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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1922, p. 8

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ff ,' â€" ,4 g .. 4 - x ‘5 l; ‘ ‘ gt ‘ . _ .‘.._ fjwj;_:_ ";i”.."*'* “‘., fog“ '. :, . gj- .?Z.":i.':ff‘""'f f2“ 1" “a,”if:;"-gi‘:f,:’-s;;o,"*'*_'°“r‘.4: «“MAWWlé‘N” ~ 3", k ‘ ° » Flesherton. “WWW warmers tilt-Petr“? __ -' «Ed' ~ eHin. . g _- ‘SMLIeBB-fl'm 9» 02.0mm ; 0 struck. lee-mm. mph 09 them +. .32;- - ' (Our 'oanoggfremespondentl (OUK 0“ °°msfi°nd°m blgltllleg‘rih refit? 15' “Slims . ms - . a. (Our own gorrés'poudenm .. ' ' 393‘" 3“”- 01' mmms and 31101115033 mm“? 1118 m3? Mrs William Hunt was taken Quite The monthly me‘eting of the W0â€" Mrs. yieliinnon is on. a “Sit With- Mi': and Mfs' Albert Williams.an A meeting 9f representatives ‘0‘ died‘almost ins+tantly.- ' , . - 1‘ ° '1. d h . bge Ferny-pd men-5 1,15,31,11; was heldiat the home friendsln '1" OPOHEO. , two children of Hamilton were.v1s1t‘- the smaller towns of Ontario was - . 'th 4 ' . ' 11 recent 3 8“ 3° ‘ ‘1 ~ ' Miss Margaret weer 0f Feversham ing his brother; Mr. 11. Williams. held in Toronto on Wednesday of A my and mm" e” “ere “km "' to the home of her son George. of Mrs. W. Miller last week. There i Mr. \V. B. Rife and family are oil was agood attendance and an inter- for a two-weeks vacation. Mr. W. esting meeting. ‘M4rs. W‘. H. Thurston Middleton is officiating at. the G.T.R. gave an excellent paper on Canadian t station in his absence. Law concerning women and children 1 The Community Circle is enjoying and Mrs. L. A. Fisher etertained i the Hydro lights in the park, and with a pleasing reading. Mrs. De- , held the \[I'ergglare‘fggfifly meeting ifjudmore won the prize for “he heft “e 's in -1' g. . h 4 .0 ”1353?: s. Scott nd ailment» at- 33311.; 3?;{98‘39‘815 {1:51;} Effgefihgngglf . ”1 ioction was over $6.00. tcndml the Pres ,‘tery meeting Mount Forest. Monday. The Presbyterion \V.M.S. held the meeting for this men The schools are now fully under way again. with the Continuation “1.4. M Ferguson. near Ceylon. SCilri)‘; tilleil'to its seating capacity. ‘ “' ‘ ' c ' Master Walter Middlebrook of To- ronto. is speialing a few months with W ' r ‘7 ”'"T-‘Z'EY ”'5 1“,: ‘ - in south Vgiy .t' Q.| met also. 'l‘hero was a good attendâ€" ance and drop svmpathy was felt by . ‘ "W '7‘. " .11 v I - < -. : r. . other relatives. ed over the week-end with his bro- . Ontario. onto on Monday after an extended holiday with Mrs. Julian here. Toronto on Saturday after, visiting her uncle. Mr. Alf. Harrison and 0th- ..ist week. when iii? Ladies Aid over. the week-end with the latter’s so parents at. Honeywood. in the circus. Looking at the hippo-g potamus, he said, “Ma, ain’t that the ugliest darn thing you ever saw?" “Bill,” said his ma, “didn’t I tell you er to say ‘ain’t”?’ 5 “Siting the Misses Hemp hill and Miss Margaret Ector returned-last last week with the object of forming byof Brighton‘visit- week to Stanste'ad, Quebec. an organization for the purpose of g 4 g 4 4 Mr. GeOrge‘ Williams is employed securing interest in industries her. DP. Bibby. The VlSltOI‘ travgel- with Mr. Charles Mortley for the which are coming to Canada at the ed by moti‘ircycle and was returnâ€" threshing season. .. 4 n v ng from a trip through Northern Mrs. Burn-ham and .Mr. and Mrs: preseftfif time from both England and e e the United States. Melville 01"Galt were “guests of th _ . Misses Edge over the weekâ€"end. g , Another pomt discussed was that MISS J, 3118 Ritchle enioyed a Weeks from the standpoint of the health of Eti’nhwlth Emil neiphew, Mr. W" C' the community it is in every way lLC 1e, in 0 an . _‘ . ” ~ Misses Reta Glencross, Margaret more deSirable that the towns should. 11.00 Anderson and Marjorie Ritchie are be built up rather than our cities attending Durham High schVJOI. become {[00 large. MP- and “”5 Houghtby and two In order to work up interest in the. us of London were guests of the _ _ 4 . . . Mofl'at family for a few days. proposdion the province was organ- g Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie. Miss ized by districts, and, accordingly. Mr. Hugh Bib *M‘ a... un- ' Owe... 1"- BAPTIST CHURCH snavmns Rev. E. Cameron, B.A., B.Th._. Pastor Sunday, September 17,1922. A.M.3â€"“Ordered Against the Impossible." (second sermon:- 7.00 P.M.â€"â€"".’tessages for Sons and C. . Daughters. ' Miss Irene Eales returned to Tor,- Mrs. D. J. Jamieson returned to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy visited .liss Cassie McKinley oi Toronto 'Tsrnmis warren '< - .\ William N lson. and s, ' \. . a \.:- ‘: - ... ~ g .- 7' .. .. .- - '. . . - - . bale:{1111“,}???le timi liveattendiW‘ all to. Mr._. J'.I".1â€"‘1L'-’\.ililililt-iii] Lit is visitin.T Mrs. Malk Vi 11:011 and Ella and Mr. Hov ard, VISlted Mr. and the following appointments were; Tenders Will be received my 1.130 4 L ”up”. ‘ C. F L ~ ‘ ‘ C owned memnei \\ ii) is \t» . ° ‘ _' daughters. . ‘ Mrs. W. J. McFadden. ArtemeSi-a on . undersigned for the purchase (if Part the Public 5611091 14191? g. 4 j the close, refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. «Tit C. Bliikely are Sunday. - l ’ made: . . . Lot 3 on the West side of Albert St. Mrs. Mopgan of’ 031mm; is sptnl - h): m... hostess and 21 pleasantdime spending 11 WW days Wit-11 relatives ,We extend our sympathy to the fa- For the Ottawa/”valley district. W- Durham. Tenders must be in’ the in: a week with Mrs: David Bruce. Mr. ilooi'gr Hostetlo left. Tuesday morning for the \Vest to continue commercial work for :1 Quebec lirm. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Herb. was spent. g Acrii'ionts UthllI'l‘Cd d iring the past. few days as follows: Mr. Harry Patton was thrown. from a water- Miss lslay .‘vlrilnaig, d:‘iuglitor ol' lam-w Mirtluaig. is “W teacher at low . g. g . _, . _ 4). Lin. and is getting along well iii the Rog. Boyd and .lilt'k Kai'sii'iil. go it) von Sound this \vook to write sup- old srln'iol \vlioro <ilo "Ht her first 5,-irln"ll.h.lls ”9 “Hum.“ in which “1;th mm“ \ B (”‘4 t' * ‘ int-y tailed in the Middle school 5 -‘ .i it .. ’- ‘n'o. ‘ é,'n \. Mr. and Mrs. Mine ol i)\\'t’ll Soon. MIL" 'l‘liroshing is now in progress in in. Toronto. daughter in the city. wagon tank l‘}' a wheel coming oil. former. mily ,ot‘ the late Mrs. Hugh McFad- ’West of Almonte, and A. E. Bradwiii I hands of the undersigned on 01‘ om 1 1. Mrs. \\ . HWY." 15 “some 110? yen. The deceased lady spent the of Arnprior. They will call a meet- fore September :25. next. ” ‘ ' . Thomas Allan, Administrator of the listsate of .l ames Bel l, deceasm l. .. . . . greater-part of her life. at EdgegHill, Mr. and Mrs. \‘l iley are visiting the and was always a kind. and obliging 5 mother at ““3911 Sound, neighbor and a true friend. ing which will be held in Ottawa, oi" the representatives of such towns O "This is 'vorv nl'lisiii'." THE FAMOUS BORSALINO FELTS been his captain. and the head _ Give Us a Call. We Guarantee to Please You. waiter. who had ilt‘t‘ll iiis lieutenant- "Hump...y,,ung1â€",mi,"slip said. “I colonel. and they all joined forces il2l\'t‘ got. to lying this paper myself. democratically to throw out. a humor "The old lady stood it as long as she could. .3 '\ ~ . “ ‘ ‘7‘ " K ' - v ‘; x ' ""¥‘ .' .‘ vs, ' ’ ' 'w - - w Moon. Ull‘ihi ’iili inst.‘lar‘dauscxggtlP Ho lolllielwiiii tilt liiiisis.011\1\1liétll Mr. lhomas Bulmer is VISltlng Mr. «and Mrs. Joseph Blake. of as “Pembroke. smiths lralls, Perth. Bomffiln 311' and; 13.") . ' ““3 tank 31mm"? (”13343191 and ova friends in lioronto. ,, Bentinck have moved to the resi- Carleton Place. Rentrew and other “.1-.. 1’011‘-’C1\- ”1‘ in? 8th “‘5‘“. a ””L .. , -. itaI'I'HW “903W. ‘01 1“” h“? but m“. Miss Malice has gone to l‘oronto to deuce vacated last fall m w_ ,1, Bit. . . . .4 _. _. . 4 ’ ' 311%: H. Allmgham '31. ”3“”“~‘i 1's iiinairlr sustain?“ "”lY “ ”am?“ 0’ visit her sister. ' chic and family. Mr. niako is enâ€" ”“115 ”1 9“” WW.- .1 599““ng '3 19‘" days “'1“! ““1 mi” “ one arm. Mr. (1. Ludiow met w1th a in”, pug-.54... mum. and Jean Lewis gaged with W. 3. for a year. The Niagara Peninsula ' district. The Kand Kitchen ei‘h)li°s.lilo}l:ii .filt>\;llilnnl‘_ bov with spiralined ill'lm alibi 215111 “Elagmff’ visited over Jthe] week-end With ' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Firth. Mr. and William Scott. of Port Colborne: y 11‘5“) 0“ o" C ' ‘ ‘e . ‘\\' H P ('l'alliilllg lS . ‘.' - .. o J. fluiCIl‘jS at Kim)(;1\ 9‘7 “IFS C HO“’011 Mrs C H Mofiat and ,‘i‘ 78' ' 3 _ .. . ' 3 .1 a ‘ 3 ' _ ‘ . 4 g ~4‘ ' t , ‘ 3 ‘ A‘ " ’u ' . a n a o o. o o c o o _ ( S A '2 ‘ < MP- ”me .Hl‘m- ‘-"“““.‘““." 9.331.} “arm“ghâ€"‘M “We ”“1“3 “@1701“ 30" Mr. George stewart of Powassm Mr. George \Villiams were amongst ”“ma fawn”. 0’ Dmm‘me’ a?”- . pus j’llel‘atlon ahout N” “ S93“ a?” toll down stairs and. striking “.19 paid a short visit here last week. the Exhibition visitors from this vi- F‘ “7' Warren 01 Dundas, “7h“ “’1” Willard’s in Fergus Hospital. and \\ 3: it‘kll"tinii-niii‘ ol a stove. got a deep cut 111' Mrs. 'l‘ii-rnliuli visited part of last cinitv. call a meeting‘eithiiir in St. Catharâ€" Carbonated grossing very m‘i’mhlbb' Tiiwf’nfie; .331“ “mm “'hwh bled “199.133. 41)“: week with her sister- in Toronto, ' '“ . ions or Hamilton. and invite repreâ€" ' troubles arose am e unit. it b lurnhull attended to the inJiiiies 01 and motored home Monday Wm] the D ki , C . sentative“ from the towns in their Ice Second Operation on MOWMF- 3.” 9!“ all. 4 Dr.. who went down on Sunday. §r CS orn%rs' .. . a ’ C little hopes are entertained tor his The school fan. 10 be held at. the Mrs. B. Currv of Chatsworth'was a _(0ui own correspon ent.) . districts. _ g g ream recovery. . agricultural grounds here on Satur- visitor the béginning of the week Rain has reached us at last, which For Western Ontario, Mayor Mal- Take home a uart or â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"- .. . y.'\‘ . ‘~ ‘ . . . . ,- ~. ' . .. ' . .. . . {333 "PM 5“” Women) Of being an with her lili.‘(‘i‘, Mrs. G. \V. Little- “1”.“ a gieat deal 01. 309d: . colm of lost-owel. and the preSidents . q . ‘i P l'lCBVllle and 80111111 interesting event. 81): schools are johns MISS Agnes Nichol 13 Vlsmng her . - Plnt 01' order It and ,4 , ,. 4,, H: ‘t d *‘tl _ .. . . _ . t 4- T t - of the boards of trade of Elmira and ’ ‘7 (0111‘ 0WD correspondent.) ”Himmlr 0 a 0 Dal an, “l 1 9"? Mrs. James “arling and daughter SIS/0P5 1" 01'0“ 0; _ r, . _g 4 4 4 .. hav it nt t i” When it runs it alwavs pours and h‘b'ts'and 39””3 a good day ‘3 anti- Maud of Toronto, are spending a Mr- and Mrs- W‘lllam Jacques and “ ingham “'1“ organize the” dlSt“ 6 SC 0 your :. « t, , u 5 . ‘ - k. 1. fi ‘ ,' ‘ ‘ " . ‘ . . o ‘ ‘1 1'. o . ‘. l for th‘p last‘ three davs we are 911- uplategl. m4} pun w“ter for use at COllDlt' oi weeks With their uncle £§$11}’h%%‘gst§:rÂ¥?§gn“llh MP- 311d rict. - home. 4; . ,- " ' ,, of soft 0 -90 ‘1‘ 1L "‘ . . . and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. ~‘.V. C. Corkâ€" - . . It is re osed eventually to form 193m?" .315‘}%?fi?‘,Â¥,‘,§a§§§d .0 with n.9, High school. a new well IS being hum. of 0mm. Valley. Mrs. Scott. who has been staying . 4 ,9 .91 .. H ~ h) We always carry a good “Imam; {h {.3931 aim-pp in the WU,“ 15 at the J01) and Will continue if.“ and Principal Holland. hpre, son, left for the West a couple of permanent managing secretary will ‘ gigldLVVPI'Ie'eaiS‘lbppflintgd It \"ill takp lllltll it pllre Sllpply 13 secured “.1 the \prp a‘ D'Ippfnpd fin Saturday in the \VQOkS go. be engaged. ChOCOlateSo some time tel-mt it iiioproper order ”"2“: interests of then annual teachers‘ MP5. .ileifsmo SP" Egremont. has ---*â€"â€"-. some acka S this 4 1‘ 'th sh' ‘4 " ‘ ' Priday last. was court day here. convention. Mrs. Holland iiccom- been visdiiig her son, Mr. William BELMORE MAN KILLED p ge 0}, r9? U365 4 d , , h blv the Judge Sutherland pres'ided. but there panicd them Hargravc. - . week are: " . ”it? 811‘ lb 00010? All, l)[”_a .. 4 .. fl - 1‘ , i l ) ‘Htt 1r 4 4 9 ' . ' . ' . _ M qt , "t I: d d 1. .4 H . I _ BY FALLING BEAM IN BARN .. hilt \‘P'ltht‘l‘ R OVPI’ The rain i.‘-il “its llii t, it) do am i. it. sting \\ as RM. H_ l‘.. \\ pH“ 00d 01 Barrie. a _. I‘. .. Dual... 01‘ an HOODI I‘ . g NEILSON'S .4 4 _\ ' -- ~ 4 4 ' , , short, f ». h'gl 1.. wt). l" .3» h vino. and friend, Miss Davis. who (fees-water News‘ S d . cau‘ed small attendant». m . . . . ormei i...i \ «sinner pas or me, c 4 4 4 -) Hill-35‘ he: ‘ " Rev. 1'. it. I‘U\\’lt:l‘ has invested in has hm.” 'g...,‘.,,,.,.d h, (.nmmci, anni4 have been l‘iolidaying at the Nichol "l‘roublcs never come singly to Super Creams 60c. 1b. O‘tfh‘; at; Mr. Fowler ol' Fleslierton ::n ainoinohilo. willcll will be a great. versary gown-m... in H“. Methodist l'ii‘iniii. lel‘t last week for their homes 40 o 1 and t1. Bai d fam'lv' Demonstrator $1.00 pkg. l R v Ml‘ limes i'volian'md liill- ("til-“"m‘nu: t” mm ”1 his “.“rk 0“ tlhili'i'li it!“ lirst Sinidav in (K'l‘tlllt‘l‘. 1“ JOI’OMO- . . . b'me pe p .8, '18 1‘ 1 " Luxurious $1.25 pkg. i 30:“ i-Pw' éu ;.i1..- {no ‘iin- iiiolommit ”Us 181's" .“rl'l- i Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald. Art; Mr. 'l‘lmmab‘ “011 and Sister, MISS "‘3“? 139111101“ are “‘9 unfortunate . ‘~ ' {13.3,},‘13. £4,111.“ a mm” altondnro 4 ii." alâ€"ll-H’lllllllt‘“? ”f .pI'L‘Slll'll‘l'f- the Stevenson and Tom lâ€"toonor motored JCSSIG. spentTucsday "1 0W0“ Sound. ones to be reported this week. Mr. WILLABDS j at i’iotll liltlmi; , “.‘.“.‘,~“: Jmiws ol Pizwmtlkgii allu-lf”: "‘1' from Mo'l'ior and are on a short visâ€" “MP. Atmlhnr [Lindsay {ind NPSS Baird had got his hand mangled ill a Ehte Assortment '606' "1' ‘.., 4 4 ‘ 3', 4 ., 1.4 f‘ , , l o. “its place. rxcnango pu pi soun- it with 311.. and ;.;,.g..d.;,,:i..,s and olli- -. nrgaro l21.\'t‘ icon spent-mg a ew 4 4 . r '4 4 4 44 ‘ 4 - g . k . I “it (road) 2031:3421}: 4t)? 1?: (”2,2, in :21‘1)‘ to lay lioloro their Congregations i or friends “up... I I days, with ii'lt'll‘ hrotl’lor. Mr. Andrew t’hl.ebhln‘g bel)‘u?tm_ .and \ as at a Smart Set $1, 90 p g t,’.““”“?g‘4“ Liam” those gentlemen {he now minimum of stipend or A”... ... 3;. “mg.“ “1,“ .4414. H“ ,milldndsay. Allan Park. Wlnghm doctors office When the PATTERSONS gill”. gluon it“; Brilol’bit‘ \clll down il.8tlt).hills :l!;j!>1';)\'oil”l)}' lilo (1;:lliul't‘tl pkdhmhui ”4;; 1“,“. Willi 2:441. _4;_4;,.1..l â€"-â€"â€"â€"-¢-â€"â€"â€". son Roollei'l. who was assisting in Private StOCkS $1.00 , “ _‘ i l 1- Q.) ' ‘ ‘ 5“ .(S \ \“‘ nu i '.- '....- .., .“..n V." \‘ ' .- 3 ' l ». . 3 “mg... big hills never cxportotl it was ;.;”‘,’f.‘,. “\fi1.,n.:f,.hr:}fil hiyxgg 13.6%,}, l 311% Hit-=18le £141.13 "mp i a... 58. Glenroadm. getting a. separatOi placed in a mini Come in and see i in make a good highway over tliem‘ (-‘huwhw . ‘- .- ‘ ~~ ~ " zims‘wuifihwj H 2...;1 -..;: a i trim“ l‘l' (Our own correspondent.) was killed. (a If i '4 _.,..- ' “ . . . i‘isrini. . . . ~ . . - ~ ~ . 5 an}... plliMâ€"i'a'km3 I??? £1311?an til; fifty )i:'. J. J- “m“ "1 Mount 7‘1“". 30”“ i‘illiss " :i;.i ilirhzrilsozi oi‘ To: onto Ml' Campbell Dunbmm” b Ulmbh‘ A rope had been Imam“ 1“ a ““51 101 you 1 S e . 3 ‘I it? till. liz‘calillittiilt‘ss‘ill lli‘l‘ll‘JYt‘ " ginâ€"law ”f MI" Johnston Cullen, 0f? ""5131" 242.1%...- "’lti o’d friends ing “'W'ih’ln“ ir‘ hllfil' “ii the 2nd. and SUDDOI'ting a cross-imam in Slim”: J H Gibb ns 1' .‘5. I. .. ‘ .2 , In,s.¢ _ i 'u ‘1 J. 7..., ‘< ‘ .* . < ' , ;‘_ 1(7 ‘ 3' v ‘ .. 4-- .'o ii - to. l A A .k‘ . .. . ‘ 0‘". o - -_ \_. ‘ 'wil'llaps ll‘lill‘t‘ are 301110 of the 01d. “ "f1 "m- “9- - “11“?” 4 '0 1.0117115; ili‘l'2‘ ti’s.‘ Wonk. lS gnmg wind satislaction. the separator 1“ t1“) harm when {he 0 o e . p 4 : _, 4 .4 {Hospital last week siiflormg With al-, m... l 'r wound qr lndo ‘l‘lltlt‘ll"“ . , 4 . .., - ,. . .' . l'i.‘:":’«i”-" “"1113? ““0 well “WWIIan -~ omin'r blood pillsimin" in" the arm ll' m ' 4i " i ii“ ' h I ”‘1' i, Mi. Ml- in)” MP5- \\ imam Banks 31“] post gave way and the tailing l’ioam .i . ”.4- .. .4 :4 ,‘ g g - ; 4 P, -, e.- , . sits. s); s 3.: on (‘1 s1. .. as. 4, ,4, ,- ,- ,4, .4 “-l'lt'lflfiml‘italbiilvlg'iwl‘ltllli.'ih\1\1'i“ii]ii}lgln V “W“ "“V"l“’!”“l ”Om a Cllt m the (i. ii \‘Colton and other old friends ””15 “i 1‘” \ Ntm“ ‘ll Mrs. 3' Bank: â€"â€" “1-4 'l .0“ ,. ,. _ ‘4 ‘ 4. ‘ , lzzind trim a binder knife. Some i. ii .- \i'vo' .. if . l‘)‘ - ”11 Sunday. ._._ (onto: 9’1. .)!'1 ll‘nll’el' \\ agL)l1. \\ ltkl fi‘c‘ .'v'?\t. ‘\I ‘ ‘ t . ' . \ 1 .t ‘1 ,1. I ‘ ‘ 1“ 1i . -1>.' \ lip-.31 ““ Il‘ll]}(l “ ‘ I . ' ,o- .i‘. hag< oi“ wheat when going up \ " ~‘ '4‘“ ”gilfiilultl {(M“ 111.9,}t1‘,‘; modal was nroiigiit up and married Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd were visdors ; “42' .. " ° ’ "‘ ,» lfv"".~' l‘li‘ : ..." H . '. Jl RSI... '."..~‘«.vi g;-' . . ~».. ‘ - - r. ’ . tie:- it lL'ilS hill had to i-ai'i‘} li.}iil, ,..,\:'ii~; “Vlad elm...” ‘irron‘io'r w“ '“ """"“- "N ““1“, 41’.‘ h“ 1’ \vitli Mrs. Archie Mi’lu‘t'illllt‘ on 4,1, . o 3 tin- loziil on their shoulders. and t it" “ ‘ ‘ 4 ,‘ 4‘. ,' ....- . 25‘3th 11-11“. 4, 4 g _ 4 S, ,3: v N .; \l -. '.».- '0 w ‘ . .. G ”i F - h “VHF il'Hl t() l’pfit .i\.~[‘\' lg‘IIL’tIl Hi. til“? h l !i‘* 1th“ H 1” t“ i!“ lil.Ԥ,li,i(‘].g 1 iii“ i)i.l)‘iii(.iii] ii‘iali \\‘“h‘Illil;-: h, u‘ 1' . ‘ ii. . ‘ ( !\( (Illll- lb 11] \013 e'iIl S urnlS In S . ' ; £h.i.'.’.(;g \Vrlu-OH \v'itll diii‘t' t‘ili't‘t' hat“? .\iili1r lili‘ Silllllllhlt illllltiay ihl‘ 31D_i z}; 5““; till “‘4" 'l‘tl"t)i"il I ill“ Q‘Hlih 1)”an hpfllfh. ‘ . ‘11 "t“, .. , 4 _ ‘4‘ 4_ Cu, . .1 '.\J . (r ‘.. ‘0‘ v .o‘ - .1 ’. ' '41 .1 L( J I'. h "' o H‘ .. . \ I ! i'ii :i'." load. Tilt" (don road wasaI-i _',',',:'h',' \.”.”.l’,‘-- M ”t3“ ”159L143 .“g' iritm this 'villrtgo is progressing. llio Mr. J. Boyd. Sin. spent. a low days at Reduced Prices wars '-"'-*"‘d. and \‘Cr‘ Vt‘llilll'“ (‘9 l'I’C-i .‘.‘.i..”'.,l .l \3,‘:f,\,,“‘::;. w‘i’i“ 1?:UIC}:)IHI';1§‘(' posts for llio now l'onro on (‘at'il Sliii‘ m 'l‘nronto during Exhibition time. l:.1 ‘ ,‘ ‘ , 4 ; _"*' \\ft"i. ( ‘ ‘ i l H i: ‘ ‘ ;.{ \., ' .4 3:3 . ... 'r . ‘ . ‘ ‘f -. ..I W that H“ m“ “’3“ up thor 1”"liiiu-li srliool students lit‘fl‘t‘sllnlt‘llls‘ 7" ‘. m i H m . .Hi- M.‘ I ’1 m0 “‘9' S and had a very enjoyable \‘isd. “T 7 1‘ $1 9' lid‘s will never he as much enyivedé _‘ " ' ’ ‘ . . “ will «HM ”I" l-‘ull'llltl ”H ”l ”l“ “11'“ i. », . . Men S Overalls ........................... . .95) i 1... ‘,,..,\.,.ii',nl...-1..the Glen l'tl‘lii Buti “W" S'TVM ””‘i a pleasant “m”! and ~"ilo< will ilt‘ him'un at this end Mrs. ”' banks and daughter, MP8“ ’ 5 3 f $1 00 in l . 4t . 3 (. m‘ ° é' ’ n < . 1 _ T(, _ ‘ F . ‘ ‘ . ‘ 7 .y ' a g o ‘ inll‘lltlps we don't know how tlievl "1“;1. “(Ll rlljlfflt- l t l t on \.\oiliiosdav. E. B. Young and children. have loll Men’s heavy 80h, 3 C, 01 ......... DIS 01‘ ‘i . h .. 3‘5 . 4 l " ' 3‘ ' 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€";-‘.‘.~â€"nd‘--â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" . .7 - . , g , \vnl lw. l :M- who”; .lltmim,»,‘l.,\.;il,.ml.l.llltln\:(,.,.k”l N Wh t Sh W t d to spend a low days in l‘oronto. after Men sfine and heavy Braces, 35C. p1., 2 DIS. .59 \:;1_.4 1 .- ‘;" . n :g‘ . l . 3 . ’L . - 4 ‘ (.,. . ()t _a' £3 all e . “ .. . 1 ' . ‘ ‘ . . (T . ’ o -0 0 Ir l loo!i‘ii‘ltinll‘isilivlhijll'nt«i1l'iliot'il‘posiililitinl Miss Molioali ot . Durham tm’ki ' g _ ’ \.liii l. tin} lllit nd spending ii pleasâ€" Men S 2- and 4â€"p01nt Il’lVlSlble Braces ..... 380. pr. {”3 ir‘oiiL down \‘lio (roiinirvhnoar "hum-r“ ”l “le Mills si'liool ltlSt l .\n Old liliijs' W11” PW“ ”1 ”I“ (”’11“- ant. month at ROMI‘GW ill.» ”10 “0an ”f NIGD’S fine SOX 25C. 131'. i‘ it. 2.; ' i , g t 4 . it \ymik. and \li‘S BtfiliiV (if Inirlig ll'V \\'t‘lll lllill it)\\'ll i” “NV 90“.“. \i .». l‘ l) \...l'x” .‘ R131“ 1 “hi" . . . . ..................... .â€" Hiifitelo. and will in“ greatly missed l. . 4. .. . ’“ ‘ - 4 - ‘ , 1*. ’- - 1‘ “13- ..n U ‘1 falls ~01 _ i ' " ~ 3,. m. ”M 1,0,“... + t:l-Iliiiryillilgll‘llliii to im sillibnl near ..-,,H,,.dl,,.,.g n“, 4.1...“ ,,,..,.[,,,.If “,4. of Mrs, Banks. Men s Holeproof Hos1ery ...... . . 00c. up to $1.20 . \l illi‘rlill‘illi‘lzi“ -\-id dlli‘t‘illlg‘.“hold inl (“worwocMitcholl Jr wont to 'l‘or- very obliging. and in pointing out â€"7â€"-â€"--->'--4----â€"- Boys’ Tweed Bloomers, all SIZES 2 ; Z“. i. .cxiniions one a ornoon " ,' ° ., 4 4 , » . . . . - . .. '- r . .1-1 W}. heroes ' 5 , 4 . .. , mill t)[1}‘llila\ to unto his supple- Hn me His ol llii d.lliii nt ioils iii A ltllllltlll o “Oil .1 , , . >7 '2s .4». :“l‘ ‘ii' - n -- . . . ._ v l .' ii,1;..\.\‘.:l.l:. $143.3.'.ifiuji‘fi,‘ih‘fiwf‘tf, mental on our sulnort 0111‘: HI paper he sm‘oral limos used the occurred ill a \\ ostorii liotol recentâ€" A new assortment Of4Men S and Boys 03135 2 " ‘ ‘8‘ ‘ (.fii" ‘ ' ’ .0 s “‘)" . ‘u ' .'.i0‘. ' . 7V .. . »-~.. "le I . . 4: the duties t_‘llil'll>‘ii‘ii to them. ray: 1“ ”NIH-i m H“ I ”“9““ remark: _ I}. llio lioad rloik. who was .1 inst‘ JUSt arrived, also 3 ', “ “ lieutenant. rallml a. porter. who liady 2 . i i o ”C O..- -__,,_._.- l\ [It visited friends i’l'lt'l‘Vllit‘ :ini virinitl' for it few do.” iii-5t “T“?‘k'l Mrs, Minn was Miss Maggie Mtg-ll. nâ€"l (‘i‘gigt'i' 'iii\'i'_"’ l . {fighiii‘g .22}iiiimx.31111,...1mn“n ‘\° B‘ '. September Ti. Lioiit. Kendall M's. Adam \Vrir and diii,lglili’>l‘.{ .\lE~< .Iiilia \\'oir. visited with Mrs. “lit-'7. iii-other. .ii'. i tlgii \lifliinivizi. on " S-illill Li liisi Stillll'iim'. Mi~~ '\\'.iii'. v. liil ‘ ' i’i’iaiiy oilior "' Di.‘ ( a" . ill ,,4. ., ‘J ', .. , . ' . p ' . » . .; i . ‘i!:“»i4‘illlli‘lli.\. lr~ .i now! lllUiHli‘i. I this locality and grain is yielding well. with good sample. Harriettâ€"«At Chicago. on Monday. .3 l gi-lwll. a rising voting attornrv of that l I i Air. and Mrs. H. II. l.rit'lisi'iii'iii;._.' l l i, _; kindorgarton teacher. 2 roiiple came by way of the lakes am l '1‘! O i" . --h" 1i Ebenezer. Hlll' own correspondentQ- fl'rionds hero wish Lieut. Mitchel 'l‘iiawliing has wimn'ionrod in the S and his bride many vears of weddot t'oi,';ili-*jr, ’l'iio liiilll 0t :1 llillilliol‘ iil'i Miss. ‘ iiiiiriiinos is now lioa‘i‘il.l Mr, \V. \Vliitt‘akmf'wife and child -i . izll‘l‘Slllll’“ - V I i This Week-end. nu some or Neilsons’ . Creamy Toffee “The Toffee that . .- ‘iS..Different” . ~ . . . . , -. _ -. m A . I i i i . . ll e ‘ ane ‘ . ‘1'»). - _ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ n i ”i , i " . I h‘ ’ ’ ' ‘ ' h ,_ . . 9‘ ‘ " ' , ~4 \ 4 "" A . .4 -, . - 4', .. I o ,4 . - . i “ ‘h'. 4 . [iffi‘x‘ -_ , 7 "I- -. .x It" " 4"!“ 5 .. '- ». ‘34“.‘1 _‘.,. . " , Missi-s Mary and Road. of Soutl Btiilllil‘lt'ii. Slvl‘lli Slllliluy :‘H'lm'niniu a Mr. John \\'ells.‘ Miss Mary Alexander spent. a dav recently with Miss Hazel .l.--.hnst0m‘;. 311'. l‘. H. CDl'l'lPll (if Stratl'ord spent last week-end with his cousins, the Johnston family. i Mr. John \Ve'lls Spent a week a tending the (3.3412. in Toronto. Miss Reta Bailey visited the first of the week with her friend. Miss Rena Livingston. _____.-â€"â€".-â€"â€"â€" HBAPORD PISHBRMAN TOLD GOSTLY FISH STORY A fish story told in the police court at Meaford last week cost more than $200. Such was the case when Cap- tain Edward Perks of the tug Alice 6. told his story to Police’ Magistrate Creasor and other officers of the Fishery Department. He was charg- ed with fishing more nets than his . license called for, to which he plead; ed guilty. Besides, he lost more than . ’7 a ton otfish, valued 31.800. - i t 2 2 § -.. a , L S. Mit- rilv. to .\nn Elizabeth. daughter of Hi iiliirago. a talented wining lady and File -'yoiing are on part of their honeymoon this 14wook with the groom's parents. Mr ' {and Mrs. iioorgo Mitchell. Numerous . faring-rs :iro anxiously awaiting‘ of Paris. France. who wereon an ex-l iii",1"‘i‘”'i‘- ‘1‘1' iii" .Vl‘di'?‘ for? ! tended visit with his igiz‘irents near gagging: , . 3:333: --.i- ”4:. 41, 1..., t 1.».44 g\.»7\';ig ;{;»}' t’illa. t'i‘vlon 10“ on Mondav for their di4_ :=::::=:===illtlillllillllilll‘.\\l\‘ iii..iiliiliiiiiillliiriii'I/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii‘uumm":" : ’ ' ( ' ‘ . _ .. _. g.‘ . _ 4 ‘ 4 4 , » 9 - - - - '. '4 , . . .» .4 ,_.4\_.nulln I 11 ) . M “1,4,. .\,1 m, 4.4mm. a,_ m, “Hm“. m. “hmkp. gum ,4. figigfifiii. I. -. . ~.*‘*-*T‘*iii§iiiiii Men s Khakl Pants well ta ored $1 98 {Wt .3, .Il>i \"‘.“‘-. . l‘. and , ‘s. \ ti ’ ' . "i - -» - ' " .. 9 ' .. ‘ “ h ‘1 I“ “ liftiiiitlnfiaiiv$335.“Ill-iii“; was (“ill “‘3‘”? ii’ iiiiiiiiii Men S blue'smpe ovet'aHS' 395‘“ make, .. . 1'. H‘ . - . .. v, L, . 5 |. ( L 4 â€" Ill-I’ll. . E 4;. “ . . M Jilliios‘ inrnoiil‘. spool 11 NW ml to “alkorlon last week to lflki‘ 35355555555 Mil - iii-5555555 The Harvest Klng ' ’ ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ° $138 1133‘ .'7.-i \‘Uw‘ii i‘ll..ll|\'lllf-1' lilt“ sights t'ilill'irp ()f 3 patipnt III-IIIIIII 0° -‘/. g, 'nllllllll , v ~ 3,. .,~,,..,.,,,_,, 3.. n... ,,g.4,,,,,,,,,mg ~ W; W W T4 4 , 4 ,4 grams: 5: y __ binm'fltflfltfl Men s Tweed Trousers (for dress weai) , _, ,4 4 . i _. . Linoii ll tin ind a. t. 4:34-4:33: , (1% g "nu...“ 4 _ \llihii‘i' litlii‘):‘orn fi:iii”\t H; >ii:}]]‘)\\ . ‘u\..'i)1\: {I‘Qi111 all (3Xf(\l“l‘1‘1 \‘iqait \\'itll III'...II'I c...,_ CREME :::::=::== . . . o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 $3.90 I win] a in i . . . , . . .- ' t ; . .. .' ~ ' L J =::===::=:: 3- niconoi etc slIIIIIIIII g .uA .lilli it \\tt1‘x \\ llil l‘t ll]\11]~ C .â€" . o . ‘ .: a.» : .. mania M ’ C tt H 2" the Morvyn and Alexander lainilies. 22:32:33: ° :0 I:*\g~,:.r.4-:Titan-Inga“ en 5 0 on 039: Per Palr- - - ° ° - - ° DC. Mr. Weslov Charlton and sisters i 3:33:33“ 3 . ‘-’:â€"‘:.'.:'-'§n:u ' ' “ ” ‘ null-n" ‘ IIIIIIIIII D. M. SAUNDERS Gent’s Furnisher And do you think i am too] enough general who was using too m... :1 to buy paper that 3:: hard to stick?” l'rco si‘iace in the lo-l‘ihy. ) ‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill-II-Illltllll III-Illlllltlnlh. Ill-Il-IIIIIIIIIII “Ill-Innu- -uII-Inunu- - . BEAUTY afififii Efififlfi III-IIIIII-III- - ~ III-Ill ‘ Ill-III III-III. llllllll l O t L l I I IIIIIIII llllllll nun-nu "I'll-Ill \ Men’s Khaki Shirts. . . ........... $1.25 ’ Illlllllll IIIIIIIIII. \ 4\ Best Black Denim, per yd.. . . . . . . . . . 50c. Turkey Red Chintz, in Paisley patterns, IIIIIIIIII llllllllll llllllllll ‘m-IIIIIIII per yd 30c. _ i3; iiiiiiiiii Drapery Chintz, fancy patterns, yd 29c. ' 53° ' _ assassins Ladies’ “Smart Step” White Canvas "”3“”? Shoes, in oxfords or straps. . . . . . $2.29, Ladies’ Silk Hose, in black, navy or , brown, per pair $1.00 , .IMD 3... on .Q i g erases .225...“ mt 39m2?d$$;0$ Men’s Tan Grain Work 9 Shoes, good _ . do: thattgagtoesmoln smoothly and wearers and neat fitters, per pair $3.95 ' s-not easily brushed or fin ofl'. Tints that match Men’s Elk Bluc., very pliable, and ”a real ”Shoe.................\;'-...,....-.. $4.95 _‘ _QMmsmMmm "1“ 1 . ........ ‘A' ‘- ‘ :::::

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