West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1922, p. 5

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Mr. Robert Meads is home from Toronto on two weeks’ holidays and joined his brethren at the Masonic Service at. Priceville. ' Mrs. Mark Wilson is visiting \in to and Miss Irene Wilson is- in Owen Sound, Bellmy is visiting Miss Hattie Cole of Toronto is vis- iting her father and sister, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Rev. F. G. Fowler conducted anni- wersary service at. McIntyre on Sun- day evening. when his pulpit at Pro- ton was supplied by Mr. W; Miller, of this place. , ' Rev. Mr. Thornley of Shetburne will conduct. anniversary services in the Presbyterian Church here next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Robert/\Thirstlethwaite of Ni- agara Falls, N.Y., is aSsisting his brother John, on his building con- .A large tutnnut of the members of Prince .Arthur Lodge .A..F .A. M.. here. joined by brethren from Dur- ham. Dundalk and Markdate. cele- brated the festiV al of St. John by at- tendance at serVice at the Ptestâ€" terian Church, PriceVille, on Sunday eVe11i11g.VVhen the annual sermon to the lodge VV as preached bv ReV. (1.8 Jones. .After the serVice, the brethâ€" ren fat PrioeVille serV ed refresh- ments to the Visitors. about ninetv. “A“ Mr. Steve Sutton. teamster for Mark Wilson, got a severe blow in the head last week by a jolt. from a load of logs he was hauling, which rendered him unconscious. Fortun- ately there was no fracture, as fear- ed and he has recovered from the. shock. Owen Sound Hospital some davs ago and uperated on for appendicitis is reported progressing well. The baseball team here suffered defeat mice last \xeek in matches with Cevlon team. The first was an exhibition game at Pricexille and the second a league match at Cevlon. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Runstadlor was the scene of a pleas- ant gathering on I‘uésdav owning last “oak in honor of Rex. Father Egan I'Pcently ordained and appoint- ed to Hanowr charge. Among those present wore: RCV. -Father Clohecv, Dundnlk; RPV. Father \ICGQOV and Mr. aners. James Kellv. Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. 0 Connor, Dundalk: Mossxs. G. L. and Geome \Mmlslev and Miss Mario \\ oolsloy. Proton; amI Mr. and MIS. J. gun and Miss Mario Egan. Toronto. 1 . Bannon. Reuben (jargoe, William Davis. Ed. Jamieson, Harold Mitch- ell, Charles McMullen. Charles Meg- ott. Clarence ()rr. Haroht Phillips. John Sharp, Arnold Thurston. Chas. Tl‘histlethwaite. William. Walker, Charles Roy. Richard Wilcock. Chas. Buchanan. mice Walker. Ernest Hoyle and Rev. it. (1. Kerr. was read by R. P. Bellamy. returntint soldier. after which Bugler Perkins sountlect the Last PUSt. The roll of 62 who I‘t)t-llt'llt“ti was read by their Comrade. ‘ Everett. Henry. The National An- them brought the {‘sroceedings to a close. after which the crowd wit- nessed a goat! baseball match be- tween Fleshertnn and Dundalk league teams. the latter winning. A high-class concert was given at night. by Toronto talent. Great credit is due the Women’s Institute here for its good work in securingthis well womletl antl'picturesque plot of sev- eral acres for a Memorial Park on which much has already been spent ‘ in improvements which, when com- pleted. will make it, a beauty spot. A neat kitchen has been built con- taining a cook stove and tables er- 1 ected for the convenience of picnick- ing arties. etc. A pavilion is yet to be erected. I __,,_-w.“. “Al‘ll R:,.-m'es \V. Calder, Durham; (3. Both- well. Sydenham; and G. McEnchern, Egremont. Dr. Murray, Fleshm'ton, lml Hm singmg of the hymns. Rm: Mr. Vase tread the scriptuyc losson, Rev. J. H. Oke offered the «ilmlicalwy px-aynr and Rm; 1“. G. Fowler the prayer uf tham‘SSgiving. The roll uf the fallen. \‘i7.., A. J. Ansley. Max Bzmmm. Rvulmn Curgov, William ‘â€" Thursday. June 29 1922. ”.0 . . ‘ m. I ‘ . is- Â¥ a I | e P: term. We'are much indebted to you for the organization of our commun- ity baseball. In memory we shall retain pleasant pictures of you, and we ask you to accept. this camera, that you may carry away pictures of W elbeckâ€"lest you forget. We hope our fragrant swamps, our sweeping views of wooded hills, and our clear streams may be'among the pleasant places of your remembrance, and that you will also remember that the stoniness of, our fences and fields, V our fragrant swamps, our swe \iews of wooded hills and our «.t Dear )liss Gillespie,â€"-We have come joyfully to our picnic, but we reailze it. is going to be no picnic to us to say good-by to you. Duringthe few short months you have been our teacher you have become very dear to us, and, with more reason than Herrick over his daffodils, “we weep to see you haste away so soon.” In school-room practice you have fol- lowed" both the admonitions “Rule by love, 0 Hiawatha!” and “Rule by patience, Laughing \Vjaterl" Be- sides, your superior academic and professional qualifications, your, gentle voice and sympathetic waysl have made you a most efficient guide to us in the ways of know- (Our own correspondent.) The pupils and ratepayers of the [section had a very successful picnic *on Saturday, the 24th inst, and were joined by the other schools of the vi- cinity. There were. old men. young men, married men and bachelors, and all joiend in the Sports, every- body enjoying themselves. Miss Gil- lespie. the teacher here. who is sev- ering her connection with this school. was made the recipient of the following address and presenta- tion, replying in an acceptable man-: I nor: Mr. C. T. Batty, manager of the Standard Bank, moved his household goods from Oshawa Inst week, and with his wife and child will occupy rooms at the Park House until a residence can be secured. Mr. Samuel Osborne and son Ed., Hf Cullingvoocl, \\'(‘I‘C “wail-end \‘lS- iturs at Mr. \V. J. Bullumy's. Dr. and Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Oke, IEIiss 01m. and Mrs. Blackburn. holi- I‘lleOd on T ucsday at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Holland Will preside at. the En- trance examinations at Pricevialle this week and Mr. I'pshall Will pre- side hm‘r. Mr. T horpe \V‘righl Hf '1‘ 01'0an was : ill and very low last work. but, we are: plrt'tserl will: his l'riencils. here to learn he has slightly improved. Mrs. McKinnnn Visited friends at. M eaf 0rd on Sumilafi'. Mr. and Mrs. W. Buskin and son- = iii-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. (1. Lawrence. and Miss Irving, all of Toronto, made at week-end visit with friends here, and with Mr. John Bus- kin and family at \leehmise. Mr. Genrge Mitchell, Sen George, and «laughter, Miss Aleda, motored m 'l‘«_‘)roni.e on Saturday and were 80- companied home by Miss Lulu Mit- chell, teacher, to holiday here. ell Mrs. G. J. Goldsborough and little son. of Iroqums Falls, are Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitch- Mr. G. B. Walton an others here, took in Owen Snund last Week Mr. and 3115. Doc. Fairey 01 Tor- unto. spent the \\ eck-end how with the farmers mother, Mrs. Joseph Clinton. who is ill. Dr. Em. Armstrong of Cobalt paid ,relatix‘es here a visit on' Friday be- fore leaving Toronto withhis Wife on 9 holiday trip to the Old Country. On their travels Dr. and Mrs. Arm- strong will Visit the battlefields in France, where he spent. strenuous days during.r the war. We also sell» Zenoleum the best disinfectant. Superior Knitting Mills Limited KWI’ORITQ "n A“ APPLY TO THE Mr Fred Bunt and friend Mr. Har- old Littlex, of Toronto. are on a holi- dax at st \V. Richaxdsons, and Mr. William Pedlars. Mrs. James Bowler and children of Toronto are. holidaying with her Dar-i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Crossley. Mrs. J. W. Davis of Prince Rupert, B.C.. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncéfi'égent Sunday at. Durham, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Turner of the Durham; Road. Mrs. Parslow of Proton visited for a few days with Mrs. W. Wilcock. Welbeck. . Welton and family, and Mount Forest, 'Ontfif in the circus at This neighborhood was Well repâ€" resented at a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Fadden. on Friday evening. Mrs. McFadden was made the recipient. of a handsome leather upholstered ‘Marjnrie Ritchie and (‘n‘rmnwood arc; writing on t‘ rancc. examination this week Mr. Thomas Tumbul! had 1 num- her of teams hauling "m 01 on “10 Edge sideroad on rriday and Satux- day. Mr. Charles Cotton left. on Thur.“- day on a trip to England. Many years have come and gone since Charlie left the old land, and this is his first return trip. Mrs. D. Campbell of Maxhass, ND, is visiting her brother, Mr. L'rne-st Greenwood. MP. and and Mrs. W 0d a Short RockWOOd. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Margaret Ector 0f Stanstnad Quebec, is home for the summer vu- cation. No. 9 Sunday School picnic will bu hold in Mr. (’ireenwood’s bush. north of Trinity Church cemetery on Tucs- day, July :2. Evcl‘ybmly who can, cnmc and make it a success. T1113 ' .I'.(). built a tank 101‘ «Ii; 1â€" 1' [111,._. siibop in a suitable place 1111 1Z1.J11hn Hamiihm‘s taim 11111] last Saturday 311'. (200111313 111' Markdnln (99.11113 111mm 111111 1113111131! them dip 1113a1lv 1\\1) 111111111121] sheep 71114111113'1's.1\I.R1t1'h1135p13ntS1111- 1lav with \h'. and Mrs.\.Pa1'k. MP. and )11‘S.\\’.B11g113 of Varnm S1111! S11111i'1\ “ith Mr. and Mrs. \\. Jacques. f2«".:hgr':1tulatinns to Mr. W. Weir my! Miss Edna Dixon. who join beam and ham] 10-day. Mr. '_I'I"ail'«>1'd is at present engagm with Mr. Will Lawrence. Mr. \\'.Hamiit1m \isitod recently. “1th his blather Mr. Da\id Hamil- ton. ( Our own corresmnulent; liiiaiil work is almost completml. Jumvs McGiI'r. .112, was patlmmslm' ’ this year. Mrs. William IA‘HVI‘ODCU and H'll'c'i‘ (’lllllll't‘ll left about. a week ago l'uz‘ England. \VllGI‘l)‘ she will Visit lurl' mullwr and uthei' members of the family. We hope she may have a [.iloasnnt. and sale voyage. Mi". Law- i-vncv accompaniei‘l her as far as Quebec. REPAIRING ALL KINDS MACHINERY Lawn Mowers, Scythes and all other tools .or cutlery resharp- ened and made like new. Work called for and delivered if de- sired. BROWN MOON Mr and Mrs. Vi illi 2m Sharpe 382.0 the section a jully Honing on Inn. :36 in connection \\ ith ”222523122201 pic- nic, tho owning being spent in danc- ing and card-Islaying. Mrs. J. Walsh is Spending a few days with 1101' brother in Domoch. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald 01' Lamâ€" Iash Spent the weekâ€"em! with 0M friends amuml Woibcck. Signed on beholf of W’elbeok Schoolzâ€"Jessie Ledingham, Muriel 1 Heft, Cameron Corlett, Lucille Sharp. RoadWork has been the. work oi the day. The County spent, some money in this section, and also the 'l'ownship Council, and in a few short «lays our roads will be in Iii-sl- class COHdiUUIl again after the heavy rams. ' Machinistu. Etc. Nearly Opposite Post Ofl'ice bears no relation to the condition of our hearts. Most of. all, we should like you to take with you a vision of a little circle of childrens’ faces that have looked up to you with love, reâ€" spect and happy confidence. As you leave us amid the ~falling of “petals of blown roses on the grass,” we ‘would gladly if we could, strew with roses your new path of life, even to the end. Then beyond the orreater River Styx we hope earnestly to meet you among immortal flowers. With sincere wishes for your com-1 plete and abiling happiness. ' l and Mrs. Thomis Glencrnss [13. William Greenwood uninv- short hnliday with fliemis at. Darkies’ Corners. Durham Edge Hill. bchie and Wilbert writing on the Ent- THE DURHAM CI Take Notice I have -Secured the agen- Cy for Wodehouse Ani- mal Invigorator, Baby Chick Food, Poultry Food, Lice Killer, . etc. We also sell Zenoleum, the best disinfectant. 813117111! 01' 1111151) 11110111151131! 111 111111- cation met in {1111 111111 1111 '1‘111511111' 0111111111: 111 1li<111<s1 (11111i1111aii1111 8121111111 \1'111k 11111111121111111 H11} [111111- ship 11! I1‘:.‘:1111111111t.Natiiing 11111111111) \\ as alriwd at. About {\1'11111y pupils 111111 11111121}: 1111 the 1311111311111: examination E11111. Miss V. Snyder 15 1i11‘esi1'ling 11311111- iner. What are your health building plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder Who Will aid you and your family to enjoy the days and weeks of the beauti- ful. spring. We expect to hear from you. Mr. R. G. Palm, teller in the bank here, has been compelled to quit work on account. 01' an injury lu one of his eyes. the. injury having been received while playing tennis about. two weeks am"). He has gene in the city to have the injured eye treated. The members of the Remling' Cir- cle matured in Pike Lake one even- ing last week and end'Jyel-l the out- ing. , t0 the snlis-facthm of all. Mr. and Mrs. llnhcrt Aitken, Mr. and ;l.l‘>‘. M'illiam Ailkcn. nwmrml tn ('2(:)111'l\\'1'ir_rllt lasl Saturday {filth reim‘mul 'l‘luj'ala}: Football is again in the limelight. IVVO more scheduled games haVe been playmi since our last issue; Mildmay defeated Moorotioid in Milttmth, the score being i-O.HL11- stein (ioioutod Palmerston in Hot- stein the ~tt11‘t1bei11g2-O. Mildmav protested the, game played and the protest was allowed lho Lontral executive has (uttered the gamti1 to be waived in Hnist toin next li‘ittaV 8V oning. The Promotion examinatit’n‘s were Holstein. (Our: own correspondent.) After the expiration of the Rip Van Winkle period, baseball has again be‘en'revived in this vicinity. 011 Saturday evening last the Maple Leafs and the locals battled for the supremacy 0n the Holstein grounds. The locals won, the score being 11- '14. 7"“ '..couch as mark of the esteem in Which she was held in her old neigh- borhood. The remainder of the ev- ening passed very pleasantly. We extend our best Wishes to the happy young couple for many years of hap- piness and prosperity. Football is ' $488,000,000.00 -\ portion of your profits deposited to-day m our Savings Department “ ill have far greater purchasing power in the future. The “32?: Enk e'.'er:;'thing' you can produce. Cultivate your land to the limit. Increaseyour production and your profits. There is to-day a ready market for Total AM Over of Banada No.40 A (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. Herb. Brigham returned from Hamilton last. Saturday, after spend- a couple of Weeks with friends there. The hill west. of A as CMlell’s Hill, will soon be in gCuynl CODdlllOfl «again. having been mrr- hnuled under the direction of Mr. llan' Park, known held in the Public School here ibis week. Miss Davidson finished her lwork for the term and left for her home in Newton on Wednesday morning. She has been re-engaged for another year at an increase «1‘ salary. Miss Margaret/MacKenz‘e of Durham has been engaged in take charge of the quiior room for the next year. Miss Snyder also has been re-engaged to take charge of the Continuation School. Groceries Leave Your Order Now to get the Cheice Berries DURHAM Next Week is Strawberry Week SEE US FOR SALT--We have a car load on the road which will ar ' r1ve some time this week. CREAM WANTED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call and see us. ' Get a Can. Palmerston Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Allan Park . J. VOLLETT , Flour . Feed, Fresh Fruits for The U.F.O. picnic; held in Brig- ham’s park on Friday last, was a great success. There was a large 1.)1"tilgl'anl, consisting m" songs, bag- pipe selections and speeches. among Whom were Mr. Burnaby, who gave an able address. After the picnic the young people gathered in the build- ing: :11 the bark of (he slaw? apd spent 2.2 very Newsam. mvnin: in 3: mung. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slee are at present entertaining guests from To- ronto; The. Dirs.ein' lumber truck from Elm‘wood broke through the bridge , one mile and a quarter tierth of Al- lan Park, known as Kennedy’s bridge, one day last. Week. Miraculously, neither the car nor driver was in- jured. The bridge broke through and the car, following the stringers down, was left sitting out. of water on the stringers. A little talk is goâ€" ing round 01' the truck gheing everg loaded. PAGE FIVE ONT.

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