West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1922, p. 6

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The Saturday Holiday. (Wiarton Echo. This thing can be brought about. In Ontario towns trading is now mostly! done on Saturdays. but by keeping open. on Friday night this shopipng can be done on Friday. The public can switch to Friday without any trouble whatever. It is simply up to the press to advocate the change, and then for the boards of trade to send a deputation to Toronto asking that Saturday afternoon he declared a halt holiday. Nothing will be more popular and once the movement be started, every town in Western Onbrio will fall into line. community is euipahle. It is mum- is. that the deaf mlllt' \\’hH lived the fa- tell shot was. of unsound mini! and was well known to he in this mni‘li- tiun. He had resorted to violence before and a warrant for his arrest had heen issued. but he evaded the constables Hn that occasion and nothii’ig more was «lone about it. He was of a Catholic family, but. devel- oped an insane ill-will towards the parish priest presumably because of rebukes he had receivet‘l and the ef- forts made by the clergyman to dis-- cipline and reform him. It was well knew-"n that. the deaf mute had frequently initieatmft by signs his intention of slii._)o'»ting the parish priest. and whatever may have been the fears of Father tlloâ€" hecy in this eonneetinn he would scal‘eely he the one to take steps for the young man's arrest and commit- ment to a place of detention. The mere fact. that the'risk was a turr- sonal one would restrain him. But there should have, been and there must have been in the community some one who knew enough about such matters to knowâ€"us any doctor should have knownâ€"«that (losgmw was not a responsible being. and that he was drifting towarals a homieidal act. Every symptom was munit'pst. But that. which is cx'm‘ybmiy's busi- ness is nobody‘s busincss. and unth- ing was done. Nobody C'al'm! to do anything in sn c‘lisagl‘ccablv :i matter and murder m'cntuz‘itcri in chin cmxrse. There would be nn objnct. in emphasizing thc case unlvss thew was a chance that. a moral could. be drawn from it in other similar casés throughout the country. Where Does the Blame Rest? ('l‘owonto Shun? The» nmroiwm‘ uf Father illuhocy. the parish pz'it‘st Ht" Pi'nlon, by :1 NPR? mutw. is u cz‘in'w fur which the» nntin- Other Papers’ Opinion-5‘ tries is from rural districts to the cities and industrial centres, and the oft-made complaint is that the ardors of deprivations of an agricultural life are not commensurate with its com- pensations, it is consoling to read the history of a satisfied farmer of thirty years' standing, one of the continent’s premier agriculturists, celebrating his aeventieth birthday in the tranquil satisfaction of the honors which have come to him in his chosen profession. Such a man is Samuel Larcornbefl of Birtle, Manitoba, who expresses pride in the realization of the signal part he has played in making the ibilities of Western Canada wn to the world. The record of Mr. Larcombe’s thirty years of farming is almost phenomena]. In that period, with the products of his Manitoba farm, he has carried off no less- than three thousand prizes, including the world’s championship for wheat at the Peoria International Fair in 1917, and in a period when the protession of farming is more or less stagnant, when the tendency in so many coun- THIRTY YEARS SUCCESSFUL FARMING no: a Reports of work 1'i11111' by Commis- sioners 11111111111113 anal 8111111111 \1'1‘11'11 pin-511111110: 21 claim of $22 for sin-1111 killml l'1'1‘1111 Thomas Irwin. which was 111111111114 to be paid: acconnls f«11' urax'oi 1'1'11111 UVPI’SIN'I‘S 111'1l111'1'1l to I111 [midâ€"1' “1111111 $31.20. ..-\ Jordan 501.2. 'l'liomas Hills :34 ..H Pattm'son :37 .00. F. Eagle 31.40. 1) Lines 31. F. P1'1ll:11' .311. Mrs. Hill 371.10, R.\\alk111' 36..80 .I3i1111i11 34. 00 .l\. Jamvi'on 36.30. H. llaii'ns 31300.1. )lcln‘uu‘l 36. 41.) '1‘. Phillips ‘54 00. J. \V 3.15011 85. 40; tho Romp. 11011111111 of commission. 310 (,0 A. l :‘11'1'11Ll1111's. ('ommi533i1111. ‘24 .15: J. A. Hogarth. commission. 311.23 and 313.00 1111' two 1l:1\'.31'1\111'S1111111g J. Hume-ll 38.1%).h1111l'1y3' 0111131113112; 211111 34 .00 nails 1111' bridge; logo 111" :1 1 11111113115'.376.1j10 foi four road 10' 1:5. I3111'111'ltâ€"Bthcholvr â€"~ That H111 RI‘PVI‘ 311d 1‘11'- ibil‘l'llHIDI-c hn :1 ton-'33 vav and Mr. Czu'mthm's ho a cum- missinn U) crn'I'vslmnd with the Hy- dm Commissinu and mvvt. any dolo- g‘llinn appointed by them with .a View of having the. road on the 8th line put. in pmpvr ham and final settlvmvnt of the same. and report in this Council.â€"Carried. Ban'uthersâ€"Hogarthâ€"That this 'Znuzuril lwmby convoys t?» the citi- 7.0115 Of FIPShPI‘fnn \\'hn “'nf'n an nn only animal drunk, lies and acts the hypocrite and plays football and rides ,in auto- mobiles and gets married and gets a divorce and commits -l suicide and, well, goes to hell when‘hedies. " x..-v- .4 I'wplam‘ci by ()HH‘I'S usefulness and bea It t” thOSf‘ Finn-urn Arivmosiu Council NM 011 Saturâ€" aiay. Suptmnbm' 2. tlu- mnmhm's all Ewing px'vsvnt, the BMW» in tlw chair. The minutes were read and ('Ilol‘vl'sml. n J \y ‘p‘ t 'J the call and assisted at the disast- rous tire. The assistance rendered was of incalcula‘ble value to the vil- lage. We wiSh to thank youâ€"D. McTavish, Reeve. ' The Council adjourned. At a time when everyone was en- grossed in wheat be concentrated not so much on grains as on vegetables. His first local exhibit won three section at the World’s 'Sovil'P-râ€"oducu exhibition in Kansas in 1918, His Canadian successes constitute an to the examples of outstanding suc- cess achieved by immigrants from the British Isles, unacquainted with Western conditions. He came to Winnipeg in 1889 and proceeded to Birtle, where even then existed a thriving colony of old country farmers. After a year‘s experience as hired man with a farmer in the district, be rented a farm, which, after five years he purchased and still occupies. '11» hi!” huliday, as we now hm'v w. is a zmiszmcv‘. and no gona‘i. So : us 3") in for thn real thing; ARTEMESIA COU‘NCIL A woman is glad to be twenty, ashamed to be forty, sorry to be sixty O and proud to be eighty. * :HBRRIN, MICHIGAN MURDERBRS ‘ ZFIEOIFZJ) GET PULL Puritan/132;? ; The union miners are :goi; _ to ti- 3“ {Hm ”I“ Ils‘l't‘llt't' Lil. t"\'«"i‘:\' miner l:;;;..;it-umi in nu» l't't't‘:.i nm-in. 3nâ€" t t t tness. but on the common law (lucâ€" trine that. every man is innocent 11nâ€" lil prown guilty. Tile atl’afr is one i‘H' the most re‘-.‘<=lti:1: in :~£i'iks~ an- I l '\O\ “(1.12“ and the t'iut is now lii‘ilM’ml it) he a \\’l‘li--itlicl conspiracy for the .seâ€"i tannin: of the permins of about seven-1 ty alhll-tllllnll miners wh!‘ were. witlwnt resistanre. taken into the ‘.‘~.'i‘:~=¢ls. and on the command of an ti"- licifl Hf'the l'niteil Mine \Vui‘kers of, America. shot down in eelil lilcrutl after they hail snrrmnlered. The, wonntteal were harbzzrionsiy treatmll l‘iy twing oleniei'l water or an); other mercy while their lite-blood ehhetll away. Inthiwd. eye-witnesses declare that many were kicked in the l'at'e as they lay «lying bound and l‘ielpless on the ground while others were liraniteci with burning,r irons. That, sneh a thing could oernr is :1 trm'es-i ty on the hoastml civilizatii'in of the l'nited States But it is the natural outcome of the spirit of lawlessness that has prevailed in many States of the Union whereby negrues have been lynched and burnedat the stake without. anyone having been brought â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€" ernment cannoti nterfere in matters pertainii g to the State, the authori- ties at \Vashington are also doing imthing. The report further says that. the massacre was the outcome of drinking some of the poisonous whiskey substitutes that were freely disposed of in the Herrin district. to justice for the crime. That the conspirators rmwivc a fair trial is Hm dvsirn 01' all I'PngOlmhin mm] and that punishment, mmmmsuratv with the crimes (mmmittpd b0 motor! (mt Lu those found guilty. w. thirty years of agricultural- life in Manitoba with supreme satisfaction in the knowledge that in winning renown and prospetity for himself he has pointed the way to thousands 0‘ his fellow-countrymen. I 4: ' A mom aha-hm. in» nasal NJ cs mares at dru 1393.0: 'tc for airman tons.flj'oron‘to . son in Durbmby 8.110331%. ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDS. You don't need a month's treat. neat to prove the worth of rmin for the Canadian haze m- iny for exhibition purposes in other countries, snd roduced dtron: cucumbe pnm ' s, squssb en msrrows the Dominion Govern- - ment for the same purpose. Mr. Lacombe's career as an ex- hibitor hss been one consistent suc- cession of triumphs too lengthy to mention in detail. His internationnl successes have brou t considerable renown to Western suede and wide- ly advertised the wonderful pos- sibilities of intelligent farming with assiduous aplplication. Mr. Larcombe recently ce ebrated. his seventieth birthday on the farm which has been the scene of every one of his achieve- ments. He can- look_bnck over his A. 9,. ' ad in his first ten years at £233 he made fo entries and secured 134 awds. tom 1905 to 1908 he grew roots, ve cables and (ninja:- the' Canadian adfic Rail- . THE‘DURHAM CHRONICLE The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation, E2) Entrance to Normal School 3; Senior Matriculation, (4 Name to Faculty of Eda; â€" cation. Each memberof the stat! is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. ' Intending upile should prepare to , enter at Designing of term. ‘ ' Informationaeto Cannes may be obhined from Principal. . The School has a creditable record inthepaetwhiohithoputomalnp tain in m future. can be ' atronon‘ebl’e ram. ‘ .6. Elgntnard;B.A., Principal. . ..~ er ‘clllamsé. Chum“- 7 _' .-‘ . ‘ I . -. - ' h a. , . . u _ . h .‘I‘ r». J ram . - - a i. ' ‘? ‘- w {rlh'fia- . ' ‘ . .- ‘.. .. I The 'Ijnitetil States National Cham- ber of Commerce declares that 100.000 or 200,000 men 01' equal productive capacity added to the 185,000 men who have been working all summer in the non-union mine districts Would supply all the soft coal the country could use. But there were 610.000 soft-coal miners on strike. which means that. almost half a million 'men whose labor is not ac- tally needed in the industry are de- pendent on it for their livelihood. No wonder coal is high! Dr. Einstein, the eminent physicist and natural philosomler has had to Durham High School Among; the provisions for indirect aid to Shipping" in the present. sub- sii/ly bill before the United States Congress are: that. fifty per cent. of the immigration shall be reserved for American ships; that money spent on building new ships shall be exempt from Federal taxes; that shippers .in American vessels shall have five per cent. deducted from their income tax. and that. the army and navy transport services hall be given to the merchant. marine. Also it :is prtwided that. twoâ€"thirds of the persimnel in deck and engine depart- ments must be American citizens. «'Bvx'nv things. It will switch Off the stun-t light who-n day breaks, send phutographs over the wire, cuntrol beats and torpédues from a distance. and. must. womiel'ful of all. will tx'ansluto a pago 4;)1‘1)ri11t,'i11t0 musical nuios that the blind can easily learn 1H wad. 'l‘hv usnl'nlnnss u" Selvninm lies in ils peculiar svnsilivmwss to light. In conducting fill-vli‘ilgily, nwtallic sol- vnium is so svnsitiw that. when a grrmlm' ammmt Hf light falls upon it a greater amount of electricity pass- «is lhl'Ollg‘ll‘iL A selenium cell, in circuit with a battery, will do many In Japan there is little evidence of unemployment. even in times of bus- iness depression. Most of the in- dustrial workers come from the lit- tle farms into which the country is divided, and, since they have 1-1 strong lamily toolin", they go back to their country relatiVes as soon as they are out of work in “111 ciii11s.A sirong iamilV' fooling‘ of that kind it seems in us, might easily become more 3:1iz111l by those VV ho hz1V11 it than by {hose 11111111 VVl‘mm il111V pcrfmt it to “'51. The Boll Weevil has now infested almost the whole cotton-growing area in the United States and has shown that it can live even in the extreme portions of the Cotton Belt. The damage that it caused in 1911 was only 1.28 per cent. of the normal crop, but by 1921 it had grown, to 31 per cent., and it increased more than ten per cent last year. Should it: continue to gain at that rate. it would he only a few years before ‘there would be no American cotton. Since the Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Engineers opened its (Jo-operat- rm National Bank in Cleveland in 1920. lnbor organizations have es- tablished eight other banks in dif- i'1 rent pans of the countm and are, planning a dozen mo1e.l‘he Cle\ e- icznd bank diV ides 'all its profits above ten. per cent. between the stockhold- ers and the depositors, and it is not a member of the clearing house; 1 Ltherwise its business is the same as tint of other banks. an that the size of the I nited States army has been fixed by Con- mess and it is therefor‘e possible to m: {e accut ate estimates of What the 1~oiduced forces will need, the gov ern- mom will sell at auction. in the next Six months progerty that cost a filtlaftt‘l‘ of a billion dollars. I sually, ‘nl‘ gnods sold in that \\ 11V the "m- 11zment I‘eteixe about in enty-lixe M‘I' I'Pnt. Of what. the goods Cost, In Germany the number of unemâ€" ployed persons who are receiving relief is slightly less than twenty thousand, a level that was seldom atâ€" tainéd' even in the. prosperousdays before the war. Fact and Commefit __ -. vc- “ya-Jo unluwl the influence of the acid fumes that the innumerable factories of London pour into the air. It has been sug- gested that the Abbey be lime-wash- ed all over to protect the crumbling surface. Everyone who loves the famous old church winces at the thought of its being treated to a glaring coat of whitewash, but it may come to a choice between that it, will be a cosâ€"tly ana di’fl‘itâ€"nEIt job to repair them. The softer stone of the abbpy is dinintegrating under London is anxious about both of its great cathedrals. St. Paul’s and Westminster. Within the last few years some half million dollars have bee-n spent in repairing and strong-- thening the walls, but architects say that nothing more than a beginning has been made. The piers that up- hold the great piers Of St. Paul’s are cracked and beginning to crumble: The train crews who abandoned their trains in the middle of the Ari- zona desert damaged their own cause just as the Germans who made war on noneombatants in Belgium and F rance damaged theirs. The suffer- ing they caused the passengers. many of whom were feeble through age or infancy or sickness, was merely cruel. It was of no conceiv- able [advantaged-o the strikers and showed only a wanton willingness to harm‘ anyone who “as in their power. A few BINDERS on HENDERSON’S' BAKERY Th1: loaf so good little folks love it more than ca e. You know how children thrive on Bread-and- butter or Bread-and-jam. You know how gOOd it is for them. Here’s the true Home-Loaf you have been waiting forâ€"the Bread all nourishment. A real calamity, a lost slice of Bread-and-jam, When the Bread is Henderson’s Bread The loaf so good httle folks love it mnrp than Everything in Plows,Manure ‘ Spreaders, Etc. Father (0\*orhearingjrâ€"â€"'W’ell, when yUu .don’t. have a self-starter a crank comes in mighty handy. Young Manâ€"Nourf ather is crank. The feuds between the Socialists and the Fascisti, or Nationalists, which seemed for a time to have died down, have revived with aug- mented fury. All Italy north of Rome. is in turmoil, and hardly a city 111‘ importance. has escaped incendi- arism and street lighting. The Facla ministrv resigned because it found it. impossible to keep Order, but. Pre- mier Facla had to return to office. herause 1111 111111 could relieve him. Signor Giulitti relused Uli‘ieeb11ca11se 1‘111sa11l.ltal\ “as h11ad111lst111igl1l fur bankruptcy and he did “not intend to he caught in the whirlpool. The most, mmmragemem in the situation ' is that the. new minister of the interior is Signor ’l‘zicldei. fni'mei‘ly prefect ‘ai Turin. He has the name of being the stiwmgest and coolest adminis- trator in Italy. ruin. Perhaps the limeean he 00!- ored. in such a way as to preserve the meilow dignity of appearance that age has given to the stone. lr‘ather (from upstairs)â€"Helen, isn't. it tim fur the young man to g0 h «mm 2’ Thursday» September u, an Getting Him Going.

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