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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Aug 1922, p. 8

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Mr. E. Wilton. Mr. J. J. W'ilton and Mrs. E. Mead left on Wednesday morning to attend the tune: 11 of their cousin, the late Mrs. MattHew at Toronto. Mr. Matthews and son Harry who haxe been visiting at Mr. J. Wil- ton‘,s received a message last Sun- day that his wife was seriously ill in the hospital at Toronto, and mo- tored down Sunday night. We were sorry to learn later that Mrs. Mat-* ihgws died on Monday morning. MP. and MP3. Bert Thnmpsml, of Flint. Michigan. are spending this week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart. Miss McInnis of Toledo. Ohio. - is visiting her cousin. Miss Janie Peter. Miss McInnis sang a solo at Knox last Sunday which was very much appreciated. ‘ Miss A. Shiwzu‘t. teacher near Markdalo. is spvuding ho‘I‘ holidays with ho.“ pai'vnts, MP. and Mrs. An- drew Stewart. Miss Stuwart is to be congratulated on passing 1101‘ five Entrance students. ' \ Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall. Mr. Arch. McDonld is busy at present sh’ingking 311'. John Marsh- all's barn. U sermon was vm'y much ::;_»;'nw'iatml. Miss Ida Uihsnn. who has bemn \‘iS- iting with hm- sish‘r. Mrs. J. Bzmm'. returnml to hvr immn in Kilchmwr last. Saturday. accompanied by' her niwv. Miss Hwy! Bauer. Miss .lanvt Blyth Hf thn \Vvst i 5;.»omling her vacation at. home. MP. and Mrs. James MC. Mat-shall \‘isitmi x-Pcontly with Mr. and .Ir‘s. NMsm: Mm‘mirv. Mr. and 311‘s. Norman Foster 01‘, Mildmay sant Sumlay evening with 1 MP. and Mrs- .lnhn \lnmhgn S rmu' oun i-nuvspundonl. ‘ Rm. Mr. Hill. \xhc) is \isiting Mr. R. Barbm’s. inhk (ixalmv Hi Stf”l\i('t‘$ at KIIO‘C his? \nniisn' '1 The rain on Sunday morning caus- ed church. goers to stay at home in general. The Rev. Mr. Brysvon of Chatsworth exchangml with the Rev. MI'. Jones of Priceville. Haying is far behind yet. in finish- ing; not half done yet In reading: Mr. Gilbert McKech- nnfs hfiter hitast “Infifs Chronicka the thought. struck us that it is a pity that such talented writers as Mr. MeKechnie .are now getting on the decline, but tn peruse his two and a half columns in The Chronicle, they contain matters pertaining to be beneficial to his MW! 1 and coun- try at large. Mr. and Mrs. \lex. McEachom of; "Lmunin zu'v \isitinj' Miends ”11 the Snuth fine. (:Ionolg, at present. In wading: Mr. Gilbert \chech-: 318* luttm‘ in last weeks Chmnimo: 1111111111111111111; 41111.1 1111111. The- era! 11 {50111-1111 1111- 1t= ' for a 1:111: 11:11.2 '1‘111- 1;. 111111.41 1112 was \1'311013' 1111111111 i'z-um 111111 11'111 14-- ca1itivs. Ht'z' ,ushw 11.11.3112 Junws 111'11111111111 :1 11111110111111; scrmuu ml 11101101151011. 1110111111-110211'01'< \\ 0111' C11a11w<111131so1L1111311 \161’11311. T1101nas ML'DUIL‘._'a11,HOC1Ul Mva- 11111 .\'01ma11 31011111113 11111.1 Hoctm' 1111111110111 “. G. “(115011 was 1,1111 1111.11.11 121111112 Thusv 1mm Durham were. 311's. Adam \\ (11> 1', 111111 (11111211101; 311'. 31111 )1I‘S.11’.11"155 311. 1’011‘1 Rilmuun 81111 >1S11‘I..\11('6‘, 211111 ‘ 19111111 13111111111 \1111'11 311's. 3“ 'l "1‘ . K1n11nz1 211111 51111 116*1"1n: :11111::':11r"h11w‘ 1 }:liao 311.1%. le.n]:}.'l 3.101 nnv‘ Avn-\-- .- ' Too late for last week. V place this Monday afternoon, the 24th July. to McNeal’s cemetery. Mrs. McKinnon had been ailing for some months back with a complica- tion of ailments. but was able to be about‘till a few days before her’ death. Mrs. McKinnon, whose maid- en name was Catharine McKinnon, daughter of the late Mr. Donald .‘u'c- Kinnon of Bunessan, where she was born about, 63 years ago. and was wedded to Mr. Hugh McKinnon 42 years ago” In religion she was a Presbyterian. a dutiful life compan-l ion and a faithful mother. The sons and daughters away from the old home will sadly mourn the loss of a . beéoVecil mother when duty calls .1 them to visit there. These two sons+ who hurriedly left from their homes .~ in the Far \Vest Wilt." t .1 the message! rent-Md them of the sv'" " not» umszt of their mother, when arrixiny onlyts‘ received a cold rec *ption from tilt‘lil once Ewing; mother. who t'urnit-rlygs met them with upon arms in 3.:i'w‘i ’3 them. for they wniy g'nunzi lu-r mini-l, casket: uist, hm” 1y sleepin” in her \ dutit'u.‘ daughter. Mrs, Jones. l‘rnr.‘ the West. arriuul on Sunday nigh . Size and her lirsztiier .\l’(’ilio~ hired a f In car from the ('iif‘ ms Sundny “ . noon. making mml fin)“ 'ri.,. .-... l Knox last Sundav PAGE EIGHT. Priceville and South . I-I . MIN”? Ru" ‘ . \. MI. .hmus (0"n . D‘. ‘, ‘ “Moran, sermon «:11 correspondent.) .1 ..... -.uvux. -111 1. Thnse two sons+ 111» 3111' 111 11111 their humes we 11! :1 19“ 11011 H11} 11113552120! “11' 11113191 ’11' 511110115 111111153"! 118 11' 1g 11 111311 arriving.1111l\"~‘1111111 $111M L'Cpiion 11'11111 {1111;11111‘1n1‘1 ('1'1' 1’ '1'. W111» 11:1'n111 \ 1111111111“ ‘111'1'319V P111 5 1111 111'1115 I11 5.:1'1111; vtho‘ Tho A LESSON IN ADVERTISING William \Vi'iglcy. Jr., the million- airc- manufacturer of chewing gum wlm annually snvnds hundreds of thousands of dullars in advertising, was recently usknd why “‘0 (lid not now I'l“l}' Upon Hm rumination estabâ€"I lishml for his l'amnus brands of gum and saw aclwrtising vxiwnsns. H0 1'01)“le “My frivml. if I worn to stun zlulx'm'iising it \vnuld bi‘ likr" liliiillg llu- vngiue all a train. ll \x'emld slnw down and after :1 little? wlnlo stop. .â€"\c‘l\'m'lising is the” li'mn‘uolix'o Hl' business. and if you ~lnn‘t have 11. business cumes tn a slim-" WWI-v. Tim will an.) visit her 'i‘.‘,\.' i .~ m (N vn S01111u.!nl'011tv.,v giflmtsu'il hvtulv H'tuI‘nmg t0 9" Michigan hum“. Huvss mm of the buys was poking Hm “puff adder” at Riverdale. He was spitting: nut mutiI-zltmi diction- ary last. \H‘vk. .i. W. Mack 01' Sl‘mllmrne erected a 1171qu monument of wry 11ml. deâ€" sign last week in the public ceme- h‘n'y hvrc for Mr. and M 18. Farquhal‘ Mciiimmn and family in the plot. \vhvrv their late son and brother is laid. l l .‘11'3. X. , 1.. \u\,|..l H! b”!- rcsbytorian Church, Tnâ€" z'cmln. 011 Sunday. July '23.th a guml (‘ctnm-egaliun. and naturally 0114,)11gl1 numlxérs nt' l'or'mPI' l’I‘icovilloilCS. . now living in tho vily. were attractml ’lflo‘l‘l' [H Int-Hf bin). learn 5? I'H‘t l’ ‘ xi: HUI! and clauu'l'llnrs l ._ g E .:21 and Laura nl' 'l'HI'tmto‘. zzlsu H.li. 9.“...nnmi (:l' 'l‘ln» (limbo slall‘. :mn Etmr llzvx'izru‘ lwl'v fur a timn all llwir wnmiry hump. _ l’ustnlastl‘j' .‘Z. .‘slvljunlivy has bow: in uz‘w nl'.‘ .llo' 'l‘nx'xznln lmspitzlls Mr 3 l'a-w «lays. llis <m-x*;<vas)1jm‘io:< uc- ":zsinnully I'mmirv vxpel't altmltinn. rt ANSSHRI makus a genial and M'- "-‘ zlssisrTml in tho post Office. ' 1's. l’lzil Se'ln'yvrs rl‘ l‘“ ‘ All " .. lum- lwl'n spentilingz‘ :3 ‘ ““- ‘-"!:*'-‘" “1“] HH‘ laHPP.R frinnrlu ' . .u this. 801150! 3.1“le 'I'hn weniv Ht' town and \ 1 2m» pz'e‘pzu'ing‘ ts: z-vcoh'w a gathering nl' \‘isiinrs an 33011:! Just .7 'Hw but»! my! mmmil mm churciws hul‘v w EH be In In furnish Ennchvs m' gum! mu xxu'itms nthm' I'vt'roshmmts 1 and young. PU‘V. (I. S.JHI]1‘S nmmnhnd 4 Mr. and Mrs Alex. Hm 5110111. War 112.” mm! frimuk 1n ()vmn S1-.1lllld 111's. 1 '11: {1111 mrs 0! 1p <or-1Hling 1301' holidavs mnihu' 111s. mev 11* . i; .1115: 3-1c-1'31 Iixingshm (Our Own m‘n correspondent.) -;1\‘_\' ('I‘HpS n!" hay have I'M! in this. svzlsnn homâ€" a train. It wmxld after 3 “(UP while 1; is {he Incarnativo if you {lun‘t have 1t. 0 a stnp." .- w wwn and \‘ivinitv ._.' t1: rm: \iw a 1:11er \ isidus ¢ 11 ‘fsnndm. \u- hut *1 :22th mmmiitws u! 's huw \\ EH km W mum! m hrs m gum! nwals and 1' I'MI'P. Imn nts for 01¢! 'mmnln hnspitals 1'01“ 1 4mwvasyljurios us- mm uxport attnntinn zukus a! genial and M'- in thv post Office. Phil Se-l‘n'yvrs rt' l‘h ‘ All "" S. “PX. HOI'H :‘nd famllv 111* \\'(‘f'!’- 01 M with CPU Sound. mrs 01' Alpimi. N.S.. is " imlidavs with her Hnmv liz'iWham. (Q I" \xith him to 3pc): 3 5. They go to Alle'xifoxd, .Tobexmorrv. and other 0 Bruce Peninsula. Ivv hut-n smémlingz‘ :: [w lattm"s friends 3184) visit 1101‘ I'viziâ€" Ln Park correspondent.) 'E'm'ontu. and 'mu'hwl in Cu] m white 0“ 1-le There is at. least. an even chance :ing his daug!2-- that the Ontario Department of .331155 EW MC- Highways may make an addition to 11m to 5‘45"“ the Proxincial roads svs atem, an East :0 to Allenford.1 , " Peninsula. coe and Huron according to a dis- patch from Toronto. On W ednesdav Hmir WHEN IS A MAN DRUNK? “When is a man drunk?” is . a question that has frequently come up in court. It, came up in the Kin- eardine police emn't Hn Monday last. week before County M Manb of \Valkertnn. 01' agistrate One man said gran 1511! 11! 11111 1 :\\ 111111 '11 :1»: 51111111 1111'â€" ‘i ii). 111121511'1111 1i'1111i List \‘1'1111k in six 11111111115 in i:1i1. 11112111115 “as 1101 11113511111. 2111\\11\111' 111 z1iis\11i‘i‘ to his 111111111. 11>: 1111 1131! 111111111 111111111 11111\11 a 111“ 111115 [11'11\i11111sl\. R1)- 1111121 has it that 1111 is 1111 his “av hack to Chi1111.lh11 inlmmation \\ 11x laid h} Inspvctui' 11111111111131“! was considered :15 3 3111111111 offence whereas it “as actualh a thin! 01"â€" 111111111 as 1111 had paid 11x11 $201) fines prm iously GOOD SERVICE thm'in Minn. wim (WY-Hellu'tvd a restaurant. in Hzmnwz' and who Inm- «HW! :1 “HID "§!s)t)f.(‘h" 0:) H10 5MP, ran f'r'u! Hi' ‘ ' . \ I ”in 1;:\\' and was svntvnv- “Ha-H”: 'i‘ K. \lulx :\I.P.l’. Duffer- ' . NHIHI Grey; 16. .l'. Mans. M.P.}’.. South Simeon; fie-nu) W. (Inle'. 01' Durham. and Maynl' .\H¢-n ni' Mmml i’ul'vsl.. D. and A. Corsets, . .‘ $1:00,$l.5DO, $2 00 and $2 .25 Boy’s Best Dress Shirts ................ $1.19 Children’s Sandals, 3 to 71/2 ............. 99c Children’s Pat. Pumps 3 to 71/3 .......... _ $1.50 Misses’ Brown Calf 1-strap Pumps ...... $2.59 Women’s ,Dong. 2-strap ........ . ....... $3.75 Men’s Mule Harvest Shoes ................ 2 95 LADIES! .Ask to see our Dong; Blue. cushion sole with rubber heel, for tender feet. Why sufl’er when. you can buy an uquUll m' a nnrth and. south wad hvhw-vn (jvylnn in (hwy (Inunty' mu] Fox'g‘us. in \\'¢"Hin:_.:tnn County. ”The 'ministm' suggvstml that. 1110 construc- firm “1' this I’Hlllv lw I't'h- “PM! U) Hm (Inunty Ununvils (_.'ml('or'11w_i, as. at thv present timv. tho. mm!“ was 1111- dm' the confirm] nl' tlw tmmships, and it was nut. thv policy nt’ thv Dc» pal'tmont tn take uwr townéhip maids as prnvinvizll highways. ‘1! ‘ Best Scotch Ginghams per yard .......... 250 Best Unbleached Cotton, yard Wlde, per yd 22c Fancy Chmtz, yard Wlde OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAJOVBR 01:23:;- HIGHWAY MAY LINK SIMCOE AND HURON COUNTIES Thexe is at least an men chance that the Ontaxio Departmenb of (H aum (I! 1’: )<! “A man is drunk,” aS {USU 81"”(‘sfi‘d {Whit .\ \f'mldcd vashm It! in :IIIU.)-Bill:l'i() mad near 11. Laim' {ho \\ csfnrn ‘, mute could be Com- cile Haney ....-. weal sportsmen who. handle the race meets in town realize just what R-aney’s levy on race track re- ceipts means. For races in this town last Saturday the driving club paid $10 in day tax and 10 cents for the expenses and the members had to make up the balance. Races on the Alliston track will not likely be( seen again~at least not till with some sense Pnnlamnq ”1n 4mm RANEY’S HORSE-MC}: TAX WILL KILL SMALL MEETS (Alliston Herald? ’ The Incal sportsmen who. handle the race meets in town realize just what R-aney’s levy on race track re- ceipts means. For races in this town last Saturday the driving club. paid $10 in dav taY 9nd 4“ (Invx4m. PA“! SHELBURNE HAS A “HIVER” (Simlhm‘nn. liccmumist.) .k swarm ul' hws I'mml a 10%)! hunâ€" vy mzmui'm'tm'ing- «Input, \x'zulrhérmi away [rum inm’w a few days ago and Imuhfl <sz a hig Ihn'dmek in rear H1" 3 husilmss hhwk. \‘x'um tn the apinr'y hz’nuuhl. ah)”: 21 girl WIN} a hiw. livâ€" Mvntly shn knew lwr lmsinoss, for. m-zu'jng :1 mail, hul nut. l'mtl'wring with ghn'vs, She son” had thnso hens hived and on their way to their .. 4 pmpor "Itizzl‘h‘l's. two, would ('11! v va-lzulm brunch HIT the burdock, stick it, in the hiw till the bees were 011', withdraw the hranch and {058 it tu «me sidv, 'l‘hun Uh“ 'Wfluld ammo annihm- branch. And so the process cunthmm! until ihe “"211th rats worn all safe-1y housed again. The women seem to do pretty nearly everythin" well nowadays. 1331‘ (fI'HVCn “"315 Univ the charm Kl'it‘gm' was (H .............. ;\ sccnnll(nhyg.hcard Vvus onc- i: which the crown Imlscculcd Gusta- \115 I{Piegtn' 0f I’alnqcrslorl 0L1 thc allcgml nfl'ensc. of having misc 'scntcd lHrnseH'to be a constabhm It was alleged the Mfcncn was commit.- lml whcn Kclcgcc camc in Arthur in scarch unflns car afhn'il had been uscd hy lns son in the lhén.lap of llur unfnPUJnato journeyilgs of the lwn Arthur girls and two Palmccslon yuuths. llclalls of which arc. now gn‘clty g'cncl‘ally known. Hmvcvcr, ! n'(nwnvn Vvas not able CDI‘Oâ€" _ 7 ..... u IILLLG‘JC‘J 'gniHy by correspondonce. MI‘. Hunâ€" tor of Durham, one of those who had (‘i'ODL by the quiet homes of Kenil- worth at, only ’12 per, appeared to defend his case. However, after the trafl'ic cop and MP. Hunter were hoard. Polico D-Iag'sh'aio Hollyor do- clm'od :issvssmonts of $10 and cos-ts :11] round. I (Arthur Enterprise.) It would seem that the provincial authorities are going to see to it that the speed limit is obs .erved On.‘ country roads as well as on the Hamâ€" ilton Highw ay and other more im- [I‘llll‘tant thoroughfares. Last Friday ll’l‘oh’ee Magistrate Hellyer disposed of four charges for excess! speeding‘ at his home at. Kenilworth. The of- liences were committed on the 0.8.11. when speeds of 37, 30 and two at. ’2 miles per hour were reported by lrall‘ie cons-tables. Three of those rharged did not ammdr- hm mam-1m: _ â€"â€"v “‘7“ he wouldn’t d0_When he he swore, “When ‘ULL and at ;. reduction on uu 15am, llUL' [1“ a man sense replaces the imbC“. m-wk. Wum to Hm apinri am”: a gill \xit h a hiw 13V- knmx Imp business, 101. :1 \eiL but 1101 buthnring vs She 504m had thnsp Imps M on ‘hnir way to their y3:\ I a n ‘. ”u]t{*lh. tn!“ \\‘l‘nl]rl In” as dismissed O he dOes something INA“ L- “Yas Sober.?1 Iivcurd :I-I' PM”?I‘I‘Inani'u, Three Of'the {0111" Inn-4! bulls were (hopped at (lap Hflugv; 1h." sire of mo 01 thom and 1h“ dams Hf' 225‘: these hme qualifimi for Imam-ail of Berfnrmanco. Am! H?" r~gleariLv with which heifvré qualify SHOW a magniticmlt Junkizzg." imH bought, one that. ('HHnl hrzx'.‘ ‘cnzz :1. all the shows, and rmrw'wz' :1: ani- mal which, zmmmhng Eu uniinury standards, was ni' gum! dairy crin- 1’0rmati0u. Hut ('\‘¢'l.‘_\' (me Hf his daughters, over i\\‘mu.\'-1'i\'¢'3 in mum‘- hm‘. had to 1w St‘llf, 10 Hm butcher. Imcaus«‘- pum' Iuiikurs. And. later on when some of the" dams m" thoso pm?" milkers were bred his hulls out Of known heavy I'H‘OIJUCPI'S. Lhoy {:a‘vc‘ heifers Which 0215in qualififlf f0? Iivcnrd Hf PPI‘le'nifllH'H ' ALL AT RIGHT PRICES A large asSortment of Bihders and Thrasher’s Gloves. Gen- uine Horsehide, 50C to $2.00 PARIS GREEN per lb. 50c. - A animals are used. Anothor Ivssun distinctly in {in}! . possible 1w irm‘z'n‘fi‘ H1“ qualitivs (.i‘ «1219" with. good the I‘vn'miw.~ may i'w. :1? SiI‘OS arm nut «if 3;v21\‘}' \Wlen starting if» ‘23:, :2. him Xxxas FRENCH, CANADIAN CATTLE A'r CAP ROUGE, QUEBEC (ExDerimental Farms Note.) The herd of French Canadian cat- tle at the Cap Rouge, Quebec, Exper- [imental Station, may not be the lar- 'gest in existence to- :numhcrs about 60 head of registered‘ animals, but no other herd can boast ,3 larger DI‘OpOI‘thn of Record of Per- -forrnance females. There is not. a c lesser} two DCI‘lOdS ol” has not qualified, 'ill remain at Cup Mhich cannot do so. This rigid P1110, howew . has not elimin- ated many heifers. in latter years. 35‘ practically every .me or them quail-j fies. " . day, though it ‘3" A. Cross Sutherland Hardware Co.‘ - Limited APPLY TO THE Superior Knitting mans Limited Mount Forest, Ont. rung w ' fix 1'"; fin ‘4 ‘ . _.'. ‘3'“? which has 11% heifer will rema me «In; I A (3. 11min»; n! is that H is in}- ~VHVu rhu nfilking r 3' (“at t 11*. hsjm'mer -1nnx fun urflvss thv £zwa\\ pzwnhlvors. 3:53. fiant lessons wore ”a! it, y). 0 <3 (‘1' Is impwsibie to (20 ‘ 1‘. “ ‘thTJ‘Jt having: ‘\ m gm“ mum Haw can :1 111111}! guku'producor> ulis present h; l 511%)“: iwit’vrs :1: ani- Zu uniinnry dairy can- one Hf his Emmy in lwalthV Stones I3ur0 *xtlact ted (f'lmfli' hunm fur1 sale. In. -pmmd can $2 ()0 prly in w. Mtcdunald, ,mmtm‘v 91m "N“ "“03: "“li‘lim ”Iv man moucezil 0d under tlkwbml Tim i'viinw W3. familiar with NI" lirufcssms pecu. “s. liarities. .. “Inhatss Strqun“ .. {nuti'nl‘Cd tHC ”yofessor ‘1 cnuld haw mom I. loam ~ommne undkr thvrv.“ An :11morlt-minded pI'OfDSSUI‘ 1‘0- ‘rm'nmlhome from 3. 14301110 one {“3301}ng his ,room. he kuglrt 73(9an SNJUC 0110 UlldOI‘ his hm}. "“ is under kmere?” he asked. at a time is h to satisfy, the ambition of 00d breeder. . - ' ith the present tendency re to buy milk according :0 fat exit, the little french (Aliaoiian rill mme ti" her mm, , w ‘ mu. in hwaliibs where (”101' 8V0”; 10. if, “HUM 1N" iviii‘l‘ in C‘mtmu‘" e imprmement vith hulls nut 91" the higher testing cows of the same gbi'eeii. but in places where fitqck 1135 heelrmiged or is nmsily so'ffiififiy, if is sure Hm? hulls 01' the French Can- adhm breed. known for it< easy ki'i‘ping ('Iiizljiijes and ”'10 I'iCh Illi'lk H1" iis (WAYS. will he a “paying W01“)- silimv. Sueh hulls 3"?“ for sale at reasnnahle goriees and may: in; haul hy :‘mgflying in (his, Langelier. Su- rwrinlendenf. Experimm'ital Statiun, (Pip RHIIQO, Quei'n'rr. REPAIRING ALL KINDS MACHINERY HONEY FOR-SALE and Oils '. August 3’ 1922‘ Post Office 83H

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