmdmal Son, presented at the Manhattan Opera :mancipation from her troubles in Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. If ! House, New York. ' ’1 t't'ighted, 1917. by \Villiam Elli- :htened when she turns to the right ‘ inc. If her existence is made ‘ overworked, nervous, or “run- ,” she finfls new life and strength. ‘( “I" | 1 powerful, invigorating tonic andt nit, F. Ray Comstock. and me which “:15: hid-covered and used‘ )IOI‘I‘iS GBSL 1 eminent physician for many years, a is large nzedica} practice among '3 fen. For young giri: just enteringi CHAPTER VH. mhood: f:.r women In mizUle life. 3. The Shrine of Ishtar. ‘Favox'ité: E’s-rxt-z'lp‘dryu" is the only 1 . . cine nu" up \v'rtlmut 1121-1.)th and can '1 ETHER tumbled ““rb Ins purse. ‘ ' He felt his store at golden coins us arc-111.5 liquid form. 1 . 3n-r-‘u-ripiiozx for its in- I was DUI. 11gbt. HP sought. to es- ' tun-ate the amount be sttll car- :Ciit . .' ',' 1‘ 0L: LILLEIE“ 1.. send 1 . . a” 1,“; ._ .‘_ :5, Dr. "y. )1. Pierce. tried. but falled. He dectded not to buy '1 1. Sur:5'w::'; Tnetitute. Buf- .the “(5351309. "Nay. l have 00‘ the ' amount with me. n..- " w-‘xurc' Out \'I av. O ’ But Sadyk would not \. ‘. .MI' iI"‘Ih;;1;T‘1 11.11.“ "\11911 pussmg , ad in tablet not :1 saint: ‘zmilt. (37.5. â€"---- . ".1199 . 1 m: in most cases of At a Sign from Xadina he om- k‘iml. ' ? :-.:-. 10 hi? it. health. I ’approm-hvd the young spmuithrif‘ waver :~.';:: in my £1311, dizzy spells, iwhusc reckless expenditures had he " "'1’: ‘C ”an”. pains in my ' (-01:10 the talk of ail Jerusalem Bette 1* than to bear the net-k ban. E' L .t. 3. - -. _‘ .23: 11.1;«7. nervous. to get St)lI)€I'.lin,. . . . ILn-tfinf: relief “we bark tn his (-hcst, though: the oh . i‘ » intuit" Pre- ”mom as no whiued again: -:r:-- malt :zaz- up nymm mu». young prime. 1 seek n ‘ ‘A.~.~ ’Ph ’ES. 106 Robins r-ame through good healthy Dr. Pierce’s CHAPTER Vll. The Shrine of lshtar. EITHER fumbled with his purse. He felt his sin-re ot golden coins ’ He sought to es- ried. but failed. [I the necklace. "Nay. amount with me." be said shortly. But Sadyl; would not be dismissed At a Sign from Xadina he once more young spczultiirift wliusc reckless expenditures had he- comv the talk uf all Jerusalem Holler to get suuietliing than to bear the neck- _ . A- .I\A|1¢r‘!i T}]p ()l(1 approached the uf all Jerusalem m-uu ham to bear the neck- j hougln the old ' (“01130 the talk to get something t lace bark tn his chest. I o whiued again: vnung prince. 1 seek no will take a loss The umvrougrht, is worth far Int-re 13.. ks of thee." Jetber tm'm-(l idly away without once more looking at the necklave. “‘ like not rho design.” be said short- , ly, "nor do I know the value of thy 3 gold. Begone!" rascal as D “From [1100. p!‘()fit- N851 1 more rml :wlll “Ln Sudyk as “From thee profit. Nay. more red :nh‘. mnre than 5:: 5V1“- Tisha 1m ed him angrily he: foot in rage. Def IUUL nu lacy. “Were every bead of common clay and fashioned by a b if thou didst truly love me, thy fortune for it. ' when my kisses are at st found a great prince generous." ' uated the crafty Sadyk. But Jetber Would not be moved. _ -\.‘\Afh;“" "Another time 1 mm of thee." he said our hated me Cl'nll.’ Uuu.v--- , Would not be moved. â€"~ uuo Luc law“. "Another time 1 ma) buy something . In a distant alcove. . 01' thee." he said curtlv and moved 113 tree, Jether was lying upon several away. leaving mother and daughter ”ft (’“Sb{°“S~ 332mg 3‘ the Sky. 50d- gazingr after him in amazement and denly a hg. deft,” mm‘mgfe“ by his ‘ For the first tune side. Half ralsmg upon his am. an- other fig just grazed his forehead. He consternation. signs of protesting against the sys- . ‘ . tematic plucking indulged in by these “’E and ““193 ., ha ies of Jerusalem My Jethel. art thou angry? she rp ° cried and fell into his arms. While his Nadma, almost 111 Eeérf’mnffii‘fi lips sought hers. Thus heheld her for ‘ LL? ”-0“! m:\11\0hf§ and then She Moment [1 a great [UL UV “av v wwr her time 1 ma) buy something he said cm'tly and moved leaving mother and daughter after him in amazement and William A. Page from Samuels’ Great Bibli- of the Prodical Son, ; the Manhattan Opera nowi how these J “(100118 stranger. who 10'“ Sadyk. We will have vain Judean. and do bid him fa rewell tor- and stampod 00' have traveled a great I but 5111. 111% :1 longing 311111; 111 thi 111-- I 111-1111;; 111' 2111* 1:15 2:111 .Vfl'kilyi‘. angrily "‘an later," “'1'11011 5:1}1181 this 1111111 holds 1111‘ chiming c.h ' 1111111111 1 can hear the advances o1 anothez suitor 1 must first teach this Jethei his moper place and make him crawl in the dust Thou say est he holds me cheap eh': W ait and see.‘ And Tisha strolled in the dhection of Jethei. While Nadina followed Sadyk into the house. In a distant alco1e.hmwuth a great fig tree Jether w as lyi soft cushions gazing :11 denly a fig. def'tl) 1111111111 1 side. Half mising “11111111 his am. an ' “---|~Anfl m she cried }1D"I‘i}\'. .lether," cooed Tisha soruy. ucn mu: around his waist. not.“ She snapped her fingers con- temptuously. “Could I not have the half of Jerusalem kneel in the dust be- fore me if 1 cared only for gold and precious stones? But 1 am wearied of giving what thou hast never givenâ€"a ringsâ€"to please thee away what others gave me before thy coming? Now 1 would have thee give Jether strolied her hand fondly. What could the lime wimh mean? Yet he was filled with a vague foreboding that some new scheme would be attempted by this clever daughter of the craft: Nadina, whom he had grown to distrust. “What proof is lacking?" he asked ll-l . ‘Thnt 1 will explain later “ ' didst thou refuse to buy me the neck “ ' lace?” “shay: divides his profits with thy ABERDEEN 1 mother I have seen it.” The Red Cross Workers met at o the schoolhouse on Saturday, Dec r 3 l t 1' say as my overfree manner with them.” I Tis ' ha clinched her little fists with meeting Wm be anger at this jealous tool. V “What? Thou wouldst not have me his mind he well knew: an termined to speak plainly to her. “My friends bring friends. and some may not be true.” he said. taking her by the hands and bringing her to a set- tee in front of the shrine of Ishtar. “Yet thou dost smile upon them Oh. Tisha. I would have thee all min own. When thou smilest upon another I seem to see a red cloud before mine eyes. How know 1 but what one of these friends-Tom himself. perhaps- $1.30. Seven letters were read which had been 'ved by different ladies since schoolhouse on Dec. 29th. M»: Mcâ€" Cracken represented the \Vorsers ' ' Mulnck on the lst Dec., our d now he do- 52 pairs of socks. has returned to Toronâ€" Miss Clark to after a month’s visit with friends here ed! my ”CK! I Want I-I-IVV III- f I would taste always the ripeness of thylipsandsay.°'l‘ishaiam1ne.' To falling on-the water 1 And yet I know th_e a 1005 hast loved before-â€" but, 1 Kiss me. Tisha, kiss me.” Her lips sought his in a gating kiss. “Thou art the wine that-madden! me. long and un- “ml-16W “Nay. I want thee a: declared J ether. 'n'sb 89d pouredflmm out a. goblet of _ Continued on page 8. n; - lThOS, Morton .. .. .. c C ‘ gx'I'he Presbyterian. Ladies Aid beldl their closing meeting for-theyear iAlfred Ashley, .1, _..V .._ .. at thehome of the President, Mrs.i Paton, on Tuesday afternoon erg last ,week, when the followu'zg ofncersg' .‘ a lwere elected for the coming; year :i . A S. Archle McLean .. .. .. Hon. President, Mrs. - . Vang Dusen; Pres., Mrs. Jas. Paton; Vlce- iMrs. Dan McDonald .. .. Pres. Mrs. Price Teeter; Sec-Treas.,ngS. J. W. Smith .. .. a. L. Clar' .. .. .. mm Caswell .. .. .. .. ers. Jos. Blackburn; Visiting Com- 3 Mi 5 . s . lmittee. Mrs. D. McTax-‘ish. Mrs. J. . lL. McMullen. Mrs. Alf. Harrison.§Duncan McQuanle mirs. D. Muir. The t.reaSurer’s;George Miller .. ,, .. la .2 ,3, . l .. - . ‘l .tlttl‘fltnt 5.10“ ed a good balance on 'James McDonald . , , , l . . . . . . ihand atter meeting all liabilitles for; {the War. There was an increase of John McDonald .- sewn new members during- the year , imakmgthe total on the roll 46,.the; Total .. zlargest 1n the history of the somety.i w ‘There was cause for thankfulness- “hat there had been no deaths durâ€"' 331115 till“? 3;‘;'¢11;\-I 13%? nllrmhm's, Mrs", Hax‘e your watch repai l ,e w an -rs. us {111, were re- . . - _ {ported l“ tn wlmm synmatl'1y_w:‘ls Town' 13‘6” 30b guara gvnm'ey'ml. Mrs. Paton served rm. . - 7- .E'rvslmwnls at the C1050. Photographs. \Mt’h e --.\ \O ‘ Ull‘ V-v‘ ll'l‘huuu'uln (u. w The Red Cross Society met with great success at. their bazaar, held ;in lllt" ln‘wn hall on Saturday last, though the weather was unfav0râ€"' Eublv. Auclionnm- Mvthzil {out *1 jlwlpingr hand in the evenind. disposâ€" ing 01' articles for sale. 'l‘hf‘ Dm- woods were about $195.00. with but. le'y little ("XIJBIISUS t0 munt. 'l‘hv llmlies are pleased at, lln- success lnnrl rrPaninrl to all who by contri- 'll.“- 1, 5111211 11121111111111. 1111151 211113 s11\':11111' 111114121111 1111 Sund; 11' 111211111 11111. 211.1111".â€" 3 !1121111111. 11111 12111111231111: 51112111. '1‘1111 R1\ :\1"1. .1111105 \"111‘1111111'1s1111r111111x 1211b I’I'i1m11111 2.5.1 \111111' \1,:‘2~1 2111â€" 111111111111.:1 111 111‘11211211 in 11111 M111h0d151 113111111211 . ”11111 121111251 02.12 1112111 svmpuâ€" 1111511 with 11111. 1)1111.121\ 1:11 12111111V. ‘ Dr. 3121111111. 111" Dundulk, was 111 1rnx7n n“ 1\1nnd:1V. (lSSiSt ill” DI‘. 1111" ladies are pleased at, Hue success and gratified to all who by contri- butitms and [nitrcmugu gimp ussis-~ tancn in carrying an their imulnblv tam: \wn' Dr. Martin 01' Dunc. tmxn «m Manda}, assist [10 (m an uppmhnn L118 lV'lULllUUlfih ‘JllkLL V'n- â€".. _,_ .1. ° '1‘ Mrs. W. W. Trimble is at Owen‘oxo Sound visiting her sisterâ€"in-law, 01' Mrs. Crane, who is ill. 01‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lungley, or ’1‘ ,Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., visited thew!‘ latter’s brother, Mr. W. Miller, over at: ’1' the. weekâ€"end. the wheel of Mr. Geo. Mitch windmill was blown down and half 4‘ of one side of the roof of the old)!" drill shed residence was taken off.':= 1' Annnr‘ urrifinfl‘l s the time Pte. D.‘ E. Jamieson was . killed, by a shell which fell an? ex- 1 by “soon return to his battalion. Mr. Geo. Mitchell received word last week from a Chaplain at the front informing him of his son’s Pte. Harold Mitchell’s death and burial. Harold, with three com- panions, were in a captured dug- out, when a shell fell, killing all inâ€" stantly. Mrs. J. W. Hodrson, of Osprey, visited her sister, Mrs. Karstedt, last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murdock, of Dur- ham, recently married, paid Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson, Jr., a short visit. “Univ wâ€" w friends in Toronto. Mrs. James Ewens ill lately, but is able to on Sunday, it being in February th has been quite be about pmuunu. . . :‘lio Jamwsnn 15 hnmz“ m on, :1 shm'l. ‘cmt \mth With 9\ ery dozen three extra ones are given you. While the Christâ€" . mas rates last. fift ' en. Phone 68. The Kelsey Studio. linoquulled in Quality Phone and have tho rig call, and let us pmvo that What we say Right. When - Durham Down Town call at Won-I “ Total .. .. FOR . “Beaver Brand” ‘ Hardwood Flooring PURBBR 8: 0-0., Agents “[1 - Ontario 1 00 Rock Elm $12.00 to $24.00 per M. ft. 1 00 . Birch $12.00 to $26.00 per M. it. W ' Spruce $12.00 to $18.00 per M. ft. 9:0 . oz. 0 4":‘4‘fl‘ o '1 ’2‘ .09 0Q ‘20- .0 '% following prices wzll red in our yards at .imited @flm: J}.

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