West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Apr 1922, p. 7

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J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S: Honor Graduate University of Tor- ontO. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentist in all its branches. Ofi‘ice: Over . C. Town’s Jewellery Store. __ ,___. 4w-.. Office and residence a short dist- mce east of the Hahn House, on Lambton Street. Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. J. G. BUTTON, 11.13., an. Office: Over A. B. Currey’s on'ice, nearly Opposite the Registry Ofi'ice. Residence: Second house south of Registry Office on East side of Albert Street. Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone communication between oflice and residence at all hours. A. B. CURREY Barrister and Solicitor Durham and Hanover. Money to Loan RESIDENCE FOR SALE ' Good double house in upper town; in good repair. This property is be- ing offered cheap to quick purchas- er and is a desirable property. Ap- ply to Mrs. A.W.H. Lauder, Durham, Ontario. exam J. RAINPORD Piano Tuner Durham, Ontario. General expert. Repairs 9. special- ty. Orders left at H. J. Snell’s Music Store promptly attended to. D153m LUCAS HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Markdale. Durham and Dundalk A member of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the ofiice. I. B. Lucas, K.C. W. D. Henry, BA, DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for Count of Grey. Satisfaction guarantee . Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Ofi‘ice or with himself. MILK REDUCED TO 100. Mr, W. R. Watson, milk vendor, wishes to announce that he has re- duced milk to 100. a quart, and cream to 550.. and is prepared to supply any quantity. Wash bottles and return promptly, as they are needed in the business. 22 tf DR. BURT Late Assidant Royal London Opâ€" thalmic Hospital, England, and to Golden Square Throat and Nose Hospital. S ecialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and ose. Ofl‘ice: l3 Frost Street, Owen Sound. nooiis ie'xcep'ted. â€"_â€"â€"_ DR. BROWN L.R.C.P., London, England. Grad- uate of London, New York and Chi- cago. Diseasgs of :E‘Iyg; Ear, Nose FARM FOR SALE Being Lots 16 and 17, 3rd Concesâ€" sion, N.D.R.. Glenelg, 100 acres, a- bout 80 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; remainder fairly good bush land; 51/; miles from Dur- ham; one mile from school; price right; easy terms. Apply to Walter N. Turnbull, RR. 2, Priceville. ' 1265pdtf ' FOR SALE Good double house and comfortable frame house in Upper Town; hard- wood floors. two mantels, hot air heating; large clothes closets in bed- roomskgood cistern; henâ€"house; one- half acre of good garden land. Cheap to quick buyerâ€"R. J. Matthews, Durham. 3 2 tf J. L. SMITH, 11.3.. M.C.P.S.O, Office and residence, Corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, op- posite old post office. Office hours: 9 to N am., 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays _and Thursday after: mnnfwgec. PICKERING, Dentist. Office: Over J. J. Hunter s Store, Durham. Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE A comfortable 8-roomed solid brick residence and over a quarter of an acre of land; well located in Durham. Ha‘s all modern cenveni- ences, including furnace, complete hath, electric fixtures, etc. On the lot is a good stable, part of which is fitted up as a "garage. Enquire at The Chronicle Ofi'ice. 39tf HOUSE FOR SALE Good eightâ€"roomed house in first- class condition; hard and soft water in kitchen; electric lights; good hen- house and woodshed; just across the street from furniture factory; (mat. ter. acre of land. Apply on the pram. ha WPetel' Reid, Jr. 464ml Advertisements of one inch or loss, 35 eta. for first. insertion. and 15 cents for cash ' subsequent insertion, Our-one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. "I vavvv Throat. Neustadt, Ont. Thursday, April 20, 1922. Licensed cfluctioneer Medical Directorv . .. JAIIBSON JAIIBSOR 'SMALL ADSI' Some Medium Advice. d hen- .(Kincardine Review.) 033 the A fmepd of ours, some time de- quar- geased. Informs us through a med- * mm that n‘ he hkd to do it again he prem- wouldn’t take them 01! until May or 464M ' June. ‘ . . GOOD STOCK FARM FOR SALE Good buildings well watered fair- 1\ xx ell fenced. For particulars ap- ply at, The Chronicle Ofiice. 12 1 3m FARM FOR SALE OR RENT i l Lot 60, Concession 2, Glenelg. ad- joining the Town of Durham; goodl buildings and land in good state 01" cultivation; school located on farml Further particulars, apply to Mrs. G. H. Tolchard, Chesley, RR. 4, or A. B. Currey, Solicitor. Durham, On tario. 216 if BONNIE BRAE POULTRY FARM Book your order now for eggs and baby chicks from our flock of pure bred O.A.C. White Leghorns. These birds have exceptional heavy laying ancestry and were raised on unlim- ited range conditim‘is. Also hatchâ€" ing eggs from our bred-to-lay White Wyandottes. Hatching eggs, $1.25 per 15; $8.00 per 100; day-old Chicks, 200. eachâ€"Mrs. J. C. Henderson. Durham, Ontario. 330 tf NOTICE TO rafmnns The Durham UFO. Live Stock Association will ship stock from Durham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager, Phone 606r3 ‘ Durham, BB. 1 1127 if. FARM FOR SALE Lots 13 and '14. Con. :2, N.D.R.. (filem‘ig. 100 acres. If nflt- sold, Wili be rented. Apply to Sarah \Vcbber. 31‘ A. H. .lacksnn, I‘Zxocutm‘s. 4 '13 4 SPRING CLEANING Window and door screens re- paired. Weather stripping and all kinds 0f odd jobs promptly attended to.â€"T. G. Goodchild, Box 35, Dur- ham. 3304 Ladiesâ€"(35.11 at once and. got goods. Intending buyers wxll do _to examine our_large_st9ck n n :8 i2 N av. 28 UP. {rd “.50 hp. ' THE SPIRBLLA PARLORS Mrs. J. c. Nichol POTATOES FOR SALE - American Wonder seed potatoes; excellent stock; $1.10 per 90th. bag. Apply to J. \V’. McGirr, R. R. 4. Dur- ham; phone 605 r '15. 4 20 4pd SASH, DOORS, ETC. Having installed suitable machin- ery, I am prepared to make Sash, Doors, General House Fittings, etc.; also to do custom surface planing. Factory near G.T.R. Station. Patron- age solicited.â€"W. R. F. Clark, Dur- ham, Ont. 31612pd ’ FOR SALE 1 second-hand Gasoline Engine, 31/.) horsepower, in good running order, for $25.00. Also Brantford Iron Pumps, the. easiest working and cheapest pump on the market. $7.00 and up.â€"â€"\V. D. Connor, Durham, On- tario. 3 16 tf OATS FOR SALE Some O.A.C. approved .6-1‘0W’0d Barley, $1.00 per bushel.â€"â€"A. Mc- Cuaig, R.R. '1, Priceville. 4203 HOUSE FOR SALE Frame 20 x 28.16 feet high, near McWilliams Station: high and dry on good stone foundation, may be moved bodily or taken to pieces and rebuilt; will sell cheap. Inquire at The Chronicle Office. 323tf PROPERTY FOR SALE In town of Durham, comprising 11% acres of good land, Comfortable house, now rented, known as the Wall property. Must sell, as owtner is unable to workâ€"Apply to John Harvey, Durham. . 4 6 tf SPIRELLA CORSETS All Our Graduates Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost Opportunities. Any style and size. Prices Representative. 41 H .0 A BUSH FRUIT ENEMY The life history of the insect is as follows: The adults, which are known as sawflies, are small four. winged flies about a quarter of an inch in length. The female has the abdomen yellowish and the rest of the body blackish in color. The male is for the most part blackish or black. The flies appear in spring very soon after the leaves have ex- panded. Eggs are laid on the under surface of the leaves in chains along the main veins. The young larvae on hatching feed upon the foliage, and become full grown in two or three weeks. Then they drop to the ground and form little cases in which they pupate, a new brood 'of flies emerge, lay their eggs, and from these there comes a second brood of larvae which may be seen on the plants at the time when the currants are ripe. When these larvae are full grown they enter the soil, form little cases or cocoons. and remain there till the next year, when they pupate and emerge as adults. Method of Control. These are easy insects to kill. All currant bushes and gooseberries should be sprayed with from two to three pounds arsenate of lead paste, or half that amount of the powder form, in forty gallons of water as soon as the leaves have become well expanded. Particular care should be taken to spray thoroughly the inner parts of the bush. This will kill all the first brood. If a second brood appears hellebore should be used in- stead of arsenate of lead, in the pro- portion of one ounce to one gallon of water. Arsenate of lead would be dangerous on the ripe fruit. The insect occurs everywhere in the Pro- vince, and everyone should prevent his plants being weakened and ser- iously injured by it, especially as it is so easy to control. The Caterpillar Describedâ€"Comptr- atively Easy to Kill -- Popular Varieties of Strawberries -â€" Calf Feeding a Real Problem. iiow to Control the Currant and Gooseberry Worm. The most common insect enemy of currants and gooseberries is the cur- rant and gooseberry worm. The larvae attack the foliage of gooseâ€" berries and of red and white currants but seldom injure that of black cur- rants. .At first they work chiefly in the central part of the bush, strip- ping the leaves nearly all off there and doing much damage before they are observed. Later they may de- vour the foliage any place. It is common to see nearly all the leaves eaten off numerous bushes. Life History. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Note: 'Helebore loses its insecti- cidal properties unless kept in air- tight packagesâ€"L. Caesar, O. A. College, Guelph. From the beginning of commercial strawberry growing, about 1800, the Large Early Scarlet was the leading variety grown in the United States. About 1860 the Wilson replaced this variety, because it was much firmer and was more suitable for shipping to distant markets, and its hardiness and good bearing qualities helped to make strawberry growing more popu- lar in Ontario. From about 1880 varieties began to replace each other in more rapid succession, until at present 25 sorts constitute about 90 per cent. of the total commercial strawberry acreage. The Klondike, the leading variety in the Southern States, heads the list, constituting 28 per cent. of the total strawberry acreage. The Aroma, the favorite variety in the South Central States. is second with 13 per cent. of the total acreage, while the Dunlap in the Northern States ranks third, with 10 per cent. In Ontario among the most popular varieties commer- cially are the Glen Mary, Williams, Dunlap, Gandy, Splendid, Parsons. and Sample. Among the fall bearers the Superb and Progressive are preferred. The proper time to begin feeding a dairy cow is six or eight weeks be‘ fore calving, and practical dairymen agree that this preparation has more to do with the amount of milk and butter fat which a cow produces dur- ing the lactation period,than does the feeding during any other period. For cows calving during the sum- mer or early fall most dairymen like to have a small pasture away from the herd but with an abundance of grass, and, in addition, they like to feed a suitable grain mixture. Com silage, with clover or alfalfa hay z‘nd a limited grain ration of three parts ground oats, two parts of bran, and one Part of oil meal is especially good for cows calving during winter or early spring. After calving the cows should be brought slowly up to full feed and thereby steadily to a higher production. Young chickens should be fed from three to five times daily, depending upon one’s experience in feeding, says the United States’ Department of Agriculture. Undoubtedly chickens can be grown faster by feeding five times daily than by feeding three times daily, but it should be borne in mind that more .harm can be done to the young chickens . by overteerling than by underfeeding, and at no time should they be fed more than barely to satisfy their appetites and to keep them exercising, except at the even- ing or last meal, when they should be given all they will eat. Great care must be exercised not to over- teed young chicks that are confined. as leg weakness is apt to result. Dated ' April Popular Varieties of Strawberries. Feeding the Cow- Before Calving. Feeding Young Chickens. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE PHOTO. or 31st ans-r. orricnns on EXHIBITION m OWEN soUN-n 3 '(Owen Sound Sun-Times.) . t A fine photo of the‘officers of the i01d 31st Battalion, taken in 1893, was 'presented. to the officers of the new {Grey Regiment by Mrs. William =Masson. wife og the late Capt. Mas- ; son. who was at that time paymaster 'ot' the 31st. The photo is by Craig ‘and is quite a work .Of art. The gift giS very much appreciated by the of- }fiqgrs of the Greys. The group is a large one and con- tains such well-known local military men as Col. J. P. Telford.‘ the late Col. Brodie, the late Dr. Oldham, M. 0.; late Capt. John McDonald of Chatsworth; Lt. W'. P. Telford, Jr., Capt. McGirr, Durham; the late Capt. Alfred Spencer, formerly town trea- surer of Owen Sound; Major James Borke and. Major H. J. Burke of Thornbury; the late Capt. R. Moâ€" Knight. Lt. Bennett. of Chatsworth; Capt. M clntyre, Meaford; Major A111- and, Meaford; Lt. Col. Chisholm. Capt. William Masson. Capt. C. K. Gregg and Major Campbell, formerly of Flesherton.‘ The ofTicm‘s 0f the new Grey Begi- ment are very anxious to get phntns of all former officers. of the Grey Regiment, 3/lst, Batialion to hang on the walls of the orderly room inuthe A I'moury. The photo ’is now. in the window of jIjoepeI' and Gmfi‘m and Is at,- trggtmg a lot of attonhon. A New Treatment. _ A «lrnfiinr l‘n‘nught. a dySpophc f 211‘. 111m: 3. 1m: brown p11]._ , ’l‘lw nvxl day'the dflctnr called again. “Du! you manage to retain [ho pill on yflur stomach-" he asked, Nnticv is hereby giwn that the said Jackson Manufacturing: (10m- pzmy. 01' 1.110 Town of Durham. has made an aséigrnmunt undo-1° the. “As- signments and l’rvt‘oromms; Act” of nll thoix' «'3‘ late cmnlits and Ofl‘octs to mo, John Snell. 01‘ the Town 01' Durham. in the County of Grey, Agmt. fur the general benefit of their creditors. ' “I \\ (111‘ j-‘IIII {II My this pill at bIIIi- IiIIIII. " IIII said. “It s a 11““ tI'IIzItIIIIIIIt and if VIIII IIIIaiII it on VOIII' stomIcII it ought III I'III‘II VIIII. “21.51“? NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Hm manor of Jackson Manufacâ€" turing Cumpzmy, of the, Town of Durham. in tho County of Grey, Cabinet. Manul‘avt111'01‘5. Insniwnt. The creditors are notified to meet at. the office. of A. B. Currey, Barris- ter. in the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, on Wednesday. the 19th day of April. 1922, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving a statement of the insol- ventfs affairs, for the appointment of Inspectors and the giving of direc- tions with reference to the disposal of the estate. In the matter 01' the estate of James Hepkins, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Genâ€" tleman, deceased. “Well. tho. pill was all right so 1011;: as I kw! awake.” said thn farâ€" mvr. “but «Wary ‘timn I full aslonp it. mllml HIT." Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee, veri- fied by affidavit, and particulars as required by the said Act, on or beâ€" fore the day of such meeting. \ Notice is further given that after the 10th day of May, 1922, the As- signec will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which no- tice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at Durham this 8th day of April, 1922. signee. 20'er NOTICE TO CREDITORS John Snell, Assignee. .Currey, Solicitor for the Asâ€" Grading of Hogs. The grading of hogs offered for sale throughout the Dominion goes into force May 1, 1922. This was started. by the Dominion Department of Agriculture in an endeavor to set. the Canadian bacon industry on a sound national basis. Three outstanding features make this work import-ant, viz.. grading sets a standard for Canadian bacon hogs. It enables farmers and breed- ers who DI'OdUCC hogs to aim more exactly at the, requirements of the Canadian and British market. The premium of 10 per cent. is placed on the hog showimr the prayer type. (I‘l- ,A _ The proper weights are 160 to 210 pounds. The animals. must have light jowl and shoulder; evenly throughout with no excess fat. The weights ‘given are for hogs at. packâ€" ing plants. This will allow from 8 to 15 pounds extra weight on (to farm. We have reached a turning point in bacon pmnluction. During the. war the quality Of our products do- clined. . On the more fasth‘linus mar- kets where surplus world’s. producâ€" tion make a grvatmr stock to chnnso from. the British buyers have dis- (triminatod Izlgainst, us quite sm‘inns- ly. If we desire to hold (1111* enviable lmsition and Win (110 Wading placv in the British market, l'urnwm must pmdum tho. bacon 110g. R1111111n111111'.11111111“ 93111911 1111111- 11111111011 (111 11111 1311118 .1 1121111111 1111111111 in 11111, pasl 111:11' 11:111111 1111111111111 11111111111 1111111111“ {11111 1)=:111_11112111 311111111111113 111 11: :11 mark 111 1‘1111 1111 1111=1"111\ 111111111211 11111111211111111'111 11:11k111's11111111:111111111 111111114111111111111111'111 1121111111 1\1111 1111.15 111,11W11111111119111y. 81111111.. 1'111'm111fs may 11111! that 10 11111' 111111. is 111111 :1 1011:1111 1:111 in 1111111 [1 \\ill be :1 11m 111: 11\'1*1‘\' 2011-1111111111 1111;: 511111111 1’ 1111115 111 11111111111119.41. Snnu1 claim H111}1:111 11111-11 a 1:11 131111 1111:: 111111711 1'11112‘111111' than 1111‘ 11:11'1111 M1111.'I‘V111‘11imonts :11 11111 (‘1. .\.(..11111\11 111:1! 10111111111011 is 1111lv an illusion. 11 111313 \11'}' 1111111. it 2111} 11111111. During tho war the Univ»? snht all ii'H‘il.‘ low grade hugs to (H‘I'many. ‘v’hvn tho war ‘538 (mm they had nothing: hut, ttw hast. quality and typv tmcmi 11¢";ng in their hrvm‘iinu hmwts. It i'r-snltml in tilt'il‘ “inning thn British hats‘m mzwkot iflét war. 111 (:1111' ("11111111' during 1920 1'211m- 111s sol11‘.13.’83 11111312111131] 211$).Sl/17.â€" 711..(30 \ large part. 111' 111Hs11 1111111 .1‘31'1'1111'11‘111. 'l‘l‘111 31112111181 hulk 111' 11111111 were sold 111 Britain. Last, year 11111 (12111211112111 trade was supplant1111 111' 11111 Danish. The British market has. 21 limit If 111111 1'11111111'1 11111 1101 proâ€" 1111C11. 11111 right. q11alit_1 111 goods its trade 11111 he lost 111 21 more agg 111sâ€" 31111 nation. 'lhat is what is 1111'111' ring 111-day. ("Janadian baron is beâ€" ing ousted and the loss 111' 11111 British market is sure unless the Canadians 11'ak11n 1111.1‘la11 you a11‘or1l to 1111. 11 go? V1 111 you? The answer lies 111 a s111 1111' production of uniform baron type hogs. perfectly 111115111111 and graded. L111 the Markdale Depart- ment of Agriculture 11a1e 1our epin- ion. This would be specialh valu- able in View of a coming conference of agricultural representatives and others in the near luture. School Fair Material. The orders for the School Fair ma- terial have been. sent, out except, the eggs and potatoes. “”0 hope to start delivering eggs about. April 24. The potatoes have not. come from storage All Men and Women WheninNeedofaTonicShl Start 6n the Road to Wellva Peterboro, 0nt.â€"“I can speak in the highest praise of Dr. Pieroe’s medicines. - I sut- fered for a long ‘ time with feminine ; I Weakness, through all rundown. weak and net» yous. I also had severe backaches. pains in my side and bearing pains. I learned of Dr. . Pierce’s medi- cines and began at once to take them. I took two ' bottles each of the ‘Favorite Prescription’ and the ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and they completely cured me of all my weak- ness and restored me to good health. 91:11 inns as. yol, «:nnsoqumtly we can,- nni mukv any [H‘HIDISPS about them Ming: svnt out. If you need a building-up tonic for stomach and blood obtain Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery from your nearest druggist or send 10c to Dr. Pierce’ 5 Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial p1". tablets and write for free confidential medical advice “At one time my husband became afflicted with a chronic cough which caused him to become all rundown. He got so thin he was almost a skeleton. He tried many medicines but did not get any better until he took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By taking this medicine he was completely restored to good health. I shall always speak a good word for Dr. Pierce’s medicines.”â€" Mrs. Martha Sholer, 373 Bethune St. .\ mzm rushed up in 1110 home of a dnvhtr in {ho Village one night and askml him to conw at. nncv in a dist,â€" ant i'ax'n'l-hnuso. The, ductur hitched 11]) his hm'se and they draw furhms- 1V in NW 1'211‘n'1m”s homv. l'pon illeir :lI'I'iVaI Hm farmnr askwi: “Hnw much is Vuur fee. doctor?" “Three (.h'yllars." said tho. phyxh ian. in sur- x‘n‘isv, "Hmw .WU ax o. ' handing QVer thv mtmvy. “Tho hhlmo hVoeran \Vanivd 85.00 m driw mv homo." by Following This Advice A Cheap Trip. PAGE SEVEN

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