The whole community was thrown into a state of excitement on Monday morning last when it was learned that Harold D. Main had lost his life on Sunday evening in an auto acci- dent. near Manolick, between Pres- cott and Ottawa. Harold had gone on a visit to Prescott and was taking a trip to Ottawa with his fiance, Miss Violet Swan. Miss Swan was at the, wheel, and on rounding a curve Har-Q old thought the car was running too. close to the edge of the bank, hence he reached over and took hold of the wheel and in doing so the car swerved to the left and went over th.» embankment. He was almost in- stantly killed. The body .was taken bark to Prescott. Messrs‘. J. A. Main, his brother, and Mr. John Orchard his cousin, went down to Prescott and took charge of the remains, which arrived in Holstein Tuesday evening. Harold was 28 years Old, and was born on the farm just north of the village, now owned and occu- pied by his brother John. He taught school for a few years and af- terwards was in the employ of the Hydro Commission. Last June he took an agency in‘the London Life Insurance Company. He took an active part in the sports of the vil- lage and assisted the teams in foot- ball and baseball during the past season. Many floral offerings were presented. As two of his brothers are coming from the West we cannot say when the funeral will take place. Rev. Mr. Sillars was visiting on this line last weok. Miss Sadip Lawrence is spending a wow-k with iwr grandparents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hepburn Spent las' Sunday in Cheslny. .\ number from this line attemlmi a plucking [we at Mr. Gillan Boyd’s. 0h, yos! Oh. yes! Don‘t forget the 1M]: of .\'o\'ombcr and have a wcc box m-cl_;»al'w.l for the big box social at Stmvart‘s school-house, Wclbcck. Como nnc. come all and help to en- joy No as it ought to bc. Proceeds arc in aid of an organ for the school. It was a great. shock to the com- munity whom it. was learned that. Mrs. Archw McKechnie had passed away at an varly hour on Monday mnrnmg. SUP \\'ill°be much missed by o-wl'y pvrsnn. as She was of a wry chum-Yul disuusition. Much sympathy is felt for the family, es- pecially hm' son Malcolm. with whnm shv has always livml. How, A. .E Burrows of Youngstown, 0m... spo-nt a few days recently with his man-I' and otlu-r friends here, and preavhml in tlw Presbyterian Church Sunday Honing. Mrs. Dull’ Mm'risnn of Mount F 01‘- est was thv Sunday guest of Mrs. J. D. Roberts. Miss lrvnv McDonald of Laml‘ash, and Mr. val Boyce were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Dnnly and family \‘isitml Mr. J .8. Hunt on Sunday. 'I‘. J. Rnhinsun of Stratford was in thw vlilam- nn 'J‘uvsolay in the inter- ests of tlw Lunolnn Life Insurance Campany nu accnuut of the death of llzu'nlol 1). Main. who was the agoiut ho-l'o' fur the said Comptny. Rocky Saugeen. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Ada .‘liddletnn spent. a few days thv glwst 01' Mrs. Walter Clark last \wek. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce spent Sunday :lfU‘l'nOOIl with MP. and Mrs. le )lvlman. Burnâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shmw'll. a son. Mr. John Walsh and Misses Lolita and Mari» Walsh attended Church at. St. John’s. Glenelg Centre, on Sunday. Mr. William Campbell is buzzing around with a car these flue days. Hope he is buzzing in the right di- reclion. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES Rev. R. Cameron, B..~\., B.Th., Pastor. Sunday, November‘s, 1922. I I .00 AM .â€"“(ieneral Praise.†(\ ThanksgiViug Sermon.) 0 .00 P.M. â€"‘ The Power of Conver- satinn." (A sermon sug- gested by the Womens Institute debzï¬e of No- \ember 2. ) TIIBBR FOR SALE , Tenders will be received for the purchase of standing timber 0n Lots 28 and 29, Concession 3, E..,G.R Glen- elg, from 10 inches in diameter on the stump up. Tenders will be up. «led on londey, the 13th inst. The highest or my tender not necessar- ily mud. For my further in- mnthn “My to JOHN “mm, “£2 (Our own correspondent.) (Our own correspondent.) Welbeck. Special music. J. L. McMullen, J.P., passed away at her late home near Ceylon onTues- day morning, October 24, aged ’64 years. She was a lifelong resident of Artemesia, a daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Kells, for-many years a leading otl‘icial in the township. She .was born near Vandeleur where she was married in February, 1883, by the late Rev. Andrew Wilson. Since then she lived on the farm on which she died. Mrs. McMullen was not only a devoted wife and mother, deeply attached to her family and home, but she was a good 'neighbor, generous and kind to the needy and distressed. She was a faithful mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church here and will be greatly missed in the Ladies†Aid and W.M.S. A feature of her life was her strong mission- ary spirit to carry the gospel to those who had it not. By her ben- evolence, much of it unknown, needy Sunday schools in the Far West were helped and encouraged in their work. Many will be blessed because she lived. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Thursday afternoon, service being held in the Presbyterian (Church, conducted by Rev. F. (l, Fowler, who spoke from tjor. 15:55, "0 death, where is thy sting? () grave, where is thy vic- tory 1’" A titling tribute was paid to the exemplary life of the departed to whom death had no sting. Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. McCallum sang "Lead Kindly Light,†etl‘ectively. 'l‘lle pull-bearers were F. and G. H. tlairns, l". Chard, W. J. Stewart, S. Hemphill, A. Myles. Beautiful floral tributes were given by the family and the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid here; Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. S. Marshall, Dr. J. A. Graham, J. A. Boyd, Uoldwin McMul- ten and Miss Hearst, all of 'l'oronto; and the 'l‘. Eaton (flompany, Moncton, .\'.ll.. with whom a son of the de- eeasmt is employed. Mrs. McMullen was the mother of eleven children, three of whom predeceased her, an infant, James L., William K., who died 19 years ago and Charles, killed in the war. The. living are : Gordon, at Monettm, N.B.; Stanley, Fred, Aus- tin and M rs. Buckley, Toronto; Mrs. (Dr: W. R. Hawke. Medicine Hat, Alberta; Allie and Ernie at home. All but Gordon were home for the funeral, together with Mrs. Buck- ley’s husband. A brother and two sisters survive, Viz., William Kells, Maple Creek, Sask.; Mrs. H. Spar- ting, Webb, Sask.; and Mrs. P. Flint of Peace River; also six half sisters, viz, Mrs. A. W. Sheldon, Maple Creek; Mrs. W. J. McCallum, Port- land. Oregon; Mrs. (Rev.) P. (3. Cam- eron, Orillia; Mrs. A. S. Henry, Brit- ish Columbia; Mrs. A. Myles, Kim- berley; and Miss Edna Kells, Edmon- ton, Alberta. We learned with regret last week of the death of Miss Anna l. Ander- son, who died on October 12, at the heme of her brother David, at Sin- taluta, Sask., after a protracted :ll- ness. Miss Anderson was the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, who lived for a number of years in the Orange Val- ley and later at Markdale and Flesh- erton. She was a very highly es- teemed young woman and preVious to her illness had been for some limo a Y.\\".U.A. secretary in Toronto. Aftena long and trying iliness, borne with great fortitude and Christian resignation, Catherine Al- ice Sit-Mullen, beloved wife of Mr. At the funeral of the late Mrs. John Bellamy last week the familyI pastor, Rev. J. H. Oke, officiated. SerViee was hehl at the house. at which a ï¬tting discourse was [,chD, the subject being, “Lord, to whom shall We go? thou hast the words of eternal life.†The pail-hearers were two 'sons and four grandsons of the «'leeeaseil, viz.. Carlton Bellamy, Lindsay; Fred, Collingwood; Frat-k Patton, \Valkerton; George Owen Sound; Delbert, Toronte; and .Hey, Flesherton, Other relatiws from a «listance were : Mrs. C. Phillips and Mrs. llarpell, Torontn: Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘remp and daughter, Hanover, and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Durham. Mount Zion Methodist Church was favored with delightful weather for Lv, Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Toronto a.» un. 7.40 pan. Returning, leave Toronto 650 an. and am pm. Parlor Bullet Our Pel- merston to'l‘oronto on morning train and Guelph to Toronto on evening WWW“ Improved Train Service DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY r. Durham ' 7.05 mm. 3.15 p.m. r. It. Forest 7.38 an. 3.51.p.m. r. Mouton 8.23 mm. 4.23.p.m. r. Porous 9.15 tun. 5.05.p.m. r. Hora 9.30 an. 5.10 pm. '. Guelph 9.45 mm. 5.33 pan. 1.00 p.111. LN pal. 8.85.931. 8.80.p.m. anniversary services on Smdny, which were well attended. SeBVices were held morning, afternonn and evening and good sermons were de- livered by Rev. W. G. Wakeï¬eld, the acting pastor, and Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Eagle of Holland Centre. Quarterly Communion'service was held in the Methodist Churzh lore on Sunday, a week earlier than usual owing to the pastor leaving. on three weeks’ holidays, part at which will be spent on his annual hunting out- ing in Muskoka. He lenses on runs. day, accompanied by Mrs Okc and Miss Oke, to \isit in Toronto. The members of the High Falls Hunt Club leave this week for ‘hnir annual hunting holiday at Bonk- view, Parry Sound. The company will consist of George Mitchell, W.H. Thurston, G. B. Welton, Jim Hales, Sam Pedlar and J. W. McKee, Flesh- erton; P. Munshaw, Eugenia; W. Hill of Markdale; '1‘. Lockhart, Dundalk; Beth Mchiliams, Galt; and J. S. Hudson, Brooklin, Ont. The Methodist Young Peeple‘s Sc.- ciety held a Halloween social -on Monday evening at which a pleasant time was spent. The costumes rep- resented hard times and many uni- que outfits were worn. Mrs. DeCudmore gave a birthday party for her little daughter Helen on Monday afternoon, at which 18 little tots and their mothers were entertained. Service in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning will be withâ€" drawn. In the evening lantern slides will be shown. At the Presbyterian Church Rev. G. W. Rose of Corbetton will preach in the afternoon. Mr. W. Miller is nursing a badly sprained wrist, injured while crank- ing a car on Sunday evening. For the winter months, service at Rock Mills Baptist Church will be held in the a‘fternen in place of the evening, when service will he held at Ceylon in place of the afternoon. Mr. A. E. Bellamy has rented John Bellamy's residence and will move to it this week. The latter has gone to spend the winter with his sen at Lindsay. The friends here of Rev. L. F. Kipp a former highly esteemed pastor of the Baptist Church, are pleased to learn of his returning from Montreal to Toronto to become editor of the Baptist Church paper. Mrs. M. McNally and two boys are visiting. her old home at Colling- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hyland and children of Weston are visitors at Mr. W. A. Armstrong’s. Mrs. Arm- strong motored home with them. Mr. Jack Kaxjstedt was home from Owen Sound Collegiate over the week-end. Messrs. Alf Down and Wes Arm- strong motored to Detroit on Satur- day to make friends a short visit. Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Duncan, Mrs. Susan Duncan and Mrs. VanDusen paid friends at Chatsworth and ()wvn Sound a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tuplin of Honey- wood visited Mr. and Mrs. WL Miller 011 Sunday. Mr. Henry Down leaves on Wed- nésday on a hunting holiday up North. Mrs. Down will accompany him to Visit at vaassan and Parry Sound. Mr. A. B. Clark, teller in the Bank of Montreal, has received notice of transfer on Wednesday to the branch at Delta near Ottawa. He visited his old home at Meaford over the week-end. Mr. Bert Fawcett has returned from the West, where he spent the harvest and threshing season. Editor Irwin of Durham, son Frank, wife and niece, accompanied by the editor's daughter, Mrs. Kear- OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED These Prices are at theâ€"Mill, ahd Strictly Cull Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon - Phone 8, Night or Day. ‘ The People’s Mills Prices for Flour and Feed THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Sovereign Flour........,... Eclipse If‘lour ............... Feed Flour (middlings) ...... Mixed Chop ........ Oat Chop ........... ‘- °°°°° Crimped Oats.,...-. ......... Blatchford’s Calf Meal. . . .' . . Custom Chopping, per 100 lbs .. n.._.'l..._.. A.‘ ‘ “I “EVERYTHING IN PAH-“WY†JrW. ....... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ncy of Bolton, motored over on Sun- day and amongst their other friends gave us a pleasant. call. Mrs. Ern. Russell of Rock Mills visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson at Duncan last week and was accompanied home by her sister Alice to visit a few days. Mrs. Dyer, who visited her sister, Mrs. Joseph Blackburn here, left on Saturday to visit her daughter at Detroit. Mrs. G. A. McTavish and little son were week-end visitnrs with friends at Owen. Sound. Mrs. Archie McArthur of Price- ville visited on Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Caswell, in town. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Muriel Langrill visited re- cently with Conn friends. Real estate changes are quite in order in this locality. Mr. William Vollett sold his farm this week to Mr. Thomas Mountain, who will get possession next spring. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Dur- ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Petty. Congratulations to Mr. Elton Lewis and his bride (nee Mildred Damm of Blyth’s Corners), who were mar- ried last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Vollett and son Crawford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, Holstein. My wife and I were on a farm About two months ago, For us there is a lovely charm In watching green things grow; But we were shocked, I must confess At many things we saw; The farmer never thought, I guess, Or didn’t care a straw. But what a waste to plant the corn In rows so far apart, The ground between all plowed and torn, It nearly broke my heart. I told him how we sow our lawn, To get it nice and thickâ€"- Perhaps we heard him choking on That tiny piece of stick. South-E ast Bentinck. ADVICE PROM TOWN 1.10 Just sobbing on my arm; 80 I declared we‘ll change all thnt [f we decide to farm. BGIBIOIT YOUIG In OI SUSPBIDBD “I!!!“ On the 21st of September an acciQ dent occurred on Garafraxa Road, a short distance this side of Mount Forest, when a buggy driven by Miss Ferguson of Egremoni was run into by Mr. Noonan, a farmer, who ran into it with a Ford car from behind. An adjourned case was disposed of Holstein, when Noonan was ordered to pay $300.00 and costs. Miss Ferguson was accompanied by her mother at the time of the ac- cident, when both were thrown out. The buggy was smashed beyond re- pair, the harness damaged and the horse brought to a standstill after running into a hydro pole. It seems that Mrs. and Miss Fer- guson were driving north when the car came up from behind. Noonan says he blew his horn twice and the driver seemed to pay no attention. On reaching the buggy he claims they were on the left side of the road and on the suggestion of Frank Young, a companion in the auto, he undertook to pass on the right, when the car struck the right hind wheel of the buggy. Mrs. Ferguson and daughter claim they did not hear a signal from the car, though they knew there was one coming. They claim also that they pulled out to the right, leaving plenty of room for the car to pass. In the fall Mrs. Ferguson had bones broken and was otherwise injured, but is recovering. As Noonan settled on the civil case he was allowed all on suspend- ml sentence on the criminal charge. Noonan ondoavm‘ed to settle the case out of court but failed to come to an agreement with tho plaintiff. W. D. Hom'y 0f Markdale acted as counsel for plaintiff and Mr. Clark of Muunt, Forest for Hm defendant. Crown Attnmey hyrv and Police Magistratv Creasm- uf Owen Sound \H'l't‘ prosmlt. J. COH UTZ, Durham Farm Machinery Everything in A few BINDERS on hand for immediate delivery. Plows, Manure Spreaders, Etc. Every mail bringa proof of the need for Zam-Buk in every home. For anything wrong with the skinâ€"injury or dine.“ â€"-use soothing herbal lam-But. It's the one reliable healer in a hundred emergencies. DOILS. Mr. E. Hill of Manley. R. R.~No .1. Ont._ says :-_‘_‘ Em Swing ! mama from bank. Had tï¬em'hnE-d but could not get rid until I was pa: loaded to try 7.11m But It 1' spleqdï¬df' W. Mrs. 5mm. 279. W Ave.. Winnipeg, “mes 2â€"“A pull d boiling water scalded my {cot rod-nu. Zam-Huk soothed the inflamed and“ splfndidly-and ensured speedy paging: m Mrs. Canmchuel. 78. Avenue, Mantra]. writeszâ€"“Hoq acumen! failed to cure my m eczema. bu! Zam- Buk clean-Id hcnled my skin thorouulnlyi Tidnith River. N.S.. sayszâ€"“A split!“ ‘uve mother a poisoned head. In a. week lam-But removed ell puin sad I.- tering and brought perfect hedin‘.†“ms. Mr. E. Binghun. Brant- (ord. Ont. says 1â€"“ My leg ulcers 6“ all ordinu'y ointments. an-Buk how- ever quickly subdued swelling end ll- flammuion and healed thoroughly.†mm. Mrs.W.A. Fem. River Glhde. Nil. says :--“ My htby'l scalp was covered with sores when I got Zam-Buk. Its «fleet was simply vou- derful. It banished all trace of dim.†FILES. Mr. W. Amey. 49. Lylll Ave., Toronto. writes :â€"“I (d 9“.“ actiye service and couldn‘t ï¬nd t ell. unul I med Zam-Buk. It subdw Ihd removed the piles in n (cw You have only to use baht! lam-But you†to realize how vastly diluent it is to every othu' skin preparation. old or new. Zulu-But b h- comparable in its soothinc. healing “Miami“ Vina“. All dealers we. box. I (or .1... “CMâ€, M I. I“. Mm’ P. Hula.