West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1922, p. 5

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Traverston. (Our own correspondent.) June weddings, picnics, convenâ€" tions and sports would leave little time for the manifold farm duties, if um;- were able to take ’em all in. ’Txvas a pleasant. surprise to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan when theé-c first-born, Patrick, frbm Detroit, (ltOpped in on Thursday of last week and remained till Monday morm \Iiss gf\Iayme Halex and \Iiss Liz- zie S.“ eeney came up from Toronto on Saturday evening to the parental homes. This communitv is a unit in ex- ten iing \em best \xishes and con- "Ilf111“h“fl~ to Mr. Lawrence Mc- Fadden and Miss Kate McNallv on their happy union. The fair bride has been one of Ziox’z’s real helpers in Leagui‘: and Sunday School. May their pathway lead midst the flowers and sunshine. \Iiss Mutle ‘IcC!01:k11n arrived 110m» Irom the Queen Citv on \V ed- 11951111} of last, week .. \â€" No ‘~-v )1 1'. Jnhn O'Neil unwed down to Paris on Friday, returning Sunday c‘»’exling. ‘ Mr. J. J. Part is. away to uwen Smnul this week serving as jurnr. Mrs. \V’ililnm Timmins and her sister. Mrs. Albert McNally, Visited the parental home at. \‘umlvlcur one day recently. The barn-raising at. Mr. Jamrs Duuhar's «m Monday aftcrncmu was a most. successful atfair. Mr. Harry Grzn the: frame! had cwrvthingr in line shape and the timbers snugh titted. 3195315 John O Neil and 0\iv .~\no‘irr.-<o;>n wm'ew captains and the raw was a rinse mm. the) latter winning"r by a rafter. Miss Rem’rccu Banks nf '1"n1‘unt@ is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. M. Smith. Mr. Cwil Ireland and his sistm' Roma. Missvs Velma and Iiensy Iro- laml. and Miss Glenna Canufiwll of Mulmm'. spvnt Sumlay owning at the l‘lxlwams hnmcstcad. on Friday last, and, but for lack of material, would have completed it in a day. 'l‘nny wow :2 lively scorv of fol- lows. who rushed up two-thirds of nur home faimndatiun in svwn hours. )Ir.Bi1ks Robertson and his sister Mabel, Miss Exa Lummins and Mr. G. Edgar. 01 P.11.)l1>$\\orth. motoied 1111 on Saturday evening to Mr. \V. J. Greenwood's. bringing Grandpa Greenv 1101! back f1 om his Visit. A \1: rx happx \\ eddina: took [313001 at? oclock at the manse. Markdale ' on Flidfl} atternoon, “hen the Rex. 'l‘hurburn-Conn united in marriage Mr. Harold Watson of the 8H1 Con-r session and Miss Maggie McKechnie of the 101.11. After the. ceremony the young; couple drove to the home of her brother, \Viil. Where a big com- pally and a sumplunus feast awaited them and a full night of mirth and gayoly followm‘l. Harold is a veteran nf tlm world war and Miss )‘laggie is a clever home-maker. They will re- sido on tho Watson homestead. Mr. Sam Patterson of Egremont was :1 must of Grunge E. Pcart’s part. of last. week. The first. [wet to be dressed in (110 10L a1 limet'-I‘im: was sumâ€" Hod Px‘ Mr. J. J. Poart and she «Il‘nssml’ 14 711’s. Zionites were well pleased to have their pastor. Rev. C. G. F. Cole, back for the" 5th year. Therp is to be a paint-brush bee up at Zion‘s big shed on Thursday, putting on sumo fancy adoring on the cornice and gables. -\n went of local historical interest: was the family re-union 0f the mem-P ’bers of the Thomas Anderson family at tho hum) of their brother Irving. on the 4th Concession, on Tuesday evening of last, week. The members of the family present. were: Mes- dnmes George and Duncan Simpson from Vancouver. Mrs. Grant from Toronto, Mrs. Mantell from Tillson- burg, and James from Medicine Hat. The cdnsins present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. William Well- wood from Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson from Bramp- ton. They spent a happy time and a big throng of noighbors renewed the friendship of bygone year‘s. The whole C011iltl'}'3i(1£? is deeply interested in the uninn of the Edit- or‘s daughter. Miss Rita and the man of her choice.' Possessing rare mu- sical ability and a nature most 10vâ€" ahle. she has won a very high place in the esteem of both town and country folk. Miss Catharine McLean had a bi thdax partv last Saturdav and the children around here report haxing agood time. . . Mrs. Smflh Ewen spent Sunda} with her sister, Mrs. John McKechâ€" nie. .0_f_ Glenroad‘ir}, , . ”4..- {Our owd correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lauchie McLean. 131:“ UL. \‘l‘ll LL 'J‘Qw- 3Ir§. 'TAi‘chie 3IcKechme ceIebrated her seventieth birthday by gixing a pmty to her friends and neighbors, and they all hope she will live to Rocky Saugeen. Thursday, June 15, Dead is. away to Owen ml enjoy many-more birthdays. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Watson spent Sunday with their son at Welbeck. Mr. 21nd Mrs. James Laxxrence and dang hter Sadie spent a day last week in 0“ en Sound. Wé hepc Mr. John Braun’s twins will soon be better as they have been very sick lately. Corner Concerns. Our own correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker drove 0x 01 tn Brussels to attend the mar- ringe oi their niece. Miss May Gras- b} to a Mr. Bradshan of that part, this Lith day of June. As the bride is known in this pait, her friends here will wish to extend congratu- lations. A.‘ \Iiss Jane McCallum of Toronto, #110 is spending a fortnight with rolatixos in Durham and Vicinity, is Visiting; with Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker. It is her first Visit here since sho started in tho profos .51 on 01 DUPSO. ’l‘ho rains last Week have wry much improved the appearance of all kinds 0f cron. Things 100k well at. pl‘f‘SCIlt . We are pleased to report Mr. Ken- 11nll1 \llan well on the road to recovâ€" «my but he will miss his examina- tion. \V’nx-k cm the roads has started in this, part, but principally \xith the ;:"I‘:Him . 1111:: [1:111 is :111 1‘X1'il1m11111 over 11111 111111;. 11:11 11011-1 4111s 1111 1111mm. '1‘h11 311111111115 01 11.1111151- \\ 1711111 11111 lame 11.111 :1 11111111131 \\ as made 101° police 1-\1~1‘11111‘ 111 011111? 11111 (31111111131111 such 1.111111191111111115. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. H. Crass and sun. Mr. William Cross, ut’ Hannvm’, \‘isitml I'Cvontly with the fnrmvr‘s Sister, Mrs. \V. A. Livingston. L_- 5‘. v -â€"-C~vvâ€"â€"' Mr. and M15. (ngn Mom vn Edith and Master Gmdon, of Lam- lash, Spent. Ina. Sunday afternoon at Mark meylfs av- HIS.c Mr. John Alexander and sister. Miss Mary, were \‘iSitOI‘S «m Sunda}~ last. at Robert .hmnsmn‘s. Misses Meryl Langrill and Myrtlv Lawrence. of Hutton Hill, visited thv first 01‘ tho week with their cou- sin. Miss Annie Lawrence. MP. \\'0310}' Rosebomugh and WifP 0f near Durham were Visitors at Mr. Mark Mm'vyn's one day this week. 311'. and Mrs. A. F ultcm and family of Humpdon were Sunday visitors at 311‘. Robert, .’lohnstnn‘s. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clark T orry, Mr. Gen. and Miss Hazo] of Mulock, called on 3111‘s.”“11111‘s‘sparm1ts Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘h1‘1mus Bailoy. one (111} last \V eek. Mrs. (marge Homjorson 0f Hamp- «lou is spending a fortnight with her daugl'lter, Mrs. R. .It:)hr‘xst.0n. Miss Mary Bailey has returned home from Tommto, whore she has spent the past. few mnnths. and in- tmuls to remain hnme fur the sum- mm: Statute labor is under way and the beginning of this in this burg. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Margaret. Marshall of the Base Line, Normanby, was operated on last Friday by Dr. (‘lrovos of Fergus. W30 umlorstaml that. hor consolition is not very satisfactory and that. little or no hope is hold out for her rocov- ery. Mr. Dawson Marshall. Miss R. I. (Liaswell. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace, .112, were in F loshorton on Sunday. Mr. James Potty raised his driving shed on Friday night. The struc- ture is a big one and will be a credit. to the community. Miss Mitchell. Field Secretary of the \VMS. of the Presbyterian Church, addressed Knox and Arms congregations on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Smith and daughter Edâ€" na, of Toronto, spent over the week- end at, the. Wallace home. They mo- tored up with Mr. and Mrs. Robin- son. who Visited with the Eden fam- ily at Varney over Sunday. The W.M.S. met this Wednesday at the home of Mrs. David Marshall. Dr. Gandier of Toronto will preach in Knox "Church next Sunday in the interests of the Forward Movement. North-East Normanby. Superior Knitting Mills lelted Mount Forest, Ont. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aljoe return- ed home Tuesday after spending a month with their daughters and. other relatives and friends in Tor- onto. They motored-home by way of Brampton, Orangeville, Grand Valley and Arthur, and made extra good time in a Cadilao car. Mr. Wilbur Anderson or Crawford was a caller at the home of his aunt. Mrs. S. L. McNally, Saturday, on his way to Toronto, where went to spend the week with friends and relati\'es. Mr. and Mrs. John Matheson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Darâ€" lington. motored over from Soutip ampton on Sunday to Visit Mrs. Ellen A. Anderson 01' Crawford. Miss Truax attended the midsumâ€" mer millinery Openings in Toronto 1218! Week. Mrs. Thnmas MCGil‘I‘ is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Watson (Annie), of Galt, this week. Roy. and Mrs. IVIcCax‘ten of Price- ville are moving to Mona Road. “It‘il' new station in the Methodist Church. They will be missed by tlmir many 31"?th 12mm. Mrs. M. McFadden and Miss S. Vollntt visited Hamilton friends this \ ( wk . Mr. and Mrs. James Livingston 0f Humilinn were callers. in town on 'i‘uvszia)’ of last week on their \V' y in (he. Li\‘ing‘sUmâ€"Kuehnsr wedding: :21, Hannvnr (m \\'mliws«.la.\'. 'lf'lmy r<_-_ turned Thursday and worn accum- paniml hnme by Mrs. H. (in. Br'gimm 01' Allan Park, \vlw will Visit Mr :1 ('Hilplc‘ (ii WOL'KS. Miss. Audrey Livingsmn- of the Royal Bank stall' at. Hamilton, Spout mm? the “wok-0nd with Mrs. J. I“. Irwin and other friends and relaâ€" {in-s. 121'. .l. W. Irwin, and Miss R. 11' 311's. .1. Dl‘umnmncil and daughters, 1111111211111 Jemima. 0f Xrbroath Scot- {and 111111.1«1'F1111sclm night, and 111 1111 an 1113111111011 \1511 “1111 (111111 dang-1111111, Mrs. Thomas. 11111111013011. 311'. Hondnrsnn went, to 1111111111131 1:151, “111111 to moot. the boat. on which they sailed to Canada, and acet'1m1:)az1i1-1l them 10 Durham. 131', .l. W, Irwin, and Miss R. 11'- 5.11.1? Heathcote, were present at the 111211'1'i21ge 01' their niece, 3.1135 mm im in. (m l’uemluy. GOOD SERVICE LAST SUNDAY AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH At tlw Sunday Waning svi'Vicv in tin» Haptist (Ilium-ti tlw Iiastni' laiil lwi'm'v his ailsiif‘nt‘t‘ Htl‘t‘t" gt't‘a‘t Quins ~â€"~'lm (111p Hf Salvatiun. the. Clip of iiix'ino lntlimiatitfm and the Clip which tho Father gave. Thv Father‘s (1in had all-warty been drunken by téw incarnatv Son of God (mt. of inâ€" linito love for (lying humanity, in Ht'tit‘l‘ that Ha might thereby fill up ‘lw 4111;» of Salvation for timm. and "-l' whivh thvy might by faith {3211'- take. A clinico lictwemi Ult‘ titlim' ixm Cups is now the part. Of indi “Mual humanity. The usual Horse Fair will be held 1n; 33395, . with a greater number of buyers on hand than usual as there is a better demand for horses. Horse Fair DURHAM 11mm, June 22 Heavy Draught, General Purpose, Express Horses and Chunks of all kinds and conditions. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Allan Park - (Our own Correspondent.) A wide circle of the relatives and friends in Allan Park and surround- ing country have been grieve-d by the death of Mrs. Mark Willis, which occurred last Thursday morning at the age of 64 years and three months. The. funeral took place last Saturâ€" day afternoon at 2 o’clock from her late residence, to the Hanover cemeâ€" tery. She leaves her husband, One son and three daughters to mourn her death, all being at home except. Hazel (Mrs. John Purvis..., who lives on a farm nearby. Those who have known Mrs. Willis, knew her to be Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bailey are spending; the \\'(i‘.(3k-0m;l with Hanover \fricnds. a loving wife and a good and true‘ mother. In her (loath. the home. as well as the community at. largo, has suffered a great loss. Mr. Zenus Clark has the saw-mill here all ready for g0, ml is apt to start any «lay. An exciting time was \\'111'1(.’SS(Z‘!H 11131113, 01111 day 1:151 week. MP. 11111.1 Mrs. Douglas 1111131111111 111111 1111111 13111. 13113- 31111 mothmw 17111111, 10111131111? 11111131111; Ripley, 1111011 which 111111.: 11111111110111 gving 11-: (.111icag11.1h11i11 1111111. 12111 g 1111;: 11111111111 wry 111,311111 3131011 much as if it 11:11] an attack of 111 111111.11111111. It was placed in a box 111111 11111. 111111;; 111111111111 11.1 1111111111111 .1011 11111111111111 (1111. “711, have 11111 111311111 \1'1111'1. 11111111111 111 in 111111 111111111311 11111 last word was that. 1111131111.: \1 as 11111111.; 11110. MI‘. 11111111.; [’11 11:. “out. 111 Owen 81111111] 1:151 1111151111j~c 111 1111111111111 11111 1111111115 1911' juryman. Miss 11191111 lirmllvy 1111? 2111' 2:111" homo 21! 7111111111111 111:1: 1-1". 11111113‘ 1111:: 11:11:: 11.111111 5511111111111: :1 111111111119 halidnys with 111111 1111111119. 111111 1111121â€" mmnnnr. : hnlidnys \\' Iivvs Elm'v. Ml‘f. \Y‘iiliam 3le HH'I‘ 2111:: SW nt mm Hm \xw'k-c ml \‘i! \ V M' and aistnx‘, Mr. and guns. Mrs. IIM‘I). i?1..‘i;.:h21211 is Sitflihilii couple of weeks in Hamiltuzx. \‘i: I'm: friends. there. 1’1 ( I'k Allan Park is only :1 village. What are your health building plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder Who Will aid you and your family to enjoy the days and weeks of the beauti- ful spring. We expect to hear from you. Take Notice I have secured the agen- cy for Wodehouse Ani- mal Invigorator, Baby Chick Food, Poultry Food, . Lice Killer, v etc. We also Sell Zenoleum, the best disinfectant. '8 . . 4T. ‘7. C . . gazinm .1: . tram- pants (3-.‘3~o:":wd today in our Savings Dcpartment will have far gra'cmer purcimsiug gower in the future. C '-.' ; 1‘3“. t1 1 .1: g ‘3' 011 c an 13200111.:2'. Cu 1 tlvate v-._:;1:-.:‘ ;. '3. 1:0. “LO the limit. .J’iCI‘ciâ€"ESG your produciion and 7013' pro- .3. ‘ HM 'x.;.-r1 iii“? “:93 $488,000,000.00 Total Assets Over $33? a a? stigma Ti ..0‘ (vb! D! "9:42- .3. 5; 3,5 attunity five ~car loads‘ of live stock were shipped out. for Toronto last. Saturâ€" day morning. ' A bunch of black-birds were notic- ed acting a little queer on Sunday night at the tipâ€"ton of the Old'hlack- smith ShOp. On crawling up it. was foundihat a squirrel was in their nest and had the head eaten off one bird. The squirrel is counted a harmless little animal on fowl, but it looks to your corei‘spomieni that. they would eat. chickens if hungry enough. The Mystery. We shake our heads and sigh and ' say: “How forward children are (041354" Yet we oremombor wars 300 ’)ur grandiolks criticized us so And used to wonder, as \\ C (10,- Just what the age. was (aiming to. It. seems Lump life’s fleeting stago, Youth is. the mystery of the age. ( IHV'T‘anlO \‘enthcr' causes much Xst‘zima Bmmcilit' .s and Rheumatism Vanuatu run RAZâ€"M \H for Xsth- 171:1.um1"!.'{.£1.s for Rhmlmatlsm are ”‘I‘W’x‘nn Ask 9.3.3381 (th. at. the Rob Roy Mills. Regfioy Grain Prices. \‘jVVn, are 11min” 5 ’30. to 600. for {,mts 1090:: for BarleV, 950. to $100 for Buckwheat, $1.13 t0 82.00 for Peas, and $1.35 to 81.40 for Wheat at 0111* clqvator this week. â€"â€"Rob Roy 3111118 L1mitcd.Durham, Ont. Tho noxl. smsalionnl fortune is 21311;; to be wall by tho.- man who in- vents a sllmking lhl t. luuks as though il, wasn’t ll’lerv and still is pmnf against, mnsquim ult:3.<.7ks.-â€"-â€"\\'ivlliia Eu «:1 v Feed Oats For Sale. Western Feed Oats at 620. a bushel Em” ““éc'fmgvg'vfzaaz 46tf Collier.â€"-In Durham, June 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collier, a daughter. FOR SALE Two good building lots for sale; one on Main Street, the other on Queen Street. Apply to J. A. Brown. Range, for either coal or wood; with \x'arming oven. J .A. Brown. HOUSE FOR SALE A Innig‘liâ€"east house on Bruce SL, well located; quarter acre of gend land; fair stable. Owner intends leaving town and is anxious Lu sell. Inquire at. Chronicle Office. 622 tf I mproyed Train Service DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY LV. Durh: m 7.05 a. m. 3.15 13.111. Lv.I1It. 13:23: 7.38 3.: 1. 3.51. p..m Lv. Palferstm‘. 8.28 3.111. .23 p. m. .1“: Fergufr 9.15 am. 5.05.p.m. " '. more 9.29 am. 5.10 p.m. fl A1“. maelgh 9.45 a.m. 5.36 13.111. Ar. ~z1‘antford Ar. Hamilton Ar. Toronto 131.10 am. an: {m i n. Fur full particulars apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. ., .a' u' 9 HI! mg, it'nfix'c 'i‘(’;)1.'nnf0 6.50 am. gum. Pul'inl' Buffet. Gar Pal- to '1‘<‘n‘0mu on mm'ning train “1;!311 n Jnrnn‘u «=31 evening FOR SAQE BORN 1.00 9.111. 1.00 p.121. PAGE FIVE 7.40 p.m.

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