West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1922, p. 7

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S MALL ADS. Adverfisemcnes of one inch or has, 5 ate. for first insertion.iand 16 cents for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under cwo inches. double the above amount. Yearly races on application. Medical Director? ." . SPIRELLA CORSETS Ladiesâ€"Call at once and DRS. JAIIBSON 8: JAIIBSON Oilâ€"ice and residence a short dist- ham. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m.. except Sundays- J. G. BUTTON, 11.11., GM. . ()fi‘ice: Over A. B. Currey’s office, e l o osite the Registry Office. Reildzncg? Second ’house south of Registry Ofl' ice on East'Slde of Albert Street. Office hours: 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. in. Telephone communication between omce and residence at all hours. J. L. SMITH, 11.3.. M.C.P.S.O, Oliice and residence, Corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, op-. posite old post office. Ofl‘lce hours. 9 to it a.m., 130 to 4 pm, I to 9 pm., Sundays and Thursday after- noons excepted- DR. BURT L to Assistant Royal London 0 - thallnic, Hospital, England, and 032 Golden Square Throat and 1} Hrs. J. G. Nichol Nov. 28 iyr. " All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. ' CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Strati’ord and Mount Forest pa. snows . L.R.C.P., London, England. Grad-1 uate of London, New lork and Chi- cage. and Throat. D'seases of Eye Ear, Nose 1 I Neustadt, Ont. phone 606r3 1127 tf. -- Dental Director» , 1 h “’21“ plantain, or“. gtliicgi' Over J. J. Hunter‘s Store, Durham, Ont. . P. GRANT, D.D.S., .L.D.S: Hanor Graduate University of Tor-i onto, Graduate Royal College Denta Surgeons of Ontarm, Dentist in all its branches. Office: Town’s Jewellery Store. * FOR SALE for $25.00. Also Brantford Over .6. tario. mm 8188, DOORS, ETC. A.B.CURREÂ¥. Banister and Senator 91'3” I am prepared to make Sash, Durham and Hanover. Money to Loan Doors, General House Fittings, etc. ; also to do custom surface planing. Factory near G.T.R. Station. Patron- LUCAS 8r HENRY Barristers, Solicxtors, Etc. licited.â€"W. R. F. Clark Dup- . ' ham and Dundalk. 389 5° , :13:ng I(it‘llhe firm will he in ham, Ont. 3 1612pd of each we.“- be made with the Durham on Tuesday Appointments may Clerk in the 031cc. 1. B. Lucas, K.C. HOUSE FOR SALE (‘il‘iod brick residence Town. owner, C. L. Grant. W. D. Henry, BA. _.___, ’- _.- Licensed a/Iuctibiieér - â€"_â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€" DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for Cong l ._._- 8101f NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ill the matter (11‘ the estate of Ruhâ€" crt )‘ICCIyment. late of the 'l‘mvnsllip f Gre . Satisfaction guarante, . Sl‘ermsyreasonable._ Dates of Sa‘th made at The Chronicle Office or wx pl' ('llellel‘r in the (joulltv 1111‘ Grev ' .1f; ‘ c- 1 . 1 . himsc I-armer. (leCetlscll. l BNCE‘POR SALE Notce is hereby given pursuant to ; RESID RS”. 1911. Chap. 121. Set-1101156. and Good double house in upper, town; amending Acts. that all persons llavâ€"l in gOOd repair. This property is be- ing claims against the estate of Rob. This helps to prevent the settling, ing onered cheap to quick Wmhas'lcl't. )IcClyment. late or the Township "3" from the wall: which often er and is a. desirable property. Ap- of Glellelg in the County of Grey. ply to Mrs. A.W.H. Lauder, Durham. Farmer. lilcccased. who died on “1' OntariO. 918-111 about the 2511: of July. 1922. are 1-.»â€" qnirell to deliver or send by post prepaid to Lucas Henry, Solicitors for the Ac‘lministratnr ot' the estate. on or before the 23rd day of Septem- _ , cial- her. 1922, their names and addresses. (3939331 agar; SegalSfiell’?§duslc a full description of their claims in Slore I:‘ir‘hrnsiptly attended to. Di53m writing. and the nature of the 31‘â€" W curity. if any. held by them. ~ *‘ ' And take notice that after such MILK REDUCED TO 100. last mentioned date the Administra-z Mr. W. R. Watson, milk vendor. tor .will proceed to distribute the asâ€" 'wishes to announce that he has 1‘0- sets of the said deceased among the duced'milk to 100. a quart, 30d parties entitled thereto. having I‘e- cream to 55c., and is prepared to gard only to the claims of which. he . supply any quantity. Wash bottles shall then have notice, and the said and return promptly, as they are Administrator shall not be liable for needed in the business. 22“ the said assets, or any part thereot‘.1 to any person or persons of whole claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at. the time of such! distribution. Lucas 8: Henry, 1 Solicitors for the Administrator.’ Dated this 30th day of August, A.D. 10°29 973' \- Away. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 In the matter of the estate 011 Robert McMeeken. late of the Town-1 ship of Egremont, in the County of, (.ill~l‘1y.?Flil*mcr. Deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given pursuant R.S.(). 1914. Chap. 121, Sec. 56. that all persons having claims against the l Jab J. RAINPORD Piano Tuner Durham, Ontario. FOR SALE Good double house and comfortable frame house in Upper. Town; hard- , wood floors, two mantels, hot air ' heating; large clothes closets in bed- rooms; good cistern; hen-house; one- half acre of good garden land. Cheap to quick buyerâ€"R. J. Matthews, Durham. 3 2 t1 _-__ ~â€" .â€".â€",â€" ..â€"â€"._â€"â€" â€". ._ um .- F OR SALE Two good building lots for sale; one on Main Street, the other on Queen Street. Apply to J. A. Brown. who died on or about the eighth day of May. AD. 1922, are A good home. Apply to Joseph A. requested to send by post prep-aid Brown, Durham. 16tf or otherwise to deliver to A. B. Currey. of the. Town of Durham. _ sohmtor for the Administratrix on or WOOD FOR SALE before the first day of October. 1922, 7;»; Hard and soft. Apply to Zenus their names, addresses and descrip- ' Clark, Durham. 727 if tions, and a full statement. of their claims and the nature of the security == (if any) held by them, duly certified, FARM FOR SALE . land that after the said day the Lots 13 and 14, Concession 2, ND. Administratrix will proceed to dis- R., Glenelg , 100 acres. Apply to tribute FOR SALE your goods. Intending buyers wilfiio well to examine our large stock now on hand. style and size. Prices Once east 0f the Hahn House, . M from 34%;) Lambton Street. Lower To“, ““1” ran sewn muons grittoiiign sgiienc Umce' 1% Fm The Durham one. Live Stock. . a . i:-$soci.ati0n will ship stock from 1 Add Lactic Acid Culture. Durham on Tuesdays. Shippers are] requested to give three days’ notice; to the fodder at the time of silo fill- James Lawrence, Manager, 1 Durham, RR. 1 i .1 second-hand Gasoline Engine, 31,4.3 tion for three days, it can then be- horsepower, in good running order, Iron 1 Pumps, the easiest working and, 1 cheapest pump on the market. $7.00] culture carrying a vast number of united or and up.â€"â€"W. D. Connor, Durham, On- 1 3 16 U i proceeds. Having installed suitable machin- M i in Uppel“ For particulars apply to the‘ estate of the said Robert McMeeken. the waste has been disposed 0‘ and seed present and will also break down A .. ”a“ m await sui- I . ' o Into Ensilagc. - Lactic Acid Cultures Now Applied-â€" Good Fodder Requires N 0 Treat- mentâ€"Sealing the Siloâ€"Make a Compost Heap of Garden Rubbish. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) ' and Hairy Vetches. g fl'lirty-twl'l - years. ties of winter wheat have. grown under test. at the College 1' liventy-sl‘well years with avers; nits t'rr us; "l '0‘ o, '. . \ 1‘ u. vtot\|2\ oh lactis acidi has long been known to be beneficial in silage making, and its product, lactic acid, is found to the extent of one per cent. in well made silage. Experience has demonâ€" strated that the addition of bacillus lactis acidi in quantity to the fodder as the silos were being filledgave good results, particularly so when the fodder material was past the best I stage for making high-grade silage. ' The addition of the bacillus lactis 1 acidi in quantity to the more or less spoiled fodder provided an active agent to check and override the ’other bacteria present and thereby . control the fermentative process, and bring. the silage mass to a fairly uniform condition with lactic acid predominant in the silage. 1i. ..p.~':j Weight ..l.,.l . 3. (3‘1? "trends L O and per- measul ed . The pel'l'fellt'.‘ge 'lcrezise per acre in 1922 ("Ullll’l‘ill‘fltl with the E‘l‘.'t'l'.?l;."l' for the whole [1111'- -:‘l amounts to 13 ill yield of gra'ti. 11 ill yield 01‘ straw. and 3 ill weight ' grain per measul'el‘l I‘lushel. it .ill. therefore. he seen that the win- it'l‘ \vllezlt results at the College :‘re 'llnsiderahly above. the average trls .zeslsun. The winter crop throughvnl 'fllt‘lriu this ye‘lr is, ill most di‘.’ A ‘ I :'.ris. a better than average crop. The most prominent. varieties of ‘-.\'lll11‘l' wheat in Ontario at the pres- gent time are the Dawson‘s Golden . .. . . itTlutl'. 1’1". - 2 ' 1’ -" ' This addition of lactic ac1d culture; .1 ’ .l t ).-\-.t . .\ll. 11H. '11“ .w. (i lam: t.le Inna-rial Amber. J‘he Dawâ€" ing is easily accomplished by securâ€" ; "(11's. Golden Chalt' stit‘f ing a small quantity of a pure cul- 1 l‘lllltlllllll ' law of we” . . llgtll, 11021111111.st ture for lactic ac1d, from a creamery , as a beginning. The pure culture oh- ----â€"â€"-----â€"-â€"â€"-â€"---â€"â€"..__._1 tained from the creamery is placed- rr'f "-173. 1 v t"! 'r-z , in a three-gallon .can of clean skim-l ““ths NOTICE 0‘ ,HP‘S‘ milk. This is placed in a warm posiâ€" 1 POSTING 05' VOTERS LIST \‘eters‘ List. 192;". .l'lullicipt‘llliy of 1added to more skimmilk, increasingl 1 1.1111 13111-111111. (”gap-.11; 111' . the bulk sufficiently to have one gal- ,. ' lon for each load of material that ”"3”. . . _ 18038 into the 8110. This skimmilk .\lllll'e ls glvell that l have trans- delivel‘ed In the. [H‘I'SOIIS bacillus lactic acidi is sprinkled over 111(1lllltlllt‘tl in Section 1) of The Ontar- the cut “dd“ as the 311° 111111131111volols’Llama.llloooplosl-oquir- l . ' ‘u ‘ _ ,, _ ' ed v .‘illt be ‘lltill.’ u be .iH tr lsmll- :Good Fodder Requires No Culture’ b, ‘ l t at s al 1 Treatment. 11M or delivered (11’ the. List. made 1 If the corn is in prime condition 1 =lllrsilzlllt to said Act. pl all persons 1 for silage making at the time of enâ€" . "glpcaring hv the last Revised As- failing, nothing is to be gained by ~2l-.-:sln-ent llllll ol' the said Municipalâ€" ; agidingl cuéturea hfowl‘lever its useh “3 ity in be entitled to vote ill the said Egrongy. a mac 1 t- e corn, or 0t er Tllunicipaiitv at elections for mem- ; odder 18 a bit off in condition due , - _ , , ' to damage through unseasonableI il"l'.\' til. lllt‘ lit‘Q'ISlili |\'t_‘ Afih't‘lllllly illlll' :weather, delays, etc.â€"L. Stevenson,tul .‘z'lnnicipal electil'llls. and that the ’ Sec. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. 1 - . lli‘t’lliluces U 1 :2)“; his! was lirst posted up in my 111"" ~~ Scaling the Silo , :c'n-o “It the 30111 day (11' August. Several methods of sealing the 811091”; l'en'laills there for inspection. 1 alas?“ 0f magfnaifiton astnearnair'é have any errors or omissions cor- ~ 8 as DOSSI e. inneso a wr or; reeled z'lccnrdillg to law. . Some times weeds or heavy green? 112111111 (111531111! day 01' Allg'lls'i. f grass are run through the cutter as a g \V. B. VOLLIS'I‘. gflnishing layer. Some prefer to jerk ; 1'1 1, '1‘11W11 (311.1111. jun-[111111, ;the ears from the last tWO or three1 floads of corn used so no grain is’ ' lost, and allow the corn itself to make the airâ€"tight layer needed to preserve the silage below. At any rate, it is a good practice to tramp the silage 1 around the edges at intervals of three or four days for about two weeks. l 0-H “C 0‘) ----â€".-'-â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"-~ -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" -0- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Edwin .Iulmsull. late of the Village 111' HillSlt‘lll. ill the County (11' Grey, Retired Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant occurs. ill.S.t). It'll-l. tillap. 121, Sec, 50. that veft’etiimélngtiiteltyhebirmcfcfvcfrilhlzyt2: Dag: “ll .[ldl'StIllS having claims against ‘llltl of the silage when filling is complet-1""l‘”‘ .111 the mild I.d\\nl .Iullnsnn. ed with a layer of tar pape'r cut toi‘A'lll' tllt‘tl (Ill 111' illllllll lllt‘ l\\'t'lli'\'- fit snugly around the walls and .1 eighth day of August. .-\.I). 11122. are be. it With some green material Of 80m.1 1'1“ thl‘l\\lm.‘ ll) (lt‘llU‘l' ll.) A. B. kind or with boards. Most farmem'fllurrey. (11' the Town of Durham. More than three hundred varieties of winter wheat and many selections subject. to winter-killing and crosses have been tested at the 0f its parents. Agricultlral College within the past the Dawson’s Fourteen varie- bt‘;f“ll 101‘ "e l“?- llll‘. whole period as fol- 'ielzl of grain per acre. 1:38 . yieLd «11' straw per acre, 2.8 . During the past year. experiments helping Out Poor Fodders Turned hRVe‘been conducted at. the Ontario Dawson’s Golden Chafl’ «and the Bul- Agricultural COIlege and throughout Ontario with Winter Wheat, Winter White chaff similar 1-0 the Bulgarian inscriptioi‘ ”we ‘ “him has long Rye, Winter Emmer, Winter Barley and has a beardless head similar to been missmg from the famous Lan- 1 following tests: wheat. liens e'.‘ Nitrate u‘l' Slain and cwl‘lllnlzi: salt with winter wheat. after it has been filled have justified! And I hereby call {1111111 all Voters 1 ‘ their use. What is wanted is a heavy; 'el lflkp immediate procm-dings in 21s l'mldel' t‘I“"[’S. one «11' \\ inter wheat. tilizel'.-' with winter wheat. heads with . red chafi‘, and white OLDEST RACING TROPHY grain. The O.A.C. No. 104 was orig- IS ans'roasn hr eunuch mated at the College by crossing the Through T. H. Blair and the St. ' ' ~ - A r s i ' r tawa. asilver garl-an. It IS a white wheat Wltl'l nd cw 5 oc etyo .Ot - . the Dawson’s Golden Chaff. It is a ark Silver Bell, the oldest. racing vigorous grower and has been than 91111911 returned to its home in the Royal The No. 6 i‘psernbles and ancient. burgh in 'SCOtIand and Golden (3113111: but has a will once more adorn the bell which squarer head, the straw has a pur- W33 presented to the Old SCOttiSh plish tinge, and the crop seems less IOWH in “66 A-D- by King William subject to injury from smut. The the LiOII- - Imperial Amber is a bearded wheat Th? silver inscI‘il-lll‘m plate has with red chaff and red grain. fI‘aVC‘llt‘d far since it W35 lost or pur- Iixperin'lents at the College have 10111911 from ”1‘?- Lanarli Silver 8“.“ shown that the best results have 801110 yearsago. A 113‘" weeks ago an been obtainel'l from sowing large. 'CX-SCI"'lC‘-‘ man applied m MI" Blair plump, sound. well-matured ,winter'aS an active worker in the St. An- wheat seed of strong vitality. idI‘CW’S SONNY: 101‘ assistance t” get Five varieties of winter wheat :10 “icstcrn tianlal‘la. where he had have been grown ill cutâ€"lqlerativefIlPO-‘DOCt Of l‘Illll10},,'ment. The (9390 tests by farmers llllmlgnom lmlal-lo'bcins a thoroughly licsmn'mg' 0”“- E-n (13011 ”1. the past six. years. 11111.1 the assistance was furnished. Ill Average results in yield «11' bushels :dcparting, the (ix-service man. in an- pel' acre for the. six-year period ‘lz't' preciatinn "1 Ml“ Blair‘s: kindly)“: as l'nlluws: ().A.tl. No. 1111.27.31 Inlâ€" 873ch him as a souvenir a curious llrnved Dawson’s Holden (Lhall‘. 26.1: I'l‘llt‘ “111611, he stated. he had picked Il'nproved Imperial Amber. I 111" ”H a battlefield in. France. The Kharkov. 22.5: Yz’ll-oslat'. 21.2. The 1’13”" 1’11"" ”ll" inscription: “Hp“. ILAJI. NH. 101 surpassed the Daw- E‘i't“"llll”1 113' King \Villiam the Lion son's Holden Chad and Imperial Amâ€" " ”1" “"3"” Burgh "f Lallal‘k. Scat- i‘ier varieties ill yield per acre both 3131‘1- “1313-“ at, the College and tlll'ljlugllout 011- % l‘dl.‘ltl, ' is what one expects 'l‘lle Manlml‘lth White. Rosen and I’ctkus varieties of winter rye have given the best results of all the ryes tested at (iuelpll. I Winter Barley is not quite as har- dy as \Vtinter Wheat but. when it survives the winter, it 1:11:08 high yields. - As long as the supply lasts. mater- ial will be distributed free of charge ill the, order ill which the applicaâ€" tions are received from Ontario tar- mers wishing to ex1‘lerimcnt and rc- port the results NT any one of the 20.32 fl" 1m and Lumbago. Thousands havebccu restored to healththrough 7.2.63. [1 you suffer, g Drugglst’s to-day. Don y for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nearltis . spoil the best years oi l. il‘lll'ee varieties «11' 0 .) -. Hue variety «11' winter rye and 3.1. Spring applictlliul‘ls ”1' live terâ€" I 4. Autumn and spring applicaâ€" .3. \‘l inter runner and winter bar- 1W. 6. Hairy vetches and winter rye A limited number of shares for sale in 7. Mixtures of winter rye :an littll‘y \‘t‘lt‘llcs‘ le' St‘tNl production. 1 i periment No. 4 this autumn. and i'er Experil‘ncllt Ne, :3 next spring. seed will be sent by mail except the" 1,. fertilizers. BIG APPLE CROP REPORTED apple crop for more than 813.000. is l‘s‘l lllltlfl‘tl illitl lil'tllll 13.1100 ll) I.’Il_(ltltl The size of each plot. is to he. one ‘1 1d wide by two rods lung. l’cl'lil- Xel's will he sent 'by express l'ul' Iixâ€" Priceville Fax Co, Limited Priceville. Ont. at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. All or .\'H. 11. which will accompany the â€"â€"_§__~ IN GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICT (me man at )Iezll‘urd has sold his I! barrels of apples available for exâ€" port from the Mcat‘ord vicinity. Write for further particulars to PRICEVILLE Fox comm“... â€"+â€"â€" \Ve wish the rail and coal strike . t . . . . . - .. PRICEVILLE ONT. however, think the use of corn itself sollcltur tor the luxecutors. on or were in the l‘wenty \ears Ago lu- ’ With the earsremoved and With pro‘1l’lcl'nl'e the tirst day of October, 1922. dav column.â€"â€"-'l‘oledo Blade. .1 per tramping 18 more economical thano tt _. 0 .~ ‘ ll" ‘ ‘ ‘ ,, _ ,. . 1â€" the use-of paper. , 1 tell naml s, at 1 It ssts and disll lp- . - 1 1 - _ ___ _ _ 1 , _ In filling the silo the usual re- commendation is to keep the surface higher at the sides than in the center :tiuns. and a full statement of their 1 claims and the nature of the security it' any held by them. duly certified. 3:: $13.0 gfgtlggt tf:ot23pli1:§ m: and that. after the- said (lay the be kept about level with the smegl'kt‘cllltll‘s Will DI‘OCQOII lo (118.â€" amount of tramping in all parts of1trihute the assets of the the silo. 1 estate among the parties 1entitlcd thereto, having regard only gtu the claims at“ which they shall Save the Garden Rubbish and Make then have notice. ““1". ilS l' . 1 ' 1' fl“ ‘ "ill ‘1', Cheap and Valuable Manure. 1“” “:9; t 51!! do «1 \ lw H Garden waste, decayed vegetables, 1" ' , ° """“ dead vines, weeds, and the organic= rubbish that collects about the place during a busy summer may be clean- ed up and .put to work again through 1 the agency of a compost heap. Start 1, , 1 the heap by laying down a bed 011191” stable manure which has not been. .. _____ . burned or heated. The size of the! " , plot will vary with the amount of} liCTEC- TO CREDITORS refuse to be used; for ordinary uses, 1 1,, 111,, 111111,.1. (,1; 111' g etthvevicbigd ail: 31:2; 3 egieltlgrillgl 821v: .lane Bell, late of the Town of Dur- the purpose. Over the manure spread ham, in the County of Grey, Spinster. a two-foot layer of refuse and cover Deceased. Litth agglheil‘eizyeheCirillyzribotrhii: Notice is hereby given pursuant 1‘ .1 T 2 C .1.':'. thickness. Repeat the layers until all 1'5'0' 191" L 11.3” 1‘1.’ \OC’ 36 that ".11 persons havmg clalms agalnst the estate of the said Jane Bell. If it is d 1 d t dd t th h who died on, or about the twelfth esire oa o e cap .1, - ,, .. . )9 .5 from time to time the top layer may 1"” Ed _Au‘=u°‘t’ A“ 1119..., :13 be opened and the new material emp- “‘qu‘ibm‘l to .send by post we?“ 1 tied into the hole thus made. This! Ur Otherwise to deliver to A. B. is convenient for the suburban home Currey, of the Town of Durham, where there I“ 11° 3mm“ to consume Solicitor for the Administrator, on or hen to. e rin the , . , . hggpk'it: wellwziaixed Iviiilli aniorkg and before the “PSI day Of Octobel, 19:32, their names, addresses and descrip- the .compost is ready to be spread . 1 on the garden plot. The heating ma~ lions, and a full statement, of their. claims and the nature of the security nure will effectively destroy any weed the structure of most of the materials (if any) held by them, duly flertlfitfhd’ that have been thrown upon the pile. and that after the said 33’ - e MAKE A COMPOST HEAP. .llriszs .lnl~l.\’s(h\', .IelSiii’H 1.!‘I.\'.\'t').\'. lixccntnl‘S. h); {11.151- Solicitor, AB. Currey. «'i llll‘l '1‘ A \L‘ then cover the whole with a layer of . earth. The process may be continued inde- Administrator will proceed to dis- the assets of - the _ , flnitel b simply addin enough .- . -. as ‘ of the ‘3 Sarah W ebber and A. H. Jackson, estate among the parties manuze t: insure heating} Compost {libum them" 15 9:12,, parties " Executors James Webber estate. entitled thereto, having regard 1,1113. is‘especiauy valuable for use 11, hot:- fs .ate am; a .- a enard 01W ~~~~~~ saw to the claims of which she shall beds and cold frames- - mulled thereto’ ham" r "’ ' " . . . then have notice. . . an E” Dated this 8th day of September, ‘1 i‘ . ‘ cow AsmY A. D. 1922. i . Strayed‘frompremises of, menu- ': dersigned, a dark roan cow with giargehorns; aged. Thomas Wilson, .- l‘fiz. “7mm; ' ' 182‘ ‘ .9 1'4 3 JANET MOMEEKEN, . Administratrix.‘ by her Solicitor, AB. Currey. 7 I 1 ‘1' -‘.',.’ a "r. the roads, trails, sheds. yards, bed grounds, pastures, ranges, and the . ground around the watering places. A. D- 192-2- It is therefore important that the " flock receive as the disease {o the claims of which he shall then have notice. . Dated this 12th day of September, A flock of scabby sheep will infect THOMAS ALLAN, . , Administratlir. 1 r, IA.B. Currey. proper treatment as soon‘ A mean“ .1 before the action becomes scattered. ' ' ‘by his Solicito '.elia. « /‘ . - New Homespuns 60 inches Wide. Per yd., $2425 Trico Tweed (circular) Skirt length, $2.75 Radium Lace per yd., $2.25 Panama Cloth 54 inches Wide, per yd, $1.00 Plaids 60c. to $1.00 yd. c. L. GRANT, - ' DURHAM Interational (Deering-McCormick) .Harvesting Machinery, Engines, Tractors, 'Thr'eshers, Cream Separators, Etc. ' Tudhope-Anderson Farm Implements and Repairs London Litter Carriers, Stable and Barn Equip. men . w , Bain Buggies and Cutters “Repairs on hand, or secured on short notice ‘ Horseshoeing and General Blacksmi ’ at Lowest Living Rates ' 1955 trophy in the world, is now being .

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