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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1922, p. 5

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Thursday, September 15, £922. It. is eminently practical through- out: being intended as a guide for the man on the land who is considering: the use at” fertilizers and will be found instructive and of interest to all who are leoking for definite, con- cisw inft‘il'matitfli 0n the all-import- ant matter of increased cmp yields and the economic improvement of their soils. "‘a‘in- bulletin is. as has hemirsaid. (ftjlll‘lpl'elmllsl\‘t: in, its naiure; tlip on- deax'nr has boon to treat not only 01' fortiliznrsâ€"-â€"their nature, function as plant fowls. and applicationâ€"but to dismss the position of fertilizers in a ratinnal method of soil manage- ment towards iiicre‘éasing crop yields. Further. it takes up from the prac- tical as “-2211 as the scientific standâ€" point. the nature and value “of farm manures. of green manuring, of lim- ing. ruin, and runsiélers how all nt‘ these. may be used in the upkeep and increase of soil fertility. PERTILIZBRS FOR FIELD CROPS 'l‘hm-P has rPconHy horn issued from thv Divisinn of Chemistry of the Experimental Farms System a conmrohensix‘e buLLetin 0n the sub- jevf of Fertilizers for Field Crops. It is the" \wmk 0f the Dnminion Chemist and the Sail Fortilifj: Specialist. both of whom have had :1 large and long GXgnn-imu'v with {briiiizcrs in lab- oratory and fluid and WHO have con- ductml mqwrimonts \vf-‘h fertilizers 1'0? :: immbnr nf' yours in mxnry {WHY- iIm- Hi? Hu- Imminiun. WILL COME UP NEXT YEAR <' Arthur Enterpi ise-News. ‘ \t the Brand of l1ade n11 et ing on Friday ex e111'11g a large amount 01 i1:- l'ormat 11E :russilim took place on the question ("if securing t water\\'01‘°ks system for Arthur. Many aspects of the (1116'*.‘~‘tinli were presented, and it was the unanimous opinion of all present that 1923 should he. made waterworks year in .-Xrtht1r.l\ wai - erworks system is now an essential in every community of the .-i7...,. 01 Arthur and there are, few towns that have not already installed a system. In connection with the discusion on securing a grant for U11,- paving or the front street. it was pointed out that the Provincial Government will hear 80 per cent. of the cosa of par- ing. but. one of the first comlitions required before such a grant is m 11! 1 is that the town or \‘ilage' must haw 1a system of waterworks. Had the. by-law carried to provide for the installation of waterw‘or '3 some twelve years ago, the‘ system would long ago have been self-supporting and would have been over half paid for. It was amusing to recall some of the arguments used against the by-law in that campaign, the princi- pal one of 'which was that it might increase the tax rate two or three mills and this woul-i drive people away from the town. Since then the tax rate has been increased some Itt‘“ epty mills and the town is bigger and better than it was then. Had the Waterworks system been install- ed, the taxes Would have been to-daji no higher and the. town would have had something to show for the iQXc-S collected. Let every progressi re Git-1 izen adOpt the slogan. “1923 must be An important. feature 0f the bullet- in is that the conclusions and advice given are the direct outcome of in- vestigationnl work carried on in the Dominion; in this resoect it. is the first, publication of its kind in Canâ€" ada and marks a distinct advance on all previous bulletins dealing with the subject, fihcir innocence. Under the O.T.A. itiie accusmi must. prove his ‘inno- gcencc, while any other Act, under iany other British possession, it, is [up to the prosecution to prove that the‘ accused is guilty, How long will the. people of Ontario put. up with this in British law? ._-.._.. o __ _._._ A little tot named Copeland came along and took hold of it. The curâ€" rent at once clutched his hands about the Strand and he could not let. go. Efforts of neighb‘rs were of no avail and reliel‘ only came after 'a message was sent to the substation and the power turned off. The child was uninjured, owing to the fact. that the Wire touched the ground ,and a large part of the heavy current went directly there. If coffee reallx keeps you awake 'some people ought to try coffee.â€" Harrisburg Patriot. This is the sixth house on the same street. within" a few yards of each other to have been hit by light- ning this summer. MILDMAY’S FIRST RAILROAD BUILT FIFTY YEARS AGO (Mildmay Gazette.) Fifty years ago last FridaV Sep- tember l. the first railway train ar- riV ed at MildmaV. The event will be VV ell remembered bV many of the older inhabitants of Mildmay and Cam 1cL When it was announced that a train was to arrive that day scores of young and older men walked to BalaklaVa to meet it, and the con- ductor stOpped the train and let them ride on the flat cars to.Mildmay. The company was then known as the Great \Vestern Railway Company, and the first railway agent here was Mr. George McCallum. BOOZE AND A MOTOR CAR COME TO GRIBP AGAIN (Grand Vailvy Star-\‘iriMie.i Leonard Kim-in, a ‘ 17-year-old .VHunf-T “Jam of Hum. is til'ilfi from inâ€" juries. sustainwi in :1 mutm' :utc‘irlvnt Sunday night. and Harry \\'et:‘.~tvr. about 37 yours. lies in a hospital with a broken arm, semi-v internal mjufâ€" ins and his body badly h 'uisvd. \‘x'ob- stéi' had been driving rather rock.- lcssly amignd Elnra during: the (lay and quite evidenfly "11M been drink- ing. 'l‘mx'm-ois mening hc- pickm‘i up young Kirvan and tort}; him for :1 spin dawn thv (inc-7:23: Mini. and. ac- cording tn a statnmozit. 01‘ Kimzm. touchmi up about (.1) miles an hon; uiwzl the machinn $01K in {he «liivh 110:1? )10tcalt"s hill. Ix'lz‘vrm Ilcnd sumo iimv at'tmwx'mals and at. 1:151. w- ports Webster has a hair] tight aim-ml f.) in. ("river fI‘l'm} inir.ix'u..:. Mrs, Richafcr and her daughter were in the kitchen getting dinner ready at thv time and the crash gave them both a bad scare. Mr. Schafer was in a stable nearby and both he and his horses were stunned by the flash. engage their intention very long. This party will be obliged to defend himself to prove his innocence. 'l‘here are many gentlemen in Win- ton. and on the Peninsula, who own lots on which they do not, set fool from one end of the year to the othâ€" During an Plc‘cil‘iczil storm .01] \\'mliws(iay mni'ning of last W001i at. )lilclmll. Out... “11‘ lmme of William Sch-Lifer was Sll‘llz'k by lightning. Al'- ti‘l' passing (flown lliu‘ lighlning‘ mil with which film linilsv is vquimmc'l. the bolt. tux-um} into tho building. lore linoleum nil‘ ihP flours, knocked plaster fill" the \\':lllS. zmd ”therwiso damaged the building. but fortun- ately (lid not set fire to it. INGBRSOLL CHILD U’NINJURED AFTER GRASPING HYDRO WIRE A rush»! telephone wire broke in Ingersoll last Thursday and in fall- ing: alighted across a hydro wire carrying 2,200 volts. QUEER FREAK or LIGHTNING - ON MITCHELL HOUSE ‘ The first woman was called Ev,e it is said, because she came at the end of Adam’s perfect day .â€"â€"Kingâ€"- stun Standard. or. Should a still be. found upon Hmsw then they must. go to the very .-.m<idm~ahlo expense of proving was his property, but when the line was run it was found .that it was not his. property at all, yet he was imprisoned and it cost. him $150 to prove he was innocent. Another similar case. will probably be soon before the court. A still was found on a bush lot. “'8 do not know what will be the decision oi‘lthe court, but it’ the matter were left to a jury they would not take long to decide the matter. Fine points in law do not WANTS ,GHARGE IN 03A. The Wiarton Canadian-Echo says everyone who makes swamp Whis- key and everyone who sells it should be put. in jail. Fines are useless, and they look as if the government or the municipulties want a rake-off. The Echo goes on to say: “there are some phases of this O.T.A., however, which must he change‘d. One has come to light from a recent case here. The olficers arrested,'impris- «med and tried an innocent party. A still was found on What. they thought MEAFORD BOY FINDS OLD COIN . ' BEARING DATE, .157: While playing on the lawn in from of his father’s home at Meaford, the ton-year-old son of Joseph Confliâ€" lion noticed something partly om- lmldod in the ground. He kicked it out. with his foot and found it to ho all; was loft lnulsillc the dour 5115: n l the allm 11' rm Queen stwcl and the two‘men wont into the plave fur the table. Thev lvl't the nnginv Hw- wing and lho lnakh j'ammml light. Snnwhnw during the short limo HIV-"f vim-«r in the lmihling the hlgakv nmsl hzm- worlwd 10080. for om am‘mzzring: all llm «low with the l-ablo lho lmvl; hml (liszlmmarml. Being (in; a hill ii hall mnvml (lawn and S\\'fll§‘lll£§ :urruss Hm mall hzul {Juno mm the 0 Gina-- a small silver match case, the‘lid bring missing. When he lifted the case the boy noticed another shim substance and picked up a siher min the size of a ten- cent piece. 011 one side was the impress. of at Queen’s head, and on the other side the figures “1572.” Apparently the coin is 350 years old. ‘ " CULROSS TOWNSHIP MAN FATALLY INJURED BY BULL 011 Monday of last week MP. John Sillick of the 12th Concession of (lulâ€" 1'nss was so badly injurm‘l by a. hiiii in» was tending that. he passed awn} a f’(-\\' days at'tm‘wauls. He. sustainmi a in'nkon slioulclm‘ blado and several in'uknn ribs and “fluid haw- i‘wnn mun" sorimn‘sly gored at the time had it nnt been for his dog. which at- tackvd the infuri atml nimal and i1: Id it (i'ifl lili help \\ as secured! ”Hit: a uoighliioring placv, \‘Vh( 1‘ thresh- ing was in progress. When the Imlp arrived, they found that. the only .~<:i.i‘o plan was t0 shunt. the bull. WODHOUSB BOY KILLED BY GUN IN HANDS OP PLAYMATE The Wodehouse correspondent of the Markd‘ale Standard says that a sad accident happened on Monday afternoon two weeks at.- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaro 11 Toompsou which resulted in the death at El mer W m d young son of Mr. VVilIiam Wood. Thompson’s boy Elxin. anallilmm- had been playing together all. day. part of the time at ball in the Stil- tiles and While searching for it came across a shotgun \x- hich had been .Mt. in a ’manger by Mr. T hompsen. and the gun was left loaded zfter shoot-- 311" seuirrels 'l‘hompsmi‘s ‘30} 1iekâ€" ed up the gun andnot knowing: it was loaded/pointed it. in 11111 at his communion and pulled the trigger. shooting'the Woods boy in the back. The charge ot’ shot passed through the lmv‘s body, 1::111si11gjl‘1is (loath a few hours later. Much synmathy is felt fur the 1'11‘11'ezu'4’wt family 111115 also for the little 'l‘lumwsmi boy and his parents where the ilCClttOllt 1111;1â€" polled. NEW POST OFFICE SERVICE (Chesloy Enterprism ‘ 011 and after Octnhcr 1, :1'1). 0, i survive in mmnvction with mail maiâ€" tm' will bu «:‘stnhlisl‘lmi in Canada: \x‘hm'chy Charges clue Hm sondm‘ m} in $100 \\'ill I‘m (°¢‘~H(‘('{ml from HH' pm'sun t0 Wham thfi parcel is ad- dwssml in t! 10 same way as exprvss Thu t'nllmving‘ from last W'vvk's Kincm'dinn Rvpnl'tor shows that «mm in Bruce‘s svdside town. mntnrists :fn nut “Rwy thv law in M‘Dry partic-- ular. Truck «Iriwx's slmnlul I'vme‘m- v Hm: if is :1 hrvm'h «11' Um law in I’vnx-v :1 trm'k untvmlwl with H'» mntnr running. "-\ funny thing huixpvnml 133k 11%.- «Say. Mr. Bm Yandellnwg had H11- tvim'cl Shth'nif Bros. Frm! 11‘11('k h' mrwo a table from his [mum 'i‘h {inn 0n tho! oss [unpmlx iwhind thw laugv Sign board. It “as nut (iiili- ml! to get tho truck out and luckily it was not. rlamagm‘l in the least.- parwls may 110w hi". smut. (1.03).. with this «iifl'c’wcncc that. an addi- limml iii‘iovn omits [msmgv for parâ€" wis Valumi 11p to $330 and 30 cents imtwnvn $50 and up in 8100 must hr- mi‘ixwi in a (2.0.D. [mum]. This (glows nut afflict i'n'opaii‘l parwls. This nx- i221 pustagn is to cover insurancn na' i'vgistx'atinn. “"0 (if not. think thorn will bu any g‘l'vat saving in the char» gvs undvr this postal (3.0.1). system “Md. ”1' ('HIII‘SP. it applivs ['me in {II‘NIS under 11 pounds. which is Ew maximum “eight that can iw sent by mail in um- parcvl. ~Af first n-zuiing‘ we thnught. the GOD. mmlci [in a great :ulvantago t0 the publiv. imi it may in ‘11 out in he :1 cm} in: (Ewm. I. I 1 l REPAI'RING ALL KINDS mcnmenv Lawn Mowers, Scythes.and all other tools or cutlery reghatp- cued and made like new. Work called for and delivered if de- sired. ’ . ' Machinist. Ito. Nearly Opposite Post. Office TRUCK RAN AlWAY THE DURHAM CHRONICLE "-W1m11111 are vain.” said Viscount Bryce at. {1 Williams (11 law {1"71. “You can’t 'get. 1111 with 11111111 unless you hear th1‘111' vanilv continually in mind. I 111101111 11113110111111 \11111 called 1111 11 widmx t11 («111.1010 h111' 1111 the ~1l11atl'1 (11' 11111' l111.<l._1ai11'l. X119 1111 said. “it’s sad. it‘s 1'1'11'3' 5:111. 11111113111. but. )‘1111 must 1'1’1m11n1i11'11' H1211 Jim is fa'l', far happier \1'11131'11 ho is 111:111’.‘ The I\\'i1lO\1.'l1111';<l intu angry 1112121111111 ! 113111 P111111 for ”WM 10 sav U11!" 52111 sobhod. \ ’ RIPPING'UP THE BL‘ORA' ROAD Mr. W illiani Chambers of Harris- ton Who has the contract on the Provincial Highway from here to Dornoch, also has the contract of reducing the grades on. the Elora Road south of Mildmay. Like the contract here. the work there is be- ing rushed alOng at. a great rate and pretty soon there will be practically a lcx'el road from Mildmay south about three miles, excepting the Bell- aklava hill. The road is. being \Vidâ€" ened, drained and trimmed off neat- ly and after this is (lone it will he. covered with a good coat of graVul. The job is to be completed this fall and there is emery assumnce that it \Vill he a tilst- class road in mer) paricular. u?) PrOVincial Higlma iltlnl Jill! tiltl .‘L\ (1) ‘E‘Vf‘il‘vkl‘lt‘h‘ 15 (11" I‘(=lllltllll;_.:" into growl Shaw: and again twing usm! for auto trull‘ic, HEAD GRUSHED AGAINST BARN; CULROSS TWP. FARMBR IS DEAL-'5 In accident on Saturday night i. week ago, Juseph Murray 01' the Si ; Concession of Culmss, may T00:â€" watel', received injuries from \x'hic .; he died. He camv hmi’iv hitv in, U. * owning-in his buggy. Whiiu 1.2155» ing a wagnn on the way in his (il‘iV- ing Shed 11-Sililfil 01‘ the buggy got intu a. \Viwvi Hi the: \Vagim. \‘s’iwn ihv horse i‘nune'i himself vii- izmsrlml izh- «ilshml "iza'v'arii. ”xvi“â€" human: {11v buggy: iid f':1'=.: \ii‘. H ‘1" l5 .'+L o Mllr'la} with his heaiil Vigmmi the stc‘nw wall 01' the ham. NO was able m gut M thf‘ [muse 5190-1 ‘3! '3‘ a 11"1“"t ul’ 11.8'0113' I‘vl-zlps«"nl iniw 1121:..31‘. atinu 'â€" 11033. and died at uuem (1w new" date. l-iu‘loaves a wife. am! for! Chihh‘lfill. W h t are your health ‘oui ding plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder Who Will aid you and your family to enjoy the days and weeks of the beauti- ful spring. We expect to hear from you. -- Take Notice I have secured the agen- cy for Wodehouse Ani- mal Invigorator, Baby Chick Food, Poultry Food, Lice Killer, etc. We also sell Zenoleum, the best disinfectant. IT WAS DRY From its Sheriff the Officials at, the national capital receis ed this ansvs er formally sealed and attested: common“ ealth is Salt Creek which is at best little more than a puddle- dotted draw. ' and duly noted. In reply I would state that the last fish in this county “as noticed going up Salt Creek on the 10th inst. with a- cant‘een under his fins, looking for water. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++w+ ++4 3: PHONES: Day4,N1gth| DURHAM, ONT. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*+++* 59$, Car' Load Salt Just Arrived-«Price Right Tdmatoes, Plums, Peaches anql all seasonable - Fruit. Order Now. w. a. VO-LLETT j Hanover Maple Leaf Flour, Shorts, Bran, Feed of all kinds FLY DESTROYER DURHAM ‘ Groceries-=Pr0visions Feed Oats and ‘ Ground Feed at Special Prices CREAM WANTED Now Is the Time to fiet Your Fruit we have a good stock of Feed Oats we are selling at 50C per bus, (without sacks) and Ground Screens at $20.00 a ton. (sacks included) and “711016 Screenings at $18.00 a ton Palmerston Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call and see us. Get a Can. ROB ROY MILLS LIMITED (without sacks) Also FEED OATMEAL at $32. a ton and a stock of Good Mixed Feed on hand we are selling at $1.50 per 100 lbs. sacks in- cluded, While it lasts. No Town Delivery Terms Cash BUSINESS HOURS: Sam. to 5 p.m. for PARISH PRIEST CHANGES IN HANOVER AND AY‘I'ON His Lordship Bishop Bowling of the Roman Catholic diocese of Hamâ€" ilton announced the appointment. of Rev. Father McNeil of St. Marys Cathedral,.Hamilton, to the parish of Avion. in succession to the Very Rev. Dean Halm, who has been trans- ferred to Hanover, owing to the re- tirement... thrrmgh ill-health, of the Very Rev. Donn Lehman. PAGE rm

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