West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1922, p. 6

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~Adlam and Angus McCormick, and .‘ persons asking their dogs to be struck off the roll. Hewittâ€"Baileyâ€"That assessment , _ of John Bailey be reduced $50.â€"Gar. ‘ ' McDonaldâ€"Hewitson-That assess- A BBNTINGK COUNCIL Council met May 29, with members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adapted. Council met as a Court of Revi- sion of the Assessment Roll 1922. Appeals were received from John “In my younger days,” said Darwin, “I was deeply religious. The Sabbath and its services were a delight to me. But I made my mind a ‘kind of machine for grinding out laws in the material world, and my spiritual nature atrophied.” If Darwin had kept a place in his life for Sabbath services he could not have spoken thus of his spiritual nature. Are you, dear friend, desecrating the Sabbath with your mind? 0 day to sweet religious thought So wiselw set apart, Back to the silent strengthof life Every year certain "Queries” are addressed to each Quaker congregatiim, and the answers sent. to the yearly meetin‘r. They inclmh- such questiims as. "Is mutual love and good will main- tained within you? Is tale-bearing discouraged“? etc." A new gun-sign“ ‘uns like this: "1):; yen who are employers see that the hours ”1' pmploygigs are kept within limits which permit due time for 5109;). for study and for reiaxation? Are your factories 1:,1-i_;1_.._~1~1y guarded with safety devices and sanitation? etc" ‘ Thorn aw sumo facts that. carry their own plain n‘ all, and new! no cnz‘nnufrnt tn unfm'co or confirm them: (me ymmg \wman, a mothug-picturo actress, paic comp tax nu an annual salary of 85.25.0011. In Los . San Francism and Oakland cumbineail thew are 1:35 tc‘j-I'ian pastors. with their assistants. and that same cost. $486,101 to pay; a I 01‘ Hw'u' safigrios and the. cost 0 It. is. estimated that out of (ivory thousand babies born in India 250 die lml’ore thoy are one your ot‘ ago. That. means two million» babies. dio evoi‘y your. live thousand mory day! And why this terrible mortalily‘.’ \Voll. if you saw the poor babies and their poor mt'itlioi's. you wuulcl wontlm' why so low (lit). \Vith under- fed mothers. many lmx'v no Vitality. A little cotton shirt and string of beads «to 1M. koop ”no warm whon thou: is frost on the grouml. such as wo haw in the Punjab. At six or sox'on months they lit-gin to oat whatowx‘ tlw rest of tho. family is catin". \thitowi' thoy cry for lhm got: and then. when they become littlt1 Skeletons from chronic «ll: i-i'hrwa. tho mother says: -a-ws-‘. â€".«-â€" u‘r‘. “Some am has 0? >t an mil me on 111} Guild." -â€")fiss LI. A. Allen M..D. T. 1., Richards <m's 11111 1.:1'111111151 1111111111 in 111111111 :1 church is lack 111' 111111 _ 1.1.;1ixi11'.) 811'1111.?1)1'1‘11311S 11111111111: 1amili111'5 1111 not 8111131: 111 111111.111 1:11 1'11111. ”11111 sn11'1111111111'1111r 111115 {.111 0111 111111.18 11111.1 1111311915 011111 111 1111 S111?” 111 1111111111111111~1111111'ati1111 and brotherlx 10111. 1115111111 011111112115 111111 1'11 111111111 11) 1.111 81111111 111'5‘1â€" class fun- erals,â€"-1111. 11111 111 1111115. 11111 111' 11111113 111111 11111113. ”11111 Indians huri1111 11113 11:111'11111: \\11 111181111115 1111:1111 11.1 11111'}' 0111' projudiccs. 911111111115 211111 quarto 1115. 11111111 11111111211 51:11 111111 “111111 5111111111 1.10 no 1103511111111 111' a resurrection. But 111 011111511 this 91:1111 111' 111111115 (10115 1101 exist in your church. 111:111.~.~ it? "Sumo pmplv aw hindered from studying the Bililn (lovntionâ€" ally hecz‘mso the-y a?» afraid it) (10 so. Ono any whiln in India two ynunr: mwn said M us: ‘If we study the Bible in this way. W0 nro afraid it will wmpnl us to ahamlon 0111‘ plan of entering (“JVPI'DHN‘IU spp‘yfl’p. {Uh-i f0 (lPVUtP ourselves to ChI‘lSi i8.“ \YOPk.” A Mrvhnmnieulan student in Egypt told us that, if he studied the Biblv in this way in: woulduham to boconm a Christian. In another placn a ymng man said it would makn it. necessary for him f0 f-ri‘ve up a (‘Pl‘taill bml habit. Afraid of tho light! HOW unscientific. unschnlarly and cowzu'dly.”â€"John R. Mott. 8.. H*l?‘?1C'é’ the nifwi to place Bibles in hotel rooms. There are ap- proXImntoly mamosalosmon on the road on thls contmont. and probably thron nnlhon hotel bedrooms, so the field 15 large. Near the mouth of the River Thames there is a channel through which Vessels can only he piloted with great skill. During :1 gale a tlagstaff 0n the tower of a certain church was blown down. The church Officials clecidml not. to put. it up again. 50011 a 14‘!"v\'ez‘nnieii‘t official went before them and said: “The pilotage of the Thames is impossible Without the flag- stafl’. For years pilots have taken their hearings from that staff. “"62 cannot «filo without it." x The flagstatf was replaced. The church officials didn’t realize that Precious li'yes and cargoes were shaping their course by “ Vliat iS tho lonoliost place in tho \1 1111111?” asks the “61119011." The auSwvr it: .:i\11S iSâ€"tho l111t1l bmtroom. "'t‘hoso who kuou it host 1111.1 the commercial travellm's. many of whom S1j111111'l 60 1101' 1111111. ot' their time in *119 hotel bedroom. far from H1111: homes 1111! 1‘1tuti111S.'l'hoy know it S droarineSS and iSolati1111. itS 1111\111tv 111 Swial intmcourse and opportunity, itS 1111111111111» 111 outlook 111113 1111lit'tin" influonL'OS. "It 1S :1 lomlinoSS 11x11ggt 11111111 ‘115 sumptuous furnishingS. by tho l113Stl1'1 11ml 1:1111111111ti1111 wt ’11 """ ' 111l< 111‘ 11111111111 all about 0110.113' the \011'1‘12111111St a111l \\'oll-ixztoiitiotio1l oil‘oI‘tS ot mama; ommitS to croato tho homo-likv atmoSphorn \xhich cannot. be manufut- furor! or 111111111111 without the presence of family 01- rel-atix'es or friends." “.t“ v“- "" v‘ IIP L‘“ 11 \J KiLll‘T' l.’\ that. fla_stafl. Neither can we finalize in this lite who is taking their heal 11133 to 11031911 or hell by 0111* ttitude t0 the church. D. L. Moody. whose great good sense made his religion an everyday employment. once met an evangelist. and as the elec- tion was coming on. he asked him: ' “What. is the politival ("illilook'3u “I don‘t know anything about. the political outlook,” was the reply, “my citizenship is in heaven.” “Better get. it clown to earth for the next. sixty days,” was the vegy gmphaticlzanswer of Mr. Moody. _ "J \.---l:,-_“--- .w---_- .. a . v- u: L . 'JLUHU) . . . . . He behevefid‘ that a man who shirked hlS duty 1n thls. 11fe wasn’t a good candmate for the next. life. ' ._ _-------..{â€" ~3an v 1pm., MIL-7.. uuULL uuuqucuucu to the friend‘whe had joined her bf the exceeding dull ess of the sermon. “Yes. merpma, but it was very cheap,” little Jimmy hastened to say. "3 on only pald a penny for it.” in: all 01' their chm-clips fur a whole year. In other \VOl'tilS, this one little mm'ie actrvss mmod mmugh money in one yealfito pay‘ttm salaries‘ M‘ 1333 Presbficrian preachers and keep 153') Presbyterian churches in Operatinu. and then have left as pin nu‘n‘wy for hérsclf the modest sum 0f $34,800. BPtheP onoo said: “That is a fine looking horse. Is he as good 3 he looks 2’" “'91s was the ropIy. “ho will work in any place- .le Put him” “I wish he was a mombcr of my church,” said 390911915 On her wav home from morning service, Mrg. chtt_pomplajned ‘kn ’n‘Anr-I. "vkn hurl AAAAA J L Helb'th'bh my waverihg heart! ,1 arm. a mum. ;;â€"pi('furp 30111135,. paid an in- 11 111mm! 53! an of 8.323.000.. 111 LLS) Angeles. 11111;! Oakland 1" 11111111011 thew are 1:3") Pl‘vsbyâ€" \xith H1011 1~~1~f"1ts. {11111 that same 3.1)111‘ it 1111" :11: 111 H11 '11 $3.1m 105 and the cost 111‘ carry- i i3, 5 . râ€"vv. vutll 'I‘urnbquâ€"â€"McDonaldâ€"â€"That the following ratepayers have their dogs struck 011‘ the roll on condition that the: tags be returned to Clerk: W. D. Hopkins, Alex, Campbell, R. Sharpe, F. McCuaig, J.-Turnbull, J. McDougall, J. Russell, J. Miller, B. Brigham, G. Sharpeâ€"Carried. l accepted as revised, and that five 1’3 adjourn as Court of Revision and AA“- - ment of Angus McCormick be re- duced $100. â€"Carried. luvs-sage reâ€"ogen' for general busineSs._â€"â€"{lar. -v 'rvâ€" -7 â€"vâ€" “w â€" -â€"W W.- Turnbull::.Bailey~Tbat M1118 Patterson, solicitors on behalf of Mrs Wildfang, having served notice to the Clerk asking for a rebate in taxes of 1921 on account of prOperty being deStroyed by fire; the Council hav- ing received advice from the Town- ship solicitor, A. B. Currey, that the Council were not liable for a rebate of taxes, the Clerk to serve notice to that effectâ€"Carried. Hewitsonâ€"TurnbulIâ€"That Cle k notify the Government officials of the condition of Camp Creek, caused by the Russell Company’s stone- crushing plant at Durham dumping waste mate-rial into the creek, there- by creating a public niusance.-â€"-Car. McDonaldâ€"Baileyâ€"That Sideline 14, W'.G. 1., be assumed by the town- ship as a connecting‘link bet-ween (1011.10 and Prm‘incial Highway. the Re eme to h aw. charge of said read.â€" Carried Hewitson-â€"Bu i layâ€"That, J. Urstadt be appointed as pathmaster in Elm;- wood, as Mr. W. 'G. Hastic .1‘esigned. -â€"~C:1rried. The folibwing accounts were paid: Div. NH. 1. (DJ. McDonald).â€"-D.J. McDonald. insmcting, $1.50; F. Hang, removing lugs, $3.50; A. Symons, re- moving lugs. $5.50; .1. McDougall, moving drags, $1.00; D. .I. McDonald, grading I)i\'. N0. 1. $179.30; 31. Camp- }wll, 11,4; days. $3.75; R. ML‘Cnslin, 2 days, $5.00; Cross 6‘: Sutherland, stumping pomâ€"101', $13.40; J. Pratt, Wasting slumps. $5.25; G. “Wormim‘, wasting stumps. $5.12; 11. Mighton, 51011113730: A. Fletcher, culvert. $1.50: 1’. McQuam‘iD. staming. 31.25; R. White. thawing and 1..»lru:ing cul- vert, $8.00: J. Dirstein. tile. 35.10; H. Dunn, washnut, $6.00; W. Cooke. washout. $360.0111v01't. $1.25; W. 1). Connor. tile. $21.00. Div. 2 (Jamps TprnbuIIfâ€"F. Cuff, washout, $2.50; A. MUM-anywashout, $2.50: G. Mighton. 11qu day. team, $2.25; W. Torry. half day, man. $1.25; .I'. Milligan, ‘2 days. man, $5.00; Jas. Milligan. '3 days. team, S900; (2. Hail- ey, gravel. $27.62; A. Griersmn 4 hours, Ham. S180: R. Mightvm, ston- il 5!. 31.73;.1. 'J‘m‘nbull. 21/; days, S7330 J. Turnlmll. gx‘zuiing accnum, $24.80. Div. 3 (U. Bailey; .â€"â€";D. Burgess, Deering McCormick Implements and Wagons Tudgppe-Anderson‘ Farm Implements and Wégons Intematignal‘ Speed and Freight Trucks, Trac- '-"'â€"aâ€"â€" tors, Engines and Threshers. Gibson Silo Engines, Cream Separators, Fillers. BARN and STABLE EQUIPMENT Louden Hay and Litter Carriers Stable and Barn Tools Bayne and Tudhop e Buggies International Cream Separators Call or phone and save eXpense of .CanVassers " Full Line of Repairs Carried J M NOBLE BLACKSMITHING PRICES DOWN lVUDLIL‘J » '. 5 g . . ; VARNEY ONT. “I “EVERYTHING IN FARM MACHINERY” -' I gravel, $18 50; 3.1. Park and others, gravelling, $126.25; W Bailey and others, gravelling, $27 .;62 G. Ringle .and others, draw mg and placing culvert, $3.48; 0. Bailey, gravel, $14.- 30; F. Schmitt and others, gravelling $81.45; C. Bailey, hiring-men, $1.50; 0. Beiley, moving drags, $2.25. Div. No. [1 (J. Hewitson).â€"-J. W‘eidâ€" endorf, 15 hours, drag, $6.75; G. Rinâ€" gle, culvert, 83.18; F. Schultz, remov- ing logs, 2.50.; D. Hewitson, 7 hours, team, $3.15; E. Monk and others, sinkhole, $33.10. 1 Miscellaneousâ€"S. Hopkihs, mov-i ing grader, $3.00; J. Parke, grease, $1.00; C. Schaab, repairs, 50c.; J.‘ VVhito, moving grader, $4.50; R. Led- ingh'am, evener, $1.00; G. Fischer, owner, $1.00; J. Turnbull, bolts, 270.; J."1‘urnbull, committee, $1.50; D. J. McDonald, committee, $1.50; H. \V. Hunt, committee, $1.50; H. W. Hunt, unioading grader, $51.50; G. T. Rail- way (30., freight, $16.20; H. W. Hunt. pimning. 25:14 One 11113011113." of Counâ€" CiL 315-0021’I'ed Jarklin, Elmwood Priceviile Fox C0 Priceville. Ont. at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. .Ten years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. Silver Black Foxes A limited number of shares for sale in x U0, Limited school debentures, $308 ..98 HewitsOnâ€"Turnbnllâ€"That Council adjourn to meet on Monday, the 25th June, for transaction of general bus- iness. J. H. Chittick, Clerk. A young man who was recently married thought that as a pleasant diversion for his Wlie he would take her to a little lOdglng-house Where he used to spending holidays. He told her he particularly wanted to go there, as they served such lovely hone?r at each .meal. The happy coup e arriveduus‘t m_t1me for tea, so the young husband escorted his wife proudly to a table in the din- ing-room, then glanced round the board. There was no honey on the table, and none in the room. Very much surprised, he called a waiter. “Here,” he said, “I am rather disap- pointed. Where’s my honey?” The waiter, at a less what to say, finally leaned over the table and said in a stage whisper: “She doesn’t work here now.” Renfrew Cream Separator Turns easy. Guaranteed to do the work. We carry a full line of repairs for Frost Woow and Cockshutt Farm Machinery. , Look yours over, and if you require any, now is the time to put your machinery. in shape. J SGHUTz, x Durham 7 We can quote you a price on any Farm Machinery that will interest you. We also carry a stock of ADAMS WAGONS BRANTFORD BUGGIES Unexpected. . Cockshutt Plows Harrows, Cultivators, Etc. 'f 33‘. We handle the only self-oiling Separator on the market.

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