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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Sep 1922, p. 5

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DURHAM NOT THE ONLY TOWN IN TROUBLE WITH N. W. B. A. It. is uld néws how that the Dur- ham Juniors were expelled from the North \\'ellinglou Baseball Associa- than. and while the case has not yet bwn dwppeal by the local club. it. is a. foregone conclusion that. as far as the Association is concerned, the locals will not. even get, a hearing be- fore the Executive. A few" {weeks ago We published a ccmn'lunicfitiorl from stretary R. E. Homing, Palmerston. explaining why the Durham Juniors had been given their walking paper, but even yet are are-not fully convinced that. the local club was justly dealt. with. «At a subsequent meeting of the xecutiw- of the ASsociation, the Durham club’s request for reinstate- ment was turnert down and the Mail and limmre contained the informa- tion in a'Tlispatch from Palmerston that the Durham Exeeutlve evident- ly didn‘t understand the situation and that the Secretary of the Asso- ciaion would write. them and put them right. SO far. this has nut been done. Neither has the Secretary answered a letter of three weeks ago from Secretary Banting of the Dur- ham Club on the same suspension, 4 l -While we are not altogether famil- iar with the rules and regulations of the North Wellington League. The Chronicle, like a good many others. feels that there is sonis;*thing wrong somewhere and wouitl like to see it. cleared up. That The Chronicle is. not alone in this opinion. anti that the Durham Club is not alone. either. in imagining it has been harshly and unjustly 'dealt with. is evidenced from the following irlfimment. from a recent. issue of The Milverton Sun: “The Durham Chronicle recentlv took seV eretV to task SecretarV Reube Horning a111’11t111 lixecuthe 01“ the North Welling-11111 Baseball As-t‘l' sociation tor 1111111111121111 a111it1'a1V'll action that that 111111; 1111111 in dis- 1 a 1' they had VV‘01'1'111ei1'1list1'ict bV 111:1- featins: Palmerston. \\ ith r11ga1'11 111 the merits 111' 11111 111511 \\1‘ 1-1111 1111- acquainted but VV 11 111111111“ that} Horning. as 1111511111111 of th 11 N H. 1.1.: 1111s still a V1'1'V' ”raV 11 re~11on~11111 iv; to 111~1ha111e VV ith regard to the sus-i pension 111' \\1111am Aikens of Mil-i VeIton. it' he 1111111: to maintain his reputation as a fa '1.i1'-n11111‘111 11 Spot‘lS- man. Aikens. it VV 111 he remembered. 1 was suspended bV )11.Ho1n1n1" VV ithâ€"i out a meeting of the executiVe. for retaliating on a spectator VVl1as- saulted him while S111". in: 111111 min-1 ute in the penaltV box. \\ hen it was alleged through the press that he was to be charged with an offence. he requested a hearing to defend himself and his request. was ignored and the susDension went into force. Since then 'both Mr. Horning and Secretary Bamt‘ord have promised him an opportunitv. Mr. H1’11'ning VV ould haVe less apol1i1gizing to do it instead of acting arbitrarily on mat- ters before him with evidence only on one side, were he 111 heat? both sides of the case. Jedborough meth- ods of deciding matters are out of 1 tune in this age PlaV' fair' 1 There 1s “only one little mistake in the abOVe from the Sun, and that is where it says that Durham club was suspended after defeating Palmer- ston. Why, Bre‘r MacBeth, the Palmerston team wouldn’t make even a light practice game for the local exponents of swat. Durham Thursday, ,Septexhher 21, 1922. A hill-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is “SURPRISE.” For use in washing machines shave or slice ‘ a portion of the “SURPRISE” but direct won from Owen Sound, both in Owen Sound and in Durham, and the Owen Sounders had little difficulty in el- iminating the Palmerstonians in a sudden-death game at Chesley. In brief, there is an eruption com- ing in the N.W.B.A. Kincardine is dissatisfied that the Wingham-Godâ€" erich teams-- were allowed to go through theii district games and. af- ter winning out in the semi-finals, to be thrownout. with the result that the Palmerston seniors are now planing 011 with Lucan for the sil- \e11\\ 118. Last summei we talked with a man from Luean, and he told us that Lucan team was anything but satisfied with the league man- agement in ge1.ei1al The North Wel- lingtnn Assnciatinn is all right but we are oi the (:111» 111011 that there is need ut a let Ui housecleaning. BEST IN 17 YEARS (Chesloy Enterprise.) . On Saturday night, in Desboro-we mot, Councilor Carson. He had just come from ilnvshing and was so (luskx no, didnt recognize Jlim at first glance. But xx hen he smiled we know him right through the dust and ' dirt. We hadn‘t been talking long to HT?!‘I‘}' toll we saw ccypy coming. He informed us that he had threshed for, sm-«mtoen seasons and this was the] last year‘s crap in all those years. That‘s a strung statement to make, but. Harry can back it up with facts! and figures. His assistants are hisl son. Earl, and Charlie Schwartz. He tells us that. he threshed out 25 barns and that eats are averaging 50 bush- els t0 the aero. barley :30, wheat 35. and peas, amazinglv high. Henry .lanke hall 0\ e ll?!) bushels trom a field 0t three anal a quarter acres. There is nu such a pest as pea-wee- vil to be seen this year. The farmers ('uit l’alSlll:"-{H'3S t'm: several years and the \\ em il that waxed fat on he}! feed (lied 0t “hall “0 0110.9 heard an Oldllisll lady (all the hungryâ€" lmrf‘st l the machine.â€"‘-It will do fine This is the first year for a long limo that the farmers had to stack part of their crop an account of the harps being full. Trim: the price of grain is not high but it \Vuuhhfl matter if thu price: were) high if there wasn‘t. any grain to sell and it would still l‘w worse if there wasn‘t enough tn feed the stock. CAR OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE \. \\ 0221111011111. 111 1 ”Hinguuud 311-: peared below .flagishate 12111:» 131 111' ans.“ e1 a (-11.11311- mm 11} 1_ 111131 1011' stable Clark 111' l1:':\'inf." caused dam-I age to the 1111m1ny policemn at 111111 intersection 111' Sykw and Nelson Sts.‘ Meaf1;)1‘11_.1111 811111111 ' al'tern 11.111111. X111:- 11st 27. b\ r111111lsslv “11111ng against 1 it with his a11-t.1_)n11,1‘pile in \\ 111c11 \\ e11} seated four or five other young men and women. all. bound for Owen Sound. In answer to the charge-Mr. \\'eatherup said he was the owner of,i the car that. caused the damage, but was not the driver of it on the day Ein question. Neither was he with Ithe party in the car- He simply loaned the auto to a young man who worked in the garage. Magistrate 111'1:.-as11r 11111211 Weatherup $10 and costs. or $14.85 in all. explaining that. as he was the owner of the car he was legally responsible for any damage done by it through the care- lessness or recklessness of the driv- er. The defendant had the power, the magistrate said. to collect the fine and costs from the driver of the car. THE QUALITY FOR LEADERSHIP (Bystander, in Toronto Globe.) How two Canadian Prime Ministers many years apart, had the foresight to recognize the qualities for leader- ship displayed by two your.“r men in their maiden speec‘hes at Ottawa. was recalled the other day by the veteran Charlottetown journalist, .J. E. B. McCready, in conversation with an Ontario \‘iSitOI’. 311'. McCready is a storehOuse of invaluable memories and information covering over haif‘ a. century 01’ political and journal-is- tic life: and the iID’pI‘OSS Of his porâ€" sunlity is still one of Um 333va m T210 St. JohnTelegraph. It is to 1...; hm‘wd that. Mr. MCCH‘Iuly will :31? find opportunity {0,133'0301“‘f¢;? Um rim material he has in his pnssvâ€"sgimz. He was, for examplo, at ()ftaviit during the early Pafliamontary (it-13's: M.“ Confederation as Clark. rvf a Home Committee and as a Press 1‘(.‘[)1"OS(.‘11Eâ€" aiix'o. He recalls tho first SMQCZI made by Laurier, as tho youthfzf’ and practically unknnwn momma" fur Drummond and .~\1~thabaska. Sew-- caal Quebec mumbm‘s had spokm in _}:‘r(>nch_ in a debate that had bécnmx‘ .‘si'mmvhat dreary. Sir John A. Mac- donald, as the House Loader, limsir-d himself with his. papers, sm‘ting' them out. while holding a big pen} in his tooth, and paying little allé’m film to thv Plnqucnnn 01' his Frvnciiâ€" Canadian fellow-members, but when 23w young man from Ifn'umn‘lf:imlâ€".-\1‘» liiabaska. rising quietly :l‘i-um a hack N‘fli. commvncod to sneak, and in English, and as the clnqdent smil- :;‘-.ccs l'ulli‘m'ml each other. tho grim? linnservativn leader laid aside his pun. closml his desk, swung halfway 101.111” in his chair, and with his 1011:; legs crossed. listmujwl with ever-inâ€" m'nzising ink-rest to.) the, maiden Mimi ul' 3 man who was one day to fill iii» , swat. 3111.?1'c1(11112.111\' 1161011115 the effect 11111 51111111111 made, not 0111} on the \1'1111111 111111511. but, 011 the) Leader, whose 91.131111 11311 11111.1 him that, a new 111111.111 "3.11 11111111111d Parliament. 11 11111151111111- 11.11 1111111111 man}; 111111115 1111111111 was 5311121111113 The 211531111 1111111111141 (111 1.1115 this 1111111101111 with a st1iki 111.11) ~Emilz111 111111 in 1:111 111 \‘11111'91‘ \'\111111 1.n.1111i1111. 11111.'\ in tho n1211111111v111 111:: 1111115. {11111 11111 maximum 111' 111:: ; 11.11111. was paying 1111111 11tt1111ti1111. 2111111111111 111-1'i.111111:.;'1111 {11111 1.11111111511111. 111111a111--antl hmv n’11111\_‘ 111111111 11111.1 1 1 111' 1111111 â€"-\\111111111 :11 his 11113111111 3111111.: 111 1.: 111111111111 11111111111111. 1111 111V- p-s _â€"â€".-â€"â€"~ ing pencil 01 pen. when {1111-1111211w ’\1111111,: man 111511 11111111 an 1_11;1<1:111111 15.111 ‘10 111111111 his initial 51111111111. HR- 111". 111W11111a11111 1181111 as 1111‘ 111111111 Linduahv 11011111111 111s attention 1.1;: 1111111111, 111111n11111,1.111:st1me1111111111111 \\'1‘1stâ€"-anl"11het1 Premier in the 1111111â€" ‘11 1;, so it chanced. He whu was 1.1111 115111;; Liberal leader Of that rapidly 1111110111111; dayâ€"away back in 1871-»- 1111211111 Arthur Meighen. the 11113111111111 1'1211 Portage la Prairiv, when he 1113111» .1115 first of many spe1ec1‘111s. in 11111 House of Commons. He ren1arkv11'1. 211101.111ding to Mr. McCready’s 111110.111- loction: “At last. the Conservative party has a Leader in sight!" Ants That Bat Flowers. A new type of ant, large, Vicious and prolific, is 1:)laying havoc with the tlmwr industry of the Italian Riâ€" \‘ic‘I‘a. Horiiculturists are require)? m report. the appearance of ths pm: immediately and to take prescribml 5501’s fmfiits destruction. The 31115 we. suppt.‘»se<‘i to have been intru- duccd_1'rom the Argentine. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ’ ‘ EGRBMONT COUNCIL ‘ Council met September 18,.“ mam... hers all present, minutes adapted. Comr. Wilson reported an expendi- ture in his division amounting to $57.15; lees $1 ”00 Comr.\113n report9d an expéndi- ture of 818.7 8zfeeS $1.00. Comr. Groat re 1011196 111 expendi- ture of S166 8:3; fees S .00 Comr. McDougald reported an exâ€" penditure of $56.97: fees 500., work $3.50, cedar 3111mm: $1.00. McDouc. "1a 'dâ€"AIIanâ€"J’lhat an 0111611: be drawn 011 1.1113'11'0‘118111je1‘ in {1111111 of M11 -110X111111TP11 Hi‘;1 to the amount (11 8100011011311 1321311113111 011 account 10 11113 11111111111 1115 0171 “1111111311 bridge â€"-â€" (112111111 1111-1. 811-1311113130 was {11.951111 1‘13 130111: ' 1111 1111.15 *11 1111 1112101311 in Unloctm Roll 110 311.1%11113111 «11:11.11. \\ 11b01.-â€"-â€";\IC1_)011gal11â€"1'1‘ 1121*. 11 1‘11- fund 01' :10 116111 (111111.013 the Townsh' 1; hate 11111011 1111 11111 1131111111111 111‘L111’11“\ 111 1110-1‘311111‘11101‘5 in 11111 Pulicu Vi?â€" 13.30 of Holstein 101 1.1113 11.12111 1922, be made, the (111311; 1.1-1 prepare 2111 1111111112 l 'n1cr1t to this effect, 1.0 be Sigr1'11’311 next, {meeting of (30111111il.---C:11°11i1_1d. McDonaldâ€"4W i 15011-_-â€"'1‘11at. 1111.1 f1??- 11‘1‘11'i11g accounts he paid: W. Mid-i (lletm1,exp11ess 011 supplies, 75m; M11. 11111111111 \‘1'1111111, 11s31'1ss1i11"s 3111‘:â€" 1111103. ..',‘.~’1-'1.18; .C Ramago S1111. Iprinting {1110011111. $116.80; P1131110, commission “111111;.'1k. com- 1111'3514111 111111111. $2.50; 11111111111315 1.11’ ("111111011 111111 Clnrk. services re ce- 11111111 1111 \2111. $51.01;) 1110111111118, 111‘ 1‘mm- cil. 11111111131101 :11 1111311111113. $18.00; B. (111115011. 11511 1.11' 131111111. Q3 00.1-1â€"1 x11“ ($011 mil adjmunwi to mo *i -1 nutty ()v-tmu-‘r 16, [01' gflil‘i‘l‘ai Lm:-:.inu.~:.~. Since. August ‘1 11111”11111111110111 of live stock from Western Canada to the Iiaste'n markets has. been 1111- usually heavy. Shipments consist almost. entirety 1:.1t' beef cattle. The Chal‘iiCit‘l’ 11f this i1usi11ess is such that fast serviceby the. railways is an essential, and in this respect the Canadian Natiunal Raiixx'ays are making 1111111111115 110111111111 \V'innipe; 11111! '1‘1111111111‘1 \°a111!s.T1"ains of from forty ‘10 titty (1111's. 11f stuck are quite usual and fast time is 111111111 11035111111 111' the sniendid tangents 111111 the lack Qt runes i111 this 1*11ut11. A train 111' 7'2 ('a1s 111 cattie \ as 1'1c11i\'e1l caiil ' (111 the 1110111in11 111‘ the 113th at the 1 1111111 Sim 1131:1111; 'f1f11‘111119. 111 akin:- iihe hip i'mm \1 in min 11;: in 75 111111115. it. 112111111; left. \\i1111i111_1;_,- 1111. 951111111111â€" ii1e1‘ 1.3. This; 111111i111ii11}: i~' the 1111111.- 11131 train of live stock 111'01' l’CCUi\'1f€i lat. 'i‘omnio fin-m the “West. 1 | I HEAVY SHIPMENTS 0F CATTLE What are your health. building plans for the spring time? Our pure food is the builder who and Weeks of the beauti- ful spring. We expect to hear from you. Take Notice I have secured the agen- cy for Wodehouse Ani- mal Invigorator, Baby Chick Food, Poultry Food, Lice Killer, etc. We also sell Zenoleum, the best disinfectant. » Allan. (:16 Theory and Practice. (Boston Post.) ' “Oh, George!” cried the fair young vision in blue as she floated into the drawing room'a'nd found her lesser half reading. “You really ought to have come to church‘with me this morning. Such a splendid sermon, I‘m sure it would have done you good. All about dishonesty and stealâ€" ++++++++++$+W+~Â¥+++++$++++$+++++Mf Tomatoes, Plums, Peaches and all seasonable Fruit. Order Now. Hanover Maple Leaf F 1011:, ' Shorts, BrangFeed of all kinds Car Load Salt Just Arrived--Price Right Groceries-Provisions GroceriesyFlour 85 Feed, Fresh Fruitg DURHAM - CREAM New Is the Time to Get Your Fruit Palmerston Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID. â€"-'â€"V _, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Call and see us. ' Get a Can. . J. VOLLETT FLY DESTROYER ing and petty meanness. 'No c could help feeling better for it. do wish you could have heard it.” “Really, my dear,” murmured George, and he tried in vain 2.0 stifle a yawn. “Ahâ€"ahâ€"did you walk home?” 2w. Itookacar. A,nd oh, George, I had such a stroke of. luck. The comiuctor nex er asked me for my fave. so I saved a dime.” for PAGE FIVE ONT.

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