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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1922, p. 8

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r-vw“-v vâ€" «V The Orange Lodge here joined by a good turnout of visitors from sister lodges attended service in the Pres- byterian Church on Sunday after-,- noon when 911: excellent discourse on the principles of the order was ‘ven by the pastor, Bro. Rev. F. G. owler. The church was filled with :an gnpreciative congregation, Good .Etfi?¥é§7§vé¢'byythé choir, and : MP. \WBS. LitthOhn Of :Orange Val- M A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tuc Phillips, Rock Mills, on Wednesda afternoon, July 5, when their grands daughter, Miss Alice McDowell, was married to Mr. S. Ra Pedlar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samue Pedlar, Flesn- erton. Rev. A. B. Duffield of Max- well conducted the ceremony and MISS Della Pedlar played the wed- ding march. The stately bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. Samuel Phillips, looked pretty in a navy canton crepe gown heavily beaded. She wore a corsage bou- quet. of roses and string of pearls. The parlor decorations were artistic and pretty. About 30 guests were present. among those from a dist-- ance being Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van- duzen and the Misses Vanduzan, To- ronto. After the marriage and wed- ding dinner. the happy couple left on a motoring trip. the bride wearing a stylish navv blue suit thh braided waist and hat to match. On their return they will reside on the gmmm‘s farm in Osprey. The bride received many beautiful wedding gifts. including a handsome dinner set from the Ladies’ Aid oliRockvalc Church. where her services have been appreciated. o n- :‘u.....-1. Ninth ”(J - I ui’yLVv-WVVW- fl‘arriodrâ€"At Norfolk Street Moth- odist Church, Guelph, on June 228. Mac Henrietta. youngest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid, oi‘ Huvltih, former-Pr of Fioshm‘ton. to D? .000. E. Starzioy, of Toronto. the future hi‘rme if: tho young: couple. Row. H. Irvine :omluctmi the cerommiy and tho \x°ec'i;'iizig was a very pretty 01m. The brimé's unclv and aunt 311'. and Mrs. C. .‘Likons. ziti<'-11ried from inn-o, and thoir little (iangmor was dowor- rI'irl. a Marriod.â€"â€"On July 3. by Rev. 3...".xx Mahon. at St. .â€"‘.mirm\"s Presln'im’ian Church, 'i‘c:)ronio. Bliss Elizabeth Y. Hunter. Ponoianguisimno. ’u’) Capt. J. A. Leij'rard. of ’l‘oronw, i'ormm'iy of Flesherton, his native village. \fter returning from thewvar. Capt. Le- Gard was foreman in The Advance office here until taking a position in Toronto a few months ago. _ \ 'I‘ Q Marriedâ€"0n July 6. by Rev. '1‘. A. Rocitger, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Kathleen Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EJ. Swift. Logan Avenue, to Mr. Elntmrt G. Patterson, 'l‘orouto. The bride is well-known here. having frequently \‘iSitEd her numerous relatives arr! friends. Her aunt, Mrs. .‘x. Stewart. and Miss Edna Stewart, attended the wegtding. ‘ l _A‘1_ v V‘J‘“--- Word was received here last week of the sudden death at, Guelph 31‘ Mr. Mark Snowden. the last surviving brother of the late Mrs. \lmz. Stewart of this place. The deceased was 8’1 years of age. He leaves a widow and grown-up family, besides numerous relatives here. Mr. Johnston Cullen «and family here were shocked last week With the news of the sudden death of his nephew, Dr. Ernest Cullen, a noted physician and surgeon of Detroit Cit3.. He was a brother of the fam- ous Dr. Thomas Cullen of Johns Hopkins HOSpital, Baltimore. His widow and one child survive him. The deceased, who was 45 years of age, was a son of the late Rev. Thos. Cullen, who 5 pent his early years at Flesherton. The Methodist Sundav School held their annual piemc at Lever’s Grove last \\ eek. There was a large attend- ance and an enjox- able time. The Band \\ cut out for an hour and add- ed_ _to the pleasure of the outing. ovuwwpvs.‘ __v_v- Mr. James Cornfield received word last week of the death at Kirwin, Kansas. of his brotherâ€"in-law, Mr. Alex. Barron. in his 80th year. The deceased was born in Ontario and in 1867 was married to Elizabeth Corn- field. of Artemesia, who survices him with fo'ur sons and one daughter. Mr. Barron published a newspaper at. liirwin for several years and was postmaster for thirteen years. He was a lifelong Methodist. a member of the Masonic order and A.O.U.W. -V“. ~Uu“‘ U: w W The old surxixing friends here of Mr. John Moore of Owen Sound, a former respected resident of Bent- inck, were sorrv L0 learn of his death last week, even at his ripe age of 90 years. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson recentiv married, were giV en a kitchen show- er of many useful articles bv their friends here at their men home on Fridax _e\ ening last. Bornâ€"At: Flesherton, on July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKechnie, a daughter, and on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stuart. 3. son. Mr. W. A. Armstrong has purchas- ed Mrs. Bowers residence near the Baptist Church. We learn Mrs. Bowers, who recently lost her hus- band, purposes going to the West to lite. wrgh herpaughter. The Presbyterian Ladies‘ Aid gave a nice cafeteria tea in the Park on Friday evening last, but a rain- st gym kent_1_nan}:.aw_a_y_._ Mr R. T. Hwang Chinese student in Toronto, spoke in the Methodist Church on Friday ex ening’ and gaVe an interesting address on Chinac. il- illustrated inth lantern slides The proceeds were on behalf of the Bible Soci_ety.__ Miss Margaret Moore, daughter of Mr. William J. Moore, 'l‘omnm Line, had an unpleasant axperiencc last week. Wmle opgratlng the cream separatonher halr was caught in the machme and wound up to the scalp before released: .Much hair was torn outand lhe 1mury painful but recovqry_1_s bemg gnade. Mr. and Mrs. William Morton. highly respected residents of the Centre Line. celebrated the 25th an- niversary of their wedding day on Fridav last. and a motor trlp was baken'to Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Mor- ton’s mother, Mrs. McIntosh, and brother, Mr. Allen McIntosh, and family, 01' Hamilton, joined in the P19351111? of the; eqent.‘ _ » - _._ 3A:_.-.‘l L__ PAGE EIGHT. (Our own correspondent.) ley sang “Gideon‘s Band” with splen- did effect. Our town Band led the procession to and from the church. The lodge here, recently orgamzed. has purchased a‘handsome new ban- ner to be unfurled on the 12th. Rev. Mr. Fowler pneached to the Orangemen at Eugema on Sunday morning and Mr. Vose addressed the lodge at C_eylon in_§he afiepnoon. -_ .__- l “-‘I ""'C‘-’ “V v-w-- . Mr. 0.3512 Mcfi'iliéfi,"B.A., of Bel- mont. who is highly recommended, has been engaged for prjmcmal 01 the High School here. MISS Holmes and Miss King, assistants, have been re-engaged. The Methodist congregation enjOyâ€" ed a musical treat on Sunday even- ing when Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns and Mr and Mrs. .John Cairns, Pres- bx teiians. assisted the choir and "mt e a beautifully rendered quar- tet e. Mr. W. Miller. Mr. Wes Armstrong and mother. Miss Agnes Henderson and Miss Reta Bellamy, were at Owen Sound on Sunrhx attending the summer school senices, which ---vr--â€" â€" v”.-- Mr. W's. Williams, former princi- pal of Collingvxood Collegiate, and his wife and daughter accompanied in Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stephens. or Great Falls Mont. \\ ere visitors at .2111. George Mitchells and Mr. Joseph Blackburns s. on Friday- UVVI'U' Rev. F. G. Foxxler left on Mondav to holiday for .a month with his iamily usmnv 1111 New Carlisle, Ind. â€"-- ‘10‘|O 1" l_-4-._.-_ D’lwvau-v \--'-- v \IP. and Mrs. W. Paton son and ciaightor, \isited I‘elatixos at Col- ling“ 01 rd last w 00k. Mrs; W. Gibsonoand children of B'larkdale visited the past ten days with the farmer's parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads. f Mr. G. Mitchell and daughters, Lu- lu and Aleda. accompanied by Miss Mitchell of Toronto, were at Alliston last \wek attending a re-union at {110' old. school in Essa, where Mr. Mitchell received his early educa- lion. A Mr. Elwood Gcnoe, teacher of 010- cution, Toronto, and family, are on a holiday with his mother at the old home. MP. John McCauley and family of Walkorton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy “(300.11le of Toronto are holidaying E‘lth their mother, Mrs. McCauley, ere. ' ‘ “Mrs. H. Radley. son and daughters, of '._.1‘0r0nt0 are on a holiday at their farm home here. __ _ \ I ‘5‘; l-v-v- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vanduzen. and daughters of Toronto are here. to holiday for a few weeks at the Old homo. ‘ .- _ '- ‘J-\ Mi. 'Fhomas W ardrobe of Toronto hoiidaved here last week and Mr _‘iaimice Fisher paid his parents a \\ (wkâ€"end xisit. Miss Rena Cargoe is home from Toronto on a holiday with her moth- Mr. and Mrs. H. Down, Miss Lillian :‘dcfulullen. Mrs. Gal-gee and daughter Imuiso. were on a motoring holiday last. week at Thorjnbury qu Mcafprjfi. LMP.‘ and“ Mst A. M. Gilchr‘ist and daughters made a meekâ€"end visit “ ith relatiV es at Singhampton.' Frank Bunt, and Miss W‘innie Gould, of Toronto, are holidaying at Ms. W. E. Richardson’s. Mr. Frank Bunt, home from the univelsity for the holidays, got his foot painfully injured last week on the C.P..R track, where he is em- ployed. __ A .- . A m _ L ‘M'râ€"sjmey.) Oke has gone to Tor- onto to viSIt her son anglAdatughter. _ v_-â€"vâ€" H iii-Hand M'I“S.FW;. Houcké, on their honeymoon, spent the week-end with relatives at Owen SoundL .â€" V Miss Hazel Shunk, teacher, Toron- to is the guest of Miss Millie W'gighi. 81‘. Mr. Iohn Cairns, Wife and children of McTier, are visiting his parents, and other rdatives here: Mr. ahd MrstQéIâ€"‘eft Henry yisit- vd over the week-end w1th frlends iii, 'l‘nmnto. Mr. and Mrs. Oram and children» of 'E‘om at”. are holidaying at Mr. John Nuhn's. Mrs. Bi. 'i‘histlethwaite visited last week with her daughter in fI‘Qronio. “WVâ€"U Mrs. John Richardson and dang, h- Mr. Mrs. rairey ofToronto, are visâ€" iting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson and other relatiVes. _ ‘ . .‘ ‘ in: fiffs-éég Fldréxice End Myrtle Cas- The Kandy Kitchen The hot weather is here again and with it comes the ICE CREAM SEASON D\r0p in and visit our parlorâ€"you will .find it as cool and refreshing best possible. ;GO HOME SMILING with a pint or quart of Willard’s Carbonated Ice ‘ Cream Metcalf’s Chocolates are always goodâ€"Just received a shipment of bulks and packages. \ Neilson’s Super-Cream packages, per 5 lb 60c. Annie Laurie, per 1b 60c well, nurses, leave this week to spend to months at a girls’. camp In New. J 611893? _ A. -‘A A 'â€" Misées Kate and Nellie Turney of Toronto ovisited over the. week-end with them brother and w1fe. Miss Mabel Swift of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. Stewart, and other relatives. The Misses Poiteousof Peterbore are visiting their eousm, Dr. Turnâ€" bull and wife. Mrs. John Stone of Torontq is vis- itigg hep: ~au‘nt, Mrs_._0, ‘W. PAhllllps. Miss Marguérite HUtton of Dufham is visiting Miss Marguerite Run- stadler. Miss Lulu Mitchell left on Monday to VlSlt Mrs. Laird at Grand Valley. Our own correspondent.) After a few weeks of silence we again let loose and pour forth a few gt“ the happenings of our peaceful “fig- There is ex ex v indication of bumâ€" per creps and a bountiful supply of everything. Mi. Gefirge HOpkins has had his bayp r9_of _ge-_s_hingle_d. Mr. T. H. Moore has had a neat garage erected, his brother-in-law, Mr. J. Highly, of Toronto assisting with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. E. Wood and children, who have been visiting us and other friends near Dromore, reâ€" turned to their home in Toronto. Their son J ames remains with us for a while to assist. with haying. Councillor T. Turnbull has a num- ber of teams making much needed improvements on H'all’g h‘1_l_12 Mr. Farr Lawrence has got the contract for erecting a number or silos for different farmers and has prox en himself an expert at the busâ€" iness. The. members of L.O.L. 1189 purâ€" pose celebrating the glorious 12th at. Hanover, while others are talking of celebrating at Markgele. In company \i‘ith Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and Teddy, we spent Sunday with friends near M'arkdale. It was an ideal day and an ideal trip. We were accompanied home by Master Gordon Moore, who will remain for a few days visiting. Since commencing our budget, a terrific wind and electrical storm passed over to the south of us, leavâ€" ing all kinds of destruction in its trail, such as levelling fences. [and fields 01? hay and grain, upturning fruit and shade trees. To the east of us Mr. Angus Hoopers barn roof VV as parth taken off. A log barn beâ€" longing to Mr. John Eckhardt was also damaged, while a VV oodâ€" shed beâ€" longing to Mr. William Courdt was turned over. (Our own correspondegt.) Miss Agnes Petty left. last. Wonk to spend the summer vacation with 1101‘ sister. Mrs. Fred. Smith. of mar Dumblane, Sask; _ Miss Barbara Ritchie spent a few days Last. week w1th .MISS Mamie Cyutphley and took 111 the Rocky gncmc. ‘ Mr. Lorne .Mountain visited last week with fr1end_$ in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. -William Vollett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jucksch of town. Mrs. Walter Duggan of Flint, Mich. [V L! M‘ South-E ast Bentinck. McWilliams. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE L' IV” tuv {‘vw k at the Veieran Star. Theatre .- : Tues.and Wed., July 18 and 19 ' 3,155“? Ibanez , . 3 is sp‘ending .a mbnth With her par- en‘t§,_ Mg. _and M33: Q..Petty. ._ Mr. Norman Ritchie SD ent last week with his uncle, Mr. Wilbert Bly_th, Varney. Messr William, Charles and Jahn Ritchie, nd John McKenzie, attend- ed the I.0.0.F. services in Walker- ton a week ago last §unday. Pricevflle. ' ' (Our own correspondent.) . . When .a body meets a bodyâ€"Ciwc Day, Priceville. If‘ a body greets a body, then twa hearts may thrill. NV e have scarcely had any trepieal heat yet this season, but we are still blessed With what some persons tetm “ggod agriqultural weather.” Miss Louise Watson has gone to Toronto to take a course 111 physmal culture, and will return to her school in. Beeton after vacation with a rise in salary. Rev. Mr. Bushell and fanniy moved into the Methodist parsonage on the last day‘ of June and the new pastor conducted service Sunday morning, July 2. The congregation were much pleased ynth the sermon. Miss Margaret Tryon, teacher, at West Toronto, is spending her holiâ€" days at her old home here with her father. Mrs. W._W.‘atson is spending a week or .twoyvnh her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Dmxnmlg, Xeqvil:_ _ Mrs. J. F. Rudd has been visiting Erith her father, William Taylor, ere Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm of Lions Head accompanied by Mrs P. Muir, of the Six Corners, called on a num- ber of old friends in town one day last week. Mrs.‘Chisholm was for- merly a MisS Robertson of Priceville. Bartley.â€"In Toronto, on July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bartley, a son. A , Batonâ€"At Elbow, Sask., June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ector, a daughter (Marjory Mae). Goldsmith.-â€"In Bentinck, to Mr.‘ and Mrs. E. R. Goldsmith, a son (Alwyn Garnet). BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, July 16. Former Principal A. T. McNeil, B.-\., of Woodstock College will oc- cupy the pulpit morning and even- ing. Ml. McNeil is a mother of ROV. Iohn McNeil, B. A., of Walmer Road, 1‘01 onto Come and hear him. Durham Machine Shop REPAIRING ALI. KINDS MACHINERY BROWN 86 MOON Lawn Mowers, Scythes and all other tools or cutlery resharp- ened and made like new. Work called for and delivered if de- sired. Machinists. Etc. Nearly Opposite Post Office BORN o’n’uezumi ATTENDED cannon as A BODY LAST SUNDAY On Sunday eveningxlast, the Dr- angemen of the district attended the Baptist Church in a body to listen to their annual sermon. The Rev. Mr. Cameron preached an edifying ser- !mon, taking as his text Gideongs call' from threshing wheat by the wine- press to become a national leader. Gideon was specially prepaied for the office to which God called him, because upon his mind was deeply impressed the special sin of his age. He also had a strong desire for their deliverance and return to Jehovah’s true worship. Jehovah picked him out to do the very work that was upon his heart to do. That work, â€"" also, was the work J ehovah wanted accomplished. The great Christ deâ€" sires young people of to-day to be- come great leaders in bringing the young peogle of our day away from worldly things to the feet of Christ, for true cleansing from sin through the atoning work 'of Christ. Mr. Saunders sanga delightful solo beâ€" fore the sermon and Miss Miriam A. Cameron sang “Serving My King” at the close of the sermon. Home Rule. (Toronto Globe.) If the ills of Southern Ireland need a little rough surgery, it is better that Irishmen themselves should per- form the operation. - Thui‘sday, July 13,1922.

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