' ‘ mow m same “mes ‘Q \- ‘ 11! LONDON, ONTARIO A dispatch from London, Qnt. to the St. Thomas Times-Journal says: The manipulation of psychic force -is undoubtedly responsible for the appearance of thé outline of the hu- man head which adorns the base- ment wall of London‘s city hall, acâ€" cording to a statement by Francis L. Watts, F.R.C., R.C.P., who is inves- tigating the phenomena. The out- line or shadow which has persisted for years, in spite of coats of paint and whitewash, has puzzled officials and public alike, but the scientiï¬c explanation ‘is conclusive. according to Dr.Watts, who is a psycho-analyst of some note and must be accepted. Turns easy. Guaranteed to do the work. We carry-a full line of ,repairs for Frost . ' Woow and Co'ckShntt Farm Machinery. Look yours over, and if you require any, now is the time to put your machinery in ~ shape. ' .. ‘ ' ' ,,‘%~ . o .7: -i 1 . ‘ ’“?SCHU I Z ‘ Durham ‘f" ., ‘17.}. . V , ‘ - Dr. Watts has spent some time in his researches, and declares that the inquest in t'hat’partieular case was held in the very room in which the shadow now appears. The body of the victim was propped up against the wall, while the jury deliberated. A Spiritualist, in :1 80211100 of which there is a good I‘Ctord. aftmwval'ds gave additional evidence regarding the murder and the shadow on the wall. sen the regard of the peeplo in the Niagara zone who know what, ho has done for thornâ€"Gait. Reporter. The outline, howeveig is not that of the _\'ictim, but of Um mumlerer, who escaped and went. to the United States. while a woman accomplice paid the penalty. Records show that the murderer confessed on his deathbed years af- terwards and it is the Opinion of the local scientist that the travail of his mental condition at that time was the force which resulted in the im- press of his own image. on the wall at. the spot where his victims body was laid. The shadow on 'the‘city hall base- ment wall, it has been established, has a direct connection with the murder of a London man on King street. in 1874. ' Rnbinscm Hall. where the inquvst was held in 1874. was on the actual site, if not actually a part 0f the building. which was later pm‘chasml by the city and converted into munâ€" icipal oll‘ices. All the Carmichaels and Drurys living in Canada cannut destroy the reputation of Sir Adam Beck 01' Ins- _, Our advice to Farmers is to be prepalged for the work that is to come. .A little forethought now may save them money later. See our stock of ADAMS WAGONS BRANTFORD BUGGIES We can quote you a price on any Farm Machinery that will interest you. We also carry a stock of - “EVERYTHING IN FARM MACHINERY†’0; SW Yaw _.. l'hirsday larch 23,193. -' Cockshutt Plows flarrows, Cultivators, Etc. Spring Is Here! Renfrew Cream Separator We handle the only self-oiling Separator on the market. I Mr. Lluyd \Vauchmw has returned inner a month‘s visit with friends at. [ Dobbinton. For smm‘al weeks past, the ele- monts have taken over the control of the open air rink. and old King SDI has prown himsvtt’ lord and master, consoquontly there has boon no skat- ing and no hockvy practice}. Last. \thnomttiy tho Midgets. with a hand of lusty motors, wont to Siwlhurno to plat)" with tho Midgets thm‘o. BO- ing unaccustoms-ot to tho largo. rink of smooth. harcl ice. tho Proton boys thought. at tho 9nd of tho tirst period that the outlook was pretty blue, \vhon tho score was 3-1 in favor of St’wlhurno. But. they soon ‘found their bt‘rarings and tho tinul score was 6-5 in favor of our lm'incihles. So far this soason thoy havo not. boon t‘tvt'oatmt and'aro remarked o\'- my time for thoir strong. clean phn'ing. "Sam's running" is tin» vxrlnmalinn mm in lw hvtn'd. Mr. Chas. Wale is in 'l‘nronto this mwk Hn lmsinvss. 'l‘lm children \wrv all hume from school lasl work. nursing severe chlols. Their tvachvr. Miss Graham. Maple (H'OVO‘, was quite ill at her homo. f Mr Fred Clarke had a vemy su(3+. - rm 's'wndit†Messrs. Jame's Anderson "and'Sam cessml sale, and is moving to Fiesh- . - erjon to work at his trade, barbering. Caibert visited with the formers Mr. W. J Hockridge Jr., hasrentâ€" sister Mrs William Wright. ' ed Mr. Alex. Pallister’s farm. moving Mr. Beamish and niece, Miss Han- nah, visited with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Robert Bates. Miss Marjorie Acheson spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Rvginahl Waldo visited recently at Hom'ge-town and Bolton. Mr. Allan McDonald, Ceyion, is visiting at Mr. Thomas Wauchope’s. ’zMr. J. c. Wright. visited recently with friends in Stratford. In the absenm} of Mr. Fowler last Suns'lay. MP. Millm‘.-l’lcshert0n, took charge of (hp service in the Presby- terian Church. His address was wry intc-I-vsting and profitable. Master Clark Wyvil gave a My pull to our midget hockey team on Saturday evening. The boys had a very jolly time. Mr. Wes. Davie spent the week- end with his ht'uther. here. Miss Irish visited recently with her friend, Mrs. Roome. HOPBVILLE Mr. George Riddell, East Luther, was a recent caller in this vicinity. Mr. W. Riddell has installed a new engine in his mill. Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Flesh- erton, visited at Mr; William Bur- nett’s. Mr. Roy Dingwall and Mr. ‘ H. Love have installed their new “313' orators. (Our own correspondent.) We as a community share sympa- thy with Mr. Thomas Shewell inthe loss of his barn on Thursday morn- ing last week. Mr. Shewell and his two boys were in the stable doing the chores when they smelled smoke and heard the crackling of ï¬re. On going to the barn they found it past redemption. The cause of the ï¬re is unknown, unless it was set by a spark from the house chimney, as the wind was blowing directly from the house to the barn. Mr. Shewell is at a complete loss of feed, seed, and a quantity- of sweet clover, but fortunately there was no stock ljiurned with the exception of a few hens. . ' Mr. William Campbell is remodel- ing his house. He says he expects to start a hach. hall, but we know how long a bachelor lasts nowadays. We have seen them pass this, way before. Sugar ï¬laple trees are catching a hard luck tale this Spring. as every body in the Vicinity is tapping more or loss. MP. Hugh Riddcll is trying out his new huiling pan and reports it to b0 a dandy. Mrs. John Troupe of Holstein vis- ited a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilkes. 'Mr. w. J. Hockridge, Jr., has rent- ed Mr. Alex. Pallisters farm, moving last. Thursday. Sold in~Durham by Macfarlane’s Drug Store, * Mr. James Walsh has had three Tried arid proved by over 200,000 people. Positively Guaranteed to give relief. 40 Doses for 750 Sold by :11 drugcisb or by mail from W. K. luckky. Limit“. 142 Mutual. 8:. 1mm. Give it a knockout blow with a few doses of [Buckley’s Bronchitis Mixture :.i_.'_z_,ï¬acBETH DRU99'5T DURH/ STATIONER Cuticura Ointment, reg. 6:30 ...... 2 for $1.00 Norvilinc,‘ eg. 350 ............. 3 for $1.00 Chase’s Ix ney and Liver Pills, reg. _ FOR TWO DAYS ONLY F rlday and Saturday, March 24 and 25 WE OFFER THE SPECIAL BARGAINS QUOTED BELOW: Smash Your Cold To-day MW a, 'J‘anl-ac, reg. $1.15, for ............ $1.00 Burdock Blood Bitters, reg. $1.25. for $1.00 Scott’s Emulsion. reg. $1.30; for ...... .31-00 Burdock and Sarszmarilla Blood°P11ri- tim‘ .............................. $1.03 \X'Aaml.)(.)lo‘s Cod Liver Extract ........ $1.00 Vino] ....................... ‘ ......... $1.00 Every person, young or old, should take a tonic in the Spring. Here 18 an excellent list to choose from: Welbeck. CALIFORNIA SYRUP â€OF F IGS.° Reg.¢60c, 2 {Or $1.00 PHILLIPS’ MILK OF MAGNESIA Reg. 600,- 2 for $1.00 SPRING TONICS It might help solve some of the troubles of the moving picture world if the stars were paid salaries more nearly commensurate with what they really earnâ€"Southern Lumberman. game die from the effects at sweet clover, so the vet. claims. » Mr. Mal. Campbell, who has spent the past three weeks at Holland Gen- tre, has returned to the burg once more. 5 for $1.00 See Our Assortment of Specials at $1.00 and Clothes Rack ........ 1 Feather Duster .......... 1 qt. 0’ Cedar Oil ........... 1 qt. Magic Furniture Polish 6 cans Dustbane ........... 3 Mazda Lamps ............ 2 pkgs. Cold Water Paint. . . 2 Tbs. Mangle or Sugar Beets $1.00 11/3 Tbs. Canadian Gem ..... 1.00 5 Tbs. Golden Bantam Corn. . 1.00 2 Brooms, reg. value $1.50. . 1.00 1_ Mop, Brush and Mop 910th 1.00 1 Washboard, Scrub' Brush Hamilton’s Pills, re". 250 ........ 5 for $1.00 Baby’s Own Tablets, reg. 2:30... . . . 5 for $1.06 Haeking‘s- Heart and Nerve Pills, reg. 500 .............. Q. . ., ...... 3 for $1.00 To every person purchas- ing $1.00 or over of goods at this store Friday and Saturday, we will give Absolutely Free . one large Tube of Mag-Lac Tooth Paste It corrects acid mouth. regular value 50c the Milk of Magnesia EXTRA SPECIAL, FREE A new berry1box is said to he needed for Canadian fruit. There s a nifty little thing being sold in stores just now that holds about ten berries and coats one berry; ' that ought to appeal to the growers.â€" Toronto Telegram. - ‘Teasâ€"Advanoes from primary markets continue to indicate a strong situation with upward ten- dencies. Locally there are no TEAS STEADILY- ADVANGING 3 for $1.00 and fork ....... 1 Hayfork, 3-tine. 1 Potato Drag. . . . 2 Sweat Pads ..... 4 pr. Tap Soles. . . . 1 Cobbler’s set. . . . 1 reg. $2.00 Whip. . 2 reg. 75c. Whips. . 1 qt. Sherwin-Williams Paint $1.00 1 qt. Sherwin-Will’ms Varnish 1.00 1 qt. Top Dressing ......... 1.00 1 Shovel .................. 1.00 1 Spade ................... 1.00 3 assertedHandles, hoe, rake D12Pi01'co‘s 1m orilu Prescription,10g. $1351, forâ€... ..................... D12 Pioi'ce‘s Goldon Medical DiSPHVOI'y. 10g.$1.25,f(_11' ................ Dr. Pierce/1 A11111'ic'l‘_.:1h]vts for kid- _1wys and backaci‘m. Fog. $1.25. for ENDURANCE HOT WATER BOTTLES. Guaranteed $1. Oil, reg. 40c. .' ............. 1'†3 for $1.00 Infant's’ Delight Soap, reg. 150., 10 cakes; $1.00 Imperial Dyspepsia Cure reg. 75c. 2 for $1.00 N121 D1 uâ€"Co SV rup of Tar and God Ln e1 DR. PIERCES REMEDIES The above statement in’the- “Gan-.- adian Grocer†of March 10 is until: oritative. Those who understand the tea Situation say that unless the" price becomes easier on the primary market very soon the consumer may expect to pay 10 or 15 cents more a pound for .tea. changes, but as stocks are not 13? theiéf‘f’sa strong possibility for 301 advances} as importers . state 8| prisegnare still fanbeloGV cost of I placement.†1.00 $1.00 $1.00