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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1922, p. 1

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â€"- cwvu u On Thursday of last week Mrs. VV ell- rendered solo. The church will Frank Havens received 21 Mother’s clear betVV een forty and fifty dollars. Cross from Hon. George P. Graham. é Minister of Militia and Defence. in Installed Weighing Scales. '1 ppm-ignition of services performed The latest installation at the Jno. overseas by her son, C. W. Havens, E. Russell plant here, and which was who died a few weeks ago from inâ€" put in service last week, is a weigh- juries receiVed while 0Verseas. The ing scales for weighing the crushed cross is of neat design, of sterling stone before it is shipped out on the 'silVer, and on the back is engraved road. The scale is of iSOâ€"ton capa- the Vonng soldier’s name and regi- city, and with its installation the . mental number. It is accompanied company takes full charge of the is? .- , us card on which the followrng weighing or its products under the . ‘;« ., :‘This cross- is presented Canadian Freight Association rules. The Ladies‘ Aid of Mulock will hold a garo'len mm on Tuesda} Julvll .on Mr. Spence Hopkins lawn, opposite the Baptist Church. Ad- mission '25 and 15 cents. Lunch free. The musical part of the program will be provided. by Hanover talent. Speakers are: Rev. Harris. Rev. Fa- cey and Rev. Aird. Miss McPhail is expected to give an address. A booth and sale of work will be on the grounds, including a silk comforter and quilt. Proceeds for church im- prtwement. Raceived Mother’s Medal. ' A meeting in the interest of lawn tennis was. held at. the armory last 'l‘uesiluy night. but was poorly at- lt‘lu‘h'd and as a consequence no offi- cers were elected. we understand the intention has been to form a local town tennis league. but nothing has as yet been done. It. has been decid- ed. however, to fix up at. least one court on the armory grounds ahd if enough interest is taken in the game another court will be put‘in com- mission at once. Mulock Garden Party. me at. Hn- Town Council on June 5 Thomas Allan, Mayor. I respectfully request MP. Harry‘ Falconer. ex-Constnhle, to be present at the meeting of the Town Council on July 3rd. at 8 o’clock, p.m.. to prove the statements he made about Mar Form Tennis League. A mwétingz in tho intere A Request. . (Mm! frame house, corner at Kin- cal'dine and; George Street, Durham, close to High School; one-quarter acre nt’ land; "001 well; small hear- ing urn-hard; cheap to quick pur- chaser. Apply D. Hopkins. 6'15 3p The Ladies’ Aid of Ebenezer Chum-h will hold a garden party. and bazaar on Friday evening, June 23. Sum”)? and gme1 1_>r¢:>gt'an1. Rev, Mr. Bmws and other talent. will be fies- ant. ' 6 99 " We are paying 550. to 600. for Oats, 85c. to 900. for Barley, 950. to $1.00 for Buckwheat, $1.75 to $2.00 for Peas, and $1.35 to $1.40 for Wheat at 'our elevator this weekâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham, Ont. Ebenezer Garden Party. House and Lot for Sale. Custom chOpping every day at the McKechnie Mills. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Corn, Mixed Chop and Oats for sale at current prices. 39tf Finnished rooms, suitable @‘ light housekeeping. prl y at The Chron- icle Office 9. 6222 Rob Ray Grain Prices. Custom Chopping. The Legislature of Manitoba has been dissolved and the election will be held on Tuesday, July 18. Three cars American Corn just ar- rived at Rob Roy Mills Limited. Get your supply now. For Rent. Old reliable bug finish and strictly pure paris green at Macfarlane’ Drug Store. Manitoba Elections July 18. Electric lights for garden parties. For terms and dates see Smith Bros. ’i F 0rd Dealers. 6 15 tf Protect Your Potatoes. At the Rob Roy Mills. Highest prices paid.â€"R0b Roy Mills. 8125",! Lighting Service. Any quantity; highest price. At the People’s Mills, Durham. 8125“,! Wheat lo. 1 Wheat Wanted. At the Bob Buy Mills. Highest prices paid.â€"-â€"Rc_>b Roy Mills. 8125”! Wheat Wanted. VOL. 55â€"NO. 2871. NEWS AROUND TOWN ‘ ' King anc} Cpun- - v- v vv VADuvu Counâ€" at Palmerston and if overloaded the ALAâ€"A R‘A“ _-A. J ..... _ J -_._‘ II metnocust Garden Party 'Was Good. T he Methodist garden party on Mr. Robert. Smith‘s lawn on Thursday night of last week was quite ‘a sue- cess. considering the nature of the weather, which was too cold to permit of the refreshment booths being a success. The church or- chestra delighted the audience with several good numbers. Master. ROy Wiggins gave a couple of his Harry Lauder songs and Mr. Benson gave a well-rendered solo. The church will clear between forty and fifty dollars. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Limin and members of the family are in Wood- stock, where they witnessed the marriage yesterday of their (laugh- ter, Mary Florence, to Mr. Alexander .‘vchoigrughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McLoughlin of London. Rev. John Morris. brotherâ€"in-law of the bride, was the Ofl'iciating clergyman: The young couple will accept con- gratulations and best wishes of the community. Methodist. Garden Party The water-wagon has been repair- ed and is ready for use, but we have not learned when it will be put in operaticgm. or whether or not it will be used this year. The streak of oil put down the middle of Garafraxa Street, seems to be doing good ser- viee. but the sides are yet in need of an :‘1p1.ili(.'ati0n. McLoughlin-Limin. Water-wagon Repaired. Five minutes’ walk to Jno. E. Rus- sell’s stoneâ€"crushing plant; accom- modation for horses and cows, fowl, etc. Land divided and fenced; gar- age; very convenient for boarders, or two families; also small house handy. Apply personallyâ€"Miss El- izabeth Murdock, school teacher, Box 65, Durham. . 420 tf [he Rockv Saugeeh U .F..O Picnic will be held Friday. Julv 7, in Lauchie McLuans bush. (wood pro- gram. Platfnrm and dancing. Good music. Miss McPhail and other spo-akcrs. liverylfody welcome. Ad- mission. 25 and 15 cents. Ladies bringing? baskrls, free. Two Houses For Sale or Rent. Rocky Saugeen Picnic, July 7th; Mr; J. Raint'ord has decided to or- ganize a class of instruction in vocal and piano music. Apply at, The Chronicle Office on or‘beforo July 8, when iinal arrangements will be made. ‘ 6223 The Varnev [ ..FO. annual picnic “in be held or; Fridav, July 7. in 13111311113 bush, \arney. Good pro- gram and speakers. Pregram at 2 pm. Lunch zit-’11). m. A league base- ball match, Maple Leafs VS Varney, at. 5.30 [1.111. sharp. Come early. 1 U. P. 0. Picnic. Ground re-cleaned Screenings per ton, $23.00, sacks included; $21.50 without sacks. Whole Screenings, per ton, $20.00, without sacksa At Rob Roy Mills. ' 68tf Will Start Class in Music. As we have started to do business on the Cash System, we would ask all parties indebted to us to call and settle at onceâ€"John McGowan. tf: Rob Roy Prices. Help Wanted. Young girl to assist with house- Work; every evening free. Apply to Mrs. W. E. Clark, Upper Town. Adopting Cash System. Corn Prices. -inc1uded;WhOIe Corn, $30.00 per ton without sacks. At Rob Roy Mills, Durham. 1027 tf Table, buffet, and six chairs, all quartered oak. Apply at The Chron- icle Office. 5 4 tf Dining-room Suite for Sale. Western Feed Oats at 620. a bushel at the Rob Roy Mi'lls. 46tf Feed Oats For Sale. DURHAM, ONTARIO. CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29. 1922 P. Gagnon attended the tournament at Palmerston. While the only prize they brought home with them was a box of cigars, a rink skipped by W. S. Hunter lost the trOphy'o a Fergus 1ink by only three shots. A rink of Durham him-“let's com- prising Messrs. A. B. Currey, J. H. Hunter, Dr. Hutton and O. Hahn went to Owen Sound Tuesday in an at- tempt. to lift the Hahn Trophy, doâ€" nated by Mr. Oscar Hahn of Durham and won by the Owen Sound rink at the Durham tournament last week. While unsuccessful, the match ended in the cldse score of 23 to 20. Yes- térday morning two rinks composed- of Messrs. J. S. McIlraith, T. G.Good- child, H. Cross, 0. Hahn, W. S. Hun- ter, W. C. Pickering, S. D. Croft and While driving fence stakes' last Saturday on the farm of Mr. James Marshall 0ft Normanby, Mr. W illiam Marshall was hit on thehead with a sledge when it flew off the handle. and had to come to town and get medical attendance. Mr. Marshall, we understand, was helding the stakes and Mr. James Marshall was doing the sledging. While not seri- ously injured, it required three stit- ehes in his head and em in his face to fix the patient up again. Failed to Lift Traphy. Injured by Sledge. Thiiteen cases of small-pox are said to hlee dex eloped recentlv in the city of Woodstoék The infec- tion \1 as brought into the city by a medical patient 1mm Burgessxille, and since this the 0the1 cases have. dexe10ped. The disease is said to be of gmild type. Don‘t forget the garden party on the Rectory lawn to-night. The pro- gram will be unique. “The New Co; Rd” will be presented by the' St. George’s Dramatic Club of Owen Sound. The Methodist Orchestra “ill be in attendance. “The Garden Party That is Different.” Trinity Garden Party To-night. Small-pox in Woodstock. ,Annual Garden Party, July 6. \(1\ mal Of th(1 members of the Durham Masonic qugo affiliated mm the Flesherton bodv last Sun- (law and attended service in “111 Pricmille Prosbvlérian Church. The 1111514111 Rm. (3. .Jc11111s,111°oac11(1d an ulnquont sermon in the c :‘.1It Attended Church at Priceville The annual garden party of Glen- 01" Centre Baptist Church will be mm on Mr. \V. Ewings la\\nBu11- essan, on Thursday eV ening, July 6. A'good prOgI‘am is being prepared. and a good lunch will be provided in the usual style; All are ('Oi‘dially invitmi. Admission 25c. The billiard parlor business con- ducted for the past three or four years by Mr. Sam; Levine, has been seldto Mr. Alex. Hastie of Harristen, who gets pessession July 8. "WU L.’ ”J k'. Lu LL11“ lLll, l. U. UUULl- hild H. Cross, 0. Hahn W. S.Hun- er, W. C. Pickering, S. D. Croft and '. Gagnon attended the tournament t Palmerston. \V hile the only prize PASSING OF A PIONEER The death on Monday last of Mrs. Henry Byers, 80. years of age, re- moves one of the early pioneers of the Township of Normanby. She hey brought home “1th them was a settled in the Township with her ox of cigars, a rink skipped by VV S. husband in the early fifties of the luntei lost the trOphy [o a Fergus last century and resided there con- ink b3 only thlee Shot-S tinuously to the time of her death. 3-â€" The family consisted of two sons and -â€"â€"â€"_____._____ CEMETERY BEE NEXT WEEK The postponed cemetery bee will be held all day on Wednes- day, July 5 Parties bringing teams would greatly assist the Directors by bringing a load Of good clean soil. Lunch will be three daughters, of whom one son, James, died in his boyhood many years ago The surviving members of the family are: Michael, on the homestead, Mary (Mrs. Lyons), in Toronto; Annie (Mrs. Little), at Ayr, Ontario, and Minnie (Mrs. James Col- linson), in the States. - Mr‘s. Byers was predeceased by her) , ., ‘hushand four or five years ago. 35.9, . , was a devoted member of- Hampden; 1., ~; Pres .. *where, m the _-~_" The mayor of Niag o'ara Falls, Ont., has refused the ré‘quest of J C. J ones of 283 Jarvis Street, Toronto, for perâ€" mission to swim the whirlpool rap- ids. - A Sold Billiard Parloi~ Business. Wanted to Swim Whidpojol. Apply to Mrs. James E. Nichol, on Albert Street. 629 tf Services Hereafter at. 7 O’Clock. The everiing service in Trinity Church will be held hereafter at 7 o’elock. Boarders Wanted. ‘ Owing to Saturday, July 1st, being a holiday, Durham business places, with the exception of the refreshment stands, Will be closed all day. Stores will, however, be open Friday evening for the con- venience of their customers. We would advise all to bear this in mind and make their purchases for over Sunday accordingly. STORES CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY The grain elevator at the C. P. R. station at. Mount, Forest was burned on Satuulay forenoon the fire startâ€" in' in the upper storey, presumablv irom a snark 110m a passing loeo- motive, some say, \V l111L others claim the flames started in the interior of the building. The fire brigade could do nothing once the fire gained head- way. The elevator was built «about :30 years ago by the late James Crin- gle. and was a rather historic land- mark. ‘ Mount Forest Elevator Burned The Bishop of Huron will visit D111ham on Sunday, July 9, to ad- ministei the Apostolic Rite of the Laying ()n of Hands. The Confirma- tiOn service will be held in the even- ing at 7 o’clock. year." At the convention in Ottawa this month ,over 400 were in attend- ance and the objective for 1923 is to beat 560. Bishop Here July 9. . The Fall Fair Prize Lists, printed at The Chronicle Office; are now completed and ready for distribu- tion. If you fail to get one and are interested, write the Secretary, Mr. George Binnie, R.R. 2, Priceville. The next convention of the Cana- dian Weekly Ne ewspapers Associa- ti‘on will be held at Halifax next 3031. At the convenfinn in m Hmvg °Mrs. Ezra Schenk underwent an operation for appendicitis ‘last Fri- day morning and is now well on the road to recovery. The Operation was performed by Dr. D. B. J amieson. At Halifax in 1923 South Grey Prize Lists Ready. ' Underwent Operation. POOL and throwing the WRING 4 for a 10. We do not know how long the boys intendremaininm the one stand, or what town they are “billed” for next, but we do know that they are having a whale of a time as we go to press. slgn, a common board, may not be much, but We miss our guess if it does not suit its purpose. The Sign says: a circus without peanuts, an amusement park without adverâ€" tising is a “dead one,” and put out their sign this morning on the Lucas 8; Henry building. The Back of The Chronicle Office, and on the lot immediately ad- joining the Frost Wood Impl @- ment building, the McIlraith Kids Co.(tl1e “(10” being Alex. Gra- ham, :'JI.\ .,, haVe alioadyt, one into business. Fashioned after the VVell-k11()VV11. Palmer Circus \V hich Visited here this spring the how haVe started an amusement paik. They m 1dently belieVe that, like IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WVith the worries of a long year of hard and worrisome study, and the long holiday season in front of them the small boy is “out for a good time” till next September. Devising ways and means to keep fit will: be the proposition. till the school bell clangs out its awful song next September. And al- ready the genius of invention is working. - J. "621; HUNTER fivfi’zfi'fiifir $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. p w ‘ ‘ Ply ' m ,3“: €59

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