. *3; EWIHSLJR ‘J. ‘ a a _ A 'tr ,h. . we r:.' ' PAGE TWO WALKERTON FAMILY ILL ASBESTOS mom EATING POISOLNED CANDY One of the most. remap DURHAM BHRttNtBtE rlt An English family named Turner and Pro e or -1MHâ€" who recently came to town. and are Thursday, September 23, 1922- residing in a portion of the big douâ€" ble frame house near 'l‘ruax‘s mill. got, hold of some chocolates the other ducts of inorganic nature is tha - the wicks for their temple lamps. IS THE PROGRESSIVE ON THE DECLINE? day saturated with strychnine and rock can be beaten into fibre and tho 1’ â€I†t" "It.“ 1'01“ 115 [0 ask fibre spun into Yarn amt tho yan- . \VHU.‘ ‘ EL ._ . . u 2 â€" rose (11 from going OUt 13." - - tiltâ€"t a (t ca " ' woven into fabric. and that putt .‘Itlt'tl 3 (ltlt‘it'm and ‘5;th an atl‘irma- the poison routo. Just where the The Tor- onto Saturday Night in its last issue ti'w answor at our tfl'lit’t'. confectionery came from is a my:- ttory. as tho little girl who brougl'it can be dono with asl‘iostos, . -' \ â€Vin“. tho s;tuation and \\ about) the swe ets homo was unablo to iden- .-xpz'ossing a porsonal Opinion “'0‘ tit'y the party who gave them to her. from (in: article") umtor the The parontsamt the child all llt)t[)t)tl . . to consumo tho poisoned got‘ids, amt aim“. (mitmn' It says: . . soon all booamo \‘iolontly ill. 'l‘wo WON â€t. tho llllt“littoral doctors who woro summii‘imwt l‘armors o" .\lborta, door Itâ€? i‘l'ltt'm'p dotot'°tml ox'ory symptom of strychâ€" of tho umtorgroumi work now boints' nino poisoning amt after administerâ€" dono to bring about a WWW â€t it“? ing ometics and antidotos t’l't'f-l'l'ossiyo‘ and Liberal [tal'ttt‘s- 1“ brought tho paronts around again. his opinion agrz‘n-ian I'i'lombors l'ayorâ€" The condition of tho child. “0“.“me ablo to such a ciairso should POSi‘JIl. assumod mow alarming promirtious. to’t“’t1>'o ttit‘." t't't“'t\'t“t tttt‘tt’ nomin- and it was with tho utmost. difficulty ation and i'im‘ilttll at tho hands of tho that thoâ€youngsters life was saved. llltt‘l'tlstillg‘ specimen for tho miner- t'armors on conditions clearly dotined Al'tor hoyoring liietweon life and 310mm] collortion. It was â€an whon and umlorstood. l’iï¬iiii'tot‘illg OVor the death for a day or so. she was :5 ‘adâ€" inyentiye mining, soarctiii g ml. man ot‘t'rrts “t ttlt‘ til'St year‘s St‘SSttttti-‘i ually royiyod and is now roportot'l to insulating material. 1,,--..__..;1,] 1,, 9le.“ "tt\'tt""nn“'â€t at â€â€3““ U†his mm" b“ ““11 â€Ut 01' i'tanger. Although PV- ment with tho strai go minoral that thron. tho agod rhiot' is prompted loom-y pm,“ has boon mado by â€I“ au- asbestos began to tako a “mum“ 01. mnso on how "bitter initrott are ttlt‘ thoritios to locate tho poison-randy ifnvï¬l'tancp in the. industrial world. tirst fruits of the ymlllfs" “'00 â€f artist. his whoroatmuts still remains Now it. is used for so many [illl'liiis‘t‘s‘ donnpi_-I':it'y‘-zliict how badly have we an nnsolyod 1115’stplby. that mottorn manufacturin:.: would "hâ€â€˜it'tt'u 't‘his i‘noyomont coming in be soyoroly rripplod without it. (‘Hltitmt‘tt‘ttl Witt! ttlt.‘ tâ€""t‘tlt‘l'itt 1"“ The. builder needs asbostos shit:- sontmont among disillusionod l .l‘..\. t'olt. millbogrd. ttoorii'g‘ and Imprntipl's â€\‘pp tboir oloctod roproâ€" papor: tho automobito i‘nanut'aotnror somatiyos claiming-S27)“ for tin‘ days usos asbestos tapo. brako linino amt work on tho abortiyo wheat board packing: the stoamtittor amf tho logistatii‘in. unithltitoutty royoats t0 mason I'oquiro asiiostos i'or insuiuf- I’rosictont “Want that, Imiitit'tlt idoals illg‘ piping and t‘milt‘t's titltt tn mi}; aro more I'oadity \W'I'kr't â€Ht. â€ll pa- with cement, fireproof mimpoumts l't‘l’ amt in orations than in actual amt parking that hayo to wittsstan-i l’l'ilt'ttt"‘~â€"‘l'ilt'ttt‘tltal't." tht‘“ tht’ both boat and acids. Hocauso ot' its nmoh mootrtt Slttl'tt Ut (“r-“ltt‘l‘fltt‘ltl nonnconducti\'it.y it is nsod as a shield for both high amt low temporâ€" aturos and as an insulator in olortriâ€" cal work. . The rock that furnishes tho g'roator â€'1'“. drog‘cn. calcium or iron. formed by that. (,‘ttlllttilliltit'lll ban t’l'ws‘ittt‘llt or of both heat and olootricitfx' which makes asbestos so useful. the rock was hardly rm ro thanan w MEAFORD GIRL MOTORIST’S NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH (Mi'at'tn'i't M iI‘I‘Ul'. A crash to thoir doath was nar- rowly ax'ortod by Miss (trace Brown whon tho car she was driving, ar- rompaniod by hor mothor. Mrs. Dor- yal Brown amt hor sistor. Miro. rrashod into tho woodon railing at. tho north ond of tho Sykos stroot ronrrolo bridgo. 'l‘ho stooring goar had boon tight- onod rorontty and was still. ln mak- ing a short turn tho driyor t'ailod to straighton tho car out again amt tho c '11in rosultod. . 'l‘ho radiator was drapod around tho ongino amt gonorally domolish- od, whilo tho car omtod 11p hindorod only by a snagged roar whool and a post. in tho rz'tdiator from making a plungo into tho rocky rivor bod probably thirty t'oot. bolow. It was a narrow osrapo t'or all t’ttllt‘t‘l‘llt‘tl. -â€"-â€"â€"-.-â€"-.â€"â€"â€"_ WHEN THE OLD DOG DIED .lty tho Khan in tho 'l'oronto liyon- ing 'l‘olograi‘n in May. 1888. g os. is so sadly lacking in sincori'ty. So far as tho "Pr:igrossiyo" party‘s t'utruo is concornod it is no particu- lar soorot on tho prairios that many monibors aro in favor of coalition with tho goyornmont. liyon thoir nowspapor supportors aro now doâ€" ing somo propagam'la work in that dirot-tion. Loador t‘lrorar has long assuniod tho "Harkis is willing" atâ€" titudo, .\s a matter of fact. accord- ing to stories in circulatii‘in. ho ho- oamo a ronyort practically on tho morning aftor when it was mado «'loar that he would not bo l’I'omior. 'l'horo is oyory roason to holioyo a pormanont coalition would hayo boon consummatml at tho Saskabion caucus had it not boon that some of â€1,.“th stalwarts kirkoot â€Vâ€, mut't'horo was grioying' in tho woodshod. â€WW“. amt throw a tomporary “.111.“ in tho kitohon thoro woro toars. into m“ ranks of tho prairio bloc \\hon morning showmt that thoro assoi‘i‘ildoiL was atoac‘t. comes from Quobor. 'l‘ho host tibro. that used for spinning and \\‘o:l\'illr_". is separatod from tho matrix with hand haminors. 'l‘bo pooror rock is brokon up by martiinos. amt tho short tibros obtainod through that! proooss aro usod to mako t'olt. papor..' amt millborird. .\sbostos mm- is nott so strong as cotton or ttax. but man-t t ut'artnrors hayo surroodod in pl'H-‘ during throad strong omrugh to moo" t tho Various rozpiironic-ids, tlax Eng-i boon twistod into throad, tho tibro is".t woyon much as cloth is woyon. Hut. judging by i’t'ostito'ltt Wood‘s uttiinatuni.i tzuiix'S' Ht“ “'Mt‘t "t many Mm." . ‘ " ‘. . l ‘5‘ ' . t y l 3 0 as it too Amorta t."~nll‘llttliol's aro bo- t M'- t “I†“‘ H t' m‘ mt“ t :iiliiltl: to waxor aIu-ut tho wisdom; [tow tho littto rhiblron rriod. .\lbt “that up thoir \‘tiiros \Yholl tho oto't the." ttit‘tl. :w-n‘iaining in opposition porinan- t‘llti‘. -"-- -_-. - .\ \\.-t'ï¬tl'r'11 'i"iii,[l..: ,. . who has boon, in a msfiion to ifs‘on in on thoi't'it‘V" t'tit-‘l’t‘tt ttt“ t"’t1.‘â€""tt ittt‘t Shut-.434." it'- * it it"ttitt‘itt Witt" iit'nroirastingt tttit't‘i' g.“ . a‘ “mm...†mwnths. l'ot‘ontlyt 'l‘hoy rallod his naino in min: an . 1%- rrithor sig'uilirant wagor to t N“ inoro wbon 'l‘onnm' \\'t|t>‘ttt"t . 'hat a UM; New i,“ tho; \‘y'outd 't‘ray hound t'orth again. . ,,'.; _ H, rm.I,._.."t'ho rhibtron ato no broakt'asf. | , f ,. i’u:_.ossi\o": litlt. sonic-:t by his sittt‘. »; . ,. ', “impâ€; 11H,“ It't‘hm monrnoet thoir doarost play-â€" i _. .i, (i \\(}'\,s am niato tt; s s . .1 ;\ ‘;;;»,,i;!:,fl[1._:. \\'tl!‘ll tilt'i'itiiut'tgtiii'tt. l ‘ 0 ill . s s\'~'to ltl H t i , ~ . ,A ., .t mptt’or thirtoon snnnnors ho had - it - , ~ t ,, â€3:44;“. tIE'HtlLJttt \ M a. , _ (w “9‘ Tim initoh rows homo at night. s ,v . p. '. ._ . til-m ,.\mt all that i: li' ho'd \\'iltt'ilf'tt tho to Ms; "'lll?'t Units: ‘1' - « s« li.?’ .i My? Mom dark ttti morn»... tun ‘ r 1.â€! . 4..., it ‘ot H on t‘w '\ til. «liltttt' . -.. 3.. '3‘; an: With a sort of ranino pt'iito. . , i :Em; . “gm-t , No wwomtor that tho baby wopt "W \‘ :l i‘ 'ito ,'.. \ I'llgof \\'ilo‘.t .‘tso Uttt tier." itiiâ€"it, . ~ I .i is." ' ‘is.’ \ . j .l trim-.41 on†whip“ j tlo'd go half way to school with thqu m: ~:3’ 353;; 3;.- i.- j;, :. M...- ~«.,“:,§_f 'i'tion stand in ionosomo piighi. . . ans, this illst .-.- tan I .\not slowly wag his bushy tail { . ' ‘ aniliii “A... u 't‘il; tizt'_\‘ woro out of sight. . :izo magm- a lump; â€mm“ 't‘hon trot him homo to snoolo amt -" ’ ' ~ . \‘trayagmt promise-f snooze ..;' 1" :I'iriii agitators. which in. jgt \\'ithin his konnol wido. outfitting to timt tho}; ram)â€: .1.._t Hut 'l’oi‘nmy brougt'it tho cattle home two. \\'hon tho old dog died. w I : MILDMAY CHURCH SENDS AID t they smoothed that. doar old head 0tf TO CENTRAL EUROPE’S NEEDY .g. ‘Roy. llr. )lotl'ort. who is dologatoi‘l And ot‘t‘orod milk and meat. ' -it‘lmanv to solicit Amt little Tommy tried to lift ‘ His old friend to his feet. In vain. the old tail wagged no more; Then bitterly they cried. Oh! how the children missed him, When the old dog died. tral Europe. preached in the Sacred Heart Church. Mildmay. last Sunday afternoon. A liberal contribution is 1"eptiirtwl given by the congregation. HE Canadian Pacific Railway, a nation-wide institution, touches the life of Canada at all points. One of . the primary requisites of its employees is to know Canada in all its aspectsâ€" ‘ not merely the conditions of the dis- trict in which they happen to live, but the conditions ,of the entire country. This is particularly tux flap-:19 center department men, , to 101111 Kelly, Mum. driendr .of the travelling public, should- Brnebahoatl’ticuilleandww hwmdeknowledge'gamedfromac- . " . nnlraidencemdexperienceindii- h‘ “Matthew. AW-.. kable pro- hard, heavy rock which yields a ï¬bre as s0ft. as silk. The Greeks named it. asbestos. or the inexting- uishable. because from it they made It seems almost. inermtiblo that a made from tho rock can ho t‘tlll‘ft‘l‘t- ed into paper. but all thosp things The best i'zuaiity of ashostos l'tlf‘i’ is a chemical combination of mignos sium silicon oxide with oittior hyâ€" Tllo titirt's withstood tho attack of tho olonionts since the world began. and it is that quality of enduranco leg-ottior with soOn the prOpOrty of being a ii«.in--ooir’ttzctâ€" Ifntil compa'atiyoly l't‘1_'t,‘t‘.t years t part. of the (‘Hllllllt_'l‘(‘lili asbostost ' . I“s . ;'.i:.‘ 7-2.». .n .- 5:. .. . Storeyettes (.tUJUHIJ. ‘â€" t I - _ i‘ HE“ BERN MOTORISTS’ MOTTOES 1112111\\'i1tiitl.(‘C‘IT‘-3L:" : 9.2".ttlo‘.‘ ‘1: a \ .~::i-= t momrs ran swoot, . End saloon bar. “Pardon. but o ' .«. -“ ~~ ~ , n -: "< Lord Justice Bankes of London. ' ‘ - “ 1‘- 3“ --‘ “tit“ â€'1‘ N! 1-- . . . are Dr. Smith. .t‘ron‘t rifiti'I’"-h.- in- t e t" Hm ' . - ~- - .. e lungland. made tour hundred auc- 21mm“; 'l'hi n M H.‘ ‘ i , ; ; ' "2‘ ‘ “ â€1"“ â€t r“- <15 â€- t1- . . - . . _~ .‘ 31‘ 0‘ '1‘»; lg“... '.; ‘1 .v - ‘ ..‘-‘ (YO “ “..' ;‘ ‘ tioneers rock \‘1th laughter when he ‘ ‘ ‘ “ t“ ‘t \ ttttt tht 1' -‘ ed- t-t‘ 1‘ c to N. I l} . â€". ‘ .'. , t .. HY), .. . , . . irit was ms wanio ;'- It stiri - - g. ... . i a .. told the following stOI‘}' to illustrate. †‘ " " t~‘° “M : d h m ttltt.‘ «out i it; -* the danger of saying the right, thing saidtlio’i'irs‘t" spoaktiyou attendâ€" \ wiso driyor makoth a gla-i auto. in the wrong way. He said that even â€I my “"1 o: t «m: m" If. it“ “i â€i t t" t'" SIM“- H’a†“â€53 1;,i511,,1_;,s sometimes erred in this dirâ€" all-Swen mlrr am. i a «to;::1."“lhon Latinos mako whools L'H t'asti-r. ootion. A lliSthttt who was \‘Cl‘y parâ€" 3.011313%“ â€it.“ a 'tjmtttii .. “that"; “'7' ‘t't'itt-‘J‘ *‘ttt‘VIt" “'tt‘tԠitlilll ‘1 iicular about his bath gayestriot or- Yâ€â€œ- “Wt to“ man. i \‘v‘ll. “tw- “ t (tors that it. should not be used by r. "A... _ it“: "tti‘mt 5" human: t†‘4‘" " 'tt‘stlt ~ , ‘- . . -‘ f cT. VINCEhT MAN LOSES CATTLE :4... any ottlol' lllt'mtti'l‘ ot iho family. But 'l‘\' I“ i . ,, . ,. , x ‘ - ‘ 1‘: v‘ ltliii i ‘i i “ii“ \' “Hill“... \‘ t s ‘ i .i .- ‘ ‘n\ g i o -. llh\'t)ptilili(‘>'5. to his. hijippi‘ip, (mo m i; t ' it 5. t .' n. .' (.1. 11â€" .'\ i". am it H t“ “t’ ' t ‘ ‘n . 7 . _ . "‘ :t' . .. .i 1‘ jitttt‘. '7 ‘ t lv'."it \\ i" «- morning ho tound a long black hairt h 5' \ I l h j t “ ‘\†"" . . ..:.'~'r i'o" out .1 â€i z ‘o ' ' .... .- ‘a . .- .-.'. - . . . to or 'lllftt'V own in n. (in: "'a l 21- .. tho housoholo togothor. With a \‘lt‘\\'t ' ‘ i ' t“ ‘ ‘1'“ ‘1" n‘i (r i t‘i :" i't'i tH ‘ “ H '.i“'i to timting tho outwit. .-ts:ti.tlio1';.-“ ...n, t" "H â€L†"m m- mi. N tâ€- t . . . "t .':s .\lr t2'1“;iah' l's ' t wt o‘ malo momoors ot tho housohold worot ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' M an m' ‘t ‘H t" " -\ Iét‘ltt'l'at strutto has M.“t .. = in RI!!! tit. ith‘St' UHEV ,‘nyp‘. . 'T“. \‘ttlt‘fl if} liltl‘llt‘ \‘citl i; s tint . l: . ‘ . . " i '. us. ’iitwi'ru~;:‘.' -' “‘5 tto' \\Ht'to «toos.â€"~~l.lto. (“Milo \xoro any». blomto oxcopt ono. this prosontml not i' t t' . .. .‘ . ., woro 9mm i'oo ditln'utty. Addrossing tno Hilt‘lltti'l'~-â€"i . , . _ , . . _ I . ,,~ . a . wsooms- i~\'t'l'\’ iiz'ovszn-i" .: ho a buxom parlor maulâ€"mtho lnsnoph .. . . . . . '.' . ‘ .. . ;. .., _ ., . , i .- mtay to a loronto ahmb ir \\‘t!«‘l'.- out out tru‘. \\ ... .â€".<;o\‘o salu. .lano, l am doopiy griowd tna. t J. . . . , , , . . -,. . ii . .i . .. :inox' will no kittoo am: mam w. ' "-‘ you snoua. ba‘.o artoi. lll this way! ' . . ,. . . t 1.. , I . roi‘ninoroia: it"l‘illtZt'l‘. .\lr. t It tans alsoboyot. my ordors. and l t'r-ni "VI! ilL'Il'lf noxt \.\'.;.:oi'. l V . .‘lilliliilla:} 53i'|(.':litt:.- i .arraâ€" . than‘s loss will ho 'ibo'ut Siotttt l‘ Mal ."t't ' itl‘it \o? shrwliiziiti' n is am osporially sorry that you should;i it tt t X‘ i t I . , .‘ I. . ‘ ., .; .1“ old .h. th in t'! - . _ 'o'l , ,. , . , _ . .--' .~‘f!.t ia 'o;.: s woo (“l :so wu; it.‘ . . <~ .. o s- ::.‘t'-".iâ€". -. L haw «tone so “till“ I \\ as not thoro, t " ' n l 3. ~ ": “ ’ " ,v‘- toot .nw-s anon: no. w 13"). lt.\‘ :§'(b é;"\"4\1'1|]]‘}.|!!i ‘1': :;; ti‘Q‘ .li ‘litl- txinrardino ito‘xiow. it 5.3;“; oach. amt g'rado rattio up to Stilt .lamos S. Arkorman. tho notod inâ€" t i‘tit‘ I. . . . . tiils‘ltti'rl ilts‘ l‘t‘flistt‘l‘f'tt (â€it‘tt‘ snranoo Sitltlsttt‘tilll, told somo good \‘ t' I l l '1. t' ‘ . - - - . . .ir. .‘lt'll‘Lt‘l‘t a so os' its lll . rouge Storlos at an insuranro mons banâ€"s ‘ ‘ " ' i . . it'lrod butt. .t't"’“i“â€t M“ “t“ Ioio‘t'éwi mu. to two businoss . . . .. . - t ~--¢--â€"- mon. ho said. "mot It] a \\'hotosab'i FINF‘ HUNTING "Whoro to Hunt. Jr‘ish and Pt!†’to! in tho New North†is filo ‘itto u!" l . t.‘ 4‘35}. t't't' tttc' iiuh'tul'S i" __ pto is good for bro'ikt'ast. ion the ipiot in (ialyosion. houso amt tho tirst shook tho sooomt‘ by tho hamt amt yollod in a hoarty \‘oioo. '(Iong'ratulations. oht man.“ From tho bottom of my hoart l ronâ€"t gratulato you. 't‘hoy toll mo thatiji: 5]“. you mfiiio a Hail SStttJttttt (tilt (it. ytilll‘t tiro last Mondayf 't'ho soromt busiâ€"t man turnod how pubtir‘itio'; doaifng \x'i'h t tt ry along ‘23:" 't'ra':.-'ro:1tinozital Lip" tlanadian National liallwaw is: Northorti tintario and Quota-o, tint:- intln'niatirn ‘s t'Hllt‘ilIEioi ilt‘Sï¬' pzito. ‘S-sh.‘ in- t illltltt '\‘_<h it's- lit-vi \s,..1't-i\â€" I i I . . “We had never used Zam-Buk before . . .. . . m. . . . .-;-:_ .; -_ :.:. . I.“ .. butwouldfeellosththout1tn0w,â€writes ‘‘‘‘‘‘ _ addition .1 WNW; pr :~ m! r .. .;. . a grateful Q'ntario mother, Mrs. T. G. "ho t’l‘inross liihosoo was inoro ,... . '. :.. . -- - Mitten“ “mona' . . , . . . htttUs- '-'i--" “it?" ""' "1“ "ti" “Whilstat l 7†h “ ‘ :han Usually Militant at a roroption ‘ at...†Q mm for th . hppt ir \.... “ " pay, 5 esays. my little “I “WNW ( .-; . . -l ‘ . t . . lit . .. _ ‘. ‘. two-year-oldladdieran upagamstacross- . x .. - - an about ot too Lannaizan Katrinatâ€" CUt saw and £515th his forehead bath- ttor mmppp. ops, .tsi‘piitn. ‘\t’t.â€i"ti""(2311514't‘1‘113ik tiaitways 3-1,,.‘-I.,.,.‘.,,.,\.' “As we happened to have a box of ' ’ ' Zam-Buk in the house I got it down and applied a dressing to the injury. It speedily soothed away the pain. il.t Stir sir-7o in \\'°'sliiiigtoii n " (.)o) ‘I‘ ‘ ' . " ‘u “ < 51" ; t _ . v _ ' ‘ of tin t)-.- iuhtlttl'llh tilt ,n mm s. an. - m. ‘.\r:to t.. 1.“ Hwy-Imp .,,.;;;.1~;,‘ '\\ hy is it that too moro :2 girl lows . '- 'r. ,. at, s riothos. tho toss riothos sho woars'." ‘ “After treating the wound with . I '- ".' '1 7;: "‘7 7 . 7 w": - . . “*“r 3:0 1 (£1.23 T CINDERSTARD Vt; 31?. Zam-link tvnce daily for three days. it t , t ‘ .‘ ' ' v u ' 4- ‘30 3r . . ,llhtgt. ï¬ttld'l). HI“ I†11113â€: iiililliill..z ‘.'t‘. lilitsf \l‘;l.‘ll hz‘ rill.“ (lilti illlli‘i“ h(‘\11Lki SO \hell thatI “as able to leave was tolling \Vhistlor storios at :1 ’ :‘u ._.. 525:: to lmi and mm: 12-: :- : Ofl the bandages. Theres 90‘ even 3 .H'. u t it H "*t “.1 . tt .. , .4 l ‘ ‘ ‘ H _ . W scar now, thanks to Zam~Buk.†t it . i l, I" -- ‘ ii. t‘i' 'I H ° ‘Ix . ' I '\"’ - "" t" '9' - ’ all .< ’ ll tt‘ 1.. I15. 1 . Lt gt... punts. tilt in» “it“- ..l Ourï¬les hold thousands of 5mm“ letters Sltltt. "tl\‘i'tl ttl t.tlt'i>‘t‘tl. Hts tltltls‘t‘ t lti' t'léll‘IJ'. conï¬rzninglihe \mndrous soothing and healing - . ' ' . i . . , , , {moor of [am link in Cuts Burns and Scatds. \\ ~t-‘ tttttt'. tittt ttt‘ ttiltt ttt‘t'ttl'iltt‘tt illltti it" s.}::l};;t .‘it' Hillâ€".3: in i and Mr omling obstinate attacks of licrenia. turnishod ii rz‘irot'utty. and ot' t‘Htll‘so i train and - ‘ . p. ; g... Poisom-d Sores Ringworm. L'lcers. and Piles. t.-n-n tio '-t;lll~£ls". a 'l‘m-rc is nt-od 'of a thoroughly reliable anti- h‘. \\\..il .' ,.’.:‘I,'\. ttl'tttl't til it. lliltti ("fit ‘ â€it" t...“ iiil'ht‘ ii‘t.: 3r“? it‘ll-z“; ti. septic llvalrï¬llko Lani-link ln (:x-Pry home. It . ' . ‘ ,- . - iizsuro s saft-.y from fostering and blood-pmson; ox'ontng \\ hisdor dashod on; o? t" u ‘a girl :s a‘rr‘ot .a t < . w :m x-oms littlo sores from developing into ob. szinato and chronic skin disease Aamâ€"Buk has :; Inodicinat properties never associated With any . , , ordinary Ulltill‘c‘lll or salve. and it's purely herbal. . . 3 - - » 1‘ " . (lot this unzqae healer to-day! Of Dnmgisu Y tritt't" tittl'itt iiH‘t i-iivt into a tu1n:«n‘o.Â¥t::i;'in.e-.~s \.\'tioi’o.. ‘tio you think.‘ .. 'ttiino.‘ ho saint. "Yos. sir. 513".†>‘2lttt tho (tl‘t\'t':'. .t. and Stores. 50c.. or Zamsliuk Coy.. Toronto. safd \\'aistlor. ‘ih::t tam going in t"tli 'i‘iio whoto t'ainiiy sooms a 5:3: to. a worst it liko \"‘ll whoro my boautiâ€" . i-«msizforaio of him whoa a iԠ:itit t." lilt' t5?†this; I l‘l ‘\V‘ Ain‘t \t- -‘\' I -;.’t‘ Itié's 5";llt'\\ttt' " l I!" v t . . . 'noigluwrnozot, Sir \\'altor do l’roooo is said to bo’ i‘it mnob \\'t‘t‘s:' «mo of tho host l‘arontours in litigiis y.“ iii't‘ it: ‘thny woro \x'hon 'tis t'atiior ‘ I b.“ o In order to give its officials this na- tion-wide outlook and expflegence, tn; anadian Pacific swings m aroun tclie big circle once in a while. Men in Mr. G. A. Walton. (2.), General Pas- the east go west, and westerners come senger Agent at Wmmpeg, takes over east. One such swing, together with Mr Snell’s duties at .Montreal. . . r A some important promotions, are just a Mr. N. R.‘ DesBrisay (8), District W announced by Mr. C. B. Foster, Pas-V Passenger Agent at St. John, goes to senger Traffic Manager of the com- be Aemfant General Passenger Agent puny. From Vancouver (where he has at.Wmnipeg, and Mr. W. B..- How- been General Passenger Agent), Mr. H. ard (I), who has been District Pas- W.Brod’ie (3) goescaattoMontrealto sense: Agent at'Torcnm, goes to he become Assistant PW'Tniiic AssistantGeneral Passenger Agent at __..‘. u- -. ._ e- . n...» r.â€" . - .. . _ a similar position at Vancouver, and 101111.