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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. Corner Concerns. (0111' Own cox‘POSpmnlvnl.) Thor-n were obstacles in-tlm way of the Young People‘s (Inmmunily Circle «m the start, but it "is, well un- der way now and Frisl'xy night they Stagml a c‘lohute. Rvsnh‘vd: That reading was. more beneficial than travel. It. was a surmising succoss. Tln'ne girls haul tho ull‘it'maliwysillv while tlmw 01' the opi‘msitv snx had the 119,2 '“ztlhu sinlv. The girls mall? tlw most pUiMS. 'l'hvy talk so much faster than buys! There? haw liwvn \‘o'I‘}' fmv pal-livs held in tlw noighl‘mx'lmml this win- ter. and a litllv imlulgmufu alum: that line before the busy time slat-ts will'be quilt} [)I'Upo‘l'. Mr. .-\. Noble will start with 0112‘ on Friday night. le several persons. who have been ailing for more 01' less time. seem to be improvin". some slowly. but \u" expect t0 see them all amund a3. aiu 1n the near i'outur. The death rate :it the easl siolo of our division has liven large during the past week. I‘dessrs. James Boakes, J. Hmiwl' and .Jnsemi Moore. All three have dmm well their Ni. and obituaries will no doubt he fur- nished The Chronicle by non:- rela- tives. , Mr. Stall'tin'd, a new arrival in town has npmwd a general store in the Aldcurn Block and probably will be able/to attract many new customers l'rum nutside points. The farmers in this vicinity realize the immrlance of improved breedâ€" ing in their cattle and other live stock. Among the importations this year we notice that John Olivexi on the ().D.R. East, has brought home a fine. young, imported Shorthorn bull. and over on the South Line. James' Turner has purchased a fine 16 months. old Shorthorn hull from Thomas. Nichol at a good price. F rum the North Line, the Durham Road and the South Line, we expect to see a fine display of these animals, also registered sows and young stock at our Fall Fair next October. we noticed a flock of wild geese circling: around between the Sau- geenâ€" River and Moss Lake. After a few m'>ments they seemed to settle down nu the lake for the night. It is always a gill-rasni'e..-lo hear of any of. our Citizens making goml in any country to which they go for a liveliiuafl. and it was a pleasure lo read in last, week‘s Saskatoon Daily Star an account of a boy from this part. having distinguished himself. It is Mr. W. A. Tucker. son of the late John Tucker. who has about com- pleted his «nurse at. the Saskatoon College of Law. He had the honor of winning the «in-atm'ical champion- ship of- Saskalchmx'an I'nivorsity, and the first of lhi‘ee prizes, with an interesting and well delivered ad- dress on [mpi‘ijial lv‘mleralions. He laid aside his smiling during the great war to go to flm front and do his bit. (Our own correspondent.) ' The cold wave of Iast. week has passed away and Springlike weath- er prexailed at the end of the week. On Satuulay ex ening last about dusk Miss Macintyro spun m'm' the week-end at her hnnw 2;! Dmulalk. Miss Maggie Mead returned to lwr home at Ix'nity. Sask.. last Thursday. after spending a very enjoyable three months with relatives. old and new friends. )1 rs. Earl Mead accom- panied her as far as Toronto. where she will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Upnz'm‘ llltt'lliv Of Edge Hill spent. a (.‘walo of «lays last. week with their daughtm'. Mrs. John Brown, and helped to comfort Master Lloyd Brown. who was so nnl‘nrmn- ale as to fall and break his arm. Those changing DI‘Oporties are all in their new homes and preparing for the spring work. Miss Maggie Irwin. who has been spemling a few weeks pleasantly with her sister. Mrs. l-‘.. ‘3. Matthews. leaves for her- home. may Paisley this week. Heartiest congratulations by all are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Milford Matthews on their joining heart and hand and taking up residence a- mongst us to fulfil the duties of cit-1 izens. Mr. Dugald McKechnie‘s sale last week was a successful one. Prices were as good as usual. Wood cutting is general at present. There are numerous wood-cutting outfits on the line, all doing a share, .Mr. William Edge of Edge fiill purchased a horse from Mr. Joseph Lennox last week and Joe in turn purchased another to take its place. Mr. Thomas Tucker pays no heed to the warnings “Remove not the old landmarks,” and last week took dow‘h Hiram Leppard’s big log barn, built possibly 60 years ago. . Lawyers occasionally make misâ€" takes, but they seldom bring suit again“ one another. Ah, well, Prof. Prince got a fat fee ad the Halifax Herald 3 lot of free lWhen _ Lloyd George shows up, there is usually a show-down. yslastllfi ‘ _ A - I' '12 A gnmi iimv ismvportml at. tho party hold Thursday (waning of last week at Mr Jumps I». Park’s, Of South antimrk. Mr. Park moved his hmmvhdd Pll'octs tn the hamlet 0f .\llau Park cm Monday 01' this week: WP wish him M'vry 81100088 in his nmv :zhfiflv. ’ Mr. William Dawson of Toronto Spout (m 1' Sundax \\ ith his brother- in- law. Mr. John “0115. Jr. Mr. E. Roseborough of near Durâ€" ham was in our burg sawing wood for some of our neighbors last. week. '011“ 1 A 11 "m 1‘0~[1()111.1~Iil Sum» making is still in lull force. \1 illi but. :1 laii yield. “'0 2111111 1110113011 t0 I'Olitll'i that Mrs. 5. Lynn is a little lwttmz Nursn Dr. J. McCulloch of Peterborough, was a recent Visitor with relatives and friends in: this vicinity. (Izli'm'v'mt lni't thn 011.! Hi the week “msi smvzfi mm 1101' ‘iSlOP-in- law. Mrs. Bm'xwtt, ut‘ Hanmm. has been Mr. A. H. Corbett 01' South Bentâ€" inck spent a few days repently with his (-ousins, the Johnston family. Mr. J. Beecroft of Owen Sound was a welcome. caller in our burg last \\'m*k. He was making his annual call for the Thistle Tea Company of ()won Sound. aguzn. RM" Ml. Sillzu's of Dm'nt'iwh Visitfid thv siq k «m this line I'vcentlx. 311' Hm}; ankms has abought 3 mm htu'sn. and also :1 Ford ('3th H] (Our own correspondents) Your sc'ribe is extremely sorry for the neglect of the correspondence for the past. month‘. The lack of knowledge of the communijy doings is the main cause for the non-apg pear-ance of our budget. Miss V; McFadden of Durham spent a couple of days last week with her sister. Mrs. John ,Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston spent an evening last. week with the latter’s sister, Mrs. A. Corbett, of South Bentinck. Mr. George Mervyn and son Gor- don. of Lamlash, were recent visit- ms at Mr. Mark Mervyn‘s. Messrs. Duncan- MCLoan :md Jas. Iian. nach had succnssful wand boos last, 'i’hursday. The work was done by Messrs. McArlhur and Green- \\’00d's outfit. Miss H. Johnston spent last week in Durham. Mrs. Don. Stewart hasvt‘eceived a letter from a I‘etm'nml soltilier who is in a sanita‘t'inm at, Quebec. thank- ing her for: a pair of socks which he hail got. with her name in the too. which shows that the good work of the Red Cross is still going on. A few from this line attended the I'.F.0. meeting at the Rocky school last. \Vednesday evening. Mr. J. F. McLean left for the city Monday morning. Mrs. W. McCulloch. Sr._. haflgeen dangerously ill of late, with an at- tack of pneumonia. We are» pleased to say she is recovering again. Miss Vera Stewart is able to be hack to schonl after being home sick fur a couple of weeks with the cold. Mr. John McKeehnie and sister Lizzie. 0f Waudby. were guests of 311-. and Mrs. Arcifi’e McLean on Mon- «lay. Miss‘ Mary fibCalldm 0f Mhlock spent Monday with Mrs. Arch. Mc- Lean. Mrs. Arch. McLean and son John are laid up with the cold. Mrs. John Burng of Mulock visited M vs. John Lynn um} day recently. Mr. Hugh A. McLean spent the wook-ond in Walkerton attending tho Boys” Conference. \Ix. Fred Johnstone \isited f1 lends at le\\f¢)1‘(l 0n Shnday. Rev. and Mrs. Aird 0f“ Mulm'k iris- ,itod on Hm line the first. of the week. (Our own correspondent.) Ec‘litnr‘s N(:>Le.â€"â€"Owing t0 the D01- lur Day advertising in our last issue uncessit‘ating publishing on Wednes- day instead of Thursday, the follow- mg cormspondonce crowded out. Miss Jennie Davis of Traverston spent a few days last week with her sister, firs. Robert Webber. . Mr. Charles Smith of Guelph vis- ited recently at the home of Mi‘. William Smith. \ Mr W. J. Vollelt, is holding a sale of farm stock and implements on March 29. He has purchased Mr. R. G. Lindsay’s business in Durham and will take possession April 15. Mr. Alex. Knisley, whileworlgihg‘ in the hush, had the misfortune to get his ankle cmfghed by a log roll- ing on it, which .will cause him to be laid up';tor aafew weeks. _ ‘ ' Mrs. John Morice visited Monday with Mrs. William Picken. Mr. W. J. Vbllett made a Business trip to Hanover 011 Wednesday. Horse and buggy Apply to Dr. Hutton, Durham. 3 30 3nd )1 tundanvv. . .l. \\'. Smilh is able3 t0 be out. Aberdeen. ron 'sun was unavoidably RockySaugeefi. ' {pletéd his viluation‘ Of the "far 0 t I 'I . ‘ I Innr‘e an {Inn ant-unfit] nnnnnacunn. .. ~- M 1'. John Black 9f Chesley was the guest of his cousins, the Manyden family. MP. Daniol Edge 01' Durham visit- ed a cauplo 01' days in the neigh- Imrlumd, Edge Hill. (Our own correspondent.) Master Harry Williams of Toron- to is Visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams. A. (:Hnsidorablo amouxnt of wood was cut. in {his Vicinity during the past mmk lho buzz-saw doing the gx'vah" '7): :It 1 I tho \\ Ol‘k. Quite a few from this part went to the concext given by the young people of Dornoch in the church, and the\ sax it was good. Mr. and Mrs. George Bovingdon spent Sunday with the Leggette and i‘choclmio families. Our now mail courier makes the round in a. hurry and is giving good satisfacticm so far. He seems very obligin", like Mr, McDonald was. Mr. Roy Thompson has gone '60 Toronto to visit his sister, Mrs. Bert 'Daynlm Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Clarke spent the Qist of the week with her sis- tor, Mrs.10hn McKechnie, of Glen- roadin. meeting last Wednesday ni ht. Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Clar‘ spent last Sunday mm the McKechnie family of Glenroadin. ’l‘iw unavrsignml Auctioneer has boun-insll‘uctml to Sell by Public Aucliml 21!. Lots 31 and 32, Conces- sion 1', S D.. R., Glenelg, (Our own exertespondent.) i Those making maple syrup havei been busy these last few days, as! the trees have been running freely. }, Mr. David Watson had a wood bee last week and he got a large pile of wood out. f Miss Sadie Lawrence-spent an ev-. ening VVit-h her friend, Miss Esther McLean, last week. Mr. Joe Davidson is visiting with friends in Toronto.- ‘- The U.F.O. Club "had a business meeting 'last Wednesday night. . ' The Caswell Bros. are buss? blastâ€" ing stones on Mr. John McCormick’s farm at Glénroadin. M aw 01d. (10“ (1110 Mzmh 29: (low. «.1110 A1)â€" iil 18; (10.x. «.1110 April 28; Heifer, due \pril 10; Fl'l‘Sll (law: 3 Calves, rising l vva ' .611“, 4 months 011.]. Ford TMII'ihg’ Can 1919 model, in g0ml shapn; Der-ring Binder, 6 foot rut; Pvtor Hamilton Mower; Culli- valnr. nearly new; Massey-Harris Drill. 13 110133; DcLaml Separator, No. 10; .1â€"socti0n Harrow; Fanning ford 1mm mg Car, 1911) model. In good shape; Deming Binder. 6 foot cut; Peter Hamilton Mower; Culti- vator. nearly new; Massey-Harris Drill. 3 lines; DeLaval Separator, .\'o. 10; ~1â€"section Harrow; Fanning Mill; \\I’agon; Scales, 2,000 lbs; set Sleighs, nearly new; Buggy, Cutter, Hay Rackaleury Plow No. 21; Pig Rack; Flat Rack; set Single Harness; set Double Harness; set Plow Har- ness; 2 Sugar Kettles; Grain. Cradle, nearly new; Grindstone; Turnip Pul- per; Cutting Box; Horse Collars; Cross-cut Saw, nearly new; Neck- yoke, with twins; 2 sets Whittleâ€" trees; Chains, Shovels, and other arâ€" ticles too numerous to mention. Everything must be. sold. Sale commences at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms :â€"All sums of $10.00 and un- der. Cash; over that amount, 12 months’ credit on approved 'joint notes. Five per cent. off for cash in lieu of notes. John C. Stonehouse, D. McPhail, Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements Assessor Angus Dunbar has com. ' Saturday being April Fool Day, we are put- ting on an. April Fool Sale of Candy. Only, you get the benefit of the April Fool. A Reduction in All Lines . KANDY KITCHEN of Chocolates ' A Sale every Saturday of 55c. and 60e. Chose- lates at . ‘ The Ice Cream season is here again and we are prepared to serve all parties or entertains ments. Leave your 0r- der and we Will deliver the goods. ' W'BDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1922 - THE‘ DURHAM CHRONIC 39¢. per 1!), 9 thv f'«_)llm\'ing: years old; Marv 1'1 {Cal‘s VVW. ‘mu‘ 1 lands on the second cone ssioni-r . Mrs. John H. Edge on two soils !have returned to their b01119. at 1 Mullingar, Sask” after spending the Iwinter with her father, Mr. W. R. iEdge. Her brother Herb. accompan- ! ied her to Toronto. On the Friday ievening prior to her departure, a ‘surpmse party met at her father’,s l r.-V'V‘ â€"-v “Hwy-v“ v- Mr. Campbell Dunsmoor has been along the line with his sawing. outfit and fast converted the numerous piles of poles into wood, and as a result, we hear of tired muscles and weary bones. A number have tapped their ma- ples but are not getting very good returns these cool days. 'J‘his Vicinity was shocked to hear of the sudden. death. of Mr. James Boakcs. which occurred on Sunday morning last. Ho had boon ongagmt with Mr, Farr LaWronco for some limo toast and on completing his “mm on. Saturday night. was driven homo. by 322'. Lil\\‘1'(‘n(.‘(‘ apparontly in his usuai hoalth. At‘tor reaching homo he decidod to walk to Dromorc, a distance of some two miles, to proâ€" cure tobaCCO, groceries and oatables, and made the 'return trip homo acâ€" companied by '0 young men of the neighborhood, :ho noticed he was somewhat. Iagging’im his gait. but was Otherwise apparently well. Nothing further was knownfi until OnFriday evening last.a surprise party was held at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McNally, who have lately taken possession of the Colâ€" lier farm. There/was- a real all- round good time. : (Our own correspondent.) Editor’s Noteâ€"Owing to the D01- lar Dafr advertising in our last issue necessitating publishing on Wednes- day instead of Thursday, the follow- ing correspondence was unavoidably crowded out. \ Mrs. Hugh Firth of town visited her brother, Mr. T. H. Moore, the beginning of the week. ~ ‘The wind in the North 10-day, the 2ist, they say, presâ€"ages a crOp. fail- ure. for this year. A rathgr cod feceptionihese‘days for the spring birds that have made their appearance. ' Cross‘Szi'o-utherlandHardware 00.; I a ~CHAMBER PAILS 85c. to $2.00 Dufham , DOUBLE BOILERS " $1.00 to $2.35 TEA KETTLES . 35c. to $2.75 McWilliams. TEA POTS . 80c. to-$1.35 DIPPERS 15c. to 65c, . the following day, Sunday, when a-‘ bout mid-day these same tWo young men called at his home where he lived alonegand on ilndiz 1g m ena- thing silent and the dams closed from within they forced the1r way. in and found their friend in bed, cold in death The corone1 was noti- fied, but an inquest was deemed 111‘- inecessary. . He was presumably 'over the threerscore mark and was lunmarried.‘ He has two brothers,- w‘hose whereabouts are unknown. His remains “ill'he laid to-morrow, iWednesday, in Amos Church bury- 1 mg ground. . Mr. T. J. Moore spent a day I’on the Owen Sound jury since last we wrote. . Wle congratulate Mr. Wesley A11- dreWs and Miss Mabel Daley, who were united in marriage on Wednes- day last. They have taken up their abode on .their farm here, where we wish them a life of happiness and prosperity. ‘ The fool sits down and worries: house and all outbuildings; mill and about the living the w‘orld owes him, buildings in good condition. Apply but the wise guy liuS-tles around and at the premises to P». Loucks, R. R. 2. collects the.interest on the debt. FlCShOI‘tOn, Ontario. ’ 3303 Floor Enamels Barn Implement Paints Carriage AutoPaints International Stains and Varnishes ELASTICA PREPARED HOUSE PAINTS for decpqating Walls and Ceilifigs. (19 different shades.) MORESCO TINTS U LAJVRENCE 8: WIIZSON We are now opened up in our New Stand in the old J. C. Nichol Tailor Shop, with a full supply of LIMITED " PAILS 35c. to $1.35 . Lawrence 8: Wilson Meat Market Good Service, Courteous Treatment is our Motto. " DURHAM Fresh and Cufed MEATS ' N2. 5,. Glehelg. Sr“ IV.â€"Flora MacDonald. 88%, Iona Beaten 73%, Camemn Robson 71%, Gladys Firth 65%. , Sr. III.â€".â€"Ka(ie Haley 86%, [Gene Hastie 85%. Katie MacDonald 80%, Norman Haley 75% (12. Arthur Mc- Clocklin 54% (:2). Jr, [ILâ€"Charlie Timmins 67% (1). Graham Timmins 44% (3) . . J‘r. ILâ€"Cathhrine' Timmins 57%. Promoted from Jr. I. to Sr. .1.â€" Ewen McNab 74%, George Blair 73%. Primer.â€"â€"Isabel Kleist (not present for any oiaminations). Numbers in brackets indicate number of failures, i. e., .below 40% on any subject. Chopping and flour. mill, mill wa- ter power, near Floslrerton; also 65 acres of land in connection with house and all outbuildings; mill and ’ HONOR ROLL FOR [ARCH PRESERVING Thursday, luck 80, 1922. PUDDING DISHES 15c. to 60¢. SAUCE PANS 25c. to $1.35 . ONTARIO â€"John H. Stewart, Teacher. ROASTERS 80c. to $3.50 KETTLES 25c. to $1.50 MILL FOR SALE

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