West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Aug 1922, p. 5

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PRESIDENT REYNOLDS SPEAKS 1 1 ON RURAL DBPOPULATIOM ’ (Guelph Herald.) T1101 1.11111‘\"1l1:_: 2111111153 “'35 (1811\- 111101111115 morning at the 0.1ch 1by’ President Reynolds to the Interme- 111111 111 S11111m111 S11110111. \\ 1111111 is comâ€" 1111R1111 111' 1111.511 5111111111 11.131111011531111 1111R11111111111R. 111111 contains 111 101. of val- 111111111 11111 111111111'Rting information: 1 11111111 1111R 11111 11 1111 11111111 1111110111113- 111111 11 111111111111 111 11111 1151 11.111 yeaIS. "1111111-1 '1111R 11111111 11 shitting“ 111 11111111111â€" $111111 1111111 111111k 111 111111111 11111111 11151-‘ {111'1R' 1iiR11111t {11111 1111111111115 to 11111 (neighborhood of markets; fr11m dist- ricts ill- proxided with 11111115110111.11- t11111 111 11111.5R1 \\1111-111‘11\i1ied; from g11n1111111 1111111111111 11111115 to a11eaR “11111111 111111111111111181111fa\1111 1111.1111Ri- 111111 112111111113: 11111111 141111111111 1111111111111 I areas 111 0111 ”111111-111 11:1 gmwral fanning 11111111.R 111 .\'11\\ 111111111i0 \11111 11111 131111 iR 1111111111 11111! 1111111111: f111n1 small 1111111313 and 111\\'11R to 111111111111 t1.’1\1'11s and 11itie1R. S11 1':11111.R 111111R11R 111111111113 111111 313111111111. 11111511 111111111111 11 small _ net 11111111 i1111111a811. In districts \\ here :1 1101111111 111110.1- ulation has actually 111”“111111111. it does not necessaril} mean either aban- donment. of land as a result or a (le- cline in earning power as ~11 cause. The causes are mainly these: 1. Increased use of machinery, enabling the cultivation of more acres per man. The results are larg- ha :tged and that‘ helped to preci- the great stru gle hdtween the and South. The house stands tham. Ontario. within a stone's of the C. P. R. station and in iew of those “ho p? ss through. ding to lmal trarii: u .1 the hoiise one of the more imposing resié' es of the town “hen. 60 years ago. hn Brown and his friends met in one of its rooms to arrange his anti- slavery crusade. Sixty years and more (2320. savs th: Gait Reporter ' the present structun as a four 2221:222m2nt building. and one the Show 12!:22‘225" in the (unfit 22222;“ n of Chatham. Between 25 and 3‘) rs ago “hen the C. P/‘R 229.2- mm ough Chatham. :27? 0.! the buildtnq tom (10“!) Stlh'n :‘fifer the rcmn' :1- two tenamen; 2.,2-. 22 22222222222222 mtn ngle residehee an! 7h 5226‘s. :‘9-22 mg f'".r\’:\'e to-daj; thm in the two ( 22r22C2'2 i‘né Chi] \Var r. was 2232.22 222‘ ”222 hern terminah of he 2~22'.:2?2r.'=22 (Verground r’nhx 1v 2221;222:222? 322' .-~'iean abolitioniSIs to :°22222IT?t;-.j~ of negro slaves to Ca: 22:12 'xvay '“~‘ 0f the escaped slmes 522137.” .nQH 222352.: Cnatham. and \nrwr 2203-22: :Essex and Kent mum: 22‘. 72"" sever r921" tounsxtes were laid out at 2.3,. 2 time :2» made! negro 2‘Onunuz22t.-2 ‘ To-day somewhat diminished frOm 'ts original imposing proportion the uiiding houses the tower-man who is n duty at the immediately adjacent treet crossing. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES E“ tans are aware that mong the landmarks of United tes history that stand on Cam» soil is the house in which John . of American civil war famt‘ d the conspiracy that led to his hanged and that‘hclnod to mod- (M 73; 10 for 17¢ 25 for 40c {er farms. t'mw-r farmers, and fewer; r‘ws nut mean an ecnnnmic disabil- ll‘umilics. 'Ei}: t0 the farmers themselves. it. means. rather. :1 lower predilcliim. 2. 'l‘he ilii‘i'icully in hiring comâ€" . . less cempMitum. and censcq1miily potent. lahni'. “Ulillhlrs and in. owing to higher whos paid in industries better returns. than the farmer is able to pay. Fre- . To the nation and the \\'ill"l(fl_. howâ€" quenily high industrial wages and i ever, this decline in productive pew- '01‘ in ag'iculiure means a distinct. opportunities fur town business' have omimi the farmers themselves I 1088- For agriculture more than any from the farms. This desertion haslth‘P productive OCCU133l--l0n_01'03i93 left. to thusp 1-pmaimng 0n the land l wealth. and a decline of prmiuctive more amlps than they can manage to g power in this class means a decline till, Hence in sunle districts thel in the means of subsistence and a ifarms have hm-nmp pastures furlilceline in \x'e'allhâ€"priiuluction. Hence I - - v \Isheep and cattle. imral «flepOpulation 1s 1088 :1 problem i 5) ~. 'l‘he iliii‘icully in hiring com- petent. labnr. «.miclmms and in. owing to higher wuos paid in industries than the farmer is able to pay. Fre- quently high industrial wages and opportunities fur town business have enticed the farmers themselves from the farms. This desertion has left. to those remaining on the land more acres than they can manage to till. Hence in snme districts the farms have 1_I¢"("t‘ln](\ pastures for sheep and cattle. The Chmham structure is often care- lessly referred to as “the Holden house." The uv111er 310111121011 was a mIm'ed man 11.111111! 12:5 ”011011. Hol- fnn wm present .1! the meeting held by Inlm Rr r.o1.\1n Sn 13:15 [sane Holden. 1 he: monument emmed man Roth \ere'bzg: 211111 111115? 31313711111 leaders in the Colored 1'}! 111111117- h F. C. Cooper and :1 link- mm? 11:1111ez‘ Harris. with several nthers. 1001»; part in the confer- ence. 3. Young: people particularlx haw been attracted to tow ifiife 11nd occu- pati 11113, so that ewntualiv mam hoini Steads are sold to neighboiS. 111111 the size of the holdings increas- t the sxstem of f111n1i1131 becoming ies SiniOIISi\',e I 4. Not 0111's are there fexxer fam- ilies in 811(11 districts but smaller 1amilies.Schoois and chui‘cheS and Social lite ha\e c0n3equentl} declin- ed. and with these hive deciined the general satisfaction okcountry fife. 5. Added to these ‘ .the lack of " ket facili- tranSportation and of “ties in most of all of 1711 back dist- The exact date of the conference at \\hiCh the date was pl: mum] is not me served in the local traditon.1t seems pmbabre tlmt I I?!" hrm‘. n \isitcd Chat- hzm‘ 01 several occasions in mnnevtinn wit! his \\ ork for the SI: xvso The con- ference probably mm; pluu‘ late in I853. or early 511 13:0 part. finam‘xd known. “10 no :tzztnr'uiiy, kept what ”NH flu In the latter 50's; however. South- western Ontario contained a large negro element. an". many of the escaped slaves had establishel themselves in business an'l were amnftious, well-edu- cated and well-to-do. So when “0553- watomie" Brown. nursing his daring scheme of freeing the slaves at a sinâ€" gle stroke, looked about for support, he turned naturally to the negro settle- ments in Sonthwesrern 'Ontario for funds and helpers. These townsitcs are still shown on old maps, but the communities themselves unlike Topsy, never “growed,” or, if they attained any proportions have, with one or two exceptions, long since dwin- dled into insignificance, with the depar- ture of the greater portion of the cg]- ored population. ’ 'v ~ 0. Added to these is transwmtntion and of {a Lies. in most. of all of th riots, where general fa: vogue. ‘ POpulation has declined in; the mixed farming districts. Thmgh this decline entails certain Social disabilities already mentioned it a With a History 0 win? extent Brown. secured sup- r, finrxmff and mherwise is not am The vEe‘niIs nf the meeting were. Imiv. kept secret at the time: and H ”the the pnhiit ultimately knew otcountr: in 3\ few months la‘er, Abraham Lin- mln. .at his Cooper Institute speech at 1‘ \ ork referred to Brown’ 5 raid in :32: :f(:?' :-m\:ng words: ' him Bmwns efiort was peculiar, 1: mt < not :1 91 we insurrection. It was an at empt hv white men to get up a r volt among the Haves. in whim the :‘s refused to partieipatc. In fact, i‘ ..a< so absurd that the slaves. with :1" their ignorame saw plainly enough it (mild not cuum (1 ‘.\ ithin :2 little more than a year of :‘m: spom‘h. and vithin two years of " mid. Linrnin was in {111“ \‘u'hite Hume. and the Southern States were seemiingz. However thinking men might «7"?710mn 11R in1iV ' 1h? Nor‘hern SW’CS 1‘7"~'r:11?\' re7 rmied 1mwn as a ma?- tw :nci “iohn Rronns body lies a- :~«::1<‘.erin;: in the grow. but his soul 3377‘s marching on." hemme the battle of the sohiiers who were destined. :2 v‘ew wars later. to compel the sur- i'7-::;_ier m Aimmnnmx of Brown’s ('nn- (gin-rut. ‘â€"â€"v .â€"u- It was on Oct. 17, 1859, that the Chatham conference bore fruit in the startling raid on Harper’s Ferry, in Northern Virginia, where Brown, with Several of his sons and a number of other white men, seized the national armory and issued a proclamation call- ing upon the slaves to rise in insurrec- tion against their master. The,raid in a few hours spread consternation, not merely throughout Virginia, but throughout the United States. LL-CO]. ,h'uhert E. Lee. however, arrived with a detachment of marines, the armory was recaptured. and Brown and a few of his companions were taken prisoners. {rown was hanged at Charleston, Vir- ginia, Dec. 2. 1859. came out, most of it, after the raid ' ru ‘31 people than for towns poo- pie and for the nation. 1. Districts surrounding large cit- ies have become suburban areas. places of residence for those working' Durham Machine Shop REPAIRING ALL KINDS MACHINERY ‘ ‘ Save the coupons Machinist. Etc. .Nearly Opposite Post Ofl‘ice sired. Lawn Mowers, Scythes and all other tools or cutlery resharp- ened and made like new. Work called for and delivered if de- ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. HEALTH OP DAIRY CATTLE 11’ (lairymen in-p‘articular. and farmers 211111j11‘all$-'. would know how to have healthy cattle, they shohld lose no time in sending to the pub- lications Branch. Ottawa, for a mm of recently issued Pampl'ilet No. '16 Of the“ Dominion Department of Ag- riculture. prepared under the imme~ diate supervision of the \'1_1t11ri11°;11'y General. It contains 85 1l11l'11‘ 11911 questions and 1,5 explicit a11q4'1'1'1'11'°s couched in plain. st '11i1'1htt'or \"1r1l language. r112a11ling the \11‘11111111 He1° System and the i1il11ntification. preV1-I1ti1f111 11111! 11ra1ii1jati1’11‘1 of tuber» culosis: also relative to the 1111111112111». ments 0f and provision for official inspecting: and testing The 111'1:11:11'}' p1i11cipl11 l111 the prexentiou 1'!’ tuâ€" l'1111°1_-ulosis. 111' for that n111t t<11° 21111: other disease of live stock. 1.14 1111111â€" liness. 111'1°11n1p;211i111l iiy l'1‘1111 ventil- ation and plenty of light: {1111l the first element in sanitation is cl1.111li- ness. That this is a prime considâ€" eration is indi‘ated by the statement that the officially a1i11'1oint111l i11sp1j1ct- or will not 111111111°lak111 to test a herd t'or t11l.1111‘°c11l1'1sis until he is-assured by personal 1.111s11i‘w'11tion that the premises are clean :11111 sanitary. '11aldt‘\ details of the provisions made tor (11111131: 111111? testing. expla- nations are 2i1en int he question 11111. answer toIm 11121111lin" a \arietv 11!. matters. including municipal testing: and the classification of dairies. testâ€" ing by private. practitioners with departmentally s111'11filied 11.1berculin. and the wars in which swine and poultrx ' are li able. to become infected \\ ith tuberculosis. . 8. Of 60 towns and villages having popukations between 500 and 2,500, 37 have lost pepul'ations to the am- ount 01' 5,959, and 23 have gained 4,786. 0. 01' 50 tUWIlS having a popula- tion 01‘ 2.500 and under 5,000, 37 haw gainml a population of 41334, and 13 hm'e lost 4,661. ' 6. There are 24 cities in Ontario. with a total population of 1.063.555. The decennial census is 274.444, of 34.8 per cent. Only one city, Owen Sound, declined'in pepulation in the period. South of 43rd parallel NCI‘lh Of 43rd parallel In New Ontarioâ€" I 4. Where dairying or fruit growâ€" ing are followed extensivelv with mixed f 1rming. the popu .:11i0n tends to remain steady: (:15: irving â€"Oxf0rd, Brant. I 1131;" \\ 319.1100. Hastings, Halr1imami:1’ruit growingâ€"Prince Edwm :1. \' "011: Elgin. ,. 5. T 1:3 ,mixe-d farming areas, Without largo local markets to en- mmrago sywcializml farminm have declined heavily in prulraytion: Hur- On. Bruce, Grey, Dufi‘erin. F 1. The total population of Ontario is 2 931,100. The decennial increase 407 ,826. or 16 per cent. 0)....- V l 3. Where climate and soil: are favorable, intensive and specialized farming is on the increase, with corâ€" responding increase in local popu- lation. 2. Such a district encourages specialized and intensive farming, (a) to furnish local supplies of food, such as milk, fruit and vegetables; (b) to supply raw material for city manufacturers (there is little coâ€" ordination in this matter between farming and city manufacturing). in the city. 1(t'ghick Fbod, Poultrgr - cod, Lice Killer, etc. We also sell Zenoleum? the ' best dlsinfectant. ‘ Take Notice I have secured the eigen- cy for WOdehouse Ani- ma} ‘Invigorator, B_aby What are your health building plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder Who Will‘aid you and your family to enjoy the days and Weeks of the beauti- ful spring. We expect to hear from you. In Old Ontarioâ€" Gained Lost I is ('1 “ mliâ€" mo cunrsid- n stun-111m: 0d inspectâ€" Ivst a hvrd g++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ’ Groceries, Fiour Feed, Fbesh Fruits +4»; .3": PHONES: Day4, Night 8|. DURHAM, ONT. ++++++++MWMWWM+WW :After havmg travelled about 100, - 000 miles acoupl‘e were married at a Durham (England) Church recently, says the Yorkshire Post. Sergeant Thomson of Melbourne, Australia, was among the first contingent of .Anzacs to reach the battlefields. He was wounded at Gallipoli. Miss Arm- strong, the bride, nursed him back to health, and when they parted they Leave Your Order N ow to get the Choice Berries DU RHE‘AM SEE US FOR SALT-~We have a car load on the road which will arrive some time this week. Feed Oats and Ground Feed at Special Prices We have a good stock of Feed Oats We are selling at 55C per bus. (w ithout sacks) and Ground Screens at $20. 00 a ton. sacks included) and Whole Screenings at $18.00 a ton Next Week is Raspberry Waek A. LONG LOVERS’ CHASE Gmceries, Flour and Feed W. J. VOLLETT CREAM WANTED Seed Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran and Feed of all kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call and see us. Get 3. Gran. Palmerston Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID. ROB ROY MILLS LIMITED (without Sacks) Also FEED OATMEAL at $32. a ton and a‘ stock of Good Mixed Feed on hand we are selling at $1.50 per 100 lbs. sacks in- cluded, while it lasts. No Town DeliVery Terms Cash BUSINESS HOURS: 8 am. to 5 pm. FLY DESTROYER for wâ€"V nun-w it and being impatient ,of delay, Thomson set sail for England. Mean- while Miss Armstrong had taken another boat. For nearly two years they thus played hide-and-seek, as it were, on the high seas. The Chronicle will do it. were engaged. On a certain but Miss Armstrong was to have gone to Australia to be married. She missed ONT.

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