West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 May 1922, p. 8

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that in. Canad'a there are mom PAGE EIGHT. A bunch of fi\€‘ large and tinelx flattened steers W eighing perhaps tif- teen hundred each. belonging to 311. George Harbottle 01 the 3rdc of lu- phrasia. \\ ere being brought to FleshertOn StatiOn for shipment on Tuesda} 01 last week, but when at this point of the journey the ani- mals became frenzied and broke away from their drivers. going in a nild rampage over the count-:1) Search after them was kept up and {“0 were captured on Friday. An- other, we learn. has been captured toâ€"day (Monday). but two are yet missing. which. it is thought, haVe taken shelter in some bush. They will no doubt be found yet. _ . wwâ€" â€" V“ V ‘Jw-QAVV. JUL 5. 1‘; \' uu Mr. Hugh Osbomo and Mr. Jack McBride, near C1111i11g\\0111l.\\ere \isitors at Mr. W. J. 111111111111 8 on Sunday Mr. Mernn Ushorné. stu- de mi at Toronto Lnn or~1tx holiday- ing at, home. accumoanimi them and remained to make a \isi1 with his aunt, Mrs. Bellamy, and other rela- tin es here. ..\_Ir.s. C. J. Crossley of Toronto is v1§1t1ng her mother, Mrs. W“. Boyd, thls week. - Miss Glacbs White. daughter of Mr Robert. \\ hite Portlaw, who is an honor graduate of '1 oronto Uni- \e1 ~11} also graduated some days ago at the Toronto Bible School re- cen 1110' her diplom Miss White, we heliexe, purposes following mis- sionary work. The annual election of officers in Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. A.M., took place on Friday evening last as follows: W. M., Bro. C.J Bellamy; I.P.M. Wor. Bro. Peter Muir; S.W., Bro. G. E. Banks; J .W'., Bro. J. W‘. Phillips; Chap. Bro. T. Chislett; Treas., W. Bro. Joseph Blackburn; 'Secy” ..R G. Holland; Board of Examiners, W Bros. Peter Muir, John Wright, Thomas Henry " ,Auditâ€" ors., W. Bros. '11. Henry, J. Wright. There was a large attendance and two members received the Fellow (Our own correspondent.) T he Presbyterian Ladies‘ Aid and “3.31.8. each held their meeting for this month at the home of Mrs. Alf. Harrison. Toronto Line, last. week. At the conclusion of business Mrs. Harrison entertained the ladies at a dainty tea and altogether the visit and outing in cars was a pleasant Mr. William Wyatt is having his residence reshingled, Mrs. W. Boyd is having the exterior of her resiâ€" dence repainted and Mrs. Van- Dusen’s property has been in the hands 9:; the painter for a few days. ‘ Mrs. J. Runstadler returned last week from Toronto to spend the su'mmer with her husband in their home here. Mr. B. A. Upshall motored 'to Brampton on Friday evening to Spend the week-end with his family. He was accompanied by Mr. A. D. Fraser, who visited his home in Tor- onto. Miss Mildred Sharp, a clerk in W, L. Wright‘s store the past seven xears has taken a position in the LWIBeIlamy grocerv. Mr. F. G. Karste?!_t Had a new: Chev- rolet sedan car deln'ered to 1mm last week. Mr. Bert Taylor spent the week- end mm the Thompson family, re- tnrmng Monday afternoon with Mrs. Taylor, who has spent a couple of weeks _\}'_1th_ her parents. Mr. Angus McCormick and sister Mrs. McQuarrie. spent an afternoon last meek with Mr. and Mrs. Lauchie McLean. . Mr: Joe Davidson has taken ‘a posi- twn 111 Durham. Miss Mabél °Irwin'visited the past week with friends in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs BF .Muna} and 11t- 119 daughter motored to Toronto on Friday and \isited o»er the week- end with 19111111. 9: in the city and at, St_ ADayid 5, near Niagara. The monthly meeting of the WM. S. was held at: the home of Mrs. Gil- len Boyd. There was a 390d attend- ance and many mterestmg papers were read by members of the socazty. The next meeting will be he! t Mp} D_onal§__Stewart’s on June 7. _ Sliss Je'an Clark' treated her little school chums to a blrthday party last Saturday‘afternoon. Mrs. Charlie HaVens of town is spending a 1'9“ days with her sister Mrs. James Miller. Mr. Alvin Caswell spent last Sun- day With his brother Jack. and call- «1.911 the “919115011 familbx 3133. A. M. Gilchrist and daughter Mabel visited over the weekâ€"end \Vith relatives at Mono Road. Mrs. W. Miller- is on a visit this wool? with her mother at Honey- wooc. up Albert Midaleton 'and son Belt of Durham spent a day recently at their old home here. Miss M\ 11319 Gas“ 911 left last week tn assist t1 9 musing stafi‘ in Kitch- mgr Hqs‘pitalhfor a_ month. Arbor Dav was obsel‘xed at the Public School on Friday last, when the 1133131 clganing up was done. Mr. Roy'Thompson returned home from Toronto to help put in the amp in his brother Clarence’s place, Ola”- rence‘s friends are glad to sée him improviyg so_we!l. _ Mr. George Mitchell attended the funeral of the late Mr. J. Shore at Palgl‘ave last week. Mrs. \\ illiam Paton is \ isiting rel- atixes at (331911011 this Week. \11.and “I: ~. Frank Dunéah motor- ed to the city and spent the week- end xxith _relatix es there. E verybod y dknows Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules (Our own corresiondent.) Flesherton. V117 " MARKDALE’S OLDEST CITIZEN (Markdale Standard.) Markdale can boast of one of On- tarios oldest citizens as a resident. er. Stistill \\ as b13111 in Bradfordâ€" tomn, Dexonshire, England, on Feb- ruary 7, 1820. In 1843 he married Miss Ann Bragg and came to Canada in 1848. For two years they resided in Darlinglon and then came to Arte- mesia in 1850. Mrs. Stidwill died in 1901, two years after they had moved to Markdale. Mr. Stidwill, now 102 years of ag e. is still hale and hearty, and enjoxs life as well as he ever did. He nex er used tobacco, nor was he addicted to strong drink. \Ve congratulate Mr. and Mrs. TJ. \1001 e, “110 rejoice over the arrival of a bright little girl recently Also Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Arnett, whose home xx as cheered by the presence of a bouncing boy recentlyn How swift the time flies. We no- tive in the 20 Year items some of our writings of 20 years ago, which for- ces us to the conclusion that we are t\\'_ent.y“yeqrs~0f_ age anyway: Master Donald W. Sterling, who lras’ spent the past four years with us. was returned Tuesday last to the Children’s Shelter, Toronto. It al-_ most broke his little heart to leave. and has left a sore spot in ours, but Donald was like some other boys, :1 little hard to manage at times, thus the cause of his departure. Mn' F'red Cook \ié éfiééééd with Mr. H. Eckhardt for a time. vvv-- Mr. William Moore xx as the latest to im est in a Ford. Aberdeen. (Our own correspondent.) Bonnâ€"At Detroit, on April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Smith, a daughter (Barbara Helen). Mrs. McDonald of Dromore is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. James Brown. Mrs J. D. Clark \isited her son Dugald, at the Rocky Mill, on Wed- HCSdtL-V. Mrs. John Highly of Toronto yisâ€" itod the old home and friends smce we last. wrote. L lllll. o Mis 5 Margaret MacKcnzie and her pupils heldo Arbor Day last Fridav “hen the usual cleaning up and p1gnting was done. _ The Yveathei' 31:53 been so favor- able. for the sprmg work that the farmers W111 seen figlsh seedm". va‘ _1\.Ir. James Mil-lei? Effw the-vacky “51de ms uncle, Mr. George Mlller, 0n_ _Sunda_y1 _ Mr. John McDonald and son John argrbotltl able t9. be ab0u_t again._ 9‘- (fig; urge Miller" y ill. is fretting better. xxv'ho has. been Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Clark motor- ed to (Ihntsworth on the first of last week and brought. their friend home with them. She will Visit for some time. , Nlr. and les. Palnier Patterson of \zunm spent Sunday in the neigh- bur hood. The mad rush of seeding prevent- m! us from writing last week, there- for" some of our items may be a little stale. Mr. \Vu Matheson of Hamilton was here on .a fishing holidav on S$urâ€" dax. and “Slim is aunt, Mrs. .thistionk ox er the week-end. McWilliams. . (Our own correspondent.) . Beautiful spring wenther for seed- mg. and the ground IS In excellent condition for working. ."m wheat has .convle thrpugh the }\'m {‘1‘ well and gn‘es promlse of be- mg an Muellengcxjop. Bornâ€"On Sufiday, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. McKee, 4th Line, a daughter. ° __ Mr. S. Vbse, theological student, Toronto, has accepted an Invitatlon from the Baptist churches on thls field and will commence his labors liege nextASunAday, Craft degree. Under the retiring of- ficers the pest year has been a pros- perous one In the lodge. It w re- solved that the lodge attend ice- wile Presbyterian- Church On the 0c-. camon of the annual sermon to be prepched by Rev. C. S. Jones. MEAFORD REPRESENTATIVES WILL ATTEND HYDRO MEETING 1 (Meaford Express.) on Monday, May 15, a meeting of the municipalities being served by the Eugenia hydro power will be held in Durham with a View to get- ting a full explanation of the service rendered as well as the expense of running same. Much dissatisfaction 'with the rates has been expressed throughout the country and it is [expected that a warm time will be lcaused at the meeting owing to the lsize of the 13th power bills received ;by a number of municipalities. As éa lot of useful information will be handed out that. will be or interest to this municipality, as Hydro has been under consideration here, a number of town representatives will attend to find 0th just What will be said regarding the future prospects. of the enterprise. The meeting‘ promises to be a large one and one that will have a telling effect on the future policy of the Eugenia system. Rev. Alfred Lavell, who was born and brought up in Kingston Peni- tentiary, being son of the Warden, delivered an interesting address in the MethOdist Church on Friday ev- ening. He is a sort of moral sua- sionist and not in sympathy with all the methods employed in our jails and prisons. On Tuesday evening of last week a thunder storm crossed over the vi- cinity of Traverston- and as Mr. Wm. Paylor was turning his team at the end of the field there came a flash of lightning and one of the horses (trepâ€" pe_d_ over dead. Death came'suddenly to Mr. Sam, uel Shaw of Glenelg on Tuesday morning last \\ eek. While splitting wood he fell ox er and died in a few minutes. He was 85 years of age and on two previous occasions narâ€" rowly escaped death by drowning. Rev. Father Hauck officiated at the funeral in St. John’s cemetery, on Thursday. a The address by Inspector Campbell on “The Canadian Poets” .a few weeks ago was so interesting and profitable that the young p00ple de-o cided on another of similar nature on Monday night. Rev. Mr. Farqu- ha'rson isutoutake part. Mr. Robert ,-A.lj_oe, Jr., expects to have his new shop in operatlon next week, and be ready to meet, his cus- tomers down town. , Russell Lavelle met with‘ an. acci- dent Tuesday evening. While run- ning along the top of a line of freight cars standing on the siding, he miss- ed his footing in jumping from one car to another and fell to the ground. He was unconscious all night, but is showing Signs of improvement. ‘ Lieut. F Fraser‘Hu’nter of the ist Bomibav Lancms, son of the late J. H. Huntefi, is home on a visit after spending two or three years in In- dia. The town fenceviewer's examined into the dispute regarding a line fence between a right of way given by Mr. J. M. Hunter and the preper- ty of Mr. Wm. Guthrie and made an award that, no fence be allowed for a distance of 130 feet back east from Garafraxa Street... Mr. W1. Boynton- is in town and will remain for sime weeks to assist Mr. Robertson in his business, which is growing too large for h1m._ A Baptist Young People’s- Union will be orgamzed in Glenel'g Centre Baptlst Church on Thursday even- ing, May 15. Mr. T. Mm~an sold his shop to Mr. Wm. Calt'lweu, who mtends fitting it 13.9 fqr his llx'ery business. -v nun-‘8 at“? From The Chronicle Pile of May 15,1901' Sr. IV -â€"Catharme MacLean'. Get full particulars, reservations,§ etc., from local agent, or nearest3 agent of the Canadian Nationalâ€"i Grand Trunk Railways. _ ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v v - Jr. W .â€"e-R0yce Nome, stena Lynn. Search parties Started out from ‘ Sr III .-â€"Ruby Heslett Merron Orangeville last Friday morning to Ewen look for James May, a resident of Jr 11143131, MacLean, Gordon that place,a agedhabout 36 years, who , left his home t e previous MOnday Clark, John EWen , morning and has not been heard of .II.â€"â€"Audrey Noble, W‘GIIIDS‘tgn since. May, who has been in ill- Noble. »health for some time, due to nerve Sr. Pr.â€"'1\’eil Clark. Vera Stewart, trouble, is an employ ee of the C. P ..R Aggie Ewen Florence Ewen . One bréther, John, is serving a term II .â€"â€"Audrey Noble, Wellington Noble. Sr. Pr. â€"-“1\'ei1 Clark. Vera Stewart, Aggie Ewen, Florence Ewen. FATAL ACCIDENT BEFALLS BOY ('Shelbilrne Free Press.) A fatal accident occurred on, Monâ€" day at Gam'pania, Amaranth Town- ship, when Wilford Austin, the five- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walker, was killed. The boy was in a field on his father’s farm, where the father was plOughing, and seeing another plow, went over to play around it. A little later the father found the boy lying on the ground beneath the plow with the beam of the plow across his neck, dead. Inâ€" terment took place in Shelburne cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Jr. Prgâ€"Dick Davey, Florence MacLean. Sr. I.â€"Dorothy Caldwell Douglas Grant. “The National,” 21 solid through; train, leaves Toronto for Winnipeg at 10 35 p m. every Monday, Wednes- ' day and Friday via Sudbury and Port Arthur with standard and tour- ist sleeping cars, coaches, colonist‘ and dining car service. ‘ +++++++++ ». ‘No .1, Egremomt and Normanby. Sr. IV.-â€"Sadie Noble. ‘ Jr. IV.â€"~Landels Wilton. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.â€"â€"F1'orence Grant, Susie Eden. ‘ Jr. III. A.â€"â€"Charlotte Patterson. Harold Grasby. Jr. III. Bâ€"Jessie Grant, Margaret Harper, Wilfrid Grasby. ...Sr II .-:Irene Grasby. Jr. Pr.â€"-â€"~Evelyn Grant, Clements Patterson, Billie Caldwell. Pr.â€"â€"Tillie Bryans, Belva Noble. â€"J. W. Kerr, Teacher. ~ WESTERN CANADA; The Canadian National Railway inj addition to providing unexcelled ser-l 3 vice tbeween Eastern and Western Canada oil‘ers patrons optional routes. 1 {ou may travel westward via the; Port Arthurâ€"Fort William Route,% returning the northern route, via! Co'chrane and North Bay, or vice. versa. This means that you are in new environments continuously. A1 train leaVes Toronto (Grand Trunk; Railway) at 8.45 p m., carrying standard sleeping cars to Winnipeg via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane,f daily, and through tourist sleeping car Toronto to Winnipeg on Tues- days, Thursdays, Saturdays and: Sundays. i CHOICE OF ROUTES TO Sr. III.-â€"Mae Noble, Arthur Mc- Florence Automatic Oil Cook Stoves in two, three and four' burners, with or Without ovens. Call and 'see these on demonstration and choose for yourself. ~. Puritan Oil Cook Stoves Garden Tools . Grass Seeds Lawn Mowers ' Lawn Rakes Garden Seeds - Mange] Seeds Lawn Hose ' Lawn Shears 0.0.000”. MMMWVM.“ MOO-.00..- com OW m The Flies Are Coming! w If you want to catch fish get your outfit at Durham, Ontario in Bramptqn jail for holding no ‘3; hotelkeeper in that town about two years .ago. Another brother commit- ted suicide near, Fraxa Junction -a few years ago. John May, the father of the missing man, is 101 years old, and 'a respected resident of Orange- ville. James May is married and has a wife and‘family of *small children, Orangeville cemetery, an evident case of suicide. HANOVER WENTyT'O KNOW (Hanover Post.) Will someone please tell us why it should be necessary for Hanover motorists to be obliged to secure their license numbers in Walkerton “Always pay :as you go,” said an old man to his nephew. “But, uncle, suppose I’ve nothing to pay with?” “Then don’t go.” Ladies’ smart step, 2-strap, White canvas. . $3.25 Ladies’ smart step, l-strap, White canvas. . . $3.00 Ladies’ smart step Oxford, White canvas. . . . $3.00 If you need some Wallpaper to brighten pp for Spring, see our lines. They Will surprise you in quality and price. We Save You Money [GOOd Service A Smmrp. Dnal Girls’ White canvas, 10W heel Shoes, 21/2, 3 and 31/2. Per pair this week, $1.25 We have a nice assortment of Fancy Voiles that we are offering for this week at Special Prices. ' LIMITED” ,. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves Wearing a diamond pin improves the chest expansxon .â€"_1New York Her- aid. ' " --,- ‘\. o c A Square Deal .+*++*+++++++++*+++++++++++*+++++++*+++++++++++++J M ‘r

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