23rd inst. Ladies are reqï¬es'z-édvic? attend. as well as all members of the club. Flappers should remember flowers which run wild 30011 ~ seedâ€"Washington Post. that o to A special meeting of the I being held on FridaV e\e11_i1 2, at Allan Park. to ariange picnic which is to be held Mr. and 3115. Henry Reay.’ JR. and familv, from noith of Durham were \isitors on Sundav with friends in this bur". Mr. T. H. Lawrence recently pur- chased a new Ford touring car from Smith Brns.. Du’rham. Slitsfsl. “Tight. teacher lï¬~wiv Spent last \\ eek-end with her uncle in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brigham and familx of Allan Park Spent one ex onâ€" ing the ï¬rst of the vs eek at Mr. Bob- ert Johnston’ s. Miss Annie Turnbnll spent Sunday afternoon with her friond, Miss May Donnelly. Mr. herd Rem, at time of “citing. is in a \erx critical condition. We hope tor a speedv I‘ecm cry. Miss Mary \10 tczilfn oi D111" a11~ spent Sunday last at the. home of Mr. Henry Reay. Ebenezer. {Our own correspondent.) the farmers in this locality are rushing t0 get their root crap in. Quite a number have already accom- plislmi the task. _â€"_wâ€"--v l.‘ the loss of their youngest daughter, Ada Flt..>rence. aged two years and two nil-mths. The little one had not been in the best of health this Win- ter and a short time ago developed pneumonia and gradually sank until the. end came on Thursday morning. The funeral on Friday to the Dur- ham l;-enn3te1'y was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Smith conducting the se"- \‘lCOS. MP. and Mrs. Fred Staples have the sympathy of the community in Miss Ella Ritchie spent the past Week with her sisters in Egremont. Mr. and Mrs. Houghtby and two sons. and Miss Jean Moffat. of Lonâ€" don. are visiting the Mntfat family. They enjoyed a motor drive to En- genia on Tuesday. Edge Hill. (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. 3100110011 and Miss Padbury were «mosts of Mrs. C. Motl‘at on Monday. Listowel football team defeated the "Stars" in Mount Forest on Vic- toria Day. the score being 2-0. A f ew of the Holstein footballers were on the star line-up. REPAIRING ALL KINDS MACHINERY Machine Shep Mrs. St. Leger of Toronto is vis- iting 1101' mother. Mrs. Dum'ant. this week. Messrs. Clark and McLean are at- tending to the wants pf auto owners, they having opened up business in the C. Smith Sons garage here. Mrs. R. P. Legate of Ceylon spent a day with her brothers here. We had a pleasant call from Post- master bnnth of Durham on Friday last. Rev. L. E. “195$ is attending the annual conference in St. Satharims this week. The garden party under the dir- ection of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist. Church, which was to have bovn held pnthc 9th of June. has been postl‘mwd until a Iu’wx' date. .Mr. Bert. Gibson of the Commer- cxal Hotel has purchased a new Ford automobile. '1 he Township Council met Monday as a Court of Appeal. A couple of applicat: ens “918 heard, but no changes were made. Severalladies of the \Women’s in- stitute here attended the annual meeting of the Gleneden Women’s Institute. A very pleasant time was Spent. Arthur Irvin. who has been on- gaged in McLean’sstore, Actun, for, over a year, resigned his position and has engaged with the Duluth Transportation Company, of which Charles Irvin, his uncle, is vice-_ presit’lent. He leaves this week for: his new ï¬eld. 4 Lawn Newers, Scythesfand all other tools or cutlery resharp- ened and made like new. Work Last week we noted that Rev. G. 8. Scott had gone to Lindsay to see his sister, Mrs. McKay, who was seriousiy ill. On Monday Mrs. Scott received a messagedhat Mrs. McKay had passed away. Durham PAGE EIGHT. vvâ€" 'v' .v t Frida 3v ex ening June; own correspondent.) behl q. ed on theLx. re requested to I .1. U.F.O. is E for the i __.J “5 \. UV \,-'ll nigh exasperated over these matters they still have a little time to discuss the law; enforcers in Durham be- cause some of our citizens have. been soaked for letting the tail-light burn out in their autos, or being turned the wrong way in the street. They elaim they can get rid of Durham. but. for the others. they are going to It is hard to get local news at pre- sent. as the farmers are too inter- ested in other topics. The price of cream has gone away down, yet the Progressives voted to a man for the free admission of oleomargarine, a substitute for butter, that. soxlacks nourishment that it has been de- clared that it should not be used in time of peace. The Provincial Gov- ernment. is still in session. notwith- standing the fact that farniers, and most of the farm journals, insisted ’that a hundred dollars per day for ievery day thel set after the 24th of , May be deducted from their salaries. But there they sit. and are likely to‘ do so for some weeks to come, and in place of deducting from. they have added 8600 each as a reward {or their mopery. And next. year the auto license is likely to be dou- ble that of this year, and none of\ it being spent on the concessions; yet in the pre-election pledges there would be no special roads-every road, even to the base line. if trav- elled, would receive the same at- tention as rtiiads leading into the cities. Although the people are well nigh exasperated over these matters they still have a little time to discuss L! This has been a good seeding seas- on since it started for getting along \xith the work, and the crops are {watt} 1101111) all in. The growth is [‘22: adxancod and things look prom- ising. lhe Yt‘unb 1‘ People's Society is get- ting along nicely 111m They are holding an Open 1110 1ting at the church on lt‘itlav e\e11i11g,June 9. at \xliieh lantern \ieus will be gh- 1211. alunu: with other numbers of a 111ogi-an1.l)0 not think because the admissinn tee is only 10 cents that the affair is not going to be good†3l1'. Lorne Allan has been improx- ing the fi Ont of his farm by putting 111) 21 ne“ fence. 21w. DP. Ibbolt of Arthur will take tiw servicvs in St. Paul's Church on >4111‘u.'lay, Junc‘ll - \V’v (cht a gt)0d turnout, as he is famrablv kno“ '1 in Ingremont. Our own \correspondent. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Macintvre of Dundalk 3 \isited their daughter at Mr. William E Allan s a week ago. ,7 r Miss Myrtle Allan was home from Toronto over the holidav. Mr. and Mrs. Vt. I. Allan motored, [ in compan} “ith OUI teacher, Miss :' Mae-inn re, to Dundalk on the 24th, , ’ and Spent the day pleasantly. We are sorry to report Master ,_ Kenneth Allan under the doctor’s care at present, but hOpe for his speedy recovery. He was one of the class for L'ntrance this June. We were reminded a week 330 {Sunday of the uld stung phrase, “the ’zwighburiwod was dune up brown."1 E\\'hctl Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and z't‘aunily of Allan Park, Visited at the “fucker Emma, and Mr. {:11sz Mrs. Jas. ligam‘u of is :uessan Visited with Mr. and Mrs. ilarl Mead. _ 311'. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson and 52.22 iiubbin, and daughsm‘ Ma gtu'ct 5,211: a few days last week “ith :;-.wu Sound and Shallox' Lake .vinuois. MP. and Mrs. Archie Wiisun m’ )Icljlinton‘s Corners :wcompauzcd thvm. J ustArrived at Mc'Kechnie’s Fancy Yniles. in colors, 40 inches Dainty Ginghams. in checks and p Damty Ginghams, in very best (135 Beach Cloths, in newpr cfrinoc n hams. in checks and plaids, per * hams in \erv best designs, 1 yd MP. and Mrs. Bert Ritchie of the Rocky spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ewen. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCainn and family. of Durham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F red Cuff. Mr. and Mrs. Hastie 0f.Crawford spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. H. McDonald. Misses Marjory and Laura Clark of Durham spent the 24th at the old home. ,. , Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean and family Spent the 24th with Mr. Don. McKechnie and daughter May, of Crawfm‘d. (Our- own correspondent.) On May L’évthe pupils of S. S. N0. 10 hold a picnic on the camp grounds in Mclnlyw‘s bush and invited the parents and friendsto attend. The gool'l program was much enjoyed by all. also the delicious lunch provided by the parents. A Mrs. Ashley of Durham renewed old acquaintances around the corner on Hm 24th. Mesérs. Alex. and Jack La'wson Spent the 24th ï¬shing at the Rocky. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and two sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McKechnie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lauchie McLean and two daughters Sundayed with Craw- ford friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Ledingham and daughter of town spent the 24th with Mr. aqd Mrs. Lauchie McLean, Misses Malgaret and Myrtle Mc- Lean spent a pleasant time 1381 Sat- urday “ith Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dawex. Mr. and 3113. Albezt Middleton and son Bert, spent the 24th at the Rock\. (Qur own correspondent.‘ Mrs. D. C. McKechnie and her son, Donald, Spent the 24th \xith Mrs. krchie McKechnie. stay’ until the last day in theafterâ€" noon. By the wav, perso nally we time no kick against Durham, as we haxe no car for the lights to burn Ont of, and \xe are alw ays headed in the right direction. Wide, per yd Rocky Saugeen. Aberdeen. am 3.?“ '. r", "’ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ’ ~ $1.35 Mr. John McKeï¬zie of smut the ï¬rst of the week and Mrs. Arch. McLean. Mr."J'ack Smith of‘Durham spent Sunday with his mother, M‘rs.‘J. W. Smith. .. * Mr. John Lynn is workin 0 V Good Roads at take Rocky. g n the "_ ‘¥_ I. g s E H IS ‘ R VA D N A SA - T IN A P supply Vitamines in concentrated form. They contain yeast, iron, and other agents for building and enriching the blood. Take Nyal Good News for the Uuder-nounshed Nyal Vitamine Tablets The “Rexall Store†533 s: Waudby with Mr. wasting problems with usâ€" ! a will be pleasad to advise and to give you full informa- . ionwubcsu‘m 9fcast. Ask us for Elastica color c a r d a a n d decOrative schemesâ€"F REE. mamof 73 years, 18 the latest on this line to buy a Ford car. We wish him many a pleasant trip in it. For decorating the interior or exterior of our home, for painting an preserving both inside and out Elastica Pro- ducts are the most satisfac- tory and economical. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace (nee Annie Clark), spent Sunday with her bro- ther, D. N. Clark. Mr. James McLachlan nfnmm...“ Good paint is the most economical in the long run. Elastica Paints and Var- nishes are guaranteed good. They are made up to an established quality standard that assures a lasting ï¬nish on every surface. ’7 Paint N ow_ And Paint with ELASTICA. in pa}; discugg your McLachlan of ‘ Durham younc. icate s Get health and strength, acquire ‘that happy feeling of knowing your body is working a§ it should. is designed to clear out and build up your kidneys and to enable them It will help to relieve your suffer- - ing. Price $1.00 per bottle. Don 9 t Let Kidney Trouble Spoil Your Life. Rexall ' Kidney Treatment with Extract of Malt tonic builder for old and Agreeable to the most del- stomach. Price $1.00 bottle. .P.R. Ticket Office INTERNATION- AL BARN RED For Bamaandall Dries overni ht with a hard ace that withstands much wear. Mr. 'Alex. Morton reshingled roofs for Mr. John Cuï¬â€˜, north of Hutton HT“, and for Reeve Hunt, Durham Road, last week. Messrs. Willie Edge and Roy Lamb bought the last of their lumber from W elbeck on Saturday. Mr. Herb. HOpkins has erected new garage for his car. Spent. Sunday familv. tor for whoavéork, furniture, floors, LACQUERET The .dainty decora- The immaculate white enamel. Thursday, June 1, 1922. L J with the McCracken