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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Aug 1922, p. 6

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Other Papers’ Opinions A Poolhardy Project. '_:St. Thomas '1 imesâ€"Journal. A .tew years ago an American yachtsman of standix g crossed the - tiautic in a small boat driven by a kez'nsone oil engine. His companion The Forestry Problem. (111111015 State. Journal.“ It is quite \wll 1111l1rstood that l lotestrx is one 11‘ our nati11n1l prob-i lems. 1‘s \tlmlb'th is 111:1:1' \\_11ll reC1‘1gnized f =:: 1.1211111? 131:1 l‘fizl.D1'-; finite nuwernvzlls' are 1211 111:)! to 1311- Veloy public Minion 1311' a 1::‘2‘1131icnl. sane and productiv- ;11'1=:,"t'1‘;!11 to 1‘11- store timber 1%;1Va.~'t:1:§1'11‘1 anzi to inâ€" Sure to the future :1 1'1-115111111'11111 51111â€" ply of lumber. The other 1:11z'11s~:ili1:s for t'orestaliun are not 1:1«1113: 111.4; Sight of as the tlz'images :11 flows and soil erosion make 1711~211ss1lws clear i" the naked (131*. .‘1 1111111? denuded lam! is :1 lost 111::1‘2. 1:;123‘1 1'111' hahitation.m1lti1::1tion.1_1r the sus- tenante of an: 111.1 lit1 The problem must i111 attatltpd on :1 n itio 1: at <caie. It 13 {1‘11 :1 1‘1" 1.111111: a<11rt§1111l 51111- ject. h 111) 11:11! 131 the cnunti-j. must do its share. The first import.â€" ant need is an intelligent, conception of the magnitmlo of the problem. The second is the realization that labor. time and money must be ex- pended. The owner of land on which it. is desirable to plant trees must have consideration. The establish- ment of forestatinn areas involve complex questions of taxation. Doctors’ Graduated Fees. {(')\'erseas Daily Mail.) A glimpse bC‘hllltl the scenes in Harley street has 31 st been afforded the. public in a sin c ialist \\ ho stated in court that a consultants fee was graduated in aur'nulance with the doctor‘s appraisemvnt of a patient's financial status. The latter's address he said. was also taken into considâ€" eration. If he hail “hat is known as i gfiml atltllPS< it \\: is naturally as smiled that he \i as in a position 1” pay 0n the highei saele. But the (li'u‘etnr .loes not, always have it. all his own way. The fee for a seemirl Visit is. of mzirse. always less than t‘ora in st one. A resourceful patient of an emimmical turn of mind paid; a first Visit in a specialist one day.' determinml to pay only On a second visit basis. "Oh. good morning. doc- tor. good mnrningl" said he. cheer- ily. as he entered the consulting room. "Here. we are again, you see!” It is a good idea. but. there is no guarantee that it will always come off. Blessed Oblivion. (London Sunday Express.) After all the rapturous rejoicings which welcomed the Prim-9 home had died away. a solitary motor car 33v; 111:: for thgm? PERI-{APStherearemany thingsyouwouldfiketo buyT-but yoq cannot afiord them now. Why not There is much personal satisfaction to be (aunt! in gay- ing moneyâ€"one dollar grows to twoâ€"in a short tune rt II fiveâ€"thentenand soonâ€"butifyouareaaving foradefin- ite object, you should Open a bank account. Whilst fly: money isalwgays there for you when you.need it, there a less gemppntgon go speng small sumsâ€"It grown. quake; A-‘ .- A and is safe from'loes: You will findâ€"om; Manage}. and 53 willing to help you. THE ROYAL BANK ~ OF CANADA Total Assets over “ wss is -1~°z'£l} mm. {110 l'tzzJ. aw (.21) “mt I 011 fur a :ti‘fl' \t‘ ,)IU‘.’I‘3 .m Making Money Grow drove up through the right gate into the quadrangle which faces Buck- 212139.111 Palace. A young man in ev-. wn'mg ress alighted and entered a side (3001'- of the Palace. He had the izz'flnzed face of a traveller and walk- ed very siowLy. France’s Easy Taxation. (1111:1113 Packet.) \‘Cn h¢_':11° :1 grvat deal about the Hit‘éjwl‘ilii‘ {ztrsition Hf French 1111311111.} :Hik‘) 1111113121 1'10; n'.‘ taxatinn in 1%"11103 is loss than â€".‘. 2331:! Mm French debt is loss than :21: vvâ€"I'mn'ths ni' tiw British debt, km- ‘111; 2.950 mznm dnilar‘s, against ' I 511's. The burdm: 'i' tho 11112-11011 n" taxatinn in Eng- 13211112. 'l‘hv taxatinn lt‘Viml in .17‘1'2‘uuro .3: 11111111: £8 per head, and in Great 1"1‘11 :111111’. 'v‘l'.) 1101‘ hmul. Yet 11:) :111‘ 11111011115 that UH" English penplc . :11 hi; 1 as rich as 2211» French. NobMy noticed him, for everybOdS’ was toobusy admiring the shimmer- ing brmrades and Sparkling diamonds which adorned the happy woman- howl invited to their Majesties’ Cum-t In a few minutes the unknown and 111111011111d young man emerged from the P3111 ce, entered his motor car. and 111‘M1_111..11y. H11 \\ as the- Prince Of \\'alos_.who1 111'1111’ 11111113 before had 11111111 111111.111? 110111.131 ' 111(Iaim11d by {11118 01111011381111: HI LOIMJ‘HGI‘S. NOW 1:11 11:1:1 11111111111 E11111. 11:1 1 :11‘111‘ :1igti11; 11111;!)15 111‘ 11111115511111 pubiicitv and 1111;:11131‘111’ 1:1 2111211111 sl\l\ happy to .1311 {1 [11"‘111‘1‘111SHE‘ "1”1‘ 11513111 at East. H11 111111111 1113 511111111111; 11 c1332" 11: 1‘111'111w :1r.11111:111113110151111) with a 1'1-\\' 11111 11111111111 {'1111111118. Blessed is nblh'ilrn 111 11111115. ’Ncman and Her Kingdom. (Kathleen Norris., :4me day thv (73131421955 woman \x'illiwn "simian” in the truest Swnso and the grvatost crown and ;._j.1::1'v \vili be Mum L310. To gi'x'e the {:10 it! mm and wumml is to-give it 11.“: mm-o Slam!) Ccllntinn 01' no n‘ mun) mnmfy ()f3111ii1u1n tics. 'l'hux'v is no altar mum) \wmdorl‘ul :12th that altar in a darkonml, pain- lll‘u-cl rmm. whm'n a child giws his. first little cry and wlwro a Mother is lmm. And tlw gx'valust natinn of Hip l‘ulm‘u will be tlw nalitm that rvaliz¢;rs it. firstâ€"tho nation that guards its cllildrvn as it does its public buildings, the nation of men and women who fool that a baby is more valuable.) llxan a Percheron 01‘ .211 Airedale. No Family Quarrels. (London Times.) Great Britain needs 'Oanacla. as Canada nemls ("h-oat. Britain. and in thoir hearts the pwiplo of both conn- trios know it. Only by standing and pulling together can the .various members of the Commonwealth or British nations fulfil their great des- tiny of helping. as no other band of nations can. to bring about the unity and peace of the world. fiis Lsry and the Films. J! : (Mon Dr ilv Mail.) When 1... emisiilei' 111w wonderful 3 study history would be if only the kinen'n‘i had existed in former years, \'.’(‘ may well envy our descendants their good fortune. Historic films are no\\ stored 3“ av in the British Museum. and me can imagine \xith what eager excitement the people of :1 'num‘li'ml years hence will witâ€" ness the. coronation e1_»1‘en11,111ies of King Eilwaml and King George. Reviving British Opera. (London Daily News.“ We are inclined to think that the real stimulus to operatic art in this countrx will have to come not from a wealthy promoter. but through the. iis'nfg up of a 110“ natixe composer. rich in inventive genius. Unfortun- ately such a gift. is not to be bestowâ€" ed hv any known means of capitalâ€" ism. “To must be content to wait for :1 fawrable juxtaposition of the Of TWO Evils. Cohenâ€"I bite efi‘ery shilling I take to see ef it is goot. Isaacsâ€"Bnd. ain’d you afraid of microbes? ‘ Cohenâ€"Val], yes; but not so much as I am afraid ohf had money. MORRISON’ S SUIT OP (11.02333w 1PEARL WHITE COMING (Winchester Press, 2 IN “BEYO In the report of the L ..F o. picnic . The offering at the V held on Fridav afternoon last, The to-morrow and Saturday Press takes occasion to commend GOUbtleSS be grbeted v and endorse much of what was said 1101188 Pearl White, the by J. J. Morrison, 01 Toronto, secre- tle screen fawrite 801Wel Lary of the U .F. O. \ organization for appreciated by Durham Ontario. In. the opinion of man}, \111l be in. toxxn. however, Mr. Morrison also talked a lot of tommyrot. Take for instance his statement. that. the suit of clothes . . he was wearingâ€"and they looked Sally Marrio'is the \\'i good and titted him splendidlyâ€"cost Ma rrioa a designer of sh him the sum of $60 when high-grade Y01k society. Philip g’i “out was selling at 12- cents p111;his time to 111811rotfescip lJOUINL and that it would take the ~ hundred pounds of wool to pay for Sally to pass the hours that suit of clothes. _ He also bought 0-311- 33“)" finally P0801 a pair of boots that cost him $12 glect and he promises h when the hide of a cow was brinwin‘r a theatre; but on the (la: only a COD-[J10 of dollar: The stateâ€"l?” to the theatre Philil ments caused a laugh and \\ ere a11â€" plauded, perhaps. more than > a11y|“ia! Older to (19513“ 51109 other statement he made during his mates 0f ailOI‘DhEill 383’1 speech 01' an hour and a half. The forgets the theatre and idea was to show that. the farmer the asylum. Sall\,1ig111 did not. receive a fair return for his at home when a 211151. with screen story, "Beyond Pr ly, the story is: products. The.illustration is not by any means a fair one, and is unmirâ€" thy of a man of the standing and mental ability of Mr. Morrison, and' it is surprising that he should resort to such tommyrot. Haul Mr. Morâ€" l'isun. like his g 'andparents, taken a few pounds of “'0!” and made home- Spun: hazel his wife cut out and made his suit. of clothes, they would not haw cost him $3. Hurt Mr. Morris- on taken the hide of a cow. cut him- sell out a pairof boots and sewed‘ them togetl‘ier they would not. have cost. him 50 (3 'nts. There is consid-â€": erable i‘lill'eremg'e between the raw" prmlurt and the finished article. The farmer that took his horsehide to town and sold it for $1.50 and then athlinir 25 cents more went to a store and bought'a razor strop for $1.75 could have made a hundred strops ot' the same size and shaps out Of that hide. but Would they sharpen this razor? In the making: of wool lint'n cloth. of hiiles into leather. lmuch him? is usml and some very expensive machinery is also used. The raw material passes through THE DURHAM CHRONICLE IN “BEYOND PRICE”. The offering’ at the Veteran Star to-morrow and Samrd‘ay nights wiil doubtless 'be greeted {vim a full house. Pearl White, the‘dainty-iitL tle screen favorite so. well known and appreciated by Durham audiences; Wiil be in. town with her clever screen story, "Beyond Price.” Brier:- ly, the story is: _ i . ' Sally Marrio 'is 1111: Wife 0111111111! Marriq a designer‘of shoes f0? New York society. 131111111 g’ives m05t 01' his time to his protessi and lean es Sally t0 liass the h'0uin: as best she can. Sally finally resents this 110- glect, and-he promises t0 take her to a theatre; but 011 the dew thev are t0 00 t0 the theatre Philip gets a speâ€" Lia! 0111011 to desig, 11 shoes 1'01 the in- mates- of a:1'0rphan asylum, and he l'1111gets the theatre and goesufl‘ t0 the asylum. SallX', augrv, is sitting at home XX 111111 a gyusv enters and 511118 a XXish- hook to 1101‘. ‘Sally writes three wishes in it The} are: ‘I \\ ish I was the XX ife 111' a million- dire. if XX ish I was '11 famous woman." "I wish for a baby‘s arms around my neck.” When Philip roturus he finds that :1 mm- m.“ shoes' 01111211011 .bv Valicia 11. famous 1f1a11cer,andapair ordermi by Mrs. J. Peter W eathursb}, wiie «11 a banker, have not. been delivormi. He tells Sally to take them. Resent- 1'11in Sally goes, but bvt‘urv she luams she \\ 1'1th :1 nutn idling her husigand that She is lamina him for- over. Sally leaves one pair'ef shoes at \‘alieia's aparlment. Almut. this time V-alicia is re-reuding some cmm3mm- ising letters she has received l'rum Weathersby. Lester Lawton, her «laneinx partner. walks in. He (le- rides to blackn'lail “Matherslxx'. He 34008 It) lhe \\ 03 the; shy home, EN ' ' ' mm. ‘ W2. ton accepts it, but Sally had cleverly taken'out the money. Soon‘Sally finds she has delivered Mrs. Weathersby’s shoes at Valicia‘s. Valicia has-gone to the art exhibit. Still wearing the coat. Sally hurries after her. Mrs. Weathersby has m- formed the police that. the coal has been stolen. ’ The art'exhibit is to be featured bya tableau showing what saricus trades. contribute to fashion. Famous persons, fashion. artists, players, etc... attend. The prettiest woman pres- ent is to pose in the tableau. A committee of artists headed bv Nor- l‘wrt Temple is to select flie'beaul-y. Sally, looking for Valicia and still wearing the fur. walks in, and Tom- ple promptly select: her for the tableau. . . Lawto'n' does the announcing. W'hen Sally appears. Lawton, enrag- ed over the trick of getting an emp- ty wallet, ’sneeringly announces her as .Mrs. J. Peter Weathersby. Mr. and Mrs. Weathersby are at the ex- hibit. Mrs. Weathersby promptly x'lmlares Sally is a fraud and has stolen her fur coat. Sally flees. falling through a valuable painting as she goes. She stumbles into Temâ€" ple’s studifl as a shot is tired and Mrs. Temple. fails «lead. The police get and hold Sally. Weathersby de- WWW-DOQ'OWW memo-odo- “EVERYTHING IN FARM MACHINERY” 7 I. YOu can’t make a finer feast for children than a lunch of Bread-and-J am, When the Bread is The trueHome Loaf that builds and nourishes even while it is delighting with its toothsome sweetness and rich home flavor. ' Ask for oursâ€"the firm, white loaf that slices bet- ter, lasts longer, tastes better. J: ”HUTZ, . Durh.m. ‘ HENDERSON’S BAKERY ? Farm ‘ . Machinery Everything in A féw BINDERS on hand er immediate delivery." ‘ ' Plows, Manure . ‘ Spreaders, Etc. Henderson’s Bread c'ides not to allow' 4 confesses to- hisw Lers and the dental how Sally had he iS'arrested. He is lice as “Slippery I Another shot is S'tudio. A man i_ closet. Temple 1‘ man who had th wife if she did 11 This frees Sally. .. has been the wife only for a minutw moms as the most in the tableau. When she remembm. had left for her husbam 110 wouhi turn her Out. home and finds the letter “Beyond Price" is one‘ W hitc’s greatest successes, , appear in Durham two nig! â€"Friday and Saturday, Aug of that club .Of yours.” 6%! Green’s wife at. the breakfast “They ought. to call it the 1 Pole.” " * “They ought 'to change th‘ “Iâ€"I must, say that I don’t‘ why.” “For the reasOn that when »a starts out to go there there’s Selling when he'll get. home agai: Thursday,

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