West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1922, p. 3

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Conrad Koehlar -was assessed $400 business assessment. This business assessment is based on the part of the building used for an office. Mr. Koehl'ar swore he had no ofi‘ice, nev- er had one, never did a business in any part. of his house. He had no agencies, had not sold any automoé biles, and would not sell any this ' year. The council accepted the sworn statement of Mr. Koehlar and reduced his business assessme‘t from $400 to $100.. . A few other small changes were made in,the Assessors’ Roll. ‘ I ' 111811188 elfâ€"Lu" U].â€" uau 55“: rag- sessment Boll as corrected and a- Council met in the Township Hall, Ayton. on Monday, May 29, at 10 am. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair. Filsingerâ€"Barberâ€"That the min- utes of the -last regular meeting as read he adoptedâ€"Carried. The Clerk gave the oath of office to each r'nember of the Council for the Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. There were four appeals against the As» essors Roll namely: John Marshall, Joseph Schoen, John Thompson and Conrad Koehler. The first three appeals were dis- missed. Poss '2le no other part of the world gives up to its people a greater expanse of country for recreation purposes than Canada. From the Atlantic to the Pacific large tracts of territory have been set aside by the Dominion or Provincial GO\ anthemsâ€"great unspoiled kingdoms. where nature and beauty vie with each other, where bird and animal life 15 unmo‘w ed,a11d where everything is as nature planned 1t. Just what this means to mortal man it is difficult to estimate, but it 11:17.3 ;cs life worth wln' e for those who embrace the Opportunity of spending their vamtiOn in these great open spaces. These p191 ygrounds are, in addition, a great national asset, as thousands of tourists annually from all parts of the world ucxs ip with us at our scenic shrines. Of the great Canadian National Parks, Jasper Park, which has an m of 4,400 square miles, is without a peer In fact. it is doubtful if anfihere in an equal area such mountain scenery and wonder features can be foundâ€"ma}estxc peaks. snowfields and glaciers, deep canyons and mighty rivers on every hand. jasper Park Lodge is at present being constructed and will be ready for the reception of this year's tourists. It will be operated by the Canadian National Railways. Thursday, June 8, 1922. NORMAN BY COUNCIL E-Iiliex â€"Ba1 herâ€"That the 1 equest of Charles Damm and uthms to place a weigh scales on the highway at lot 11.0011. 6, east 01 the chguch sheds, be. grantedâ€"Carried. F ilsingerâ€"Barherâ€"«T hat the ten- ders of the Stratford Bridge Com- pany for the three bridges which were advertised, be accepted for the sum of $4,700, said bridges to be com- pleted not later that October 1, 1922. momiod by the. Court of Revision be accepted as correct, less palpable errors.â€"-â€"Carried. Millerâ€"Barberâ€"That Albert Pfefâ€" fer be appointed poundkeeper in the place of George Gerhardt, resigned. -Carried. Barberâ€"lVIillerâ€"Jl‘hat the Tennis Ciuir be given the privilege of using. a part. of the township park as a tennis court.â€"â€"Carried. John Rowan, balance salary as As- sessor, $75.00; J ohn‘ Rowan, extra work re dog tags, $3.00; Thomas Der... by, 40 rods wire fence, $10.00; Maurâ€" ice Culliton, 40 rods wire fence, ,810; A. O’Farreltl, 6 rods'Wire fence, $1.50; The Clerk was instructed to order four road drags from the Sawyer- Massey Company, Hamilton. This will give two drags for every road division, where they must remain. The following accounts were paid on motion or Milieuâ€"Ovens: ‘"‘b~. ’ n ' _ l Council meeting at date, $17. 50; C ‘up and signed by the Reeve and MI. Helm $1111.01) reds wire fence, $17.25; 79 10115 \xiie fence, $19.15; J H111 --â€"Carr1ed The requisition of the Police Vilâ€" Commissiimers, looking after Town- lage Trustees was received by the ship business: Reeve $5.00, Filsinger Council, requesting that the sum of $2.50, Barber $2.50, total $10.00; H. 5520000110 levied on the rateable (-ierhardt. repair road, $3.60; J. Reh- property of the Police Village to kept, balance account cleaning But meet current expenses for the year ditch. $1.00; Jacob Schn-ell, 1'81””ng 1922. 102d grader, $18:50: Ed. Maes, 8 yds. gravel, 1921, 800.; O. G. \Vidmeyer, advertising Court of Revision, $4.00. printing bills for ,Police Village Trustees, $1125, total $8.25; Reeve, Treasurer and Clerk, making state- ment for Provincial Highways De- partment re grant of 20 per cent., and in which Twp. got $2,210.00, $20. Council adjourned, to meet in the Township Hall, Ayton, on TUESdaY: June 27, at 10 am, for general busi- BESS. “*â€" -A- A _-A-- A.- --.- «upâ€"n “it“ In -â€"R". H. Fortune, Clerk. meeting, $18.90; B. Gibson, use Wilsonâ€"McDougaldâ€"That the fol- lowing accounts he paid: Municipall World, supplies, $3.87; George Calâ€" der, sheep injured, $10.00; Alex. Ross, sheep killed and injured. $57 .00; John Sinclair, inspecting sheep, $2.;00 J D. Roberts, use of Hall for judicial Purposes, $5.00 W. A. Reeves, bal- ance of salary, $25. 00, postage $2 00; Members of Council, inspecting bridges, $17.00; members of Council, attendance and mileage, COUQCI: 0 room, $2.00.â€"Carried. On Tuesday Crown Attorney Dixon of Walkerton was notified that Dora Kate Hall of Tara had committed suicide the day previous by cutting her throat with a razor. As she was mentally unbalanced and had been ordered to an asylum, an inquest was not deemed necessary. TARA WOMAN GUT HER THROAT isylnms, an inquest The best home treatment for necessary. ' Rheumatism, Sciatica or Neuralgia ---.--â€"-â€"- ‘ is T. R. 0.8, and for Asthma and Bron- »ies cry when Some chitis is RAZ-MAH. Guaranteed. m. ._ ~ Sold by S. MaoBeth Council met May 29,‘ members ,all present, minutes adopted. Comr. ‘Wilson repOrted eXpendi- ture to the amount of $18.25 for road improvement in this division. Comr. McDougald reported ex- penditure to the amount of $37.63 in his division; fees $4.50. Comr. Allan reported expenditure to the amount of $71.05 in his divi- sion; fees $5.00. The Council formed into a Court of Revision on Assessment Roll 1922 with .the ReeVe in the chair. Mem- bers subscribed to the required de- cla1ation. There were two appeals presented against assessments viz. John T. Brown, owner of G. A. Con. 19, and Lot1, Con. 20. Complaint, as- sossed too high. Peter Daly, owner 01 Lot7, Con. 20, complaint, assessed too high. No reduction in the as- sessment of either appeals was made. ‘Comr. Groat reported expenditure to the amount of $59.17; fees $4.00. Preperty changes .-â€"Thos. Boakes, owner, Lot pt. 9, Con. 18; Janet Mcâ€" Meeken, OVV ner, Lot E. 8, Con. 3; Ann Jane Lamont, owner, LOt 9, Con. 9; DaVid Eccles, ownei, Lot 6, Con. 16; Maitha Reid and Petei Reid, owners, Council resumed, By-laws. were passed appointing Sheep Valuators in divisions Nos. 4 and 5.; authoriz- ing the Reeve and Treasurer to her- row money from the Bank of Mont- real providing for expenditure on township roads under the provision oi" the Ontario Highways Act. The Court. then adjourned to meét again in the afternoon of next 888-. $3011 of Council. ‘ Greatâ€"Allanm-In reference to the eti‘inimunication from the Clerk of Proton 'l‘ownsliip udvising that a grant of $75.00 had been made by Proton Council to be expended on Egremrmt and Proton town line beâ€" tween Con. '7 and 8, Proton, provid- ing Egremont Council supplement same, that this Council supplement the grant made by Proton. Council, providing Egremont’s grant is ex- 1.>(;_~mled between Cons. 9 and 10 Eg- remtmt.â€"-Carried. W ilsonâ€"-â€"l\ch0ugaldâ€"-In reference to the account from the Royal Alex- andra Hospital at Fergus, re E. Sills, that. an onlor be drawn on the Trea- surer to the amount of $22.50.â€"â€"~Car. A (hitnitatien eensisting of a num- ber of the ratepayers from the north part 01‘ the township waited on the Council stating the advantage of the read known as the Cement Road to the ratepayers of that part Of the '1‘0\\'11s11ip, and requesting the Counâ€" cil tn eensider the matter of making a grant toward the purchase 01' this road. ' \\"i l senâ€"M thmgal lâ€"That Deputy Reeve Allan interview the parties. concerned in the matter of this road and rewrt at next. meeting of the Cmincil.-â€"Car1‘ied. A delegatien representing thO'VVOâ€" men’s Institute waited On the Counâ€" cil requesting certain improvements to be made to the monumental plot. McEaclleI‘nâ€"J\\7-ilsonâ€"l'l‘hat Conn- cillor Gmat, 'D. Allan and J. R. Philp be a commillee to attend to the mat- ter of having the necessary improve- ments made to the monumental plot. -â€"-Carriecl. McDuugalkâ€"Allanâ€" That subject to the approx 211 of the plans. and speâ€" cifications by the Government and also subject to the conditions under which the cattle pass was construciâ€": ed at Lot 17, Con. 6, that the follow- it g mmtracts be let to Alex. Hill, Mt. Forest, viz... piecing abutments under the bridge known :as Porter’s 10th sideroacgl; the construction of a new bridge on Con. 14; the construction of a cattle pass at Lot '17, Con. 6, .and i the repairing of the abutment of the D1 ury br,idgo contracts to be dienn up and signed by the Reeve and Mr. 1 Hill .-â€"Carried. Wilsonâ€"McDougaldâ€"That the fol- lowing accounts he paid: Municipal? World, supplies, $3.87; George (131- der, sheep injured, $10.00; Alex. Ross, sheep killed and injured, $57.00; J Ohn The requisition of the Police Vilâ€" lage Trustees was received by the Council, requesting that the sum of $200.00 be levied on the rateable property of the Police Village to meet current expenses for the year Council adjourned to meet Tues- day, June 27, at 10 o’clock am. for the transaction of general businesS and to resume the Court of Revision. Court Opens at 2 o’clock p.111. . EGREHONT conned. â€"-\D. Allan, Clerk. (our own correspondent.) Mrs. Thomas MoAJister received word from Portland, Oregon, of the death of her father, Mr. William Rutherford, in his 90th year. Mr. and Mrs. Donald‘McIlvride‘ and Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp, Mrs. John Marshall, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mrs. William Porter, Mrs. Thomas McAJister Mrs. John Morice and Mrs. T. Byers attended the mission- ary com ention in- Arthur on Tues- day‘ of last week. Mrs. Smith and Miss Jean Maid- ment, of Toronto, attended the fun- eral: of the late Aaron Vollett. Miss Mitchell, who is engaged in missionary work, is expected to take charge of the seryices in Dromore and Knox Churches on Sunday next, and Dr. Gandier of Toronto will of- ficgate the following Sunday. Miss Caswell of Flesherton Visite‘d over the vs eek-end with her sister, Miss R. I. Cass ell, teacher in No.1 Normanby. v.â€" o v ‘AAC UllUu. Mr. James and Miss Belle Lothian of Dromore attended service last Sunday in Knox Church. Mr. James Petty has the foundaâ€" tion built for his new driVing shed. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAlister left Monday morning to attend the funeral of a relative in Fergus. CLEVER (.OWBOY STAR COMING IN NEW PLAY Buck Jones, one of the cleverest cowboy actors and greatest riders on the screen is coming here in his lat- est William Fox picture, “The One- Man Trail” He Will be at the Veter- an Star Theatre toâ€"morrow and Sat- urday nights, June 9th and 10th. The story revolves around elopoment of Buck’s sister in play. Buck follows to bring ho ck, falls in loxo on the Vs ay, North-East Normanby. OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED Goods Delivered In Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. - JOHN MCGOWAN ..,.1 ‘1 .-< the the her and rouowfifl " MOTHER’S mos K e s s o c k , ’ Saskatchewanâ€"“My mother has taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound and upon learning of my troubles advised me to try it, as I 3:; seemed all run down after the flu,‘ , and had some trou- ' bles such as women are apt to have. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege-_ table Compound “ and Lydia B. Pink- ham’s Blood Medicine and used the Sanative Wash. Also Dr. Brown’s Capsules and Prescription and am so much better .in every way. I am will- ing for you to use my letter as a testimonial as I recommend your medicines.”-â€"-Mns. IRENE NELSON, Kes- sock, Saskatchewan. When backaches and headaches drive out all ambition, when that bearing-down sensation attacks you, when you are nervous and blue, the one great help for such ailments is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound. nm'ls with some thrilling and hu- morous incidents and accidents. Buck and his horse Blondy give some 1an entertainment in man scenes. The cowboys also give an exhibition of some “treat ’Cm rough" slufi‘ in a farewell send-off to Buck. Took Lydia E. Pinkhun’s Vegetable Comfmumlâ€"Now Enjoys Good Health Beatrice Burnham is Jones‘ leading woman. Mun mu '

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