West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Aug 1922, p. 3

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â€". Other Fapers’flpinmns Ci No IriSh Republic . {Lloyd Gem-3e in 1921.) YOu couid not have an imle'peudent Irish republic if the whofie of Iraâ€" land' agreed 'in‘ demamiing it. any more than you cuulcl haw {m indu nunrlnnt' rm‘mhl'it- in “'qu 11‘ \VC ' r more than you could have an inde« pendent republic 111 V1. aies if “0 were unanimous. '1 here is a 1111111, Abraham L1nc01n d1~c0w111el to the disruptive right of the min11. 11v. The Southern 813.1115 (11 Arm-1‘11. had jus as good 21 1131111 to set 1111 an Inde- pendent republic as [1‘011111' W ales 01' Scotland. Tiny were :1 (ii-still“- ti\'e_ con1111'111111.y._ M11. utenstonq thought they 531011111 haw 1.".1121311 a]; lowed to do so at that 1111111. Histom; now shox's '111a’1.'1.1b1ah1m L111c0‘ln was absolutely 11114111. 111 :11: mg, "Them1 is 21.111111 Tn the 11.3?" Whiéh cum :1 511112111141.“ cmnmtz 1111 1laS to tear'up a 1:11 1 10111 . 411111'19. ivhlch has been w: 311.11; 1? 1:11 1111111 ‘ ‘01”11111 commnn 111111 ‘ '1“: 1151 15.11.11: 11111 inlreland. ‘ .2 y _ ’jeg, 1’ $1111 F1 3111:1500 '.~rg11111a'.1t. 11' YHU 1111! not 511101111 31111 11111111 111111511111 1501111 111111 that did not 'sm11k11. 1111.1 \111 11 5.11111 111111 :1 1111.1 sea- 11111111 . 11 11211111111111 111111 :1 111131 from 11511111111! cares, and she returned to 11.\\‘it-h 1-1 little square, flat silver 11. 111:1! 111111111. 111111 111111511111 the sour l 111‘ cigarettes, what would you Yum would“? \Vell, remember 11111111111111“? had to stand that CPPO~ 1111111 1110111 their husbafids a 1011 11111.1, and they have. stood it 1115. B111. 13111 11111111111 :1. man 513111! b“ declarv 13” $111?“ 1115' \'11?1 "S the K111315111): 11 1\ 0111.13 I N’Orce. T. - u ’l‘m_‘ w..-» .v bV’a sort of opmpromiw. Cute was a gantleman. 1n SOD-<0 and hiss wife had on a lady. but he set up ,the theorx mt she had ceased to he’ll lady \\ 1111 she conâ€" tracted thp' nicotine} habit. The court had me judicial Opinion in the matter amd called in an expert. a man that kept a tomcco shop. He testificfd that belore a lady smoker :e% to be a lad» she \V ould have to oke fifteen cigarettes a da\. Mrs. Kingséote smoked only fourteen she gbt in under the limit and re- 1111 ined a lady. As soon as Mr. Kings- oote learned she was a lady he saw his mistake. If she were a lady, why, by Jove, he would play the game out like a sport. much as he haed the smell. He had his barris- te‘ withdraw the complaint. Mrs. Kngscote will continue to burn ’em; bit she will never again smell just a: a lady should. . Kings-J 13. English “"" Pay Cash. (Brantford Expositor.) Pay cash, is one of the best of slo- gans for a household. One of the best, agents for filling the poor house is a charge acgunt. Paying cash puts a constant check on buying, , OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED These Prices are at the Mill, and Strictly Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. She Got In UndteTiIe Limit. -- per ton .......... Custom Chopping, per 100 lbs. . . .. ..... ~. .. 33.00 The People’s Mills Prices for Flour and Feed Sovereign Manitoba Patent Flour, 98 lbs. $ 3.90 Eclipse Flour, blended, per 981!) sack. . . . White Lily Pastry Flour, per 98 lb .sack. . Bran, per 100 Tbs., ..................... Shorts, per 100 lbs .................... Feed Flour, Middlings, per 100 lbs ...... ' No. 1 Mixed Ch0p, per 100 lbs ........... OatChop,per1001bs...... ...... . ...... Cnmmd Oats, per 100 lbs. .............. Blathford’s Calf Meal, per 25 lb sack. . . . American Corn (old) per ton, bulk ...... American Chopped Corn, bags included, , 3.70 3.70 1.65 1.75 2.10 2.10 2.10 - 2.10 1.25 30.00 as itagle as our dailz bread JOHN MeGOWAN 'y; August: 17, M w. H istnr}; .1 Igillcn‘ln'} which , has to ;. whlch ‘1’.)1’ ’- the! (111111} 3 151111139 amount BDCQL‘EEZBS. 11- 111111353 purchases. Its so easy to 1:11} iâ€"11111‘1‘1m'e it c 1arged,” but, When 1111) day of reckoning comes it is not SH czzsx to settle the bi11,1md many a (~:11~c1011111“15 meichant is- -31:cused 11 111111119; 10 the bill Simply bebause 11111 custumcz cannot realize 3'11 his- 1211111111115 01' 1;: 81 1001ish11ess. ‘ - (113111111011 Herald.) Redistribution’ €142 .itiie- constituen- (i135 011 thé basis: 01 population must 15,111“ scone; 0r Iater.Ti1e' London ‘ 1.13 Préss Ixiints out that, the City 01 Lopdo'n, with 60, 000 population, {121,3 only one 111111 ~51111tativc in the l’mv 1111:1111 Lommatuw \\ 11119 the 11.13101 tMuntx 0f 11111111113512.1- \xith 0111\1111011t t\\oâ€"Lh1rds of Lon- uiin's 11111111111131 11, Pouresented by .thrm- 111011111013; 11110. is 110 I‘PaSOH \\i1.' 11111-3 11'11110 ‘ “He should be mniiii "111'31- {11111.4 as much as 0110 i311} 1111111» \(vtc. ' Greatness 21.1.11 Simplicity. 11111111011 Advertiser.) The 1'1111111131'01' D11. Graham Bell was :1 1111111111 111'-simplicitv. His casâ€" 111.11 WY 5 111a111~ 111 11is.n\\11 1111111151101) bx 1111111, -\\'110 111111“ and 10\ ed him; in it 11111131 was mortal of the departâ€" 1111 1411111115 \\: 5 carried to a simple 111111 wraw 113. 1111.111 \\ ho W1110 work- ins: with him. The greatness of the man \\ as ~111m11 by his close 111111 in- timate Iciatiuuship \xit.h_ the men an 1111111 him. The Land of the Free; ' {Guelph Mercury.3 Mennonites now in Alabama regret leaving Canada for the sunnysouth. The Western Provinces are not yet on record as regretting the move, and they are in no hurry to have them return until they indicate a willingness to abide by the laws and customs of this country. If there is any more freedom anywhere in the world than in Canada, the Mennon- ites haven‘t been able to find it. Coal and Men. - (Guelph Mercury.) Nature blessed this old earth with great stores of coal, and it was nevâ€" er the intention that they should be seized by groups of men who had no regard for the rights of the nation by monopolizing this great natural wealth. Mis one instance where governments have a riH control what no human being had any part in creating. , Honor Among Teachers? (Carleton Place Central Canadian.) Carleton Place is not the only town having difficulty in securing teach- ers. Some weeks ago our Board of Education advertised for a Public school principal and among the ap- plicants received made a choice and at once wired the applicant that he was accepted. This man wired a- greeing to come here and later con- firmed it in a. letter in which he ask- Scent-‘0: Later. 3333131111 mm is the teaéhel’s ideai‘? , “"2 0t hm: the schoof 13 better With- 51 ‘ appear from the Carleton Plaeei Which makes the case just that much worse-looking for the teacher, and the Board is to be .aommended for reporting him to the Department of Education, as well as to the Orangeville Board of " ‘Edu'oation. What would any. teacher think of a School Board,afte1 enâ€" ‘ gaging a teacher, ‘giVe him a curt '33 dismissal because Some other leach- “’er came along, offering to‘accept' the 'position' at $100 or $200 less in‘sal- arj"? That’s how it. looks'when con- ditiqns' are reversed. Vag‘aries of the Law. (Milverton- Sun.) . The vagaries of the law are pecu- liar‘, at'least to the lay mind. Re- cently in-Peel County a ma-n'charged with manslaughter had furnished bonds for his appearance in court when called Upon,.but before the time'set, had committed suicide. The i court took 110° notice of the factof‘ his death but ordered that the hail of the accused he .estreated and his Sureties, two in number. had each to pay into cour, the ”sum of $5.000. Even in our own county we had a paradoxical case a few years ago. A Méirnington farmer charged two men with having robbed him; He had. them Jam'xrehended, convicted and sentenced to a term in jail for the offence. When he made claim for the moneyâ€" fouml on their person he was informed that he would have to give prcmt‘ that the money in the pos- session of the prisonms was actu- ally the money tak’en from him. al- though the court had found them guilty of robbing him. This he was iunable to do and consequtmtly was lunah‘le to recover his property. “Poor” Paper is Not Respected. (Ottawa J ournal.) . The prime. duty of a newspamr publisher is to make. his newspaper a paying proposition, otherwise it can have no influence. The newspa- per that is always hard up and has difficulty in paying its way, is not respected, nor does its influence count for very much in the communâ€" ity. Fundamental. (San Francisco Argonautfl Every strike makes itlneccssary, if it is possible, to charge more-for HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire . ‘to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 5:} per cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following classes: â€" (a) Five y‘éar bonds, dated lst November, 1922, to mature lst November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to‘ mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from lst November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH’S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and 13 not Open to other investors: The bonds to be “(I under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the Dated at Ottawa. 8%! Augiut,-1922. ‘ . the" Ore Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1932. -â€"v â€"‘ w- â€"r â€"vâ€"_‘â€"- 'right. to. fluke» mat this does hot i mean limse to commt murder, or .. tab slug 3011111011 to intimidate non- 0‘ unioi1 citizens Willing to work- The a: publid is entifle‘d to have such men 11 work, if they are Wimng to do 89, ti and 111 111131111111; ”11111 it is the public 1,] thaipaYS the hills .. ~ -\ .. UifllOIl members do not acquire by. going on strike any rights; primi- eges or legal powers they do not have before they struck. strike; hrea'kers- 9do not 'lose any rights by being strikehreakers This is funda- 9ment311)and "it is vital to all import- ant hUman interests No philosophy of ping: Bo‘ hemsm in umversmes or dilettan es drangâ€"rooms, can be permitted to undermine the stones of this foundation, ~ ~ . . (Hamlftdn Spectwator) Both" Australia and New Zealand axe apparen‘tly eager to assume a fair shat-clef the burden of empire na- Val defence. Pessibly due to a. more Imiwlot population the same is not manifest to. amarked (18"106 in Can- ada': but is none the less 1eprehenâ€" sible. - ‘9 CharlestDeVllle Wells, “the man VV he lmeke the bank of Monte Carlo,” and hero of the celebrated song l'xear'd‘ wherever the English langu- age was spoken in the early nineties, died in Paris on June 22 in such abâ€" jet: pm'm'lV that his death has pass- ed unnoticed Until IIOVV. He was 81 Vents 01d. ‘BROKE THE BANK”; DIED BROKE Wells. :11“ ter a record run of luck at Monte Carlo, soon-became a bank- rUpt. He had many other Vic'ssiâ€" tudes, including Several terms in jails and penitentiaries in England zmd France, for Obtaining money by false pretenses. . He used to blossom out. with many gelâ€"richâ€"qulck schemes. One of them was a system whereby he claimed :my roulette Wheel might be beaten by a player with a suffiâ€" cient payroll. Applicants for the system‘, however, "enerally were reâ€" lieved of their bankâ€"rolls before reaching the roulette wheel. NATURE’S OEWN . If by pains or ill health you should lose your temper, don’t look for. it. But just look and ask for Nature’s Own, the great Indian Me- dicine, made from natural roots, barks and herbs. Guaranteed to knock out any disease that may be in your body. Put up and 'sold only by Levi Wesley, Harriston, Ont. 810 2p The Chronicle will do it. “ N6 Less-Repreh'ensible. CONVERSION PROPOSALS (Mt. Eaten Conféredate) . “Whig”, of the Fergus News-Reo-.j 0rd,- while 1n TorOntQ last spring, had" an opportunity of dhserving the wey in which Departmean examina- ‘tion papers .are read and. marked in these latter days. ‘ ‘ ‘ The markets are well paid, $13130 per day, in fact. very well paid, .and ‘ are allowed to 1.11.3111;I only ten papers - .a'. day. That beats uhe union brickâ€" ham’s' Vegetable Comfiomd was doing ' so much good to 110111011, and as I layers We reqémber When We needed something I 1w-- ‘ to take it. spent five or six summers holidays, I used to be verys =1 but I am not (not, part, of the magi-1mg, termi'a. 3ft now. I live on a. farm in the home- , stand district and 11 e 1131 e to do all that; sert of 111113 We were paid our own work I tell 211 the women from $4 to $619; (13.3331 according to the I see what Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vege- money é’irailable and the time We table Compound does for me I think 7 , it saves me from going to a doctor spent at it. We mould mark as and is the best medicine “omen can many papers as we could, say from take ”â€"Mns WM. Counms, Fork 30 to 3:0 and we sometimes worked River, Manitoba. seven, eight or nine hours if oUr Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable - Compound is a. medicine for the r l- section €50b behind. . ' ‘ I ments peculiar to women. It is pre- "Fork River,- Manjtoba.-â€"“I saw in the newifiapers where Lydia. E. Pink- Whig says one examiner marked‘ nine the first morning and received orders to mark only one in the after- noon. It would haxe been possible to mark ten papers in two hours but they \3 ere not allowed to do it. At this rate it cost $1.20 to mark a student’s paper in one subject. No \V onder the examination fees keep going up f1om 3ear to year. Even at the present fee there must be a big loss every year." This must be paid out of the Provincial revenue. It looks as though the Ontario Depart- ment of Education was becoming'all tangled up in red tape, says "W hig.” DRIVERLBSS MOTOR CAR RAN AMUCK IN LISTOWEL Constemation \\ as rife in the busâ€" iness section of Ingmsoll one 11m, last \\ eek \\ hen a. farmer named W ilson,» from the Foldens district, cranked up his automobile on King street west while the clutch was in. The car ran down. King street, crossed Thames, and then crashed an ULLLDLQL Avvv-rv _-._ _ an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach' and retain the last unmatured The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable lst May and lst November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable lst May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds. Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for; the bonds surrendered, containing The bohds of the maturing issue. which are not converted under this proposal will be paid of in each on the lat December, 1922. "Fork River,- Manjtoba.â€"“I saw in the newfi‘mpers where Lydia E. Pink- ,ham’SfVegetable Comficwnd was doing 'so much 'good to women, and as I needed something I he; .11: to take it: I see'what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- mble Compound does for me. I think it saves me,from going to a doctor and is the best medicine women can take.”â€"Mns.- , WM. COULTAS, Fork River, Manitoba. Lydia ‘ E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is a,medicine for the oil- ments peculiar to women. It is pre- pared from medicinal plants, with care and accuracy. It can be taken by women of any age. Women make a serious zi‘"""ie in allowing themselves to become so weak an nervous that.it is' well-nigh impossib e for them to attend to their necessary household duties. En. route it. ran down a. little boy. He was taken to the hospital suffer- ing from head wounds requiring stitches. Wilson was backing in front. of the ear in an eflert to stop it. 'He tripped on the Thames street curb and the ear also passed over him. He received a number of ab- rasions and also suffered from shock. into NaVlors clothing store Window smashing four large panes of glass. . Such symptoms as pains and irreg- ularities, ,al-l-gone feelings, backache, headache, hot flashes, nervousness, with a general run-down condition, indicate some form of female trouble. The . Vegetable Compound has brought relief to thousands of women suffering from such ailments. Let it help you. E .I‘ -9 L .L'

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