West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Aug 1922, p. 5

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On Monday afternoon, Mr. R. Mac- farlane,.Sr.. his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Hunter, his son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jackson, and Mr. J. H. Hunter set out for Bonnie Scotland, where they will visit for a 'couple of months. ,On Saturday previous. Mr. Walter Nichol, Sr., went as far as Toronto and will join the others there. The monument in memory of the Gregson brothers was placed in posi- tion Momilay. The plasterers are working at Tvlr. Thomas Greenwood’s new house. Mr. William Weir sold a horse the other day for SMO.â€"Edge Hill cor. Mr. J. A. Hunter sold his business this week to Mr. Mex. Russell of lil- ora. and the transfer will be made on the first of September. Mr. {lun- ter Will go to Minneapolis. Dnnald “0178111110 of Sackett’s (lowers had a \aiuable horse killed in lightning on Julv 23. The spire of the Presbyterian Church, Priceville, was" struck-by lightning on Wednesday night of last week. The damage is estimated at $400 or $500. Two of the iron workers at the cement ‘works narrowly escaped death on Monday last through the falling off a scaffold, precipitating them to the ground, a distance of about :25 feet. One had a bone of his arm broken, while the other escap- ed with a severe shaking up. An interesting letter appears in this issue t'rnm Rev. A. G. Jansen. He givex a grai-iliic description of his trip from Prince Albert t0 Melfort. he union bus has changed hands, 1‘. Howanlm-k having purchased it. on Dan Campbell. 1):. Hersey, M. P" 01 0mm Sound met with an accident last week in the- Sun portland cement mill which resuitwl in his death in the Marine Hzrspilazi a few hours iam'. Death “1 s caused by the bursting (if a bal- ance \x'lmgl, a piece 01' which struck him. August 7, 1902. Th» implement warerooms of Mr. William Sharp have been fitted up With plate glass windows and are now occupied by T. J. Jordan. gro- cor. 311's. Kennedy, widow of the late John Kennedy. of All-an Park, died last. Wednesday at. the home of her son-inâ€"law, Mr. Thomas M. Reid. She was 84 years of age. Interment was made in Hanover cemetery on Friday. "Reader“ has a long letter for next week in that apparently intermin- able religious discussion between him and A. B.” PersonallV me take little stock in what either has to say. but hope the bulk of our readers will find ;it interesting and profit- able. Mr. John Robertson is laid off work from an attack of appendicitis. On Wednesday evening last the town lost another 0f its old residents in the person of Mr. Allan McFar- lane. who died after a somewhat prolonged illness. »He was 77 years of age and a resgected citizen. The remains were laid to rest Friday in Durham cemetery. The cement stack at the cement mill, solid steel,’ riveted, 185 feet high, is now completed. The death of Captain Whitmor'e at Seattle resulted from an attack of measles, contracted on his first trip to the Yukon. - You can have a worsted suit. made to order at Ireland’s for $15. Lyman Caldwell returned Monday from South Africa, where he went. some months ago as a member of the Canadian ‘ Contingent. L. Mr. H. H. Farr of Cleveland, who e last meeting of the County il it was decided that. Grey .y should have. a poor-house. vote stood 9 to 7. The next will be to decide on a location. gs were 7 cents a p0und live gun on \Vcdnesday. Ir. Keeler, jeweler, purchased the idence of Mr. Archie Little on mhton street. (to act as general supe'rintendent lief. lMoorehouSe an Episc0pal [addressed a full hall on ening. His tOpic \\ as suc- ife. Mrs. (Rex. W Newton, H Lauder, Miss Meredith J. A. Hunter took part in the onicle the death , a young man of years of age. ago he took a se- developed into con- '0111 which he lingered 0h :lay last, when death ~lg (Bunessa-n) put rhool this week. Mr. Lachla‘n Mc- iile east of Price- y lightning on Flin, secretary of expresses thanks > iution from the {gust 3, i922. iclo file of AGO Miss Amelia Blair, Walter Dunbar and Willie Edwards are being warmly congratulated on passing the Lower School examination. Miss Marguerite Murphy passed the Normal school examination in Toronto recently and is now a full- fledged teacher. Mr. J. McDonald has all the many iengthed rafters erected on our new house and ’Lis beginning to assume a homelike appearance. Traverston. (Our own correspondent.) . He’s only a yellow dog, but the poor fellow is lost, and there is a deep wistfulness in his eyes. We wish the owner would come for him. Messrs. A. B. McLellan and W311 Torry were out on the 4th Conces- sion one day recently setting up a 7-foot Massey-Harris bihder for Mr. Arch. McArthur. ‘Twas a happy experience 00 have Mr. W. R. Wallace 01“ Nor-manb'x back fix our old home on Sunday. The young and Older folks admire his kindly Lhoughtfulmss and his rare Cnurtesy. Mr. Will“ Sweeney ws in Toronto last week for a few days and the boys were wondering if Wdll would come back aldne.’ Died.â€"-,On the South Line, Glenelg, near Priceville, on Saturday, July 26, Donald McDougall, aged 86 years. Diedâ€"At Glenroaden, Saturday, July 26, Miss Mary McCormick. Mr. W. J. Cook treated the family to a handsome new Ford touring car on Saturday, purchased from Smith Bros. 0f town. On July 25, at the home of Court- cillor Black, a big baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAsâ€" sey. . Miss Sullivan of Separate S. S. No. 5 had six pupils write at the Entâ€" rance examination and all were suc- cessful. one of them, Leonard Mc- Carthy, winning the Knights of Col- umbus prize. Mrs. C. Whitney and daughters. Dorothy and Bernice, have returned to their home in St. Louis, after he]- idaying a month at Messrs. M. and John Quillinan‘s. E. .A. Home offers 810 reward to anv one returning him a purse con- taining bet“ een fifty and sixty d01- iars, the return half of a railway ticket from Guelph, and- other pa- pers, lost between here and Orchard on July 30. Mrs. John 0. Greenwood has had a very fine. Aberdeen granite monuâ€" ment erected in the family plot in Zion, purchased and set up by Mr. Halliday of Chesley. Mr. Dave Young was down to Wes- fon On Sunday to Visit his partner, who is ux‘xdmmflng treatment there. MP. and Mrs. .Inhn Ellisun took him down in their (inn. big car. at the cement works, arrived in town about ten days ago and is now in charge. Marriedâ€"In Winnipeg, July 23, by Rev. H. \Vigle, B.A., Mr. D. A. Dunsmore, to Miss Winnie Reid of Dunham, Ont. Miss Nellie lmlan nf Toronto is holidaying at the hume of Mr. James Murphy and Mr. Ed. Norris. Many horoahouts were grieved to learn of the. sudden death of Mr. Robert McClymont. He was a big- hoarted. open-handed fellow, a most obliging neighbor and had made a financial success of life. Miss Mao McCarthy is home from Detroit. for a well-earned hol'd'ay outing. Zionites are counting on a big time a‘t their garden party on the evening of August. 9. ’ Mr. J. W. Geernwood has filled Zion‘s pulpit the past two Sabbaths and gave most eloquent and broad- minded sermons. We hereby certify that Mr. Hermie Burnett is a'tit. subject for matri- mony. We saw him bring a big calf home recently in the buggy and though his calfship was very ob- streperous, Hermie never got out of patience. Mr. Charles Petty is Spending this week with his daughter, Mrs. Walter Duggan, of Flint. Mich. Speaking of Operations. (Kansas City Star.) A drunkard of long standing had been reformed by an Operation which removed a bone that pressed against the brain. Newspapers also report a number of cures efl'ec'ted by removal or a brass’rail that was pressing against thefoot. _ -- ‘ (Our own correspondent.) Mr. H. B. and Dr. N. E. McKinnon, their mother and sister, Miss E. Mc- Kinnon, of Toronto, visited last Thursday with their cousin, Mrs. William Smith. Mr. Herb Vollett, accompanied by Messrs. Alfred and W. J. Vollett and Mr. John Picken, Jr. attended the races at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Blyth and fa- mily and Mrs. Ritchie, Sr., visited Sunday at Mr. William Ritchie’s. Mrs. A. Robertson of Durham spent Sunday' with Mrs. William Vollett. South-East Bentinck. Quite a large crowd assembled in Roberts Hall last Friday evening to do honor to Drs. Mair and McLellan. Mr. L. B. Nicholson occupied the chair. A \aried prOgramme of songs, solos, instrumental music, addresses, duetts, etq., was presented, after which Dr. Mair was called fo'rward and presented with a medicine case. The doctor replied in suitable terms. Dr. McLellan was then called to the front and an address of welcome was read and presented to him. He rc- Mr. Wesley Charlton of South Bentinck visited friends here iast Sunday. Misses Rena and em Livingston are. spending a pleasant vacation with their many relatives in Hmilâ€" ton. Mr. Walter Bailey, _Lamlash, vis- ited recently with his’parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Miss M. Alexander spent Sunday afternoon with her cousin, Miss V. Mervyn. Mr. Wilfrid Livingston of Sudbury is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Livâ€" ingston. Mr. Clark Torry, Mr. George and Miss Hazel of Mulock, were Sunday \‘iSitOI‘S with the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John W 0115. and son Herbert visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilâ€" son of Durham. Mr. George Turnbull and sister, M'iss Annie, spént Sunday afternoon at Mr. Robert Johnston’s. Holstein. (Our own correspondent.) The Misses Phair of Brantford are the guests of Mistress W. T. Petrie. plied in terms of appreciation. A daintv lunch was serV ed bV the lad- ies. A VerV enjOVable time \\ 11~ spent. Dr. Mair intends further qualifying in his profession by tak- ing a post-graduate course. .The trustees of the Public school here are erecting a fire escape 011 the south side of the school. This is. quite necessary in the case of schools more than one storey high. Ml. Thorne has the contract of the steel \\ ork. 'l‘iie Burnett. family of Durham mire first of the week Visitors with I‘Plaii\ es in our burg. Mr. Wilfrid Livingston visited his mid school chum, Mr. Nathan Grierâ€" sm. of Smith Bentinck, one day. this week. - Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford of Paisley were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fenton. Mr. James Brebner of Ingersoll is spending his vacation with Mr. and- Mrs. Bert Brebner here. Ebenezer. . _ (Our own correspondent.) . MISS Meryl Livingston of Hamliâ€" ton spent. a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Livingston. J. B. Hunt and daughter Mandra- turuvd humc from Corbetton after Sl'Jemling three weeks with Mrs. W. Done}: Our football boys play in Durham next. Monday. .We understand “the nmmsing (mm will be from Mark- dnlo. 0111' baseball team plays this ‘C‘Cl‘dnom‘lay evening in Cedarville. their opponents being a team from Riverview. The lights in the park have not ye! boon installed owing to the delay in securing a permit to cross the G.T.R. track. R. Irvin made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Ex-Principal A. T. McNeill, B.A., of Woodstock. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLean on. Sunday. - Mrs. William Brigham of Durham is visiting with Mrs. John Lynn. Aberdeen. . (Our own correspondent.) MISS Mary Morton returned home on \V’ednes'day from Galt, where she Visited friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald and son Kenneth motored to Pricefivillo one evening last week. Congratulations to Katharine Mc- Lean un taking boners) on her Ent.-' rance examination. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart of Mount .Forest visited Mr. and Mrs. James Ewen recently. Miss Smith of Go'wanstown visited with Miss Lottie Fletcher last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rudolph and daughter, Inez Redford, and Mr. Ed. Burnett of Hanover spent the first of the week with the Lynn family. Mr. and Mrs. James Ewen and family spent Sunday with' Mr. and MI:S_. James Ellison of Glenelg. ’msunr I: mum-rs. It reagent nprgnk brea_thing,â€"__. â€"A___ ASTHMA, SW52 COLDS. You don’t need 3 month’s trut- mt to prov: the worth of Messrs. Harry. Jefferson of Town- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE flak? -~‘-"Fixi*54fi;'! ”ham “ulna“: '~.-‘-'-«.r; ‘9 for Mr. John 37:13:21, Sm. has been on the sick list for a few days. Mrs. Symon :3pr Saturday afterâ€" noon with her daughter", Mrs. Hugh Vaughan, Jr, Miss Delight Eadie of Toronto is spending the vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Banks. It was with deep regret we. lerneil of the sudden death of Mr. Robert. Metilyn'ient. He was raised near Dornoch and shout the greater, part of his life in this neighborhood. He was an industrous and ‘l‘1ardworkng man, luririglit in all his dealings, and was highly spoken of by all his neighbors. 'I‘wenty-six years go he was married to Miss Sarah Vau- ghan. The union has been a most happy one. To them were b01111 three children, the son dying in infandiy. He leaves his wife and two daughâ€" ters to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. The daughters are Mrs. Thomas Laughlin (Mary), on the 10th Concession, and Mrs. Roy Braun (Sadie). who still lives with them, and one brother, Mark, of Dur- ham. In religion Mr. McClyment was a Presbyterian. Rev. Mr. Sillars of Dornoch conducted the services at the house and grave. He was laid to rest in the Latona cemetery, to Which a large concourse of sympa- thizing friends and neighbors folâ€" lowed his remains. The deepest sym- pathy of this community goes to the sorrowing wife and daughters in their bereavement. Mr. MeClyment was 54 years of age. The friends from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan, son and daughter. Mr. Hector Kin ston. Mr. and Mrs. John Kingston and Mrs. \\ illie Neil McDonald of Meaford. Mrs. Kil g and daughter 61' Owen Sound, and Mr. Thomas Smith and sister from Durâ€" ham. (Our oxxn correspondent.) Mrs. ‘\ illzi: ~ of Toronto is spendâ€" ing a few u ays Mil: the Heslip fam- 13’. - Mr. John Ferguson and' his sisters Miss Mary and Miss: Sara, spent Sun- day at Mr. Hugh'Macdonald’s. Mr. Sterling and Miss Mary Lamb were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘~V.-McKechnie‘ nofth of town on Sunday. Mrs. Campbell Dunsmuor and children of town spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan. ‘ Mr. Howard McDougall returned to Kitchener after spending his 1101- idavs “ith his uncle, Mr. Alex. Flet- chex. Mr. George Schouormann had a new Sharplos cream separator set, up the other day. Mrs. E. H. Young and children, of l'nity, Sask, are spending part of Him summer vacation with her moth- Mrs. Banks. and part; of the time :11. {_ll1ippa\\‘a, where 1101‘ husband has; a contravt on the Welland Canal. to and Peter Styles of Durham spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Millarf Mr. and Mrs. \V‘ill 3011 and family Spent, Sunday with the Heslip famâ€" ly. ‘ BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, August 6, 1922. Rev. E. Cameron, B.A., B.Th., Minister. . 11.00 A.M.â€"“A Talk with The Masâ€" 7.00 P.M.â€"“‘Three Links", (Firs! link, August 6.) Singing by Miriam and Eben. What are your health building plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder who Will aid you and your family to enjoy the days and weeks. of the beauti- ful spring. We expect to hear from you; Take Notice . I have secured the agen- cy for Wodehouse Ani- mal Invigorator, Baby Chick Food, Poultry Food, Lice Killer, etc. We also sell Zenoleum, the best disinfectant. ter.” Glenroadin. AUTO T'HIBVBS AT DUNDALK (Dundalk. Herald.) j Some consternation was felt in town Sunday morning when it was learned that S. J. Simmons’ auto was stolen the previous night from his garage. The phone wires were kept hot and' towards eV’Qning it was learned that the missing car was lo- cated at the side of the road on the 5th Line, two miles west of Shel- ' DURHAM ‘ ‘ Groceries, Flour and Feed ' Groceries, Flour 85 Food, Fresh Fruits Leave Your Order Now to get the Choice Berries SEE US FOR SALT--We have a. car load on'the road which will arrive some time this week. Next Week is Raspberry Week CREAM WANTED Seed Buckwheat, Shorts, Brain and Feed of all kinds . V Palmerston Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call and see us. ' Get a Can. .' J. VOLLETT ' FLY DESTROYER for hurne. The .car had run. out of 3380- line and was abandoned by the thieves. The lighting apparatus 'Of the car'went out of commission. and thefthieves stole lights from Alt. Porter’s car, Gravel Road, east of Corbetton, to repair, but. to no avail. An old lantern was found on the missing car. There vi as a “run” on padlocks at the hard“ are stores on Mondax. ' KW ‘1 WAKE» , ONT. PAGE FIVE

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