West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 May 1922, p. 7

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HOUSE AID LOT FOR SALE A comfortable 8-roomed solid brick residence and over a quarter‘ of an acre of land; well located in Durham. .Has all modern cenveni- ences, including furnace, complete bath, electric fixtures, etc. On the lot is a good stable, part of which is fitted up as- a garage. Enquire at The Chronicle Office. - A 39!! FOR SALE Good double house and comfortable frame house in Upper Town; hard- wood floors, two mantels, hot air heatipg; large clothes closets in bed- rooms; good cistern; hen’-h0use; one- half acre of good garden land. Cheap to quick buyer ..â€"R J. Matthews, Durham. . 3 2 tf FARM FOR SALE Being Lots 16 and 17, 3rd Conces- sion, N.D.R.. Glenelg, 100 acres, a- bout 80 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; remainder fairly good bush land; 51%; miles from Dur- ham; one mile from school; price right; easy terms. Apply to Walter N. Turnbull, BB. 2, Priceville. 1 26 Spd tf . ' Mr. W. R. Watson, milk vendor, wishes to announce that he has re- duced milk to 10c. a quart, and cream to 55c., and is prepared to supply any quantity. Wash bottles and return promptly, as they are needed in the business. . 22 tf J. RAINPORD Piano Tuner Durham, Ontario. General expert. Repairs :1 Special- ty. Orders left, at H. J. Snell’s Music Store promptly attended to. D153m RESIDENCE FOR SALE Good double house in upper town; in good repair. This property is be- ing ofl‘ered cheap to quick purchas- er and is a desirable property. Ap- ply to Mrs. A.W.H. Lauder, Durh'am. Ontario. 9i£|tf Terms' reasonable. Daté's of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with himself. Licensed Auctioneer for Count 9! Grey. Satigfactiog guargntee . I. B. Lucas. K.C. W. D. Henry, B.A, LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Markdale, Durham and Dundalk A member of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. AYppomtments may be made with the C erk 1n the office. A. B. GURRBY Barrister and Solicitor Durham and Hanover. Money to Loan J. P. GRANT, D...DS, I..D..S Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentist all igts branches. Office: Over .16. Town’ 3 Jewellery Store. DR. W. o. PIGKBRING, Dentist. Ofi'ice: Over J. J. Hunter’s Store, Durham. Ont. DR. BROWN L....,RCP London, En land. Grad- uate of LondOn, New ork and Chi- ca 0. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose n _ Throat. Neustadt, Ont. DR. BURT Late Assistant Royal London Op - thalmic Hosp ital, En g,land and to Golden Square Throat and Nose Hospital. S ecialist: Eye, Ear, Proat and 030. Office: 13 Frost treet, Owen Sound. v uv A: u.zu., 1.0V 0‘) ‘8 p.111 1 bu it pm., Sundays and Thursday after- noons excepted. J. L. SUITE, 13.. H.c.P.3.0, Ofl'ice and residence, Corner of Couptess and Lambton Styeets, op- posxte old post ofl'ice. Office hours: 9 to i} a._m., 1.30_tc_)__4 p.r_n., 7 to 9 J. G. BUTTON, I.D., (LI. 0 Ofl'ice: Over A. B. Currey’s oflice, nearly opposite the Registry Office. Residence: Second house south of Registry Office on East side of Albert Street. Oflice hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. 111. Telephone communication between office and residence at all hours. Office and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House, on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Oflice hours: 2 to 5 pm. 7 to 8 pm., except Sundays. MILK REDUCED TO 100. Licensed :fluctxbneer BARN FOR SALE inch and under We inches, W. DIS. JAIIBSOI JLIIBSOI Legal ‘Dz'rectorv Déntal Directorv DAN. MOLEAN Thursday. la: :8, 1922. - Medical Directory . "nu, 3 . 518m 18 White engine and separator, in good co: sold at a sacrifice.â€" Durham. PROPERTY FOR SALE In town of Durham, comprj 11%,» acres of good land, comfori house, now rented, known as Wall prOperty. Must sell, as o‘ is unable to workâ€"Apply to .' Harvey, Durham. 5 THRESHING OUTFIT The J. P. Hunter property in Up- per Town, Durham, solid' brick house, 11 rooms; one and a half acres 0f land; good bearing orchard, all kinds of fruit; good frame barn; across street from property are three park lots of three acres each; will sell separately or en bloc, at reason- able price. Have moved to farm east of town and am anxious to dispose of property. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to (l S. Duns- moor, RR. 4, Durham. 427 413d ‘â€" 1 second-hand Gasoline Engine, 3% horsepower, in good running order, |for $25.00. Also Brantford Iron Pumps. the easiest working and cheapest pump on the market. $7.00 and up.â€"W. D. Connor, Durham, On- tario. 3 16 tf FOR SALE Oak Bedroom Suite; Oak Library Table; Oak Buffet; Mahogany Sofa; Oak Aim chaii, leather upholster- ed; Refrigerator: Office Desk; Baby Cam xagre; 2 iron Garden Urns. SASH. DOORS ma, ’Having installed suitable machin- Y, I am prepared to make Sash, OOPS, General HO ‘ - u . an in An n..-1-__ Se lettlngs’ etc-y Book your order now for eggs and baby chicks from our flock of pure bred O.A.C. White Leghorns. These ’birds have exceptional heavy laying ancestry and were raised on unlim- ited range conditions. Also hatch- ing eggs from our bred-toâ€"Iay White Wyandottes. Hatching eggs, $1.25 per 15; 88.00 per 100; day-old Chicks, 200. eachâ€"Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Durham, Ontario. 330 tf _-â€"_ v- G. H. Tolchard, Chésléy, REL/1, or A. B. Currey, Solicitor, Durham, On- tario. 216 tf Lot 60, Concession 2, Glenelg, ad- joining the Town of Durham; good buildings and land in good state of cultivation; school located on farm. Further particulars, apply to Mrs. BONNIE BRAE POULTRY FARM Phone 606 r3 1127a. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock Association will sh‘p stock from Durham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days‘ notice. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Ladiesâ€"Cell at once and get your goods. Iptending btiyers will do well to examine our large stock now on hand. Any style and size. Prices from $4.50 up. ' THE SPIRELLA PARLORS ' Mrs. J. G. Nichol FARM FOR SALE OR RENT CENTRAL 30811883 COLLEGE Stratford and , Mount Forest Enter any day. Write call or phone for information. have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost Opportunities. SPIRELLA CORSETS All Our Graduates HOUSE FOR SALE Apply at Chronicle Ofiice. James Lawrence, Manager, FOR SALE in. F’m comprising Representative. 3 16 12pd ‘I-v a uonfincmg Argument. “What’s this?” ,said John Smith. as he came upon his wife's neweew- put it out there to keep company,” replied his wife- opoxane has been receivga by the Provincial Game Board,‘ for release “°“‘“Uul SDOEafi; has be« Provincial Game 8... 4‘ exDected. standard coal tar dip, - 1 $5 quarts fish oil, 1 pint oil of tar, 1 quart coal oil, $42 pint oil of eucalyptus. Mo 0 uvv. Plant twc = seed may â€" the same} developme vastly di: d stand tag 3. Joying sin u and defieh t a good ea: 3 an inferio ' The difl 1 l E g 6’ 'g a. Afew hills Bk weak or I _m nwA- AL _ _ Home-made Spray ‘ heéps Flies A Convincing ‘IWhat’s this?” a 'i'ne old-time fruit-bearing mul- berry has lost its place in the gar- dens of southern Ontario. Better fruits have crowded it out, until it play Wlth silk worm culture in this northern climate. During the past year, through southwestern Ontario card all the seed and secure another supply with a guaranteed germination ‘ test.â€"L. Stevenson, Secretary, On- tario Department of Agriculture,‘ Toronto. The Mulberry. The old-time fruit-hr- tion Testâ€"It Should Run 95 Per , (Contributed by Ontario Departinent of ' ‘ Agriculture. Toronto.) Two ears of corn may- be 'used to plant two rows side by side. The seed may weigh the same and look the same, but the results in plant development and yield is frequently vastly different. Two stalks may stand together in the same hill, en- joying similar conditions for growth and deveIOpment. One may produce a good ear while the other produces an inferior nubbin. Seed With Good Vitality a Necessity. 'eak Seed With Strong Vitality Is in Absoiute Necessity. ‘ Give Your Seed 3 TEST mun SEED cm; Importing Quail. segd corn should 'wrung Wall. The exceptional tour starts from fliggnofiilgeqvqgaig frogn Montreal on Saturday, June 24. call- 1 e t e . . . ame Board,‘ for release mg at Quebec, by the splendid 3Vh1te _ds district. These birds Star Line steamship CanOplc. (12,â€" :n exchange for Mongo- 000 tons). A period Of apprOXImate- Ectféa funnier consign- 1y two months will be occupied by {I r om the Eastern the tour as by the itinerary the re- ange for pheasants. ~ - ' \ tnrn trip 18 made from Liverpool by “ems Argument, the fine steamship “Regina” (16,500 his?” ,said John Smith, £0118), arriui'ng at Montreal on Auâ€" Dg: his wife's newsew- gust 26th._ 8° deep In 3 311°" 'The arrangements for this tour are put it out there to keep most complete and the charge, which company,” replied mg 18' a minimum one. covers everything fig“; in the way oftransportation, hotel . accommodation with three meals a .oom. - . ' . day, transfers, sightâ€"seeing fees, in of the motor truck a brief all "necessary travelling expense; .. . - . Irkoflnx;;.'tam;;_.mucta es for. theentirc tour. . - . “III-Inn In; App! may enter thecnnndnnn 1 provmed if emcient and production is .to be linder of the lac- fOUOWing home- ad of ten days ; lSt 95 of them. ' weakness dis» secure another be given a Away. Venice, Florence, Trent, Innsbruck, Munich, the Passion Play at Ober- ammergau, Nuremhurg, Mayence, the Rhine, Cologne, Brussels, Lou- vain and Ostend, returning through London and Liverpool. l A most carefully planned and in- teresting itinerary has been arrang- ed, including visits to Montreal, Liv- erpool, Chester, Stratford- on-Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailles, Fontainbleau, Rheims, Lyons, Mar- seilles, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Men- tone, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sor- rento, Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius, A tour of Europe is at present be- ing organized under the personal supervision of Mr. T. H. Matthews, ’ (0x011), Assistant Professor 01 Mathematics McGill University, and late Instructorâ€"Lieutenant, Royal Navy. In addition, local guides will he sceured to conduct excursions and give lectures on the artistic, historic, literarv and economic sig- nificance of the sights seen and the places visited. ' _â€"â€"~ v- -V secretary. among the Insti- tutes of South Simcoe, Where the work'has extend- ed to several new centres. Mrs. Boyes has lived on a farm before and since her experience of several years ago as public school teacher. DRUMURE ('l‘nyh‘n‘s Hall} ZION (Zion Church May 22 !_)I'RHL\L\'I (Public Library) May 23 LAMLASH (Mrs. D. McDmmld} May 19 LOI'ISE (Ml's.(}.\\’.,14‘isher: I j} Z} 1cm: mm m (M vs. .1. Dirstein? M y. 29 GLENJSDEN (Mrs. Ward May 30 The meetings Will be ad- dressed by Mrs. Boyes, of Lefroy, Ont, Who has for a number of years dene most effectlve‘ work as dlstrlct Women’s Institute Summer Meetings Fishing strictly pâ€"Iv‘ohibited 0n Lots 11 and 12. Con. 1, S.D.R.-â€"Wiilliam Edwards, Priceville, R.R. 1. 5182 A roughâ€"cast house on Bruce St" well located; quarter acre of good land; fair stable. Owner intends leaving town and is anxious to sell. Inquire at Chronicle Olfice. 518 4an thahks- for and appreciation of the many kindnesses and sympathy extended during their recent sad bereavement and trouble. Mr. HOUSE FOR SALE CARD '0: THANKS 5184pa fi+++++¢+++++++€0§ . _ baton peniten- tiary was the sentence meted out to . .« . Minto Township, who was tried before His Honor Judge Spotton at Guelph on Wednes- (lay of last week. The accused. who was found guilty of incest. had been formally eomn'iittetl for trial by Ma- gistrate,- Rahb of Palmerston, after information laid by Bridges’ sevenâ€" teenâ€"yecz‘ir-old (laughter. When the case was called in Guelph last. \VOtLl- nesday. Crown Attorney Kearns sug- gested that the trial he held in cam- ‘ era-owing to the nature of the eviâ€"l .................. $15.00, sacks included ' ...... $33.00, sacks included. Chieftain Mixed Feed, per ton. ., ..... $30.00, sacks included Durham Mixed Feed per ton ...... $25.00, sacks included Whole Screenings, per ton ......... .. $22.00 without sacks Ground Screenings per ton ........ $25.00, sacks included Heavy Mixed Chop, per ton .......... $33.00, sacks included Whole Corn per ton .......... . ...... $30.00, without sacks W-‘hole Corn, per ton ................ $31.50, sacks included Ground Corn, per ton. . ............ $33 .,00 sacks included Crushed Oats, per 100 lb‘s ............ $2.10, sacks included’ Crushed Oats, Corn Barley, per 100155., $2.10, sks. included Chopped Oats, per 100 lbs ........... $2.10, Sacks included Feed Oatmeal, per 100 lbs ........... $1.75, sacks includ Oat Shorts, per 100 lbs .............. $1.50, sacks included Ground Flax, per 100 lbs ..... ' ........ $ 2.75, sacks included Poultry Scratch Feed, per 100 lbs. . $2.75, sacks included - Cracked Corn per 100 lbs ............ $1 65 sacks included Baby Chick Feed, per 100 lb.’ ........ $3.25 sacks included Hydro lS quite apparent to peeple who have taken. the trouble to stuctlgr thematter carefully. The ve . . g , erating determine the price, and this , is required by statute; in Ontario itI is the actual cost-of generating and distribution loaded on the munici- palities on a certain system or in a given zone. The price of power in Alliston has risen till it has become prohibitive. It is said to be $60 per horsepower, but it is not sold by the horsepower, but bv the koliwatt hour, plus a service charfle, and to per horsepower, The local commis- sion is powerless'to do anything in, the way of relief. It is tied hand] and foot by the H.E.P.C. of Ontario I .‘ll “-.L13 ’7 181088. Th} quraL trustees n'rn'v-“lAn-A - xsyl.‘,‘l\.u lk'. l‘Ilâ€"O (loitirgo Draw defended the accused, who pleaded not guilty. The trial lasted a little more- than an hour, during which. evidence of a Nery convincing character was heard, and His Honor had no hesitation in con- \‘icting the. accused. Bridges was sentenced on Friday morning. donco am} this “.. as 1‘ 4“ \‘xtâ€"A acceded to $ for trial dies. e’s Laboratory package ..... “Dbluw UVCI’ "new. Dr.Pierce’s Favorite Presc . long been recognized as a tame for More recentl that wonderful dis- covery of Dr. ierce’s, called An-uric (for kidneys and backache), has been successfully used by ‘many thousands who write Dr. Pierce of the benefila received -â€" that their backache, rheu- matism, arid other symptoms of uric PAGE SEVEN HM

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